Premier Podcast Advertising Network
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<h1><div class="green-text">The Podcast Ad</div>Specialists</h1> <img class="controls" src="/resources/images/eat-sleep-breath/player-scrubber.webp"> <h2 class="green-text">Our passion for podcast ads is 24-7.</h2> <div class="cta"> <a href="/contact-rep?ref=podcast-advertising" class="std-btn large outline white">Get Started</a> </div> </div> <div class="design-wrapper"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img class="main-img" src="/resources/images/eat-sleep-breath/podcast-ad-specialists.webp"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section gets-results"> <div class="container"> <h2>A Full-Service Podcast Advertising Solution</h2> <div class="thirds"> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/headphones.png" alt="ad inventory for over 1,300 podcasts"> </div> <h4>Ad Inventory for 1,300+ Podcasts</h4> <div class="detail">We sell ad inventory for 1,300+ podcasts with a hundred of them being exclusive partners of ours. With a total monthly reach exceeding 35M listeners, we're able to scale efforts to meet your advertising needs. We've also tested thousands of shows throughout the years, so we know which ones perform and which ones don't. Connect with us today and we'll leverage our industry leading experience to create a winning campaign for you.</div> </div> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/network.png" alt="podcast advertising"> </div> <h4>Professional Sales Team</h4> <div class="detail">Our knowledgeable podcast advertising sales team is standing-by ready to assist you with ALL of your podcast advertising needs. Whether you're just interested in learning more about this exciting new medium or you're ready to dive-in and create your first campaign, we'll walk you through the entire process. We'll work closely with you to produce results that meet or exceed your business goals and objectives.</div> </div> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/target.png" alt="podcast advertising"> </div> <h4>Get a Free Campaign Proposal</h4> <div class="detail">Each campaign we create is personally tailored to meet your specific advertising goals. The shows we select are based on a number of criteria including topical matches, listener demographics, airing deadlines, budget restrictions, and more. In addition, we now have capabilities to <a href="/local-podcast-advertising">target on GEO</a> (City, State, Zip, DMA, POI, etc).</div> </div> </div> <div class="thirds"> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/computer.png" alt="podcast advertising"> </div> <h4>End-To-End Campaign Management</h4> <div class="detail">You have the option of managing your campaigns with our proprietary self-serve advertising portal or have our professional sales team fully-manage on your behalf. The option is yours.</div> </div> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/clipboard-2.png" alt="podcast advertising"> </div> <h4>Measurement and A.I. Air Checks</h4> <div class="detail">See detailed reporting on ad spots published including episode information, download counts, and A.I. time-stamped transcribed air checks. We'll also guide you on how to track leads and conversions from your podcast ads.</div> </div> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/mic.png" alt="podcast advertising"> </div> <h4>Host-Read Ads and Dynamic Ads</h4> <div class="detail">We sell a variety of <a href="/podcast-ad-units">podcast ad units</a>. Our most popular type are host-read ads which are read by the host and are typically baked into the episode. These are the most requested ad units by our advertisers. Another option is dynamic ads. These types of ad units are starting to gain interest as they have more targeting capabilities. We'll work with you to determine which ad format makes the most sense for your campaign.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section targeting"> <div class="container"> <h3>Target your Podcast Ads on a Number of Criteria</h3> <div class="detail"> <div class="thirds"> <div class="thirds-inner centered"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/demographics.png" alt="Demographics"> <span>Demographics</span> </div> <div class="thirds-inner centered"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/genre-category.png" alt="Genre/Category"> <span>Genre/Category</span> </div> <div class="thirds-inner centered"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/behavioral.png" alt="Behavioral"> <span>Behavioral</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section targeting"> <div class="container"> <h3>And GEO Targeting is now Available</h3> <div class="detail"> <div class="thirds"> <div class="thirds-inner centered"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/city.png" alt="city"> <span>City</span> </div> <div class="thirds-inner centered"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/state.png" alt="state"> <span>State</span> </div> <div class="thirds-inner centered"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/zip.png" alt="zip"> <span>Zip</span> </div> </div> <div class="thirds"> <div class="thirds-inner centered"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/dma.png" alt="dma"> <span>DMA</span> </div> <div class="thirds-inner centered"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/lat-long.png" alt="lattitude/longitude"> <span>Lat/Long</span> </div> <div class="thirds-inner centered"> <img src="/resources/images/icons/poi.png" alt="poi"> <span>POI</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="container"> <h2>Your Ads can be Heard Everywhere Podcasts are Found</h2> <div class="fourths"> <div class="fourths-inner"> <img src="/resources/images/platforms/apple-podcasts.jpg" alt="Apple Podcasts"> <div class="detail centered">Apple Podcasts</div> </div> <div class="fourths-inner"> <img src="/resources/images/platforms/google-play.jpg" alt="Google Play"> <div class="detail centered">Google Play</div> </div> <div class="fourths-inner"> <img src="/resources/images/platforms/pocket-casts.jpg" alt="Pocket Casts"> <div class="detail centered">Pocket Casts</div> </div> <div class="fourths-inner"> <img src="/resources/images/platforms/overcast.jpg" alt="Overcast"> <div class="detail centered">Overcast</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section main-color thin stats"> <div class="container"> <h2>Libsyn Ads Podcast Network</h2> <div class="fourths"> <div class="fourths-inner"> <div class="value"><count-up :end-val="1300"></count-up>+</div> <div class="detail">Podcasts</div> </div> <div class="fourths-inner"> <div class="value"><count-up :end-val="200" suffix="M"></count-up>+</div> <div class="detail">Monthly Listener Reach</div> </div> <div class="fourths-inner"> <div class="value"><count-up :end-val="5000"></count-up>+</div> <div class="detail">Available Ad Spots</div> </div> <div class="fourths-inner"> <div class="value"><count-up :end-val="2000"></count-up>+</div> <div class="detail">Advertisers</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section clients"> <div class="container"> <h2>Working with 2,000+ great podcast advertisers including:</h2> <div class="v-app-entry clients-wrapper centered"> <slick-slider-wrapper inline-template v-cloak class="slides white-arrows" :slides-to-show="6" :slides-to-scroll="6"> <div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="SEGA"> </div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="Shopify"> </div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="Wooga"> </div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="Zoho"> </div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="Mint Mobile"> </div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="Viacom"> </div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="NetSuite"> </div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="Bombas"> </div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="Angi"> </div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="SimpliSafe"> </div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="Trust And Will"> </div> <div class="client slide"> <img src="" alt="DraftKings"> </div> </div> </slick-slider-wrapper> </div> <a href="/contact-rep?ref=podcast-advertising" class="std-btn large">Get Started</a> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="container"> <h2>All-In-One Podcast Advertising Platform</h2> <div class="thirds"> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img src="/resources/images/podcast-ad-inventory.webp" alt="ad inventory for over 1000 podcasts"> </div> <h4>Shop and Order Ad Spots</h4> <div class="detail">Research and order ad inventory within our online ad portal. You'll be able to review show information, host information, ad pricing, CPM rates, audience reach, social reach, demographic data, and listen to recent episodes.</div> </div> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img src="/resources/images/campaign-management.webp" alt="Easy Campaign Management"> </div> <h4>Easy Campaign Management</h4> <div class="detail">Manage all of your podcast ad campaigns in one centralized area from start to completion. See statuses of your ad campaigns and communicate directly with the show's host with our internal messaging system. Our team is also available to professionally manage your campaigns.</div> </div> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img src="/resources/images/air-checks.webp" alt="A.I. Transcribed Air Checks"> </div> <h4>A.I. Transcribed Air Checks</h4> <div class="detail">See target air-dates, published dates, listen to your audio ad, and see any extras that were included with your ad buy like social media mentions.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section recent-reads"> <div class="container"> <h2>Featured Ad Reads</h2> <div class="thirds"> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="detail centered">Ghost Town</div> <div class="show-wrapper"> <div class="show"> <img src="/podcast/image/GhostTown" alt="Ghost Town"> <sf-player class="overlay" src="" :init-time="376"></sf-player> </div> </div> <div class="detail centered">Ad read for Wondery</div> </div> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="detail centered">The Viall Files</div> <div class="show-wrapper"> <div class="show"> <img src="/podcast/image/TheViallFiles" alt="The Viall Files"> <sf-player class="overlay" src="" :init-time="3850"></sf-player> </div> </div> <div class="detail centered">Ad read for Vionic</div> </div> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="detail centered">The Roseanne Barr Podcast</div> <div class="show-wrapper"> <div class="show"> <img src="/podcast/image/TheRoseanneBarrPodcast" alt="The Roseanne Barr Podcast"> <sf-player class="overlay" src="" :init-time="810"></sf-player> </div> </div> <div class="detail centered">Ad read for American Financing Corp</div> </div> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="detail centered">The Rich Dad Radio Show</div> <div class="show-wrapper"> <div class="show"> <img src="/podcast/image/TheRichDadRadioShow" alt="The Rich Dad Radio Show"> <sf-player class="overlay" src="" :init-time="0"></sf-player> </div> </div> <div class="detail centered">Ad read for Allegiance Gold</div> </div> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="detail centered">TWiT RON</div> <div class="show-wrapper"> <div class="show"> <img src="/podcast/image/TWiTRON" alt="TWiT RON"> <sf-player class="overlay" src="" :init-time="0"></sf-player> </div> </div> <div class="detail centered">Ad read for Bluehost</div> </div> <div class="thirds-inner"> <div class="detail centered">Darknet Diaries</div> <div class="show-wrapper"> <div class="show"> <img src="/podcast/image/DarknetDiaries" alt="Darknet Diaries"> <sf-player class="overlay" src="" :init-time="0"></sf-player> </div> </div> <div class="detail centered">Ad read for Mint Mobile</div> </div> </div> <div class="detail centered"><a href="/featured-ad-reads">Want to hear more?</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="section gray medium-stats"> <div class="container"> <h2>Podcast Medium Statistics</h2> <div class="fourths"> <div class="fourths-inner"> <div class="stat bottom-border-heavy">104 Million</div> <div class="detail">Americans have listened to a podcast in the last month. And growing substantially every year.</div> </div> <div class="fourths-inner"> <div class="stat bottom-border-heavy">$1+ Billion</div> <div class="detail">Projected amount of podcast ad spend by 2021 - growing 85% year over year. The secret is out, podcast ads work!</div> </div> <div class="fourths-inner"> <div class="stat bottom-border-heavy">63%</div> <div class="detail">A survey of 300,000 listeners found that 63% of people bought something a host had promoted on their show.</div> </div> <div class="fourths-inner"> <div class="stat bottom-border-heavy">2x Facebook</div> <div class="detail">Podcasts drive <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">twice the ad awareness</a> of Facebook</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section im-new"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="bottom-border-heavy">Podcast Advertising FAQ's</h2> <div class="accordion"> <div class="panel"> <div class="title" v-toggle-display="'faq-panel-1'"><span>Why are marketers going so crazy for podcasts?</span> <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></div> <div v-toggle-display-target="'faq-panel-1'" class="content hidden"> <div>With the fast-moving nature of advertising and marketing, brands and agencies are always looking for untapped, underpriced and high-leverage opportunities to drive awareness and customer acquisition. Innovative marketers have flocked to podcasts while their competitors are fighting for attention in traditional, often over-saturated (and over-priced) channels.</div> <div>The main reason marketers are so excited about podcast advertising, however, is because it works... really, really well.</div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <div class="title" v-toggle-display="'faq-panel-2'"><span>Can I geo-target my message?</span> <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></div> <div v-toggle-display-target="'faq-panel-2'" class="content hidden"> <div>With the advancement of ad delivery technologies in the podcast space, we now have capabilities to geo-target your ad by country, region, state, metro, and DMA. <a href="/contact-rep?ref=podcast-advertising">Contact us</a> today and let us build you a geo-targeted podcast ad campaign.</div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <div class="title" v-toggle-display="'faq-panel-3'"><span>What about other demographics?</span> <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></div> <div v-toggle-display-target="'faq-panel-3'" class="content hidden"> <div>Although the demographic data which can be obtained by podcast publishers and hosting providers is currently limited (Apple hasn't decided to give this up yet!). Most podcasts have a good handle on their typical listener profile through the use of listener surveys, social media engagement, and interacting with their audience. All podcasters make this information available to potential advertising partners to ensure their marketing message is reaching the right ears. This data typically includes age ranges, gender mix, education level and household income bracket.</div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <div class="title" v-toggle-display="'faq-panel-4'"><span>What are the costs?</span> <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></div> <div v-toggle-display-target="'faq-panel-4'" class="content hidden"> <div>The cost range of a typical 30-second podcast ad spot is somewhere between $10 and $50 (per thousand downloads). Expect to pay an even higher CPM for podcasts who have an audience which is in high demand by marketers, such as shows who target their content to business professionals or entrepreneurs.</div> <div>There are also different types of spots you can buy depending on what is offered by the podcast. A short 10 or 15 second spot will carry a lower CPM rate and a longer 60-second spot will be more expensive. Depending on the complexity of your product and marketing message required, you can choose the spot length which works best for you.</div> <div>Note that some podcasts also offer volume discounts because they are looking for longer-term relationships with advertisers. In addition to the cost savings, we have also found that repetition in your marketing message over the course of 4, 8 or 12 episodes of a podcast can exponentially improve the results of a campaign.</div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <div class="title" v-toggle-display="'faq-panel-5'"><span>What about the creative?</span> <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></div> <div v-toggle-display-target="'faq-panel-5'" class="content hidden"> <div>The advice we give to brands on the creative is to give latitude to the podcast hosts to craft a message that they think will resonate best with their audience.</div> <div>To achieve this, we recommend providing a set of talking points (not a script) which should be structured as follows:</div> <div> <ul class="numbered"> <li>Start with a personal story</li> <li>Discuss the benefits and outcomes of the product or service</li> <li>Close with the call-to-action</li> </ul> </div> <div>Your talking points should highlight any must-have content such as your website or key information about the product or service being promoted.</div> <div>One of the most attractive aspects of the podcast ad medium is the low effort and cost of entry on the creative side – after all, being creative is what podcasters do best!</div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <div class="title" v-toggle-display="'faq-panel-6'"><span>Where do my ads air?</span> <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></div> <div v-toggle-display-target="'faq-panel-6'" class="content hidden"> <div>It's important to understand which platforms and apps/players your podcast ads will appear on. The one thing you must keep in mind when purchasing podcast ad space is to make sure your ad can be heard on all popular podcast listening apps.</div> <div>Some of our competitors will sell you dynamically inserted ads that can only be found on their platform and listening app. When you purchase an ad spot from Libsyn Ads, your ad will be heard on ALL major publishing platforms and podcast players including Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Overcast, Pocket Casts, etc. If the podcaster has submitted their feed to Spotify and Stitcher, your ads will be aired on these platforms as well. Ask your account rep for details.</div> </div> </div> <div class="panel"> <div class="title" v-toggle-display="'faq-panel-7'"><span>What else do I need to know?</span> <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></div> <div v-toggle-display-target="'faq-panel-7'" class="content hidden"> <div>The concept of the <i>reach</i> of a podcast can sometimes be confusing to those new to the space. Although there is not a strict industry standard, most podcast ad rates are based on CPMs charged on average downloads per episode within 30 days of it being published.</div> <div>Since most podcast ads are 'baked into' the content of the show and delivered by the host, this means that your brand will often receive additional exposure outside of the initial 30-day window as well, as listeners consume old episodes of the podcast. This 'back catalog' traffic can be significant for some podcasts, with 30+% of their downloads coming from episodes older than 30 days.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section footer ad-specialist"> <div class="container"> <h2>Start your Podcast Advertising Campaign Today.</h2> <div class="description">Get in touch with our campaign success team and let us help you achieve your business goals from this exciting new medium.<br>A knowledgeable podcast advertising specialist will contact you within 24 hours.</div> <lead-form page-ref="podcast-advertising" form-type="contact-rep" :show-name="1" :show-company="1" :show-email="1" :show-phone="1" :show-website="1" :show-budget="1" :show-region="1" :show-objective="1" :show-active="1" :show-audience="1" :show-notes="1" > </lead-form> </div> </div> </main> <!-- MAIN FOOTER CONTAINER --> <footer> <div class="wrap"> <ul> <li><a href="/about-us">About Us</a></li> <li><a href="/contact-us">Contact Us</a></li> <li><a href="/resources">Resources</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Podcast Hosting</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">We're Hiring</a></li> <li><a href="/terms">Terms</a></li> <li><a href="/privacy">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Blog</a></li> <li><a href="/help">Help</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img class="twitter" src="/resources/images/twitter_gray.png" width="30" alt="Libsyn Ads Twitter"></a></li> </ul> <div class="logo"> <img src="/resources/images/logo/logo-libsyn-footer.webp" alt="Libsyn Ads"> <div class="copyright">© Libsyn Ads 2024</div> </div> </div> </footer> <!-- EXIT POPUP CONTAINER --> <div class="v-app-entry"> <exit-popup page-ref="podcast-advertising : exit-form"></exit-popup> </div> <script src="/resources/app/vshared.min.js?3.0.151" nonce="A25F9BFA-2566-4D72-82D9-8CB571CFBEF6"></script> <script src="/resources/app/vapp.min.js?3.0.151" nonce="A25F9BFA-2566-4D72-82D9-8CB571CFBEF6"></script> </body> </html>