A California Flora - Philip Alexander Munz - Google Books

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\u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , with stout roots ; stems several , erect , 5-10 dm . high , branched above ; lf . - blades pentagonal in outline , 4-8 cm . wide , 3 - parted , then lobed , appressed - \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; petioles 5-17 cm . long , hairy ; upper cauline\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA95","page_number":"95","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e to subglabrous , branched above ; basal lvs . 2-7 cm . broad , long - ovate or orbicular , 3-5- foliolate or 3 - parted , the lfts . or lobes cuneate , lobed , mostly \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , the ultimate lobes acute ; petioles 5-25 cm . long\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA96","page_number":"96","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e with white hairs , 2-4.5 dm . high ; basal lvs . cordate - reniform in out- line , 2-9 cm . broad , 3 - parted , the parts lobed , glabrous , with ultimate segms . mostly obtuse ; petioles 5-20 ( -25 ) cm . long , glabrous to\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA97","page_number":"97","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; lvs . reniform , 2-2.5 cm . broad , 3 - parted , then lobed , the ultimate segms . acute , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; petioles 3-6 cm . long ; pedicels to 1.5 cm . long ; sepals greenish- yellow , spreading , 1 mm . long ; petals 5 , yellow\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA117","page_number":"117","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e . F. Plant a tall erect herb ; carpels 8-10 mm . high , oblong , 1 - celled FF . Plant a low spreading herb ; carpels 4 mm . high , reniform , 2 - celled EE . Ovules solitary ; carpels not \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e . F. 4. Iliamna 7. Modiola\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA130","page_number":"130","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e to puberulent or tomentose . Lvs . , especially the upper , often hastate . Involucel lacking . Calyx 5 - cleft . Petals bluish to lavender . Styles 5-20 , tipped by capitate stigmas . Fr. depressed , hemispheric or disklike\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA131","page_number":"131","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; pedicels 1-2 mm . long ; carpels lightly reticu- late on back , the sides distinctly reticulate - alveolate 12. S. setosa II . Calyx usually not accrescent , the lobes lanceolate ; basal portion of stem usually coarsely\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA132","page_number":"132","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e throughout , also with short stellate pubescence ; basal lvs . rounded , 1-2.5 cm . wide , long - petioled , crenate , dying early , the cauline 2-6 cm . wide , rather deeply parted into lobed segms .; infl . few - fld . , with\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA133","page_number":"133","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e at base ; stipules purplish ; basal lvs . cuneate to reniform , fleshy , crenate but scarcely lobed ; lower pedicels to 2 and 3 cm . long ; calyx purplish , moderately pubescent with small stellae and longer tangled to straight\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA135","page_number":"135","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; petals pink - magenta , 5-15 mm . long ; carpels ca. 2.5 mm . long , lightly reticulate on sides , weakly stellate to glabrous on back ; 2n = 20 ( Kruckeberg , 1957 ) .- Wet meadows and banks , 6500-9000 ft .; Montane\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA144","page_number":"144","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , the apical concavities subtended by a single fold . - Reported from Berkeley , Mt. Diablo , and the Sacramento V .; native of Medit . region . 3. E. macrophyllum H. \u0026amp; A. Stem proper very short , the lvs . and peduncles sub\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA214","page_number":"214","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e with simple hairs . Basal lvs . mostly petioled , the cauline petioled to sessile . Infl . usually racemose , at least in fr . Sepals scarcely if at all saccate . Petals linear to oblanceo- late or oblong , clawed , plane or\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA220","page_number":"220","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e at least in lower parts , 3-6 dm . high ; lower Ívs . oblanceolate , coarsely and saliently toothed , petioled , 2-8 cm . long ; upper lvs . linear to lanceolate , entire to dentate , auriculate - clasping ; racemes lax , 5-30\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA221","page_number":"221","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003eHirsute\u003c/b\u003e - hispid annual 0.5-2 dm . high , compact ; lvs . cuneate - obovate , all except lower sessile , with coarse obtuse teeth near rounded apex , 1-3 cm . long ; racemes 5-12 cm . long , without or with few terminal sterile fls\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA222","page_number":"222","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e . W. edge of Colo . Desert B. BB . Calyx glabrous to sparsely pilose . C. Plants pilose to \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , especially near base . Inyo Co. n . CC . Plants glabrous . 7. C. stenocarpus 8. C. Hallii D. 9. C. pilosus Sepals hairy ; stems\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA223","page_number":"223","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , reflexed , 3-10 mm . long ; sepals purple , later yellowish or greenish , glabrous to \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , unequal , scarcely saccate , 8-14 mm . long ; petals whitish with purple veins , widely spreading , crisped , 12-18 mm . long\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA231","page_number":"231","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e especially near base , 2-10 dm . tall ; lvs . of basal rosette lyrate - pinnatifid , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , 5-10 cm . long , the upper hastate with long narrow sinuate - dentate terminal lobe ; racemes long and narrow ; pedicels erect in fr\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA251","page_number":"251","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e on both surfaces and ciliate with stiff simple or once- forked hairs , also rather stiffly hirtellous ; scapes leafless , 2-12 cm . tall , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e with simple or branched hairs ; pedicels \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , equaling silicles ; sepals ca\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA258","page_number":"258","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e below . L. Outer basal lvs . broadly oblanceolate , ob- tuse ; pedicels slender , 10-20 mm . long , glabrous ; petals 6-9 mm . long 14. A. perennans LL . Outer basal lvs . narrowly oblanceolate , acute ; pedicels stout , 5-12 mm\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA261","page_number":"261","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e with simple hairs , 2-8 dm . high ; basal lvs . spatulate to oblanceolate , petioled , entire , 1-3 cm . long , 4-10 mm . wide , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e with simple and forked coarse hairs ; cauline lvs . crowded below , oblong to sublanceolate\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA288","page_number":"288","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and strigulose , glandular - pubescent above ; basal lvs . oblanceolate or spatulate , obtuse , mucronate , the cauline somewhat narrower , 1-3.5 cm . long ; infl . leafy - bracted , 1 - sided , the pedicels 2-5 mm . long\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA326","page_number":"326","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; lvs . basal or near base , petioled , oblanceolate , 3-8 cm . long , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e - villous ; bracts opposite or whorled , similar to lvs . , the upper reduced ; invols . in large dense clusters , the tube subcylindric , 3.5-4 mm\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA522","page_number":"522","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , slender , 1-4 dm . long ; lvs . all opposite or sometimes the upper alternate , oblong to ovate in outline , 2-4 cm . long , on petioles ca. as long , pinnately divided into 5-7 remote divisions , these rounded , usually\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA529","page_number":"529","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , ca. 5 mm . lông in fl . , 8 mm . in fr .; corolla pale blue , campanulate , 5-7 mm . long , deciduous ; scales broadly ovate , attached to fil . at base ; stamens included , 4–5 mm . long ; style ca. 3 mm . long , deeply cleft\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA533","page_number":"533","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; lvs . greenish , entire to pin- nately 5 ( 7 ) -lobed , the lobes mostly ovate , abruptly acute ; fls . many , in dense cymes , subsessile or short - pedicelled ; calyx - lobes linear - oblong to -lanceolate , 3-5 mm . long\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA534","page_number":"534","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , 1-2 dm . high ; lvs . oblong to oval , entire or with pair of basal pinnae . - At ca. 7000- 10,000 ft .; Yellow Pine F .; Mono and e . Shasta cos .; adjacent Nev . to Ore . July - Aug . + 31. P. nemoràlis Greene . [ P\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA536","page_number":"536","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and hirsutulous , scarcely glandular , 5-20 cm . high ; lowest lvs . opposite , others alternate , linear - oblong to ovate , 1-4 ( -10 ) cm . long , entire , short - petioled or the upper subsessile ; racemes 1-3 , the fls\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA537","page_number":"537","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; seeds narrow - ovoid , yellow - brown , 1.6-2 mm . long , ± angled , finely pitted . - Dry disturbed bank , 6500 ft .; Pinyon - Juniper Wd .; Nine - Mile Canyon , e . slope of Sierra Nevada , s . Inyo Co. May . 49. P. linearis\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA538","page_number":"538","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; corolla light blue to purplish , open - campanulate , 10-12 mm . long ; scales lanceolate , adnate ; stamens 3-7 mm . long , with fils . hairy or not ; style 2-7 mm . long , hairy ; caps . ovoid , pointed , 5-7 mm . long\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA541","page_number":"541","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and glandular - pubescent throughout ; lvs . ovate to rounded , coarsely and obtusely crenate , the blades 1.5-4 cm . long ; petioles longer ; cymes lax , several - fild . , with pedicels 5-10 mm . long ; calyx - lobes linear\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA546","page_number":"546","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; corolla purplish - lavender , funnelform , 10-15 mm . long , 6-9 mm . broad ; stamens unequal ; style 8-10 mm . long , divided to base ; caps . ovoid , 4-5 mm . long , loculicidal , membranous ; seeds ca. 15 , ovoid , angular\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA547","page_number":"547","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , 5-8 mm . long ; corolla purplish - red , tubular - campanulate , 9-12 mm . long ; styles 3-5 mm . long ; caps . ca. 4 mm . long , 8-18 - seeded ; seeds brown , 0.5 mm . long , shallowly pitted and minutely reticulate ; n = 7\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA548","page_number":"548","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; corolla densely pubescent , mostly 5-10 mm . Co. s . Upper surface of lvs . and young stems pubescent to tomentose ( except in a form of Santa Barbara and Ventura cos . ) . Calyx and corolla glandular ; corolla sparsely\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA549","page_number":"549","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and glandular ; corolla white to lavender , tubular - urn - shaped , 3-4 mm . long , the ovate lobes ca. 0.5 mm . long ; style ca. 2 mm . long ; caps . \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , 2 mm . long , 10-12 seeded ; seeds 1-1.5 mm . long . Dry slopes\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA556","page_number":"556","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; lower lvs . oblanceolate , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , the blades 5-15 cm . long ; petioles winged , 5-10 cm . long ; upper lvs . reduced , sessile or cordate - clasping ; infl . rather compact , long - peduncled ; pedicels ca. 4-8 mm . long\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA558","page_number":"558","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , 1-3 dm . high ; lvs . linear to oblong or oblanceolate , 1-4 cm . long , sessile or the lower short- petioled ; racemes bracteate at base or to middle ; pedicels suberect , shorter than fruiting calyx ; calyx 4-6 mm . long\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA561","page_number":"561","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e . Common in mts . from Tulare Co. to Siskiyou and Trinity cos . 2. H. Jessicae EE . Stem - lvs . conspicuously reduced in size up the stems ; basal lvs . many ; nut- lets with marginal prickles somewhat united at base , usually\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA567","page_number":"567","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and strigose annuals , 1-5 dm . high , with rather numerous short ascending branches ; lvs . linear- lanceolate , the upper sessile , the lower petioled , 2.5-5 cm . long , conspicuously pustulate and hispid ; raceme solitary or\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA568","page_number":"568","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; lvs . linear to lance - linear , 1-3 cm . long ; spikes rigid , in 1\u0026#39;s or 2\u0026#39;s , sparsely bracted , 2-5 cm . long ; mature calyx ovate - oblong , 4-6 mm . long , the lance - linear lobes with \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e midribs , strigose margins\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA569","page_number":"569","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e - hispid with spreading hairs as well as strigose ; lvs . oblong - linear , 1.5-6 cm . long , pustulate ; calyx in fr . appressed , ca. 3 mm . long ; corolla 2-5 mm . broad ; nutlets usually 2-3 , brownish , granulate\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA570","page_number":"570","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; corolla 1-2 mm . broad ; nutlets 1-4 , lance- ovoid , 1.5-2.5 mm . long , strongly verrucose , the back convex , the edges obtusish , the groove open or closed , with a triangular areola below ; style reaching to ca. the tip\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA571","page_number":"571","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; corolla 1.5 mm . broad ; nutlets 4 , ovoid , finely granulate , the back convex , ± tubercled toward tip , the margin obtuse , the groove closed , slightly dilated to a minute basal areola ; style not exceeding nutlets\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA573","page_number":"573","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; calyx in fr . 2-3.5 mm . long ; style shorter . - Marin Co. to Santa Clara Co. 37. C. maripòsae Jtn . Erect annual with ascending branches , mostly 1-2 dm . high , strigose ; lvs . oblanceolate or oblong , 0.8-2 cm . long ,\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA574","page_number":"574","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , 1-5 dm . tall ; lvs . linear to lance - linear , 1-4 cm . long , obtuse , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e - hispidulous , sometimes strigose ; spikes commonly in 2\u0026#39;s or 3\u0026#39;s , slender and loosely fld . in age , 3-8 cm . long ; calyx ovoid to somewhat\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA575","page_number":"575","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e - hispid ; lvs . linear , thinly hispidulous , pustulate ; spike solitary , bractless , 5-15 cm . long , loosely fld . in age ; calyx ascending , 6-10 mm . long in fr . , the narrowly linear lobes erect , with yellow bristles on\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA576","page_number":"576","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and finely strigose ; lvs . broadly spatulate to oblanceolate , 2-4 cm . long , short - petioled , silky - tomentose and with some slender bristles ; infl . rather narrow , thyrsoid , leafy - bracted below ; calyx - lobes\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA579","page_number":"579","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and also usually with fine short pubescence ; basal lvs . narrowly oblanceolate , the cauline lance - oblong to linear , 1.5-6 cm . long , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; cymes dense , scorpioid , with scattered bracts , more lax in fr . , arranged\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA580","page_number":"580","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e- hispid and somewhat villous ; lvs . with stiff somewhat appressed hairs , ± pustulate , the lower in a rosette , linear - oblanceolate , 1.5–5 cm . long , the upper scattered on the slender stems , lanceolate , reduced ; roots\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA581","page_number":"581","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , cleft over halfway ; corolla ca. 2-4 mm . broad ; nutlets usually 4 , round - ovoid , narrowed into a ... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; purple dye unusually abundant ; lvs . oblong to somewhat linear or the uppermost subovate , sessile , 0.5\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA589","page_number":"589","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e with few or no finer hairs ; lvs . 3-10 cm . long , linear - oblanceolate below to lanceolate or wider above , with spreading and appressed stiff hairs ; spikes to ca. 1 dm . long , often bracteate below ; calyx 6-10 mm . long\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA661","page_number":"661","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e at base ; calyx \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , 2 - cleft to middle , each half 2 - lobed with subulate teeth ; corolla bright yellow , sometimes whitish , 1.5-2.5 cm . long ; lower lip ample , 4-5 mm . long , abruptly widened from narrow tube\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA669","page_number":"669","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e in infl .; lvs . oblong to rounded , entire , less than 3 times as long as wide , blunt , sessile , mostly less than 2 cm . long ; bracts and calyces distally red , the former entire and subtruncate or 3 - lobed ; calyx 18-22 mm\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA674","page_number":"674","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , the bracts relatively long - ciliate ; lvs . usually flat , linear ; stem pubescent to \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e 17. C. pilosus II . Infl . pubescent , the bracts finely ciliate ; lvs . mostly in- volute , subfiliform ; stem glabrous or nearly\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA675","page_number":"675","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e - pubescent with gland- less hairs to glabrescent ; Ivs . and bracts yellowish - green , the upper lvs . with 1-2 pairs of lobes , the bracts with 2-3 pairs ; calyx 14-15 mm . long , lance - oblong , the teeth 1 mm . long\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA700","page_number":"700","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and glandular ; Ivs . oblong - deltoid , 5-15 cm . long , obtusish , crenate - serrate , truncate - cordate at base , on petioles to 5 cm . long ; fls . 8-12 in whorls , these in spikes interrupted in age ; calyx 5-6 mm . long\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA739","page_number":"739","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; basal lvs . roundish to round - reniform in outline , + \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , shallowly 3-7 - lobed , cordate at base , serrate to crenate , 5–10 cm . broad , on petioles 5-20 cm . long ; cauline few , smaller ; raceme glandular\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA740","page_number":"740","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; stem lvs . similar , smaller , with green stipules ; fls . yellow - green , the fl . - tube saucer - shaped , ca. 3 mm . in diam .; sepals triangular , 1-1.5 mm . long ; petals with 5-9 filiform lobes ; fils . purplish\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA741","page_number":"741","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e . Trinity and Siskiyou cos . ... 4. H. Merriami BB . Free portion of fl . - tube equal to or longer than adnate portion ; fls . ± irregular . C. Stamens long exserted , surpassing the sepals and ca. equal to petals ; free\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA742","page_number":"742","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e infl . - axis and peduncles , is var . Hartwégii ( Wats . ) Rosend . [ H. pilosissima var . H. Wats . ex Wheelock . ] At higher elevs . in the N. Coast Ranges , intergrading with : Var . erubescens ( A. Br . \u0026amp; Bouché ) Rosend\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA743","page_number":"743","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; petals 3-5 mm . long , mostly 1 - nerved ; stamens ca. as long as petals ; seeds 0.5 mm . long . - At ca. 5000-6000 ft . , Hot Springs Mts . , Cuyamaca Mts . of San Diego Co .; L. Calif . May - June . 8. H. Pringlei Rydb\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA765","page_number":"765","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e receptacle ; styles subterminal ; aks . smooth or carunculate . Twenty - two spp . , w . Am . ( named for Lt. E. Ives , leader of a Pacific Ry . Survey . ) ( Keck , D. D. Revision of Horkelia and Ivesia . Lloydia 1 : 75–142\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA770","page_number":"770","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e with stiff mostly spreading hairs ; lvs . 3 - foliolate ; lfts . oblanceolate to obovate , coarsely serrate , ± \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , 3-5 cm . long ; cyme leafy ; fl . - tube \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , 7-8 mm . broad ; bractlets acutish , ca. as long as\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA773","page_number":"773","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; basal lvs . digitately 5-7 - foliolate ; lfts . oblanceolate , 3-14 cm . long , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e above and beneath , paler beneath , with narrowly deltoid teeth ; cymes many - fld . with strongly ascending branches ; bractlets lance\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA872","page_number":"872","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e throughout with coarse spread- ing hairs , the lfts . sometimes glabrous above ; stems stout , erect or assurgent , 3-23 cm . long ; stipules free , membranous , conspicuous , ovate to acuminate , 6-15 mm . long ; lvs . 4-15 cm\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA946","page_number":"946","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e without ; sepals strigose and \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , 10-15 mm . long , with free tips ca. 2 mm . long ; petals yellow , broadly obcordate , 1.2-2 cm . long ; stamens subequal , ca. as long as petals , glabrous ; style pubescent near base\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA947","page_number":"947","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e . ssp . grisea Sepals under a hand lens and in terminal half obviously papillose at base of some of longer hairs which are usually numerous and tend to conceal the short gland - tipped ones . C. Fls . small ; sepals 2-3 cm\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1084","page_number":"1084","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and densely glandular - puberulent ; lvs . ovate - lanceolate to deltoid , the largest 12-15 cm . long , 5-8 cm . wide , acute at apex , truncate or cordate at base , pustulate - scabrous on upper surface , viscous beneath\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1088","page_number":"1088","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e at tip Cent . paleae of the disk not \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e - tipped Plants perennial ; disk - corollas yellow or brownish . Plants strongly glaucous and rhizomatous Plants not strongly glaucous and rhizomatous . Foliage white with strigose\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1111","page_number":"1111","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e or pilose , the basal and lower cauline dentate to pinnatifid with salient rotund short lobes ; invol . 6-12 mm . high , the phyllary - tips rounded ; ligules 6-15 mm . long , 5-10 mm . wide ; disk - fls . 30-100 , the corolla 4\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1114","page_number":"1114","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e to glabrate below , strongly stipitate - glandular above ; lvs . entire , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , linear , attenuate , the basal crowded into an erect tuft , the lower pairs connate , 10-30 cm . long , 4-12 mm . wide , the cauline often\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1115","page_number":"1115","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and stipitate - glandular ( sometimes hispid - \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and eglandular ) , the attenuate tips of the phyllaries equaling the basal portion ; ray - fls . 8-16 , the ligules 6-15 mm . long , yellow or with maroon blotch at base\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1116","page_number":"1116","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , scarcely glandular ; ray - fls . 5-12 , disk - fls . 15-50 ; anthers black ; ray - aks . 3.3-4.4 mm . long , the lateral angles rounded ; self - fertile ; n = 8 ( Clausen et al . , 1937 ) .- Not common , dry open slopes , 1400\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1120","page_number":"1120","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , often beset with sessile glands above , mildly odorous ; lvs . small , linear and entire at anthesis , those of peduncles often crowded , the deciduous lower lvs . laciniately sharp - toothed or pinnatisect ; heads very\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1141","page_number":"1141","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , hispid - ciliate below ; invol . broadly hemispheric , 7-12 mm . high , strigose , the phyllaries 2 - seriate , ovate , flat ; rays 10-20 , 8-18 mm . long ; receptacle conic , muricate , glabrous ; aks . 2.5-3 mm . long\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1154","page_number":"1154","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; pappus of 12-16 very unequal oblanceolate scales shorter than the corolla . - Open pine woods and dry ridges , 4500-8000 ft .; Yellow Pine F. , Red Fir F .; Greenhorn Mts . and Pah Ute Peak , Kern Co. , Mt. Pinos , Ventura Co\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1170","page_number":"1170","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , without harsh hairs . Near the coast Lvs . more densely and harshly pubescent . Upper lvs . crowded and conspicuous . Herbage hispid - \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e but greenish . Widespread inland C. oregona var . rudis var . compacta Herbage\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1192","page_number":"1192","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e throughout , the plant 2-5 cm . high , 3–12 cm . across ; lvs . 4-10 mm . long ; invol . 4-5 mm . high ; phyllaries linear , acuminate or at- tenuate , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and microscopically glandular , herbaceous , 1 - ribbed toward base\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1210","page_number":"1210","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e . Tulare Co. 37. E. aequifolius FF . Stem not glandular , though the hairs may be a little viscid ; pubescence of stem short or wanting . Shasta Co. to Riverside Co. e . 38. E. Breweri EE . Root - crown superficial ; base of\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1211","page_number":"1211","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e at and near base , finely glandular - puberulent but sparsely or not at all \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e toward the tip ; rays 45-80 , 8-14 mm . long , 1.5-2.5 mm . wide , whitish to rose - purple ; disk - corollas 3-4 mm . long ; aks . 2 ( or 4 )\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1213","page_number":"1213","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e or \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e - strigose , sometimes glabrate on one or both faces , the broadly oblanceolate to subrotund blade abruptly contracted to a longer petiole , 1-4 cm . long , 1.5-8 mm . wide ; scapes 1-5 cm . high , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e with\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1214","page_number":"1214","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e biennial ca. 1 dm . high , widely branching from the base , the stems finely glandular toward the heads ; basal lvs . numerous , with oblong to obovate blade 1-1.5 cm . long tapering to a petiole twice as long , the cauline\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1217","page_number":"1217","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and densely glandular - puberulent ; lvs . evenly distributed , much longer than the internodes , oblanceolate , rounded at apex , tapering to a narrow base , 5-20 mm . long , 1.5-3 mm . wide , only gradually reduced upwards\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1218","page_number":"1218","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , sometimes spreading - \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e or glabrate ; lvs . very crowded , linear - filiform to linear - oblanceolate , 0.5-2.5 mm . wide and less than 4 cm . long ; rays comparatively showy ; aks . sparsely hairy . On brushy slopes and\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1224","page_number":"1224","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e to nearly glabrous ; lvs . many , the lower oblanceolate , petiolate , up to 10 cm . long and 10 mm . wide , entire or serrate , often deciduous before anthesis , the upper narrower , sessile , entire ; heads small , numerous\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1244","page_number":"1244","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e , the stems glandular - villous ; lvs . linear or lance- linear , acute , sessile , none sheathing ; heads terminal and with 1-2 lateral , discoid ; invol . with ca. 13 phyllaries , campanulate , \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e and glandular - villous\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1306","page_number":"1306","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; lvs . mostly near the base , lanceolate to oblanceolate , entire , 1-2 dm . long , copiously villous - \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; infl . a broad cymose panicle , glabrous to somewhat glandular or short - bristly ; invol . 8-10 mm . high\u0026nbsp;..."},{"page_id":"PA1476","page_number":"1476","snippet_text":"... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; lemmas glabrous . - Occasional on dry hills , below 5000 ft .; many Plant Communities ; cismontane Calif ... \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; lemmas \u003cb\u003ehirsute\u003c/b\u003e ; awns 3-10 mm . long . - Occasional in open places ; Foothill Wd . , Chaparral , etc\u0026nbsp;..."}],"search_query_escaped":"hirsute"},{});</script></div></div></div><script>(function() {var href = window.location.href;if (href.indexOf('?') !== -1) {var parameters = href.split('?')[1].split('&');for (var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {var param = parameters[i].split('=');if (param[0] == 'focus') {var elem = document.getElementById(param[1]);if (elem) {elem.focus();}}}}})();</script>

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