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class="n07v3-generic-list-comp alternative sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_30579015" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_30579015" value="30579015" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing Business 2019 : Training for Reform – Togo (English) </a> <p class="description">Sixteenth in a series of annual reports comparing business regulation in 190 economies, Doing Business 2019 covers 11 areas of business regulation. <span id="summary_1"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('1');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_1" style="display: none;"> Ten of these areas - starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency - are included in the ease of doing business score and ease of doing business ranking. Doing Business also measures features of labor market regulation, which is not included in these two measures. Doing Business provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 190 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level. This economy profile presents indicators for Togo; for 2019 Togo ranks 137.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('1');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 131714</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> OCT 31, 2018</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="30579015" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_30499241" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_30499241" value="30499241" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - Joint Bank-Fund Debt Sustainability Analysis : 2018 Update (English) </a> <p class="description">Togo’s risk of external debt distress continues to be moderate with heightened overall risk of debt distress—unchanged from the previous Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) published in April 2017. <span id="summary_2"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('2');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_2" style="display: none;"> Alternative scenarios and stress tests suggest, however, that external public debt could accumulate rapidly, pushing Togo above the external debt-distress threshold for the present value (PV) of public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) debt-to-GDP. Togo’s domestic public debt burden remains high and reflects among others, persistently high deficits, materialized contingent liabilities and arrears accumulation. Baseline projections show that Togo’s PV of total PPG debt (external plus domestic) -to-GDP ratio will reach the 38 percent benchmark by 2025, down from 73.1 percent in 2017 -with the bulk constituting domestic debt obligations. This analysis highlights the need for sustained fiscal consolidation, improved debt management, and macroeconomic policies to reduce the level of public debt to prudent levels over the medium term.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('2');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 130856</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> OCT 01, 2018</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="30499241" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp alternative sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_28146041" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_28146041" value="28146041" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing Business 2018 : reforming to create jobs - Togo (English) </a> <p class="description">Doing Business 2018 is the 15th in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. <span id="summary_3"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('3');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_3" style="display: none;"> This economy profile presents the Doing Business indicators for Togo. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulation and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 190 economies; for 2018 Togo ranks 156. Doing Business measures aspects of regulation affecting 11 areas of the life of a business. Ten of these areas are included in this year’s ranking on the ease of doing business: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency. Doing Business also measures features of labor market regulation, which is not included in this year’s ranking. Data in Doing Business 2018 are current as of June 1, 2017. The indicators are used to analyze economic outcomes and identify what reforms of business regulation have worked, where and why.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('3');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 121112</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> NOV 01, 2017</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="28146041" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_30331093" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_30331093" value="30331093" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Country highlights : Togo 2016 (English) </a> <p class="description">The World Bank Group conducted face-to-face interviews with top managers and business owners of 150 enterprises in Togo from July 2016 through November 2016. <span id="summary_4"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('4');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_4" style="display: none;"> The enterprise survey (ES) sample is representative of Togo’s formal private sector. The ES covers several aspects of business environment along with measures of firm performance. The main highlights from the survey are: firm performance in Togo is positive and higher than comparators; firms also have better access to financial services; the regulatory environment is more difficult for firms in Togo than in comparator economies; corruption in Togo has declined since 2009; increase in imports has been accompanies by delays; and firms consider tax rates as the biggest business environment obstacle facing firms in Togo.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('4');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 129268</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> SEP 11, 2017</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="30331093" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp alternative sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_27423644" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_27423644" value="27423644" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - Country partnership framework for the period FY17-FY20 (English) </a> <p class="description">This country partnership framework (CPF), prepared jointly by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) presents the World Bank Group’s (WBG’s) program for Togo during the period FY17 through FY20. <span id="summary_5"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('5');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_5" style="display: none;"> The CPF is aligned with the Government of Togo’s forthcoming national development plan (PND) for 2018-2022, which focuses on forging a solid, stable democratic nation with strong, sustainable, inclusive growth; equitable access to good-quality social services; and respect for the environment. The overarching objective of the CPF is to help pave the way to more inclusive and sustainable growth in Togo, led both by a more dynamic private sector and more effective government policies, public investments, and services. The WBG’s strategy under the CPF emphasizes strengthening governance, including strengthening institutions and accountability, as a cross cutting theme integrated in three focus areas: (i) private sector performance and job creation; (ii) inclusive public service delivery; and (iii) environmental sustainability and resilience. The CPF seeks to take full advantage of the new International Development Association (IDA) 18 architecture and increased support for fragile states to scale up WBG support and promote joint IDA and IFC support. The CPF also seizes on a window of opportunity to support the government’s ambitious efforts to stabilize the macroeconomic framework and mitigate fiscal risks, a prerequisite for sustainable growth.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('5');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Country Assistance Strategy Document</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 112965</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> APR 20, 2017</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="27423644" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_30266523" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_30266523" value="30266523" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">FY17 Togo country opinion survey report (English) </a> <p class="description">The Country Opinion Survey in Togo assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in Togo perceive the WBG. <span id="summary_6"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('6');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_6" style="display: none;"> It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from national and local governments, multilateral/bilateral agencies, media, academia, the private sector, and civil society in Togo on 1) their views regarding the general environment in Togo; 2) their overall attitudes toward the WBG in Togo; 3) overall impressions of the WBG’s effectiveness and results, knowledge work and activities, and communication and information sharing in Togo; and 4) their perceptions of the WBG’s future role in Togo.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('6');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 128534</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> MAR 01, 2017</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="30266523" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp alternative sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_30786447" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_30786447" value="30786447" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">HIV Investment in Togo : Optimizing Investments for a Sustainable and Efficient HIV Response in Togo (English) </a> <p class="description">This report summarizes the findings of an allocative efficiency analysis of Togo’s HIV response. The Government of Togo indicated a desire to mobilize additional resources, including domestic and private resources, for comprehensive HIV services to respond to the goals of the national HIV Strategic Plan. <span id="summary_7"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('7');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_7" style="display: none;"> To ensure that the resources that have been, or will be, mobilized are used in the most efficient way, and to determine the allocation of resources that brings the greatest health benefit, the Government of Togo asked the World Bank to conduct an allocative efficiency analysis using the Optima HIV mathematical model. The findings highlighted a significant treatment gap, and argue strongly for additional funding to scale up ART and increase coverage, in particular for key populations. In order to reduce incidence and deaths by 50 percent, resources should be shifted from prevention programs targeting the general low risk population to ART, PMTCT, and non-ART prevention programs targeting key populations.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('7');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 134057</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> MAR 01, 2017</span> </p> <p> <label>Author: </label> <span> Cheikh,Nejma; Mziray,Elizabeth; Gorgens,Marelize</span> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="30786447" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_29513421" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_29513421" value="29513421" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Personal initiative training leads to remarkable growth of women- owned small businesses in Togo (English) </a> <p class="description">Standard business training programs aim to boost the incomes of the millions of self-employed business owners in developing countries, by teaching accounting, marketing and other basic business skills. <span id="summary_8"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('8');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_8" style="display: none;"> However, research shows limited impacts of this traditional business training approach. Through an experiment in Togo, we introduced the personal initiative training program, a new and effective psychology-based entrepreneurship training that outperforms traditional business training. The personal initiative training increased firm profits in Togo by 30 percent relative to a control group, compared to no significant impacts from a traditional business training. Personal initiative training led to more than just a boost in profits for micro entrepreneurs. After the training business owners were more innovative, introduced new products, borrowed more and made larger investments. The personal initiative training was particularly effective for female entrepreneurs, for whom traditional training has often been in effective. Women who received personal initiative training saw their profits increase by 40 percent, compared to 5 percent for traditional business. This study’s findings make a strong case for the role of psychology in better influencing how small business training programs are taught in West Africa and beyond. It shows the importance of developing an entrepreneurial mindset in addition to learning the business practices of successful entrepreneurs. Based on these promising results, the personal initiative training is being implemented in programs in Mozambique, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Jamaica, and Mexico.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('8');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Brief</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 122826</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> JAN 01, 2017</span> </p> <p> <label>Author: </label> <span> Campos,Francisco Moraes Leitao; Frese,Michael Dr.; Goldstein,Markus P.; Iacovone,Leonardo; Johnson,David Frank; Mensmann,Mona</span> <label>Document also available in: </label> <span> <a href="/web/20190324014351/">French</a> </span> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="29513421" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp alternative sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_26924015" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_26924015" value="26924015" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing business 2017 : equal opportunity for all - Togo (English) </a> <p class="description">This economy profile presents the Doing Business indicators for Togo. To allow useful comparison, it also provides data for other selected economies (comparator economies) for each indicator. <span id="summary_9"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('9');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_9" style="display: none;"> Doing Business 2017 is the 14th in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business; for 2016 Togo ranks 154. Doing Business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting 11 areas in the life cycle of a business: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, resolving insolvency, and labor market regulation. Doing Business 2017 presents the data for the labor market regulation indicators in an annex. The report does not present rankings of economies on labor market regulation indicators or include the topic in the aggregate distance to frontier score or ranking on the ease of doing business. The indicators are used to analyze economic outcomes and identify what reforms have worked, where, and why. The data in this report are current as of June 1, 2016 (except for the paying taxes indicators, which cover the period January-December 2015).&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('9');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 109996</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> OCT 25, 2016</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="26924015" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_26816188" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_26816188" value="26816188" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - Systematic Country Diagnostic (English) </a> <p class="description">Once the ‘Switzerland of West Africa,’ Togo today strives to transition from its status as a low income, fragile state to an emerging economy. Political reforms since 2006 have stabilized the country, but unresolved political issues still present a risk for Togo. <span id="summary_10"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('10');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_10" style="display: none;"> With the 2006 GPA and legislative elections in 2007, development partners reengaged in Togo and the country embarked on a new period of recovery. However, the delayed implementation of some 2006 GPA reforms remains a point of contention. Combined with the government’s difficulties in advancing reforms to broaden and accelerate economic opportunities, Togo remains vulnerable to future episodes of conflict. It has experienced an increase in tensions and violence during election seasons, and such periods remain delicate. Although recent growth has been significant, Togo’s sources of growth appear to be vulnerable to shocks and remain unsustainable. Economic growth has averaged over 5 percent during the past five years, owing to high rates of growth in commerce, transport and services, building, and public works, as well as solid growth in agriculture. However, growth in transport is underpinned in part by trade diversion and smuggling, which are not reliable sources of growth, while large infrastructure investments, though critical for the country’s economic development, are not financed in a fiscally sustainable manner (IMF 2015). Public debt is growing rapidly, and another fiscal crisis could be on the horizon. To accelerate and sustain poverty reduction, Togo will need to unleash a more robust, inclusive, and sustainable growth process, led by private economic agents, and supported and amplified by more effective government policies, public investments, and services. This diagnostic seeks to provide an evidence-based analysis and understanding of the key constraints and opportunities on Togo’s path toward sustainable pro-poor growth.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('10');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Systematic Country Diagnostic</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 108184</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> SEP 19, 2016</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="26816188" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp alternative sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_26560088" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_26560088" value="26560088" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - Service delivery indicators : Education 2013 (English) </a> <p class="description">This report presents the findings of the Service Delivery Indicators in the education sector in Togo in 2013. Survey implementation was preceded by extensive consultation with Government and key stakeholders on survey design, sampling, and adaptation of survey instruments. <span id="summary_11"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('11');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_11" style="display: none;"> Pre‐testing of the survey instruments, training of field staff, and field‐work took place in 2013. Information was collected from 200 primary schools, 1,141 teachers, and 1,938 grade four pupils in Togo. The results provide a representative snapshot of the quality of service delivery and the physical environment within which services are delivered in public primary schools. The survey provides information on three levels of service delivery: measures of: (i) teacher effort; (ii) teacher knowledge and ability; and (iii) the availability of key inputs, such as textbooks, basic teaching equipment, and infrastructure (such as sanitation, quality of lighting etc.). The results indicate an adequate number of teachers to serve the population’s needs, but they lack the necessary skills and inputs. Absence rate is a factor, although relatively lower than in other countries, except during teacher strikes. The reliance on volunteer teachers also creates challenges as only the present discounted value of future earnings can be considered a source of motivation for them.1 Efforts are needed in all major dimensions surveyed (competence, absence rate, inputs), although recent textbook provision efforts appear to have already made an impact.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('11');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> AUS5476</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> JUN 29, 2016</span> </p> <p> <label>Author: </label> <span> Rockmore,Christophe; Shearer,Jud; Papakosta,Eleni</span> <label>Document also available in: </label> <span> <a href="/web/20190324014351/">French</a> </span> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="26560088" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_25480664" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_25480664" value="25480664" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing business 2016 : measuring regulatory quality and efficiency - Togo (English) </a> <p class="description">This economy profile for Doing Business 2016 presents the 11 Doing Business indicators for Togo. To allow for useful comparison, the profile also provides data for other selected economies (comparator economies) for each indicator. <span id="summary_12"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('12');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_12" style="display: none;"> Doing Business 2016 is the 13th edition in a series of annual reports measuring the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business; for 2015 Togo ranks 150. A high ease of doing business ranking means the regulatory environment is more conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 189 economies from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and over time. Doing Business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting 11 areas in the life cycle of a business: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, resolving insolvency and labor market regulation. The data in this report are current as of June 1, 2015 (except for the paying taxes indicators, which cover the period from January to December 2014).&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('12');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 100859</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> OCT 01, 2015</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="25480664" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp alternative sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_26422739" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_26422739" value="26422739" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Country data report for Togo, 1996-2014 (English) </a> <p class="description">This Country Data Report summarizes the data from the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project for Togo. The WGI report six aggregate governance indicators for over 200 countries and territories over the period 1996-2014, covering: i) voice and accountability, ii) political stability and absence of violence, terrorism, iii) government effectiveness, iv) regulatory quality, v) rule of law, and vi) control of corruption. <span id="summary_13"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('13');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_13" style="display: none;"> &nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('13');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 105587</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> SEP 15, 2015</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="26422739" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_24054418" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_24054418" value="24054418" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Maize price volatility : does market remoteness matter ? (English) </a> <p class="description">This paper addresses the role of market remoteness in explaining maize price volatility in Burkina Faso. A model of price formation is introduced to demonstrate formally that transport costs between urban and rural markets exacerbate maize price volatility. <span id="summary_14"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('14');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_14" style="display: none;"> Empirical support is provided to the proposition by exploring an unusually rich data set of monthly maize price series across 28 markets over 2004-13. The methodology relies on an autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model to investigate the statistical effect of road quality and distance from urban consumption centers on maize price volatility. The analysis finds that maize price volatility is greatest in remote markets. The results also show that maize-surplus markets and markets bordering Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Togo have experienced more volatile prices than maize-deficit and non-bordering markets. The findings suggest that enhancing road infrastructure would strengthen the links between rural markets and major consumption centers, thereby also stabilizing maize prices.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('14');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Policy Research Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> WPS7202</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> FEB 25, 2015</span> </p> <p> <label>Author: </label> <span> Moctar,Ndiaye; d’Hôtel Elodie,Maitre; Tristan,Le Cotty</span> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="24054418" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp alternative sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_20360688" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_20360688" value="20360688" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing Business 2015 : going beyond efficiency - Togo (English) </a> <p class="description">This economy profile for Doing Business 2015 presents the 11 Doing Business indicators for Togo. To allow for useful comparison, the profile also provides data for other selected economies (comparator economies) for each indicator. <span id="summary_15"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('15');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_15" style="display: none;"> Doing Business 2015 is the 12th edition in a series of annual reports measuring the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business; for 2015 Togo ranks 149. A high ease of doing business ranking means the regulatory environment is more conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 189 economies from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and over time. Doing Business measures regulations affecting 11 areas of the life of a business known as indicators. Ten of these areas are included in this year's ranking on the ease of doing business: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, and resolving insolvency. Doing Business also measures labor market regulation, which is not included in this year's ranking. The data in this report are current as of June 1, 2014 (except for the paying taxes indicators, which cover the period from January to December 2013).&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('15');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 92146</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> OCT 01, 2014</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="20360688" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_19798087" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_19798087" value="19798087" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - Joint IDA-IMF staff advisory note on the strategy for boosting growth and promoting employment (English) </a> <p class="description">Togo's new Poverty Reduction Strategy, Strategy for Boosting Growth and Promoting Employment (SCAPE) 2013-2017 was adopted by the Government of Togo on August 29, 2013. <span id="summary_16"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('16');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_16" style="display: none;"> It presents the overarching reference framework for the Government's development agenda and reflects the authorities' aspiration to become, over the next 15-20 years, a middle income country, in which the rule of law and human rights are respected. An extensive diagnostic of the economy identified four critical challenges that the new strategy addresses: (i) how to accelerate economic growth and employment creation, (ii) how to improve governance, (iii) how to deal with demographic challenges, high population growth in particular, and (iv) how to enhance urban development, improve land use and protect the environment. The SCAPE's response to these challenges is a program comprising five pillars: (a) developing sectors with high growth potential, (b) strengthening economic infrastructure, (c) developing human capital, social protection and employment, (d) strengthening governance, and (e) promoting participation and a balanced and sustainable pattern of development.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('16');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 86108</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> JUL 03, 2014</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="19798087" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp alternative sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_24434368" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_24434368" value="24434368" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - The World Bank country survey FY14 : report of findings (English) </a> <p class="description">The Country Opinion Survey in Togo assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in Togo perceive the WBG. <span id="summary_17"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('17');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_17" style="display: none;"> It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from national and local governments, multilateral/bilateral agencies, media, academia, the private sector, and civil society in Togo on 1) their views regarding the general environment in Togo; 2) their overall attitudes toward the WBG in Togo; 3) overall impressions of the WBG’s effectiveness and results, knowledge work and activities, and communication and information sharing in Togo; and 4) their perceptions of the WBG’s future role in Togo.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('17');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 96138</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> APR 01, 2014</span> </p> <p> <label>Author: </label> <span> Felzer,Sharon; Cameron,Jessica A.; Markova,Svetlana; Guo,Jing</span> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="24434368" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_19617651" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_19617651" value="19617651" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing business 2014 : The g7+ (English) </a> <p class="description">This regional profile presents the Doing Business indicators for economies in The g7+. It also shows the regional average, the best performance globally for each indicator and data for the following comparator regions: Small island states, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, European Union, and OECD high income. <span id="summary_18"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('18');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_18" style="display: none;"> The data in this report are current as of June 1, 2013, except for the paying taxes indicators, which cover the period January to December 2012. Regional Doing Business reports capture differences in business regulations and their enforcement across countries in a single region. They provide data on the ease of doing business, rank each location, and recommend reforms to improve performance in each of the indicator areas. The report sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting 11 areas in the life cycle of a business: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, resolving insolvency and employing workers. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 189 economies, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, over time. The data set covers 47 economies in Sub-Saharan Africa, 33 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 25 in East Asia and the Pacific, 25 in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 20 in the Middle East and North Africa and 8 in South Asia, as well as 31 OECD high-income economies. The indicators are used to analyze economic outcomes and identify what reforms have worked, where and why.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('18');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 83409</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> OCT 29, 2013</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="19617651" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp alternative sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_19625203" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_19625203" value="19625203" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing business 2014 : Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) (English) </a> <p class="description">This regional profile presents the Doing Business indicators for economies in Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA). <span id="summary_19"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('19');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_19" style="display: none;"> It also shows the regional average, the best performance globally for each indicator and data for the following comparator regions: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, European Union, Latin America and Southern African Development Community. The data in this report are current as of June 1, 2013, except for the paying taxes indicators, which cover the period January to December 2012. Regional Doing Business reports capture differences in business regulations and their enforcement across countries in a single region. They provide data on the ease of doing business, rank each location, and recommend reforms to improve performance in each of the indicator areas. The report sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting 11 areas in the life cycle of a business: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, resolving insolvency and employing workers. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 189 economies, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, over time. The data set covers 47 economies in Sub-Saharan Africa, 33 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 25 in East Asia and the Pacific, 25 in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 20 in the Middle East and North Africa and 8 in South Asia, as well as 31 OECD high-income economies. The indicators are used to analyze economic outcomes and identify what reforms have worked, where and why.&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('19');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 83415</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> OCT 29, 2013</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="19625203" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> <div class="n07v3-generic-list-comp sr-list-img-fx"> <input id="d_19495257" class="title" type="checkbox" name="d_19495257" value="19495257" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing business 2014 : Togo -understanding regulations for small and medium-size enterprises (English) </a> <p class="description">This economy profile presents the Doing Business indicators for Togo. In a series of annual reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in 10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders. <span id="summary_20"><b>...</b><a href="javascript:toggleExpand('20');">&nbsp;See More +</a> </span> <span id="detail_20" style="display: none;"> This year's report data cover regulations measured from June 2012 through&nbsp; <a href="javascript:toggleExpand('20');">See Less -</a> </span> </p> <p> <label>Document Type: </label> <span> Working Paper</span> <label>Report No.: </label> <span> 82987</span> <label>Document Date: </label> <span> OCT 29, 2013</span> </p> <p> <label>Disclosure Status: </label> <span>Disclosed</span> </p> <div class="preview"> <a id="19495257" class="seemore" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Search - generic-list end--> <!-- Search - projects-table start--> <div id="gridView"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%" id="n07v1-projects-list-table"> <thead> <tr id="f05v5-sorting-table" class="border-top2 border-allside"> <th class="border-right"> <a href="javascript:showDocumentSearchResult('20','0','en','','0', '6', 'srt', 'docna_srt', 'asc');"> Title </a> </th> <th class="border-right second active"> <a href="javascript:showDocumentSearchResult('20','0','en','','0', '6', 'srt', 'docdt', 'asc');"> Document Date </a> </th> <th class="border-right third"> <a href="javascript:showDocumentSearchResult('20','0','en','','0', '6', 'srt', 'repnb_derived_srt', 'asc');"> Report No. </a> </th> <th class="border-right fourth"> <a href="javascript:showDocumentSearchResult('20','0','en','','0', '6', 'srt', 'docty_srt', 'asc');"> Document Type </a> </th> <th class="border-right fifth"><a href="javascript:;">Also available in</a></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td> <input id="g_30579015" type="checkbox" name="g_30579015" value="30579015" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing Business 2019 : Training for Reform – Togo (English)</a> </br> <a id="30579015" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>OCT 31, 2018</td> <td>131714</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td> <input id="g_30499241" type="checkbox" name="g_30499241" value="30499241" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - Joint Bank-Fund Debt Sustainability Analysis : 2018 Update (English)</a> </br> <a id="30499241" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>OCT 01, 2018</td> <td>130856</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td> <input id="g_28146041" type="checkbox" name="g_28146041" value="28146041" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing Business 2018 : reforming to create jobs - Togo (English)</a> </br> <a id="28146041" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>NOV 01, 2017</td> <td>121112</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td> <input id="g_30331093" type="checkbox" name="g_30331093" value="30331093" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Country highlights : Togo 2016 (English)</a> </br> <a id="30331093" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>SEP 11, 2017</td> <td>129268</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td> <input id="g_27423644" type="checkbox" name="g_27423644" value="27423644" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - Country partnership framework for the period FY17-FY20 (English)</a> </br> <a id="27423644" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>APR 20, 2017</td> <td>112965</td> <td>Country Assistance Strategy Document</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td> <input id="g_30266523" type="checkbox" name="g_30266523" value="30266523" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">FY17 Togo country opinion survey report (English)</a> </br> <a id="30266523" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>MAR 01, 2017</td> <td>128534</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td> <input id="g_30786447" type="checkbox" name="g_30786447" value="30786447" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">HIV Investment in Togo : Optimizing Investments for a Sustainable and Efficient HIV Response in Togo (English)</a> </br> <a id="30786447" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>MAR 01, 2017</td> <td>134057</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td> <input id="g_29513421" type="checkbox" name="g_29513421" value="29513421" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Personal initiative training leads to remarkable growth of women- owned small businesses in Togo (English)</a> </br> <a id="29513421" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>JAN 01, 2017</td> <td>122826</td> <td>Brief</td> <td> <a href="/web/20190324014351/">French</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td> <input id="g_26924015" type="checkbox" name="g_26924015" value="26924015" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing business 2017 : equal opportunity for all - Togo (English)</a> </br> <a id="26924015" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>OCT 25, 2016</td> <td>109996</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td> <input id="g_26816188" type="checkbox" name="g_26816188" value="26816188" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - Systematic Country Diagnostic (English)</a> </br> <a id="26816188" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>SEP 19, 2016</td> <td>108184</td> <td>Systematic Country Diagnostic</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td> <input id="g_26560088" type="checkbox" name="g_26560088" value="26560088" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - Service delivery indicators : Education 2013 (English)</a> </br> <a id="26560088" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>JUN 29, 2016</td> <td>AUS5476</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> <a href="/web/20190324014351/">French</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td> <input id="g_25480664" type="checkbox" name="g_25480664" value="25480664" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing business 2016 : measuring regulatory quality and efficiency - Togo (English)</a> </br> <a id="25480664" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>OCT 01, 2015</td> <td>100859</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td> <input id="g_26422739" type="checkbox" name="g_26422739" value="26422739" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Country data report for Togo, 1996-2014 (English)</a> </br> <a id="26422739" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>SEP 15, 2015</td> <td>105587</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td> <input id="g_24054418" type="checkbox" name="g_24054418" value="24054418" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Maize price volatility : does market remoteness matter ? (English)</a> </br> <a id="24054418" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>FEB 25, 2015</td> <td>WPS7202</td> <td>Policy Research Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td> <input id="g_20360688" type="checkbox" name="g_20360688" value="20360688" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing Business 2015 : going beyond efficiency - Togo (English)</a> </br> <a id="20360688" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>OCT 01, 2014</td> <td>92146</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td> <input id="g_19798087" type="checkbox" name="g_19798087" value="19798087" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - Joint IDA-IMF staff advisory note on the strategy for boosting growth and promoting employment (English)</a> </br> <a id="19798087" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>JUL 03, 2014</td> <td>86108</td> <td>Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td> <input id="g_24434368" type="checkbox" name="g_24434368" value="24434368" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Togo - The World Bank country survey FY14 : report of findings (English)</a> </br> <a id="24434368" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>APR 01, 2014</td> <td>96138</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td> <input id="g_19617651" type="checkbox" name="g_19617651" value="19617651" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing business 2014 : The g7+ (English)</a> </br> <a id="19617651" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>OCT 29, 2013</td> <td>83409</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td> <input id="g_19625203" type="checkbox" name="g_19625203" value="19625203" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing business 2014 : Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) (English)</a> </br> <a id="19625203" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>OCT 29, 2013</td> <td>83415</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td> <input id="g_19495257" type="checkbox" name="g_19495257" value="19495257" title="Check here to select document for download"> <a href="" class="title">Doing business 2014 : Togo -understanding regulations for small and medium-size enterprises (English)</a> </br> <a id="19495257" class="seemore-gv" href="javascript:;">See More +</a> </td> <td>OCT 29, 2013</td> <td>82987</td> <td>Working Paper</td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <!-- Search - projects-table end--> <div class="search-download"> <a title="Help" class="finddocument" href="javascript:LoadForm('')">I cannot find the document I am looking for.</a> <a id="goToExcel" href="javascript:showExcelSearchResult('120','en','','srt','docdt','desc');" title="Download To Excel" class="downloadexcel"> Download To Excel</a> <span class="sel-all"> <label>Clear All Selected</label> <span>[<a class="clearAllSelect" title="Delete" name="clearAllSelect" href="javascript:;">x</a>]</span> </span> </div> <!-- Search -Pagination start--> <div class="f05v3-pagination"> <ul> <li class="divider active"><a href="javascript:showDocumentSearchResult('20','0','en','','0', '6','srt', 'docdt', 'desc');">1</a></li> <li class="divider"><a href="javascript:showDocumentSearchResult('20','20','en','','0', '6','srt', 'docdt', 'desc');">2</a></li> <li class="divider"><a href="javascript:showDocumentSearchResult('20','40','en','','0', '6','srt', 'docdt', 'desc');">3</a></li> <li class="divider"><a href="javascript:showDocumentSearchResult('20','60','en','','0', '6','srt', 'docdt', 'desc');">4</a></li> <li class="divider"><a href="javascript:showDocumentSearchResult('20','80','en','','0', '6','srt', 'docdt', 'desc');">5</a></li> <li class="divider"><a href="javascript:showDocumentSearchResult('20','100','en','','0', '6','srt', 'docdt', 'desc');">6</a></li> <li class="divider"><a href="javascript:showDocumentSearchResult('20','20','en','','1', '6','srt', 'docdt', 'desc');">NEXT &gt;&gt;</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- Search -Pagination end--> <span id="superhead" class="showing-text" style="display:none;">&nbsp; 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