FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible [v3] : ID 659 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
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It&#39;s a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects.FLORA comes with Adafruit&#39;s support, tutorials and projects. Check out dozens of FLORA tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System, with more added all the time!The FLORA is small (1.75&quot; diameter, weighing 4.4 " /> <meta name="keywords" content="FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible [v3] : ID 659 Tools Gift Certificates Arduino Cables Sensors LEDs Books Breakout Boards Power EL Wire/Tape/Panel Components & Parts LCDs & Displays Wearables Prototyping Raspberry Pi Wireless Young Engineers 3D printing NeoPixels Kits & Projects Robotics & CNC Accessories Cosplay/Costuming Halloween Reseller and School Packs Internet of Things - IoT Development Boards Batteries Feather CircuitPython Circuit Playground Crickit - Creative Robotics Particle STEMMA Machine Learning micro:bit Add-ons & Accessories Bluetooth PPE Microchip Mechanical Keyboards Clearance Sale ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping" /> <script> var fbPixelEventQueue = []; var dataLayer = []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; </script> <script> (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-PRPXBQ6'); </script> <!-- End Google Tag Manager --> <script> //<![CDATA[ // see GTM facebook events function executeFbPixelEventQueue(timeoutCounter){ timeoutCounter--; if (timeoutCounter >= 0){ if (typeof fbq != "undefined" && fbq){ fbPixelEventQueue.forEach(function(pushee){ pushee(); }); } else{ setTimeout(function(){executeFbPixelEventQueue(timeoutCounter)}, 600); } } } executeFbPixelEventQueue(5); // AdWords Remarketing, probably overwritten later. var remarketingParams = { ecomm_pagetype: 'other' }; //]]> </script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/includes/templates/shop2019/css/bootstrap.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/includes/templates/shop2019/css/font-awesome-4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"> <script src="/includes/javascript/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> var ada_env = {"env":"prod","algolia":{"app_id":"W9DMM4OTH0","app_key":"929ce6f84af11b19c73f4fd5778122cc"}}; var ada_cookie_domain = ''; var ada_reduce_motion_cookie = document.cookie.match(/^(.*;)?\s*reduce_motion\s*=\s*1(.*)?$/) !== null; var reduceMotion = false; // reduce motion if customer set account flag if( (typeof ada_reduce_motion !== 'undefined') && ada_reduce_motion === true ){ reduceMotion = true; } // reduce motion if reduce_motion cookie is present if( (typeof ada_reduce_motion_cookie !== 'undefined') && ada_reduce_motion_cookie === true ){ reduceMotion = true; } // reduce motion if OS / browser flag is set and available via media query var reduceMotionQuery = window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)'); if( reduceMotionQuery.matches ){ reduceMotion = true; } // for use in es6 classes window.reduceMotion = reduceMotion; </script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <!-- Add fancyBox main JS and CSS files --> <style> #selectable1 .ui-selecting { background: #ccc; } #selectable1 .ui-selected { background: #999; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> // for un-stickying the right sidebar if the content height > viewport height function stickySidebarHeightCheck(estHeightOfWishlistContents){ if (document.querySelector('#prod-right-side')){ var sidebarHeight = document.querySelector('#prod-right-side').offsetHeight; if ((sidebarHeight + estHeightOfWishlistContents) > window.innerHeight){ document.querySelector('#prod-right-side').classList.remove('prod-right-sticky'); } } } $(document).ready(function(){ // for un-stickying the right sidebar if the content height > viewport height // estimating the height of the wishlist container based on current CSS values. // because the contents of the wishlist container are set to display:none for a11y reasons, // we can't measure the actual expanded container size without introducing a flash of unstyled content. var numberOfWishlists = 0; // baseHeight = 20px margin-top of main content + 20px height of #create-btn-container incl top/bottom margins // + 10px extra height of UL if any wishlists present. var baseHeight = (numberOfWishlists === 0) ? 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It's a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects.FLORA comes with Adafruit's support, tutorials and projects. Check out dozens of FLORA tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System, with more added all the time!","sku":659,"image":["https:\/\/\/\/970x728\/659-07.jpg","https:\/\/\/\/970x728\/659-01.jpg","https:\/\/\/\/1024x768\/659-11.jpg","https:\/\/\/\/970x728\/659-02.jpg","https:\/\/\/\/970x728\/659-06.jpg","https:\/\/\/\/970x728\/659-09.jpg","https:\/\/\/\/970x728\/659-05.jpg","https:\/\/\/\/970x728\/659-04.jpg","https:\/\/\/\/970x728\/659-10.jpg"],"offers":{"@type":"Offer","availability":"http:\/\/\/InStock","price":"14.9500","priceCurrency":"USD","itemCondition":"http:\/\/\/NewCondition","url":"https:\/\/\/product\/659","description":"FLORA is Adafruit's fully-featured wearable electronics platform. It's a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects.FLORA comes with Adafruit's support, tutorials and projects. Check out dozens of FLORA tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System, with more added all the time!The FLORA is small (1.75" diameter, weighing 4.4 grams). The FLORA family also has the best stainless steel threads, sensors, GPS modules and chainable LED NeoPixels, perfect accessories for the FLORA main board. The FLORA has built-in USB support. Built in USB means you plug it in to program it, it just shows up - all you need is a Micro-B USB cable, no additional purchases are needed! We have a modified version of the Arduino IDE so Mac & Windows users can get started fast - or with the new 1.6.4+ Arduino IDE, it takes only a few seconds to add Flora-support. The FLORA has USB HID support, so it can act like a mouse or keyboard to attach directly to computers.FLORA has a small but easy to use onboard reset button to reboot the system. The power supply is designed to be flexible and easy to use. There is an onboard polarized 2 JST battery connector with protection schottky diode for use with external battery packs from 3.5v to 16v DC in. Can be used with LiIon\/LiPoly, LiFe, alkaline or rechargeable NiMh\/NiCad batteries of any size. The FLORA does not have a LiPo charger included by design, this allows safe use with multiple battery types and reduces risk of fire as it is not recommended to charge these batteries on fabric. We suggest one of our micro-lipo chargers if you want to use LiPo batteries with FLORA.FLORA has onboard power switch connected to 2A power FET for safe and efficient battery on\/off control, so you can power quite a bit without burning out your switch. The FLORA has an onboard 3.3v 250mA regulator with a protection diode and USB fuse so that the microcontroller voltage is consistent and can power common 3.3v modules and sensors.We spent a lot of time on the power supply because the FLORA power system is specifically designed to allow easy control and power of a large quantity of addressable NeoPixels. Flora can easily drive 50 pixels directly from the onboard power supply, or up to 500 with the pixels externally powered by a separate 5V supply.FLORA is fabric friendly-- all the components on board are flush to the PCB and won't snag delicate garments (it does not use FTDI headers).FLORA is extremely beginner-friendly - it is difficult to destroy the FLORA by connecting a battery backwards due to polarized connector and protection diodes. The on-board regulator means that even connecting a 9V battery will not result in damage or tears.The FLORA has 4 indicator LEDs: power good, digital signal LED for bootloader feedback, data rx\/tx. Also onboard is an ICSP connector for easy reprograming for advanced users. Flora v2 even has an RGB NeoPixel for even more colorful lighting.There are 14 sewing tap pads for attachment and electrical connections. Data buses are interleaved with power and ground pads for easy module and sensor attachments without worrying about overlapping traces which are not possible with conductive thread.As of July 7 2016 we're now selling Flora v3 with alligator-clip friendly pads.The FLORA works great with the Arduino IDE and is super easy to install support if you have IDE 1.6.4 or laterThe FLORA is not the first wearable Arduino \/ Arduino-compatible. Leah Buechley’s Lilypad was developed in 2007 and while they are both round, FLORA is a completely new platform that works seamlessly with the FLORA accessories.The FLORA is made in NYC at Adafruit, it was designed by Limor Fried (Ladyada), Adafruit's founder and engineer. Adafruit has a proven track record of providing 100+ high-quality libraries for Arduino\/Arduino IDE, hundreds of tutorials, open-source code and contributions to the Arduino project. Ladyada was a member of the MIT wearables group and likes to sew.You may get an off-white or black JST connector. "}}</script> <div class="row product-info"> <div class="mobile-product-header"> <h1 class="product-name-small">FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible - v3</h1> <div class="product_id">Product ID: <span>659</span></div> <div class="product-price"> <span>$14.95</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-9 col-md-8 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> <section class="product-image-gallery slideshow-gallery" aria-labelledby="gallery-heading" data-gallery-type="touch-carousel" data-gallery='[{"type":"image","alt_text":"Top down view of a FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible connected to 4 alligator clips and a USB powerin the FLORA. 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" width="145" height="109" > </button> <button aria-controls="gallery-slide-1" aria-description="Front view of a FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible." aria-label="slide 2" aria-selected="false" class="gallery-thumbnail indicator-image" data-indicator="1" data-type="image" role="tab" tabindex="-1" type="button" > <img srcset=' 480w, 310w, 230w, 145w, 82w' sizes='(min-width: 1366px) 165px, (min-width: 1024px) 122px, 1px' src='' alt="Front view of a FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible." width="145" height="109" > </button> <button aria-controls="gallery-slide-2" aria-description="FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible illuminating various colors. 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" width="145" height="109" > </button> <button aria-controls="gallery-slide-5" aria-description="Back view of a FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible. Reads "adafruit FLORA"" aria-label="slide 6" aria-selected="false" class="gallery-thumbnail indicator-image" data-indicator="5" data-type="image" role="tab" tabindex="-1" type="button" > <img srcset=' 480w, 310w, 230w, 145w, 82w' sizes='(min-width: 1366px) 165px, (min-width: 1024px) 122px, 1px' src='' alt="Back view of a FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible. Reads "adafruit FLORA"" width="145" height="109" > </button> <button aria-controls="gallery-slide-6" aria-description="Detailed shot of a JST socket." aria-label="slide 7" aria-selected="false" class="gallery-thumbnail indicator-image" data-indicator="6" data-type="image" role="tab" tabindex="-1" type="button" > <img srcset=' 480w, 310w, 230w, 145w, 82w' sizes='(min-width: 1366px) 165px, (min-width: 1024px) 122px, 1px' src='' alt="Detailed shot of a JST socket." width="145" height="109" > </button> <button aria-controls="gallery-slide-7" aria-description="Detailed shot of a USB port. " aria-label="slide 8" aria-selected="false" class="gallery-thumbnail indicator-image" data-indicator="7" data-type="image" role="tab" tabindex="-1" type="button" > <img srcset=' 480w, 310w, 230w, 145w, 82w' sizes='(min-width: 1366px) 165px, (min-width: 1024px) 122px, 1px' src='' alt="Detailed shot of a USB port. " width="145" height="109" > </button> <button aria-controls="gallery-slide-8" aria-description="Back view of a FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible next to US quarter for scale. " aria-label="slide 9" aria-selected="false" class="gallery-thumbnail indicator-image" data-indicator="8" data-type="image" role="tab" tabindex="-1" type="button" > <img srcset=' 480w, 310w, 230w, 145w, 82w' sizes='(min-width: 1366px) 165px, (min-width: 1024px) 122px, 1px' src='' alt="Back view of a FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible next to US quarter for scale. " width="145" height="109" > </button> <button aria-controls="gallery-slide-9" aria-description="New Products 5/13/2015" aria-label="slide 10" aria-selected="false" class="gallery-thumbnail indicator-youtube" data-indicator="9" data-type="youtube" role="tab" tabindex="-1" type="button" > <img src='' alt="New Products 5/13/2015" width="145" height="109" > </button> <button aria-controls="gallery-slide-10" aria-description="FLORA vs GEMMA - Which Board Should I Use?" aria-label="slide 11" aria-selected="false" class="gallery-thumbnail indicator-youtube" data-indicator="10" data-type="youtube" role="tab" tabindex="-1" type="button" > <img src='' alt="FLORA vs GEMMA - Which Board Should I Use?" width="145" height="109" > </button> <button aria-controls="gallery-slide-11" aria-description="New Products 7/13/2016" aria-label="slide 12" aria-selected="false" class="gallery-thumbnail indicator-youtube" data-indicator="11" data-type="youtube" role="tab" tabindex="-1" type="button" > <img src='' alt="New Products 7/13/2016" width="145" height="109" > </button> </div> <div class="gallery-slides-block"> <div class="gallery-slides"> <div class="gallery-arrow arrow-left fa fa-angle-left" data-gallery-action="prev"></div> <div class="gallery-arrow arrow-right fa fa-angle-right" data-gallery-action="next"></div> <div class="gallery-slides-scroll" data-slides-container> <div role="tabpanel" class="gallery-slide" id="gallery-slide-0" data-slide="0" aria-labelledby="Slide1" tabindex="0"> <img id="Slide1" src="" alt="Top down view of a FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible connected to 4 alligator clips and a USB powerin the FLORA. " srcset=" 970w, 640w, 480w, 413w, 310w" sizes="(min-width: 1366px) 970px, (min-width: 1024px) 647px, (min-width: 768px) 728px, 100vw" > </div> <div role="tabpanel" class="gallery-slide" id="gallery-slide-1" data-slide="1" aria-labelledby="Slide2" hidden> <img id="Slide2" src="" alt="Front view of a FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible." loading="lazy" srcset=" 970w, 640w, 480w, 413w, 310w" sizes="(min-width: 1366px) 970px, (min-width: 1024px) 647px, (min-width: 768px) 728px, 100vw" > </div> <div role="tabpanel" class="gallery-slide" data-slide-type="video" id="gallery-slide-2" data-slide="2" aria-labelledby="Slide3" hidden> <video id="Slide3" preload="auto" muted loop playsinline poster="" tabindex="-1" aria-label="FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible illuminating various colors. 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" loading="lazy" srcset=" 970w, 640w, 480w, 413w, 310w" sizes="(min-width: 1366px) 970px, (min-width: 1024px) 647px, (min-width: 768px) 728px, 100vw" > </div> <div role="tabpanel" class="gallery-slide" id="gallery-slide-5" data-slide="5" aria-labelledby="Slide6" hidden> <img id="Slide6" src="" alt="Back view of a FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible. 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It's a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects.FLORA comes with Adafruit's support, <a href="">tutorials and projects</a>. Check out dozens of FLORA tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System, with more added all the time!</p><p>The FLORA is small (1.75" diameter, weighing 4.4 grams). The <a href="">FLORA family also has the best stainless steel threads, sensors, GPS modules and chainable LED NeoPixels</a>, perfect accessories for the FLORA main board. </p><p>The FLORA has built-in USB support. Built in USB means you plug it in to program it, it just shows up - all you need is a Micro-B USB cable, no additional purchases are needed! We have a modified version of the Arduino IDE so Mac & Windows users can get started fast - <a href="">or with the new 1.6.4+ Arduino IDE, it takes only a few seconds to add Flora-support</a>. The FLORA has USB HID support, so it can act like a mouse or keyboard to attach directly to computers.<br /><br />FLORA has a small but easy to use onboard reset button to reboot the system. The power supply is designed to be flexible and easy to use. There is an onboard polarized 2 JST battery connector with protection schottky diode for use with external battery packs from 3.5v to 16v DC in. Can be used with LiIon/LiPoly, LiFe, alkaline or rechargeable NiMh/NiCad batteries of any size. The FLORA does <strong>not</strong> have a LiPo charger included by design, this allows safe use with multiple battery types and reduces risk of fire as it is not recommended to charge these batteries on fabric. <a href="">We suggest one of our micro-lipo chargers</a> if you want to use LiPo batteries with FLORA.<br /><br />FLORA has onboard power switch connected to 2A power FET for safe and efficient battery on/off control, so you can power quite a bit without burning out your switch. The FLORA has an onboard 3.3v 250mA regulator with a protection diode and USB fuse so that the microcontroller voltage is consistent and can power common 3.3v modules and sensors.<br /><br />We spent a lot of time on the power supply because the FLORA power system is specifically designed to allow easy control and power of a large quantity of addressable NeoPixels. Flora can easily drive 50 pixels directly from the onboard power supply, or up to 500 with the pixels externally powered by a separate 5V supply.</p><ul><li>FLORA is fabric friendly-- all the components on board are flush to the PCB and won't snag delicate garments (it does not use FTDI headers).</li><li>FLORA is extremely beginner-friendly - it is difficult to destroy the FLORA by connecting a battery backwards due to polarized connector and protection diodes. The on-board regulator means that even connecting a 9V battery will not result in damage or tears.</li><li>The FLORA has 4 indicator LEDs: power good, digital signal LED for bootloader feedback, data rx/tx. Also onboard is an ICSP connector for easy reprograming for advanced users. Flora v2 even has an RGB NeoPixel for even more colorful lighting.</li><li>There are 14 sewing tap pads for attachment and electrical connections. Data buses are interleaved with power and ground pads for easy module and sensor attachments without worrying about overlapping traces which are not possible with conductive thread.</li><li><strong>As of July 7 2016 we're now selling Flora v3 with alligator-clip friendly pads.</strong></li><li><a href="">The FLORA works great with the Arduino IDE and is super easy to install support if you have IDE 1.6.4 or later</a></li></ul><p>The FLORA is not the first wearable Arduino / Arduino-compatible. Leah Buechley’s <a href="">Lilypad</a> was developed in 2007 and while they are both round, FLORA is a completely new platform that works seamlessly with the FLORA accessories.<br /><br />The FLORA is made in NYC at Adafruit, it was designed by Limor Fried (Ladyada), Adafruit's founder and engineer. Adafruit has a proven track record of providing 100+ high-quality libraries for Arduino/Arduino IDE, hundreds of tutorials, open-source code and contributions to the Arduino project. Ladyada was a member of the MIT wearables group and likes to sew.</p><p>You may get an off-white or black JST connector.</p><p><lite-youtube videoid="kiBbRU5rwQc" title="What is FLORA? Adafruit's Arduino-Compatible Wearables Platform" style="background-image: url(" params="start=0" > <a href="" class="lyt-playbtn" title="Play video"> <span class="lyt-visually-hidden">Play video: What is FLORA? Adafruit's Arduino-Compatible Wearables Platform</span> </a> </lite-youtube></p><p><lite-youtube videoid="rJINHq07em0" title="New Products 7/13/2016" style="background-image: url(" params="start=620" > <a href="" class="lyt-playbtn" title="Play video"> <span class="lyt-visually-hidden">Play video: New Products 7/13/2016</span> </a> </lite-youtube></p><p><lite-youtube videoid="7Rt5xUbqDzA" title="New Products 5/13/2015" style="background-image: url(" params="start=693" > <a href="" class="lyt-playbtn" title="Play video"> <span class="lyt-visually-hidden">Play video: New Products 5/13/2015</span> </a> </lite-youtube></p><p><lite-youtube videoid="Cg3uBXMrshI" title="Sparkle Skirt with Flora Motion Sensor #Adafruit" style="background-image: url(" params="start=0" > <a href="" class="lyt-playbtn" title="Play video"> <span class="lyt-visually-hidden">Play video: Sparkle Skirt with Flora Motion Sensor #Adafruit</span> </a> </lite-youtube></p><p> </p> </div> </section> <section id="technical-details" class="prod-accordion-content prod-accordion-content-technical-details mobile-text-wrapper" aria-labelledby="tab-technical-details-heading"> <div class="tab-heading-row"> <h2 id="tab-technical-details-heading"> Technical Details </h2> </div> <div id="tab-technical-details-content" class="panel-collapse collapse in"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"><ul><li>Dimensions: 45mm round x 7mm thick/ 1.8" round x 0.3" thick</li><li>Weight: 4.7g</li></ul><p><a href="">Datasheets, EagleCAD PCB files, Fritzing object and more in the tutorial!</a></p><p>Revision History:</p><ul><li>As of <strong>May 12th, 2015,</strong> we're now selling the Flora v2! The Flora v2 now comes with a micro-USB port instead of a mini-USB port and a programmable NeoPixel installed (it's connected to Digital 8, ready for your blinky commands)</li><li>As of <strong>July 7 2016,</strong> we're now selling Flora v3 with a lovely new silkscreen, and alligator-clip friendly pads. Otherwise it's the exact same shape and circuit.</li><li>As of <strong>Oct 1st, 2016,</strong> we're now selling the Flora with large alligator-clip friendly pads. They can still be sewn into clothing.</li></ul></div> </div><ul id="product-files"> </ul> <div class="row"><div class="col-lg-2 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-4"><img src="/includes/templates/shop2019/images/RoHS2_2011_65_EU.svg" alt="RoHS 2 2011 65 EU Compliant" width="145" height="80"/></div><div class="col-lg-2 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-4"><img src="/includes/templates/shop2019/images/RoHS2_2015_863_EU.svg" alt="RoHS 2 2015 863 EU Compliant" width="145" height="80"/></div></div> </div> </section> <section id="learn" class="prod-accordion-content prod-accordion-content-learn mobile-text-wrapper" aria-labelledby="tab-learn-heading"> <div class="tab-heading-row"> <h2 id="tab-learn-heading"> Learn </h2> </div> <div id="tab-learn-content" class="panel-collapse collapse in"> <div class="learn-guides-list"> <div class="learn-guide"> <div class="row product-info-tutorial"> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4 product-tutorial-img-container" aria-hidden="true"> <video preload="auto" 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