Fishing Jigs - Fishing Jigs Manufacturer and Supplier

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Often the hook is covered by a soft and colorful body using for attracting the fish. </p> <p>Fishing jigs can be used in both the fresh water and salty water, the only difference is the weight used for and it is important to be sure the weight the fishing jigs needed to sink into the water. As a general rule, often adopt the lightest jig weight if possible, because the lightest fishing jig permits you to feel the bottom and any cover it contacts. In clear water, lighter weights ranging from1/8 ounce to 1/4 ounce should be combined with light line for more effective and spinning tackle are also necessary. For murky or deep water, it needs for more dense cover and heavier jigs about 3/8 to 5/8 ounce, and can be fished on stout baitcasting tackle with heavy line. In the case of the windy day, it's hard to maintain contact with the jig to detect strikes, while it will be not the problem if blow a bow in your line and go to have a heavier fishing jig.</p> <p>Fishing jigs can work in any depth of water, but generally, the deeper you fish, the heavier the jig. It takes an 8 ounces of weight to reach the bottom if the water up to 180 feet. So if you want to catch big fish, a jig with a 7/0 or 8/0 hook has more probability.</p> <p>Tungsten Advantage<br>Lead is the commonly used material for constructing fishing jigs head as usual, but lead pollution and the appearing of environment friendly materials make the anglers adopt the latter materials for the sake of protecting our only one earth. Tungsten based alloy with the properties of corrosion protection property which is so important in the salty fishing and environment protection is more and more widely used by many anglers. And tungsten based alloy with the density ranging from 16.5 to 18.5 will be effective in the case of needing more weight in salty water or deep water, as it is possible to get more weight with smaller volume.</p> <!-- 正文内容结束以下勿删 --> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- **************************上正文 下咨询表单****************************************************************************************************--><!-- **************************下相关链接,修改对应网址****************************************************************************************************--> <div class="related-posts clearfix"> <h4 class="related-posts-more">Related Products:</h4> <div class="nobottommargin"> <div class="mpost clearfix"> <div class="entry-image"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="pic/fishing-jig.jpg" alt="Tungsten Alloy Nail Fishing Sinker Picture" title="Tungsten Alloy Nail Fishing Sinker Picture"></a></div> <div class="entry-c"> <div class="entry-title"> <h4><a href="" target="_blank">Tungsten Alloy Fishing Jigs</a></h4> </div> <div class="entry-content">Tungsten has gained a lot of popularity recently. 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