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Let us get you up to speed on the wider world of science in the time it takes to drink a coffee.</q> <p class="byline"><em><strong>Flora Graham, Editor of Nature Briefing</strong></em></p> </section> <section class="supplementary"> <section class="what-youll-get"> <h2 class="large">What you’ll get</h2> <article class="what-matters smallprint"> <h3 class="smallprint">What matters and why</h3> <p>The best from <em>Nature’s</em> journalists and other publications worldwide, handpicked and summarized by <em>Nature</em> editors.</p> </article> <article class="expert-eye smallprint"> <h3 class="smallprint">An expert eye</h3> <p>A rational perspective from the most trusted name in science.</p> </article> <article class="insight smallprint"> <h3 class="smallprint">Insight and accuracy</h3> <p>Always balanced and never oversimplified, <em>Nature Briefing</em> is crafted with the scientific community in mind.</p> </article> </section> <section class="testimonials"> <h2 class="large">Testimonials</h2> <blockquote class="smallprint"> <q>Reading the <em>Nature Briefing</em> is the first thing I do when I get to the lab and turn on my computer every morning. I’ve recommended it to all my students.</q> <p class="byline"><em>Jihane Homman-Ludiye, neuroscientist, Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, Monash University</em></p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="smallprint"> <q>It’s a great balance of insightful and entertaining, and gives me the info (and a fun break) that I’m looking for.</q> <p class="byline"><em>Tyler Arbour, biogeochemist, Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology, University of Ghent</em></p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="smallprint"> <q><em>Nature Briefing</em> is the only email I NEVER delete without reading.</q> <p class="byline"><em>AU Daniels, Prof. Emeritus for Experimental Surgery, University of Basel Faculty of Medicine</em></p> </blockquote> </section> </section> <p class="archive-link">Read it first: <a href="/nature/articles?type=nature-briefing">see past issues of the Briefing</a>.</p> </div> </div> </main> <div class="content-holder"> <div class="content-holder-inner"> <div class="footer"> <p><span class="i18n key_ForAnyQuestions lang_en" >For any questions, problems or feedback, get in touch with us at </span> <a><span class="i18n key_SupportEmailAddress lang_en" ></span></a>.</p> <img class="footer-logo" src="/briefing/assets/site/images/footer-logo-white.svg" alt="Springer Nature footer logo"> <small><span class="i18n key_Copyright lang_en" >© <span class="footer-copyright-year">2024</span> Springer Nature Limited. 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