HTML5test - How well does your browser support HTML5?
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In fact it hasn't been updated since 2016. </p> <p> <b>And that is fine.</b> This website has served it's purpose and helped popularise HTML5 with a general audience and developers. It pushed companies to invest in their browsers and it kept them honest. And from talking to people working for those companies over the years it worked. It helped convince people higher up to invest more resources, because nobody wants their browser to look bad. </p> <p> The goal of this website was always to push browsers to adopt HTML5. To make HTML5 available for users and developers in <b>all browsers</b>. And if just one feature is now available to developers in all browsers thanks to HTML5test, this website has served it's purpose. And I know for sure that it has served it's purpose. HTML5 is now generally supported and there aren't any truly bad browsers anymore. </p> <p> I'll try to keep this page online as a snapshot of the original test, and there is an unofficial updated version available at <a href=""></a>. </p> <p> It was fun to work on this project while it lasted. I have some awesome memories of talking to the people at the W3C, Apple, Mozilla, Google and Microsoft. Thanks for all the support over the years! </p> <p> <b>Niels Leenheer</b> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div id='loading'><div></div></div> <div id='warning'></div> <div id='contents' class='column' style='visibility: hidden;'> <div id='score'></div> <div id='results'></div> <div class='paper'> <div> <h2>About HTML5test</h2> <div class='text'> <span id='html5'></span> <p> The HTML5 test score is an indication of how well your browser supports the HTML5 standard and related specifications. Find out which parts of HTML5 are supported by your browser today and compare the results with other browsers. </p> <p> The HTML5 test does not try to test all of the new features offered by HTML5, nor does it try to test the functionality of each feature it does detect. Despite these shortcomings we hope that by quantifying the level of support users and web developers will get an idea of how hard the browser manufacturers work on improving their browsers and the web as a development platform. </p> <p> The score is calculated by testing for the many new features of HTML5. Each feature is worth one or more points. Apart from the main HTML5 specification and other specifications created the W3C HTML Working Group or WHATWG, this test also awards points for supporting related drafts and specifications. </p> <p> Please be aware that although the HTML5 specification is now an official recommendation, other specifications that are being tested are still in development and could change before receiving an official status. In the future new tests will be added for new specifications and existing tests will be updated when the specifications change. </p> <h3>Help us improve HTML5 test by donating</h3> <p> This will allow us to spend more time on and acquire more devices for our testing lab. </p> </div> </div> <div class='buttons'> <a class='button donate' href=""><span>Donate using PayPal</span></a> <a class='button followme' href=""><span>Follow me on Twitter</span></a> <a class='button contact' href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#2d44434b426d455940411859485e59034e4240"><span>Contact me</span></a> <a class='button developed' href=""><span>Developed at GitHub</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='footer'> <div> <div class='copyright'> <p> June 2016 - version 8.0. Created by Niels Leenheer.<br> Please note that the HTML5 test is not affiliated with the W3C or the HTML5 working group.<br> HTML5 Logo by <a href=""><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></a>. Browser detection by <a href=''>WhichBrowser</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id='index'></div> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script> <!-- function waitForWhichBrowser(cb) { var callback = cb; function wait() { if (typeof WhichBrowser == 'undefined') window.setTimeout(wait, 100) else callback(); } wait(); } waitForWhichBrowser(function() { Browsers = new WhichBrowser({ useFeatures: true, detectCamouflage: true }); start(); }); function start() { var params = {}; if ( { var parts ='&'); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var nv = parts[i].split('='); if (!nv[0]) continue; params[nv[0]] = decodeURIComponent(nv[1]) || true; } } var identifier = typeof params.identifier != 'undefined' ? params.identifier : ''; var source = typeof params.source != 'undefined' ? params.source : ''; var task = typeof params.task != 'undefined' ? params.task : ''; new Test(function(r) { var m = new Metadata(tests); var c = new Calculate(r,; /* Update total score */ var container = document.getElementById('score'); container.innerHTML = tim( "<div class='pointsPanel'>" + "<h2><span>Your browser scores</span> <strong>{{score}}</strong> <span>out of {{maximum}} points</span></h2>" + "</div>", c); /* Show action buttons */ var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.className = 'wrapper'; container.appendChild(wrapper); var buttons = document.createElement('div'); buttons.className = 'buttons'; wrapper.appendChild(buttons); var button = document.createElement('a'); button.className = 'button donate'; button.href = ''; button.innerHTML = '<span>Donate</span>'; buttons.appendChild(button); /* Show detailed report of scores */ var container = document.getElementById('results'); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'resultsTable detailsTable'; container.appendChild(div); var table = new ResultsTable({ parent: div, tests:, header: false, links: true, explainations: true, grading: true, bonus: true, distribute: true, columns: 1 }); table.updateColumn(0, { points: c.points, maximum: c.maximum, score: c.score, results: r.results }); new Index({ tests: tests, index: document.getElementById('index'), wrapper: document.getElementById('contentwrapper') }); window.setTimeout(function() { var contents = document.getElementById('contents'); = 'visible'; var loading = document.getElementById('loading'); = 'none'; }, 100); }, function(e) { if (typeof console != 'undefined') console.log(e); alert('Test has failed: ' + e.message); var contents = document.getElementById('contents'); = 'visible'; var loading = document.getElementById('loading'); = 'none'; }); this.load(); } function load() { } //--> </script> </body> </html>