Chaucer’s Verse Art in its European Context, Duffell
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While Chaucer and Gower are largely responsible for the last stage of this evolution in Middle English and Anglo-Norman, Chaucer’s risk in composing in English paid off and iambic pentameter and tetrameter endured to become the staples of English verse, while Gower’s French stress-syllabic meters died with the Anglo-Norman dialect." /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/.resources/ucp/css/main~2023-07-05-16-48-35-000~cache.css" media="all" /> <script src="/.resources/ucp/js/libs/modernizr-custom~2023-07-05-16-48-32-000~cache.js"></script> <script src="/.resources/ucp/js/libs/jquery~2023-07-05-16-48-32-000~cache.js"></script> <script src="/.resources/ucp/js/google-preview-access~2023-07-05-16-48-32-000~cache.js"></script> </head> <body class="book bookDetail"> <noindex><a class="sr-only sr-only-focusable" href="#main-content">Skip to main content</a></noindex> <div id="alert-bar" class="alert-bar"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> 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While Chaucer and Gower are largely responsible for the last stage of this evolution in Middle English and Anglo-Norman, Chaucer’s risk in composing in English paid off and iambic pentameter and tetrameter endured to become the staples of English verse, while Gower’s French stress-syllabic meters died with the Anglo-Norman dialect.</div> </div> </div> <a class="collapse-truncated-toggle" href="#" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#example-collapse-truncated-1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="example-collapse-truncated-1"> <span class="trigger-open"> <noindex>Read More<span class="sr-only">about Chaucer’s Verse Art in its European Context</span></noindex> </span> <span class="trigger-collapse"> <noindex>Read Less<span class="sr-only">about Chaucer’s Verse Art in its European Context</span></noindex> </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="purchase-item-detail-details"> <hr> <p> <!-- added !0--> 304 pages | 21 | 6 x 9 | © 2018 </p> <p class="info series-name"><a href="/ucp/books/series/MRTS.html">Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies</a></p> <p class="subject-list"> Literature and Literary Criticism: <a href="/ucp/books/subject/su37/su37_7.html" class="subject-tag">General Criticism and Critical Theory</a> </p> <p class="subject-list"> <a href="/ucp/books/subject/su65.html" class="subject-tag">Poetry</a> </p> </div> <hr> <div class="purchase-item-detail-distributor"> <img class="img-fluid" src="/dam/ucp/books/publishers/20200728-ACMRS-Logo-200.jpg" alt="ACMRS Press image"> <p class="mt-3"> <noindex>View all books from </noindex><a href="/ucp/books/publisher/pu3431813_3431814.html" class="link-reverse-underline">ACMRS Press</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $.get( contextPath + "/book/formats", { isbn:"9780866985697" }, function( data ) { var size = Object.keys( data ).length; var salesRestrictionJson = {}; var pubDateJson = {}; var isbnHasChapterSale; pubDateJson[9780866985697] = "May 2018"; var count = 0; var needMoreSpace = false; for ( var key in data ) { var format; if (data.hasOwnProperty( key )) format = data[key]; var purchaseFormats = $('#purchase-formats'); var purchaseFormat = $('<div class="purchase-format"></div>'); var label = $('<div class="purchase-format-label"></div>'); // format name var labelText; if ( format.binding.match( 'Electronic Book' ) ) labelText = format.eFormat.replace( 'acsm', '' ); else labelText = format.binding; if ( Number( format.duration ) > 0 ) labelText += ' (' + format.duration + ' days)'; label.text( labelText ); // pub date var pubDate = ''; if ( pubDateJson[format.isbn] ) { // A new field PubStatus has been added to the return. 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