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Skříně a zásuvky jsou řazeny podle české abecedy, anglické verze popisků jsou k dispozici pouze pro název a stručný popis katalogu. Podrobné charakteristiky jednotlivých katalogů se zobrazí po výběru požadovaného katalogu. </p> </div> <div> <b>Sigla:</b> ABA001 <br/> <b>Oficiální web:</b> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br/> <b>Adresa:</b> Klementinum 190, 110 01 Praha 1 <br/> <b>Email:</b> <a href=""></a> <br/> <b>Telefon:</b> 221 663 111 <h4 style="margin-top: 20px">Zodpovědná osoba</h4> <b>Jméno:</b> Nataša Mikšovská <br/> <b>Email:</b> <a href=""></a> <br/> <b>Telefon:</b> 221 663 300 </div> <div id="oldRecordOrderDiv" style="margin-top: 10px; overflow: hidden;"> <form action="/Orders/CreateOldRecordOrder?Length=6" data-ajax="true" data-ajax-method="POST" data-ajax-mode="replace" data-ajax-success="initCreateOldRecordOrder(data)" data-ajax-update="#oldRecordOrderDiv" id="createOldRecordOrderForm" method="post"><input data-val="true" data-val-required="Pole SIGLA je povinné" id="SIGLA" name="SIGLA" type="hidden" value="ABA001" /><input id="KAT_KEY" name="KAT_KEY" type="hidden" value="010GK1" /><input data-val="true" data-val-number="Pole ZAZNAM_ID musí být číslo." data-val-required="Pole ZAZNAM_ID je povinné" id="ZAZNAM_ID" name="ZAZNAM_ID" type="hidden" value="0" /><input data-val="true" data-val-number="Pole STRANKA musí být číslo." data-val-required="Pole STRANKA je povinné" id="STRANKA" name="STRANKA" type="hidden" value="1" /><input data-val="true" data-val-number="Pole Místo pro vyzvednutí musí být číslo." data-val-required="Pole Místo pro vyzvednutí je povinné" id="KS_ID" name="KS_ID" type="hidden" value="9" /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <h3>Historické knižní fondy</h3> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Velké procento starých tisků a map je již zpracováno a možno dohledat/objednat v online bázi STT.</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <p>Rukopisy, inkunábule a staré tisky neobsazené v Generálním katalogu I lze objednat pouze do studovny rukopisů a starých tisků pomocí následujícího formuláře:</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-2"><label for="BIBL_AUTOR">Autor</label><span>*</span></div> <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-2"> <input class="form-control input-sm" data-val="true" data-val-length="The field Autor must be a string with a maximum length of 100." data-val-length-max="100" data-val-required="Pole Autor je povinné" id="BIBL_AUTOR" name="BIBL_AUTOR" type="text" value="" /> </div> <div class="col-lg-offset-2 col-xs-12 col-lg-10"> <span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="BIBL_AUTOR" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-2"><label for="BIBL_NAZEV">Název</label><span>*</span></div> <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-2"> <input class="form-control input-sm" data-val="true" data-val-length="The field Název must be a string with a maximum length of 100." data-val-length-max="100" data-val-required="Pole Název je povinné" id="BIBL_NAZEV" name="BIBL_NAZEV" type="text" value="" /> </div> <div class="col-lg-offset-2 col-xs-12 col-lg-10"> <span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="BIBL_NAZEV" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-2"><label for="BIBL_SIGNATURA_1">Signatura</label><span>*</span></div> <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-2"> <input class="form-control input-sm" data-val="true" data-val-length="The field Signatura must be a string with a maximum length of 255." data-val-length-max="255" id="BIBL_SIGNATURA_1" name="BIBL_SIGNATURA_1" type="text" value="" /> </div> <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-2"> <input class="form-control input-sm" data-val="true" data-val-length="The field Sig F2 must be a string with a maximum length of 255." data-val-length-max="255" data-val-regex="2., případně 1. část signatury (abecední) – např. 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if (value == null || value == "") { result = false; } return result; }, resources.poleNesmiBytPrazdne); } $('#mainDiv').css('height', '60%'); $('#orderDiv').show(); $('#KS_ID').select2({ placeholder: resources.Choose, width: '100%', language: currentCultureSimplified, }); //events $("#continueOrder").off('click').on('click', function () { $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($('#createOrderForm')); if ($('#createOrderForm').valid()) { $('#orderDiv').createLoader(); $.ajax({ cache: false, url: '/Orders/LibraryServiceIsMvs', method: 'get', data: { id: $('#KS_ID').val() }, success: function (data) { $('#orderPart1').hide(); if (data.result) { $('#orderPart2Mvs').show(); } else { $('#orderPart2').show(); } }, complete: function (data) { $('#orderDiv').destroyLoader(); } }); } }); jQuery.validator.addMethod("MVS_PASSWORD", function (value, element) { var returnValue = false; $('#orderDiv').createLoader(); $.ajax({ url: '/Orders/ValidateMvsPassword', method: 'get', data: { sigla: $('#MVS_SIGLA').val(), password: $('#MVS_PASSWORD').val() }, async: false, success: function (data) { returnValue = data.result; }, complete: function (data) { $('#orderDiv').destroyLoader(); } }); return returnValue; }, resources.mvsPasswordInvalid); } else if (data != null && data.result == true) { $('#orderDiv').hide(); $('#orderDiv').html(""); $('#mainDiv').css('height', '100%'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-success", message: resources.createOrderSuccess.replace('{0}',, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } else { $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-fail", message: resources.createOrderFail, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouFive, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); $('#orderDiv').hide(); $('#orderDiv').html(""); $('#mainDiv').css('height', '100%'); } } function destroyOrder() { $('#orderDiv').hide(); $('#orderDiv').html(""); $('#mainDiv').css('height', '100%'); } function initCreateOldRecordOrder(data) { if (data != null) { if (data.result == true) { $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-success", message: resources.createOrderSuccess.replace('{0}',, permanent: true, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouFive, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); 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$('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-success", message: resources.moveRecordSuccess, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } else if (data != null && data.result == false) { $('body').destroyLoader(); $("#moveRecordDialog").dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-fail", message: resources.moveRecordFail, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } else { $('#CatalogId').select2({ placeholder: resources.Choose, width: '100%', language: currentCultureSimplified, ajax: { dataType: 'json', type: "POST", url: record.catalogSelectUrl, data: function (params) { var queryParameters = { query: params.term, instituteId: function () { return $('#Institutes').val() }, } return queryParameters; }, processResults: function (data) { return { results: data }; }, } }); $('#CaseId').select2({ placeholder: resources.Choose, width: '100%', language: currentCultureSimplified, ajax: { dataType: 'json', type: "POST", url: record.caseSelectUrl, data: function (params) { var queryParameters = { query: params.term, catalogId: function () { return $('#CatalogId').val() }, instituteId: function () { return $('#Institutes').val() } } return queryParameters; }, processResults: function (data) { return { results: data }; }, } }); $('#DrawerId').select2({ placeholder: resources.Choose, width: '100%', language: currentCultureSimplified, ajax: { dataType: 'json', type: "POST", url: record.drawerSelectUrl, data: function (params) { var queryParameters = { query: params.term, caseId: function () { return $('#CaseId').val() }, catalogId: function () { return $('#CatalogId').val() }, instituteId: function () { return $('#Institutes').val() } } return queryParameters; }, processResults: function (data) { return { results: data }; }, } }); $('#CaseId').on('change', function () { $('#DrawerId').select2('val', ''); $('#DrawerId option').remove(); }); $('#CatalogId').on('change', function () { $('#CaseId').select2('val', ''); $('#DrawerId').select2('val', ''); $('#CaseId option').remove(); $('#DrawerId option').remove(); }); $('#MoveRecordForm').submit(function () { $('body').createLoader(); }); } } function renameCaseSuccess(data) { if (data != null && data.result) { $("#renameCaseDialog").dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-success", message: resources.renameCaseSuccess, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); window.location = '/Catalog' + '?sigla=' + sigla + '&catalogId=' + catalogId + '&caseId=' + caseId + '&drawerId=' + drawerId + '&recordId=' + recordId + '&bookmarkId=' + bookmarkId + '&batchId=' + batchId + '&phase=' + phase + '&batchUser=' + batchUser; } else if (data != null && data.result == false) { $("#renameCaseDialog").dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-fail", message: resources.renameCaseFail, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } } function renameCatalogSuccess(data) { if (data != null && data.result) { $("#renameCatalogDialog").dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-success", message: resources.renameCatalogSuccess, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); window.location = '/Catalog' + '?sigla=' + sigla + '&catalogId=' + catalogId + '&caseId=' + caseId + '&drawerId=' + drawerId + '&recordId=' + recordId + '&bookmarkId=' + bookmarkId + '&batchId=' + batchId + '&phase=' + phase + '&batchUser=' + batchUser; } else if (data != null && data.result == false) { $("#renameCatalogDialog").dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-fail", message: resources.renameCatalogFail, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } } function renameDrawerSuccess(data) { if (data != null && data.result) { $("#renameDrawerDialog").dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-success", message: resources.renameDrawerSuccess, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); window.location = '/Catalog' + '?sigla=' + sigla + '&catalogId=' + catalogId + '&caseId=' + caseId + '&drawerId=' + drawerId + '&recordId=' + recordId + '&bookmarkId=' + bookmarkId + '&batchId=' + batchId + '&phase=' + phase + '&batchUser=' + batchUser; } else if (data != null && data.result == false) { $("#renameDrawerDialog").dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-fail", message: resources.renameDrawerFail, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } } function scrollOnTreeOpen(node) { if (node) { var position = $(node.span).position(); if (position) { $("#catalogTree").animate({ scrollTop: }, 400); } } } //Bookmark context menu actions function deleteBookmark(id, name) { if (confirm(resources.bookmarkDeleteConfirm.replace('{1}', name))) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', cache: false, url: '/Record/DeleteBookmark', data: { id: id }, success: function (data) { if (data.result) { refreshSelectedBookmarks(id); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-success", message: resources.bookmarkDeleteSuccess, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } else { $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-fail", message: resources.bookmarkDeleteFail, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } } }); } } function refreshSelectedBookmarks(id) { var tree = $("#catalogTree").fancytree('getTree'); tree.findFirst(function (node) { if (id == null || id === undefined || id == '') { if ((node.extraClasses.indexOf('drawer') >= 0 && node.isActive())) { var isExpanded = node.isExpanded(); node.resetLazy(); if (isExpanded) { node.setExpanded(); } else { node.load(true); } } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf('bookmark') >= 0 && node.isActive()) { var isExpanded = node.parent.isExpanded(); var parent = node.parent; parent.resetLazy(); if (isExpanded) { parent.setExpanded(); } else { parent.load(true); } } } else { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf('bookmark') >= 0 && node.key == id) { var isExpanded = node.parent.isExpanded(); var parent = node.parent; var childrenCount = node.parent.children.length; parent.resetLazy(); if (childrenCount < 2) { parent.visitAndLoad(null, true); parent.lazy = false; } if (childrenCount > 1) { if (isExpanded) { parent.setExpanded(); } else { parent.load(true); } } } } }); } function refreshCase(id, activate) { var tree = $("#catalogTree").fancytree('getTree'); tree.findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf('case') >= 0 && node.key == id) { node.resetLazy(); node.setExpanded(); if (activate) { node.setActive(); } //parent.visitAndLoad(null, true); //parent.lazy = false; //if (isExpanded) { //} else { // parent.load(true); //} //if (childrenCount < 2) { // parent.visitAndLoad(null, true); // parent.lazy = false; //} //if (childrenCount > 1) { // if (isExpanded) { // parent.setExpanded(); // } else { // parent.load(true); // } //} } }); } function updateBookmark(id) { if ($('#updateBookmarkDialog').length < 1) { AjaxDialog({ url: '/Record/UpdateBookmark', data: { bookmarkId: id }, method: 'GET', success: function (data) { } }, { dialogId: "updateBookmarkDialog", title: resources.updateBookmark, width: 300 }, function () { }); } } function updateBookmarkSuccess(data) { if (data != null && data.result) { $("#updateBookmarkDialog").dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-success", message: resources.bookmarkDialogSuccess, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); refreshSelectedBookmarks(); //window.location = '/Catalog' + '?sigla=' + sigla + '&catalogId=' + catalogId + '&caseId=' + caseId + '&drawerId=' + drawerId + '&recordId=' + recordId + '&bookmarkId=' + bookmarkId; } else if (data != null && data.result == false) { $("#updateBookmarkDialog").dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-fail", message: resources.bookmarkDialogFail, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } } // function updateRecordNoteSuccess(data) { if (data != null && data.result) { $("#updateRecordNoteDialog").dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-success", message: resources.updateRecordNoteDialogSuccess, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); //if (data.signatureWholeText != null) { // $('#recordSignature').html(data.signatureWholeText); //} else { // $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-success", message: resources.deleteRecordNoteDialogSuccess, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); // $('#recordSignature').html(''); //} } else if (data != null && data.result == false) { $("#updateRecordNoteDialog").dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-fail", message: resources.updateRecordNoteDialogFail, permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouThree, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } } function manageFilter(filterId, catalogId) { loader.createLoader(); var filtr = null; var dialog = AjaxDialog({ url: '/Filters/ManageFilter', data: { filterId: filterId, catalogId: catalogId}, method: 'GET', success: function (data) { } }, { dialogId: "manageFilterDialog", title: filterId != null ? resources.vlastnosti_filtru : resources.novy_filtr, width: (window.innerWidth <= 900 ? window.innerWidth : 900), height: window.innerHeight, resizeable: true }, function () { filtr = new NewFilter(); filtr.url = '/Filters/GetSkrineTree'; filtr.urlPriznaky = '/Filters/GetPriznakyTree'; filtr.urlPrehledFiltru = '/Filters/Filters'; filtr.dateFormat = 'D. M. YYYY'; filtr.urlKategorie = '/Filters/GetCategories'; filtr.urlRetro = '/Filters/GetRetro'; filtr.oznacitSkrine = 'Označit všechny skříně'; filtr.odznacitSkrine = 'Odznačit všechny skříně'; filtr.priznakyPrefix = 'raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxxx'; filtr.Init(); loader.destroyLoader(); $('#manageFilterDialog').data("ui-dialog").uiDialog.draggable("option", "containment", "none"); }); } $(document).on('change', '#sliderValue', function () { page = null; $("#recordSlider").slider("option", "value", $(this).val()); url = '/Record/GetRecord'; data = { drawerId: $('#SUPLIK_ID').val(), categoryId: $('#KAT_KEY').val(), bookcase: $('#SKRIN_ID').val(), order: $(this).val(), filterId: $('#filterId').val(), batchId: $('#batchId').val(), phase: $('#phase').val(), batchUser: $('#batchUser').val(), currentRecord: $('#ZAZNAM_ID').val(), currentOrder: $('#orderOfCurrentRecord').val() }; record.loadRecord(url, data); }); $(document).on('change', '#recordIdValue', function () { $('body').createLoader(); var recordId = $(this).val(); var catalogId = $('#KAT_KEY').val(); var filterId = $('#filterId').val(); filterId = filterId == -1 || filterId == "-1" ? null : filterId; $.ajax({ url: '/Record/GetRecordExists', data: { catalogId: catalogId, recordId: recordId, filterId: filterId }, method: 'GET', success: function (data) { if (data.result) { window.location.href = '/Catalog' + '?catalogId=' + catalogId + '&recordId=' + recordId + '&filterId=' + filterId; } else { $('body').deleteFlashMessages(0); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-fail", message: resources.zaznam_nenalezen_v_katalogu.replace('{1}', recordId), permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouFive, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } }, complete: function (data) { $('body').destroyLoader(); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '#decrementSlider', function () { removeFromSlider(1); }); $(document).on('click', '#decrementSlider10', function () { removeFromSlider(10); }); $(document).on('click', '#decrementSliderStart', function () { setSliderMin(); }); $(document).on('click', '#incrementSlider', function () { addToSlider(1); }); $(document).on('click', '#incrementSlider10', function () { addToSlider(10); }); $(document).on('click', '#incrementSliderEnd', function () { setSliderMax(); }); function addToSlider(value) { var max = $("#recordSlider").slider("option", "max"); var valueToSet = parseInt($("#recordSlider").slider("option", "value")) + value; if (max >= valueToSet) { $("#recordSlider").slider("option", "value", valueToSet).change(); $("#sliderValue").change(); } else { setSliderMax(); } } function removeFromSlider(value) { var min = $("#recordSlider").slider("option", "min"); var valueToSet = parseInt($("#recordSlider").slider("option", "value")) - value; if (min <= valueToSet) { $("#recordSlider").slider("option", "value", valueToSet); $("#sliderValue").change(); } else { setSliderMin(); } } function setSliderMin() { var min = $("#recordSlider").slider("option", "min"); var valueToSet = parseInt(min); if (valueToSet) { $("#recordSlider").slider("option", "value", valueToSet); $("#sliderValue").change(); } } function setSliderMax() { var max = $("#recordSlider").slider("option", "max"); var valueToSet = parseInt(max); if (valueToSet) { $("#recordSlider").slider("option", "value", valueToSet); $("#sliderValue").change(); } } function initSlider() { var value = $("#sliderValue").val(); $("#recordSlider").slider({ slide: function (event, ui) { $(this).slider('value', ui.value); $("#sliderValue").val($(this).slider("value")); }, change: function (event, ui) { $("#sliderValue").val($(this).slider("value")); }, stop: function (event, ui) { $("#sliderValue").val($(this).slider("value")).change(); }, value: value, min: 1, max: $('#numberOfRecords').text() }); } $(function () { $("#Institutes").select2({ width: "100%" }); sigla = $("#Institutes").val(); catalogTreeInit(sigla, catalogId, caseId, drawerId, recordId, bookmarkId, filterId, batchId, phase, batchUser); }); $("#Institutes").on('change', function () { ShowQuickSearch(false); var tree = $("#catalogTree").fancytree('getTree'); tree.reload({ type: "POST", url: '/Catalog/GetCatalogsTree', data: { sigla: $("#Institutes").val() } }); sigla = $("#Institutes").val(); $.ajax({ cache: false, method: 'GET', url: '/Catalog/InstituteWelcomeScreen' + '?sigla=' + sigla, success: function (data) { $("#recordContent .overflowDiv").html(data); } }); if (sigla === 'ABA001') { $.ajax({ cache: false, method: 'GET', url: '/Orders/CreateOldRecordOrder' + '?sigla=' + sigla, success: function (data) { $("#recordContent .overflowDiv").append(data); } }); } }); glyph_opts = { map: { doc: "fa fa-file-o", docOpen: "fa fa-file-o", //checkbox: "glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked", //checkboxSelected: "glyphicon glyphicon-check", //checkboxUnknown: "glyphicon glyphicon-share", //dragHelper: "glyphicon glyphicon-play", //dropMarker: "glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right", error: "fa fa-exclamation-triangle", expanderClosed: "fa fa-caret-right", expanderLazy: "fa fa-caret-right", // glyphicon-expand expanderOpen: "fa fa-caret-down", // glyphicon-collapse-down folder: "fa fa-folder", folderOpen: "fa fa-folder-open", loading: "fa fa-refresh fa-spin" } }; function catalogTreeInit(_sigla, _catalogId, _caseId, _drawerId, _recordId, _bookmarkId, _filterId, _batchId, _phase, _batchUser) { $("#catalogTree").fancytree({ extensions: ["glyph"], glyph: glyph_opts, //toggleEffect: { effect: "drop", options: { direction: "left" }, duration: 400 }, wide: { iconWidth: "1em", iconSpacing: "0.5em", levelOfs: "1.5em" }, source: $.ajax({ cache: false, type: "POST", url: '/Catalog/GetCatalogsTree', data: { sigla: $("#Institutes").val() } }), init: function (event, data) { //aktivování klíče dle cesty v url if (_catalogId && firstFancyTreeLoad && !_filterId && !_batchId && !_phase) { var catalogNode = data.tree.findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("catalog") >= 0 && node.key == _catalogId) { return true; } }); if (catalogNode && _caseId) { catalogNode.setExpanded(true); } else { catalogNode.setActive(); } } else if (_filterId && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var filterNode = data.tree.findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("filtr") >= 0) { return true; } }); if (filterNode) { filterNode.setExpanded(true); } var filterCatalogId = $("#filterCatalogId").val(); var categoryNode = data.tree.findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("filtrCatalog") >= 0 && node.key == filterCatalogId) { return true; } }); if (categoryNode) { categoryNode.setExpanded(true); } } else if (_batchId && _phase && _catalogId && _batchUser && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var retroNode = data.tree.findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("retroconversionNode") >= 0) { return true; } }); var retroCatalogNode = data.tree.findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("retroconversionCatalogNode") >= 0 && node.key == 'retroconversionCatalog-' + _catalogId) { return true; } }); if (retroNode) { retroNode.setExpanded(true).done(function () { if (retroCatalogNode) { retroCatalogNode.setExpanded(true); } }); } var phaseNode = data.tree.findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("phase") >= 0 && node.key == _phase && node.parent.key == 'retroconversionCatalog-' + _catalogId) { return true; } }); if (phaseNode) { phaseNode.setExpanded(true); } } else { firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } if ('False' == "True" ? true : false) { //contextmenu bookmarks $(".bookmarkContextMenuWrapper").contextmenu({ delegate: ".bookmark", menu: [ { title: resources.delete, cmd: "delete", uiIcon: "ui-icon-trash" }, { title: resources.update, cmd: "update", uiIcon: "ui-icon-pencil" }, ], select: function (event, ui) { var node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(; if (node != null) { switch (ui.cmd) { case "delete": deleteBookmark(node.key,'fancytree-title') ? :'.fancytree-title').text()); break; case "update": updateBookmark(node.key); break; } } } }); } if ('False' == "True" || 'False' == "True" ? true : false) { //contextmenu drawers $(".drawerContextMenuWrapper").contextmenu({ delegate: ".drawer", menu: [ { title: resources.rename, cmd: "rename", uiIcon: "ui-icon-pencil" }, { title: resources.spojit_s_predchozim_suplik, cmd: "concatPrevious", uiIcon: "ui-icon-arrowthick-1-n" }, { title: resources.spojit_s_nasledujicim_suplik, cmd: "concatNext", uiIcon: "ui-icon-arrowthick-1-s" }, { title: resources.rozdelit_suplik, cmd: "CutDrawer", uiIcon: "ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s" }, { title: resources.statistics, cmd: "statistics", uiIcon: "ui-icon-info" }, { title: resources.delete, cmd: "delete", uiIcon: "ui-icon-trash" }, ], select: function (event, ui) { var node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(; var caseNode = node.parent; var catalogNode = caseNode.parent; if (node != null) { switch (ui.cmd) { case "concatPrevious": concatCut.ConcatDrawer(node.key, node.parent.key, node.parent.parent.key, true); break; case "concatNext": concatCut.ConcatDrawer(node.key, node.parent.key, node.parent.parent.key, false); break; case "CutDrawer": concatCut.CutDrawer(node.key, node.parent.key, node.parent.parent.key); break; case "rename": if ($('#renameDrawerDialog').length < 1) { AjaxDialog({ url: '/Catalog/RenameDrawer', data: { catalogId: catalogNode.key, caseId: caseNode.key, drawerId: node.key }, method: 'GET', success: function (data) { } }, { dialogId: "renameDrawerDialog", title: resources.rename, width: 300 }, function () { }); } break; case "statistics": statisticsDialog(node.parent.parent.key, node.parent.key, node.key, null); break; case "delete": catalogOperations.deleteDrawer(node.parent.parent.key, node.parent.key, node.key, node.title); break; } } }, beforeOpen: function (event, ui) { $('.filtersHref').parent().contextmenu("showEntry", "delete", 'False' == "True"); } }); } //contextmenu case if ('False' == "True" || 'False' == "True" ? true : false) { $(".caseContextMenuWrapper").contextmenu({ delegate: ".case", menu: [ { title: resources.rename, cmd: "rename", uiIcon: "ui-icon-pencil" }, { title: resources.spojit_s_predchozim_skrin, cmd: "concatPrevious", uiIcon: "ui-icon-arrowthick-1-n" }, { title: resources.spojit_s_nasledujicim_skrin, cmd: "concatNext", uiIcon: "ui-icon-arrowthick-1-s" }, { title: resources.rozdelit_skrin, cmd: "CutCase", uiIcon: "ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s" }, { title: resources.statistics, cmd: "statistics", uiIcon: "ui-icon-info" }, ], select: function (event, ui) { var node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(; var caseId = node.key; var catalogId = node.parent.key; if (node != null) { switch (ui.cmd) { case "concatPrevious": concatCut.ConcatCase(node.key, node.parent.key, true); break; case "concatNext": concatCut.ConcatCase(node.key, node.parent.key, false); break; case "CutCase": concatCut.CutCase(node.key, node.parent.key); break; case "rename": if ($('#renameCaseDialog').length < 1) { AjaxDialog({ url: '/Catalog/RenameCase', data: { catalogId: catalogId, caseId: caseId }, method: 'GET', success: function (data) { } }, { dialogId: "renameCaseDialog", title: resources.rename, width: 300 }, function () { }); } break; case "statistics": statisticsDialog(catalogId, caseId, null, null); break; } } } }); } if ('False' == "True" || 'False' == "True" ? true : false) { //contextmenu catalog $(".catalogContextMenuWrapper").contextmenu({ delegate: ".catalog", menu: [ { title: resources.rename, cmd: "rename", uiIcon: "ui-icon-pencil" }, { title: resources.zneplatnit, cmd: "unvalid", uiIcon: "ui-icon-trash" }, { title: resources.statistics, cmd: "statistics", uiIcon: "ui-icon-info" }, ], select: function (event, ui) { var node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(; var catalogId = node.key; if (node != null) { switch (ui.cmd) { case "rename": if ($('#renameCaseDialog').length < 1) { AjaxDialog({ url: '/Catalog/RenameCatalog', data: { catalogId: catalogId }, method: 'GET', success: function (data) { } }, { dialogId: "renameCatalogDialog", title: resources.rename, width: 300 }, function () { }); } break; case "unvalid": if (confirm(resources.opravdu_zneplatnit_katalog)) { window.location = '/Catalog/UnvalidateCatalog?catalogId=' + node.key; } break; case "statistics": statisticsDialog(catalogId, null, null, null); break; } } } }); } if ('False' == "True" || 'False' == "True" || 'False' == "True" || 'False' == "True") { //contextmenu filters $(".filtrContextMenuWrapper").contextmenu({ delegate: ".filtrNode", menu: [ { title: resources.novy, cmd: "novy", uiIcon: "ui-icon-document" }, { title: resources.vlastnosti, cmd: "vlastnosti", uiIcon: "ui-icon-contact" }, { title: resources.smazat, cmd: "smazat", uiIcon: "ui-icon-trash" }, //{ title: resources.statistika, cmd: "CutDrawer", uiIcon: "ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s" }, { title: resources.statistics, cmd: "statistics", uiIcon: "ui-icon-info" }, ], select: function (event, ui) { var node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(; if (node != null) { switch (ui.cmd) { case "novy": var category = ""; category = node.parent.parent.key; manageFilter(null, category); break; case "vlastnosti": //filterFunction.Detail(node.key, node.parent.key, node.parent.parent.key, false); manageFilter(node.key); break; case "smazat": if (confirm(resources.opravdu_smazat.replace('{0}', node.title))) { window.location = '/Filters/Delete?filterId=' + node.key + '&isCatalog=true'; } else { } break; case "statistics": statisticsDialog(null, null, null, node.key); break; } } } }); //contextmenu filters $(".filtrRootContextMenuWrapper").contextmenu({ delegate: ".filtr", menu: [ { title: resources.novy, cmd: "novy", uiIcon: "ui-icon-document" }, ], select: function (event, ui) { var node = $.ui.fancytree.getNode(; if (node != null) { switch (ui.cmd) { case "novy": manageFilter(); break; } } } }); } }, lazyLoad: function (event, data) { var node = data.node; if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("catalog") >= 0) { var catalogNode = data.node; var result = $.ajax({ url: '/Catalog/GetCaseTree', type: "POST", data: { catalogKey: catalogNode.key }, complete: function () { if (_caseId && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var caseNode = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("case") >= 0 && node.key == _caseId && node.parent.key == _catalogId) { return true; } }); if (caseNode && _drawerId) { caseNode.setExpanded(true); } else { caseNode.setActive(); } } else { firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } }); data.result = result; } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("case") >= 0) { var caseNode = data.node; var catalogNode = caseNode.parent; var result = $.ajax({ url: '/Catalog/GetDrawerTree', type: "POST", cache: false, data: { catalogKey: catalogNode.key, caseId: caseNode.key }, complete: function () { if (_drawerId && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var drawerNode = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("drawer") >= 0 && node.key == _drawerId && node.parent.key == _caseId && node.parent.parent.key == _catalogId) { return true; } }); if (drawerNode && _bookmarkId) { drawerNode.setExpanded(true); } else if (_recordId && _catalogId && firstFancyTreeLoad) { drawerNode.setActive(true, { noEvents: true }); var url = '/Record/GetRecord'; var ajaxData = { recordId: _recordId, categoryId: _catalogId }; record.loadRecord(url, ajaxData); } else { drawerNode.setActive(); } if (!_bookmarkId) { firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } else { firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } }); data.result = result; } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("drawer") >= 0) { var drawerNode = data.node; var caseNode = drawerNode.parent; var catalogNode = caseNode.parent; var result = $.ajax({ url: '/Catalog/GetBookmarksTree', type: "POST", cache: false, data: { drawerId: drawerNode.key, caseId: caseNode.key, catalogId: catalogNode.key }, complete: function () { if (_bookmarkId && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var bookmarkNode = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("bookmark") >= 0 && node.key == _bookmarkId && node.parent.key == _drawerId && node.parent.parent.key == _caseId && node.parent.parent.parent.key == _catalogId) { return true; } }); if (bookmarkNode) { bookmarkNode.setActive(); } } else { firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } }); data.result = result; } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("filtrCatalog") >= 0) { var result = $.ajax({ url: '/Filters/GetFilteresTree', type: "POST", cache: false, data: { catalogId: data.node.key }, complete: function () { if (_filterId && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var filterCategoryId = $("#filterCategoryId").val(); var filterNode = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { if ((node.extraClasses.indexOf("public") >= 0 || node.extraClasses.indexOf("categoryNode") >= 0) && node.key == filterCategoryId) { return true; } }); if (filterNode) { filterNode.setExpanded(true); //firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } //var filterNode = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { // if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("filtrNode") >= 0 && node.key == _filterId && node.parent.key == _catalogId) { // return true; // } //}); //if (filterNode) { // filterNode.setActive(); // firstFancyTreeLoad = false; //} } else { firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } }); data.result = result; } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("public") >= 0) { var result = $.ajax({ url: '/Filters/GetFilteresNodesTree', type: "POST", cache: false, data: { isPublic: true, cetegory: data.node.key, catalogId: data.node.parent.key }, complete: function () { if (_filterId && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var filterNode = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("filtrNode") >= 0 && node.key == _filterId) { return true; } }); if (filterNode) { filterNode.setActive(); //scroll na filtr při prvním spuštění se děje až po activatu proto je toto až v metodě expanded v public a categoryNode podmínce //firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } else { firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } }); data.result = result; } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("categoryNode") >= 0) { var result = $.ajax({ url: '/Filters/GetFilteresNodesTree', type: "POST", cache: false, data: { catalogId: data.node.parent.key, isPublic: false, cetegory: data.node.key }, complete: function () { if (_filterId && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var filterNode = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("filtrNode") >= 0 && node.key == _filterId) { return true; } }); if (filterNode) { filterNode.setActive(); //scroll na filtr při prvním spuštění se děje až po activatu proto je toto až v metodě expanded v public a categoryNode podmínce //firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } else { firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } }); data.result = result; } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("phase") >= 0) { var sigF1Node = data.node; var result = $.ajax({ cache: false, url: '/Retroconversion/GetSigF2Tree', type: "POST", data: { sigF1: sigF1Node.key, catalogId: node.parent.key.split('-')[1] }, complete: function () { //nastavit lazy všem potomkům var pracDavUsers = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("pracDavUser") >= 0) { node.resetLazy(); } }); if (_batchUser && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var batchUserNodeNode = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("pracDavUser") >= 0 && node.key == _batchUser) { return true; } }); if (batchUserNodeNode) { batchUserNodeNode.setExpanded(true); } } else { firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } }); data.result = result; } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("pracDavUser") >= 0) { var node = data.node; var result = $.ajax({ cache: false, url: '/Retroconversion/GetBatchesTree', type: "POST", data: { user: node.key, phase: node.parent.key, catalogId: node.parent.parent.key.split('-')[1] }, complete: function () { if (_batchId && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var batchNode = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("batchIdNode") >= 0 && node.key == _batchId + ';' + _phase + ';' + _catalogId) { return true; } }); if (batchNode) { //batchNode.setActive(); // batchNode.setActive(true, { noEvents: true }); var url = '/Record/GetRecord'; var ajaxData = { recordId: _recordId, batchId: _batchId, phase: _phase, batchUser: _batchUser, categoryId: _catalogId }; record.loadRecord(url, ajaxData); // firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } else { firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } }); data.result = result; } }, expand: function (event, data) { var node = data.node; scrollOnTreeOpen(data.node); if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("filtr") >= 0) { if (_filterId && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var filtrCatalogNode = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("filtrCatalog") >= 0 && node.key == _catalogId) { return true; } }); if (filtrCatalogNode) { filtrCatalogNode.setExpanded(true); } } else { firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } } if ((node.extraClasses.indexOf("categoryNode") >= 0 || node.extraClasses.indexOf("public") >= 0) && firstFancyTreeLoad) { var filterNode = $('#catalogTree').fancytree('getTree').findFirst(function (node) { if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("filtrNode") >= 0 && node.key == _filterId) { return true; } }); if (filterNode != null) { scrollOnTreeOpen(filterNode); } firstFancyTreeLoad = false; } }, activate: function (event, data) { ShowQuickSearch(false); var drawerNode = data.node; var caseNode = drawerNode.parent; var catalogNode = caseNode.parent; var node = data.node; var url = null; var data = null; var oldRecordId = recordId; if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("bookmark") >= 0) { url = '/Record/GetRecord'; data = { bookmarkId: node.key }; recordId = null; bookmarkId = node.key; drawerId = node.parent.key; caseId = node.parent.parent.key; catalogId = node.parent.parent.parent.key; filterId = null; page = null; batchId = null; phase = null; batchUser = null; if (userAuthenticated) { ShowQuickSearch(true); } else { if ('061khi' == catalogId.trim().toLowerCase()) { ShowQuickSearch(true); } else { ShowQuickSearch(false); } } } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("drawer") >= 0) { url = '/Record/GetRecord'; data = { drawerId: node.key, categoryId: catalogNode.key, bookcase: caseNode.key }; recordId = null; bookmarkId = null; drawerId = node.key; caseId = node.parent.key; catalogId = node.parent.parent.key; filterId = null; page = null; batchId = null; phase = null; batchUser = null; if (userAuthenticated) { ShowQuickSearch(true); } else { if ('061khi' == catalogId.trim().toLowerCase()) { ShowQuickSearch(true); } else { ShowQuickSearch(false); } } } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("catalog") >= 0) { $.ajax({ cache: false, method: 'GET', url: '/Catalog/CatalogWelcomeScreen' + '?catalogId=' + node.key, success: function (data) { $("#recordContent").html(data); } }); //$("#recordContent").load('/Catalog/CatalogWelcomeScreen' + '?catalogId=' + node.key) recordId = null; bookmarkId = null; drawerId = null; caseId = null; catalogId = node.key; filterId = null; page = null; batchId = null; phase = null; batchUser = null; if (userAuthenticated) { ShowQuickSearch(true); } else { if ('061khi' == catalogId.trim().toLowerCase()) { ShowQuickSearch(true); } else { ShowQuickSearch(false); } } } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("case") >= 0) { $.ajax({ cache: false, method: 'GET', url: '/Catalog/CatalogWelcomeScreen' + '?catalogId=' + node.parent.key, success: function (data) { $("#recordContent").html(data); } }); //$("#recordContent").load('/Catalog/CatalogWelcomeScreen' + '?catalogId=' + node.parent.key) recordId = null; bookmarkId = null; drawerId = null; caseId = node.key; catalogId = node.parent.key; filterId = null; page = null; batchId = null; phase = null; batchUser = null; if (userAuthenticated) { ShowQuickSearch(true); } else { if ('061khi' == catalogId.trim().toLowerCase()) { ShowQuickSearch(true); } else { ShowQuickSearch(false); } } } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("filtrNode") >= 0) { url = '/Record/GetRecord'; data = { filterId: node.key, recordId: '' }; recordId = null; bookmarkId = null; drawerId = null; caseId = null; filterId = node.key; catalogId = $("#filterCatalogId").val(); page = null; batchId = null; phase = null; batchUser = null; ShowQuickSearch(false); } else if (node.extraClasses.indexOf("batch") >= 0) { url = '/Record/GetRecord'; data = { batchId: node.key.split(';')[0], phase: node.key.split(';')[1], categoryId: node.key.split(';')[2], batchUser: node.parent.key }; recordId = null; bookmarkId = null; drawerId = null; caseId = null; filterId = null; catalogId = node.key.split(';')[2]; page = null; batchId = node.key.split(';')[0]; phase = node.key.split(';')[1]; batchUser = node.parent.key; ShowQuickSearch(false); } if (url && data) { record.loadRecord(url, data); } window.history.pushState(null, $(document).find("title").text(), '/Catalog' + '?sigla=' + sigla + '&catalogId=' + catalogId + '&caseId=' + caseId + '&drawerId=' + drawerId + '&recordId=' + recordId + '&bookmarkId=' + bookmarkId + '&filterId=' + filterId + '&page=' + page + '&batchId=' + batchId + '&phase=' + phase + '&batchUser=' + batchUser); } }); } function ShowQuickSearch(show) { if (show) { $('.quickSearchBar').show(); } else { $('.quickSearchBar').hide(); } } $("#createQuickFilterButton").click(function () { //instance.priznakyTable.ajax.reload(); AjaxDialog({ url: '/Filters/CreateQuickFilter', data: { catalogId: $('#KAT_KEY').val() }, method: 'GET', success: function (data) { } }, { dialogId: "createQuickFilterDialog", title: resources.createQuickFilterDialog, width: 350 }, function () { }); }); function CreateQuickFilterSuccess(data) { if (data.result) { $('#createQuickFilterDialog').dialog('destroy'); $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-success", message: 'Filtr byl přidán', permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouFive, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); window.location = '/Catalog' + '?filterId=' + data.filterId; } else { $('body').createFlashMessage({ type: "fm-fail", message: 'Filtr se nepodařilo přidat', permanent: false, closeable: true, duration: resources.TimeouFive, position: "fm-fixed", location: "fm-top-right" }); } } </script> </body> </html>