West Chester University
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Students walk down the path to the right.<br /> Scene 2: Cheerleaders in the center of the frame facing the left where the stands are located. One cheerleader is in a pyramid supported by 3 other cheerleaders. West Chester football team is on the right.<br /> Scene 3: Outside of Recitation, back left, and Anderson, back right. A student works on a laptop on a bench in front of Recitation. Students walk in the background. Leaves fall in the foreground.<br /> Scene 4: Front of Anderson. A purple WCU shuttle bus enters the frame going from left to right.<br /> Scene 5: Three students are sitting at a table outside eating a meal from Chick-fil-a while talking.<br /> Scene 6: Outside, a path goes from the center of the frame to the right. A student enters from the bottom right and follows the path up and to the right. Two other students are walking farther up the path.<br /> Scene 7: A student is walking around the quad. In the foreground is bright yellow foliage. In the background, people are walking.<br /> Scene 8: WCU pep band is playing in the stands of the stadium. The camera is facing the stands. At the end, the musicians give the "Rams Up" hand gesture. </p> <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="vidBtn" aria-label="Play or Pause Video"> <span class="adaOnlyLabel" role="button" aria-pressed="false">Pause Video</span> <svg id="hpPlay" xmlns="" id="Capa_1" enable-background="new 0 0 494.942 494.942" height="25px" viewBox="0 0 494.942 494.942" width="30px"> <path d="m35.353 0 424.236 247.471-424.236 247.471z"/> </svg> <svg id="hpPause" xmlns="" height="25px" viewBox="-45 0 327 327" width="30px"> <path d="m158 0h71c4.417969 0 8 3.582031 8 8v311c0 4.417969-3.582031 8-8 8h-71c-4.417969 0-8-3.582031-8-8v-311c0-4.417969 3.582031-8 8-8zm0 0"/> <path d="m8 0h71c4.417969 0 8 3.582031 8 8v311c0 4.417969-3.582031 8-8 8h-71c-4.417969 0-8-3.582031-8-8v-311c0-4.417969 3.582031-8 8-8zm0 0"/> </svg> <span class="ppText" role="button" aria-pressed="false">Pause</span> <!-- <svg width="60px" height="50px" viewBox="0 0 36 36" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" fill="#e8fd00"> <defs> <path id="ytp-12" d="M 11 10 L 17 10 L 17 26 L 11 26 M 20 10 L 26 10 L 26 26 L 20 26"> <animate id="animation" begin="indefinite" attributeType="XML" attributeName="d" fill="freeze" from="M11,10 L17,10 17,26 11,26 M20,10 L26,10 26,26 20,26" to="M11,10 L18,13.74 18,22.28 11,26 M18,13.74 L26,18 26,18 18,22.28" dur="0.1s" keySplines=".4 0 1 1" repeatCount="1"></animate> </path> </defs> <use xlink:href="#ytp-12" class="ytp-svg-shadow"></use> <use xlink:href="#ytp-12" class="ytp-svg-fill"></use> </svg> --> </a> </div> </div> <div id="mobileHero"> <picture role="img" aria-label="Students Conversing"> <source media="(min-width:300px)" srcset="/_resources/includes/brand/images/homePageImages/hpBrandMobile.jpg"> <img src="/_resources/includes/brand/images/homePageImages/hpBrandMobile.jpg" alt="" aria-hidden="true"> </picture> </div> </div> <div id="campusNotification" class="row-responsive noAnnc" aria-label="Emergency and Weather Announcements" role="region"> <a href="#" id="closeNotice"> <span class="adaOnlyLabel">Close Notices</span> <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="times" class="svg-inline--fa fa-times fa-w-11" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 352 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M242.72 256l100.07-100.07c12.28-12.28 12.28-32.19 0-44.48l-22.24-22.24c-12.28-12.28-32.19-12.28-44.48 0L176 189.28 75.93 89.21c-12.28-12.28-32.19-12.28-44.48 0L9.21 111.45c-12.28 12.28-12.28 32.19 0 44.48L109.28 256 9.21 356.07c-12.28 12.28-12.28 32.19 0 44.48l22.24 22.24c12.28 12.28 32.2 12.28 44.48 0L176 322.72l100.07 100.07c12.28 12.28 32.2 12.28 44.48 0l22.24-22.24c12.28-12.28 12.28-32.19 0-44.48L242.72 256z"></path></svg> </a> <div id="notice">Notice: </div> <div id="allNotices" class="row-responsive grid12"><ul></ul></div> </div> <div id="home-wrapper" role="main"> <h1 class="adaOnlyLabel">West Chester University</h1> <div id="home-content" class="rwdContent delayed"> <div class="row-responsive grid12" id="wcuHPAreas"> <div class="grid12"> <div class="row-responsive grid12 centerContent" id="applySection"> <div class="brandContent animateBrandEl animateBrandContent"> <img src="/_resources/includes/brand/images/top-triad.svg" alt="decorative triad" class="triad" /> <p class="psuedoHead4">Something happens when you find yourself here. You find your passion. You find it in labs, lectures, out in left field. You find it on stage, behind a camera, in front of a blank page. You find more than a direction. You find your element.</p> <p> <a href="/_admissions/applyNow/" class="btn btnMain">Apply</a> <a href="/visitors/requestInformation.aspx" class="btn">Request Information</a> </p> </div> </div> <div id="programSearchCtr" class="grid12 delayed"> <h3 class="psuedoHead1 goldFont">Find <span class="bronzeFont">Your Program</span></h3> <p>Choosing a program begins a transformative journey. Here you will find a range of options—some science learning, majors for creative types, and several somewhere in between—and whatever direction you choose, you will find a path to a wiser you.</p> <form action="/search/" method="get" autocomplete="off" id="programSearchForm"> <div class="placeholder"> <fieldset> <legend class="adaLabelOnly">Main Search</legend> <input id="programSearch" name="ousearchq" class="headerInput" type="text" title="Search Programs" placeholder="Search programs"> <button type="submit" class="headerBtn" title="Click to search WCU and people" id="searchBtnPrograms">Submit</button> </fieldset> </div> </form> <p class="allProgramsLink"><a href="" class="wcuLink bagnard">See all programs</a></p> </div> <div class="grid12 wcuSplitBlockContainer overflowContentSectionRight" id="academicsSection"> <div class="sbImage"> <img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Student working at table in library" class="academicsImg" /> <img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Student working at table in library" class="academicsImgMobile"/> </div> <div class="sbContent animateBrandEl animateBrandOverflowRight"> <div class="outerWCUSplitBlock"> <div class="innerWCUSplitBlock"> <h3><span class="smallHead">Find Your Element. Feed your mind.</span>Academics</h3> <p>With over 180 diverse academic opportunities, West Chester University has made it possible for every student to find their element. With degrees ranging from accounting to African American studies to marine biology, we鈥檙e confident that our students can find what they love and make it their own.</p> <p><a href="/secondary/academics.aspx" class="wcuLink">Academics</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="grid12" id="studentLife"> <div class="grid12 wcuSplitBlockContainer sbcRightImage"> <div class="grid6 sbContent"> <div class="outerWCUSplitBlock"> <div class="innerWCUSplitBlock"> <div class="brandContent animateBrandEl animateBrandContent"> <h3><span class="smallHead silverFont">So Much Life. So Many Things.</span>Student Life</h3> <p>Everyone has their thing, and no matter what yours happens to be, we're confident you can find it among our 300+ clubs and organizations. Whether you鈥檙e interested in the NAACP or the Bollywood dance club, passion is in our DNA and it is our priority that we help you find yours.</p> <p><a href="/_services/residenceLife/housing/" class="wcuLink">Living on Campus</a></p> <p><a href="/secondary/studentLife.aspx" class="wcuLink">Student Resources</a></p> <p><a href="" class="wcuLink">Organizations</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid6 sbImage"> <div class="outerWCUSplitBlock"> <div class="innerWCUSplitBlock"> <img src="/_resources/includes/brand/images/homePageImages/studentLifeUpdateHP.jpg" alt="Crowd of WCU students at an athletic event" loading="lazy"/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid12 wcuSplitBlockContainer overflowContentSectionRight"> <div class="sbImage"> <img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Close up photo of student with their arms crossed" /> </div> <div class="sbContent animateBrandEl animateBrandOverflowRight"> <div class="outerWCUSplitBlock"> <div class="innerWCUSplitBlock"> <h3><span class="smallHead">Let the Journey Begin.</span>Admissions</h3> <p>When you choose WCU you choose discovery. With 64 undergraduate programs, 43 tracks, 90 minors and 44 fields of study鈥攏ot to mention the close proximity to Philly, DC and NYC鈥攜ou can't avoid finding new perspectives, new passions, a new you.</p> <p><a href="/_admissions/" class="wcuLink">Admissions</a></p> <p><a href="/financialAid/scholarships.aspx" class="wcuLink">Scholarships</a></p> <p><a href="/financialAid/" class="wcuLink">Financial Aid</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="grid12" id="findSection"> <div class="grid2"> <div class="findBorderPurple animateBrandEl animateBrandBorder"></div> <div class="neonGrid"> <p class="psuedoHead4 purpleFont bagnard"> Where <br />you least <br />expect <br />it, <span class="violetFont">you'll <br />find it</span>. </p> </div> </div> <div class="grid2"> <img src="" alt="WCU Students Skydiving" loading="lazy" /> </div> <div class="grid2"> <div class="findBorderGold animateBrandEl animateBrandBorder"></div> <div class="violetGrid"> <p class="psuedoHead4 neonFont bagnard"> When the <br />reaction <br />surprises <br />you, <span class="bronzeFont">you'll <br />find it</span>. </p> </div> </div> <div class="grid2"> <img src="" alt="Close up of jogging in running shoes" loading="lazy" /> </div> <div class="grid2"> <div class="findBorderPurple animateBrandEl animateBrandBorder"></div> <div class="neonGrid"> <p class="psuedoHead4 violetFont bagnard"> When <br />you are <br />here, <br /><span class="purpleFont">you'll find <br />it</span>. </p> </div> </div> <div class="grid2"> <img src="" alt="Archway at WCU" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="row-reponsive grid12 centerContent animateBrandEl animateBrandNumber" id="factsFigures"> <h2>Facts and Figures</h2> <div class="infoArea"> <div class="grid4"> <p class="infoNumber bagnard">#<span data-value="10">10</span></p> <p class="smallInfo"> Best Public Schools <br /> <span>Regional Universities North - US News</span> </p> </div> <div class="grid4"> <p class="infoNumber bagnard">#<span data-value="50">50</span></p> <p class="smallInfo"> Best Regional Universities North <br /> <span>(both public and private) - US News</span> </p> </div> <div class="grid4"> <p class="infoNumber bagnard">#<span data-value="141">141</span></p> <p class="smallInfo"> Top Public Colleges <br /> <span>in the country - Forbes</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> --> <div class="grid12" id="presQuote"> <div class="brandContent animateBrandEl animateBrandContent" id="presBorder"> <q class="psuedoHead3 purpleFont">All of us share a deep passion for West Chester University and this passion continues to grow exponentially with each graduating class. I fell in love with WCU when I first came to this campus many years ago and I want every student to fall in love with WCU, too. I want students to feel that when they step onto this campus they belong here, they're happy that they came here, and this is where they want to be.</q> <p class="purpleFont">- West Chester University President R. Lorraine Bernotsky, DPhil</p> </div> </div><div class="grid12 brandContent animateBrandEl animateBrandContent" id="location"> <div class="locationContent"> <h3 class="psuedoHead1 goldFont">Location</h3> <p>We're proud of our beautiful campus and the unique charm that defines West Chester. But with three of the country's most dynamic cities - DC, Philadelphia and New York City - just a short ride away, escapes are kind of necessary.</p> <p><a href="/visitors/ourLocation.aspx" class="btn btnGold">Our Locations</a></p> </div> </div><!-- <div class="grid12" id="newsCallout"> <div class="splitImg-8 grid12"> <div class="grid4"> <div class="popOutBorder animateBrandEl animateBrandFrame poYellow"> <img src="" alt="Chris Firorentino at Commencement" class="popOutRight" /> </div> </div> <div class="grid8"> <h3> West Chester University to Honor <br /><span class="violetFont">President Christopher M. Fiorentino</span> <br />on April 26 at 12 p.m. </h3> <p> <strong><a href="" class="wcuLink">Learn more about the Legacy Celebration</a></strong> </p> </div> </div> </div> <hr class="purplePara" /> --> <div class="newsSection grid12"> <div class="grid2"><a class="btn btnMain stickyBtn" href="/communications/newsroom/">Visit the Newsroom</a></div> <div class="grid10"> <h2>West Chester University News</h2> <div class='grid12 newsSquares'><span class='brandNewsItem'><a href=''><figure><img src='' aria-hidden='true' alt='' role='presentation' /><span class='highlightedDate'>12.04.24</span><figcaption><h3>More than 1,000 to Graduate at Winter Commencement Ceremonies</h3><p>There are 1,017 students poised to begin the next chapters of their lives following graduation from West Chester University at four separate winter commencement exercises being held Friday and Saturday, December 13 and 14.</p></figcaption></figure></a></span></div><div class='grid6 newsSquares'><span class='brandNewsItem'><a href=''><figure><img src='' aria-hidden='true' alt='' role='presentation' /><span class='highlightedDate'>12.02.24</span><figcaption><h3>WCU's Wells School of Music Presents the 103rd Annual Holiday Concert on December 7</h3><p>West Chester University's Annual Holiday Concert has become a beloved winter tradition. Campus and community members are invited to jump-start the season and join in this joyous celebration on Saturday, December 7, at 3 p.m. in the 1200-seat Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall, Philips Memorial Building, 700 S. High Street, West Chester. Professor and Associate Director of Choirs Ryan Kelly directs. All tickets are $14, and purchasing in advance at is highly recommended.</p></figcaption></figure></a></span></div><div class='grid6 newsSquares'><span class='brandNewsItem'><a href=''><figure><img src='' aria-hidden='true' alt='' role='presentation' /><span class='highlightedDate'>11.26.24</span><figcaption><h3>WCU Nutrition Department, Aramark & Safe Harbor Join in Thanksgiving Meal Prep for Safe Harbor Residents</h3><p>The aroma from the West Chester University Food Lab in the Sciences and Engineering Center & The Commons (SECC) on November 26 was particularly familiar and especially enticing. A lot of pre-Thanksgiving cooking and meal packing for the residents of Safe Harbor, an area emergency shelter that provides services for adults experiencing homelessness, took place in the University's high-tech nexus for all things nutritious and delicious.</p></figcaption></figure></a></span></div><div class='grid6 newsSquares'><span class='brandNewsItem'><a href=''><figure><img src='' aria-hidden='true' alt='' role='presentation' /><span class='highlightedDate'>11.25.24</span><figcaption><h3>WCU Theatre Students Set Goal of $25,000 for 25th Annual Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Benefit</h3><p>The student-led University Theatre group at West Chester University (WCU) is celebrating a milestone with the 25th annual Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids (BC/EFA) Benefit Performance and Silent Auction. From December 6 - 8, 2024, students will transform the lobby and interior of the MainStage Theatre, E. O. Bull Center, 2 E. Rosedale Avenue, West Chester, for performances and a silent auction. Performances are December 6 & 7 at 7:30 p.m., and December 7 & 8 at 2 p.m. For tickets and details visit:</p></figcaption></figure></a></span></div><div class='grid6 newsSquares'><span class='brandNewsItem'><a href=''><figure><img src='' aria-hidden='true' alt='' role='presentation' /><span class='highlightedDate'>11.20.24</span><figcaption><h3>WCU's Dept. of Theatre & Dance Presents The Eumenides Nov. 21 - 24</h3><p>West Chester University's Department of Theatre & Dance presents The Eumenides by Aeschylus in a translation by Ian Johnston with guest director Cat Ramirez at the helm. The Eumenides performances are Thursday, November 21, through Saturday, November 23, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, November 24, at 2:00 p.m., in the MainStage Theatre, E.O. Bull Center for the Arts, 2 E. Rosedale Avenue, West Chester. General admission tickets are $15, $12 for students and seniors with valid I.D. at</p></figcaption></figure></a></span></div> </div> </div> <div class="row-responsive grid12" id="featuredTrending"> <hr class="purplePara" /> <div class="row-responsive featuredTrendingContent"> <h2><span class="violetFont">Media Guide</span><br>to WCU Faculty Experts</h2> <p class="expertsIntro">Visit the Media Guide to WCU Faculty Experts to find a faculty member with expertise in a specific field.</p> <div id="getExperts_pnlFeaturedFaculty" class="grid12 facultyContainer brandContent animateBrandEl animateBrandContent"> <span id="getExperts_featuredFacultySlides"><div class='grid4'><img alt="Small image of Dr. John E. (Jack) Gault" src="" style="border-width:0px;" /><h4><a href='/communications/forms/nfoExperts/experts/profile.aspx?id=1302'>Dr. John E. (Jack) Gault</a></h4><p>Professor</p><p>College of Business and Public Management</p></div><div class='grid4'><img alt="Small image of Dr. Daniel Baer" src="" style="border-width:0px;" /><h4><a href='/communications/forms/nfoExperts/experts/profile.aspx?id=1309'>Dr. Daniel Baer</a></h4><p>Instructor/Clinical Education Coordinator</p><p>College of Health Sciences</p></div><div class='grid4'><img alt="Small image of Dr. Aliza Richman" src="" style="border-width:0px;" /><h4><a href='/communications/forms/nfoExperts/experts/profile.aspx?id=1353'>Dr. Aliza Richman</a></h4><p>Associate Professor</p><p>College of Sciences and Mathematics</p></div></span> </div> <!-- <div id="getExperts_pnlTrendingTopics" class="grid12 topicContainer"> <h3 class="psuedoHead1">Trending Topic</h3> <span id="getExperts_trendingTopicSlides"></span> </div> --> <p><a href="/communications/forms/nfoExperts/experts/search.aspx" class="btn btnMain">View All Faculty Experts</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="grid12" 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