Ελληνικό Cloud | PCI DSS hosting | Cloud Hosting στην Ελλάδα
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cloud hosting σας;</h1> <!--/ Title with kl-font-alt font, custom font size, bold style and light gray color --> <!-- Sub-Title with custom font size an very thin style --> <h4 class="tbk__subtitle fw-vthin">Για τον ίδιο λόγο που μας εμπιστεύονται οι μεγαλύτερες εταιρίες απαιτητικών Industries όπως <a href="/λύσεις/ανά-κλάδο/bet-gaming/" title="Bet & Gaming">Betting</a>, <a href="/λύσεις/ανά-κλάδο/travel-hospitality/" title="Travel & Hospitality">Travel</a>, <a href="/λύσεις/ανά-κλάδο/online-media-publishers/" title="Online Media & Publishers">Digital Media</a> κ.α.!</h4> <!--/ Sub-Title with custom font size an very thin style --></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="hg_section--relative bg-black-gray pt-20 pb-20"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 column"> <div > <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12"> <!-- Partners carousel element default style --> <div class="partners_carousel"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-3 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class="partners_carousel-img colorize-white-svg" alt="" title="logo" /> </a> </div> <!--/ Item #1 --> </div> <!--/ .partners_carousel__simple --> </div> <!--/ Partners carousel simple style wrapper --> </div> <!--/ col-sm-12 col-md-9 col-lg-10 --> </div> <!--/ row --> </div> <!--/ Partners carousel element default style --> </div> <!--/ col-md-12 col-sm-12 --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="hg_section--relative pt-50"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3 column"> <div > <div class="kl-title-block text-left tbk-symbol--line"> <div class="process_steps__step-icon process_steps__step-typeimg"> <i class="fas fa-network-wired fs-xxxxl tcolor process_steps__step-icon-src" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- Title with custom weight --> <h3 class="tbk__title fw-bold"> Networking </h3> <!--/ Title with custom weight --> <!-- Sub-title with custom size and color --> <h6 class="gray"> <p>Τριπλή διασύνδεση με τον GR-IX, δύο ανεξάρτητα core backbones και multihome connectivity με περισσότερους από 16 Upstream providers για να είστε πάντα online.</p> </h6> <p class="text-right"> <a href="/εταιρία/υποδομή/networking/" target="_blank" class="btn-element btn btn-lined btn-skewed lined-gray btn-sm" title="Networking"> <span>Περισσότερα</span> </a> </p> <!-- Title bottom line symbol with template color --> <div class="tbk__symbol"> <span class="tbg"></span> </div> <!--/ Title bottom line symbol with template color --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 column"> <div > <div class="kl-title-block text-left tbk-symbol--line"> <div class="process_steps__step-icon process_steps__step-typeimg"> <i class="fas fa-fingerprint fs-xxxxl tcolor process_steps__step-icon-src" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- Title with custom weight --> <h3 class="tbk__title fw-bold"> Ασφάλεια </h3> <!--/ Title with custom weight --> <!-- Sub-title with custom size and color --> <h6 class="gray"> <p>Η μοναδική Ελληνική cloud υποδομή με πιστοποίηση <strong>ISO 27001</strong> & <strong>PCI DSS</strong> Service Provider Level 2 για φιλοξενία payment procesing εφαρμογών.</p> </h6> <p class="text-right"> <a href="/εταιρία/υποδομή/ασφάλεια/" target="_blank" class="btn-element btn btn-lined btn-skewed lined-gray btn-sm" title="Ασφάλεια"> <span>Περισσότερα</span> </a> </p> <!-- Title bottom line symbol with template color --> <div class="tbk__symbol"> <span class="tbg"></span> </div> <!--/ Title bottom line symbol with template color --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 column"> <div > <div class="kl-title-block text-left tbk-symbol--line"> <div class="process_steps__step-icon process_steps__step-typeimg"> <i class="fas fa-calendar-check fs-xxxxl tcolor process_steps__step-icon-src" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- Title with custom weight --> <h3 class="tbk__title fw-bold"> Εγγυημένο uptime </h3> <!--/ Title with custom weight --> <!-- Sub-title with custom size and color --> <h6 class="gray"> <p>Κάθε φορά που το site σας δεν είναι διαθέσιμο, χάνετε πελάτες. Γι' αυτό η C2 σας προσφέρει διαθεσιμότητα εξωτερικής διασύνδεσης 99,95% και εσωτερική διαθεσιμότητα 99,999%.</p> </h6> <!-- Title bottom line symbol with template color --> <div class="tbk__symbol"> <span class="tbg"></span> </div> <!--/ Title bottom line symbol with template color --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 column"> <div > <div class="kl-title-block text-left tbk-symbol--line"> <div class="process_steps__step-icon process_steps__step-typeimg"> <i class="fas fa-server fs-xxxxl tcolor process_steps__step-icon-src" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <!-- Title with custom weight --> <h3 class="tbk__title fw-bold"> Εnterprise hardware </h3> <!--/ Title with custom weight --> <!-- Sub-title with custom size and color --> <h6 class="gray"> <p>Ιδιόκτητο state of the art Enterprise hardware της Dell, HP και Cisco για πραγματική αξιοπιστία και απόδοση για την υποδομή σας.</p> </h6> <p class="text-right"> <a href="/εταιρία/υποδομή/εnterprise-hardware/" target="_blank" class="btn-element btn btn-lined btn-skewed lined-gray btn-sm" title="Εnterprise hardware"> <span>Περισσότερα</span> </a> </p> <!-- Title bottom line symbol with template color --> <div class="tbk__symbol"> <span class="tbg"></span> </div> <!--/ Title bottom line symbol with template color --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section > <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 column"> <div > <div id="retention" class="action_box style1" data-arrowpos="center"> <div class="action_box_inner container"> <div class="action_box_content row"> <div class="ac-content-text col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 mb-md-20"> <h4 class="text">Με 97% Customer Retention Rate από το 2015</h4> <h5 class="ac-subtitle">Είμαστε μάλλον ο τελευταίος Hosting Partner που θα γνωρίσετε</h5> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p> <script> $("#retention").parents().eq(3).removeClass(); </script> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section > <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 column"> <div > <div id="homeparal1" class="media-container custom-oh min-700"> <div class="kl-bg-source"> <div class="kl-bg-source__bgimage vh-100" style="background-image: url('/media/5bcksx1n/cloudvps.svg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-position-x: center; background-position-y: top; background-size: cover;"></div> </div> </div> <p> <script> $("#homeparal1").parents().eq(3).removeClass(); </script> </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 column"> <div > <div class="kl-title-block clearfix tbk--text-dark text-left tbk-symbol--line tbk--colored"> <h3 class="tbk__title fs-xxl fw-thin">Μεταφέρετε την επιχείρησή σας στο cloud</h3> <div class="clearfix" style="height: 50px;"></div> </div> <p> </p> <h4 class="tbk__subtitle fs-xl mb-30">Out of the box & Tailor made λύσεις για κάθε επιχείρηση.</h4> <p class="custom-p">Η μετάβαση της επιχείρησής σας στο cloud χρειάζεται την κατάλληλη εμπειρία για να επωφεληθείτε τα μέγιστα αλλά και για να μην παρουσιάσει εκπλήξεις τόσο στο κόστος όσο και στην απόδοση. Μαζί θα επιλέξουμε τον καταλληλότερο cloud provider για εσάς και αφήστε σε εμάς τον πονοκέφαλο της μετάβασης!</p> <p><a href="/cloud-instances" class="find-out"> <!-- Icon .fas .fa-play-circle--> <span class="kl-icon fas fa-play-circle"></span> <span class="text"> Find out more </span> </a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="hg_section--relative hg_ovhidden tbg pt-80 pb-80"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 column"> <div > <!--/ Background --> <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12"> <!-- Testimonials & Partners element - light text style --> <div class="testimonials-partners testimonials-partners--light"> <!-- Partners element --> <div class="ts-pt-partners ts-pt-partners--y-title clearfix"> <!-- Title --> <div class="ts-pt-partners__title"> TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS </div> <!--/ Title --> <!-- Partners carousel wrapper --> <div class="ts-pt-partners__carousel-wrapper"> <div class="ts-pt-partners__carousel js-slick" data-slick='{ "infinite": true, "autoplay": true, "autoplaySpeed": 3000, "arrows": false, "dots": false, "slidesToShow": 5, "slidesToScroll": 1, "waitForAnimate": false, "speed": 5, "swipe": true, "respondTo": "slider", "responsive": [ { "breakpoint": 1024, "settings": { "slidesToShow": 4, "slidesToScroll": 4 } }, { "breakpoint": 767, "settings": { "slidesToShow": 3, "slidesToScroll": 3 } }, { "breakpoint": 520, "settings": { "slidesToShow": 2, "slidesToScroll": 2 } }, { "breakpoint": 380, "settings": { "slidesToShow": 1, "slidesToScroll": 1 } } ] }'> <!-- Item --> <div class="ts-pt-partners__carousel-item"> <!-- Partner image link --> <!-- Image --> <img class="ts-pt-partners__img img-fluid colorize-white-svg" src="/media/h4tpxevl/google_2015_logo.svg" style="max-height:100px;max-width:200px" alt="" title="logo" /> <!--/ Image --> <!--/ Partner image link --> </div> <!--/ Item --> <!-- Item --> <div class="ts-pt-partners__carousel-item"> <!-- Partner image link --> <!-- Image --> <img class="ts-pt-partners__img img-fluid colorize-white-svg" src="/media/vk5e4but/microsoft_logo_-2012.svg" style="max-height:100px;max-width:200px" alt="" title="logo" /> <!--/ Image --> <!--/ Partner image link --> </div> <!--/ Item --> <!-- Item --> <div class="ts-pt-partners__carousel-item"> <!-- Partner image link --> <!-- Image --> <img class="ts-pt-partners__img img-fluid colorize-white-svg" src="/media/rw0msosw/dell_logo_2016.svg" style="max-height:100px;max-width:200px" alt="" title="logo" /> <!--/ Image --> <!--/ Partner image link --> </div> <!--/ Item --> <!-- Item --> <div class="ts-pt-partners__carousel-item"> <!-- Partner image link --> <!-- Image --> <img class="ts-pt-partners__img img-fluid colorize-white-svg" src="/media/fugfe43r/cloudflare-1.svg" style="max-height:100px;max-width:200px" alt="" title="logo" /> <!--/ Image --> <!--/ Partner image link --> </div> <!--/ Item --> <!-- Item --> <div class="ts-pt-partners__carousel-item"> <!-- Partner image link --> <!-- Image --> <img class="ts-pt-partners__img img-fluid colorize-white-svg" src="/media/zuif3ylz/hp_logo_2012.svg" style="max-height:100px;max-width:200px" alt="" title="logo" /> <!--/ Image --> <!--/ Partner image link --> </div> <!--/ Item --> <!-- Item --> <div class="ts-pt-partners__carousel-item"> <!-- Partner image link --> <!-- Image --> <img class="ts-pt-partners__img img-fluid colorize-white-svg" src="/media/01kpdbhb/cisco_logo_blue_2016.svg" style="max-height:100px;max-width:200px" alt="" title="logo" /> <!--/ Image --> <!--/ Partner image link --> </div> <!--/ Item --> <!-- Item --> <div class="ts-pt-partners__carousel-item"> <!-- Partner image link --> <!-- Image --> <img class="ts-pt-partners__img img-fluid colorize-white-svg" src="/media/3uqb21z3/openstack-_logo_2016.svg" style="max-height:100px;max-width:200px" alt="" title="logo" /> <!--/ Image --> <!--/ Partner image link --> </div> <!--/ Item --> <!-- Item --> <div class="ts-pt-partners__carousel-item"> <!-- Partner image link --> <!-- Image --> <img class="ts-pt-partners__img img-fluid colorize-white-svg" src="/media/aojngqtd/plesk-logo.svg" style="max-height:100px;max-width:200px" alt="" title="logo" /> <!--/ Image --> <!--/ Partner image link --> </div> <!--/ Item --> </div> <!--/ .ts-pt-partners__carousel js-slick --> </div> <!--/ Partners carousel wrapper --> </div> <!--/ Partners element - .ts-pt-partners --> </div> <!--/ Testimonials & Partners element - light text style --> </div> <!--/ col-md-12 col-sm-12 --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="hg_section--relative bg-black-gray pt-80" id="testimonials_id"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 column"> <div > <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12"> <!-- Testimonials & Partners element - light text style --> <div class="testimonials-partners testimonials-partners--light"> <!-- Testimonials element--> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials clearfix"> <!-- Item - size 2 and normal style with custom margin top --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__item ts-pt-testimonials__item--size-2 ts-pt-testimonials__item--normal" style="margin-top:20px; "> <!-- Testimonial text --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__text"> <p>H C2 βοήθησε και στήριξε με την τεχνογνωσία και τον επαγγελματισμό της την οικογένεια του Stoiximan, απο τα πρώτα βήματα της πορείας μας και αποδείχτηκε συνεργάτης κλειδί για την επιτυχία μας, παρέχοντας μας υπηρεσίες υψηλού επιπέδου αντάξιες των υψηλών απαιτήσεων του online gaming industry σε απόδοση, ασφάλεια και διαθεσιμότητα. </p> </div> <!--/ Testimonial text --> <!-- Testimonial info --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__infos ts-pt-testimonials__infos-- clearfix"> <!-- User image --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__img" style="background-image:url('/media/qq2mc1zk/200x200_dimarakis-aris.jpg?format=webp&width=300&quality=95');" title="Άρης Δημαράκης"> </div> <!--/ User image --> <!-- Name --> <h4 class="ts-pt-testimonials__name"> Άρης Δημαράκης </h4> <!--/ Name --> <!-- Position --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__position"> Kaizen Gaming (Betano and Stoiximan) | Chief technology officer, Kaizen Gaming </div> <!--/ Position --> <!-- Review stars - 5 stars --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__stars ts-pt-testimonials__stars--5"> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> </div> <!--/ Review stars - 5 stars --> </div> <!--/ Testimonial info - .ts-pt-testimonials__infos --> </div> <!--/ Item - size 2 and normal style with custom margin top - .ts-pt-testimonials__item --> <!-- Item - size 1 and normal style --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__item ts-pt-testimonials__item--size-1 ts-pt-testimonials__item--normal" style=" "> <!-- Testimonial text --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__text"> <p>Στην C2 βρήκαμε έναν πραγματικά αξιόπιστο συνεργάτη για την φιλοξενία μιας απαιτητικής εφαρμογής όπως το bookonlinenow με παρουσία σε 35 χώρες. Μαζί στα καλά και στα κακά, στάθηκαν πάντα δίπλα μας και μας έβγαλαν ασπροπρόσωπους.</p> </div> <!--/ Testimonial text --> <!-- Testimonials info --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__infos ts-pt-testimonials__infos-- clearfix"> <!-- User image --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__img" style="background-image:url('/media/2wnc1hld/doukas.png?format=webp&width=300&quality=95');" title="Κωστας Δούκας"> </div> <!--/ User image --> <!-- Name --> <h4 class="ts-pt-testimonials__name"> Κωστας Δούκας </h4> <!--/ Name --> <!-- Position --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__position"> Bookonlinenow | CEO </div> <!--/ Position --> <!--/ Review stars - 4 stars --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__stars ts-pt-testimonials__stars--5"> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> </div> <!--/ Review stars - 4 stars --> </div> <!--/ Testimonials info - .ts-pt-testimonials__infos --> </div> <!--/ Item - size 1 and normal style - .ts-pt-testimonials__item --> <!-- Item - size 1 and reversed style --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__item ts-pt-testimonials__item--size-1 ts-pt-testimonials__item--reversed" style=" "> <!-- Testimonial info --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__infos ts-pt-testimonials__infos-- clearfix"> <!-- User image --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__img" style="background-image:url('/media/g1kavfqy/kechagias.jpg?format=webp&width=300&quality=95');" title="Κωστας Κεχαγιάς"> </div> <!--/ User image --> <!-- Name --> <h4 class="ts-pt-testimonials__name"> Κωστας Κεχαγιάς </h4> <!--/ Name --> <!-- Position --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__position"> Hotelavailabilities LTD | CEO </div> <!--/ Position --> <!-- Review stars - 5 stars --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__stars ts-pt-testimonials__stars--5"> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> <span class="fas fa-star"></span> </div> <!--/ Review stars - 5 stars --> </div> <!--/ Testimonial info - .ts-pt-testimonials__infos --> <!-- Testimonial text --> <div class="ts-pt-testimonials__text"> <p>The best managed cloud services you can ever hope for. After a disaster on our previous server, we had to migrate urgently on a new host. Their support team has done its best to move our crucial files and in less than a day we were live again. 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