CVPR 2022 Open Access Repository
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Many skeleton-based action recognition methods adopt GCNs to extract features on top of human skeletons. Despite the positive results shown in these attempts, GCN-based methods are subject to limitations in robustness, interoperability, and scalability. In this work, we propose PoseConv3D, a new approach to skeleton-based action recognition. PoseConv3D relies on a 3D heatmap volume instead of a graph sequence as the base representation of human skeletons. Compared to GCN-based methods, PoseConv3D is more effective in learning spatiotemporal features, more robust against pose estimation noises, and generalizes better in cross-dataset settings. Also, PoseConv3D can handle multiple-person scenarios without additional computation costs. The hierarchical features can be easily integrated with other modalities at early fusion stages, providing a great design space to boost the performance. PoseConv3D achieves the state-of-the-art on five of six standard skeleton-based action recognition benchmarks. Once fused with other modalities, it achieves the state-of-the-art on all eight multi-modality action recognition benchmarks. Code has been made available at: </div> <font size="5"> <br><b>Related Material</b> </font> <br><br> <dd> [<a href="/content/CVPR2022/papers/Duan_Revisiting_Skeleton-Based_Action_Recognition_CVPR_2022_paper.pdf">pdf</a>] [<a href="/content/CVPR2022/supplemental/">supp</a>] [<a href="">arXiv</a>] <div class="link2">[<a class="fakelink" onclick="$(this).siblings('.bibref').slideToggle()">bibtex</a>] <div class="bibref pre-white-space">@InProceedings{Duan_2022_CVPR, author = {Duan, Haodong and Zhao, Yue and Chen, Kai and Lin, Dahua and Dai, Bo}, title = {Revisiting Skeleton-Based Action Recognition}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, month = {June}, year = {2022}, pages = {2969-2978} }</div> </div> </dd></dl></div> </body> </html>