: AMCS : International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

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We apologise for the inconvenience.</p> </div> </div> <div id="branding"> <ul id="menul"> <li><a href="?action=search" class="m1"><span>search amcs</span></a></li> <li><a href="?action=contact" class="m2"><span>contact us</span></a></li> </ul> <h1>International Journal of applied mathematics and computer science</h1> <div id="logoelement"> </div> <a href="./" class="branding"></a> </div> <!-- end branding --> <div id="menu"> <ul id="menum"> <li><a href="./" class="m1"><span>home</span></a></li> <li><a href="?action=editors" class="m2"><span>editors</span></a></li> <li><a href="?action=profile" class="m3"><span>profile</span></a></li> <li><a href="?action=indexation" class="m4"><span>indexation</span></a></li> <li><a href="?action=guide" class="m5_"><span>guide</span></a></li> <li><a href="?action=submission" class="m6"><span>submission</span></a></li> <li><a href="?action=online" class="m7"><span>online</span></a></li> <li><a href="?action=subscription" class="m8"><span>subscription</span></a></li> <li><a href="?action=partners" class="m9"><span>partners</span></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- end wrap --> <div id="content"> <h1 style="background-position : -1164px 0;"><span>guide how to publish</span></h1> <p class="heading">Our basic rules</p> <ul style="margin-top : 0;"> <li>Electronic paper submission and processing</li> <li>LaTeX format following a special <em>AMCS</em> style</li> <li>License to publish</li> <li>Publication charge.</li> </ul> <p class="heading">Paper submission</p> <p class="margin-top-0">Paper proposals may be submitted only through our <a href="./?action=submission">electronic submission system</a>. There are no deadlines or calls for papers regarding regular contributions - such proposals may be submitted continuously. As for special publications, calls are announced on the <a href=".">Home</a> page. <p class="heading">Paper style</p> <p class="margin-top-0">The style of papers submitted to <em>AMCS</em> is determined by a special <a href="./downloads/" target="_blank">LaTeX class</a>, which is described in detail in our <a href="./downloads/Instructions_AMCS.pdf" target="_blank">instructions for authors</a> - please follow these closely to prepare your work properly. Note that NO OTHER FORMATS are accepted! Also, be aware that, if accepted, a paper will be subject to copyediting for clarity and conformity with the journal style.</p> <p class="heading">Review process</p> <p class="margin-top-0">Papers submitted for possible publication in <em>AMCS</em> are initially evaluated by the editors with regard to their suitability for the journal. This refers most of all to the content and its scientific quality. Articles with insufficient contribution to our fields of interest and/or poor organisation and/or not prepared in the required style are rejected without delay so that the authors can improve or submit their work elsewhere. The manuscripts that are ultimately registered are submitted to 3-4 qualified, impartial reviewers for half-blind thorough scientific evaluation via the <em>AMCS</em> online editorial system. Papers are accepted unconditionally if the reviewers agree that they may be published in their present form. Otherwise, the reviews are forwarded to the authors for paper revision and comments on the reviewers' remarks. Paper revisions are submitted for re-review if requested by the reviewers or justified by the editors. The final decision on paper publication (accept/reject) is made by the editors and is not subject to appeal nor justification. The full review process takes approximately 3-4 months, but the editors do not set a deadline for the final decision. Generally, accepted papers are published within 6-8 months from submission, depending on the number of review rounds and the journal publication schedule. The list of reviewers for a given volume is published on the journal website and in the closing issue.<br> <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2024_34_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2024 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2023_33_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2023 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2022_32_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2022 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2021_31_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2021 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2020_30_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2020 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2019_29_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2019 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2018_28_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2018 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2017_27_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2017 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2016_26_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2016 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2015_25_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2015 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2014_24_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2014 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2013_23_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2013 Reviewers</a>, <a href="./downloads/AMCS_2012_22_Reviewers.pdf" target="_blank">2012 Reviewers</a> </p> <p class="heading">Professional ethics</p> <p class="margin-top-0"><em>AMCS</em> publishes only full-length research papers that are original and have not been submitted elsewhere. Also, we require that any and all contributions of institutions and/or individuals to the submitted work be clearly stated in the paper. Any cases of ghostwriting or guest authorship will be disclosed and properly reported. </p> <p class="heading">Plagiarism policy</p> <p class="margin-top-0">We use the <a href=""target="_blank">Similarity Check</a> system for comprehensive manuscript screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.</p> <p class="heading">License to publish</p> <p class="margin-top-0">The authors must sign the <a href="./downloads/License_AMCS.pdf" target="_blank">license to publish</a> upon paper acceptance. The license governs in detail the commercial and non-commercial use of papers published by our journal, and determines user and author rights.</p> <p class="heading">Publication charge</p> <p class="margin-top-0">The authors are expected to pay a publication charge for each paper, which covers the costs of the publishing process and will be processed following paper acceptance, when the corresponding author receives the proper form. The charge depends on the length of the paper (its final, accepted version), as the fees are per page and add up. There are two types of rates: regular (for each page up to 12) and excess (for each page over 12). The calculated charge applies to a paper and is not related to the number of authors. The current rates (as of 2023) are given below:</p> <table summary=""> <caption align="bottom">The above fees are exclusive of VAT (will be added if applicable) and refer to the payment initiation year (not always corresponding to the submission, acceptance, or publication time), <br>and may be updated annually. </caption> <tbody> <tr> <th rowspan="2">Domestic</th> <td >Regular</td> <td >200 PLN <small>(per page)</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Excess</td> <td>450 PLN <small>(per page)</small></td> </tr> <tr> <th rowspan="2">Foreign</th> <td>Regular</td> <td>50 EUR <small>(per page)</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Excess</td> <td>110 EUR <small>(per page)</small></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class="heading">Provisions</p> <p class="margin-top-0">One sample copy of the journal and the electronic version of the paper are provided for authors once the issue has been published.</p> <p class="heading">Specials</p> <p class="margin-top-0">All persons interested in bringing out special issues or sections of <em>AMCS</em> are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief. Specials may be published on any important and timely subject within the scope of the journal. All papers proposed for special issues or sections have to meet the same criteria for scientific quality as articles presented in regular issues. Note that all the rules expressed above and in the instructions refer to articles published in specials without any exceptions. Calls for papers to be possibly published within a special issue or section are announced on the <a href=".">Home</a> page.</p> <p class="heading">Privacy policy</p> <p class="margin-top-0">The administrator of all personal information handled by the <em>International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science</em> is the University of Zielona G贸ra, Licealna 9, 65-417 Zielona G贸ra, Poland. You have the right to access, correct, and delete your data by contacting the <a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;l&#116;&#111;&#58;amcs&#64; policy">Editorial Office</a>. Details are available in our <a href="./downloads/Privacy_policy_AMCS.pdf" target="_blank">privacy policy</a>.</p> <p class="heading">Downloads</p> <ul class="files" style="margin-top : 0;"> <li style="background-image : url(images/ico_pdf.png);"><a href="downloads/Instructions_AMCS.pdf" target="_blank">Instructions for authors</a></li> <li style="background-image : url(images/ico_zip.png);"><a href="downloads/" target="_blank"><em>AMCS</em> LaTeX class</a></li> <li style="background-image : url(images/ico_pdf.png);" class="last"><a href="downloads/License_AMCS.pdf" target="_blank">License to publish</a></li> </ul> <p class="heading">Present your research with us!</p> </div> <div id="footer"> <p>&copy; AMCS 2025<br />D&amp;C Marcin Paszek</p> </div> <!-- end footer --> </div> <!-- end container --> </body> </html>

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