Press Releases | Newsmatics
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WASHINGTON , DC, UNITED STATES, November 13, 2024 / -- Is press release writing dead? The …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>August 7, 2024</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/733403096-newsmatics-to-sponsor-mid-atlantic-marcom-summit">EIN Presswire to Sponsor Mid-Atlantic Marcom Summit</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Annual conference takes place in Arlington, Virginia on October 30 WASHINGTON , D.C., UNITED STATES, August 7, 2024 / -- Newsmatics, has committed to being a gold level and media sponsor of the Mid-Atlantic Marcom Summit, which will …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>July 10, 2024</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/726172896-ein-presswire-adds-benzinga-to-distribution-network">EIN Presswire Adds Benzinga to Distribution Network</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Press releases distributed using EIN Presswire can now potentially reach an additional 25 million monthly readers on Benzinga, plus their syndication partners WASHINGTON , D.C., UNITED STATES, July 10, 2024 / -- EIN Presswire, Everyone…</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>June 27, 2024</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/723296163-newsmatics-named-to-pr-daily-s-inaugural-pr-tech-hot-list">Newsmatics Named to PR Daily's Inaugural PR Tech Hot List</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Company honored for their trailblazing contributions to public relations industry at Media Relations Conference WASHINGTON, D.C., UNITED STATES, June 27, 2024 / -- Newsmatics has been named to PR Daily's Inaugural PR Tech Hot List …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>June 04, 2024</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/717142638-newsmatics-underwrites-registration-for-students-to-attend-the-public-relations-student-society-of-america-icon-event">EIN Presswire Underwrites Registration for Students to Attend the Public Relations Student Society of America ICON Event</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Applications being accepted until June 21, 2024 WASHINGTON , D.C., UNITED STATES, June 4, 2024 / -- Newsmatics, a Washington, D.C.-based news tech company, will underwrite the registration of up to 50 college students to attend the …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>May 16, 2024</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/712076863-ein-presswire-gifts-more-than-2-500-free-press-releases-to-small-business-owners">EIN Presswire Gifts More Than 2,500 Free Press Releases to Small Business Owners</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Small businesses discover how press release distribution can boost brand awareness WASHINGTON, DC, USA, May 16, 2024 / -- Earlier this month, EIN Presswire shared their story with thousands of prospective clients at the Small Business …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>April 25, 2024</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/700525328-ein-presswire-to-exhibit-at-small-business-expo-in-new-york-city-during-national-small-business-week/">EIN Presswire to Exhibit at Small Business Expo in New York City During National Small Business Week</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Small businesses will learn the benefits of press release distribution WASHINGTON, D.C., USA, April 25, 2024 / -- EIN Presswire will be an exhibitor at Small Business Expo on May 2, 2024 at Javits Convention Center Hall 1E in New York …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>February 14, 2024</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/688032160-newsmatics-partners-with-masaryk-university-s-faculty-of-informatics-to-enhance-data-science-capabilities">Newsmatics Partners with Masaryk University's Faculty of Informatics to Enhance Data Science Capabilities</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">WASHINGTON, D.C., USA, February 14, 2024 / -- Newsmatics, a Washington, D.C.-based news tech company, has announced a new partnership with Masaryk University's Faculty of Informatics, based in Brno, Czech Republic. This collaboration aims to develop cooperation between the two organizations in the areas of data science, data analysis, and AI technology.</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>January 08, 2024</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/679223349-ein-presswire-wraps-a-successful-2023-and-looks-ahead-to-2024">EIN Presswire Wraps a Successful 2023 and Looks Ahead to 2024</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">We feel we have a symbiotic relationship with our clients. When you grow by sharing your news using our press release distribution service, we grow.”— David RothsteinWASHINGTON, DC, USA, January 8, 2024 / -- EIN Presswire bid adieu to 2023 on a high note with the highest month of sales during the annual Year End Special in December.</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>December 1, 2023</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/669911105-ein-presswire-launches-year-end-special-on-press-release-distribution-packages-for-the-month-of-december">EIN Presswire Launches Year End Special on Press Release Distribution Packages for the Month of December</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">EIN Presswire offers additional press release credits with each purchase during the month of December to both new and existing clients. WASHINGTON, D.C., USA, December 1, 2023 / -- Toys and electronics aren’t the only things on sale …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>November 15, 2023</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/668674104-newsmatics-reflects-on-a-successful-2023-prsa-icon-conference-plans-event-sponsorship-for-2024">EIN Presswire Reflects on a Successful 2023 PRSA ICON Conference, Plans Event Sponsorship for 2024</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Newsmatics connected with PRSA members and students representing PRSSA chapters from colleges and universities nationwide. WASHINGTON, DC, USA, November 15, 2023 / -- Newsmatics, a Washington, D.C.-based news tech company, was a Gold …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>October 10, 2023</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/660865683-newsmatics-commits-to-gold-sponsorship-of-2023-prsa-icon-conference">EIN Presswire Commits to Gold Sponsorship of 2023 PRSA ICON Conference</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Company behind EIN Presswire WASHINGTON, D.C., USA, October 10, 2023 / -- Newsmatics, a Washington, D.C.-based news tech company, is headed to Music City USA. The parent company of EIN Presswire, a global news distribution service, is …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>October 2, 2023</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/659108311-newsmatics-tackles-news-bias-with-introduction-of-perspectify">Newsmatics Tackles News Bias with Introduction of Perspectify</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">New website assigns labels to news outlets to enable wiser news consumption WASHINGTON, D.C., USA, October 2, 2023 / -- Newsmatics, a Washington, D.C.-based news tech company, launched on October 1, 2023. Pushing back …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>March 28, 2023</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/622589194-groundbreaking-ai-powered-press-release-generator-launched-by-ein-presswire">Groundbreaking AI-Powered "Press Release Generator" Launched by EIN Presswire</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">First-to-market innovative AI technology enables users to write press releases. WASHINGTON , D.C., USA, March 28, 2023 / -- EIN Presswire, a division of Newsmatics Inc., announced the launch of its groundbreaking AI-powered "Press …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>March 1, 2023</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/619693975-gop-rep-gaetz-cited-chinese-propaganda-failed-to-use-perspectify-news-index-to-distinguish-propaganda-from-real-news">GOP Rep. Gaetz Cited Chinese Propaganda, Failed to Use Perspectify News Index to Distinguish Propaganda from Real News</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">News tech company Newsmatics recently launched a news propaganda identification service that can help readers avoid falling into the trap of fake news. WASHINGTON , D.C., USA, March 1, 2023 / -- At a recent congressional hearing, …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>Sep 20, 2022</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/591830868-associated-press-ap-added-to-ein-presswire-s-press-release-distribution-footprint">Associated Press (AP) Added to EIN Presswire’s Press Release Distribution Footprint</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Provides Unparalleled Press Release Distribution Reach, Visibility, and Results to the Marcom Industry WASHINGTON, D.C., USA, September 20, 2022 / -- EIN Presswire is announcing today the addition of the Associated Press (AP) to its …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>Jun 14, 2022</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/576710689-google-business-profile-listings-added-as-a-standard-feature-on-all-press-releases-distributed-through-ein-presswire">Google Business Profile Listings Added as a Standard Feature on All Press Releases Distributed Through EIN Presswire </a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">EIN Presswire announces a new standard feature benefit; Google My Business WASHINGTON, D.C., USA, June 14, 2022 / -- EIN Presswire is announcing a free new standard feature to its press release distribution service, Google My Business. …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>May 2, 2022</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/569982313-ipd-group-owner-of-ein-presswire-affinity-group-publishing-and-other-news-applications-rebrands-to-newsmatics">IPD Group, Owner of EIN Presswire, Affinity Group Publishing, and other News Applications, Rebrands to Newsmatics</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Newsmatics Is a News Tech Company Developing Next-Generation Global News Platforms</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>Mar 18, 2022</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/565861558-ipd-group-adds-ukraine-war-newsfeed-to-its-perspectify-news-app">Newsmatics Adds Ukraine War Newsfeed to Its Perspectify News App</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Perspectify, an innovative news app created by Newsmatics, has launched a newsfeed focused solely on providing in-depth news coverage of the Ukraine war. WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, USA, March 18, 2022 / -- Perspectify, an …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>March 3, 2022</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/564585003-ipd-group-joins-fight-against-russian-propaganda-halts-russia-sales">Newsmatics Joins Fight Against Russian Propaganda, Halts Russia Sales</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, USA, March 3, 2022 / -- Newsmatics, a U.S.-based international firm known for its development of market-leading news apps, state-of-the-art web-based services as well as its EIN Presswire service, has …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>Nov 10, 2021</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/555989467-affinity-group-publishing-a-new-start-up-business-unit-of-ipd-group-launches-873-asia-middle-east-publications">Affinity Group Publishing, a New Start-Up Business Unit of Newsmatics, Launches 873 Asia & Middle East Publications</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">Affinity Group Publishing Continues Building Up Its Global Publication Network. Portfolio of News Publications Numbers 2,173 WASHINGTON, D.C., UNITED STATES, November 10, 2021 / -- Affinity Group Publishing, a division of the Internet …</div> </li> <li class="list-none my-15 pb-5 border-b border-b-[#D6D6D6] last:border-b-0"> <div class="text-xs">Published on <span>Nov 4, 2021</span></div> <div><a class="no-underline mb-0 font-bold" href="/press/554869731-new-start-up-business-unit-of-ipd-group-launches-1-300-niche-publications-under-affinity-group-publishing-brand">New Start-Up Business Unit of Newsmatics Launches 1,300+ Niche Publications Under Affinity Group Publishing Brand</a></div> <div class="mb-2 text-sm">These new publications are a proving ground for a range of pioneering publishing models WASHINGTON, D.C., UNITED STATES, November 4, 2021 / -- The Newsmatics is announcing today that it has …</div> </li> </ul> </section> <footer> <div class="mx-auto w-full px-20 pb-60 pt-60 md:pt-90 lg:pt-[120px] max-w-[1360px] text-center"> <div class="flex justify-center gap-3 mb-4"> <span>Follow Us: </span> <a href="" target="_blank"><img class="w-25 h-25 hover:opacity-80 transition-all" src="/images/linkedin.svg" alt="Linkedin"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img class="w-25 h-25 hover:opacity-80 transition-all" src="/images/facebook.svg" alt="Facebook"></a> </div> <p class="mb-5 text-15">Newsmatics Inc., 1025 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 | Tel: +1 (202) 335-9494 </p> <span class="max-sm:block">Copyright 1995-2025 Newsmatics Inc. 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