Application Advantages and Security Countermeasures of Computer Electronic Information Engineering Technology-Electronic Engineering and Applications-Hill Publishing Group
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It brings color to people's life and all walks of life. However, although the development of ECET and its neck for our social and economic development has played a driving role, at the same time the influence is great, but to ensure the safety of the network and information also need to consider and discuss the safety and advantages of ECET application. This paper is mainly to study the characteristics of ECET, so as to in-depth discussion and analysis of its application in engineering safety situation and advantages." /> <meta name="DOI" content=""/> <meta name="dc.title" content="Application Advantages and Security Countermeasures of Computer Electronic Information Engineering Technology" /> <meta name="dc.source" content="Electronic Engineering and Applications" /> <meta name="dc.creator" content="Chang Liu" /> <meta name="dc.type" content="Article"/> <meta name="" content="2024/11/26 0:00:00" /> <meta name="dc.identifier" content="DOI:" /> <meta name="dc.publisher" content="Hill Publishing Group Inc" /> <meta name="dc.rights" content="" /> <meta name="dc.format" content="text/html" /> <meta name="dc.language" content="en" /> <meta name="dc.description" content="In our modern society, computer has been widely used in People's Daily life and work, and then the computer electronic information engineering technology (ECET) produced to promote the development of its role, will effectively reduce communication distance, people in modern society to promote the efficiency of people and the working efficiency is significantly increased. It brings color to people's life and all walks of life. However, although the development of ECET and its neck for our social and economic development has played a driving role, at the same time the influence is great, but to ensure the safety of the network and information also need to consider and discuss the safety and advantages of ECET application. This paper is mainly to study the characteristics of ECET, so as to in-depth discussion and analysis of its application in engineering safety situation and advantages." /> <meta name="dc.subject" content="Computer" /> <meta name="dc.subject" content="Application" /> <meta name="dc.subject" content="Electronic Information and Engineering Technology" /> <meta name="dc.subject" content="Security" /> <meta name="dc.copyright" content="Electronic Engineering and Applications" /> <meta name="dc.rightsAgent" content="" /> <meta name="prism.publicationName" content="Electronic Engineering and Applications" /> <meta name="prism.publicationDate" content="2024/11/26 0:00:00" /> <meta name="prism.volume" content="1" /> <meta name="prism.issue" content="1" /> <meta name="prism.rightsAgent" content="" /> <meta name="prism.copyright" content="Electronic Engineering and Applications" /> <meta name="prism.url" content="" /> <meta name="prism.doi" content="" /> <meta name="prism.section" content="Article" /> <meta name="prism:pdfurl" content="" /> <meta name="og:url" content="" /> <meta name="og:type" content="Article" /> <meta name="og:site_name" content="HillPublisher" /> <meta name="og:title" content="Application Advantages and Security Countermeasures of Computer Electronic Information Engineering Technology" /> <meta name="og:description" content="In our modern society, computer has been widely used in People's Daily life and work, and then the computer electronic information engineering technology (ECET) produced to promote the development of its role, will effectively reduce communication distance, people in modern society to promote the efficiency of people and the working efficiency is significantly increased. It brings color to people's life and all walks of life. However, although the development of ECET and its neck for our social and economic development has played a driving role, at the same time the influence is great, but to ensure the safety of the network and information also need to consider and discuss the safety and advantages of ECET application. This paper is mainly to study the characteristics of ECET, so as to in-depth discussion and analysis of its application in engineering safety situation and advantages." /> <meta name="citation_title" content="Application Advantages and Security Countermeasures of Computer Electronic Information Engineering Technology" /> <meta name="citation_description" content="In our modern society, computer has been widely used in People's Daily life and work, and then the computer electronic information engineering technology (ECET) produced to promote the development of its role, will effectively reduce communication distance, people in modern society to promote the efficiency of people and the working efficiency is significantly increased. It brings color to people's life and all walks of life. However, although the development of ECET and its neck for our social and economic development has played a driving role, at the same time the influence is great, but to ensure the safety of the network and information also need to consider and discuss the safety and advantages of ECET application. This paper is mainly to study the characteristics of ECET, so as to in-depth discussion and analysis of its application in engineering safety situation and advantages." /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Chang Liu" /> <meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2024/11/26 0:00:00" /> <meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Electronic Engineering and Applications" /> <meta name="citation_volume" content="1" /> <meta name="citation_issue" content="1" /> <meta name="citation_doi" content="" /> <meta name="citation_id" content="4050" /> <meta name="citation_fulltext_html_url" content="" /> <meta name="citation_pdf_url" content="" /> <link href="/css/hillpub.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> <script type="text/ecmascript" src="/js/tab.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery1.3.2.js"></script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Application Advantages and Security Countermeasures of Computer Electronic Information Engineering Technology", "author": "Chang Liu", "datePublished": "2024/11/26 0:00:00", "url": "", "identifier": "", "abstract": "In our modern society, computer has been widely used in People's Daily life and work, and then the computer electronic information engineering technology (ECET) produced to promote the development of its role, will effectively reduce communication distance, people in modern society to promote the efficiency of people and the working efficiency is significantly increased. It brings color to people's life and all walks of life. However, although the development of ECET and its neck for our social and economic development has played a driving role, at the same time the influence is great, but to ensure the safety of the network and information also need to consider and discuss the safety and advantages of ECET application. This paper is mainly to study the characteristics of ECET, so as to in-depth discussion and analysis of its application in engineering safety situation and advantages.", "publisher": "Hill Publishing Group Inc" }</script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $('.menutitle').click(function () { if ($(this).siblings('ul').css('display') == 'none') { $(this).parent('li').siblings('li').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $(this).siblings('ul').slideDown(100).children('li'); if ($(this).parents('li').siblings('li').children('ul').css('display') == 'block') { $(this).parents('li').siblings('li').children('ul').parent('li').children('a').removeClass('active'); $(this).parents('li').siblings('li').children('ul').slideUp(100); } } else { $(this).removeClass('active'); $(this).siblings('ul').slideUp(100); $(this).siblings('ul').children('li').children('ul').parent('li').children('a').addClass('active'); $(this).siblings('ul').children('li').children('ul').slideUp(100); $(this).siblings('ul').children('li').children('a').removeClass('active'); } }) }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var browser = { versions: function () { var u = navigator.userAgent, app = navigator.appVersion; return { trident: u.indexOf('Trident') > -1, presto: u.indexOf('Presto') > -1, webKit: u.indexOf('AppleWebKit') > -1, gecko: u.indexOf('Gecko') > -1 && u.indexOf('KHTML') == -1, mobile: !!u.match(/AppleWebKit.*Mobile.*/), ios: !!u.match(/\(i[^;]+;( U;)? 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It brings color to people's life and all walks of life. However, although the development of ECET and its neck for our social and economic development has played a driving role, at the same time the influence is great, but to ensure the safety of the network and information also need to consider and discuss the safety and advantages of ECET application. This paper is mainly to study the characteristics of ECET, so as to in-depth discussion and analysis of its application in engineering safety situation and advantages.</p></p> </div> <div class="re" > <h2>References</h2> <p>[1] Yu Wuyan, Shi Yehong, Lei Yu, et al. Application and security analysis of computer electronic information engineering technology[J]. Wireless Internet Technology, 2021, 18(13): 85-86.</p><p>[2] Guo Peng. Research on the application and security of computer technology in electronic information engineering[J]. Electronic Components & Information Technology, 2021, 5(9): 9-10.</p><p>[3] Xu Zhongping. Research on the application and security management of computer electronic information engineering technology[J]. Science and Wealth, 2020(6): 174.</p><p>[4] Liu Yizhen. Research on the application and security of computer electronic information engineering technology in my country[J]. Information Recording Materials, 2021, 22(1): 46-47.</p><p>[5] Zhang Zhenning. Research on the application and security of computer electronic information engineering technology in my country[J]. Digital Design (Part 2), 2021, 10(3): 50.</p><p>[6] Tong Lan, Deng Guiyuan. Research on the application of computer network technology in electronic information engineering[J]. Computer Knowledge and Technology, 2021, 17(28): 173-174.</p><p>[7] Xu Dongbin. The legal status and practical application of food safety standards and food testing standards. Food Safety Guide, 2020(15):13.</p><p>[8] Liu Jianan. Application of computer network technology in hospital information management. Health Care Guide, 2018 (49): 227.</p> </div> <div class="ftex" id="fu"> <h2>How to cite this paper</h2> <p><b>Application Advantages and Security Countermeasures of Computer Electronic Information Engineering Technology</b></p><p><b>How to cite this paper:</b> Chang Liu. (2024) Application Advantages and Security Countermeasures of Computer Electronic Information Engineering Technology. <i>Electronic Engineering and Applications</i>, <b>1</b>(<b>1</b>), 15-18.</p><p>DOI:</p> </div> </div> <!--end wzxqbox--> </div> <!--end qk_contnr--> </div> <!--end qkcont_box--> <div class="footer"> <div class="foot_nav"><a href="/Index" title="Home">Home</a> | <a href="/Journals" title="Journals">Journals</a> | <a href="/Books" title="Books">Books</a> | <a href="/ForAuthors" title="For Authors and Reviewers">For Authors and Reviewers</a> | <a href="/OnlineSubmission" title="Online Submission">Online Submission</a> | <a href="ContactUs" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a> | <a href="/AboutUs" title="About Us">About Us</a></div> <p>Copyright © 2023 Hill Publishing Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.</p> </div> <!--end footer--> </div> <!--end main_box--></form> </body> </html>