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SIGUL</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Speaker and Language Characterization - SpLC"><span>Speaker and Language Characterization - SpLC</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Speech Prosody - SProSIG"><span>Speech Prosody - SProSIG</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Discourse and Dialogue - SIGdial"><span>Discourse and Dialogue - SIGdial</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Speech and Language Technology in Education - SLaTE"><span>Speech and Language Technology in Education - SLaTE</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Machine Learning - SIGML"><span>Machine Learning - SIGML</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Speech and Language in Multimedia - SLIM"><span>Speech and Language in Multimedia - SLIM</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div 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SIG-SLT"><span>Spoken Language Translation - SIG-SLT</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Chinese Spoken Language Processing - SIG-CSLP"><span>Chinese Spoken Language Processing - SIG-CSLP</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée - AFCP"><span>Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée - AFCP</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce - AISV"><span>Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce - AISV</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Iberian Languages - SIG-IL"><span>Iberian Languages - SIG-IL</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Russian Speech Analysis - SIGRU"><span>Russian Speech Analysis - SIGRU</span></a> </div> </li> <li class=" "> <div class="item"> <a href="" title="Speech And Language 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UI, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Statutes of the Association ISCA 2010 (English)</font></h1> <p><span><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">The statutes were deposited at the Prefecture of Grenoble in 1988, and last modified in 2010. This a translation of the original statutes written in French.</font></span><br></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>1. Name and Residence</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A1. The name of the Association is: "the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)" [formerly known as the European Speech Communication Association (ESCA)]. The Association has its registered office in Grenoble (France).</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>2. Purpose</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A2.1. ISCA is a non-profit organization. The purpose of the association is to promote, in an international world-wide context, activities and exchanges in all fields related to speech communication science and technology. The association is aimed at all persons and institutions interested in fundamental research and technological development that aims at describing, explaining and reproducing the various aspects of human communication by speech, that is, without assuming this enumeration to be exhaustive, phonetics, linguistics, computer speech recognition and synthesis, speech compression, speaker recognition, aids to medical diagnosis of voice pathologies.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A2.2. The Association will try to acheive its goals:</font></p> <ul style="line-height: 20px;"> <li style="line-height: 23px;">by stimulating activities in the scientific and academic community ;</li> <li style="line-height: 23px;">by facilitating the coordination of scientific events (conferences, exhibitions, workshops, etc...) ;</li> <li style="line-height: 23px;">by encouraging actions for disseminating knowledge and information (summer schools, regular newsletters, website, etc...) ;</li> <li style="line-height: 23px;">by supporting the publication and the dissemination of specialised scientific work ;</li> <li style="line-height: 23px;">by promoting the diversity of research themes and languages studied ;</li> <li style="line-height: 23px;">by facilitating scientific exchanges ;</li> <li style="line-height: 23px;">by cooperating with other organizations ;</li> <li style="line-height: 23px;">by encouraging relations between research and industry ;</li> <li style="line-height: 23px;">by stimulating and collaborating on local, regional and global initiatives ;</li> <li style="line-height: 23px;">by any other action of general interest for the scientific and technological community, in the field of speech communication.</li> </ul> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>3. Members</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A3.1. The Association is composed of full members (persons and institutions), honorary members, associated members and student members. Registration as a member of the Association is carried out by the Board alter verification that the applicant has sufficiently shown competence and well-grounded interest in the field of activity of Association.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A3.2. Membership shall end:<br> a) by resignation;<br> b) by cancellation, due to failure to pay membership fee or by a Board decision, for a grave reason. The member in question has the right of appeal to the General Assembly.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A3.3. The Board shall keep a register in which the names and addresses of the members are recorded.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>4. Board</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A4.1. The Board consists of at least eight persons, elected by secret ballot for a term of four years, voted by the majority of the full and honorary members (one member: one vote). Only full members of the Association can be members of the Board. They cannot have more than two consecutive terms. No more than three members of the Board are permitted from one country.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A4.2. The Board chooses a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer from among its own ranks. The posts of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by same person.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A4.3. The Board meets as often as necessary, it is convened by its President or at the request of at least three of its members. The presence of at least half the members of the Board is necessary for the deliberations to be valid. Minutes shall be taken during each sitting and they shall be signed by the President and the Secretary.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A4.4. Decisions are made by an absolute majority of votes. Decisions not concerning persons shall be made by oral ballot. Decisions concerning persons shall be by secret ballot.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A4.5. The expenditures are regulated by the President. The Association is represented in courts of law and in all legal domains by the President or his designated representative. The representative of the Association must enjoy full possession of all legal rights.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A4.6. The Board is responsible for regular accounting of its budget and shall present the latter at General Assembly meetings.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>5. General Assembly</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A5.1. The General Assembly is composed of all full and honorary members. An institutional member has only one vote. The General Assembly meets at least every two years. It is convened by the Board or at the request of at least one fifth of its members. Its agenda is proposed by the Board. The President of the Association chairs the meeting.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A5.2. The General Assembly approves reports on the management of the Association, the financial situation, the state of the Association and other related areas.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A5.3. The General Assembly approves the accounts of the previous fiscal period and deliberates issues on the agenda.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A5.4. The General Assembly approval of the management report and account releases the Board of the Association from all liabilities for the period concerned.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>6. Advisory Council</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A6.1. The Association has an advisory council consisting of at least twelve members, who are appointed by the Board. It is the duty of the advisory council to give advice to the Board on request or of its own will.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A6.2. The members of the advisory council are appointed for a term of not more than four years; Consecutive appointments are permitted.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A6.3. The advisory council is chaired by the President of the Association.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>7. Committees</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A7. The Board is authorized to create committees for specific purposes, which report directly to the Board, the members of said committees being appointed and dismissed by the Board.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>8. Financial Resources</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A8.1. The financial resources of the Association come from:<br> a) fees contributed by the members,<br> b) subsidies,<br> c) acquisitions by testamentary succession and gifts,<br> d) other assets</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A8.2. The Board determines the annual membership fee.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A8.3. Books and records are kept of the financial state of the Association in such a manner that its assets and obligations may be established at all times.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>9. By-laws</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A9. The Board draws up by-laws necessary to run the Association efficiently.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>10. Modifications and dissolution</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A10.1. The statutes of the Association may be modified by the members of the General Assembly through a majority of the votes cast on a motion duly approved by the board.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A10.2. The dissolution of the Association may be decided by vote, only by the approval of at least two thirds of all the members of the General Assembly. The General Assembly should then appoint one or several committees charged with the duty of liquidating the assets of the Association. The Board disposes of the net assets of the Association according to the law and to the purposes of the Association.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A10.3. The Board applies and interprets the statutes.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">The following persons are the founders of the Association:</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">J. BLAUERT, D. BOUIS, R. CARRE, J. LAVER, J. MARIANI, R. MOORE, L. POLS, J.P. TUBACH, M. WAJSKOP, V. WISSING.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><br></font></p> <h1 style="line-height: 32px;"><font style="font-size: 26px;" color="#006699" face="Segoe UI, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Statutes of the Association ISCA 2010 (French)</font></h1> <p><strong><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">Nouveaux statuts</font></strong><strong><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"> vot茅s en Assembl茅e G茅n茅rale le Vendredi 28 Septembre 2010 (Makuhari – Japon):</font></strong></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>1. NOM ET SI脠GE SOCIAL</strong><br> <br> A1. Le nom de l'Association est : Association Internationale pour la Communication Parl茅e (en anglais, International Speech Communication Association : ISCA) [anciennement Association Europ茅enne pour la Communication Parl茅e (en anglais, European Speech Communication Association : ESCA)] et son si猫ge social est 脿 Saint Martin d’H猫res.<br></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>2. OBJET</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A2.1 ISCA est une association 脿 but non-lucratif. L'objet de l'association est de promouvoir dans un contexte international, 脿 l'茅chelle mondiale, les activit茅s et les 茅changes dans tous les domaines des sciences et des technologies de la communication parl茅e. Elle s'adresse 脿 toutes les personnes (physiques et morales) qui s'int茅ressent aux recherches fondamentales et aux d茅veloppements technologiques visant 脿 d茅crire, 脿 expliquer et 脿 reproduire les diff茅rents aspects de la communication humaine par la parole, notamment et sans que cette liste soit limitative, la phon茅tique, la linguistique, la reconnaissance de la parole par ordinateur et sa synth猫se, la compression de la parole, la reconnaissance du locuteur, les aides au diagnostique m茅dical de pathologies de la phonation, …</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A2.2 L'association tentera d'atteindre ses objectifs : <br> a) en stimulant l'animation de la communaut茅 scientifique et acad茅mique <br> b) en facilitant la coordination de manifestations scientifiques (conf茅rences, expositions, ateliers, etc..) ; <br> c) en encourageant des actions de diffusion des connaissances et des informations (茅coles saisonni猫res, lettres d'information p茅riodiques, site Internet, etc..) ;<br> d) en soutenant la publication et la diffusion de travaux scientifiques sp茅cialis茅s ; <br> e) en promouvant la diversit茅 des th猫mes de recherche et des langues 茅tudi茅es ; <br> f) en favorisant les 茅changes scientifiques ; <br> g) en coop茅rant avec d'autres organisations ;<br> h) en encourageant les relations entre le monde de la recherche et le secteur industriel ;<br> i) en stimulant et en accompagnant les initiatives locales, r茅gionales et globales ;</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">par toute autre action d'int茅r锚t g茅n茅ral pour la communaut茅 scientifique et technologique du domaine de la communication parl茅e</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>3. MEMBRES</strong><br> <br> A3.1 L'Association est constitu茅e de membres actifs (des individus ou des institutions), de membres honoraires, de membres associ茅s et de membres 茅tudiants. L'admission d'un nouveau membre est effectu茅e par le bureau sous r茅serve que cette personne ait montr茅 suffisamment de comp茅tence et d'int茅r锚t dans le domaine d'activit茅 de l'association. A3.2 La qualit茅 de membre de l'association prend fin : <br> a) par d茅mission;<br> b) par radiation, 脿 cause d'une absence de payement des cotisations ou par une d茅cision du bureau, pour une raison s茅rieuse. Ce membre a le droit de faire appel aupr猫s de l'Assembl茅e G茅n茅rale.<br> A3.3 Le bureau conserve un registre avec les noms et les adresses des membres de l'Association.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>4. BUREAU</strong><br> <br> A4.1 Le bureau comprend au moins 8 personnes, 茅lues au scrutin secret pour 4 ans, par les membres actifs et les membres honoraires (un membre : une voix) et par la majorit茅 des votants. Seuls les membres actifs de l'Association peuvent faire partie du bureau. Ils ne peuvent avoir plus de deux mandats cons茅cutifs. Le bureau ne peut 锚tre compos茅 de plus de trois membres provenant d'un m锚me pays.<br> A4.2 Le bureau choisit un Pr茅sident, un Vice-pr茅sident, un Secr茅taire et un Tr茅sorier parmi ses membres. Le poste de Secr茅taire et celui de Tr茅sorier peuvent 锚tre tenus par une m锚me personne.<br> A4.3 Le bureau se r茅unit aussi souvent que n茅cessaire et chaque fois, il est convoqu茅 par son Pr茅sident ou 脿 la demande d'au moins 3 de ses membres. La pr茅sence de la moiti茅 au moins des membres du bureau est n茅cessaire pour la validit茅 des d茅lib茅rations. Un compte rendu des d茅bats de chaque r茅union est r茅dig茅 et il doit 锚tre sign茅 par le Pr茅sident et le Secr茅taire.<br> A4.4 Les d茅cisions sont prises 脿 la majorit茅 absolue des votes. Le vote est " 脿 main lev茅e " pour des d茅cisions mat茅rielles. Il est 脿 bulletins secrets pour des d茅cisions concernant des personnes.<br> A4.5 Le Pr茅sident engage les d茅penses. L'Association est repr茅sent茅e en justice et dans tous les domaines de la vie civile par le Pr茅sident ou son repr茅sentant. Le repr茅sentant de l'Association doit pleinement disposer de ses droits civils.<br> A4.6 Le bureau est responsable du budget et de sa pr茅sentation devant l'Assembl茅e G茅n茅rale.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>5. ASSEMBL脡E G脡N脡RALE</strong><br> <br> A5.1 L'Assembl茅e G茅n茅rale est constitu茅e des membres actifs et des membres honoraires. Un membre institutionnel est repr茅sent茅 par une seule voix. L'Assembl茅e G茅n茅rale se r茅unit au moins une fois tous les 2 ans. Elle est convoqu茅e par le bureau ou 脿 la demande d'au moins 1/5 de ses membres. Son ordre du jour est propos茅 par le bureau. Elle est pr茅sid茅e par le Pr茅sident de l'Association.<br> A5.2 L'Assembl茅e G茅n茅rale 茅coute le rapport moral et des rapports sur le fonctionnement de l'Association, la situation financi猫re et sur d'autres domaines o霉 elle est impliqu茅e.<br> A5.3 L'Assembl茅e G茅n茅rale approuve les comptes de l'Association pour la p茅riode pr茅c茅dente et d茅lib猫re sur les questions 脿 l'ordre du jour.<br> A5.4 L'approbation du rapport d'exercice et des comptes par l'Assembl茅e G茅n茅rale lib猫re le bureau de l'Association de toute responsabilit茅 concernant la p茅riode en question.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>6. CONSEIL DES SAGES</strong><br> <br> A6.1 L'Association s'adjoint un Conseil des Sages comprenant au moins 12 membres nomm茅s par le bureau. Il est du devoir de ce Conseil de donner des avis au bureau sur demande ou de sa propre initiative.<br> A6.2 Les membres du Conseil des Sages sont nomm茅s pour une p茅riode de 4 ans au maximum; ce mandat est renouvelable.<br> A6.3 Le conseil des Sages est pr茅sid茅 par le Pr茅sident de l'Association.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>7. COMIT脡S</strong></font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A7. Le bureau est autoris茅 脿 mettre en place des comit茅s sp茅cialis茅s pour l'ex茅cution de certaines t芒ches, sous la responsabilit茅 du bureau, les membres des dits comit茅s 茅tant nomm茅s et remerci茅s par le bureau.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>8. MOYENS</strong><br> <br> A8.1 Les moyens de l'Association sont les suivants :</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">a) cotisations provenant des membres;<br> b) subventions; <br> c) acquisition par succession testamentaire et dons;<br> d) autres avoirs.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif">A8.2 Le bureau d茅termine la cotisation annuelle qui est demand茅e aux membres.<br> A8.3 Des registres sont 茅tablis sur la situation financi猫re de l'Association de mani猫re 脿 pouvoir mettre en 茅vidence 脿 tout moment ses droits et ses devoirs.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>9. R脠GLEMENT INT脡RIEUR</strong><br> <br> A9. Le bureau r茅dige un r猫glement int茅rieur pour tout aspect de fonctionnement qu'il juge utile.</font></p> <p style="line-height: 20px;"><font color="#444444" face="arial, sans-serif"><strong>10. MODIFICATION ET DISSOLUTION</strong><br> <br> A10.1 Les statuts de l'Association peuvent 锚tre modifi茅s par la majorit茅 des votes des membres de l'Assembl茅e G茅n茅rale, sur proposition approuv茅e par le bureau.<br> A10.2 La dissolution de l'Association est d茅cid茅e avec l'accord des 2/3 des membres de l'Assembl茅e G茅n茅rale. L'Assembl茅e G茅n茅rale nomme un ou plusieurs comit茅s pour la liquidation des biens. Le bureau liquide les biens de l'Association en accord avec la loi en tenant compte des objectifs de l'Association.<br> A10.3 L'interpr茅tation et l'application des statuts sont du ressort du bureau de l'Association. Les membres fondateurs de l'Association sont:<br> <br> J. BLAUERT, D.BOUIS, R. CARRE, J. LAVER, J. MARIANI, R. MOORE, L. POLS, J.P. TUBACH, M. WAJSKOP, V. WISSING.</font></p></div> </div></div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="zoneHeader4"> <div class="container_12"> <div class="s1_grid_12 s2_grid_12 s3_grid_12"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /header zone --> <!-- content zone --> <div class="zoneContent"> <div class="container_12"> <div class="s1_grid_12 s2_grid_12 s3_grid_12"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /content zone --> <!-- footer zone --> <div class="zoneFooter1"> <div class="container_12"> <div class="s1_grid_12 s2_grid_12 s3_grid_12"> <div id="idFooterContentHolder" data-componentId="Footer" class="WaPlaceHolder WaPlaceHolderFooter" style=""><div style=""><div id="id_Aslt6Gc" data-componentId="Aslt6Gc" class="WaLayoutContainerFirst" style=""><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="WaLayoutTable" style=""><tr data-componentId="Aslt6Gc_row" class="WaLayoutRow"><td id="id_sIdqKUx" data-componentId="sIdqKUx" class="WaLayoutItem" style="width:80%;"><div id="id_mcGNjZB" class="WaLayoutPlaceHolder placeHolderContainer" data-componentId="mcGNjZB" style=""><div style=""><div id="id_tGK7Fid" class="WaGadgetOnly WaGadgetContent testClass gadgetStyleNone" style="" data-componentId="tGK7Fid" ><div class="gadgetStyleBody gadgetContentEditableArea" style="" data-editableArea="0" data-areaHeight="auto"> <table width="99%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" watable="1" class="contStyleExcSimpleTable" style="border-collapse: collapse;" align="left"> <tbody> <tr> <th style="" valign="top" width="25%" align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF"> <font style="font-size: 12px;">Organisation</font></font></th> <th style="" valign="top" width="25%" align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 12px;"> Events </font></th> <th style="" valign="top" width="25%" align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 12px;"> Membership </font></th> <th style="" valign="top" width="25%" align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 12px;"> Help </font></th> </tr> <tr> <td style="" valign="top" width="25%"><font color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 12px;"> > <a href="/page-18056" style="color:white; 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