Endor Arena Guide and How to Win the Arena | Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (DQM3)|Game8
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data-track-nier-value='100% Clear Guide' href='/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436629' >100% Clear Guide</a><br>┗ <a class='a-link track_nier' data-track-nier-keyword='announce_link' data-track-nier-value='List of Talents' href='/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/435967' >List of Talents</a> | <a class='a-link track_nier' data-track-nier-keyword='announce_link' data-track-nier-value='List of Skills' href='/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/435965' >List of Skills</a> | <a class='a-link track_nier' data-track-nier-keyword='announce_link' data-track-nier-value='List of Traits' href='/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/435964' >List of Traits</a><br>┗ <a class='a-link track_nier' data-track-nier-keyword='announce_link' data-track-nier-value='Level Up Guide' href='/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/435933' >Level Up Guide</a> | <a class='a-link track_nier' data-track-nier-keyword='announce_link' data-track-nier-value='Mini Medal Locations' href='/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436065' >Mini Medal 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Learn how to win each rank in the arena, what enemies to expect, what the rewards are, and more!</p> <p><div class='a-outline'><p><svg aria-hidden='true' focusable='false' data-prefix='fas' data-icon='list-ul' class='svg-inline--fa fa-list-ul fa-w-16' role='img' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512'><path fill='currentColor' d='M48 48a48 48 0 1 0 48 48 48 48 0 0 0-48-48zm0 160a48 48 0 1 0 48 48 48 48 0 0 0-48-48zm0 160a48 48 0 1 0 48 48 48 48 0 0 0-48-48zm448 16H176a16 16 0 0 0-16 16v32a16 16 0 0 0 16 16h320a16 16 0 0 0 16-16v-32a16 16 0 0 0-16-16zm0-320H176a16 16 0 0 0-16 16v32a16 16 0 0 0 16 16h320a16 16 0 0 0 16-16V80a16 16 0 0 0-16-16zm0 160H176a16 16 0 0 0-16 16v32a16 16 0 0 0 16 16h320a16 16 0 0 0 16-16v-32a16 16 0 0 0-16-16z'></path></svg>List of Contents</p><ul><li><a class='list_contents track_nier' data-track-nier-keyword='contents-index' data-track-nier-value='Arena Guide and Rewards List' href='#hl_1'>Arena Guide and Rewards List</a></li><li><a class='list_contents track_nier' data-track-nier-keyword='contents-index' data-track-nier-value='How to Win' href='#hl_2'>How to Win</a></li><li><a class='list_contents track_nier' data-track-nier-keyword='contents-index' data-track-nier-value='List of Enemy Formations' href='#hl_3'>List of Enemy Formations</a></li><li><a class='list_contents track_nier' data-track-nier-keyword='contents-index' data-track-nier-value='Arena Challenge Rules' href='#hl_4'>Arena Challenge Rules</a></li><li><a class='list_contents track_nier' data-track-nier-keyword='contents-index' data-track-nier-value='Related Articles' href='#hl_5'>Related Articles</a></li></ul></div></p> <h2 class='a-header--2' id='hl_1'>Arena Guide and Rewards List</h2> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <td width="50%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hm_1>Endor Arena Guide</a></td> <td width="50%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hm_2>Mausoleum Arena Guide</a></td> </tr> </table> <h3 class='a-header--3' id='hm_1'>Endor Arena Guide and Rewards</h3> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="20%">Rank</th> <th width="80%">Challenge / Rewards</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - G Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> G Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'>Recommendation</b> : Have Level 4 Monsters <hr class="a-table__line"> ・Medicinal Herb x3</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - F Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> F Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : Have Level 7 Monsters <hr class="a-table__line"> ・Monster Munchies x3 <br> ・ Matchmmaking with a <a class='a-link' href=>Nardragon</a> <br> ・Access to <a class='a-link' href=>Circle of Conquest (Lower Echelon)</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - E Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> E Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : Have Level 12 Monsters <hr class="a-table__line"> ・Seed of Skill x3</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - D Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> D Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : After Completing <a class='a-link' href=>Cradle of Corruption (Lower Level)</a> <hr class="a-table__line"> ・Bonus Ball x1 <br> ・Matchmaking with a <a class='a-link' href=>Scornet</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - C Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> C Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : After Completing <b class='a-bold'>Circle of Fortitude (Middle Echelon)</b><hr class="a-table__line"> ・Metal Slimecard x4</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - B Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> B Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : After Completing <b class='a-bold'>Cradle of Corruption (Middle Echelon)</b> <hr class="a-table__line"> ・Matchmaking with a <a class='a-link' href=>Bomboulder</a> <br> ・Scavenger's Badge</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - A Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> A Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : After Completing <b class='a-bold'>Cradle of Corruption (Middle Echelon)</b> <hr class="a-table__line"> ・<span class='a-red'>Rewards to be confirmed</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - S Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> S Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : After Clearing the <a class='a-link' href=>Story</a> <hr class="a-table__line"> ・<span class='a-red'>Rewards to be confirmed</span></td> </tr> </table> <p class='a-paragraph'>You can also find Matchmaking NPCs in the Endor Arena after you have cleared certain ranks.</p> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_1'>McDonald's Collaboration Event Also in Endor Arena</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="33%" colspan=3>McDonald's Collab Event Rewards</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Triple Splatty Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Triple Splatty</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Flurry Fiend Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Flurry Fiend</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Mimic With Cheese Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Mimic With Cheese</a> </td> </tr> </table> <p class='a-paragraph'>The Endor Arena will also have the McDonald's Collaboration Event where you can get exclusive Monsters shown above.</p> <h3 class='a-header--3' id='hm_2'>Mausoleum Arena Guide and Rewards</h3> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="20%">Rank</th> <th width="80%">Challenge / Rewards</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - G Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> G Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'>Recommendation</b> : Have Level 10-11 Monsters <hr class="a-table__line"> ・Access to the <a class='a-link' href=>Circle of Temper (Lower Echelon)</a> <br> └ Increased Scouting Rate in that Area</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - F Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> F Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : Have Level 12 Monsters <hr class="a-table__line"> ・<span class='a-red'>Rewards to be confirmed</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - E Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> E Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : Have Level 14 Monsters <hr class="a-table__line"> ・Yggdrasil Leaf x1</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - D Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> D Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : After Clearing <b class='a-bold'>Diabolical Hall</b> <hr class="a-table__line"> ・Super Bounce Ball x1</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - C Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> C Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : After Clearing <b class='a-bold'>Circle of Fortitude (Middle Echelon)</b> <hr class="a-table__line"> ・Matchmaking with a <a class='a-link' href=>Dark Slime</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - B Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> B Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : After Clearing <b class='a-bold'>Cradle of Corruption (Middle Echelon)</b><hr class="a-table__line"> ・<span class='a-red'>Rewards to be confirmed</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - A Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> A Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : After Clearing <b class='a-bold'>Cradle of Corruption (Middle Echelon)</b> <hr class="a-table__line"> ・Matchmaking with a <a class='a-link' href=>Sekerleton</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='DQM The Dark Prince - S Rank' data-src='' width='40' height='40' /> S Rank</a> </td> <td class="left"><b class='a-bold'> Recommendation</b> : After Clearing the S Rank Endor Arena <hr class="a-table__line"> ・<span class='a-red'>Rewards to be confirmed</span></td> </tr> </table> <p class='a-paragraph'>You can also find other Matchmaking NPCs inside the Mausoleum Arena after clearing certain ranks. </p> <h2 class='a-header--2' id='hl_2'>How to Win in the Arena</h2><h3 class='a-header--3' id='hm_3'>Level Up Monsters and Mix Up Your Team</h3> <p class='a-paragraph'><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='Dragon Quest Monsters - Level Up Your Monsters' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(100%*230/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*230/440);' /></p> <p class='a-paragraph'>When you have trouble winning in the arena, it is often because your team is underleveled. Try to grind levels and also mix up your traits or teams to gain an advantage. Certain Monsters do better in specific ranks depending on the types of enemies you have to face. </p> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_2'>Learn Evolved Talents</h4> <p class='a-paragraph'><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='Dragon Quest Monsters - Learn Talent Evolutions' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(px*247/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*247/440);' /></p> <p class='a-paragraph'>There are some talents that can be evolved if you <b class='a-bold'>put the maximum number of points to the Talent before synthesis</b>. The evolved version will be passed down to the child Monster, which can make your team significantly stronger!</p> <p class='a-paragraph'><a class='a-btn' href='' style='border-color: ; background-color: ; color: ;'><span>Talent Evolutions and How to Evolve</span></a></p> <h3 class='a-header--3' id='hm_4'>Set Instructions in the Menu</h3> <p class='a-paragraph'><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='Dragon Quest Monsters - Set Instructions' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(100%*230/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*230/440);' /></p> <p class='a-paragraph'>Since you cannot directly control your Monsters in the arena, it is useful to set up the behavior in the Instructions settings before challenging the ranks to optimize the way your monsters will fight. </p> <h2 class='a-header--2' id='hl_3'>List of Enemy Formations in the Arena</h2> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="50%"><a class='a-link' href=#hm_5>Endor Arena Enemies</a></th> <th width="50%"><a class='a-link' href=#hm_6>Mausoleum Arena Enemies</a></th> </tr> </table> <h3 class='a-header--3' id='hm_5'>Endor Arena Enemy Formations</h3> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <td width="25%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_3>G Rank</a></td> <td width="25%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_4>F Rank</a></td> <td width="25%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_5>E Rank</a></td> <td width="25%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_6>D Rank</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_7>C Rank</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_8>B Rank</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_9>A Rank</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_10>S Rank</a></td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_3'>G Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Khalamari Kid Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Khalamari Kid</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Raptile Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Raptile</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Briny Bronco Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Briny Bronco</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Puffpoise Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Puffpoise</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Woebergine Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Woebergine</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Wing Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Wing Slime</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Mouseflap Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Mouseflap</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Pogoin' Penguin Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Pogoin' Penguin</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Picksy Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Picksy</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Antguzzler Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Antguzzler</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Hammerhood Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Hammerhood</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Mischievous Mole Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Mischievous Mole</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_4'>F Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Buddy Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Buddy Slime</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Great Sabrecub Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Great Sabrecub</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Damselfly Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Damselfly</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Bunicorn Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Bunicorn</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Walking Corpse Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Walking Corpse</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Bodkin Archer Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Bodkin Archer</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Mudraker Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Mudraker</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Hellbound Horror Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Hellbound Horror</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Bag O' Laughs Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Bag O' Laughs</a> </td> <td class="top center" colspan=2> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Flython Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Flython</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Jailcat Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Jailcat</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_5'>E Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Weaken Beakon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Weaken Beakon</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Dark Sabrecub Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Dark Sabrecub</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Scornet Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Scornet</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Ratatattack Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Ratatattack</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Tortoceratops Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Tortoceratops</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Octopot Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Octopot</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Clockwork Cuckoo Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Clockwork Cuckoo</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Rubble Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Rubble Slime</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Airbagon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Airbagon</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Hell Niño Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Hell Niño</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Grinferno Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Grinferno</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Spiny Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Spiny Slime</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_6'>D Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Silvapithecus Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Silvapithecus</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Chimaera Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Chimaera</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Hawk Man Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Hawk Man</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Wyvern Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Wyvern</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Tuskateer Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Tuskateer</a> </td> <td class="top center" colspan=2> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Stone Golem Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Stone Golem</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Palooka Prawn Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Palooka Prawn</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Spinchilla Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Spinchilla</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Coralossus Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Coralossus</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Dangler Fish Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Dangler Fish</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Mortoad Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Mortoad</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_7'>C Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Fandangow Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Fandangow</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Hooper Trooper Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Hooper Trooper</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Croc-A-Bugle-Doo Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Croc-A-Bugle-Doo</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Rockin' Rockhopper Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Rockin' Rockhopper</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Ripped Rabbit Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Ripped Rabbit</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Notso Macho Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Notso Macho</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Warhog Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Warhog</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Hyperboarean Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Hyperboarean</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" colspan=2> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Boss Troll Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Boss Troll</a> </td> <td class="top center" colspan=2> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Great Argon Lizard Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Great Argon Lizard</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_8'>B Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Sugarstar Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Sugarstar Slime</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Tufty Tot Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Tufty Tot</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='Drooling Ghoul Image' data-src='' width='50' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(50px*49/50); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,50px)*49/50);' />Drooling Ghoul</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Shadow Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Shadow Slime</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Fright Knight Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Fright Knight</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='King Squid Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />King Squid</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Demon-At-Arms Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Demon-At-Arms</a> </td> <td class="center">-</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Missing Lynx Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Missing Lynx</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Sintaur Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Sintaur</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Buffalogre Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Buffalogre</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Heligator Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Heligator</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_9'>A Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Cursed Crooner Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Cursed Crooner</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Bongo Fandango Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Bongo Fandango</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Overtoad Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Overtoad</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Sprite Bulb Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Sprite Bulb</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Bloodbonnet Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Bloodbonnet</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Alarmour Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Alarmour</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Dullahan Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Dullahan</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Goobonce Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Goobonce</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Tortured Soul Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Tortured Soul</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Hellspawn Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Hellspawn</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Hocus-Poker Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Hocus-Poker</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='King Cureslime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />King Cureslime</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_10'>S Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Chihuawyrm Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Chihuawyrm</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%" colspan=2> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Shogum Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Shogum</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Headless Horseman Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Headless Horseman</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Bilhaw Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Bilhaw</a> </td> <td class="top center" colspan=2> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Flapdragon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Flapdragon</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Ne'er-Do-Well Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Ne'er-Do-Well</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Goomulonimbus Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Goomulonimbus</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Great Dragon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Great Dragon</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Prism Peacock Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Prism Peacock</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Ronin Raccoon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Ronin Raccoon</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h3 class='a-header--3' id='hm_6'>Mausoleum Arena Enemy Formations</h3> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <td width="25%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_11>G Rank</a></td> <td width="25%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_12>F Rank</a></td> <td width="25%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_13>E Rank</a></td> <td width="25%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_14>D Rank</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_15>C Rank</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_16>B Rank</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_17>A Rank</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=#hs_18>S Rank</a></td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_11'>G Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Snowmangler Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Snowmangler</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Powie Yowie Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Powie Yowie</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Dead Resident Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Dead Resident</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Snail Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Snail Slime</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Stark Raven Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Stark Raven</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Guaardvark Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Guaardvark</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Skullrider Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Skullrider</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Skeleton Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Skeleton</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Pocus Poppet Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Pocus Poppet</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Eggsoskeleton Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Eggsoskeleton</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Flying Saucers Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Flying Saucers</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Lampling Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Lampling</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_12'>F Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Bullfinch Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Bullfinch</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Succubat Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Succubat</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Bludgerigar Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Bludgerigar</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Vampire Cat Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Vampire Cat</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Bantamweight Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Bantamweight</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Jargon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Jargon</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Killer Gila Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Killer Gila</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Knight Errant Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Knight Errant</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Erazor Blade Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Erazor Blade</a> </td> <td class="top center" colspan=2> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Hunter Mech Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Hunter Mech</a> (L Size)</td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Stabosaur Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Stabosaur</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_13'>E Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Awebergine Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Awebergine</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='King Kelp Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />King Kelp</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Prancing Pillar Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Prancing Pillar</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Kisser Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Kisser</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Weartiger Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Weartiger</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Escudogre Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Escudogre</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Ursa Major Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Ursa Major</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Jumping Jackal Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Jumping Jackal</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Drakularge Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Drakularge</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Rockbomb Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Rockbomb</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Gasbagon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Gasbagon</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Dessert Demon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Dessert Demon</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_14'>D Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Wild Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Wild Slime</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Metal Slime Knight Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Metal Slime Knight</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Pasty Pastry Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Pasty Pastry</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Cureslime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Cureslime</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Skeleton Soldier Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Skeleton Soldier</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Skellyfish Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Skellyfish</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Skeleton Swordsman Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Skeleton Swordsman</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Mummy Boy Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Mummy Boy</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Shivery Shrubbery Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Shivery Shrubbery</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Living Statue Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Living Statue</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Magmalice Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Magmalice</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Brollygagger Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Brollygagger</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_15'>C Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Bloody Hand Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Bloody Hand</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Fowl Beast Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Fowl Beast</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Roistering Rooster Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Roistering Rooster</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Dancing Flame Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Dancing Flame</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Hard-Boiled Eggsoskeleton Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Hard-Boiled Eggsoskeleton</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Cyber Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Cyber Slime</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Face Invader Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Face Invader</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Metal Dragon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Metal Dragon</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Grim Keeper Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Grim Keeper</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Jester Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Jester Slime</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Togre Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Togre</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Hypothermion Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Hypothermion</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_16'>B Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Corpsickle Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Corpsickle</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%" colspan=2> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Grotwyrm Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Grotwyrm</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Mouldy Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Mouldy Slime</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Peeper Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Peeper</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Buntzenberner Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Buntzenberner</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Belisha Beakon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Belisha Beakon</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Drackyma Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Drackyma</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Crème Caraslime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Crème Caraslime</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Slime Snack Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Slime Snack</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Admirer Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Admirer</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Foebergine Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Foebergine</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_17'>A Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Brimstone Bulb Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Brimstone Bulb</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%" colspan=2> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Treevil Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Treevil</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Soy Soldier Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Soy Soldier</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Armoured Scorpion Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Armoured Scorpion</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Metal Scorpion Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Metal Scorpion</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Firebird Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Firebird</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Snowbird Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Snowbird</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Tuffpoise Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Tuffpoise</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Merman Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Merman</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Baleen Mage Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Baleen Mage</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Abyss Diver Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Abyss Diver</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_18'>S Rank Enemies</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%" colspan=4>Round 1</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center" width="25%" > <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Dark Sabrecat Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Dark Sabrecat</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%" > <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Pazuzu Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Pazuzu</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%" > <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Lieutenant Goresby-Purrvis Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Lieutenant Goresby-Purrvis</a> </td> <td class="top center" width="25%" > <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Draguar Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Draguar</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 2</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Gangleclaw Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Gangleclaw</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Grandpa Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Grandpa Slime</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Greater Platypink Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Greater Platypink</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Crowgre Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Crowgre</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="center" colspan=4>Round 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Great Keeper Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Great Keeper</a> </td> <td class="top center" colspan=2> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Xenlon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Xenlon</a> </td> <td class="top center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Phoenix Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Phoenix</a> </td> </tr> </table> <h2 class='a-header--2' id='hl_4'>Arena Challenge Rules</h2><h3 class='a-header--3' id='hm_7'>Three Round Elimination Battle</h3> <p class='a-paragraph'><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='Dragon Quest Monsters - Battle Arena Menu' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(100%*230/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*230/440);' /></p> <p class='a-paragraph'>The arena is an area that you unlock early on in the game. There you can challenge different ranked Monsters, and you can win by clearing three rounds of battles in each class. After beating the rank, you will receive rewards useful for your Monsters and for progression.</p> <h3 class='a-header--3' id='hm_8'>Cannot Control Monsters and HP / MP Restored After</h3> <p class='a-paragraph'>Inside the arena, you cannot give direct orders to your Monsters, but you can change their strategies. Additionally, your <span class='a-red'>Monsters' HP and MP will be restored after each battle</span>. This allows you to use strong traits in the beginning without worrying about managing MP.</p> <h3 class='a-header--3' id='hm_9'>Matchmaking NPCs Appear After Clearing Ranks</h3> <p class='a-paragraph'><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='Dragon Quest Monsters - Matchmaking NPC in the Arena' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(100%*230/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*230/440);' /></p> <p class='a-paragraph'>After you clear a certain rank in the arenas, you will unlock Matchmaking NPCs that lets you synthesize with Monsters of a higher rank! </p> <p class='a-paragraph'><a class='a-btn' href='' style='border-color: ; background-color: ; color: ;'><span>Matchmaking Guide</span></a></p> <h4 class='a-header--4' id='hs_19'>List of Matchmaking NPCs in the Arena</h4> <table class='a-table a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th width="25%">Matchmaking Monster</th> <th width="25%">Recommended Monster to Synthesize</th> <th width="50%">Location / Unlock Condition</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Nardragon Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Nardragon</a> </td> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Komodo Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Komodo</a> </td> <td class="center">Endor Arena and Waiting Room</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Scornet Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Scornet</a> </td> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Erazor Blade Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Erazor Blade</a> </td> <td class="center">Endor Arena and Waiting Room <br> (After Clearing D Rank)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Bomboulder Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Bomboulder</a> </td> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Mangleclaw Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Mangleclaw</a> </td> <td class="center">Endor Arena and Waiting Room <br> (After Clearing B Rank)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Killer Gila Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Killer Gila</a> </td> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Skeleton Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Skeleton</a> </td> <td class="center">Exa Arena, 1st Floor</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Dark Slime Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Dark Slime</a> </td> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Jinkster Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Jinkster</a> </td> <td class="center">Exa Arena, 2nd Floor <br> (After Clearing C Class)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Sekerleton Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Sekerleton</a> </td> <td class="center"> <a class='a-link' href=><img src='' class='a-img lazy' alt='Grim Rider Image' data-src='' width='50' height='50' />Grim Rider</a> </td> <td class="center">Exa Arena, 2nd Floor <br> (After Clearing A Class)</td> </tr> </table> <h2 class='a-header--2' id='hl_5'>Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Related Articles</h2> <p class='a-paragraph'><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='DQM Dark Prince Back to Wiki Top' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(100%*110/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*110/440);' /></p> <p class='a-paragraph'><a class='a-btn' href='/games/DQM-Dark-Prince' style='border-color: ; background-color: ; color: ;'><span>► Back to Wiki TOP</span></a></p> <table class='a-table ' style=''> <tr> <td width="50%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436683><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='DQM3 - Story Walkthrough Partial.png' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(px*110/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*110/440);' />Story Walkthrough</a> </td> <td width="50%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/435873><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='DQM Dark Prince Dark Prince All Monsters List Partial' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(px*110/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*110/440);' />Monsters</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%" class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/435965><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='DQM Dark Prince Dark Prince All Monster Skills Partial' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(px*110/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*110/440);' />Skills</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/435967><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='DQM Dark Prince Dark Prince All Monster Talents Partial' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(px*110/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*110/440);' />Talents</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/435964><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='DQM Dark Prince Dark Prince All Monster Traits Partial' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(px*110/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*110/440);' />Traits</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/437834><img src='' class='a-img lazy lazy-non-square' alt='DQM3 - Boss Partial.png' data-src='' width='440' style='height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(px*110/440); padding-bottom: calc(min(100%,440px)*110/440);' /> Bosses</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' 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href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439310>How to Increase Chance to Scout After Battle</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439342>Costume List: How to Change Costumes</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436892>Matchmaking Guide</a></td> <td class="center">-</td> </tr> </table> <h3 class='a-header--3' id='hm_13'>Mid to Late Game Guides</h3> <table class='a-table ' style=''> <tr> <th colspan="3">Mid to Late Game Guides</th> </tr> <tr> <td width=33% class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438882>Accessory Synthesis Guide</a></td> <td width=33% class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438539>Best Accessories</a></td> <td width=33% class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438970>How to Increase Monster Stats</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=33% class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/437816>Elven Utopia: How to Unlock Scrolls</a></td> <td width=33% class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436709>List of Rare Monsters</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436740>Best S-Rank Monsters</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436659>Master Dragon Choice: Rose or Toilen?</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439185>How to Get Shiny Monsters</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438522>How to Increase Resistance</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436652>Secret Boss: How to Beat Ludo</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439321>How to Farm Seeds Fast</a></td> <td class="center"><a class='a-link' 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22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="1" question="0" value="4"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.32 16.05 17.12 14H15.45C14.76 15.19 13.48 16 12 16C10.52 16 9.25 15.19 8.55 14H6.88C7.68 16.05 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="1" question="0" value="5"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM13 9.94L14.06 11L15.12 9.94L16.18 11L17.24 9.94L15.12 7.82L13 9.94ZM8.88 9.94L9.94 11L11 9.94L8.88 7.82L6.76 9.94L7.82 11L8.88 9.94ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.31 16.04 17.11 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-description">Timing of Ad Display</div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="2" question="0" value="1"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M12 13.5C9.67 13.5 7.69 14.96 6.89 17H17.11C16.31 14.96 14.33 13.5 12 13.5ZM7.82 12L8.88 10.94L9.94 12L11 10.94L9.94 9.88L11 8.82L9.94 7.76L8.88 8.82L7.82 7.76L6.76 8.82L7.82 9.88L6.76 10.94L7.82 12ZM11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM16.18 7.76L15.12 8.82L14.06 7.76L13 8.82L14.06 9.88L13 10.94L14.06 12L15.12 10.94L16.18 12L17.24 10.94L16.18 9.88L17.24 8.82L16.18 7.76Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="2" question="0" value="2"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 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class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM13 9.94L14.06 11L15.12 9.94L16.18 11L17.24 9.94L15.12 7.82L13 9.94ZM8.88 9.94L9.94 11L11 9.94L8.88 7.82L6.76 9.94L7.82 11L8.88 9.94ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.31 16.04 17.11 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-description">Ad Loading Speed</div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="3" question="0" value="1"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M12 13.5C9.67 13.5 7.69 14.96 6.89 17H17.11C16.31 14.96 14.33 13.5 12 13.5ZM7.82 12L8.88 10.94L9.94 12L11 10.94L9.94 9.88L11 8.82L9.94 7.76L8.88 8.82L7.82 7.76L6.76 8.82L7.82 9.88L6.76 10.94L7.82 12ZM11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM16.18 7.76L15.12 8.82L14.06 7.76L13 8.82L14.06 9.88L13 10.94L14.06 12L15.12 10.94L16.18 12L17.24 10.94L16.18 9.88L17.24 8.82L16.18 7.76Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="3" question="0" value="2"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M12 14C9.67 14 7.68 15.45 6.88 17.5H8.55C9.24 16.31 10.52 15.5 12 15.5C13.48 15.5 14.75 16.31 15.45 17.5H17.12C16.32 15.45 14.33 14 12 14ZM11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="3" question="0" value="3"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M9 14H15V15.5H9V14Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="3" question="0" value="4"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.32 16.05 17.12 14H15.45C14.76 15.19 13.48 16 12 16C10.52 16 9.25 15.19 8.55 14H6.88C7.68 16.05 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="3" question="0" value="5"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM13 9.94L14.06 11L15.12 9.94L16.18 11L17.24 9.94L15.12 7.82L13 9.94ZM8.88 9.94L9.94 11L11 9.94L8.88 7.82L6.76 9.94L7.82 11L8.88 9.94ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.31 16.04 17.11 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" 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14H15.45C14.76 15.19 13.48 16 12 16C10.52 16 9.25 15.19 8.55 14H6.88C7.68 16.05 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="0" question="1" value="5"><div class="survey_icon-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-description">Highly Satisfied</div><div class="survey_circle-container"><div class="survey_circle-inliner"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM13 9.94L14.06 11L15.12 9.94L16.18 11L17.24 9.94L15.12 7.82L13 9.94ZM8.88 9.94L9.94 11L11 9.94L8.88 7.82L6.76 9.94L7.82 11L8.88 9.94ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.31 16.04 17.11 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-description">Frequency of updates</div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="1" question="1" value="1"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M12 13.5C9.67 13.5 7.69 14.96 6.89 17H17.11C16.31 14.96 14.33 13.5 12 13.5ZM7.82 12L8.88 10.94L9.94 12L11 10.94L9.94 9.88L11 8.82L9.94 7.76L8.88 8.82L7.82 7.76L6.76 8.82L7.82 9.88L6.76 10.94L7.82 12ZM11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 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fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="1" question="1" value="4"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 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fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M12 14C9.67 14 7.68 15.45 6.88 17.5H8.55C9.24 16.31 10.52 15.5 12 15.5C13.48 15.5 14.75 16.31 15.45 17.5H17.12C16.32 15.45 14.33 14 12 14ZM11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="2" question="1" value="3"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M9 14H15V15.5H9V14Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 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class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="2" question="1" value="5"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM13 9.94L14.06 11L15.12 9.94L16.18 11L17.24 9.94L15.12 7.82L13 9.94ZM8.88 9.94L9.94 11L11 9.94L8.88 7.82L6.76 9.94L7.82 11L8.88 9.94ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.31 16.04 17.11 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-description">Accuracy of articles</div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers"><div 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class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M12 14C9.67 14 7.68 15.45 6.88 17.5H8.55C9.24 16.31 10.52 15.5 12 15.5C13.48 15.5 14.75 16.31 15.45 17.5H17.12C16.32 15.45 14.33 14 12 14ZM11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div 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8.82L14.06 7.76L13 8.82L14.06 9.88L13 10.94L14.06 12L15.12 10.94L16.18 12L17.24 10.94L16.18 9.88L17.24 8.82L16.18 7.76Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="0" question="2" value="2"><div class="survey_icon-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-description">Somewhat Dissatisfied</div><div class="survey_circle-container"><div class="survey_circle-inliner"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 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fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="0" question="2" value="4"><div class="survey_icon-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-description">Somewhat Satisfied</div><div class="survey_circle-container"><div class="survey_circle-inliner"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.32 16.05 17.12 14H15.45C14.76 15.19 13.48 16 12 16C10.52 16 9.25 15.19 8.55 14H6.88C7.68 16.05 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="0" question="2" value="5"><div class="survey_icon-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-description">Highly Satisfied</div><div class="survey_circle-container"><div class="survey_circle-inliner"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM13 9.94L14.06 11L15.12 9.94L16.18 11L17.24 9.94L15.12 7.82L13 9.94ZM8.88 9.94L9.94 11L11 9.94L8.88 7.82L6.76 9.94L7.82 11L8.88 9.94ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.31 16.04 17.11 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-description">Loading Speed</div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="1" question="2" value="1"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M12 13.5C9.67 13.5 7.69 14.96 6.89 17H17.11C16.31 14.96 14.33 13.5 12 13.5ZM7.82 12L8.88 10.94L9.94 12L11 10.94L9.94 9.88L11 8.82L9.94 7.76L8.88 8.82L7.82 7.76L6.76 8.82L7.82 9.88L6.76 10.94L7.82 12ZM11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM16.18 7.76L15.12 8.82L14.06 7.76L13 8.82L14.06 9.88L13 10.94L14.06 12L15.12 10.94L16.18 12L17.24 10.94L16.18 9.88L17.24 8.82L16.18 7.76Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="1" question="2" value="2"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M12 14C9.67 14 7.68 15.45 6.88 17.5H8.55C9.24 16.31 10.52 15.5 12 15.5C13.48 15.5 14.75 16.31 15.45 17.5H17.12C16.32 15.45 14.33 14 12 14ZM11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="1" question="2" value="3"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M9 14H15V15.5H9V14Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="1" question="2" value="4"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.32 16.05 17.12 14H15.45C14.76 15.19 13.48 16 12 16C10.52 16 9.25 15.19 8.55 14H6.88C7.68 16.05 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="1" question="2" value="5"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM13 9.94L14.06 11L15.12 9.94L16.18 11L17.24 9.94L15.12 7.82L13 9.94ZM8.88 9.94L9.94 11L11 9.94L8.88 7.82L6.76 9.94L7.82 11L8.88 9.94ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.31 16.04 17.11 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-description">Use of Color</div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="2" question="2" value="1"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M12 13.5C9.67 13.5 7.69 14.96 6.89 17H17.11C16.31 14.96 14.33 13.5 12 13.5ZM7.82 12L8.88 10.94L9.94 12L11 10.94L9.94 9.88L11 8.82L9.94 7.76L8.88 8.82L7.82 7.76L6.76 8.82L7.82 9.88L6.76 10.94L7.82 12ZM11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM16.18 7.76L15.12 8.82L14.06 7.76L13 8.82L14.06 9.88L13 10.94L14.06 12L15.12 10.94L16.18 12L17.24 10.94L16.18 9.88L17.24 8.82L16.18 7.76Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="2" question="2" value="2"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 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class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M9 14H15V15.5H9V14Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="2" question="2" value="4"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.32 16.05 17.12 14H15.45C14.76 15.19 13.48 16 12 16C10.52 16 9.25 15.19 8.55 14H6.88C7.68 16.05 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="2" question="2" value="5"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM13 9.94L14.06 11L15.12 9.94L16.18 11L17.24 9.94L15.12 7.82L13 9.94ZM8.88 9.94L9.94 11L11 9.94L8.88 7.82L6.76 9.94L7.82 11L8.88 9.94ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.31 16.04 17.11 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-container"><div 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fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.32 16.05 17.12 14H15.45C14.76 15.19 13.48 16 12 16C10.52 16 9.25 15.19 8.55 14H6.88C7.68 16.05 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="2" question="4" value="5"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM13 9.94L14.06 11L15.12 9.94L16.18 11L17.24 9.94L15.12 7.82L13 9.94ZM8.88 9.94L9.94 11L11 9.94L8.88 7.82L6.76 9.94L7.82 11L8.88 9.94ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.31 16.04 17.11 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-description">Has the new design improved the overall visual appeal of the site?</div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="3" question="4" value="1"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M12 13.5C9.67 13.5 7.69 14.96 6.89 17H17.11C16.31 14.96 14.33 13.5 12 13.5ZM7.82 12L8.88 10.94L9.94 12L11 10.94L9.94 9.88L11 8.82L9.94 7.76L8.88 8.82L7.82 7.76L6.76 8.82L7.82 9.88L6.76 10.94L7.82 12ZM11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM16.18 7.76L15.12 8.82L14.06 7.76L13 8.82L14.06 9.88L13 10.94L14.06 12L15.12 10.94L16.18 12L17.24 10.94L16.18 9.88L17.24 8.82L16.18 7.76Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="3" question="4" value="2"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> 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fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M15.5 11C16.3284 11 17 10.3284 17 9.5C17 8.67157 16.3284 8 15.5 8C14.6716 8 14 8.67157 14 9.5C14 10.3284 14.6716 11 15.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M8.5 11C9.32843 11 10 10.3284 10 9.5C10 8.67157 9.32843 8 8.5 8C7.67157 8 7 8.67157 7 9.5C7 10.3284 7.67157 11 8.5 11Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.48 2 12C2 17.52 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.52 22 22 17.52 22 12C22 6.48 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.32 16.05 17.12 14H15.45C14.76 15.19 13.48 16 12 16C10.52 16 9.25 15.19 8.55 14H6.88C7.68 16.05 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="3" question="4" value="5"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM13 9.94L14.06 11L15.12 9.94L16.18 11L17.24 9.94L15.12 7.82L13 9.94ZM8.88 9.94L9.94 11L11 9.94L8.88 7.82L6.76 9.94L7.82 11L8.88 9.94ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.31 16.04 17.11 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-container"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-description">How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the new design of the site?</div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="4" question="4" value="1"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" 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14H15.45C14.76 15.19 13.48 16 12 16C10.52 16 9.25 15.19 8.55 14H6.88C7.68 16.05 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item" index="4" question="4" value="5"><div class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-circle"><svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" class="survey_modal-body__answers-detail-answers-item-icon"> <path d="M11.99 2C6.47 2 2 6.47 2 12C2 17.53 6.47 22 11.99 22C17.51 22 22 17.53 22 12C22 6.47 17.52 2 11.99 2ZM12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20ZM13 9.94L14.06 11L15.12 9.94L16.18 11L17.24 9.94L15.12 7.82L13 9.94ZM8.88 9.94L9.94 11L11 9.94L8.88 7.82L6.76 9.94L7.82 11L8.88 9.94ZM12 17.5C14.33 17.5 16.31 16.04 17.11 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5Z" fill="#313131" fill-opacity="0.2"></path> </svg> </div></div></div></div></div><div class="survey_modal-footer"><div 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href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436648>Best Early Game Monsters</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436668>Play Time: How Long To Beat</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436660>Best Talents for Story and PVP</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436740>Best S-Rank Monsters</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436710>How to Farm Talent Points</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436890>Monster Tactics and Instructions Guide</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436892>Matchmaking Guide: Monster Wrangler Locations and Combinations</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/436709>List of Rare Monsters</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=>Endor Arena Guide: How to Win</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/437766>DLC List: Recommended Downloadable Content</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/437815>Best Way to Get Material Monsters</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/437816>Elven Utopia: How to Unlock and Scrolls List</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438102>List of Special Synthesis Monsters</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438107>List of Monsters with 4 Parents</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' 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Available Platforms</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438876>How to Synthesize Large Monsters</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438907>Are There Multiple Endings? List of Choices</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438539>Best Accessories</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438895>How to Beat Metal Slime and Locations</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438902>How to Beat Liquid Metal Slime and Locations</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438965>How to Beat Metal King Slime and Locations</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438970>How to Increase Monster Stats</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438882>Accessory Synthesis Guide</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438933>Ranked Guide: How to Win in Ranked PVP</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438901>8 Beginner Tips and Tricks for Early Game</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439106>Updates and Patch Notes</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439052>Is There a Connection Between DQM3 and Dragon Quest 4?</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438909>Money Farming Guide: How to Earn Gold Fast</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439182>How to Unlock Synthesis</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439023>Quickfire Contest: Best Teams and Rewards</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439300>How to Release Monsters and Rewards</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439185>How to Get Shiny Monsters</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438951>How to Scout and Catch Monsters Easily</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/438522>How to Increase Resistance</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439179>Monster Size: Differences and Benefits of Monster Sizes</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439318>Are There Grimoires in The Game?</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' href=/games/DQM-Dark-Prince/archives/439316>Experience Points System Guide</a></li> <li class='menuItem-listItem'><a class='menuItem-link' 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