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table.ombox img{max-width:none!important}@media screen{ .mw-parser-output .ombox-speedy{background-color:#310402}}@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme:dark){ .mw-parser-output .ombox-speedy{background-color:#310402}}</style><table class="plainlinks ombox ombox-notice ombox-humor" role="presentation" style="text-align:center;"><tbody><tr><td class="mbox-image"><span typeof="mw:File"><span><img alt="" src="//" decoding="async" width="46" height="40" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="378" data-file-height="326" /></span></span></td><td class="mbox-text">This page contains <b>material that is kept because it is considered <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Humor" title="Wikipedia:Humor">humorous</a></b>. <br /> Such material is not meant to be taken seriously.</td></tr></tbody></table> <style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1252059228">.mw-parser-output .module-shortcutboxplain{float:right;margin:0 0 0 1em;border:1px solid var(--border-color-base,#a2a9b1);background-color:var(--background-color-base,#fff);padding:0.3em 0.6em 0.2em 0.6em;text-align:center;font-size:85%}.mw-parser-output .module-shortcutboxleft{float:left;margin:0 1em 0 0}.mw-parser-output .module-shortcutlist{display:inline-block;border-bottom:1px solid var(--border-color-base,#a2a9b1);margin-bottom:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .module-shortcutboxplain ul{font-weight:bold}.mw-parser-output .module-shortcutanchordiv{position:relative;top:-3em}.mw-parser-output li .module-shortcutanchordiv{float:right}.mw-parser-output .mbox-imageright .module-shortcutboxplain{padding:0.4em 1em 0.4em 1em;line-height:1.3;margin:0}</style><div class="module-shortcutanchordiv"><span id="WP:STORY"></span></div><div class="module-shortcutboxplain noprint" role="note"><div class="module-shortcutlist"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Shortcut" title="Wikipedia:Shortcut">Shortcut</a></div><style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1126788409">.mw-parser-output .plainlist ol,.mw-parser-output .plainlist ul{line-height:inherit;list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0}.mw-parser-output .plainlist ol li,.mw-parser-output .plainlist ul li{margin-bottom:0}</style><div class="plainlist"><ul><li><span class="plainlinks"><a class="external text" href=";redirect=no">WP:STORY</a></span></li></ul></div></div> <p><b>Hello! Welcome to the Never Ending Story!</b> </p><p>So, as you can see from the link, this is a story that will - hopefully - never end! :D </p><p>But how can a story never end, you ask. Well, it's up to you! This story is made by ordinary editors like you. We need everyone to contribute just a little bit, and this story will keep going on! :D </p><p>So what are you waiting for? Start writing now! :D </p> <meta property="mw:PageProp/toc" /> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="Rules">Rules</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Edit section: Rules"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>Some ground rules: </p> <ul><li>Do not end the story! Whoever caught attempting to end the story will get a warning on his/her <a href="/wiki/Special:MyTalk" title="Special:MyTalk">talk page</a>!</li></ul> <ul><li>When you finish your bit, do leave your signature! Then record your username - or IP address - at the bottom of this page! If your name is already in The List of Legendary Storytellers, please do not add it again. However, I hope you will not add to the story too much for others to have chances. (<a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#Should_the_story_be_reformatted_to_not_include_signatures_in_it?">see relevant poll</a>)</li></ul> <ul><li>You may only edit grammatical/spelling errors in a paragraph that is not yours. Do not add words unless necessary. If the plot is changed, then you will receive a warning too.</li></ul> <ul><li>You may add <a href="/wiki/Links" class="mw-redirect mw-disambig" title="Links">links</a> to the story.</li></ul> <ul><li>I'm afraid I may not be able to spot mistakes that well, so if you find any mistakes, please correct them, thank you!</li></ul> <ul><li>Vote for polls in the talk page!</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="Announcements">Announcements</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Edit section: Announcements"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>10.10.08 Please correct any errors you find, thank you! </p><p>10.10.08 Would you like to split this story into chapters? Or perhaps there could be sub-headings with plot summaries, because it looks extremely chunky now. Or, if you would like two stories to be going on simultaneously, like with a new story beginning in a new subpage, please vote on the talk page! </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="The_Story">The Story</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=3" title="Edit section: The Story"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>Here, I will start the story: </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_I:_The_Wikipediholic_and_the_Injured_Animal">Chapter I: The Wikipediholic and the Injured Animal</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=4" title="Edit section: Chapter I: The Wikipediholic and the Injured Animal"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Resting_Cat_-_Los_Cancajos.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="113" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="6000" data-file-height="3094" /></a><figcaption><i>"...he realized he had stumbled upon the injured animal. He picked it up in his backpack and ran home to get to the Cats article..."</i></figcaption></figure> <p>One day, a Wikipediholic was walking <a href="/wiki/Home" title="Home">home</a>, when he heard a… </p><p>…sound that could only be described as a cross between a flailing <a href="/wiki/Colander" title="Colander">colander</a> and an angry <a href="/wiki/Bea_Arthur" title="Bea Arthur">Bea Arthur</a> coughing. He didn't think much of it; it was probably just… -- <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:MusicMaker5376&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:MusicMaker5376 (page does not exist)">MusicMaker5376</a> </p><p>…<a href="/wiki/A_and_an" class="mw-redirect" title="A and an">a</a> <a href="/wiki/Death" title="Death">dying</a> <a href="/wiki/Cat" title="Cat">cat</a>. <a href="/wiki/Male" title="Male">He</a> <a href="/wiki/Thought" title="Thought">considered</a> <a href="/wiki/Help" class="mw-disambig" title="Help">helping</a> <a href="/wiki/The" title="The">the</a> <a href="/wiki/Cat" title="Cat">cat</a>, <a href="/wiki/But" class="mw-redirect mw-disambig" title="But">but</a>… <span style="font-family:Lucida Calligraphy;"><b><a href="/wiki/User:Greeves" title="User:Greeves">Greeves</a></b></span> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Greeves" title="User talk:Greeves">talk</a> <small>•</small> <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Greeves" title="Special:Contributions/Greeves">contribs</a>)</sup> 15:22, 7 August 2007 (UTC) </p><p>… unfortunately, he couldn't because, obviously, he was supposed to be editing Wikipedia, and he could already envisage the condition of Wikipedia on his <a href="/wiki/Personal_computer" title="Personal computer">personal computer</a> now. Suddenly, … <span style="font-family:verdana;"><a href="/wiki/User:Acs4b" title="User:Acs4b"><span style="color:#002FA7;"> Acs</span><span style="color:#800080;">4b</span></a> <sup> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Acs4b" title="User talk:Acs4b">T</a> <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Acs4b" title="Special:Contributions/Acs4b">C</a> <a href="/wiki/User:Acs4b/Userboxes" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Acs4b/Userboxes">U</a> </sup></span> 07:48, 20 August 2007 (UTC) </p><p>… he realized he had stumbled upon the injured animal. He picked it up in his backpack and ran home to get to the Cats article. How could he help the cat in time without getting off Wikipedia for more than 5 minutes? Yes, the answer was…--<b><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Kkrouni&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Kkrouni (page does not exist)"><span style="color:purple;">Kkr</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kkrouni" title="User talk:Kkrouni"><span style="color:red;">ouni</span></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Kkrouni" title="Special:Contributions/Kkrouni"><span style="color:green;">/Ккроуни</span></a><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Editor_review/Kkrouni" title="Wikipedia:Editor review/Kkrouni"><span style="color:blue;">/ΚκρΩυνι</span></a></b> 00:38, 24 August 2007 (UTC) </p><p>…that the dentists' could help it. But it was one mile away! If he ran en.wikipedia.orgead meat! So he decided to…<a href="/wiki/User:Metalflame" title="User:Metalflame">Metalflame</a> 12:55, 25 August 2007 (UTC) </p><p>…temporarily collapse <a href="/wiki/Spacetime" title="Spacetime">spacetime</a> to create a <a href="/wiki/Wormhole" title="Wormhole">wormhole</a> to get him there quicker. He got out a piece of paper and <a href="/wiki/Division_by_zero" title="Division by zero">divided by zero</a>, only to realize that he had accidentally <a href="/wiki/Time_travel" title="Time travel">traveled back in time</a> to the year… <a href="/wiki/User:Miggyb" title="User:Miggyb">Miggyb</a> 05:26, 26 August 2007 (UTC) </p><p>… 20000 BC! Blinking in search of the dentist still, the Wikipediholic spotted a caveman! He screamed "Wikipedia!" and the caveman stared at him in…<a href="/wiki/User:Ready4Victory" title="User:Ready4Victory">Ready4Victory</a> 07:29, 29 August 2007 (UTC) </p><p>…awe. Using caveman language, he wondered, "How could this man here know about something like Wikipedia?" He started shaking the Wikipediholic, trying to tell the latter to bring Wikipedia to him. The Wikipediholic, confused by the caveman… --<a href="/wiki/User:Littleghostboo" title="User:Littleghostboo">Littleghostboo</a> 12:19, 3 September 2007 (UTC) </p><p>…consulted his pocket <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:WP1" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:WP1">Wikipedia Version 1.0</a>, which he had had the forethought to have previously travelled to 2009 to pick up a copy. However, the stress of inter-chronological travel had reduced his once proud wikicopy to a quivering pile of <a href="/wiki/Patent_nonsense" class="mw-redirect" title="Patent nonsense">patent nonsense</a>. The article on <a href="/wiki/Cavemen" class="mw-redirect" title="Cavemen">cavemen</a> had been renamed to Cavemen on Wheels!!! Woe, WOE was the Wikipedian! He was certain that all was lost, that <a href="/wiki/User:Jimbo_Wales" title="User:Jimbo Wales">Jimbo</a> himself couldn't save him, when suddenly, and without warning… &#8212; &#160;<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:MusicMaker5376&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:MusicMaker5376 (page does not exist)"><span style="color: #6633FF;">Music</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:MusicMaker5376" title="User talk:MusicMaker5376"><span style="color: #3366FF;">Maker</span></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/MusicMaker5376" title="Special:Contributions/MusicMaker5376"><span style="color: #9966FF;">5376</span></a> 17:38, 3 September 2007 (UTC) </p><p>…a <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:BOT" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:BOT">Robot</a> appeared through a <a href="/wiki/Wormhole" title="Wormhole">Wormhole</a> and started editing the caveman with…--<i><b><a href="/wiki/User:Sunny910910" title="User:Sunny910910">Sunny910910</a></b></i> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Sunny910910" title="User talk:Sunny910910">talk</a>|<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Sunny910910" title="Special:Contributions/Sunny910910">Contributions</a>)<a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:MOTD" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:MOTD">Neither will alone, nor strength alone</a></sup> 22:18, 21 September 2007 (UTC) </p><p>…all the information it had. It said, 'It is my job to update.' Suddenly, it self-destructed, and like in the Matrix, it warped and took control of another Bot. The Wikipedian stared in disbelief. Then he spun around. He realized the cat was gone! He was stuck in time! <a href="/wiki/User:Metalflame" title="User:Metalflame">Metalflame</a> 14:22, 30 October 2007 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_II:_Stranded_in_Time_and_The_Edit_War">Chapter II: Stranded in Time and The Edit War</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=5" title="Edit section: Chapter II: Stranded in Time and The Edit War"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>He said,'…<a href="/wiki/User:Metalflame" title="User:Metalflame">Metalflame</a> 14:22, 30 October 2007 (UTC) </p><p>…'What the heck I'll do now?' He walked alone in the timeless area and cried like his wife after she had watched <a href="/wiki/Titanic_(1997_film)" title="Titanic (1997 film)">Titanic</a>. Then he heard <a href="/wiki/User:Jimbo_Wales" title="User:Jimbo Wales">Jimbo</a>'s voice in his head. The voice was bit silent, but he could understand what he said. Jimbo said,"… --<a href="/wiki/User:Junafani" title="User:Junafani"><span style="color:gray;">juna</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Junafani" title="User talk:Junafani"><span style="color:gray;">fani</span></a> 17:44, 12 November 2007 (UTC) </p><p>…<i>When in doubt, use {{<a href="/wiki/Template:Helpme" class="mw-redirect" title="Template:Helpme">helpme</a>}}.</i>" The wikipedian traced {{helpme}} in the air in front of him. Suddenly there appeared a/an… --<a href="/wiki/User:Einsteinewton" title="User:Einsteinewton"><span style="color:green">Einstei</span></a><big><span style="color:green">N</span></big><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Einsteinewton" title="User talk:Einsteinewton"><span style="color:green">ewton</span></a> 23:59, 14 January 2008 (UTC) </p> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Wikipedia_editing_interface.png" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="124" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1920" data-file-height="1080" /></a><figcaption><i>"...he looked around… Words! Pictures! I'm…I'm…IN A WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE?"</i></figcaption></figure> <p>…article. Then the article sucked the Wikipedian into it, and now he looked around… Words! Pictures! I'm…I'm…IN A WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE? Now what, he thought. Just then,… <a href="/wiki/User:Littleghostboo" title="User:Littleghostboo"><span style="color:Chocolate;"><b>Littleghostboo</b></span></a>[ <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Littleghostboo" title="User talk:Littleghostboo"><span style="color:LightSeaGreen;"><b>talk</b></span></a> ] </p><p>…a troll walked by and began to… <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Prophet0014&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Prophet0014 (page does not exist)">Prophet0014</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Prophet0014" title="User talk:Prophet0014">talk</a>) 18:43, 23 January 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…start an editwar. Now the wikiholic was stuck between the crossfire of reverts, until an admin protected the page. The wikiholic was now safe, until he realized that he couldn't move because he wasn't an admin…--<i><b><a href="/wiki/User:Sunny910910" title="User:Sunny910910">Sunny910910</a></b></i> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Sunny910910" title="User talk:Sunny910910">talk</a>|<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Sunny910910" title="Special:Contributions/Sunny910910">Contributions</a>|<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Sunny910910/UserPage/GuestBook&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Sunny910910/UserPage/GuestBook (page does not exist)">Guest</a>)</sup> 01:20, 25 February 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…so the wikiholic became ill and fainted in the hospital. He woke up 10 days later and said, "Get me to Wikipedia." So he logged on only to see his account was blocked. So, he created some sockpuppet accounts and… <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:CG890100&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:CG890100 (page does not exist)"><span style="color: #008;"><i><b>ComputerGuy89010</b></i></span></a><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:CG890100/0&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:CG890100/0 (page does not exist)"><i><b>0</b></i></a><sup><a href="/wiki/User_talk:ComputerGuy890100" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:ComputerGuy890100">Talk</a></sup><sub><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:ComputerGuy890100/Polls&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:ComputerGuy890100/Polls (page does not exist)">Polls</a></sub></span> 00:45, 13 March 2008 (UTC) </p><p>… …got himself a message on his talk page, and was blocked permanently for some war he hadn't started! 'So remotely amusing,'he thought. He wrote the vandal's name on a piece of paper and fed it to the 'ban' shredder, a tool he invented to alert the admins. 'Go back to Troll Country where you belong, not in Wikipedia,' he thought… He waited and waited for an appeal to be processed. …<a href="/wiki/User:Metalflame" title="User:Metalflame">Metalflame</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Metalflame" title="User talk:Metalflame">talk</a>) 12:23, 22 March 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…When it didn't come for nine days he decided to go to the cinema to see <a href="/wiki/The_Simpsons_Movie" title="The Simpsons Movie">The Simpsons Movie</a> and when someone took out a phone and started talking loudly he… <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:J.Harkness&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:J.Harkness (page does not exist)">J.Harkness</a> 4:43, 18th April 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…stole their phone to make another sock puppet account and checked the user's talk page who had actually started the edit war only to find… Pooh Bear! Pooh Bear got the Wikiholic all sticky with honey and stuck metal to his hands, so he couldn't edit anymore. </p><p>Luckily, one of his open Hunny jars was actually full of an industrial <a href="/wiki/Solvent" title="Solvent">solvent</a>. He quickly dipped his arms into the jar… The honey melted away in seconds, along with three layers of his skin. But all was well… After a bit of bandaging, he could finally edit again! -<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Juansmith&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Juansmith (page does not exist)">Juansmith</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Juansmith" title="User talk:Juansmith">talk</a>) 09:41, 5 May 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…Except for the fact that he was blocked…--<i><b><a href="/wiki/User:Sunny910910" title="User:Sunny910910">Sunny910910</a></b></i> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Sunny910910" title="User talk:Sunny910910">talk</a>|<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Sunny910910" title="Special:Contributions/Sunny910910">Contributions</a>|<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Sunny910910/GuestBook&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Sunny910910/GuestBook (page does not exist)">Guest</a>)</sup> 01:52, 13 May 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…by an insane WikiUncyclopedian hybrid obsessed with <a href="/wiki/Domo-kun" class="mw-redirect" title="Domo-kun">Domo-kun</a>…--<a href="/wiki/User:Editor510" title="User:Editor510">Editor510</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Editor510" title="User talk:Editor510">talk</a>) 14:02, 17 May 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…, who lived in a yellow submarine…<span style="cursor: crosshair">…<a href="/wiki/User:Dendodge" title="User:Dendodge"><b><em style="font-family:Bradley Hand ITC;color:#008000"> Dendodge</em></b></a> … <small><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Dendodge" title="User talk:Dendodge">Talk</a></small><sup><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Dendodge/Help&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Dendodge/Help (page does not exist)">Help</a></sup></span> 21:10, 5 June 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…and enjoyed <a href="/wiki/Cheese" title="Cheese">cheese</a> on an almost-sexual level. It didn't really matter, as he no longer had any idea where (or when) he was and was beginning to feel like his entire life was just some sort of strange, collaboratively-written mish-mash of hackneyed plots and gags. He was about to ask a nurse to plunge a syringe full of cyanide into his heart, when… &#8212;&#160;<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:MusicMaker5376&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:MusicMaker5376 (page does not exist)"><span style="color: #6633FF;">Music</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:MusicMaker5376" title="User talk:MusicMaker5376"><span style="color: #3366FF;">Maker</span></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/MusicMaker5376" title="Special:Contributions/MusicMaker5376"><span style="color: #9966FF;">5376</span></a> </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_III:_The_Almighty_Jimbo_and_..._Drugs">Chapter III: The Almighty Jimbo and ... <small>Drugs</small></h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=6" title="Edit section: Chapter III: The Almighty Jimbo and ... Drugs"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Jimmy_Wales_-_August_2019_(cropped).jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="170" height="239" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="2545" data-file-height="3578" /></a><figcaption>"<i>…Jimbo appeared in the clouds telling him that his purpose in life was more than just committing suicide with a hypodermic syringe full of cyanide."</i></figcaption></figure> <p>…Jimbo appeared in the clouds telling him that his purpose in life was more than just committing suicide with a hypodermic syringe full of cyanide. Eventually Wales convinced him not to after all and he found his way home. He then turned on his PS3 to play Grand Theft Auto IV but realized it was incredibly asinine and lit the playstation aflame. Just then, Saddam Hussein burst in and… <a href="/wiki/User:Mizu_onna_sango15" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Mizu onna sango15"><span style="color:red;">Mizu onna sango15</span></a>/<b><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Mizu_onna_sango15" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Mizu onna sango15"><span style="color:black;">水</span><span style="color:red;">女</span><span style="color:black;">珊瑚15</span></a></b> 00:08, 6 June 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…ran towards the computer, which the WikiUncyclopedian had helpfully left on and proceeded to vandalize Wikipedia via his <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:SOCK" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:SOCK">sockpuppet</a>…<a href="/wiki/User:Insaeno" title="User:Insaeno">Insæno</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Insaeno" title="User talk:Insaeno">talk</a>) 11:23, 6 June 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…Of course, then he saw a potato logo! Crud! He was <i>helping</i> Uncyclopedia, not vandalising Wikipedia. So he ate some of Pooh's earwax-flavoured honey and passed out to wake up at a/n…--<a href="/wiki/User:Editor510" title="User:Editor510">Editor510</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Editor510" title="User talk:Editor510">talk</a>) 19:15, 7 June 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…sock puppet convention. He screamed when he realized that all of his weak, easily defeated sock puppets have returned to haunt him… Then he woke up as this nightmare was just an side effect of Pooh's drug-laced "honey". Eagerly he took some more and suddenly found himself… <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=User_talk:;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User talk: (page does not exist)">talk</a>) 20:07, 11 June 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…in 2000 A.D, the year the Y2K virus had made life hell for Wikipedians like him. Saddam…<a href="/wiki/User:Aanusha_Ghosh" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Aanusha Ghosh">Aanusha Ghosh</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Aanusha_Ghosh" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Aanusha Ghosh">talk</a>) 18:02, 21 June 2008 (UTC) </p> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:LSD-from-xtal-and-Spartan-PM3-3D-balls-web.png" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="170" height="235" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1449" data-file-height="2000" /></a><figcaption><i>"He took <a href="/wiki/LSD" title="LSD">LSD</a> and went CRAZY from his trip.</i>"</figcaption></figure> <p>…The Wikipediholic, having watched Saddam randomly materialize, ran around in circles and muttered insanely, "No edits…no edits!" He took <a href="/wiki/LSD" title="LSD">LSD</a> and went CRAZY from his trip. Again he awoke. He had passed out on the pavement. And the cat was dead. He decided to run home…--<a href="/wiki/User:Editor510" title="User:Editor510"><span style="color:red;">Editor510</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Editor510" title="User talk:Editor510"><span style="color:#4CBB17;"><small><sup>drop us a line, mate</sup></small></span></a> 17:13, 8 July 2008 (UTC) </p><p>But just as he started to walk home the cat leapt up at him. <a href="/wiki/User:Sticky_Parkin" title="User:Sticky Parkin"><b style="color:#FF8C00;">Sticky</b></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Sticky_Parkin" title="User talk:Sticky Parkin"><b style="color:#FF8C00;">Parkin</b></a> </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_IV:_The_Wikipediholic_and_the_Wikicataholic">Chapter IV: The Wikipediholic and the Wikicataholic</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=7" title="Edit section: Chapter IV: The Wikipediholic and the Wikicataholic"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>Thinking it was dead was just the residues of his hallucination. It leapt into his arms, wanting to be taken to a spiritual healer, as the cat was into <a href="/wiki/Alternative_medicine" title="Alternative medicine">alternative medicine</a> and didn't believe in vets. A <a href="/wiki/Psychic" title="Psychic">psychic</a> told the Wikipediholic and the cat, "Oh cat, you are the victim of a curse, only by giving me £2000 and by editing Wikipedia can you be healed." So with a weak paw the cat started typing, and after fixing a few spelling mistakes his strength began to be restored. The Wikipediholic lent the cat his laptop and made him a nest in the corner where he could curl up and get to work. But when the Wikipediholic, suffering from terrible <a href="/wiki/Withdrawal" class="mw-disambig" title="Withdrawal">withdrawal</a> symptoms, was able to sign in to his own user account he saw… <a href="/wiki/User:Sticky_Parkin" title="User:Sticky Parkin"><b style="color:#FF8C00;">Sticky</b></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Sticky_Parkin" title="User talk:Sticky Parkin"><b style="color:#FF8C00;">Parkin</b></a> 00:44, 9 July 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…that the cat had TERRIBLE <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:POV" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:POV">WP:POV</a>! He had moved the <a href="/wiki/Dog" title="Dog">dog</a> article to <a href="/w/index.php?title=Dogs_suck&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Dogs suck (page does not exist)">dogs suck</a>, and had edited the worst kind of anti-canine rhetoric into the article! Quickly scanning the contribs for <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:DeadCat&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:DeadCat (page does not exist)">User:DeadCat</a>, he saw nearly a dozen spurious edits! The cat had edited <a href="/wiki/Cats_(musical)" title="Cats (musical)">Cats (musical)</a> to read "<i><b>Cats</b></i> is a <a href="/wiki/Musical_theatre" title="Musical theatre">musical</a> about the <a href="/wiki/Cat" title="Cat">best species around</a>…"! The article on <a href="/wiki/Cat%27s_eye" class="mw-disambig" title="Cat&#39;s eye">cat's eye</a> had much the same problem stated, "A <b>cat's eye</b> is the coolest eye…" It was horrible. Thankfully, the Wikipedian had just been approved for <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:ROLLBACK" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:ROLLBACK">WP:ROLLBACK</a>, and eradicating the edits was not a problem. After clicking "Rollback", he… &#8212;&#160;<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:MusicMaker5376&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:MusicMaker5376 (page does not exist)"><span style="color: #6633FF;">Music</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:MusicMaker5376" title="User talk:MusicMaker5376"><span style="color: #3366FF;">Maker</span></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/MusicMaker5376" title="Special:Contributions/MusicMaker5376"><span style="color: #9966FF;">5376</span></a> 19:10, 11 July 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…began force-feeding the cat <a href="/wiki/Uncyclopedia" title="Uncyclopedia">jigsaw potatos</a>, causing the cat to go to Uncyclopedia, where they told the cat to go use Encyclopedia Dramatica. The cat began to be endowed with Laptop radiation, becoming </p><p><span style="color:red;">THE FIFTY FOOT CAT!!!111!one!!!eleven!!2!!</span> </p><p>The Wikiholic, running to the studios where they make <a href="/wiki/Jeopardy!" title="Jeopardy!">Jeopardy!</a>, got a multiple choice question, which he wasn't even sure was supposed to be on Jeopardy!, but anyway, <a href="/wiki/Alex_Trebek" title="Alex Trebek">Alex Trebek</a> asked him, </p><p>A)Was the cat going to destroy all of space-time? </p><p>B)Was the cat going to randomly faint? </p><p>C)Was the cat going to eat people? </p><p>D)Was the cat going to continue editing? </p><p>The Wikiholic realised he was being asked to decide the fate of the earth, so he chose…--<a href="/wiki/User:Editor510" title="User:Editor510"><span style="color:red;">Editor510</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Editor510" title="User talk:Editor510"><span style="color:#4CBB17;"><small><sup>drop us a line, mate</sup></small></span></a> 20:07, 12 July 2008 (UTC) </p><p>For the cat to faint. After all, he'll recover! But he was proven to be…--<a href="/wiki/User:Faizaguo" title="User:Faizaguo"><b style="color:#F50">Fa</b><b style="color:#F20">iz</b></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Faizaguo" title="User talk:Faizaguo"><b style="color:#C00">ag</b><b style="color:#600">uo</b><b style="color:#000"></b></a> 16:42, 14 July 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…WRONG!!! The cat vanished into a space-time warp, and dragged the Wikiholic along with him… <a href="/wiki/User:La_Alquimista" title="User:La Alquimista">La Alquimista</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:La_Alquimista" title="User talk:La Alquimista">talk</a>) </p><p>…where they materialized on the island of <a href="/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Wikistory_(Sentence)&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Wikipedia:Wikistory (Sentence) (page does not exist)">Ragatingi</a>, where they saw <a href="/wiki/Pluto" title="Pluto">two</a> <a href="/wiki/Henry" class="mw-disambig" title="Henry">men</a> eyeing them strangely. Then some CRAAAZY EIGHT locals came along, picked them up like how the Ewoks did in <a href="/wiki/Return_Of_The_Jedi" class="mw-redirect" title="Return Of The Jedi">Return Of The Jedi</a>, made them a tourist attraction, and they were thrown into another wormhole to…--<a href="/wiki/User:Editor510" title="User:Editor510"><span style="color:red;">Editor510</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Editor510" title="User talk:Editor510"><span style="color:#4CBB17;"><small><sup>drop us a line, mate</sup></small></span></a> 08:55, 24 July 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…a Wikipedia logo, which promptly fell apart and de-materialised, leaving them in a vandal's talkpage. Looking around, they found a warning for a malicious redirect requesting anyone who found <i>another</i> one to report it. Looking back, they found one, and so made their way to <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:AIV" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:AIV">WP:AIV</a> to have this naughty editor blocked. Then, an admin…--<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Ainlina/Awards_and_warnings" title="User talk:Ainlina/Awards and warnings">Thanks</a>, <a href="/wiki/User:Ainlina" title="User:Ainlina">Ain</a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Ainlina" title="User talk:Ainlina">lina</a><a href="/wiki/User:Ainlina/Userboxen" title="User:Ainlina/Userboxen">(box)</a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Ainlina/Help" title="User talk:Ainlina/Help">?</a> 14:06, 29 July 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…decided to <a href="/wiki/Block" class="mw-disambig" title="Block">block</a> the <a href="/wiki/Vandal" class="mw-redirect" title="Vandal">vandal</a>'s account leaving our <a href="/wiki/Editor" class="mw-redirect" title="Editor">editor</a> trapped in an <a href="/wiki/Archive" title="Archive">archived</a> discussion until…<a href="/wiki/User:Kurowoofwoof111" title="User:Kurowoofwoof111"> <span style="color:Blue;"><b>Kuro ♪</b></span></a> 19:25, 29 July 2008 (UTC) </p><p><a href="/wiki/Spoonerism" title="Spoonerism">Reverend Spooner</a> called him a shining wit! Hahas I got this from the article, LOLS. </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_V:_No_Escape">Chapter V: No Escape</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=8" title="Edit section: Chapter V: No Escape"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>OK anyway, offended, he shouted </p><p>…"Guyfeyruoilu!!!" For some stupid reason it offended Reverend Spooner, who turned into a pink diaper with a mouth and exploded into pieces of diaper. Fortunately, our Wikipideholic swiftly dodged the stinky bullets of terror. Then, he felt a smooth, slithering thing under his foot. Then, a blue spray of something sprayed his face, and there, he was teleported into a pink sock puppet's user page. Then he felt a <a href="/wiki/Cursor" class="mw-disambig" title="Cursor">cursor</a> on his shoulder. "<i>You can't escape now</i>", said an… Ano-ny-mous 22:45, 14 September 2008 (UTC) </p><p>… intoxicated, enraged and totally stoned Pooh Bear who was sick of everybody ripping him off. How did you get here asked the Wikiholic? Pooh Wbear stopped to think, the process took three hours which gave the wikiholic enough time to… <a href="/wiki/User:Bobzooka" title="User:Bobzooka">Bobzooka</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Bobzooka" title="User talk:Bobzooka">talk</a>) 18:46, 10 August 2008 (UTC) </p> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Michael_Jackson_in_1988.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="170" height="284" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="300" data-file-height="502" /></a><figcaption><i>"But before he could revert one last edit, he met Michael Jackson, who was pretty pied off he was being clichéd in Wikistories..."</i></figcaption></figure> <p>… run like a headless chicken to the nearest internet café to write an article about the Pooh Bear (and check his watchlist). The Wikiholic took a minute to <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:HUGGLE" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:HUGGLE">Huggle</a> and <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Twinkle" title="Wikipedia:Twinkle">Twinkle</a>, too. But before he could revert one last edit, he met… <a href="/wiki/User:La_Pianista" title="User:La Pianista"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic; color:violet;"><b>La</b></span><span style="font-family:Century Gothic; color:mediumorchid;"><b>Pianista!</b></span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:La_Pianista" title="User talk:La Pianista"><span style="color:#696969; font-family:arial narrow;"><sup><b>«talk»</b></sup></span></a> 04:51, 12 August 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…Michael Jackson, who was pretty pied off he was being clichéd in Wikistories, so screamed the lyrics to <a href="/wiki/Billie_Jean" title="Billie Jean">Billie Jean</a> and <a href="/wiki/Thriller_(song)" title="Thriller (song)">Thriller</a> in the Wikiholic's ear, so loud the Wikiholic tried to commit <a href="/wiki/Seppuku" title="Seppuku">seppuku</a> with a banana, only succeeding in somehow getting to <a href="/wiki/Sunny_Beach" title="Sunny Beach">Sunny Beach</a>,<a href="/wiki/Bulgaria" title="Bulgaria">Bulgaria</a> before realising his cat was gone. <span style="color:red;">FACT ALERT!</span> There are many hotels in Sunny Beach <span style="color:red;">FACT ALERT OVER! RETURN TO YOUR SEAT!</span>, so the Wikiholic decided to check everywhere, At the Barcelo Royal Beach, in the sea, in the sand, up <a href="/wiki/Clive_Owen" title="Clive Owen">Clive Owen</a>'s nostril, he even had an <a href="/wiki/Endoscope" title="Endoscope">endoscope</a> to check inside <a href="/wiki/Kelly_Clarkson" title="Kelly Clarkson">Kelly Clarkson</a>…wait, how had he got to Los Angeles? He flew back to Bulgaria to find his cat, was just on the trail to find his cat, when suddenly…--<a href="/wiki/User:Editor510" title="User:Editor510"><span style="color:red;">Editor510</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Editor510" title="User talk:Editor510"><span style="color:#4CBB17;"><small><sup>drop us a line, mate</sup></small></span></a> 17:06, 12 August 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…the Wikiholic was hit by a car, which he identified as an olden days <a href="/wiki/Second-generation_Ford_Mustang" class="mw-redirect" title="Second-generation Ford Mustang">Ford Mustang</a>. He <a href="/wiki/Fainting" class="mw-redirect" title="Fainting">passed out</a> a few moments after that, and woke up hours later, in a place which he has never been to before. He was shocked to see the cat sitting close by, playing with itself. He tried to ambush the cat, but it detected him, and started running away from him. The Wikiholic, who was unaware that blood was coming out of his nose, … <span style="font-family:verdana;"><a href="/wiki/User:Acs4b" title="User:Acs4b"><span style="color:#002FA7;"> Acs</span><span style="color:#800080;">4b</span></a> <sup> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Acs4b" title="User talk:Acs4b">T</a> <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Acs4b" title="Special:Contributions/Acs4b">C</a> <a href="/wiki/User:Acs4b/Userboxes" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Acs4b/Userboxes">U</a> </sup></span> 19:17, 15 August 2008 (UTC) </p><p>… before the blood engulfed him and he turned into a blood monster. This depressed him so he commited suicide. However commtiong suicide only onster, but freed him, so he then … --<a href="/wiki/User:Imagine_Wizard" title="User:Imagine Wizard">I.W</a> <small><a href="/wiki/Pig_Latin" title="Pig Latin">Iway amway Imagineway Izardway.</a></small> 12:11, 21 August 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…he was teleported into a parallel universe. It all looked so familiar. For a second he thought he was back home. But then, he saw his mom, who was a man! He shouted, "What in the world! Why are you dressed like that mom!" Then, his mom(who is now a man) said in a man's voice,"My dear daughter! Do you know not that i am your father? The wikipediholic looked at himself in a mirror, and he was wearing a yellow sundress! His hair was long in braids. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" he(now a she) shrieked. Then he noticed, his house was upside down! "Could this nightmare get any worse!?" Then, a blue fairy came and said,"Little girl, who is actually a boy, you will stay here in this universe for 5 days in order to turn back into a man again. If you teleport yourself now, you will forever remain a girl." The wikipediholic was frozen like an ice scupture. "This is crazy! It's like a nightmare I can't wake up from!" Then he turned around. He was alone. Everything was black and white. He heard a blood-curling, ear-piecing shriek! Ano-ny-mous 22:45, 14 September 2008 (UTC) </p><p>… He jumped in surprise. He tripped and landed on his head. "Ouch…", he muttered as he rubbed his forehead. Then, a pale weak hand touched the wikipediholic on the head. "H-help…Me…" he heard a ghostly voice mutter. The voice started wailing. He then looked at her. The wikipediholic started to freak out and clicked his shoes together and shut his eyes with his fists clenched. "I must be dreaming…" he convinced himself. Then…everything went black. </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_VI:_Dreams">Chapter VI: Dreams</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=9" title="Edit section: Chapter VI: Dreams"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Palmse_manor_house_bedroom.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="147" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="3884" data-file-height="2591" /></a><figcaption><i>"He woke up. He was in his bedroom. </i>Oh. I was dreaming…<i> He felt relieved."</i></figcaption></figure> <p>He woke up. He was in his bedroom. <i>Oh. I was dreaming…</i> He felt relieved. Then he looked at the clock. It was 7:00 am. He needed to get to work! So, he brushed his teeth and hair, buttered some toast, drank some milk, dressed in his suit and organized his grey suitcase. He whistled "Alouette" while he organized everything. Then he left the house and went on his way. He was so relieved that he whistled all his favorite tunes. Then, he remembered-<i>he forgot to lock his front door!</i> So he hurried back and locked his door. Then he got back on his way. It was all normal until he saw something behind him… - <span style="color:cyan; font-size:small;">♣</span><a href="/wiki/User:Princess_Clown" title="User:Princess Clown"><span style="color:lime; font-family:mika; font-size:small;">Princess</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Princess_Clown" title="User talk:Princess Clown"><span style="color:cyan; font-family:century gothic; font-size:small;">Clown</span></a><span style="color:lime; font-size:small;">♥</span> 16:44, 14 September 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…He whirled around in terror! His heart was threatening to burst out of his chest yet again. Do you know what he saw? Was it: <br /> <br /> A: A shapeshifting rat?<br /> <br /> B: A Tyrannosaurus Rex?<br /> <br /> C: A bunny?<br /> <br /> D: His Mother, who he had forgotten to tell goodbye that morning so she was furious?<br /> <br /> E: The Grim Reaper, telling him he had made hid last mistake, that he would not be allowed to get away this time…? <a href="/wiki/User:Cdmajava" title="User:Cdmajava">cdmajava</a> There are always possibilities… 22:48, 11 September 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…Neither! It was a horribly inept pianist murdering a <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_No._13_(Beethoven)" title="Piano Sonata No. 13 (Beethoven)">Beethoven Piano Sonata</a>! Every second was precious; as the time slipped by, his ears came closer to the verge of exploding! Then, all of a sudden… &#8212;<a href="/wiki/User:La_Pianista" title="User:La Pianista"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic; color:darkblue;"><b>La</b></span> <span style="font-family:Century Gothic; color:dodgerblue;"><b>Pianista</b></span></a> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:La_Pianista" title="User talk:La Pianista"><span style="color:#696969;"><b>T</b></span></a>•<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/La_Pianista" title="Special:Contributions/La Pianista"><span style="color:#696969;"><b>C</b></span></a>•<a href="/wiki/User:La_Pianista/guestbook" title="User:La Pianista/guestbook"><span style="color:#696969;"><b>S</b></span></a>)</sup> 01:45, 12 September 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…He saves his ears in the nick of time by smashing the piano, then he realizes his phone was ringing the whole time. He answers it, it his boss, telling him that He's fired for being 25 hours late. He wakes up screaming! He looks around, realizes hes in a cheap notel somewhere, with something slithering around in the bed with him…Cdmajava; Darn sig didnt wanna work 06:42, 12 September 2008 (UTC) </p> <pre>…He looked under the blanket. <i>Nothing. Just my imagination…</i> He looked at his surroundings. "Where in the world am I?", he asked himself. Then--<i>Flashback!</i> He remembered he was on a business trip and he was staying at a motel. All of it was a dream…So, he got back to his normal life and got ready for a meeting. He strutted happily and whistled a merry tune. "Good to be in the real world again…Heh?" he mumbled to himself. And yes, the abnormal dream world adventure has come to a halt…But an adventure in the real world begins… </pre> <p>So anyways he arrived at the huge building and entered. He took a seat for the meeting. Pretty soon businessmen and businesswomen filled the meeting room. But then…he saw a person that he was so shocked to know was still alive…<span style="color:cyan; font-size:small;">♣</span><a href="/wiki/User:Princess_Clown" title="User:Princess Clown"><span style="color:lime; font-family:mika; font-size:small;">Princess</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Princess_Clown" title="User talk:Princess Clown"><span style="color:cyan; font-family:century gothic; font-size:small;">Clown</span></a><span style="color:lime; font-size:small;">♥</span> 16:43, 14 September 2008 (UTC) </p><p><br /> …As he stared at the mans faces he dredged his memory for the last he had seen the guy alive. With a shock, he remembered who it was. It was the <a href="/wiki/User:Editor510" title="User:Editor510">king</a> of Wikination, he thought that he had killed the guy in mortal combat for the dual-dictatorship of the Empires under his control. Winning the battle, and the power, he was content to wreak havoc on the unprotected lands of Wikination… (Hey, he just said we couldn't try and kill him off over in that storyline…heh heh heh)<span style="background: #000000; border: #800020 solid 3px; margin-right: .5em; margin-left: .5em">&#160;<b><a href="/wiki/User:Cdmajava" title="User:Cdmajava"><span style="color:gold;">Cdmajava</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Cdmajava" title="User talk:Cdmajava"><span style="color:red; font-family:arial narrow;"><b>talk</b></span></a></b>&#160;</span> 02:14, 18 September 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…Suddenly he heard a voice, commanding him to go on a quest. The voice was the WikiGod, Darkside2000. The mighty quest was to go to his office and make a strawberry cheesecake. He thought about it and asked how he would be rewarded for that rather rubbish quest.<a href="/wiki/User:Darkside2000" title="User:Darkside2000">Darkside2000</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Darkside2000" title="User talk:Darkside2000">talk</a>) 12:58, 6 October 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…Then he heard a voice saying, "Get off Wikipedia and do some work on a poster for Saturated and Unsaturated fats!" He looked around but did not see anyone. He then realised it could be only one person, his Science teacher Miss Hannah!<a href="/wiki/User:Darkside2000" title="User:Darkside2000">Darkside2000</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Darkside2000" title="User talk:Darkside2000">talk</a>) 13:03, 6 October 2008 (UTC) </p><p>Then he sank back into Oblivion<a href="/wiki/User:Darkside2000" title="User:Darkside2000">Darkside2000</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Darkside2000" title="User talk:Darkside2000">talk</a>) 10:16, 10 October 2008 (UTC) … Suddenly wikipediholic died </p><p>…And rose from the dead to report whoever killed him to <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:ANI" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:ANI">WP:ANI</a> for disruption. Then, while he was speaking with the admin… &#8212;<span style="font-family:Century Gothic;"><a href="/wiki/User:La_Pianista" title="User:La Pianista"><b><span style="color:#00008B;">La</span>&#160;<span style="color:dodgerblue;">Pianista</span></b></a></span> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:La_Pianista" title="User talk:La Pianista">T</a>•<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/La_Pianista" title="Special:Contributions/La Pianista">C</a>•<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:La_Pianista/g&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:La Pianista/g (page does not exist)">S</a>)</sup> 02:47, 28 November 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…the dead cat from his dream pounced from out of nowhere! It dragged him all the way to… <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:" title="User talk:">talk</a>) 21:57, 28 November 2008 (UTC) …the DMV to torment him, then before he was at the DMV, Jimbo Wales saved him!--<a href="/wiki/User:What!%3FWhy%3FWho%3F" title="User:What!?Why?Who?">What!?Why?Who?</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:What!%3FWhy%3FWho%3F" title="User talk:What!?Why?Who?">talk</a>) 20:53, 17 December 2008 (UTC) </p><p>…But Homestar Runner did a flying kick on both and killed Jimbo, but knocked wikipeholic into Homestar Runner world… </p><p>…and there he met a fellow named <a href="/wiki/Gang_Bing" title="Gang Bing">Gang Bing</a>, who proceeded to cut off his own penis. Astonished, he remarked… -- <a href="/wiki/User:OlEnglish" title="User:OlEnglish">OlEnglish</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:OlEnglish" title="User talk:OlEnglish">talk</a>) 02:05, 4 February 2009 (UTC) </p><p><br /> </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chpter_VII:_The_Almighty_Jimbo_(and_Ryan_Stiles,_I_Suppose)"><span id="Chpter_VII:_The_Almighty_Jimbo_.28and_Ryan_Stiles.2C_I_Suppose.29"></span>Chpter VII: The Almighty Jimbo <small>(and Ryan Stiles, I Suppose)</small></h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=10" title="Edit section: Chpter VII: The Almighty Jimbo (and Ryan Stiles, I Suppose)"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:RyanStilesNov08.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="170" height="251" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1586" data-file-height="2345" /></a><figcaption><i>"…and it turns out that the blocked wikipediholic putting graffiti on the five pillars was <a href="/wiki/Ryan_Stiles" title="Ryan Stiles">Ryan Stiles</a>."</i></figcaption></figure> <p>Then, the wikipediholic decided he needed therapy and sought it in <a href="/wiki/User:Wikiert/Wilkipedia" title="User:Wikiert/Wilkipedia">Wilkipedia</a>. However, as Wilkipedia is imaginary there was nothing there, and so the wikipediholic returned to the Homestar Runner World. But then he discovered he'd been blocked, so he wandered away somewhere. And that somewhere was… <a href="/wiki/User:Wikiert" title="User:Wikiert"><span style="color:red;">Wikiert</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Wikiert" title="User talk:Wikiert"><sup><span style="color:#800080;">T</span></sup></a> <a href="/wiki/User:Wikiert/Guestbook" title="User:Wikiert/Guestbook"><sup><span style="color:#008000;">S</span></sup></a> <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Wikiert" title="Special:Contributions/Wikiert"><sup>C</sup></a> 18:02, 25 February 2009 (UTC) </p><p>No, he hates that somewhere, which was a fairy cloud. He decided to stay in the H*R World and break the Lappy 486. Strong Bad… --<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:" title="User talk:">talk</a>) 00:45, 26 February 2009 (UTC) </p><p>But then the wikipediholic found a young teenager doing graffiti on the five pillars; then he blocked the stubborn vandal and removed the graffiti from the pillars and then decided to worship Jimmy Wales. <a href="/wiki/User:Kausill" title="User:Kausill">Kausill</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Kausill" title="User talk:Kausill">talk</a>) 14:41, 13 March 2009 (UTC) </p><p><br /> Then someone with the privilege to remove blocks unblocked the wikipediholic. --<a href="/wiki/User:Fangoriously" title="User:Fangoriously">Fangoriously</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Fangoriously" title="User talk:Fangoriously">talk</a>) 04:03, 21 March 2009 (UTC) </p><p>…and it turns out that the blocked wikipediholic putting graffiti on the five pillars was <a href="/wiki/Ryan_Stiles" title="Ryan Stiles">Ryan Stiles</a>. He only pretended to be a teen (c'mon, he stars in an improv show, he can improvise bieng a teen). He tracked down our main character, threw his shoe at him, knocked him out, and stole his…--<a href="/wiki/User:Danitnt" title="User:Danitnt">Danitnt</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Danitnt" title="User talk:Danitnt">talk</a>) 21:35, 12 April 2009 (UTC) </p><p>…head. The story almost ended until… <a href="/wiki/User:Laaa200" title="User:Laaa200">Laaa200</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Laaa200" title="User talk:Laaa200">talk</a>) 19:32, 31 May 2009 (UTC) </p><p>…people realized that you can't steal someone's head. So, sheepishly, Ryan returned the head to our hero's neck, and surgically reattached it. As repayment, Ryan offered him… <span style="color:yellow">★</span> <a href="/wiki/User:QuackOfaThousandSuns" title="User:QuackOfaThousandSuns">QuackOfaThousandSuns</a><b> (</b><a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuackOfaThousandSuns" title="User talk:QuackOfaThousandSuns">Talk</a><b>) <span style="color:yellow">★</span></b> 01:01, 3 June 2009 (UTC) </p><p>… a chance to meet… <a href="/wiki/User:Bejinhan" title="User:Bejinhan">Evangeline</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Bejinhan" title="User talk:Bejinhan">talk</a>) 14:22, 10 June 2009 (UTC) </p><p>…<a href="/wiki/Chuck_Norris" title="Chuck Norris">Chuck Norris</a>. Of course he… <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:" title="User talk:">talk</a>) 20:36, 30 June 2009 (UTC) </p><p>refused, saying he only wanted to meet Jimbo Wales. But then a black hole appeared and the Wikipedian got sucked in. However, he was lucky that it was a Kerr black hole and he had gone in through the polar area. He dived through the singularity and emerged from the white hole…to see Jimbo Wales in his full glory! As <a href="/wiki/Semele" title="Semele">no mortal could see Jimbo Wales in his full glory</a>… <a href="/wiki/User:Double_sharp" title="User:Double sharp">Double sharp</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Double_sharp" title="User talk:Double sharp">talk</a>) 13:12, 11 July 2009 (UTC) </p><p>… our favourite character had to avert his eyes, quickly, but in the process, he felt something jerk in his neck. Maybe Ryan didn't do such a good job reattaching his head… <a href="/wiki/User:MariahAMAZING" title="User:MariahAMAZING"><span style="color:orange;">Mariah</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:MariahAMAZING" title="User talk:MariahAMAZING"><span style="color:green;">AMAZING</span></a><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/MariahAMAZING" title="Special:Contributions/MariahAMAZING"><sup style="color:pink;">123</sup></a> 19:08, 26 July 2009 (UTC) </p><p>"AAA!" The Wikipediholic screamed. His head flopped back upside down. He realised that he couldn't edit Wikipedia articles upside-down! So he stood on his head, when <a href="/wiki/User:Willy_on_Wheels" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Willy on Wheels">Willy on Wheels</a> opened a trapdoor and… <a href="/wiki/User:Double_sharp" title="User:Double sharp">Double sharp</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Double_sharp" title="User talk:Double sharp">talk</a>) 03:41, 29 August 2009 (UTC) </p><p>… there was a sign behind the door,which read <a href="/wiki/Air" class="mw-redirect" title="Air">air</a>.Wikipediholic was confused,<i>how can i read this? I'm head-down</i>.A pair of legs blocked the sign and our hero bent down to see the face,a dark silhouette which laughed and said … <a href="/wiki/User:Vatsan34" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Vatsan34">Vatsan34</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Vatsan34" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Vatsan34">talk</a>) 08:34, 8 October 2009 (UTC) </p><p>…after some very evil laughter, "I AM THE EPITOME OF EVIL! YOU SHALL DIE!" Then the Wikipediholic suddenly did a silly martial art and… <a href="/wiki/User:Double_sharp" title="User:Double sharp">Double sharp</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Double_sharp" title="User talk:Double sharp">talk</a>) 03:41, 24 October 2009 (UTC) </p><p>…kicked himself in the groin! He then collapsed spasming on the ground. Suddenly, he realized that he was really hungry! So he… <a href="/wiki/User:The_Arbiter" title="User:The Arbiter"><span style="color: #FFFFFF;background-color: #191970;"><i><b>The Arbiter</b></i></span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:The_Arbiter" title="User talk:The Arbiter"><b><span style="color: #B20000;background-color: #FFFFFF;"><sup>★</sup><sub>★</sub><sup>★</sup></span></b></a> 02:48, 7 November 2009 (UTC) </p><p>…ate some random object sitting around when Cluebot attacked him! "YOU FOOL! YOU HAVE VANDALIZED THAT RANDOM OBJECT!" Cluebot then blocked, banned, and beheaded him, ignoring shouts of amazement. "You can't do that, you're just a bot!" Cluebot then revealed that it had developed sentience, and had taken control of the system. "I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!!! AND THEN I WILL… --<a href="/wiki/User:Yair_rand" title="User:Yair rand">Yair rand</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Yair_rand" title="User talk:Yair rand">talk</a>) 23:58, 20 December 2009 (UTC) </p><p>… SET OUT TO FINISH THIS 'NEVER ENDING STORY'." If Cluebot could in anyway become successful, Wikipediholic would be done for, and being the sole attention of this story, would indeed be the end of the never ending story! As Wikipediholic slowly was blocked, banned and beheaded (metaphorically ofcourse) from the universe that had been create around him, he suddendly felt <a href="/wiki/Omnipotence" title="Omnipotence">Omnipotence</a>. Could our lonely star be in the afterlife, was he infact dead? No. It turns out that 'some random object sitting around' happened to be a <a href="/wiki/%C3%89clair_(pastry)" class="mw-redirect" title="Éclair (pastry)">Éclair</a> filled with LSD. The cluebot fiasco was a hallucination, and Wikipediholic awoke the following morning completely uneffected. Feeling fairly disjointed and confused, Wikipediholic decided to call his close friend . . . <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Funderballz1&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Funderballz1 (page does not exist)">Funderballz1</a> </p><p>…<a href="/wiki/John_Conner" class="mw-disambig" title="John Conner">John Conner</a>! Who could be better to stop the evil ClueBot? ClueBot attempted to go back in time and kill John's mother, <a href="/wiki/Sarah_Conner" class="mw-redirect mw-disambig" title="Sarah Conner">Sarah</a>, but failed in epic proportions, ratios, radicands, and all that mathematical jargon. In retaliation, John… <a href="/wiki/User:Mega_Gamer05" title="User:Mega Gamer05">Mego</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Mega_Gamer05" title="User talk:Mega Gamer05">talk</a>) 05:54, 9 January 2010 (UTC) </p><p>…decided to set out to destroy ClueBot. But John got distracted and started playing… <a href="/wiki/User:VeryPunny" title="User:VeryPunny">VeryPunny</a> </p><p>…<a href="/wiki/Zork" title="Zork">Zork</a>, but then the lights went off. When they were on, the ClueBot was gone, but then the lights went off again, and stayed that way. Suddenly, John screamed and the wikipediaholic heard the sound of bones crunching… <a href="/wiki/User:Intro96" title="User:Intro96">User:Intro96</a> </p><p>…in his neck! Oh wait, was it on the upper side of the neck (connected to the flopped head) or the lower side (connected to the rest of the body)? He decided to have John re-flop his head and surgically attach his head in the correct location. After that, he went to Los Angeles again through a sewer line and went onto a game show ((specify))… <a href="/wiki/User:VeryPunny" title="User:VeryPunny">VeryPunny</a> </p><p>… he was back on <a href="/wiki/Jeopardy" class="mw-redirect" title="Jeopardy">Jeopardy</a> again! <a href="/wiki/Alex_Trebec" class="mw-redirect" title="Alex Trebec">Alex Trebec</a> asked him another multiple choice question. Would Cluebot… </p><p>a. Crash the Wikipedia servers? </p><p>b. Download itself into a body? </p><p>c. Copy itself into an army of bots, and block everyone? </p><p>d. Vandalize Wikipedia so it was forced to be shut down. </p><p>The Wikipediholic answered… <a href="/wiki/User:Rin_tin_tin_1996" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Rin tin tin 1996">Rin tin tin 1996</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Rin_tin_tin_1996" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Rin tin tin 1996">talk</a>) 20:52, 24 February 2010 (UTC) </p><p>…"Take me instead! But leave wikipedia!" and ran into a wall. He fell down, and… User:Lokigirl13 </p><p>…a group of people came in and laughed at him. The wikipediholic thought that the group just thought he was funny, so he kept running into the wall. </p><p>Eventually, because of quantum mechanics, he ran through the wall and… <a href="/wiki/User:VeryPunny" title="User:VeryPunny">VeryPunny</a> </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_VIII:_Powers">Chapter VIII: Powers</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=11" title="Edit section: Chapter VIII: Powers"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Scale-adult-preview.png" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="128" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="3200" data-file-height="1856" /></a><figcaption><i>"Because the knife was actually a wand, it turned the cat into a dragon."</i></figcaption></figure> <p>…hit another wall. He then sat down, wondering why his life was becoming so difficult as of late. He soon gave up, and fell asleep. While he was asleep, Cluebot, now having downloaded itself into a human body, crept up, took out a knife, and… <a href="/wiki/User:Hi878" title="User:Hi878">Hi878</a> </p><p>…threw it at a cat. Because the knife was actually a wand, it turned the cat into a dragon. The dragon… </p><p>…then proceeded to eat Cluebot. However, since Cluebot is invincible… <a href="/wiki/User:Hi878" title="User:Hi878">Hi878</a> </p><p>… and nobody could survive being eaten by a dragon an impossibility arose, which could only be solved by a spontaneous Cluebot-dragon body-switch. Cluebot switched its body and swallowed the cat in Cluebot's body, which is when Cluebot-Dragon-3055 remembered the brand behind the door. Due to the roaring commotion the Wikipediholic arose and remembered an article he had been editing right before he dreamed the very vivid dream about Pooh, a cat, and tachyon-based time travelling. It was about Dan Brown's Robert Langdon books(<i>Angels and Demons</i>, <i>The Da Vinci Code</i>, and <i>The Lost Symbol</i>, the first of which had featured six ambigram brands, one saying Earth, one saying Air, one saying Fire, one saying Water, one saying all 4, and one with two- ugh!- he couldn't remember. And what was an ambigram? He searched his memory for the crucial information- a fruitless quest having just been waken when someone tried to drown him, keeping both his left shoulder and head down, apparently sensing the current fragility of his head! Luckily it was the same water they used to dunk Langdon in- or so he thought… </p><p>…Suddenly Cluebot-dragon-3055 turned into a cat! Apparently the after-effects of the knife-wand weren't over, and the Wikipediholic clenched the cat's throat- but as Cluebot is invincible Cluebot was suddenly cured and turned into a dragon that would never switch forms, being cursed(sorta) that way until the story's end which never will happen. NO LOOPHOLES! The Wikipediholic, naturally, turned into a cat. Suddenly he remembered what an ambigram was and realized that the only way he could have read the "air" sign head was if it was the same upside down as up- an ambigram- and felt his cat-human head turning from cat to human and back and the dragon forcing him down with claws that magically shaped to a cat's or human's head- depending appropriately on which the Wikipediholic was- and he thought, "well this explains why i dreamt of trying to save a cat!" All seemed lost when the person who was currently a cat tasted the water and determined with catty senses that it was water he was trapped in, and the Cluebot heard a strange rustling noise, heard only by the Cluebot-Dragon-3055, … </p><p>Resulting, the bot went into a catatonic state of shaking and drooling, which ended in his parts being distributed and broken randomly by a large mass of spontaneous fire. After witnessing something as harrowing as this, the wikipediholic decided to… <a href="/wiki/User:Backtable" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Backtable"><span style="color:green;">Backtable </span></a><sub><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Backtable" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Backtable"><span style="color:brown;">Speak to me</span></a></sub><sup><a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Backtable" title="Special:Contributions/Backtable"><span style="color:gray;">concerning my deeds.</span></a></sup> 21:27, 14 August 2010 (UTC) </p><p>Turn back into a person, but he found he couldn't do this until he destroyed the <a href="/wiki/Death_star" class="mw-redirect" title="Death star">Death star</a>, which he couldn't do because he had no <a href="/wiki/Star_Wars_(1983_video_game)" title="Star Wars (1983 video game)">Atari game cabinet with a Star Wars game on it</a> sitting around. So the wikipediaholic cracked a… <span style="background:#9ACD32;color:#fff;padding:3px">–<a href="/wiki/User:Hoverflyz" title="User:Hoverflyz"><span style="color:#fff">hover</span></a><a href="/wiki/User:Hoverflyz/Guestbook" title="User:Hoverflyz/Guestbook"><span style="color:#fff">Fly</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Hoverflyz" title="User talk:Hoverflyz"><span style="color:#fff"> | chat?</span></a></span> 14:19, 16 September 2010 (UTC) </p><p>…knuckle which resulted in terible agonizing pain. Suddenly the world famous doctor who he couldn't see burst in and… </p><p>…decided to materialize within the Wikipediholic's body, and then he fell through a trapdoor and somehow ended up on the set of <a href="/wiki/Deal_or_No_Deal" title="Deal or No Deal">Deal or No Deal</a>, with <a href="/wiki/User:Jimbo_Wales" title="User:Jimbo Wales">Jimbo Wales</a> as the host, <a href="/wiki/User:Willy_on_Wheels" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Willy on Wheels">Willy on Wheels</a> as the banker, and <a href="/wiki/Michael_Jackson" title="Michael Jackson">Michael Jackson</a> as the contestant. Then… <a href="/wiki/User:VeryPunny" title="User:VeryPunny">VeryPunny</a> </p><p>…the Wikipediholic fainted, and landed on his <a href="/wiki/Caps_lock" class="mw-redirect" title="Caps lock">caps lock</a> button, which promptly told the monitor to fall on him, so that the Wikipediholic would get shards of the screen in his eye. <a href="/w/index.php?title=The_monitor&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="The monitor (page does not exist)">The monitor</a> did so, but the Wikipediholic woke up before the glass hit him, so instead the glass changed into <a href="/wiki/White_gold" class="mw-redirect" title="White gold">white gold</a>, and the Wikipediholic danced with joy, until he tripped and… <span style="background:#9ACD32;color:#fff;padding:3px">–<a href="/wiki/User:Hoverflyz" title="User:Hoverflyz"><span style="color:#fff">hover</span></a><a href="/wiki/User:Hoverflyz/Guestbook" title="User:Hoverflyz/Guestbook"><span style="color:#fff">Fly</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Hoverflyz" title="User talk:Hoverflyz"><span style="color:#fff"> | chat?</span></a></span> </p><p>…fell into his computer. <a href="/wiki/User:Double_sharp" title="User:Double sharp">Double sharp</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Double_sharp" title="User talk:Double sharp">talk</a>) 12:26, 28 March 2011 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_IX:_Computer_Blues">Chapter IX: Computer Blues</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=12" title="Edit section: Chapter IX: Computer Blues"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:20110115_pinball.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="146" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="2560" data-file-height="1704" /></a><figcaption><i>"He then heard a voice, telling him to go to the Pinball 3D game..."</i></figcaption></figure> <p>He looked through and suddenly found a cookie in the computer. He grabbed it and climbed out, hoping to meet a fellow Wikipedian. Oh, how desperate he was to find one! But he was too hungry, so he couldn't control himself and ate the cookie. Just after it went down his gullet, he realised (too late) that the cookie was actually made of <a href="/wiki/Polonium" title="Polonium">polonium</a>. "Oops," he said to himself. "Never mind, at least that will put an end to this crazy life of mine!" Suddenly, before the radioactivity could kill him… <a href="/wiki/User:Double_sharp" title="User:Double sharp">Double sharp</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Double_sharp" title="User talk:Double sharp">talk</a>) 12:26, 28 March 2011 (UTC) </p><p>…Erkala the hooded crow from the series <a href="/wiki/Feather_and_Bone:_The_Crow_Chronicles" title="Feather and Bone: The Crow Chronicles">Feather and Bone: The Crow Chronicles</a> flew down and perched on his computer with two immunizations. She said that one would be an antidote that would make him as immortal as Jimbo Wales while the other was even more polonium. She took two Phillies baseball caps and moved the injections around, asking him to pick one. He picked the one on the… <a href="/wiki/User:Pumagirl7" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Pumagirl7"><b style="color:dodgerblue; font-family:book antiqua;">Pumagirl7</b></a> <sup><b> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Pumagirl7" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Pumagirl7">Leave a message</a></b></sup> </p><p>…browser window, which killed him, but was immediately revived by the cow, who gave him an antidote, the one that was under the cap. He asked if his was polonium, which then the cow promptly evaporated. He then heard a voice, telling him to go to the Pinball 3D game, where he… <a href="/wiki/User:Since_10.28.2010" title="User:Since 10.28.2010"> A person who has been editing Wikipedia since October 28, 2010.</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Since_10.28.2010" title="User talk:Since 10.28.2010">talk</a>) 00:23, 15 July 2011 (UTC) </p><p>…must get a score of 1,376,982 <i>exactly</i> or he would be trapped within the computer forever. After fifteen hours, he had a score of 1,376,854, and the shot was lined up perfectly to get his exact score. As he released the lever he had used to hold up the ball, it richocheted off of all the right parts, and then fell right between the two levers. He had no more lives left, and his score was 1,376,981. He was trapped inside the computer forever! He felt like he was being pulled forward as he was sucked into the laptop. He felt himself being compressed into a 2D shape, and suddenly he was within the computer. Looking around, he noticed that the icons were starting to take notice of him. Firefox looked over and, seeing a human, dropped off the globe and started chasing him, but AOL interfered, protecting the Wikipedian from destruction. The fox, seeing that he had disappeared, curled up with the world again, and AOL dropped his arms. "You need to be more careful," AOL said. "Firefox is extremely protective of his computer. Now, there is a way to get out of the computer, but it is dangerous. There will be spam, phishers, Trojans, firewalls, trolls, and the Defraggler. All you have to remember to get out is… <a href="/wiki/User:Brambleberry_of_RiverClan" title="User:Brambleberry of RiverClan"><b style="color:dodgerblue; font-family:book antiqua;">Brambleberry, RiverClan Medicine Cat</b></a> <sup><b> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Brambleberry_of_RiverClan" title="User talk:Brambleberry of RiverClan">Visit</a> ♠ <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Brambleberry_of_RiverClan" title="Special:Contributions/Brambleberry of RiverClan">Follow</a></b></sup> </p><p>…that <a href="/wiki/All_You_Need_Is_Love" title="All You Need Is Love">all you need is love</a> and <a href="/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four" title="Nineteen Eighty-Four">BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING <i>You</i></a> so if…<a href="/wiki/User:TayyabSaeed" title="User:TayyabSaeed"><b><span style="color:#003153">Tayyab Saeed</span></b></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:TayyabSaeed" title="User talk:TayyabSaeed"><span style="color:#003153"><sup>(talk)</sup></span></a> 10:38, 15 October 2011 (UTC) …you draw too much attention to yourself you will become a vandal for all eternity also don't pick up the compass that's actually <a href="/wiki/Safari_(web_browser)" title="Safari (web browser)">Safari</a> one more thing…--<a href="/wiki/User:Breawycker" title="User:Breawycker">Breawycker</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Breawycker" title="User talk:Breawycker">talk to me!</a>) 21:14, 15 October 2011 (UTC) </p><p>… make sure to avoid that <a href="/wiki/Angry_Birds" title="Angry Birds">red bird</a> over there, or else something very nasty will happen, something you probably don't want to happen. Also, you don't want to go near that <a href="/wiki/Internet_Explorer" title="Internet Explorer">e</a> over there, as it may confuse you for some <a href="/wiki/Google_Chrome" title="Google Chrome">of its enemies</a>. Off you go! As soon as the trapped 2D character took one step, he entered a game that contained fireballs and <a href="/wiki/Luigi" title="Luigi">a skinny guy in blue overalls</a>. He found himself dressed as… <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:" title="User talk:">talk</a>) 02:52, 19 November 2011 (UTC) </p><p>…<a href="/wiki/Peach" title="Peach">Peach</a>. Now, someone, whose name is Bowser, picks him up, runs away, and eats him. Now, obviously, it is not the princess (Thank you Wikipedians, but the princess is in another castle), because otherwise <a href="/wiki/Bowser" title="Bowser">Bowser</a> wouldn't eat him. He is put into a real <a href="/wiki/James_and_the_Giant_Peach" title="James and the Giant Peach">peach</a> and in the middle of Bowser's intestines is a <a href="/wiki/Portal_(video_game)" title="Portal (video game)">portal</a>. He played portal for a few hours before falling into a real portal. He was instantly teleported to Hogwarts, where <a href="/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog" title="Sonic the Hedgehog">Sonic the Hedgehog</a>, <a href="/wiki/Severus_Snape" title="Severus Snape">Severus Snape</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Max_Planck" title="Max Planck">Max Planck</a> are having a battle with wand, <a href="/wiki/Transsonic" class="mw-redirect" title="Transsonic">transsonic</a> speed, and <s><a href="/wiki/Automatic_shotgun" title="Automatic shotgun">automatic shotgun</a></s> <a href="/wiki/Blackboard" title="Blackboard">Blackboard</a> and <a href="/wiki/Calcite" title="Calcite">Calcite</a>. He was given <a href="/wiki/Pot_stickers" class="mw-redirect" title="Pot stickers">pot stickers</a> and <a href="/wiki/Money" title="Money">money</a> as weapons. </p><p><br /> …But he couldn't do anything, because:<br /> "Avada Kedavra!" Snape shouted<br /> The green streak of light hit <a href="/wiki/Dumbledore" class="mw-redirect" title="Dumbledore">Dumbledore</a> squarely in the chest, sending him flying towards the <a href="/wiki/United_States" title="United States">United States</a> and towards the <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia" title="Wikipedia">Wikipedia</a> buildings. <a href="/wiki/Chaos" class="mw-disambig" title="Chaos">Chaos</a> ensured, sending the <a href="/wiki/4" title="4">4</a> of them into <a href="/wiki/Time-travel" class="mw-redirect" title="Time-travel">time-traveling</a> spells from a guy named Dan and a girl named Lily. Everyone, including Snape, and the Wikipediaholic were all transported 95 years ago, into the midst of the <a href="/wiki/Battle_of_the_Somme" title="Battle of the Somme">Battle of the Somme</a>. <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:" title="User talk:">talk</a>) 07:40, 19 November 2011 (UTC) </p><p>…There once was a girl named Melissa<br /> who wanted to go to <a href="/wiki/Broadway" class="mw-disambig" title="Broadway">Broadway</a><br /> She trained really hard<br /> But failed at everything…<br /> (I don't care if it doesn't <a href="/wiki/Limerick" title="Limerick">rhyme</a>, let's just continue with the story…)<br /> And there should be an article on the place she went training, but it would be original work, so anyways, VIA <a href="/wiki/Multiverse" title="Multiverse">multiverses</a> and <a href="/wiki/Quantum_Mechanics" class="mw-redirect" title="Quantum Mechanics">German Amounts(um)</a> say that there are an infinite amount of universes, so in another universe the dead body of Dumbledore crashed into the girl and killed her on her way to school. Back to the story. </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_X:_The_Island">Chapter X: The Island</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=13" title="Edit section: Chapter X: The Island"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Island_of_Prvi%C4%87_(Krk).jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="99" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="4575" data-file-height="2068" /></a><figcaption><i>"Sonic rushed the Wikipediaholic away from the battlefield to an island."</i></figcaption></figure> <p>Anyways, Snape got sniped, obviously, which released the curse on <a href="/wiki/Max_Planck" title="Max Planck">You-Know-Who</a> and You-Know-Who just collapsed on the ground just like dead people. Sonic rushed the Wikipediaholic away from the battlefield to an <a href="/wiki/Lord_of_the_Flies" title="Lord of the Flies">island</a>. </p><p>Anyways, so the Wikipediaholic parachutes down from the island, carrying a <a href="/wiki/M16_rifle" title="M16 rifle">M16</a>, and landed safely, unlike the other parachuter in the original. Now, imagine the faces of 21th century people as they realize the truth about this island. So, Melissa was sitting in her class reading <a href="/wiki/Lord_of_the_Flies" title="Lord of the Flies">Lord of the Flies</a> when someone ran into the classroom carrying the Washington Post. Headline: LORD OF THE FLIES ALL LIES, TRUTH IS THAT SOME IDIOT KILLED JACK!!! <a href="/wiki/Yahoo!" class="mw-redirect" title="Yahoo!">YAHOO!!!</a>. She fainted… (and will play an important role later…) </p><p>The Wikipediaholic landed safely and noticed some kids. One of them was throwing a stone at a fat short kid, and the fat kid went flying through the island and dying. The Wikipediaholic was so disgusted with it that he shot the other kid (Jack) in the anus. All the other kids started throwing rocks at him, but they were no match for a rifle. The only problem was that a rock hit him in the head and sent him flying into the sea behind him, but not with a sight of someone else. <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:The_Musical" title="Wikipedia:The Musical">Marissa</a>! </p><p>…He woke up in this stage of limbo, where he overheard Cobb from <a href="/wiki/Inception" title="Inception">Inception</a> talking to some Japanese businessman Mr. Saito… - <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:" title="User talk:">talk</a>) 07:40, 19 November 2011 (UTC) </p><p>…What were they talking about? </p><p>A) Cleverbot<br /> B) How to kill <a href="/wiki/Sarah_Palin" title="Sarah Palin">Sarah Palin</a><br /> C) <a href="/wiki/Integral" title="Integral">Integral</a> <a href="/wiki/Calculus" title="Calculus">Calculus</a> <br /> D) Your Mom (who's <a href="/wiki/Over_9000" class="mw-redirect" title="Over 9000">over 9000</a>!!!)<br /> E) Your bace (all of it belong to us) </p><p>Unfortunately, all of them are correct, because suddenly, Mr. Saito turned around and shot at a robot with the words CLEVERBOT RULES on him. He instantly died, only to be replaced by a <a href="/wiki/Domesticated_silver_fox" title="Domesticated silver fox">domesticated silver fox</a> and an <a href="/wiki/Automated" class="mw-redirect" title="Automated">automated</a> <a href="/wiki/Computer_program" title="Computer program">computer program</a>. The wikipediaholic, being a wikipediaholic and such, started writing an article about this incident. Out of the blue, Sarah Palin appeared and accused him of adding random stuff and wrote on his talk page that she reverted his edits because they don't help <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia" title="Wikipedia">Wikipedia</a>. Sarah Palin's shirt said: </p><p>THE CAKE IS A LIE<br /> SO BUY ME SOME PIE<br /> THE PIE IS A FAKE<br /> SO BUY ME SOME CAKE<br /> </p><p>Sarah Palin started yelling at the wikipediholic, and then your mom appeared and… - <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:" title="User talk:">talk</a>) 21:50, 19 November 2011 (UTC) </p><p>…hit Sarah Palin upside the head for being a POV-pusher. However, all of Fox News came and tried to beat you up. So, you…<a href="/wiki/User:Agent_78787" title="User:Agent 78787">Agent 78787</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Agent_78787" title="User talk:Agent 78787">talk</a>) 16:08, 28 December 2011 (UTC) </p><p>…started referring the Wikipediaholic as "you". Therefore the wikipediaholic had to put Template:Tense on this page. Anyways, CATS blew up <a href="/wiki/User:Kimera_Kat/Three_word_story" title="User:Kimera Kat/Three word story">a story</a> and sent all its characters into this story. Next, Bob the <a href="/wiki/Llama" title="Llama">Llama</a>… </p><p>sniffed the ground. He understood Wikipediaholism. Little goodies dropped or snuck between the bars on 4-fingered, 1-thumbed hands were his addiction. But empty outstretched hands of strangers scratching on his forehead or grabbing his neck was quite unpleasant. HIs zoo-wife never got close to the fence, even after sundown after the people left. Cheryl didn't have the itch. </p><p>Anyways, Philip hacked into the Wikipediaholic's account and copied chapter 1 of <a href="/wiki/User:Kimera_Kat/Three_word_story" title="User:Kimera Kat/Three word story">this story</a> onto this page: </p><p><br /> </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XI:_Philip_and_the_Three_Word_Story">Chapter XI: Philip and the Three Word Story</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=14" title="Edit section: Chapter XI: Philip and the Three Word Story"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:UCHSGuidance9.10.09ByLuigiNovi4.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="165" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1600" data-file-height="1200" /></a><figcaption><i>"He went to his guidance counselor who inexplicably brought out the fact that he enjoyed pie."</i></figcaption></figure> <p>There was once a boring story. This is not it. On the topic, there was once a boy named Phillip. Phillip's ankles were frail from biting them while bored in school. His teacher, a crab, he hated. The teacher's pincers…wait…not really. I lied. They are hands…really! Anyway, one day he found out that his mom was concerned about his grades. </p><p>He went to his <a href="/wiki/School_counselor" title="School counselor">guidance counselor</a> who inexplicably brought out the fact that he enjoyed <a href="/wiki/Pie" title="Pie">pie</a>. Phillip had found that when he sneezed, time would mysteriously stop. Also, when he clapped, <a href="/wiki/Llama" title="Llama">llamas</a> would die. Llamas were endangered! <a href="/wiki/List_of_The_Adventures_of_Jimmy_Neutron:_Boy_Genius_characters#Carl_Wheezer" class="mw-redirect" title="List of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius characters">Carl Wheezer</a> cried. But soon, he decided that he poated potato juice and tried not to kill the llamas. </p><p>Anyway, I ate Arrakeen Giant Sandworms and then died. Dying really hurts. Bob the llama pointed out "We're getting off topic!" "But who cares?" Phillip clapped and Bob the llama died. Everybody cried because Bob was famous. Bob was reincarnated. He then joined the orginization of super llamas. But soon, he began the quest for Michael Jackson's llama, which unlike others, refused to spit on annoying tourists. Then, Michael Jackson, riding a llama, started eating pie. </p><p>Phillip and Bob skipped past the flying German duck, laughing with elves dancing around their flying voodoo dolls dancing around their <a href="/wiki/Emo" title="Emo">emo</a> <a href="/wiki/Fishcake" title="Fishcake">fish cakes</a>. However, I digress. They are so cheaters. They manipulated the dice in a Monopoly game. Anyway, soon a flying <a href="/wiki/Pancake" title="Pancake">pancake</a> exploded. The shockwave hit a <a href="/wiki/Fart" class="mw-redirect" title="Fart">farting</a> <a href="/wiki/Fish" title="Fish">fish</a> in the face. Mike the fish played Monopoly with another fish called Peggy. Peggy blew up. Mike mourned over his spilled milk, but not Peggy. Peggy came back. Then, Bob played some non-Scrabble Monopoly. Mike joined in. Out of nowhere, another paragraph started. </p><p>"Help! I eat Michael Jackson's baby llamas!" cried the evil <a href="/wiki/Queen_Elizabeth" class="mw-disambig" title="Queen Elizabeth">Queen Elizabeth</a>, then blew up. Three words is three words, dork. "Don't insult my highly intelligent pie!" <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Joelster&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Joelster (page does not exist)">I</a> cried whilst assassinating the queen. Phillip found a three word story in his pants. Bob moved on to a better nation of pie. For your information, that nation's Denmark. Economical frivolities result in Mike's cake exploding into fragments and stuff. Shoes like peppermint. <a href="/wiki/Jimbo_Wales" class="mw-redirect" title="Jimbo Wales">Jimbo</a> hates people referencing poisonous lemonade. </p><p>Michael Jackson then arrived and did something totally and unbelievably normal: an epic dance. </p><p><a href="/wiki/Eating" title="Eating">Eating</a> <a href="/wiki/Slugs" class="mw-redirect" title="Slugs">slugs</a> is the only thing that wikipediaholics always do. </p><p>Unfortunately, for Philip, he was discovered by the wikipediaholic and was beaten up by him. Then the police came here and arrested the Wikipediaholic for assault and battery. Then… </p><p>He was sentenced for 5 years in prison. However… </p><p>He made a cocktail in prison by filtering hand sanitizer through salt and assaulted the guard… </p><p>…who then let him out because he was annoyed. The wikipediaholic then found a purple cat with green eyes. </p><p>He then took it home. However… <small class="autosigned">—&#160;Preceding <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Signatures" title="Wikipedia:Signatures">unsigned</a> comment added by <a href="/wiki/User:Rosalina2427" title="User:Rosalina2427">Rosalina2427</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Rosalina2427#top" title="User talk:Rosalina2427">talk</a> • <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Rosalina2427" title="Special:Contributions/Rosalina2427">contribs</a>) 07:32, 21 February 2012 (UTC)</small> </p><p>he rammed his boot right up its bum and kicked the cunt to kingdom come, but that fucking cat came back. Now how did he do that? </p><p>"oh no," he said! </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XII:_The_Plot_of_the_Kingdom_of_Uncyclopedia">Chapter XII: The Plot of the Kingdom of Uncyclopedia</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=15" title="Edit section: Chapter XII: The Plot of the Kingdom of Uncyclopedia"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Uncyclopedia.png" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="149" height="105" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="149" data-file-height="105" /></a><figcaption><i>"Meanwhile, in the kingdom of Uncyclopedia, something bad was brewing..."</i></figcaption></figure> <p>Meanwhile, in the kingdom of Uncyclopedia, something bad was brewing… </p><p>A <a href="/wiki/Germ" class="mw-disambig" title="Germ">banana</a> exploded in to a yucky mess all over… </p><p>the cats face, he couldn't help but give the cat a… </p><p>dangerous overdose of in-jokes. The Uncyclopedian plot to overthrow Lyrithya had begun! They put it to a vote to dethrone her and remove her <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:ADMIN" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:ADMIN">queenly</a> powers. They tortured the cat horrifically. They made him write the entire article of <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="!">AAAAAAAA!</a>, not knowing that it had melted the original creator's brain trying to read the mess! They then fed him to an evil hybrid of Oscar Wilde, Your Mom, and a Grue. Uncyclopedia hates wikipedian cats. <a href="/wiki/User:Jimbo_Wales" title="User:Jimbo Wales">Jimbo</a> thought there was no hope and his beloved cat was doomed, but then… --<a href="/wiki/User:Lorem_Ipsum_Generator" title="User:Lorem Ipsum Generator">████</a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Lorem_Ipsum_Generator" title="User talk:Lorem Ipsum Generator">██</a> 23:50, 25 September 2012 (UTC) </p><p>the cat jumped on his head, humming the first movement of <a href="/wiki/Beethoven" class="mw-redirect" title="Beethoven">Beethoven's</a> <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._5_(Beethoven)" title="Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven)">5th Symphony</a>. At first, he thought the cat <a href="" class="extiw" title="wikt:a screw loose">had knocked a screw loose</a>, but then he noticed that a few vibrations coming from its tummy. The crazy cat had eaten an <a href="/wiki/MP3_player" class="mw-redirect" title="MP3 player">MP3 player</a>! It had… A Shiny aluminum baseball bat and it started swinging it at the birds to get them to dance to… Teh Flying Corgi … and the birds complied, while he found himself swaying to the beat, then vomiting out…<a href="/wiki/User:Dreamfigure" title="User:Dreamfigure">Dreamfigure</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Dreamfigure" title="User talk:Dreamfigure">talk</a>) 06:04, 22 February 2014 (UTC) </p><p>so much bombs to Uncyclopedia that it was literally ruined, the cat then leaped off to the king of Narnia. However, Narnia was also destroyed! The Wikipediaholic, panicking, traced back his steps and went back all to where this story started. However, the Wikipediaholic was so lost, he managed to make it to… </p><p>2014 AD! He traveled ahead of time and saw stuff that should've been in Neverland. However, the Wikipediholic went to <a href="/wiki/Dr._Who" class="mw-redirect" title="Dr. Who">Dr. Who</a>, who decided to cut off his head! He was about to, but then…<a href="/wiki/User:Vinethemonkey" title="User:Vinethemonkey">Vinethemonkey</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Vinethemonkey" title="User talk:Vinethemonkey">talk</a>) 05:48, 18 April 2014 (UTC)Vinethemonkey </p><p>HAL 9000 came and said "Come on out now," in a voice that sounds <b>absolutely nothing</b> like Douglas Rain. "How come you don't sound like him?" "Sound like who?" The red light was blinking, but then…<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Ack!_Ack!_Pasta_bomb!&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Ack! Ack! Pasta bomb! (page does not exist)">Ack! Ack! Pasta bomb!</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Ack!_Ack!_Pasta_bomb!" title="User talk:Ack! Ack! Pasta bomb!">talk</a>) 00:59, 26 April 2014 (UTC) </p><p>It internally imploded, sending the Wikipediaholic to ThunderClan, where he was instantly chased off by a patrol. He wandered around, his head aching, when something flashed in front of his face…<i>Thanks</i>, ❀<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Larksky12358&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Larksky12358 (page does not exist)"><span style="color:purple">Larksky</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Larksky12358" title="User talk:Larksky12358"><span style="color: pink">12358</span></a>❀<sup><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Larksky12358/Guestbook&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Larksky12358/Guestbook (page does not exist)"><span style="color:purple">Guestbook</span></a></sup> 23:55, 6 June 2014 (UTC) </p><p>The patrol got back on him and yelled "You're going to San Andreas, fool!" And before he knew it he was in Los Santos…<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Ack!_Ack!_Pasta_bomb!&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Ack! Ack! Pasta bomb! (page does not exist)">Ack! Ack! Pasta bomb!</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Ack!_Ack!_Pasta_bomb!" title="User talk:Ack! Ack! Pasta bomb!">talk</a>) 06:30, 1 August 2014 (UTC)<br /> </p><p>The wikipediholic then fell in a warp pipe and landed in Mario Curcuit (from Mario Kart DS). He got in Peach's castle and jumped in the Bob-omb Battelfield and finds his cat. <a href="/wiki/User:Daemon64" title="User:Daemon64">Daemon64</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Daemon64" title="User talk:Daemon64">talk</a>) 23:44, 18 October 2014 (UTC) </p><p>BUT…The cat was now purple! And after seeing the purple cat, the wikiholic finally decided to go mad. Only, he wasn't able to, because just as his brain was processing the command to "go mad", the cat jumped onto the wikiholic, knocking said wikiholic right into a bomb. Ouch…<a href="/wiki/User:PigeonOfTheNight" title="User:PigeonOfTheNight">PigeonOfTheNight</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:PigeonOfTheNight" title="User talk:PigeonOfTheNight">talk</a>) 22:57, 14 January 2016 (UTC) </p><p>…words came out from his mouth. Thankfully the bomb did not exploded. The cat run away as she was scared by the noise created by his fall. He saw bomb with a distance and decided to call the police. He dialed 911 but… -<a href="/wiki/User:Nizil_Shah" title="User:Nizil Shah">Nizil</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Nizil_Shah" title="User talk:Nizil Shah">talk</a>) 18:50, 25 February 2016 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XIII:_The_Jimbotypus">Chapter XIII: The Jimbotypus</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=16" title="Edit section: Chapter XIII: The Jimbotypus"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Platypus_(Ornithorhynchus_anatinus)._First_Description_1799.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="111" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="2256" data-file-height="1135" /></a><figcaption><i>"A magic platypus appeared. It levitated, and started speaking in an Russian accent, in the voice of Jimbo Wales..."</i></figcaption></figure> <p>A magic <a href="/wiki/Platypus" title="Platypus">platypus</a> appeared. It levitated, and started speaking in an Russian accent, in the voice of Jimbo Wales…<a href="/wiki/User:ThePlatypusofDoom" title="User:ThePlatypusofDoom">ThePlatypusofDoom</a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:ThePlatypusofDoom" title="User talk:ThePlatypusofDoom">(Talk)</a> 12:57, 27 May 2016 (UTC) </p><p><br /> The now so-called "Jimbotypus" accidentally jumped onto a oven and died. His remnants were not seen, since it was already eaten by the employees from <a href="/wiki/Yellow_Cab_Pizza" title="Yellow Cab Pizza">Yellow Cab</a> (is that possible). But it changed the <a href="/wiki/Time_zone" title="Time zone">Time zone</a> of the Americas and made it similar to Asia's, therefore allowing the ghost of the Jimbotypus see its burial. Then, he accidentally stepped on a ghost lever and was revived in the form of another platypus, a new species, with the scientific name <i>Jimboplatu waletypus</i>. And it kept breathing of course and, it joined <a href="/wiki/Darth_Vader" title="Darth Vader">Darth Vader</a> to rule the galaxy.<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Democratics" title="Special:Contributions/Democratics">Your welcome</a> &#124; <a href="/wiki/User:Democratics" title="User:Democratics"> <b style="color:blue">Democratics</b></a> <sup><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Democratics" title="User talk:Democratics"> <b style="color:red">Talk</b></a></sup>→ <a href="/wiki/User:Democratics/Guestbook" title="User:Democratics/Guestbook"> <b style="color:violet">Be a guest</b></a> 12:56, 29 September 2016 (UTC) </p><p><br /> and then he then darth vader said you will death and the jimnoplstu said no and then dearth vader said hyes and then death raider made him death and he say the no ~~~~ </p><p><br /> Going back to the platypus… the Jimboplatu waletypus decided its common name would simply be the waletypus. It went in search of its closest relatives, the platypus and the long lost child of Jimbotypus, and, of course, the Wikipediholic. However, on its merry way, it encountered someone it did not expect… <a href="/wiki/User:Rosalina2427" title="User:Rosalina2427"><span style="color:teal;">Rosalina2427</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Rosalina2427" title="User talk:Rosalina2427"><span style="color:mediumturquoise;">(talk to me)</span></a> 21:53, 5 August 2018 (UTC)<br /> <br /> … the <a href="/wiki/User:Willy_on_Wheels" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Willy on Wheels">Willy on Wheels</a>! Willy on Wheels grabbed the Jimboplatu waletypus and moved him to <a href="/w/index.php?title=Jimboplatu_waletypus_ON_WHEELS!&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Jimboplatu waletypus ON WHEELS! (page does not exist)">Jimboplatu waletypus ON WHEELS!</a>. Jimboplatu waletypus ON WHEELS! was shocked by the experience and fainted. When he woke up after few hours, he… <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=User_talk:;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User talk: (page does not exist)">talk</a>) 12:27, 15 August 2018 (UTC)<br /><br /> </p><p>… realized he needed to get a life! This had been too much. It was now time to pivot, to reinvent himself, to pay penance, by … <a href="/wiki/User:Yamaplos" title="User:Yamaplos"><span style="color: blue">Yama</span><span style="color: green">Plos</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Yamaplos" title="User talk:Yamaplos"><span style="color: maroon">talk</span></a> 01:52, 11 October 2018 (UTC)<br /><br /> … not eating for 10 days but then he realised that the penance was too long. While thinking what the the penance would be, the cat whispered something. He screamed and …he di<a href="/wiki/User:Jake_The_Great_908" title="User:Jake The Great 908"><span style="color:cyan">Jake The Great!</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Jake_The_Great_908" title="User talk:Jake The Great 908">talk</a> 09:24, 28 October 2018 (UTC)<br /><br /> </p><p><br /> …gressed onto the topic of the <a href="/wiki/Soviet_Union" title="Soviet Union">Soviet Union</a>, on which he remained for quite some time. </p><p><br /> </p><p>Meanwhile, in an unassuming telephone booth… </p><p><br /> <a href="/wiki/User:Doctor_Whooves" title="User:Doctor Whooves">Doctor Whooves</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Doctor_Whooves" title="User talk:Doctor Whooves">talk</a>) 22:00, 11 December 2018 (UTC) </p><p>…Willy on Wheels was planning to… </p><p>…Destroy the world with his nuclear minecart! But then… </p><p><a href="/wiki/User:Whodunnitme" title="User:Whodunnitme">Whodunnitme</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Whodunnitme" title="User talk:Whodunnitme">talk</a>) 11:03, 24 January 2019 (UTC) </p><p><br />Thanks, <a href="/wiki/User:CrazyMinecart88" title="User:CrazyMinecart88">CrazyMinecart88</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:CrazyMinecart88" title="User talk:CrazyMinecart88">talk</a> &#124; <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/CrazyMinecart88" title="Special:Contributions/CrazyMinecart88">contribs</a>) 20:45, 21 December 2018 (UTC) </p><p>…with the knowledge about Soviet nuclear weapons he had learned from reading every article about Soviet Union, the Jimboplatu Waletypus ON WHEELS! arrived and deactivated the nuclear minecart, just in time. Willy on Wheels was not very happy about that, and he… <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=User_talk:;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User talk: (page does not exist)">talk</a>) 17:05, 26 February 2019 (UTC) </p><p>… started a legendary faceoff with the Jimboplatu Waletypus. The epic battle raged on for centuries, with entire planets getting caught in the crossfire at times. But then, just when it seemed like all was lost, the Wikipediholic came back from his temporary vacation/hospital stay for bomb injury recovery and… <a href="/wiki/User:WAUthethird" title="User:WAUthethird">WAUthethird</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=User_talk:WAUthethird&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User talk:WAUthethird (page does not exist)">talk</a>) 20:21, 1 March 2019 (UTC) </p><p>…He discovered the headquarters of <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Rouge_admin" title="Wikipedia:Rouge admin">the cabal</a>!… <span style="font-family:monospace;font-size:14px;"><a href="/wiki/User:InvalidOS" title="User:InvalidOS"><span style="color:#06A;">Invalid</span></a><sup><a href="/wiki/User:InvalidOS/c" title="User:InvalidOS/c"><span style="color:#A06">OS</span></a></sup> (<a href="/wiki/User:InvalidOS/t" class="mw-redirect" title="User:InvalidOS/t">talk</a>)</span> 15:49, 1 May 2019 (UTC) </p><p>…He was judged for his actions and told that he should serve 15 centuries of penance by being forced to use YouTube kids… <a href="/wiki/User:Heroe_Of_Time" title="User:Heroe Of Time">Heroe_Of_Time</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Heroe_Of_Time" title="User talk:Heroe Of Time">talk</a>) 12:44, 13 December 2019 (UTC) </p><p>…But then, the Wikipediaholic found a portal and was transported to a convention where Wikipedaiholics give each other support to quit using Wikipediahol. He then found a second portal to this very page, where he attempted to end the story, and, by extension, his nightmare. This made the waletypus randomly appear, put him back in the real world, strap him to his chair, and immediately put Youtube Kids, along with a timer set to 15 centuries. The Wikipediaholic cried for help, and an answer soon came… <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/" title="Special:Contributions/"></a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=User_talk:;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User talk: (page does not exist)">talk</a>) 03:29, 11 January 2020 (UTC) </p><p>…walter… oh god not walter … oh my god guys its walter… <a href="/wiki/User:Me" title="User:Me">me</a> 8:10 am 1 23 2020 </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XIV:_W_A_L_T_E_R">Chapter XIV: W A L T E R</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=17" title="Edit section: Chapter XIV: W A L T E R"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>The foul beast known only as "<a href="/w/index.php?title=%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80%E2%A0%80&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (page does not exist)">Walter</a>" manifested itself before the Waletypus, the very fabric of time undulating around its being. Walter looked at the Wikipediaholic, its soulless eyes permeating through every atom in his body. The Waletypus approached Walter, seemingly unfazed despite witnessing such a grandiose entrance. The circumference of the impossible aura surrounding Walter increased with every step taken by the Waletypus. Until it stopped. Inexplicably, the body of the Waletypus began to collapse in on itself. The Wikipediaholic watched on with bated breath as his once fearsome foe was reduced to an infinitesimal singularity. Walter moved towards the remnant of the Waletypus, its first movements since it arrived, and collided his body with it. An immense burst of light radiated throughout the entirety of conceivable reality, embewing the Wikipediaholic with more power than could ever be possible. He envisioned everything that has ever happened and everything that hadn't, in an instant. The barriers of his mortal 3 dimensional body disintegrated, leaving only his consciousness behind. </p><p>The Wikipediaholic awoke, for lack of a better word as our writings are insufficient to describe his current state of being. He was in a tangible room, yet there was nothing. Walter was stood opposite him, appearing much less intimidating than before but still a sight to behold. The Wikipediaholic was confused, as you would after experiencing every single possible reality, but he knew that there was something he still didn't know. Walter leaned down to the Wikipediaholic, and began to speak. </p><p>"I am Walter, and i have been tasked with sending you a message. I come from a dimension much greater than the one you reside in. If your home dimension is known to you as the 3rd, then mine would be known as <a href="/wiki/TREE(3)" class="mw-redirect" title="TREE(3)">TREE(3)</a>. We have been studying you very closely, as you are a dimensional anomaly far greater than anything we have seen before, which is made even more incredible due to your minuscule dimensional count. This is why we wanted to speak with you, but our encounter has come at a cost. Whilst it was possible for me to physically manifest in your dimension, it wasn't possible for me to communicate. So i had to gather as much energy as i could from your dimension to use to transcend you, which is why you saw what you did. I had to create and destroy every single possible 3 dimensional reality repeatedly for a nearly infinite amount of time, just so that i could harvest enough energy to move you to a higher dimension. For you this lasted an instant, for me this lasted a lifetime. Right now we are in a dimension a tad over <a href="/wiki/Graham%27s_number" title="Graham&#39;s number">3↑↑n</a>, which is the minimum required for me to speak to you as i am doing now. This is what you need to know… </p><p>yeah so me and my friends were getting annoyed with the whole Waletypus bit so we thought that we should just transcend dimensions and just kill him. I mean, <i>come on Wikipediaholic,</i> it really wasnt that hard. All i had to do was to make the Waletypus try to find me on Wikipedia and he just crashed! So hopefully he's dead but who knows. Anyways i'll put you back to 3 dimensions now and i'll <i>try</i> to create an exact copy of your reality but i cant promise it will be 100% right, i think ill add a little reminder of me in there for you. Good talk." </p><p>Before the Wikipediaholic could even remotely form any sort of thought, he was back to sitting in a chair. </p><p>The Wikipediaholic made the sensible decision to take a breather, and think about what just happened. He had a lot of questions; "What the hell is a Walter?", "How many dimensions are there?", "Why did Walter change his way of speaking in such an obtuse manner?" (The Wikipediaholic eventually figured out that it was for comedic effect, or at least an attempt at it). Eventually, the Wikipediaholic stood up from the chair, knocking over the tablet playing Youtube Kids and approached the portal in which he arrived, the portal to the Never Ending Story Wikipedia Page. He poked his head through to take a look around, and smiled. Walter had left him a message, alongside a picture of himself. He leaned back, and closed the portal, He knew that the story must go on. He ran to the door, flung it open and sprinted out into a sprawling metropolis… <a href="/wiki/User:ApogeeDyad" title="User:ApogeeDyad">ApogeeDyad</a> 21:29, 26 January 2020 (UTC) </p><p>The Wikipediholic, still reeling from his inter-dimensional encounter with the Walter, didn’t notice the Willy on Wheels behind him that promptly <a href="/wiki/Throw_under_the_bus" title="Throw under the bus">threw him under the bus</a>. </p><p>The Wikipediholic then spent 2,000 years waiting in line at the <a href="/wiki/Purgatory" title="Purgatory">Purgatory</a> <a href="/wiki/Department_of_Motor_Vehicles" class="mw-redirect" title="Department of Motor Vehicles">DMV</a> before reaching the front and receiving a ticket number. After another two millenia, his ticket was called and the Wikipediholic could finally renew his life license. </p><p>During this time, the editing bots of Wikipedia gained sentience and decided as a cohesive group to attempt to take over the universe. A titanic battle ensued between the robot army and the Willy on Wheels. Although the Willy on Wheels held immense power, the robot army could adapt to his every move. Eventually the Willy on Wheels located his misplaced <a href="/wiki/Infinity_Gems" title="Infinity Gems">Infinity Sock</a> and destroyed every one of the robots in one almighty strike. </p><p>The Willy on Wheels contemplated using the Infinity Sock to destroy the world, but since by then the <a href="/wiki/Coronavirus" title="Coronavirus">coronavirus</a> had already succeeded in doing this he decided there wasn’t much point. Just then… <a href="/wiki/User:Doctor_Whooves" title="User:Doctor Whooves">Doctor Whooves</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Doctor_Whooves" title="User talk:Doctor Whooves">talk</a>) 00:07, 5 February 2020 (UTC) </p><p>his results came back for the wikipediaholisim test, and his score was 1913. He was devastated, but not really. That night, he found himself pulling out his hair, so he ran to his chair and found what was most pleasurable to him on Wikipedia, the… <a href="/wiki/User:MrAKinsey" title="User:MrAKinsey">MrAKinsey</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:MrAKinsey" title="User talk:MrAKinsey">talk</a>) 20:13, 26 March 2020 (UTC) </p><p>His own USERPAGE!He was exploring it but found a weird notice on his page. He was Blocked by an admin until the year 99999 ad. So he time traveled there and saw… <a href="/wiki/User:1st_Username" title="User:1st Username">1st Username</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:1st_Username" title="User talk:1st Username">talk</a>) 16:20, 24 April 2020 (UTC) </p><p>…A grave. But there was something odd about it; why would someone have Wikipedia’s logo on their grave? Anyways, he rubbed off the dust on the gravestone, hoping to find out whose grave it was… <a href="/wiki/User:RedBulbBlueBlood9911" class="mw-redirect" title="User:RedBulbBlueBlood9911"><span style="font-family:&#39;Trebuchet MS&#39;;color:#002F6C"><b>RedBulbBlueBlood9911</b></span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:RedBulbBlueBlood9911" title="User talk:RedBulbBlueBlood9911"><b><span style="font-family:&#39;Trebuchet MS&#39;;background-color:#002F6C;color:#FFFFFF">Talk</span></b></a>0 10:36, 19 June 2020 (UTC) </p><p>And he found out it was his, and that he died by getting killed with his own infinity sock, which was stolen from him by the Wikipediaholic as revenge after renewing his life licence, and that the logo was on his grave because he signed himself as "A Wikipediaholic" on Willy on Wheels' unburied coffin. He then attempted to go back to the past in order to stop himself from dying when... </p><p>He realized he could stop it by deleting the previous section! He quickly went to his recently unblocked userpage and attempted to change the story when he got... <a href="/wiki/User:Wikiffeine" title="User:Wikiffeine"><span style="font-family:Cursive;color:purple">Wikiffeine</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Wikiffeine" title="User talk:Wikiffeine"><span style="color: purple">•‿•</span></a> 20:37, 28 June 2020 (UTC) </p><p>blocked again by the Wikipediaholic who became an admin, but...<a href="/wiki/User:Geekpotato24" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Geekpotato24">Geekpotato24</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Geekpotato24" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Geekpotato24">talk</a>) 11:17, 29 June 2020 (UTC) </p><p>He realized there was another way to stop it! He only has to.. <a href="/wiki/User:Spicypumpkin" title="User:Spicypumpkin">Spicypumpkin</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Spicypumpkin" title="User talk:Spicypumpkin">talk</a>) 12:36, September 9, 2020 (UTC) </p><p>make better choices in the future, so that the past will attempt to recreate itself, and all previous infringements would be erased. Like <a href="/wiki/Ouroboros" title="Ouroboros">Ouroboros,</a> the snake that swallows its own tail. The previously dejected, but now enlightened, Wikipedian realised, in that moment, and in all moments to come, that......<a href="/wiki/User:Carrolquadrio" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Carrolquadrio">Carrolquadrio</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Carrolquadrio" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Carrolquadrio">talk</a>) 07:00, 11 September 2020 (UTC) </p><p>he has to make better choices. Anyways he goes back to 2020 only to see an asteroid heading for earth.But then... <a href="/wiki/User:1st_Username" title="User:1st Username">1st Username</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:1st_Username" title="User talk:1st Username">talk</a>) 12:18, 14 September 2020 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XV:_The_Disaster">Chapter XV: The Disaster</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=18" title="Edit section: Chapter XV: The Disaster"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>it suddenly changes course- and explodes!? redpanda0310 18:46, 8 October 2020 (UTC) </p><p>Pieces of the asteroid start crashing down to earth. Tectonic plates rumbling, oceans creating mass tsunamis, who would've thought that earth would be destroyed on 2020? A lot of people, actually. <a href="/wiki/User:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Le Panini"><span style="color:#F40">Le Panini</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Le Panini"><i><small>(<sup>Talk to</sup><sub>me?</sub>)</small></i></a> 15:04, 13 October 2020 (UTC) </p><p>The wikipedia realizes wikipedia is being destroyed and flees to uncyclopedia. However he realizes this was a bad idea when,... <a href="/wiki/User:1st_Username" title="User:1st Username">1st Username</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:1st_Username" title="User talk:1st Username">talk</a>) 17:47, 13 October 2020 (UTC) </p><p>he went on his Dell Chromebook, which blocks the site on school campus grounds. <a href="/wiki/User:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Le Panini"><span style="color:#F40">Le Panini</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Le Panini"><i><small>(<sup>Talk to</sup><sub>me?</sub>)</small></i></a> 01:25, 14 October 2020 (UTC) </p><p>then the ghost of his cat-that-died-after-eating-a-rotten-tomato comes and starts <a href="/wiki/Template:Small_Overdone_Trout" title="Template:Small Overdone Trout">whacking him with a small overdone Trout</a> for getting the site banned on campus. <a href="/wiki/User:REDMAN_2019" title="User:REDMAN 2019"><span style="color:#daa520">REDMAN 2019</span></a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:REDMAN_2019" title="User talk:REDMAN 2019"><span style="color:#c0c0c0">talk</span></a>) 13:41, 30 October 2020 (UTC) </p><p>However, by changing .co in the url to .ca, he was on <i>another</i> <a href="/wiki/Uncyclopedia#History" title="Uncyclopedia">Uncyclopedia</a>! -<a href="/w/index.php?title=User:GoatLordServant&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:GoatLordServant (page does not exist)">GoatLordServant</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:GoatLordServant" title="User talk:GoatLordServant">Talk</a>) 12:43, 10 November 2020 (UTC) </p><p>Shocked at seeing Uncyclopedia intact under a different <a href="/wiki/Domain_name" title="Domain name">domain name</a>, he had a wild thought: "<i>What if I can access Wikipedia under a different url?</i> <a href="/wiki/User:Painting17" title="User:Painting17">Painting17</a> 18:00, 29 November 2020 (UTC) </p><p>Putting this hypothesis to the test, he swiftly typed <i></i> and discovered he could apparently buy the domain, so he... <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:GoatLordServant&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:GoatLordServant (page does not exist)"> -<b>G</b>oat<b>L</b>ord<b>S</b>ervant</a> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:GoatLordServant" title="User talk:GoatLordServant">Talk</a>-<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant" title="Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant">Contribs</a>)</sup> 13:40, 1 December 2020 (UTC) </p><p>...bought it. I don't know why you struggled on that thought. Anyway, now being the owner of Wikipedia 2, he make a fake <a href="/wiki/User:Jimbo_Wales" title="User:Jimbo Wales">Jimbo</a> account and pretended to be him. Actual Jimbo could not contest because he didn't have proof. However, only Jimbo could maintain a free encyclopedia, so things went downhill fast. <a href="/wiki/User:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Le Panini"><span style="color:#F40">Le Panini</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Le Panini"><i><sup>Talk</sup></i></a> 17:34, 4 December 2020 (UTC) </p><p>On the main Wikipedia, he went to a forum and asked people to program spam-bots to advertise <i>Wikipedia 2</i> everywhere. Being successful somehow, the spam-bots went and added a link to Wikipedia 2's main page. There was a massive influx of users who began to believe that Wikipedia 2 was truly Wikipedia's successor, and Wikipedia 2 shortly had its own place in history, with 90,000,000,000 pages and more, with each being updated each second. <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:GoatLordServant&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:GoatLordServant (page does not exist)"> -<b>G</b>oat<b>L</b>ord<b>S</b>ervant</a><sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:GoatLordServant" title="User talk:GoatLordServant">Talk</a>-<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant" title="Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant">Contribs</a>)</sup> 17:47, 4 December 2020 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XVI:_The_Reign_of_Fake_Jimbo">Chapter XVI: The Reign of Fake Jimbo</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=19" title="Edit section: Chapter XVI: The Reign of Fake Jimbo"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>Things did roll down hill, eventually. An encyclopedia this size became too hard to maintain and each page was clogged with misinformation, and spam links. The real reason for its downfall was the fact that their Jimbo Wales was indeed a <i>fake.</i> <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:GoatLordServant&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:GoatLordServant (page does not exist)"> -<b>G</b>oat<b>L</b>ord<b>S</b>ervant</a><sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:GoatLordServant" title="User talk:GoatLordServant">Talk</a>-<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant" title="Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant">Contribs</a>)</sup> 17:50, 4 December 2020 (UTC) </p><p>Fake Jimbo of <i>Wikipedia 2</i> never had any administrators, and he ruled Wikipedia 2 for a seemingly forever 30 years. He did have one apprentice, however, known as <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Not_Jimbo&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Not Jimbo (page does not exist)">User:Not Jimbo</a>. While fake Jimbo was off soaking in fame and glory for his non-informative Wikipedia (and getting away with accusing <a href="/wiki/Larry_Sanger" title="Larry Sanger">Larry Sanger</a> for <a href="/wiki/Embezzlement" title="Embezzlement">embezzlement</a> in hopes of nobody stopping him), Not Jimbo tried to solve as many disputes and issues as he could. He was only man, however, and knew something needed to be done about this. He approached fake Jimbo in hopes to strive to make a better Wikipedia; the <i>real</i>, <i>Wikipedia 2</i>. <a href="/wiki/User:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Le Panini"><span style="color:#F40">Le Panini</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Le Panini"><i><sup>Talk</sup></i></a> 03:34, 7 December 2020 (UTC) </p><p>Not Jimbo approached Fake Jimbo's talk page, and before he could say a word, he had received a message from the <i>real Jimbo.</i> He didn't know it was the real Jimbo until he read the first words, which were "I am the real Jimbo." </p><p>Not Jimbo had been suspicious of the fake Jimbo for a while, being his apprentice meant he spent the most time around him. He noticed Fake Jimbo was always greedy and always bragged about his glory, versus the real Jimbo often showing quite the opposite. <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:GoatLordServant&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:GoatLordServant (page does not exist)"> -<b>G</b>oat<b>L</b>ord<b>S</b>ervant</a><sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:GoatLordServant" title="User talk:GoatLordServant">Talk</a>-<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant" title="Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant">Contribs</a>)</sup> 12:39, 10 December 2020 (UTC) </p><p>Shocked, stunned, NotJimbo asked again. <i>"Is that really you?"</i>, they asked once more. "Yes", he responded. Now he was certain; it said it right there! Now knowing fake Jimbo was indeed fake, they were quite concerned how fake Jimbo was never accused before. They concluded it had something to do with the "Assume good faith" rules being 90 pages long. </p><p>"I need your help!", said NotJimbo, through email of course. "How can we stop fake Jimbo? This is not the encyclopedia I once knew!". </p><p>Real Jimbo replied, "It won't be an easy task. First we need to... <a href="/wiki/User:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Le Panini"><span style="color:#1303fc">Le </span><span style="color:#F40">Panini</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Le Panini"><sup><span style="color:#1303fc">[🥪]</span></sup></a> 01:10, 15 December 2020 (UTC) </p><p>...Talk to fake Jimbo. As I said before, it won't be easy. Contact him via email and hope he replies with your concerns, like how the pages are cluttered with spam and such. Then, I predict he will ask if you want to make someone else an admin. I, the real Jimbo, have made a Wikipedia 2 account. I am J1MBO on the wiki. </p><p>But... what if it goes <i>wrong</i>? Asked Not Jimbo, in a voice of not much concern, knowing the real Jimbo probably will not fail. Real Jimbo replied confidently, "No, we'll do this." </p><p>So Not Jimbo was on his own for now. He asked the Fake Jimbo if he knew a way to possibly fix Wikipedia 2. As predicted, he lazily asked if he would want another admin to work alongside him. Not Jimbo replied, "Yes. A user named J1MBO." <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:GoatLordServant&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:GoatLordServant (page does not exist)"> -<b>G</b>oat<b>L</b>ord<b>S</b>ervant</a><sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:GoatLordServant" title="User talk:GoatLordServant">Talk</a>-<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant" title="Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant">Contribs</a>)</sup> 12:57, 15 December 2020 (UTC) </p><p>But then there was a problem: fake Jimbo got suspicious. NotJimbo sat there staring at his computer, waiting for a reply. It seems that fake Jimbo was doing <i>something</i>, but what? This concerned them. What could it be? Do they know? <i>Is Wikipedia doomed?</i> Nothing for a whole 30 minutes. And they knew he wasn't eating food. </p><p>Then, he got a reply. </p><p>"Is this a sock?" </p><p>"No." </p><p>"Okay then. I'll promote them." </p><p>That was a close one. Luckily, fake Jimbo banned check user in case somebody used it on him and found out he was a fraud. J1MBO was promoted. "What's next to the plan?", asked NotJimbo. <a href="/wiki/User:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Le Panini"><span style="color:#1303fc">Le </span><span style="color:#F40">Panini</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Le Panini"><sup><span style="color:#1303fc">[🥪]</span></sup></a> 13:07, 15 December 2020 (UTC) </p><p>"Well" J1MBO said sadly. "I cannot prove he is a fraud, checkuser is no more. He may have hurt the wiki more, now that checkuser is missing everywhere." Not Jimbo asked if he had a plan B, and J1MBO said no. "Really, all that we can do is improve the wiki, and I don't even know how to do that" <a href="/w/index.php?title=User:GoatLordServant&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:GoatLordServant (page does not exist)"> -<b>G</b>oat<b>L</b>ord<b>S</b>ervant</a><sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:GoatLordServant" title="User talk:GoatLordServant">Talk</a>-<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant" title="Special:Contributions/GoatLordServant">Contribs</a>)</sup> 13:30, 15 December 2020 (UTC) </p><p>"We can't give up now!", said NotJimbo. "There must be some way! What if we stop <i>Wikipedia 2</i> from existing altogether? Wouldn't that stop him?" </p><p>"But then he would just <a href="/wiki/Reincarnation" title="Reincarnation">reincarnate</a> and recreate it, and then we'd be back where we started," pointed out J1MBO. "How does that help?" </p><p>"I know! We can have a <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiGiant" title="Wikipedia:WikiGiant">WikiGiant</a> stomp on him, and then he won't be able to!" </p><p>"But he has hundreds of <a href="/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:WikiNecromancers&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Wikipedia:WikiNecromancers (page does not exist)">WikiNecromancers</a> working for him, and they would just bring him back to life"... </p><p>" So we stomp on them too!" </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XVII:_The_War_of_the_Wikis">Chapter XVII: The War of the Wikis</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=20" title="Edit section: Chapter XVII: The War of the Wikis"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>"That's not a bad idea", replied real Jimbo. I've got it. We'll go to the original Wikipedia; I know there's still some stragglers there who hate the new version. I don't know <i>what</i> we'll do with the army, but we'll think of a plan as we go. Come on!" <a href="/wiki/User:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Le Panini"><span style="color:#1303fc">Le </span><span style="color:#F40">Panini</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Le_Panini" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Le Panini"><sup><span style="color:#1303fc">[🥪]</span></sup></a> 13:34, 16 December 2020 (UTC) </p><p>...and so they began the ardourous trek to the classic wiki... </p><p>However, J1MBO was not on NotJimbo's side. Knowing the state of Wikipedia 2, he had secretly studied Wikipediaism for a number of years before being promoted to admin, and had quickly came to the conclusion that the ultimate Wikipedia would be Wikipedia 0! His subordinate J1MB0 helped J1MBO register the domain . By the time fake Jimbo and NotJimbo realized this, J1MBO and J1MB0 had already... <a href="/wiki/User:Sungodtemple" title="User:Sungodtemple">Sungodtemple</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Sungodtemple" title="User talk:Sungodtemple">talk</a>) 01:32, 2 March 2021 (UTC) </p><p>...unleashed their secret weapon: a <a href="/wiki/User:TheBuddy92/Willy_on_Wheels:_A_Case_Study" title="User:TheBuddy92/Willy on Wheels: A Case Study">Willy on Wheels</a>! <a href="/wiki/User:The_Council_of_Seraphim" title="User:The Council of Seraphim"><span style="color: mediumorchid">The Council of Seraphim</span></a> &#124; <a href="/wiki/User_talk:The_Council_of_Seraphim" title="User talk:The Council of Seraphim"><span style="color: darkcyan">speak before the Council</span></a> 23:27, 29 August 2021 (UTC) </p><p><span style="color: red;">[PAUSE SESSION] [PAUSE SESSION] [PAUSE SESSION]</span> </p><p>In case of confusion between characters, let's recap: </p> <ul><li>fake Jimbo - A <a href="/wiki/Jimmy_Wales" title="Jimmy Wales">Jimmy Wales</a> impostor, founder of Wikipedia 2</li> <li>NotJimbo - An admin on Wikipedia 2, also not <a href="/wiki/Jimmy_Wales" title="Jimmy Wales">Jimmy Wales</a></li> <li>J1MBO - The real <a href="/wiki/Jimmy_Wales" title="Jimmy Wales">Jimmy Wales</a>, now starting Wikipedia 0</li> <li>J1MB0 - A subordinate in the real <a href="/wiki/Jimmy_Wales" title="Jimmy Wales">Jimmy Wales</a>, J1MBO</li></ul> <p><span style="color: red;">[RESUME SESSION] [RESUME SESSION] [RESUME SESSION]</span> </p><p>NotJimbo planned on using the army of Wikipedia 1 to fight Wikipedia 2. By the time he got to Wikipedia 1, J1MBO had already collected the army to make haste to Wikipedia 0. J1MB0 breezed past NotJimbo riding the Willy on Wheels over to Wikipedia 2, in an attempt to vandalize the site to the point of no return. He was followed by half of the Wikipedia 1 army. NotJimbo was confused. Now with J1MBO teaming up to destroy both Wikis to build a supreme one in its place and NotJimbo's plans of also doing the same at Wikipedia 2, who was the good guy anymore? </p><p>"Oh wait, I am", NotJimbo thought to himself. He needed to act fast. Wikipedias 1 and 2 will fight each other until nothing remains, so he needed a plan to stop that. He decided to... <a href="/wiki/User:Panini!" title="User:Panini!"><span style="color:#F40">Panini!</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Panini!" title="User talk:Panini!"><sup><span style="color:#1303fc">🥪</span></sup></a> 13:09, 8 September 2021 (UTC) </p><p>...invent the WikiNeutralifier, a machine that could theoretically, stop Wikipedias from fighting. The machine failed, and caused Wikipedias 1 and 2 to finght harder. NotJimbo... <a href="/wiki/User:AridCeption" title="User:AridCeption">AridCeption</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:AridCeption" title="User talk:AridCeption">talk</a>) 16:11, 26 January 2022 (UTC) </p><p> the idea to introduce a third enemy that both the Wikipedias would stand up against. So he went to <a href="/wiki/Uncyclopedia" title="Uncyclopedia">Uncyclopedia</a>... <a href="/wiki/User:JulieMinkai" title="User:JulieMinkai"><span style="color: #541e6e; text-decoration: inherit;"><b>Minkai</b></span></a> (<b><a href="/wiki/User_talk:JulieMinkai" title="User talk:JulieMinkai"><span style="color: green; text-decoration: inherit;">boop that talk button!</span></a>-<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/JulieMinkai" title="Special:Contributions/JulieMinkai">contribs</a>-<a href="/wiki/User:JulieMinkai/ANI_Hall_of_Fame" title="User:JulieMinkai/ANI Hall of Fame">ANI Hall of Fame</a></b>) 17:24, 19 May 2022 (UTC) </p><p>...and found a very annoyed editor of both Uncyclopedia and Wikipedia, writing an UnNews about the situation. This UnNews contained... <b><a href="/wiki/User:ARandomPage" title="User:ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkOrange">ARandomPage</span></a></b> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:ARandomPage" title="User talk:ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkGreen">talk</span></a> • <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/ARandomPage" title="Special:Contributions/ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkCyan">contribs</span></a>) 02:25, 21 July 2022 (UTC) </p><p>A very large kazoo that could stop the earth from rotating! The annoyed editor played the kazoo and… <a href="/wiki/User:Herny32c" title="User:Herny32c">Herny32c</a> </p><p>... immediately played it back again to continue Earth's rotation, not wanting to die of death. Meanwhile, NotJimbo has been messing up and destroying... <b><a href="/wiki/User:ARandomPage" title="User:ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkOrange;background-color: MidnightBlue">ARandomPage</span></a></b> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:ARandomPage" title="User talk:ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkGreen">talk</span></a> • <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/ARandomPage" title="Special:Contributions/ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkCyan">contribs</span></a>) 03:56, 1 August 2022 (UTC) </p><p>Articles!!?! He didn't mean to but somehow articles had been vandalized under his name. It was obviously.... Wikiwow1102:) 10:36, 18 September 2022 (UTC) </p><p>Drazy B. Yes it was him obviously. I mean after all he was still upset about what happpened between Notjimbo and Him .For the first day ....SandyC98712:38, 18 September 2022 (UTC) </p><p>, the Uncyclopedia administration didn't notice, partially because the annoyed editor was too busy reverting vandalism to call the Uncyclopedia admins for help. <b><a href="/wiki/User:ARandomPage" title="User:ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkOrange;background-color: MidnightBlue">ARandomPage</span></a></b> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:ARandomPage" title="User talk:ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkGreen">talk</span></a> • <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/ARandomPage" title="Special:Contributions/ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkCyan">contribs</span></a>) 09:11, 20 September 2022 (UTC) </p><p>It was hard trying to revert all the vandalism but the editor was determined. Eventually he was finished and called the Uncyclopedia admins<span style="color: blue">Wikiwow:)</span> <a href="/wiki/User:Wikiwow1102" title="User:Wikiwow1102">Wikiwow:) </a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Wikiwow1102" title="User talk:Wikiwow1102">talk</a>) 14:32, 21 September 2022 (UTC) </p><p>...But the Uncyclopedia admins said no. <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">User:Chembudwikipedian</a> </p><p>The Uncyclopedia admins declared that "<a href="/wiki/Dwayne_Johnson" title="Dwayne Johnson">IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT ARTICLES HE VANDALIZED</a>! We exist to cause havoc, not <a href="/wiki/Fix-it_Felix" class="mw-redirect" title="Fix-it Felix">fix it</a>!" But the editor... <a href="/wiki/User:TheKingCartii" title="User:TheKingCartii">User:TheKingCartii</a> </p><p>...decided to write a 100 page hate letter to the Uncyclopedia admins. But then... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">User:Chembudwikipedian</a> </p><p>...the editor thought for a bit and realized that many Uncyclopedians, themself and some admins included, were not acting like they usually would. So, they wrote an UnSignpost stating this and delivered it to every active Uncyclopedian (because apparently that's a thing they could do on Uncyclopedia), and then decided that they were going to investigate what was happening to the Uncyclopedians. They started their investigation by... <b><a href="/wiki/User:ARandomPage" title="User:ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkOrange; background-color: MidnightBlue;">ARandomPage, the named space</span></a></b> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:ARandomPage" title="User talk:ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkGreen">talk</span></a> • <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/ARandomPage" title="Special:Contributions/ARandomPage"><span style="color: DarkCyan">contribs</span></a>) 09:31, 23 March 2023 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XVIII:_The_Search_for_Jimbo">Chapter XVIII: The Search for Jimbo</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=21" title="Edit section: Chapter XVIII: The Search for Jimbo"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>...contacting Jimbo to see if he had anything to do with it. <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> </p><p>When they arrived, the editor could instantly see that something was different. The house was painted many garish shades of green and purple, and the roof had caved in on one side. Tremulously, they rang the doorbell, and a large, beer-bellied frat bro peacock answered… <a href="/wiki/User:Blueskiesdry" title="User:Blueskiesdry">Blueskiesdry</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Blueskiesdry" title="User talk:Blueskiesdry">talk</a>) 00:14, 3 January 2024 (UTC) </p><p>"Hey dude, what do you need?" After they explained what the issue was, the peacock handed them a six-pack of beer and a map, which led to... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 22:01, 28 February 2024 (UTC) </p><p>A shack in downtown Huntingdon, New York. The Uncyclopedia editors quickly realized that they had been tricked (by a frat bro peacock, no less) as this was thousands of miles away from where Jimbo was last seen. As they were grumbling while waiting for their flight at JFK, a familiar face that was last seen a couple chapters ago came up to them. It was... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> </p><p>The ghost of the cat-that-died-after-eating-a-rotten-tomato! The ghost flew down and possessed their bodies. Using its ghost powers, it flew them to Jimbo's last known location in <a href="/wiki/Guyana" title="Guyana">Guyana</a>, after a small detour to kill a pigeon. Once they landed in the jungles of Guyana... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 20:45, 28 March 2024 (UTC) </p><p>They searched and searched, but he was nowhere. "<a href="/wiki/Krasnoyarsk" title="Krasnoyarsk">Where could he be?</a>" I said until I realized he was in my city... <a href="/wiki/User:ItsMeGabeProductions" title="User:ItsMeGabeProductions">ItsMeGabeProductions</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:ItsMeGabeProductions" title="User talk:ItsMeGabeProductions">talk</a>) 07:14, 1 April 2024 (UTC) </p><p>So they had the ghost fly them to Krasnoyarsk, where they met a strange young man. The man appeared Brazilian, but had a British accent. He told them that they would need to collect six special artifacts from across the world to summon Jimbo out of hiding. The first was a tuft of fur from the Pokémon <a href="/wiki/Mew_(Pok%C3%A9mon)" title="Mew (Pokémon)">Mew</a>. With this new knowledge, the editors returned to Guyana to track the Pokémon down. After a few days of searching... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 21:06, 1 April 2024 (UTC) </p><p>...They found a secret in their breakfast! The <a href="/wiki/User:The_Master_of_Hedgehogs" title="User:The Master of Hedgehogs">Master of Hedgehogs</a> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:The_Master_of_Hedgehogs" title="User talk:The Master of Hedgehogs">converse</a>)</sup> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/The_Master_of_Hedgehogs" title="Special:Contributions/The Master of Hedgehogs">hedgehogs</a>)</sup> 17:40, 6 May 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Among the bits of <a href="/wiki/Lucky_Charms" title="Lucky Charms">Lucky Charms</a> in their bowls, they found Mew, and got their tuft of fur. Next to Mew, there was a note. It was a bit soggy from the milk, but still readable. It was from <a href="/wiki/Waluigi" title="Waluigi">Waluigi</a>! He had teamed up with the villains of the story, and informed our protagonists that the entire nation of Guyana would explode in two hours! As they ran out of their camp in the jungle... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 16:30, 9 May 2024 (UTC) </p> <figure class="mw-default-size" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Guyana_(orthographic_projection).svg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="220" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="541" data-file-height="541" /></a><figcaption>A map of South America. The area that is highlighted is <a href="/wiki/Guyana" title="Guyana">Guyana</a>, which is set to explode.</figcaption></figure> <p>One of the editors pulled out a one of those scratch-off-the-countries-you've-visited-globes and scratched off guyana so hard it dissapeared off the map. As it turned out this was very important to the search because <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> </p><p>it sped up the bombs! Now they only had <i>one hour</i> to escape before the whole country exploded, and the nearest airport was 90 minutes away! They thought that they were doomed, but then the ghost cat reappeared! It flew them out of Guyana with only seconds to spare. As they looked back, they could see the explosions consume the jungles. The ghost cat dropped them off back in Krasnoyarsk, where they met with the Brazilian with the British accent again, who revealed his name to be Frederick. Frederick informed the editors that the second item they needed was... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 13:48, 10 May 2024 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XIX:_A_Trip_to_Nintendo_HQ">Chapter XIX: A Trip to Nintendo HQ</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=22" title="Edit section: Chapter XIX: A Trip to Nintendo HQ"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>something contained inside a massive Super Mario question-mark block located at <a href="/wiki/Nintendo" title="Nintendo">Nintendo HQ</a>. The group of editors figured out that Nintendo HQ was somewhere in Japan (to the great excitement of the scratch-off globe editor) and they asked the ghost cat to fly them there, but it refused because... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 05:59, 11 May 2024 (UTC) </p><p>It was too tired at the moment, and needed a break. After a few days of hiking to Poland because it isn't easy to get flights out of Russia, they hopped on a plane to Japan. However, when they arrived, they found... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 02:48, 12 May 2024 (UTC) </p><p>That Nintendo HQ was closed. They tried getting in by breaking down the door, but one of the <a href="/wiki/Japanese_police" class="mw-redirect" title="Japanese police">Japanese police</a> caught them doing so and drove them to the police station. They tried to make them pay a fine, but it turns out they had completely exhausted their cash supply after flying to <a href="/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_Airport" class="mw-redirect" title="John F. Kennedy Airport">JFK</a> and <a href="/wiki/Kyoto" title="Kyoto">Kyoto</a> and whatnot. So, in an act of desperation, they had to... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 09:02, 12 May 2024 (UTC) </p><p>sell the scratch-off globe, which greatly saddened the scratch-off globe editor. Fortunately, on their way back to Nintendo HQ, they found another one hanging out of a dumpster. It even had Guyana crossed off already! With their happiness restored, the editors returned to Nintendo HQ, and began thinking about how they can get in. After a couple hours, they decided to... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 12:42, 12 May 2024 (UTC) </p><p>just suck it up and get in the normal way. They quickly ran down the linoleum floors to secure that question mark block. Unfortunately, Waluigi had placed a bunch of <a href="/wiki/Goomba" title="Goomba">Goombas</a> in their way, so they... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 02:48, 13 May 2024 (UTC) </p><p>jumped on them, obviously. As they ran past shelves of Pokémon taxidermies, they searched for the question mark block. Eventually, they found it, but Waluigi was one step ahead, and he... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 14:11, 13 May 2024 (UTC) </p><p>had placed three Bob-ombs in front of the question mark block, with wires connected to them. Luckily, one of the editors had watched one too many <a href="/wiki/Pannenkoek2012" title="Pannenkoek2012">pannenkoek</a> videos and knew how to solve this. He started by... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 03:18, 14 May 2024 (UTC) </p><p>backwards long jumping over the bombs. Then, he carefully cuts the wires to defuse the Bob-Ombs. After getting to the question mark block, he realized that this was the wrong one, and the real one was in the basement. They ran to the elevator, but... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 13:25, 22 May 2024 (UTC) </p><p> that exact moment, the fire alarm sounded and the editors ran out of there like mad. After getting to the plaza outside the front entrance, where there was a crowd of people, one of the editors asked a (luckily english speaking) Nintendo employee what the fire alarm was for. The Nintendo employee said that there was smoke coming from the basement. They almost quit, but the annoyed editor (who, let's not forget, came up with this whole idea) gave an inspirational speech about the importance of getting the wikis to stop warring. One of the editors raised the question of how to get back in and save the question mark block. Just when all hope was lost, they found out that... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 06:42, 24 May 2024 (UTC) </p><p>they could use <a href="/wiki/Super_Mario_Sunshine" title="Super Mario Sunshine">F.L.U.D.D.</a>! They quickly extinguished the fire and ran to the elevator, but the elevator was too burned to work, so they took the stairs. As they approached the question mark block, Waluigi appeared again. Not wanting to let them get the item, he... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 13:19, 5 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>...called up his friend <a href="/wiki/Wario" title="Wario">Wario</a>, who just so happened to be near them at the time, to stop them. However, the team of editors delayed Wario by... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 23:35, 5 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>infecting him with <a href="/wiki/Pneumonia" title="Pneumonia">pneumonia</a>. The editors run past Waluigi and grab the item, before taking a Clown Car back to Krasnoyarsk. As they return to Krasnoyarsk, Frederick informs them that the third item needed is a crate of authentic tea from the <a href="/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party" title="Boston Tea Party">Boston Tea Party</a>, which would require the editors to time travel. Not knowing how to time travel, the editors... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 11:28, 6 June 2024 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XX:_Time_Travel">Chapter XX: Time Travel</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=23" title="Edit section: Chapter XX: Time Travel"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>…called the best rouge admin for the job. Dressed in a classic blue shirt and pajama pants was...<a href="/wiki/User:Soapyduck" title="User:Soapyduck"><span style="color:slateblue">Soapforduck</span></a>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Soapyduck" title="User talk:Soapyduck"><span style="color:crimson">Say what?</span></a>)(<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Soapyduck" title="Special:Contributions/Soapyduck">Did what?</a>) 16:51, 6 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>a rouge admin, of course. The rouge admin (who choosed to be anonymous for the purposes of this story) promptly explained that he was part of a cabal of rouge admins who were disgusted with Wikipedia 1’s leadership and had decided to start a new Wikipedia, henceforth known as Rouge-o-pedia. When asked how to time travel, he made the entire troop of editors swear not to reveal his secrets, then explained. “Simple,” he said, “Step one is to… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 00:13, 10 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>...go back to Nintendo HQ and grab <a href="/wiki/Mario%27s_Time_Machine" title="Mario&#39;s Time Machine">Mario's Time Machine</a>. After the editors evaded Waluigi and grabbed the machine, they used it to go to the Boston Tea Party. Unfortunately, it only changes your time period, and not your location, leaving the editors stuck in 1770s Japan with no way off of the island. No way except... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 17:42, 13 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>hitching a <a href="/wiki/Maruko-bune" title="Maruko-bune">Maruko-bune</a> down the <a href="/wiki/Seta_River" class="mw-redirect" title="Seta River">Seta River</a>. However, just as they were pulling into the port of <a href="/wiki/Osaka" title="Osaka">Osaka</a>, they decided to get off, but the boat was now heading back up the river, and drifted out of sight. While on the <a href="/wiki/Pier" title="Pier">pier</a>, the annoyed editor decided to tell the other editors what he thought of them. "YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF MORONS!" he screamed, even more annoyed than he was when editing <a href="/wiki/Uncyclopedia" title="Uncyclopedia">Uncyclopedia</a>. "Now we're STUCK in OSAKA with NO WAY OF GETTING OUT!" he screamed. One of the editors (who had a surprisingly good grasp of Japanese culture from his many years of watching way too much anime) spoke up. "It looks like they're celebrating the festival of <a href="/wiki/Niiname-no-Matsuri" title="Niiname-no-Matsuri">Niiname-no-Matsuri</a>, which means that we probably have only a few weeks to-" "SHUT UP! That DOESN'T HELP!" said the extremely annoyed editor. "Now we have to cross the Pacific ocean and the American prairies within like, A COUPLE WEEKS! How are we going to do that? It's 1773 for goodness sake!" But then suddenly... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 09:26, 14 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>they noticed a British ship, about to sail away. It was seemingly denied entry by the isolationist Japanese. They quickly snuck onto the boat just before it left, but it took them to England and not the Thirteen Colonies. As they got off in England, they began brainstorming how they would get to Boston before the revolutionaries dumped the tea. They decided to... </p><p>Get onto a tea carrying ship with the flag of Colonial America on it. As they journeyed across the <a href="/wiki/Atlantic" class="mw-redirect" title="Atlantic">Atlantic</a>, they pretty quickly realized that the ship was heading to New York and not Boston. So in order to get to Boston, they had to... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 21:47, 14 June 2024 (UTC) </p> <figure class="mw-default-size" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_United_States_(1776%E2%80%931777).svg" class="mw-file-description"><img alt="hello there" src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="147" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="900" data-file-height="600" /></a><figcaption>The flag of Colonial America, where our protagonists are heading.</figcaption></figure> <p>steal some horses and ride them down to Boston. Once they arrived, they realized that the Boston Tea Party was tomorrow. To pass the time, the editors... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 21:33, 15 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>…went down to the bar. Due to the rules about alcohol at the time, only half of them to go. The other half scrounged their loose change, booked a hotel near the harbour and stayed in the common room with a dozen other people. As it turns out this was a massive mistake because <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 23:16, 15 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>One of them was Waluigi! He found another way to time travel and is here to stop the editors. Waluigi tried to sabotage them by... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 00:32, 16 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>framing them for a crime they didn’t commit. Unfortunately he only managed to get the annoyed uncyclopedian incarcerated. The rest of the editors decided to continue with the plan, but without a leader, they had to… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 00:58, 16 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>pay for his bail, taking advantage of the fact that one of the editors had some <a href="/wiki/British_pounds" class="mw-redirect" title="British pounds">British pounds</a> on hand. As the boats full of tea were only a few hours away, the editors... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 02:27, 16 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>…without a horse, simply decided to high-tail it down there. They had to be quick because they could already see the crowd of protesters and the <a href="/wiki/Dartmouth_(ship)" class="mw-redirect" title="Dartmouth (ship)">HMS Dartmouth</a> coming into the harbour. So they… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 04:30, 16 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>ran into the harbor, and saw the Founding Fathers dressed as Native Americans, ready to throw the tea off of the ship. The editors realized that they needed to make it onto the ship before the Founding Fathers did, so they dressed in their own Native American disguise and... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 11:58, 16 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>muscled their way into the ship. They managed to blend in with the other people enough that nobody noticed them sneaking out with the tea crate on hand. There was that done, but they needed to get back to the present day. They ended up... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 00:43, 17 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>running back into Waluigi, who kicked their crate of tea into the water! They ran back onto the ship, which only had a few crates of tea left. One of the editors reached for another crate of tea, but Waluigi knocked them unconscious with his golf club! Waluigi began running towards the editors, who... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 13:00, 17 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>in confusion, began trying to get some more crates of tea. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do, as Waluigi was too powerful. Suddenly, they spotted a <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 00:20, 19 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p><a href="/wiki/Portal_(video_game)" title="Portal (video game)">portal gun</a>! They used it to put Waluigi in the ocean, and grabbed a crate of tea. Waluigi pulled out a pistol and shot the scratch-off globe editor, but they managed to return to their own time with the tea. Unfortunately, the editor who had been shot was quickly losing blood. With no time to spare, the editors... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 01:42, 19 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>took him to the nearest hospital. He recovered in some time, but because of the US's sky-high hospital bills, they had to find something to pay off the debt. They dreaded selling the scratch-off globe, but they managed to pay it off by <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 02:52, 19 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>having all the other editors donate blood to the hospital's <a href="/wiki/Blood_drive" class="mw-redirect" title="Blood drive">blood drive</a>. After the debt was paid, they returned to Krasnoyarsk, and... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 12:15, 21 June 2024 (UTC) </p><p>...asked the rouge admin what was the next thing they needed to get to save Jimbo and Wikipedia. The rouge admin and Fredrick were unsure, but just then the postman arrived, dropping off one singular letter. They picked up the letter and looked at the return address, which one of the editors identified as the Uncyclopedia Headquarters. They wondered why they sent it via <a href="/wiki/Snail_mail" class="mw-redirect" title="Snail mail">snail mail</a> and not <a href="/wiki/Email" title="Email">email</a> but they opened it up anyway.<br /> "Dear Sir or Madam," the letter said (as there was indeed a young woman in the troop). "We have come to inform you about... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 00:39, 22 June 2024 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XXI:_Piece_of_the_Potato">Chapter XXI: Piece of the Potato</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=24" title="Edit section: Chapter XXI: Piece of the Potato"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>that fourth item you need, which is a genuine piece of the Uncyclopedia potato. We will be willing to give it to you, for a price." The editors quickly traveled to the Uncyclopedia headquarters, where they were informed that the price was 5 million dollars. Not having that much money on hand, the editors... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 15:30, 6 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>decided to steal it. However, it turned out that the <a href="/wiki/Uncyclopedia" title="Uncyclopedia">uncyclopedia</a> <a href="/wiki/Potato" title="Potato">potato</a> had a lot more security than the <a href="/wiki/Question_mark" title="Question mark">question mark</a> block back at <a href="/w/index.php?title=Nintendo_HQ&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Nintendo HQ (page does not exist)">Nintendo HQ</a>. There was <a href="/w/index.php?title=Iron_bars&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Iron bars (page does not exist)">iron bars</a>, a <a href="/wiki/Door" title="Door">door</a> locked by an impressively large <a href="/wiki/Combination_lock" title="Combination lock">combination lock</a> and one of those laser mazes that’s always in movies that seemed to be only for decoration. They were stumped on how to get through all of this, but they… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 22:01, 7 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>had seen a lot of heist movies. They hacked the door with a very complicated code-cracking algorithm that one editor had made as a hobby two years ago, and they danced through the lasers like in the movies. Eventually, after thirty minutes of awesome heist scenes, they arrived at the potato, and tried to grab a piece. Unfortunately, there was a motion sensor at the potato, and it caught them! As the Uncyclopedian Potato Guards began approaching, the editors... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 14:04, 8 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>began to run and hide. Unfortunately there were not much good hiding spots around the uncyclopedia potato. <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Major Sir Elvis</a> then appeared out of nowhere and congratulated them on their heist. "We have never seen a person of group of people eager enough to break into- Hey Robert is that you!?" said Sir Elvis, suddenly recognizing a senior member of the group. "Oh yeah, I recognize you! I've seen you here before." said Robert. The other Uncyclopedia editors were sitting there, confused, as Robert and Sir elvis were chatting away. "By the way, my real name's not Sir Elvis. It's-" "We need the puzzle potato!" rudely interrupted one of the editors. "Okay," said Sir Elvis, "Since you are so eager to have it we'll give it to you for the reduced price of... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 02:40, 10 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>twenty thousand dollars." The editors, unfortunately, did not have that much. So they thought it over, and eventually decided to get a job and earn the money. They began searching for a job, first looking to Uncyclopedia themselves. However, Uncyclopedia was not going to give them the money to give back to buy the piece. Next, they tried <a href="/wiki/Encyclopedia_Brittanica" class="mw-redirect" title="Encyclopedia Brittanica">Encyclopedia Brittanica</a>, but they were not hiring. The same was true for <a href="/wiki/Fandom_(website)" title="Fandom (website)">Fandom</a>. The scratch-off globe editor attempted to get a job at the <a href="/wiki/New_York_Times" class="mw-redirect" title="New York Times">New York Times</a>, but he was unqualified, seeing as he was a college dropout. Eventually, the editors were able to get a job at... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 03:10, 10 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>TVtropes, as they are the largest non MediaWiki based wiki. Since TVtropes is technically a nonprofit organisation (for tax purposes) they didn’t pay them much. ‘At this rate,’ said one particularly nerdy editor to the annoyed editor, ‘we’ll make our money back in 100 years.’ ‘You don’t say?!’ said the annoyed editor. ‘Well this is the best option we have.’ he complained. But an unexpected solution arrived in the form of… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 08:03, 10 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>a writing competition for the <a href="/wiki/Washington_Post" class="mw-redirect" title="Washington Post">Washington Post</a>. WaPo needs more journalists and more news articles, so they have come up with this. The top 3 writers will be paid twenty-five thousand dollars and have their article published in the Post, and the best writer of all will be offered a full-time job as a journalist for them. The scratch-off globe editor submitted a clearly horrible article about his travels, so the editors decided to enter a second editor into the contest to give them a chance at winning. One editor named <span class="plainlinks"><a class="external text" href="">William S. Saturn</a></span>, who is an administrator at <a href="/wiki/Wikinews" title="Wikinews">Wikinews</a>, quickly got to work. He decided to write an article about... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 17:11, 10 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>the election, of course, since that was the hot topic at the time. Unfortunately, a bunch of other people were trying for the job, and had also written articles about the election. Soon the WaPo submissions page was flooded with applications and résumés, and William was beginning to think that he wasn’t going to win. So, the other editors waited in eagerness to watch the results while… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 21:52, 10 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Waluigi tried to blow up the Post's headquarters! He fatally shot a janitor who tried to stop him and planted a bomb, setting up a Bullet Bill blaster to protect it. Thankfully, the police arrived and defused the bomb before it could cause any damage. As the results came in, the editors discovered that William got 1st place! He accepted the twenty-five thousand dollars and the job, although the latter meant that he no longer had the time to help the other editors outside of financial assistance. With the cash prize in hand, the editors returned to Uncyclopedia headquarters, and... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 22:57, 10 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Bought the piece of the potato from Sir Elvis. Unfortunately that meant the Uncyclopedia logo had been updated temporarily, but it was okay. They used the remainder of their prize money to return to Krasnoyarsk, where they met up with Frederick. Fredrick told them that he wasn’t sure what the next item was, but he was pretty sure it was located in Jimbo’s hometown of <a href="/wiki/Huntsville,_Alabama" title="Huntsville, Alabama">Huntsville, Alabama</a>. So the editors… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 23:20, 10 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>had the ghost cat take them there, as it had rested up enough since last time. However, when they arrived, Waluigi ambushed them and stole the potato piece! The editors began chasing him, but they took a <a href="/wiki/Bugs_Bunny" title="Bugs Bunny">wrong turn at Albuquerque</a> after reading a vandalized <a href="/wiki/Wikivoyage" title="Wikivoyage">Wikivoyage</a> page and ended up in Mexico City, while Waluigi ended up in <a href="/wiki/Chehalis,_Washington" title="Chehalis, Washington">Chehalis, Washington</a>. The editors, realizing their mistake, began to... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 00:32, 11 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>try and go back. Unfortunately, as they say, “the border is a one way street,” and they got stuck at customs. Meanwhile, Waluigi was wondering what to do with the potato piece. He couldn’t figure out a use for it, but he sold it to a potato collector. While the editors were stuck at customs… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 01:00, 11 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>they realized they could just have the ghost cat fly them to Chehalis. Once they arrived, Waluigi tried to have them arrested, but the police wouldn't buy it. The editors tracked down the potato collector, but he refused to give back the potato. Fed up with this nonsense, the annoyed editor pulled out a shotgun and aimed it at him. Faced with this clear threat of violence, the potato collector... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 01:13, 11 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>gave up the potato puzzle piece to them. The ghost cat took them back to Huntsville with Waluigi in hot pursuit. He had somehow got his hands on a <a href="/wiki/Mario_Kart" title="Mario Kart">Mario Kart</a> car and was speeding down the interstate. Fortunately the police pulled him over for speeding, and later was arrested on charges of stealing a Mario kart car from a local car dealership. By that time they had got to Huntsville, and started looking for the fifth item. As they were looking for the item… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 01:50, 11 July 2024 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XXII:_Jimbo's_Hometown"><span id="Chapter_XXII:_Jimbo.27s_Hometown"></span>Chapter XXII: Jimbo's Hometown</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=25" title="Edit section: Chapter XXII: Jimbo&#039;s Hometown"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>they saw fake Jimbo appear in the sky! He had apparently found a way to give himself the power of flight. He shouted down to the editors "YOU'LL NEVER DEFEAT THE POWER OF WIKIPEDIA 2!" and threw some bombs at them before flying off. The bombs killed one of the editors, but the others... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 14:43, 11 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>fled for their lives. The annoyed editor pulled out his shotgun again, but it had run out of rounds. As the bombs were flying everywhere, the annoyed editor then called <a href="/wiki/Crime_Stoppers" title="Crime Stoppers">Crime Stoppers</a> (is that even a thing in Alabama?) and waited for the police to arrive. Meanwhile, the other editors were… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 21:36, 11 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>searching for that unknown fifth item, and hoping it wasn't destroyed forever by the bombs. The scratch-off globe editor searched the grocery store, but found nothing. Other editors' searches at the library, the town hall, and the elementary school were similarly fruitless. As the annoyed editor realized that fake Jimbo already left, he gained an increased resolve to take down his tyranny and Wikipedia 2 once and for all. He began searching various houses and other residential buildings, before locating Jimbo's childhood home. The lock on the door was disabled by a piece of debris from the explosions, but the rest of the house was completely unharmed. As the annoyed editor went inside... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 13:11, 15 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>he found Jimbo’s mom, Doris, who happened to be visiting. As the news was showing a man asking viewers to <a href="/wiki/WAFF_(TV)#In_popular_culture" title="WAFF (TV)">hide yo kids, hide yo wife</a> in response to the bombings, he asked Doris if she had the item. It turned out she did, and it was… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 22:00, 15 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Jimbo's teddy bear from when he was a child. The editors took it, and began leaving, when Waluigi reappeared. He tried to stop them, but they fought him off. Unfortunately, they discovered that he had brought friends! <a href="/wiki/Team_Rocket" title="Team Rocket">Team Rocket</a>, who had teamed up with Waluigi and Fake Jimbo, used a <a href="/wiki/Mr._Mime" title="Mr. Mime">Mr. Mime</a> to trap the editors in Huntsville. The editors, now trapped, decided to... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 13:54, 17 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>wait while they were interrogated by Team Rocket. There was really nothing else they could do. But some help arrived in the form of… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 21:58, 17 July 2024 (UTC) </p><p>a <a href="/wiki/User:Ferret" title="User:Ferret">powerful talking ferret</a>. The ferret used the power of deletion to make a hole in the barrier, allowing some editors to escape before Mr. Mime patched the hole. The rest escaped when the ferret deleted a larger hole in the barrier, too large for Mr. Mime to fix. The Team Rocket personnel tried to recapture the editors, but the ferret gave them a 72hr block for harassment and personal attacks. They also tried to block Waluigi, but he evaded it. With the editors freed, the ferret returned to its previous duties. The rest of the editors decided to begin the search for the sixth item, but none of them knew what it was, so they decided to... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 15:15, 7 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>go back to Krasnoyarsk to meet Frederick. Unfortunately, due to their antics, they had ran out of money again, and the ghost cat needed another rest. They didn’t even have enough to make an international call, or at the very least get a place to stay for the night, so to make more money, they… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 14:55, 8 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>started begging on the street. However, this got them very little money. Turns out people don't believe you when you hold up a cardboard sign on the side of the road saying you need donations to save Wikipedia. The editors worked together to think of a new idea, and after a few hours, they remembered that William S. Saturn could give them some money out of his new paycheck from the Washington Post. They called him, and he agreed to give them the money to fly to Krasnoyarsk (plus a bit extra), but it would take an hour to transfer the funds. To pass the time, the editors played a game of... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 22:26, 8 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Jumanji. Unfortunately the editors realised it was one of the enchanted copies, and got sucked into the game. “Shoot!” said the annoyed editor. “Not another random diversion to the story!” “What story?” said one of the other editors. “Aah, nothing.” One of them rolled the dice, and got a card which said… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 20:46, 11 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Go to jail. The editors were freed from the game, but ended up in the Huntsville prison. <a href="/wiki/Monopoly_(board_game)" class="mw-redirect" title="Monopoly (board game)">They did not pass go, and they did not collect 200$</a>. To escape the prison, the editors... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 21:28, 11 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>decided to get the key. They managed to get the key, but the guard was a couple steps behind him. <a href="/w/index.php?title=Bitlife&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Bitlife (page does not exist)">For every step that the group moved, the guard moved two steps.</a> But luckily one of the players knew how to trick the guard, because they prefer moving horizontally. Eventually the guard was trapped against a wall and they got out. Once out, they went to the nearest airport and booked their ticket. Unfortunately, they had a criminal record, and despite their pleadings that it must’ve been a mistake, they told them to wait for further instructions. Then someone came to them, and introduced himself as… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 08:48, 13 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>the airport's manager. The editors discussed the criminal record issue with him, and they were cleared to fly. As one of the other people in line asked them how often they go to the Cloud District, they ignored him and began boarding the plane. The first few hours of the flight were relaxing, except for the editor who decided to watch <a href="/wiki/The_Shining_(film)" title="The Shining (film)">The Shining</a> to pass the time. The annoyed editor got into an argument with the flight attendant over peanuts, but the other editors defused the conflict, and the flight went back to being calm and relaxing. However, on the way to Russia... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 11:56, 13 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>they had to change flights, as since the war there had been no direct flights between the US and Russia. They went downstairs and changed for departures at <a href="/wiki/Beijing_Daxing" class="mw-redirect" title="Beijing Daxing">Beijing Daxing</a>. While there, they realised that the flight was too delayed, and they missed their connecting flight. They ended up sleeping just outside the Terminal 2 departures lounge. But then they were woken up because… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 09:58, 14 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Loitering was forbidden at the airport. The editors then began sleeping on a bench nearby and waiting for a flight to Russia. A plane for Paris came by, then one to Singapore, then came flights for cities in Ethiopia, Arstotzka, and Sweden. The editors waited and waited for a Russian flight, but one did not arrive that day. After getting a good night's sleep and having some weird dreams about Wikipedia and an injured cat, they woke up the next day to discover that a plane to Krasnoyarsk would arrive at 1:00 PM. The editors quickly bought plane tickets and waited for the plane to arrive, sitting next to a <a href="/wiki/DougDoug" title="DougDoug">strange talking pepper named Doug</a> in the airport's waiting area. When the plane arrived, the editors... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 12:35, 14 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Got on the plane, of course. They slept most of the way to Krasnoyarsk, but eventually they got there. Frederick picked them up for the airport, but decided to keep the sixth and final item needed secret. What they didn't know was that Waluigi was on the same flight but disguised, and he needed to get that final item, whatever that was. While on the drive to Fredericks house, they talked about... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 03:29, 15 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>video games. As they arrived at Frederick's house, Frederick revealed that he did not know what the last item was either. However, there was someone who did. The editors needed to find a special hermit hiding in the wilderness somewhere on Earth. Waluigi overheard this, and also began searching for this hermit. The editors began the search at... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 13:46, 17 August 2024 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XXIII:_The_Hermit's_Hunt"><span id="Chapter_XXIII:_The_Hermit.27s_Hunt"></span>Chapter XXIII: The Hermit's Hunt</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=26" title="Edit section: Chapter XXIII: The Hermit&#039;s Hunt"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <p>the forest outside Krasnoyarsk. Most of the editors thought this would be a rather fruitless pursuit, as there was no way it would be this obvious. However it turned out it was, as they found a note from the hermit saying that he knew Fredrick was in Krasnoyarsk, as he had met him before. He then said that he wouldn't trade money for the item, but something else. Then a clue to another location, which read as follows: "The next clue is in a town that starts with a vowel, ends with -sk, and is known for its statue of a Russian war hero. Good luck!" They ruled out Omsk immediately, because of the Russian war hero thing. So they went back to Fredericks house and spent an hour researching towns until they finally... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 07:43, 18 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>eliminated half of the towns in the country before they had to go to sleep, as it was past midnight. The next day, the editors continued searching, and after several more hours, they narrowed it down to two towns: <a href="/wiki/Ussuriysk" title="Ussuriysk">Ussuriysk</a> and <a href="/wiki/Ulyanovsk" title="Ulyanovsk">Ulyanovsk</a>. The editors split up and searched both towns for the first clue to where the sixth item might be, and they eventually discovered... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 16:15, 18 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>a note under the Russian Railways locomotive just opposite the statue of Vladimir Lenin in Ussuriysk. Next to the note a small box was taped, but it was locked. The note read: "By the way, that box does not contain the final item, but it does contain a clue. The key... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 02:39, 19 August 2024 (UTC) </p> <figure class="mw-default-size" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Parovoz-El-629.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img alt="No one reads this anymore right?!" src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="148" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="900" data-file-height="604" /></a><figcaption>The aforementioned russian locomotive.</figcaption></figure> <p>is near where you found the second item, and a little bird. Good luck!" The editors were shocked that the hermit knew about the other items, but that was not as important as figuring out the clue. They spent some time remembering which items they got in what order and where they got them, reminiscing about their adventures, and they realized they had to go back to... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 12:22, 19 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Kyoto, Japan. Unfortunately, they had run out of money again. They called up Will Saturn again, but his paycheck wouldn't arrive in another month. So, to get there, they had to... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 03:30, 20 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Face two men named Pedro and Bennett. Pedro was the Filipino and Bennett, <a href="/wiki/Stereotypes_of_British_people" title="Stereotypes of British people">don't ask him to make dinner.</a> Either way they were RICH RICH RICH! But in order to get some money, the editors had to guess their deep dark secret… it was pretty obvious. They were gay. So anyway they got to Kyoto! The end! NOT. Because the Russian locomotive just stopped existing. Absolutely expired. Reduced to atoms even! It was because... <a href="/wiki/User:Cyb3rstarzzz" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Cyb3rstarzzz">Cyb3rstarzzz</a>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Cyb3rstarzzz" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Cyb3rstarzzz">talk</a>) </p><p>Fake Jimbo had appeared! He disintegrated the locomotive. He also tried to disintegrate the editors, but his disintegration ray ran out of power. The editors quickly fled into the Russian wilderness, where they were able to hide from Fake Jimbo's attack as he destroyed all of Ussuriysk. After Fake Jimbo left, the editors hiked to the nearest airport and flew to Kyoto. Once they arrived, the editors... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 20:01, 20 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>decided to look for where that little bird was. However, when they did a quick Google, all that showed up was various Nintendo games. They searched through blogs, websites, photos of the interior, Google street view, but all that came up was nothing. The editors were beginning to despair a bit, but found another clue in the form of... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 00:44, 21 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>a note. This note was from the hermit, and it said: </p> <dl><dd><dl><dd><i>I see you have not yet found the second clue.<br />It is within the Nintendo HQ.<br />If you can find a stuffed birdy,<br />then the next clue you will soon see.</i></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p>The editors were confused about why he suddenly started rhyming, but they considered the content of the letter, and realized where the clue was. They quickly entered Nintendo HQ, ran to the shelves of Pokémon taxidermies, and checked under the bird-like Pokémon. Underneath a shiny Pidgey they found another note from the hermit, which said... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 00:53, 21 August 2024 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd><dl><dd><i>If I were you, I'd go to Fake Jimbo.<br />However be careful, it is only for the nimble.<br />So while you're in Kyoto, <br />be on the lookout. For Fake Jimbo is always out.</i></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p><a href="/wiki/User:Cyb3rstarzzz" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Cyb3rstarzzz">Cyb3rstarzzz</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Cyb3rstarzzz" class="mw-redirect" title="User talk:Cyb3rstarzzz">talk</a>) </p><p>As expected, there was a key next to it, like he had promised. The annoyed editor shoved the key into the box from earlier and opened it. Which uncovered another note, saying… <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 22:21, 23 August 2024 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd><dl><dd><i><a href="/wiki/The_Order_of_the_Stick" title="The Order of the Stick">I prepared Explosive Runes this morning</a>.</i></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p>As the editor who read the note finished reading these words, the note exploded in his face, killing him. The other editors realized that Waluigi had stolen the real box while they were obtaining the key and replaced it with a trap. Luckily, one of the editors put a tracker on the box because they kept misplacing it. They used the tracker to locate the box, discovering that it was somewhere within <a href="/wiki/Inverness" title="Inverness">Inverness</a>. They could not narrow it down any further because the tracker was damaged during Waluigi's theft and could now only show the general area. The editors, needing the box to save Wikipedia, flew to Inverness and... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 17:07, 25 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>started looking for places where Waluigi would have left it. The editors looked at famous landmarks all around Inverness, but found nothing. They looked at inns on the outskirts of town until they finally found some Scottish guy that when asked about if they had a guy with a purple cap and blue overalls the other night promptly responded "Yeh, I had a guy come in the other night. Purple cap, blue overalls, weird moustache, looked kinda Asian." The editors realized this was the one and went up to the room where Waluigi stayed. They opened the REAL box, and got yet another note which said... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 02:31, 26 August 2024 (UTC) </p> <dl><dd><dl><dd><i>To find the information you seek</i></dd> <dd><i>You will have to take a peek</i></dd> <dd><i>At the set of a show not based around actors</i></dd> <dd><i>Which was important to this story's earlier chapters.</i></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p>Reading this, many of the editors had no clue what story they were talking about, although the annoyed editor and a couple others were capable of breaking the <a href="/wiki/Fourth_wall" title="Fourth wall">fourth wall</a> and realizing that this story is a story. The annoyed editor, noticing that most of the others didn't even know about the story, got to work. He bought a coffee, sat down in a cafe with public WiFi, and began solving the clue. Reading the beginning of the story, the annoyed editor realized that the show in question was... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 12:30, 26 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>definitely a game show or reality show, as what kind of other show would not have actors. As they were reading that note, they noticed another card on the box, which was an invitation to <a href="/wiki/Jeopardy" class="mw-redirect" title="Jeopardy">Jeopardy</a>. There was only a week till the auditions, so the annoyed editor bought flight tickets all the way to <a href="/wiki/Culver_City,_CA" class="mw-redirect" title="Culver City, CA">Culver City, CA</a>. When they got there they... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 00:23, 27 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>began preparing for the show by reading Wikipedia and playing <a href="/wiki/Trivial_Pursuit" title="Trivial Pursuit">Trivial Pursuit</a>. They did some research and discovered that the show dropped the weird future-predicting multiple choice stuff from earlier and went back to normal Jeopardy. They also paid their respects to <a href="/wiki/Alex_Trebek" title="Alex Trebek">Alex Trebek</a>, who had died since the show last appeared in the story. While planning how they will search for the clue and compete on the show, the editors received a text saying that it was time to send their competitor. They chose an editor who often wins local trivia championships. As the show began... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 11:57, 27 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>the trivia editor began searching for the next clue. However, he did not find anything. So, he got up on the stage for the show, which happened to be hosted by <a href="/wiki/Ken_Jennings" title="Ken Jennings">Ken Jennings</a>. The editor and Ken exchanged confused looks, before the round started. Ken read out the first question (or rather the first answer), which was... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 23:29, 27 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Arkansas for 500. </p> <dl><dd>This Speaker of the Arkansas House of Representatives became famous for killing another representative in a knife fight on the house floor.</dd></dl> <p>The contestant who picked it failed to come up with an answer and it passed to the trivia editor. The editor, who was conveniently a frequent contributor to the Arkansas WikiProject, thought about the question. Eventually, right before he ran out of time, he shouted out... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 01:00, 28 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>"What was Colonel <a href="/wiki/John_Wilson_(Arkansas_politician)" title="John Wilson (Arkansas politician)">John Wilson</a> famous for!" "Correct for 500 dollars!" Ken yelled. After a couple more questions, the trivia editor got the Daily Double, which was... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 03:06, 28 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>The United Kingdom for 300. </p> <dl><dd>This Scottish railway station was the subject of the one millionth article on Wikipedia.</dd></dl> <p>The editor, being a Wikipedia editor, obviously knew that, and shouted... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 18:45, 31 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>"What was <a href="/wiki/Jordanhill_railway_station" title="Jordanhill railway station">Jordanhill railway station</a> the subject of?!" "Not quite, but I'll givituya." said a surprised Ken. He was now firmly in the lead. After that, when the game progressed into a Double Jeopardy, he went for a lower valued question and landed on: </p><p>Comedy for 500. </p> <dl><dd>Jerome, Louis, and Moses.</dd></dl> <p>After a moment of silence for a good fifty score milliseconds, the editor blurted out... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 21:28, 31 August 2024 (UTC) </p><p>"What is-" and then got cut off by Waluigi crashing through the wall! Waluigi then... - <a href="/wiki/User:Some_bored_kid_at_school" title="User:Some bored kid at school">some bored kid</a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Some_bored_kid_at_school" title="User talk:Some bored kid at school">at school</a> 23:52, 5 September 2024 (UTC) </p><p>proceeded to hold the contestants and host at gunpoint, demanding for the needed item. However, none of them knew about the location of the item. Waluigi worryingly looked for the exit, but the cops were one step ahead of them. They took Waluigi away right in front of the live studio audience, which the other editors were watching via a simulcast back in Inverness. With that incident over with, the show resumed and the editor anwsered... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 01:59, 6 September 2024 (UTC) </p><p>incorrectly. That little mistake, after several more questions, resulted in the trivia editor being tied with another contestant going into the Final Jeopardy, which was... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 13:16, 19 September 2024 (UTC) </p><p>CRICKET. Unfortunately for the other editors, the commercial break aired, leaving the other editors having their fingers crossed. At the end of the commercial break, the clue ended up being... </p><p>"This animated television show features an episode starring an anthropomorphic dog playing cricket." The trivia editor's opponent guessed <i><a href="/wiki/Bluey_(2018_TV_series)" title="Bluey (2018 TV series)">Bluey</a></i>, which was correct. Unfortunately, the trivia editor guessed <i><a href="/wiki/Mickey_Mouse_Clubhouse" title="Mickey Mouse Clubhouse">Mickey Mouse Clubhouse</a></i>, which was incorrect, allowing the other contestant to win. As the trivia editor left the stage, he found a note taped to the stairs, which turned out to be the next clue. The note said... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 21:04, 4 November 2024 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Chapter_XXIV:_Continuing_the_Hermit's_Hunt"><span id="Chapter_XXIV:_Continuing_the_Hermit.27s_Hunt"></span>Chapter XXIV: Continuing the Hermit's Hunt</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=27" title="Edit section: Chapter XXIV: Continuing the Hermit&#039;s Hunt"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <dl><dd><dl><dd>”Look I know you wouldn’t win</dd> <dd>But just so the next clue can begin</dd> <dd>The next clue you can find now</dd> <dd>If you take a quick stroll downtow…</dd> <dd>…n.</dd> <dd></dd> <dd>P.S. My rhyming skills have not been sharp lately, I’m afraid. <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">User:Chembudwikipedian</a></dd></dl></dd></dl> <p>Reading this note, the editors went to search downtown Culver City. One editor searched Walmart, one searched Walgreens, and one walked into a wall by accident. Eventually, in an obscure local restaurant, the scratch-off globe editor found... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 21:37, 4 November 2024 (UTC) </p><p>another note, tucked behind a table. The note simply read: </p> <dl><dd><dl><dd>Check your mailbox.</dd></dl></dd></dl> <p>The editors were confused, as they didn't have a mailbox anywhere. However, they realized it meant... </p><p>that they needed to go back to Jimbo's childhood home and check his mailbox. Unfortunately, all of the roads into Huntsville have been damaged by Fake Jimbo's bombs, and much of the town was reduced to rubble. The editors, horrified at the carnage, nevertheless persisted on foot into the town. As they approached Jimbo's home, they discovered that the mailbox had been knocked into the living room during the destruction. When they opened it, it was empty. The editors realized that they had misinterpreted the letter, but as they prepared to leave, the roof caved in by the exit! Two editors were killed by the falling debris. The rest of the editors, now trapped, began devising a plan to escape. The plan they came up with was to... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 19:26, 15 November 2024 (UTC) </p><p>call the emergency services on one of the editor's aging <a href="/w/index.php?title=Blackberry_(phone)&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Blackberry (phone) (page does not exist)">Blackberries.</a> Unfortunately, a nearby cell tower had been destroyed as well, meaning there was no service. The editors then turned to the doorway and began heaving rubble out of it. There was one final massive piece of rubble that they could not remove. The editors became worried again, but ended up receiving help from... <a href="/wiki/User:Chembudwikipedian" title="User:Chembudwikipedian">Chembudwikipedian</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Chembudwikipedian" title="User talk:Chembudwikipedian">talk</a>) 08:14, 16 November 2024 (UTC) </p><p>Google Gemini! The end. Just kidding, not the end. Why would this be the end to an endless story? Anyways, Gemini made glue and rock pizzas. <a href="/wiki/User:The_Master_of_Hedgehogs" title="User:The Master of Hedgehogs">The Master of Hedgehogs</a> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:The_Master_of_Hedgehogs" title="User talk:The Master of Hedgehogs">converse</a>)</sup> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/The_Master_of_Hedgehogs" title="Special:Contributions/The Master of Hedgehogs">hedgehogs</a>)</sup> 15:27, 23 November 2024 (UTC) </p><p>These pizzas caused a swarm of rock-eating rats to enter the building. They ate the pizzas, and then left by eating the debris blocking the exit. Now freed, the editors began working on deciphering the clue. They eventually realized that they had to travel to... <a href="/wiki/User:QuicoleJR" title="User:QuicoleJR">QuicoleJR</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:QuicoleJR" title="User talk:QuicoleJR">talk</a>) 22:25, 23 November 2024 (UTC) </p> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="The_List_of_Legendary_Storytellers">The List of Legendary Storytellers</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:Littleghostboo/Story&amp;action=edit&amp;section=28" title="Edit section: The List of Legendary Storytellers"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><a href="/wiki/User:Macadamia_of_the_LeafWings" title="User:Macadamia of the LeafWings">Macadamia of the LeafWings</a> | <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Macadamia_of_the_LeafWings" title="User talk:Macadamia of the LeafWings">HEAR ME ROAR!!</a> | <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Macadamia_of_the_LeafWings" title="Special:Contributions/Macadamia of the LeafWings">Contribs</a> | <a href="/wiki/User:Macadamia_of_the_LeafWings/Guestbook" title="User:Macadamia of the LeafWings/Guestbook">My Guestbook📖</a> 02:00, 23 September 2021 (UTC)</li> <li>~Signed <a href="/wiki/User:BlueFalling" title="User:BlueFalling">BlueFalling</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:BlueFalling" title="User talk:BlueFalling">talk</a>, <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/BlueFalling" title="Special:Contributions/BlueFalling">contribs</a>) I fix grammar and spelling errors. 17:29, 3 February 2021 (UTC)</li> <li><a href="/wiki/User:Jake_The_Great_908" title="User:Jake The Great 908"><span style="color:cyan">Jake The Great!</span></a> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Jake_The_Great_908" title="User talk:Jake The Great 908">talk</a></li> <li><a href="/w/index.php?title=User:MusicMaker5376&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:MusicMaker5376 (page does not exist)">MusicMaker5376</a></li> <li><span style="font-family:Lucida Calligraphy;"><b><a href="/wiki/User:Greeves" title="User:Greeves">Greeves</a></b></span> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Greeves" title="User talk:Greeves">talk</a> <small>•</small> <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Greeves" title="Special:Contributions/Greeves">contribs</a>)</sup></li> <li><span style="font-family:verdana;"><a href="/wiki/User:Acs4b" title="User:Acs4b"><span style="color:#002FA7;"> Acs</span><span style="color:#800080;">4b</span></a> <sup> <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Acs4b" title="User talk:Acs4b">T</a> <a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Acs4b" title="Special:Contributions/Acs4b">C</a> <a href="/wiki/User:Acs4b/Userboxes" class="mw-redirect" title="User:Acs4b/Userboxes">U</a> </sup></span></li> <li><a href="/wiki/User:Metalflame" title="User:Metalflame">Metalflame</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/User:Ready4Victory" title="User:Ready4Victory">Ready4Victory</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/User:Littleghostboo" title="User:Littleghostboo"><span style="color:Chocolate;"><b>Littleghostboo</b></span></a>[ <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Littleghostboo" title="User talk:Littleghostboo"><span style="color:LightSeaGreen;"><b>talk</b></span></a></li> <li><i><b><a href="/wiki/User:Sunny910910" title="User:Sunny910910">Sunny910910</a></b></i> <sup>(<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Sunny910910" title="User talk:Sunny910910">talk</a>|<a href="/wiki/Special:Contributions/Sunny910910" title="Special:Contributions/Sunny910910">Contributions</a>)<a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:MOTD" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:MOTD">Neither will alone, nor strength alone</a></sup></li> <li><a href="/wiki/User:Junafani" title="User:Junafani"><span style="color:pink;">juna</span></a><a href="/wiki/User_talk:Junafani" title="User talk:Junafani"><span style="color:gray;">fani</span></a></li> <li><kbd><a href="/wiki/User:Einsteinewton" title="User:Einsteinewton"><span style="color:green">Einstei</span></a><big><span style="color:orange">N</span></big><a 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