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Director<!-- --> Jobs</h1><h4 class="text-dark-a">702<!-- --> results total</h4></div><div class="text-right"><h4 class="styles_resultCount__Biln8">Page <!-- -->1<!-- --> of <!-- -->17</h4></div></div></div><div class="styles_resultsList__Q46cW"><div class="flex flex-col w-full" style="text-align:left"><div class="my-4 w-full"><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/elevate-ai-1"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt=" company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/elevate-ai-1"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold"></h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Voice of Customers Insights with Empathy AI & LLM</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1-10<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 5% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF"> is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within a week</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, usually responds to incoming applications within a week</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="" class="haloIcon" height="12" width="12"><path d="M3.613 17.79l.094-.083L10 11.415l3.293 3.292a1 1 0 001.32.083l.094-.083L19 10.415l1.293 1.292c.602.603 1.614.22 1.701-.593L22 11l-.002-4.06-.009-.087-.025-.119-.024-.076-.034-.081-.052-.098-.067-.096-.08-.09a1.014 1.014 0 00-.112-.097l-.11-.071-.114-.054-.105-.035-.117-.025-.06-.007L21 6h-4c-.852 0-1.297.986-.783 1.623l.076.084L17.585 9 14 12.585l-3.293-3.292a1 1 0 00-1.32-.083l-.094.083-7 7a1 1 0 001.32 1.497z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Growing fast</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Showed strong hiring growth in the past month</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/2558613-digital-marketing-director-co-founder">Digital Marketing Director & co-Founder</a></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" 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10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">4.0% – 6.0%</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Austin</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">5<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 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class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/steer-health"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Steer Health</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Our conversational platform simplifies patient journey while improving staff efficiencies</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M2.5 10.5C2.75 8.25 3.75 6.5 6 5.5M4.50016 9C7.60916 9 9.75016 7.356 10.0002 3V2H7.99316C3.49316 2 2.00016 4 1.99316 6.5C1.99316 7 1.99316 8 2.99316 9H4.50016Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Early Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Startup in initial stages</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3149747-digital-marketing-strategist">Digital Marketing Strategist</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$60k – $70k • No equity</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Dallas</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">5<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 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class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$80k – $120k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Santa Monica</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">5<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 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6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->2</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3089988-director-technical-solutions">Director, Technical Solutions</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York • Lower Manhattan<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->1</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none 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12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$100k – $115k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York • Lower Manhattan<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->1</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center 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class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/2965730-programmatic-sales-manager-dc">Programmatic Sales Manager, DC</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$97k – $115k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York • Lower Manhattan<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->1</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 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class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Social fundraising for the people, causes, and charities that mean the most to you</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">201-500<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2C</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->3</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3158678-senior-director-integrated-marketing">Senior Director, Integrated Marketing</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$229k – $313k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">San Francisco</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white 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justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6H4.5C3.70435 6 2.94129 5.68393 2.37868 5.12132C1.81607 4.55871 1.5 3.79565 1.5 3V2H3C3.79565 2 4.55871 2.31607 5.12132 2.87868C5.68393 3.44129 6 4.20435 6 5V10M6 7C6 6.20435 6.31607 5.44129 6.87868 4.87868C7.44129 4.31607 8.20435 4 9 4H10.5V4.5C10.5 5.29565 10.1839 6.05871 9.62132 6.62132C9.05871 7.18393 8.29565 7.5 7.5 7.5H6" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Growth Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Expanding market presence</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->4</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3158603-director-marketing-programs">Director, Marketing Programs</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Alexandria</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min 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1.614.22 1.701-.593L22 11l-.002-4.06-.009-.087-.025-.119-.024-.076-.034-.081-.052-.098-.067-.096-.08-.09a1.014 1.014 0 00-.112-.097l-.11-.071-.114-.054-.105-.035-.117-.025-.06-.007L21 6h-4c-.852 0-1.297.986-.783 1.623l.076.084L17.585 9 14 12.585l-3.293-3.292a1 1 0 00-1.32-.083l-.094.083-7 7a1 1 0 001.32 1.497z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Growing fast</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Showed strong hiring growth in the past month</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3157741-creative-director">Creative Director</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$150k – $225k</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap 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sports media coverage for local fans</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">201-500<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2C</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->5</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3159633-director-of-product-growth-remote">Director of Product, Growth (Remote)</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • United States</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">yesterday</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">yesterday</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" 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TV into a performance marketing channel</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1-10<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 10% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF"> is in the top 10% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within two weeks</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, usually responds to incoming applications within two weeks</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->2</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3159963-creative-editor">Creative Editor</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$100k – $150k • 0.1% – 0.25%</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York City</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">3<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">yesterday</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">yesterday</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 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stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->1</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3160032-director-crm">Director, CRM</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 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17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$170k – $190k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Detroit</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">yesterday</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">yesterday</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none 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5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->3</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3151756-director-marketing">Director, Marketing</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" 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A complete CI/CD toolchain, out-of-the-box</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1001-5000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6.5L5 5.5M6 6L7 5M6 10.5V4M4.9121 8.00022C4.69333 7.98741 4.48003 7.92682 4.2872 7.82272C4.09437 7.71862 3.92668 7.57353 3.79595 7.39766C3.66521 7.22179 3.5746 7.01941 3.53048 6.80476C3.48637 6.5901 3.48982 6.36839 3.5406 6.15522C3.35933 6.00427 3.21622 5.81269 3.12289 5.59606C3.02956 5.37942 2.98864 5.14382 3.00345 4.9084C3.01826 4.67298 3.08838 4.44437 3.20812 4.24113C3.32786 4.0379 3.49385 3.86577 3.6926 3.73872C3.51828 3.42905 3.45957 3.06754 3.52693 2.71862C3.59428 2.3697 3.78333 2.05603 4.06038 1.83348C4.33743 1.61094 4.68449 1.49399 5.03973 1.50346C5.39497 1.51294 5.7353 1.64822 6.0001 1.88522C6.26495 1.6486 6.60517 1.51363 6.96021 1.50434C7.31525 1.49505 7.66206 1.61204 7.93893 1.83448C8.2158 2.05693 8.40476 2.37039 8.47218 2.71909C8.53959 3.06779 8.4811 3.4291 8.3071 3.73872C8.50588 3.86572 8.67191 4.03782 8.79169 4.24103C8.91148 4.44425 8.98165 4.67285 8.99651 4.90827C9.01137 5.1437 8.97049 5.3793 8.8772 5.59596C8.78391 5.81263 8.64084 6.00423 8.4596 6.15522C8.51208 6.37561 8.51396 6.60504 8.46509 6.82627C8.41622 7.04749 8.31788 7.25478 8.17743 7.43256C8.03699 7.61033 7.8581 7.75399 7.65419 7.85274C7.45029 7.95149 7.22666 8.00276 7.0001 8.00272H5.0001L4.9121 8.00022Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Public Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Publicly traded company</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->4</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3157908-senior-customer-success-strategy-analyst">Senior Customer Success Strategy Analyst</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$84k – $180k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • North America</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 days 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4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • United Kingdom</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button 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justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3092063-creative-director">Creative Director</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$175k – $250k • 0.01% – 0.1%</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York City • London</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">8<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center 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8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 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12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$260k – $300k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex 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13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$215k – $240k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" 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class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3157144-account-director">Account Director </a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 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5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Chicago • Rapperswil-Jona</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black 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href="/jobs/3159595-webtoon-director-b2b-marketing">[WEBTOON] Director, B2B Marketing</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Los Angeles</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">yesterday</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">yesterday</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline 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reaching and successful digital advertising campaigns</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">501-1000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6.5L5 5.5M6 6L7 5M6 10.5V4M4.9121 8.00022C4.69333 7.98741 4.48003 7.92682 4.2872 7.82272C4.09437 7.71862 3.92668 7.57353 3.79595 7.39766C3.66521 7.22179 3.5746 7.01941 3.53048 6.80476C3.48637 6.5901 3.48982 6.36839 3.5406 6.15522C3.35933 6.00427 3.21622 5.81269 3.12289 5.59606C3.02956 5.37942 2.98864 5.14382 3.00345 4.9084C3.01826 4.67298 3.08838 4.44437 3.20812 4.24113C3.32786 4.0379 3.49385 3.86577 3.6926 3.73872C3.51828 3.42905 3.45957 3.06754 3.52693 2.71862C3.59428 2.3697 3.78333 2.05603 4.06038 1.83348C4.33743 1.61094 4.68449 1.49399 5.03973 1.50346C5.39497 1.51294 5.7353 1.64822 6.0001 1.88522C6.26495 1.6486 6.60517 1.51363 6.96021 1.50434C7.31525 1.49505 7.66206 1.61204 7.93893 1.83448C8.2158 2.05693 8.40476 2.37039 8.47218 2.71909C8.53959 3.06779 8.4811 3.4291 8.3071 3.73872C8.50588 3.86572 8.67191 4.03782 8.79169 4.24103C8.91148 4.44425 8.98165 4.67285 8.99651 4.90827C9.01137 5.1437 8.97049 5.3793 8.8772 5.59596C8.78391 5.81263 8.64084 6.00423 8.4596 6.15522C8.51208 6.37561 8.51396 6.60504 8.46509 6.82627C8.41622 7.04749 8.31788 7.25478 8.17743 7.43256C8.03699 7.61033 7.8581 7.75399 7.65419 7.85274C7.45029 7.95149 7.22666 8.00276 7.0001 8.00272H5.0001L4.9121 8.00022Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Public Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Publicly traded company</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3152506-senior-director-product-marketing-launch">Senior Director, Product Marketing - Launch</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$161k – $250k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3152507-senior-director-product-marketing-launch">Senior Director, Product Marketing - Launch</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Chicago</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 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viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$69k – $119k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/dtco-3"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="DTCo company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/dtco-3"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">DTCo</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">An advisor-led agency for high potential brands</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 10% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">DTCo is in the top 10% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within two weeks</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, DTCo usually responds to incoming applications within two weeks</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->2</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3154070-creative-director">Creative Director</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$125k – $150k • No equity</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • United States</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">5<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">7 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">7 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/conviva"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Conviva company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/conviva"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Conviva</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">201-500<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 1% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Conviva is in the top 1% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within a day</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, Conviva usually responds to incoming applications within a day</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->2</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3078865-director-of-brand-and-creative">Director of Brand and Creative</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$180k – $210k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Foster City</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button 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text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$200k – $250k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Foster City</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min 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text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$200k – $250k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Foster City</span></div></div><span class="text-xs 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15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$215k – $323k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">United States</span></div></div><span 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10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$195k – $293k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">San Francisco</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 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Preventing churn is a challenge. Sounds familiar? \nVoicera provides Voice of the customer’s insights to Customer Experience teams by analyzing all communication - video calls, transcripts, emails, docs – with a proprietary combination of LLM, Empathy and Sincerity AI models.\nWhat customers say \u0026amp; how they say it. More on \n\nYou will be part of the management team with the CEO, Chief AI, CPO, CTO, CMO and Chief Design.\n\nYou will plan and run all digital marketing activities. You will be in charge of selecting methodologies and tools.\n\nYou demonstrate a solid understanding of the fields of AI, perceptive computing, big data, SaaS insights.\n\nYou have at least 4 years of professional accomplishments in digital marketing in the B2B space.\n\nYou are interested in AI, its social acceptance, ethics, and privacy.\n\nYou want a piece of a company whose purpose is to become the leader in the emotion economy with human-centric artificial intelligence.\n\nYou believe in no guts no glory and are ready to walk the talk and be an entrepreneur.\n\nNone of the Co-Founders / CXO are taking salaries.\nYour package is a negotiated amount of Founder equity until the closing of the fund-raising round planned in 2023 or when sales generate sufficient cash flow.\n\nNo paycheck till then. Half–time is OK in this phase.\nPlease: Don’t apply if you are going to ask for a paycheck: this is a co-Founder position!\n\nOur core technologies are deep learning, vision AI for face and body analytics, voice tone detection and conversation NLP.\nWe focus on diversity in our datasets: ethnicities, genders, and age.\nOur AI models run on the edge to respect privacy: no faces are stored, nor sent to the cloud.\n\nOur MVP is ready. It provides emotion real-time feedback on emotional engagement and a SaaS platform with dashboards.\n\nYou are a maker and initially you will be the only person running the show. \n\nYou will have responsibility for:\n\n• Define the right digital strategies to promote our company and its product user acquisition and community management initiatives.\n\n• Manage our website, social media, mailing campaigns, SEO, content creation, blog, community activities.\n\n• Run day to day operations with agile methods that fit with the small size of the company and its big ambitions.\n\n• Define and track metrics to learn rapidly what works, what doesn't and adapt our digital initiatives in fast iterations (weekly if not daily).\n\n• Build and manage a team of interns, and later of contractors and employees. Provide them with mentoring, leadership, and growth opportunities, rewarding team members for exceptional performance.\n\n• Represent the company, promoting new and innovative ideas, inspire trust in the products and underlying AI that the company is building, through an active involvement across the public spaces.\n\nQualifications\n\nMust have: 4 years of digital marketing experience. \nComfortable with uncertainty: this is a startup \u0026amp; we will pivot N times till product market fit.\nSuccessful growth hacking experience.\nExperience in digital marketing of B2B software. \nBachelor’s degree in marketing; Master's Degree or MBA preferred.\nSolid skills in digital marketing methods and tools.\nDemonstrated ability to achieve results while working in a cross-functional environment.\nSolution driven thinking.\nComfortable with working remotely, at least partially.\n\nWhy apply?\nAmazing team working on a huge opportunity: emotional intelligence is a new big data.\nAttractive stock package and competitive salary upon closing of a fund-raising round\nPurpose-driven bringing change through technology innovation for good.","jobType":"cofounder","liveStartAt":1730741863,"locationNames":["Austin"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Data Scientist","remote":true,"slug":"digital-marketing-director-co-founder","title":"Digital Marketing Director \u0026 co-Founder","compensation":"4.0% – 6.0%","yearsExperienceMin":5,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"2558613","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:8716891":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"8716891","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-8716891"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-8716891"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-8716891"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1_10","highConcept":"Voice of Customers Insights with Empathy AI \u0026 LLM","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:2558613"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"","slug":"elevate-ai-1"},"Badge:B2B-8542209":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-8542209","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8542209":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-8542209","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3149747":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Job Description**\nSteer Health transforms healthcare with the industry's most widely adopted Al-fueled patient experience and growth.\nAt Steer Health, we're creating next-generation consumer engagement experiences with solutions spanning care communication, patient engagement, scheduling, smart notifications, and more.\nWe're growing rapidly and are seeking a highly motivated, experienced Digital Marketing Director (Client-Facing) to spearhead our Steer's Digital Marketing offering to our clients.\nIf you have digital Marketing experience and you're excited to have an impact on a platform used by some of the biggest names in the healthcare industry, we want to meet you! You'll be building marketing strategies for some of the leading healthcare organizations, working with a team of experienced Marketers, product managers, engineers, and designers.\nAs a Digital Marketing specialist (Client-Facing) on Steer Health, you will be responsible for developing and executing B2C Marketing strategies, analyzing and optimizing marketing campaigns, and driving consumer engagement. Your focus will be on identifying growth opportunities, creating excellent campaigns, and ensuring your campaigns make an impact on brand awareness and revenue growth.\n\n**Requirements**\nDevelop and execute comprehensive digital marketing strategies tailored to the specific needs of each client.\nIdentify key objectives, target audiences, and KPIs for digital marketing campaigns.\nDevelop, implement, and manage digital marketing campaigns across various channels (e.g., website, email, social media, PPC, SEO) to increase brand visibility and lead generation.\nCollaborate with the marketing team to create and execute digital content, including website content, blogs, social media posts, and email campaigns.\nMonitor and analyze website traffic and user engagement metrics using Google Analytics or similar tools to optimize campaigns and user experience.\nContinuously monitor industry trends and competitor activities to optimize marketing strategies.\nIdentify and effectively communicate the new product capabilities and benefits of our software solutions to existing clients. Identify upsell opportunities and develop strategies to maximize revenue.\nManage and optimize social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.\nDevelop engaging content and community engagement strategy to enhance brand awareness.\nDevelop and execute effective email marketing campaigns that are personalized and drive revenue growth. Utilize automation tools to segment audiences, personalize content, and optimize campaign performance.\nMeasure and analyze the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns using various analytics tools.\nPresent campaign performance reports to clients, highlighting key insights and recommendations for optimization. Utilize data-driven insights to continuously improve campaign performance and achieve client objectives.\nCommunicate effectively with clients to understand their goals, provide regular updates, and address any concerns. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including marketing, sales, product management, and creative, to ensure seamless execution of marketing initiatives for our clients.\nDeliver persuasive presentations to clients and internal stakeholders, showcasing the value of each digital marketing strategy.\nHandle multiple client accounts and projects simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery and meeting deadlines.\n\n**Qualifications**\nBachelor’s or Master’s in Marketing, communications, Business, or a related field. \n5+ years of experience in Marketing.\nHighly analytical with strong attention to detail. \nExcellent communication and interpersonal skills\nEnjoy a fast-paced environment and can easily multitask, prioritize, and manage your time efficiently due to tight deadlines and the volume of work\nAbility to take projects from concept through completion","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731506082,"locationNames":["Dallas"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing Manager","remote":true,"slug":"digital-marketing-strategist","title":"Digital Marketing Strategist","compensation":"$60k – $70k • No equity","yearsExperienceMin":5,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3149747","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:8542209":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"8542209","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-8542209"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8542209"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Our conversational platform simplifies patient journey while improving staff efficiencies","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3149747"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Steer Health","slug":"steer-health"},"JobListingSearchResult:3132398":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"### Role Overview:\nLambs, the world’s first EMF-blocking clothing tech company, is looking to hire its Brand \u0026amp; Content Manager with a passion for storytelling and culture, dedicated to making brands stand out. You will own the brand voice, create and execute the content strategy across all touchpoints, and drive creative campaigns that fuel our digital marketing efforts and accelerate brand growth.\n\nAt the core of this role is the ability to craft emotionally resonant stories that connect with people. Working closely with the Digital Marketing Director and cross-functional teams, you will lead the ideation and execution of brand-driven campaigns that support customer acquisition, retention, and overall brand growth. You will also manage copy and content for our website, landing pages, blogs, emails, and other channels, while leveraging data-driven insights to continuously refine and optimize content performance.\n\nA passion for health and wellness is essential, as you’ll dive into EMF science to create compelling and educational content that aligns with our mission.\n\nWe are looking for someone who has successfully helped scale DTC brands from 7 to 8 figures, is proactive and creative, and is ready to make a significant impact in a fast-paced, startup environment. This role is based in our Santa Monica office, just two blocks from the pier and the ocean, offering a dynamic and innovative work environment as well as the potential to grow into a leadership position as the company scales.\n\n### About Lambs:\nLambs is a pioneering startup that created the world’s first EMF-blocking clothing, designed to help individuals live healthier, longer, and happier lives by reducing exposure to harmful electromagnetic fields. Our proprietary fabric blocks over 99.7% of EMFs from cellphone, WiFi, and Bluetooth radiation, embedded in comfortable, everyday clothing that protects the body’s essential organs.\nOur products are HSA/FSA eligible, recommended by hundreds of doctors, and proven to reduce oxidative stress while supporting long-term health. Venture-backed by top-tier VCs and Angels like Science Inc. (Dollar Shave Club, Liquid Death), Brett Conrad (former President of Lululemon), and NBA superstar Rudy Gobert, Lambs has experienced phenomenal growth since 2019 and is aiming at reaching 9-figure in revenues in the next five years.\nAt Lambs, we foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and a shared passion for wellness. As we continue to grow, we’re not just creating products—we’re building a movement toward better health and protection for everyone.\n\n### Key Responsibilities:\n**Brand \u0026amp; Content Strategy:** Collaborate with leadership to shape brand guidelines and develop a cohesive content strategy that resonates with target audiences across all platforms. Ensure brand consistency across all channels by managing the brand’s voice, tone, and visual identity in all content.\n\n**Campaign Ideation \u0026amp; Execution:** Lead the creative process for brand-driven and performance-focused campaigns that boost awareness and engagement. Develop creative briefs for ad creation, content creators, and influencers. Partner with the Digital Marketing Director to launch and optimize campaigns across digital channels, ensuring they support customer acquisition and retention.\n\n**Storytelling \u0026amp; Messaging:** Craft compelling narratives that communicate the brand’s mission and product benefits. Own all copy across touchpoints, including website, landing pages, emails, ads, and blog. Create customer-centric content that educates, engages, and builds trust through effective storytelling.\n\n**Content Creation \u0026amp; Execution:** Develop compelling content for social media, blog articles, emails, and video scripts. Collaborate with designers and freelancers to produce multimedia content that reflects the brand’s vision. Manage content calendars to maintain a steady stream of high-quality content, optimized for a startup budget.\n\n**Data-Driven Optimization:** Continuously monitor content performance metrics, including CTR, engagement rates, and conversions. Implement A/B testing to refine and enhance content strategies, ensuring alignment with KPIs and maximizing content ROI.\n\n**Community Engagement:** Partner with the marketing team to develop and implement content-driven strategies for key product launches and brand activations. Foster strong audience connection and participation through interactive content and community management that aligns with our mission of promoting health and well-being.\n\n**Trend Analysis \u0026amp; Innovation:** Stay current on emerging social media trends, best practices, and analyze best-in-class brands to inspire innovative content ideas. Proactively identify opportunities to introduce fresh, relevant content that keeps the brand dynamic and competitive.\n\n**Audience \u0026amp; Customer Insights:** Analyze customer traits, behaviors, and data to refine content strategies and enhance engagement across social media platforms. Use these insights to continually refine the brand and tailor content to meet the needs and preferences of our customers.\n\n**Cross-Functional Collaboration:** Work closely with the Digital Marketing Director to align brand content with performance marketing efforts, ensuring content is optimized for conversion, engagement, and search. Collaborate with the product team to create content that showcases product features and benefits in a compelling way. Coordinate with customer service and operations to ensure brand messaging is consistent across the entire customer experience.\n\n\n### Qualifications:\n* **5+ years of experience** in creative marketing, particularly with DTC brands. Experience in a startup or early-stage environment is a plus.\n* **Exceptional storytelling abilities**—skilled at crafting engaging, emotional narratives that resonate with target audiences.\n* T**op-notch copywriting skills**, capable of producing high-quality ads concepts, video scripts, blog posts, website copy, social media content, and email campaigns, while adapting tone and messaging to different platforms.\n* **Proven track record in campaign ideation and execution**. Able to manage the entire campaign lifecycle from concept to performance analysis, driving growth opportunities.\n* **Experience leading \u0026amp; executing content strategies** at digital-native or DTC brands, with success in both organic and paid social campaigns. Strong understanding of brand-building and aligning content with brand voice, mission, and goals.\n* **Proficient in video and social storytelling formats**, with a deep understanding of social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, and their roles in digital marketing and brand growth.\n* **Data-driven mindset**, utilizing A/B testing and analytics to continuously improve storytelling and optimize content ROI.\n* **Passionate about health and wellness.** Eager to dive deep into EMF science and bring this knowledge to life through compelling content.\n* **Ability to adapt quickly** to the changing needs of a startup environment, including being resourceful with limited resources.\n* **Collaborative team player** with a positive attitude, eager to contribute across departments and take on tasks outside your scope when needed.\n\n### Why Lambs:\n* **Mission with Impact:** At Lambs, we’re not just creating products—we’re building a movement to improve lives by reducing exposure to harmful EMF. Your work will have a direct, tangible effect on the health and well-being of our customers.\n*** **Innovation-Driven Culture**:** We encourage creativity and forward-thinking. You’ll work alongside passionate innovators who push boundaries and set new standards in personal health protection.\n* **Growth Opportunities:** You will have the opportunity to evolve into a leadership role as the company expands and make a significant impact on the future of the brand.\n* **Shape the Future:** Your voice truly counts, and you’ll have a lasting impact on both the company and its culture. We welcome even the craziest ideas if you believe in them.\n* **Well-being Focus:** We care deeply about the health and happiness of both our customers and our team. We emphasize work-life balance and personal wellness, so you can thrive while making a difference.\n* **Prime Location \u0026amp; Competitive Benefits:** Our office is located in the heart of Downtown Santa Monica, just a block from the ocean. We offer competitive 401k matching, health, vision, and dental insurance, along with generous equity packages to ensure you share in the success you help create.","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729620635,"locationNames":["Santa Monica"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"brand-content-manager","title":"Brand \u0026 Content Manager","compensation":"$80k – $120k","yearsExperienceMin":5,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3132398","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:7369674":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"7369674","badges":[],"companySize":"SIZE_1_10","highConcept":"Lambs provides the first radiation-proof technology apparel","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3132398"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Lambs","slug":"lambs"},"Badge:B2B-70431":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-70431","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-70431":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-70431","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-70431":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-70431","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-70431":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-70431","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Wunderkind (formerly BounceX) is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.1 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-70431":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-70431","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Wunderkind (formerly BounceX) 4.1/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3089988":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"Wunderkind is seeking a highly experienced Director of Technical Solutions to join our Professional Services team. This individual will report into our VP of Professional Services and will play a pivotal role in shaping the future direction of our small but mighty technical solutions team. This role will be on-site in our 1WTC headquarters in New York City.\n\nYour direct reports will be members of our technical solutions team – technical account managers, who serve as technical partners to our high-value Strategic clients, and technical solutions consultants, who work with clients on an as-needed basis for technical issues or projects. The team provides revenue-driving technical solutions to our clients primarily post-sale, but occasionally jumps in to support our Sales team with technically complex deals.\n\nWe’re looking for someone with vision and passion who can lead this team into its next chapter of growth. You know how to apply client-facing technical experts to create value for our clients and the company as a whole.\n\n#### **Responsibilities:**\n\n- Serve as the head of our technical solutions team, responsible for long-term team planning, managing all day-to-day operations and representing the team within the company\n- People Management\n - Remove blockers for your team while providing its members support and guidance\n - Ensure the team is completing projects and tasks accurately while successfully meeting targets and business outcomes\n - Define and maintain a high bar for team member expectations and enable the team to achieve it. Challenge the team and yourself to continually learn and grow as trusted advisors to clients.\n - Drive a high-performing team and create pathways for growth for each team member\n- Operations\n - Effectively manage team resources and bandwidth, engage in data-backed headcount planning\n - Establish and drive team KPIs and success metrics, centered around client renewal for our Strategic clients\n - Partner with Professional Services to address and solve technical challenges, gaps, and opportunities for our clients.\n - Partner with our Customer Success and Sales teams to leverage technical solutions to improve business outcomes.\n - Serve as the driver and leader of cross-company initiatives where relevant.\n- Strategy \u0026 Technical Solutions Excellence\n - Build partnerships with leaders within Professional Services, as well as with Customer Success, Product, Sales, and externally with both clients and third-party partners.\n - Partner with senior leadership to understand the company strategic plan and identify opportunities for technical solutions to support that vision.\n - Develop and exhibit technical subject matter expertise for Wunderkind, including implementation, integrations, architecture, security, website performance, industry trends, compliance, deliverability, and product roadmap, coaching your team to become the trusted advisor of our clients' technical stakeholders.\n - Go client-facing yourself for high-stakes conversations or escalations.\n - Drive product conversations based on needs and problems uncovered during client interactions; serve as an internal advocate for client requests, and product bug prioritization\n - Stay up-to-date with technology trends and serve as a subject matter expert internally and externally\n\n#### **Qualifications:**\n\n- 6-10 years of relevant work experience, 3+ years experience in technical solutions leadership roles, preferably in the marketing technology or related SaaS industries\n- Experience in roles such as solutions architect, solutions engineering, or technical account management.\n- Proven track record solving complex technical problems and providing an excellent experience for customers in the process.\n- Abe to hold highly skilled conversation with technical stakeholders about data flows and system architecture, including the ability to communicate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders\n- Experience working with web development technologies including REST APIs, XML, OAuth, JSON, etc\n- Familiarity with marketing technology, tools, and concepts, including but not limited to tracking technologies, A/B testing, CRM systems, ESPs, website personalization, identity resolution, email deliverability, etc.\n- Ability and eagerness to quickly self-learn new technologies based on customer or business need\n- Ability to manage a highly skilled technical team and effectively evaluate and develop the performance of the individuals on your team\n- Excellent written and verbal communication, able to lead meetings with senior-level executives internally or with our clients and partners.\n- Familiarity with ticketing systems, especially Jira, a plus\n- **Ability to be in-office in our 1WTC location in New York** **City, NY**\n\n*On the fence? Apply anyway! We know that imposter syndrome can get in the way of meeting incredible candidates, and don’t want it to get in the way of meeting you!*\n\n**Learn More About Our Company, Culture and 5 Core Values:**\n\n**DRIVE UNDENIABLE PERFORMANCE:**\n\n- Wunderkind is a leading performance marketing engine that delivers tailored experiences at scale\n- Digital businesses use Wunderkind to remember who users are better than ever before, allowing them to deliver high-performing, one-to-one messages on websites, through emails and texts, and in ads at a scale that’s not otherwise possible\n\n**COME HUNGRY:**\n\n- Driving $1.2 billion dollars annually in revenue for top eComm brands including Hugo Boss, Gucci, Lenovo, Cole Haan, HelloFresh and more\n- Incredible growth and development opportunities for top performing employees whether it be a leadership track or building out your own unique specialities\n\n**CARRY EACH OTHER:**\n\n- Unwavering commitment to culture, community, office events, and DEI initiatives\n- Fully stocked snacks, beverages, and in-office weekly catered lunch\n- Exceptional management training programs and internal opportunities for 1:1 coaching\n\n**BOUNCE BACK:**\n\n- Company support and flexibility through all professional and personal development\n- Generous PTO package, National Holiday closures, Summer Fridays, Parental Leave, and more!\n\n**RESPECT PEOPLE, PRIVACY, IDEAS:**\n\n- Proud to be an equal opportunity and safe workplace\n- Strongly committed to equal employment opportunities for all races, colors, ancestries, national origins, marital statuses, age, citizenship, disabilities, genders or gender identities, or Veteran status\n\nThe base salary range for this role is $140,000-$160,000. Actual compensation packages are based on several factors that are unique to each specific candidate; including but not limited to skill set, depth of experience, applicable certifications, and geographic work location. This may vary depending on living location and market rate.\n\nWunderkind is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace. We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity or Veteran status.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732309730,"locationNames":["New York","Lower Manhattan","Trade Centre"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Sales Manager","remote":false,"slug":"director-technical-solutions","title":"Director, Technical Solutions","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3089988","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3138126":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"As an Enterprise Account Executive, you will become a vital member of our team of advisory experts, dedicated to inspiring fresh perspectives for individuals such as CMOs and Senior Vice Presidents of eCommerce brands and Fortune 500 companies. Your pivotal role will involve actively contributing to Wunderkind's remarkable expansion by formulating and implementing a sales strategy aimed at securing new customers.\n\nYou excel in navigating complex, multi-stakeholder, consultative sales scenarios, and you are adept at holding your own in high-level C-Suite interactions. Wunderkind is at the forefront of driving growth for over 700 retailers and e-commerce enterprises, with deals ranging from $200,000 to over $1 million in annual recurring revenue. This position will challenge you to master a multifaceted, high-engagement sales process while collaborating within a dynamic team of industry-leading performers. Demonstrating humility and a willingness to learn are essential attributes for success in this role.\n\n**Responsibilities**\n\n- Close major deals with qualified businesses to drive new revenue growth\n- Communicate how Wunderkind’s offering drives revenue, what our competitive advantage is, and why it is worth the investment\n- Navigate the industry to find key decision-makers and build their trust in both you and Wunderkind\n- Become an industry, product and marketing expert\n- Maintain executive relationships with your closed won deals to actively recruit referrals from their network\n\n**Qualifications**\n\n- 4+ years of experience in Enterprise Sales and a proven track record of success\n- A history of thriving in fast-paced, results-oriented positions that directly contributed to business growth\n- Proficiency in the art of persuasion and handling negotiations\n- A leadership style characterized by emotional intelligence\n- Previous exposure to collaborating with diverse teams is a plus\n\n*The base salary range for this role is $100,000 to $115,000. Actual compensation packages are based on several factors that are unique to each specific candidate; including but not limited to skill set, depth of experience, applicable certifications, and geographic work location. This may vary depending on living location and market rate.*\n\n \n\n*If you feel like you don’t meet all of the requirements for this role, we encourage you to apply anyways. We know the confidence gap and imposter syndrome gets in the way of meeting incredible candidates, and don’t want it to get in the way of meeting you.*\n\n \n\n**Learn More About Our Company, Culture and 5 Core Values:**\n\n**DRIVE UNDENIABLE PERFORMANCE:**\n\n- Wunderkind is a leading performance marketing engine that delivers tailored experiences at scale\n- Digital businesses use Wunderkind to remember who users are better than ever before, allowing them to deliver high-performing, one-to-one messages on websites, through emails and texts, and in ads at a scale that’s not otherwise possible\n\n**COME HUNGRY:**\n\n- Driving $1.2 billion dollars annually in revenue for top eComm brands including Hugo Boss, Gucci, Lenovo, Cole Haan, HelloFresh and more\n- Incredible growth and development opportunities for top performing employees whether it be a leadership track or building out your own unique specialties\n\n**CARRY EACH OTHER:**\n\n- Unwavering commitment to culture, community, office events, and DEI initiatives\n- Fully stocked snacks, beverages, and in-office weekly catered lunch\n- Exceptional management training programs and internal opportunities for 1:1 coaching\n\n**BOUNCE BACK:**\n\n- Company support and flexibility through all professional and personal development\n- Generous PTO package, National Holiday closures, Summer Fridays, Parental Leave, and more!\n\n**RESPECT PEOPLE, PRIVACY, IDEAS:**\n\n- Proud to be an equal opportunity and safe workplace\n- Strongly committed to equal employment opportunities for all races, colors, ancestries, national origins, marital statuses, age, citizenship, disabilities, genders or gender identities, or Veteran status\n\n \n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730232581,"locationNames":["New York","Lower Manhattan","Trade Centre"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Business Development","remote":false,"slug":"director-of-business-development-enterprise","title":"Director of Business Development, Enterprise","compensation":"$100k – $115k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3138126","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:2965730":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"After driving growth for 400+ retailers and eCommerce companies, Wunderkind has successfully pioneered an ad experience that allows Publishers to give their visitors a better ad experience -- one that puts content first and ads second. \n\nRather than placing an ad in front of someone while they're actively trying to read content, our technology patiently waits until a visitor has stopped reading before rendering our ad on the page. And that patience pays off -- it turns out that when an ad experience respects the user's reason for visiting a page, the user respects the ad experience in return. This unique, brand safe approach to ad experience gives an advertiser's message more attention and greater engagement.\n\nWunderkind is looking for a top-performing Programmatic Sales Manager to work with our Senior Director on a specified list of agency, trading desk, brand, and DSP accounts across the DC Metro Area. We are looking for someone with a proven track record of revenue growth and has healthy client relationships.\n\nThis is a remote position. \n \n**Day In The Life:** \n \nAs a Programmatic Sales Manager you will drive demand for Wunderkind display \u0026 video ad inventory from agencies \u0026 advertisers across east coast accounts, ultimately meeting/exceeding revenue goals. To do this you will need to:\n\n- Evangelize Wunderkind display and video inventory to programmatic buyers and investment teams through steady outreach, meetings, and entertainment\n- Own the relationship and ultimate success of a dedicated segment of Wunderkind’s demand-side agency partners\n- Work closely with Account Management to maximize campaign performance, spend, and renewal business\n- Offer clients insight on how to launch and improve campaigns across Wunderkind inventory and provide ongoing management to clients as new features and inventory are added to our product offering\n- Develop best practices by creating training materials, sales materials and customer facing guides\n\n**You Will Stand Out With:**\n\n- BA/BS degree plus experience related to digital media or digital advertising\n- At least 3+ years of online advertising sales experience required\n- Expertise in selling and scaling programmatic ad campaigns\n- Experience working with DSPs, ad exchanges, ad servers, and other optimization platforms is a plus\n- Experience selling CPA, CPC, and CPM marketing campaigns\n- Motivated, tenacious, and resourceful\n- Persuasive and compelling\n- Comfortable in a high-growth environment where roles and responsibilities may shift\n- Entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for the marketing technology space and a healthy dose of humility\n\n*On the fence? Apply anyway! We know that imposter syndrome can get in the way of meeting incredible candidates, and don’t want it to get in the way of meeting you!*\n\n**Learn More About Our Company, Culture and 5 Core Values:**\n\n**DRIVE UNDENIABLE PERFORMANCE:**\n\n- Wunderkind is a leading performance marketing engine that delivers tailored experiences at scale\n- Digital businesses use Wunderkind to remember who users are better than ever before, allowing them to deliver high-performing, one-to-one messages on websites, through emails and texts, and in ads at a scale that’s not otherwise possible\n\n**COME HUNGRY:**\n\n- Driving $1.2 billion dollars annually in revenue for top eComm brands including Hugo Boss, Cole Haan, Fender, Rag \u0026 Bone, Gucci and more\n- Incredible growth and promotion opportunities for top performing employees whether it be a leadership track or building out your own unique specialities\n\n**CARRY EACH OTHER:**\n\n- Unwavering commitment to culture, community, office events, and DEI initiatives\n- Fully stocked snacks, beverages, and weekly catered lunch\n- Exceptional management training programs and internal opportunities for 1:1 coaching\n\n**BOUNCE BACK:**\n\n- Company support and flexibility through all professional, personal, political, and world news and development\n- Generous work life balance with 20 days PTO, 1 floating holiday, 14 National Holiday closures, Summer Fridays, 2 weeks of Newly-Wed PTO, Maternity \u0026 Paternity leave offerings\n\n**RESPECT PEOPLE, PRIVACY, IDEAS:**\n\n- Proud to be an equal opportunity and safe workplace\n- Strongly committed to equal employment opportunities for all races, colors, ancestries, national origins, marital statuses, age, citizenship, disabilities, genders or gender identities, or Veteran status\n\nThe base salary range for this role is $97,000.00-115,000.00. Actual compensation packages are based on several factors that are unique to each specific candidate; including but not limited to skill set, depth of experience, applicable certifications, and geographic work location. This may vary depending on living location and market rate.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729800497,"locationNames":["New York","Lower Manhattan","Trade Centre"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Sales Manager","remote":false,"slug":"programmatic-sales-manager-dc","title":"Programmatic Sales Manager, DC","compensation":"$97k – $115k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"2965730","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:70431":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"70431","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-70431"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-70431"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-70431"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-70431"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-70431"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Individuality unleashed","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3089988"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3138126"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:2965730"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Wunderkind (formerly BounceX)","slug":"wunderkind-formerly-bouncex"},"Badge:B2C-365443":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-365443","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-365443":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-365443","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-365443":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-365443","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-365443":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-365443","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"GoFundMe is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.4 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.4","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-365443":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-365443","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate GoFundMe 4.1/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-365443":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-365443","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate GoFundMe 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3158678":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Want to help us, help others? We’re hiring!**\n\nGoFundMe is a global community of over 150 million people who come together every day with the common purpose of helping one another. Our mission is to help people help each other through our best in class technology. In 2022, GoFundMe[ joined together with Classy](, a leading nonprofit fundraising software company that enables nonprofits to connect supporters with the causes they care about. Together, we have empowered people and organizations to raise more than $30 billion since 2010. Our vision is to become the most helpful place in the world.\n\nJoin us! The GoFundMe team is seeking a dynamic, results-oriented Senior Director of Integrated Marketing to lead our integrated and product marketing management teams, driving growth, brand consideration, and engagement across digital and offline channels. This role requires a strategic thinker with hands-on experience in brand development, performance marketing, and data-informed decision-making. The Senior Director will be responsible for developing and executing comprehensive marketing strategies that grow fundraiser volume.\n\n*This is a hybrid position; candidates considered for this role will be located in San Francisco. There will be an in-office requirement of 2x a week.*\n\n**The Job…**\n\n- Develop and implement a multi-channel marketing strategy to drive user acquisition, engagement, and retention for GoFundMe’s platform.\n- Champion GoFundMe’s brand positioning to elevate brand awareness and drive consistency across all channels. Lead brand campaigns that enhance our reputation and build emotional connection with audiences.\n- Oversee digital marketing efforts, including paid search, social media, email, content marketing, and SEO to drive growth, optimize ROI, and meet KPIs.\n- Work closely with Product, Engineering, Data, Customer Support, and other departments to ensure alignment of marketing strategies with overall business goals.\n- Lead and mentor a high-performing marketing team, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement.\n- Utilize data and analytics to inform marketing strategies, measuring and reporting on the effectiveness of campaigns and initiatives. Regularly adjust strategies based on data insights.\n- Develop and manage the marketing budget, allocating resources to maximize efficiency and effectiveness across channels.\n- Stay informed on market trends, competitive landscape, and emerging technologies to identify new opportunities for growth and differentiation.\n\n**You…**\n\n- Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, or a related field; MBA or equivalent advanced degree preferred.\n- 10+ years of experience in strategic and holistic marketing, with at least 5 years in a leadership role, preferably within a digital platform or tech-focused company.\n- Proven experience supporting product development and target ICPs and have executed key product and brand messaging in owned, earned and paid channels.\n- Proven track record of driving growth and engagement through successful brand and performance marketing initiatives.\n- Strong understanding of digital marketing channels and best practices, including paid media, SEO, content marketing, and social media.\n- Demonstrated experience in managing and developing high-performing teams.\n- Exceptional analytical skills with a data-driven mindset to evaluate performance and drive decision-making.\n- Excellent communication, interpersonal, and presentation skills.\n- Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment with a strong sense of ownership and accountability.\n\n**Preferred…**\n\n- Experience in a mission-driven organization or working with philanthropic/nonprofit brands.\n- Familiarity with MarTech and analytics platforms, including Google Analytics, HubSpot, and others.\n- Background in crisis communication and managing brand reputation.\n\n**Why you’ll love it here...**\n\n- Market competitive pay.\n- Rich healthcare benefits including employer paid premiums for medical/dental/vision (100% for employee-only plans and 85% for employee + dependent plans) and employer HSA contributions.\n- 401(k) retirement plan with company matching.\n- Monetary support for new hire setup, hybrid work \u0026 wellbeing, family planning, and commuting expenses.\n- A variety of mental and wellness programs to support employees.\n- Generous paid parental leave and family planning stipend.\n- Company provided life and disability coverages.\n- Supportive time off policies including vacation, sick/mental health days, volunteer days, company holidays, and a floating holiday.\n- Learning \u0026 development and recognition programs.\n- “Gives Back” Program where employees can nominate a fundraiser every week for a donation from the company.\n- Inclusion, diversity, equity, and belonging are vital to our priorities and we continue to evolve our strategy to ensure DEI is embedded in all processes and programs at GoFundMe. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team is always finding new ways for our company to uphold and represent the experiences of all of the people in our organization.\n- Employee resource groups.\n- Your work has a real purpose and will help change lives on a global scale.\n- You’ll be a part of a fun, supportive team that works hard and celebrates accomplishments together.\n- We live by our core values: impatient to be great, find a way, earn trust every day, fueled by purpose.\n- We are a certified Great Place to Work, are growing fast and have incredible opportunities ahead!\n\nGoFundMe is proud to be an equal opportunity employer that actively pursues candidates of diverse backgrounds and experiences. We are committed to providing diversity, equity, and inclusion training to all employees, and we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, nationality or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, pregnancy status, marital status, age, medical condition, mental or physical disability, or military or veteran status.\n\nThe total annual salary for this full-time position is $229,000- $312,500 + bonus + equity + benefits. As this is a hybrid position, the salary range was determined by role, level, and possible location across the US. Individual pay is determined by work location and additional factors including job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training. Your recruiter can share more about the specific salary range based on your location during the hiring process. \n\nIf you require a reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or a job interview or to otherwise participate in the hiring process, please contact us at []( \n\n**Dedication to Diversity**\n\nGoFundMe and Classy are committed to leveraging Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging to cultivate a culture that embraces and supports the unique identities, experiences, and perspectives of our people and customers.\n\nOur diversity recruiting priority is recognized under our first DEIB Driver: Opportunity Foster Diversity - we identify, recruit, and invest in top talent- ensure our people reflect the unique identities, experiences, and perspectives of the communities we serve and are all given the chance to grow.\n\n**Global Data Privacy Notice for Job Candidates and Applicants:**\n\nDepending on your location, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or certain US privacy laws may regulate the way we manage the data of job applicants. Our full notice outlining how data will be processed as part of the application procedure for applicable locations is available [here]( By submitting your application, you are agreeing to our use and processing of your data as required. \n\n**Learn more about GoFundMe:**\n\nWe’re proud to partner with [](, an independent public charity, to extend the reach and impact of our generous community, while helping drive critical social change. You can learn more about’s activities and impact in their [FY ‘24 annual report](\n\nOur[ annual “Year in Help” report ]( our community’s impact in advancing our mission of helping people help each other.\n\nFor recent company news and announcements, visit our [Newsroom](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732410791,"locationNames":["San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-director-integrated-marketing","title":"Senior Director, Integrated Marketing","compensation":"$229k – $313k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3158678","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:365443":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"365443","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-365443"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-365443"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-365443"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-365443"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-365443"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-365443"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Social fundraising for the people, causes, and charities that mean the most to you","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3158678"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"GoFundMe","slug":"gofundme"},"Badge:B2B-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-895963","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-895963","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-895963","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-895963","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-895963","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Mattermost is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.3 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.3","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-895963","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Mattermost 4.1/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-895963":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-895963","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Mattermost 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3158603":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"As the Director of Marketing Programs, you will lead the development, execution, and optimization of multi-channel marketing programs that drive brand awareness, lead generation, and customer engagement across targeted markets. This role requires a strategic thinker who can also execute tactically - with a strong background in campaign management, data-driven decision-making, and team leadership to ensure marketing initiatives are aligned with business objectives and deliver measurable results. Working closely with cross-functional teams, you will play a pivotal role in enhancing our market position and accelerating business growth. This position reports to the CMO. \n### Key Responsibilities:\n- **Marketing Program Development:** Design and execute comprehensive marketing programs that align with overall company goals, focusing on driving demand generation, accelerating pipeline growth, and increasing customer engagement across key segments.\n- **Campaign Management:** Oversee the planning, development, and execution of multi-channel marketing campaigns, including digital, email, social media, events, and content marketing, to drive lead acquisition, nurturing, and conversion.\n- **Cross-Functional Collaboration:** Partner closely with product marketing, growth marketing, channel marketing, sales, and cross-functional teams to ensure consistent messaging, seamless execution, and optimal campaign alignment. Collaborate with the CMO to align program goals with business objectives.\n- **Resource and Budget Management:** Manage program budgets, allocate resources effectively, and ensure on-time, on-budget execution. Evaluate resource needs and advocate for additional support to meet expanding program demands.\n- **Vendor and Partner Management:** Oversee relationships with external agencies, contractors, and vendors to ensure deliverables meet brand standards and campaign objectives. Evaluate agency performance and negotiate contracts to maximize value.\n- **Program Reporting and Communication:** Regularly update key stakeholders, including senior leadership, on the performance and impact of marketing programs. Provide insights and recommendations to inform future strategies and investments.\n- **Performance Analysis and Optimization:** Develop and manage KPIs for each program, monitor performance, and drive continuous improvements based on data insights. Use analytics to refine campaign strategies, ensuring maximum ROI and scalability of programs.\n\n### Required Background/Skill\n- Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, or related field (MBA or relevant advanced degree preferred).8+ years of experience in marketing, with a proven track record in developing and executing successful marketing programs.\n- Deep understanding of the defense, intelligence, and critical infrastructure sectors, with experience building channels in high-security or mission-critical environments being highly desirable.\n- Strong understanding of integrated marketing strategies and a broad range of channels, including digital, content, social, and events.\n- Demonstrated experience managing budgets, resources, and team members to execute complex marketing initiatives.\n- Analytical mindset with experience in campaign measurement, data analysis, and using insights to drive optimization.\n- Excellent project management skills with a focus on meeting deadlines, managing resources, and aligning teams around a shared vision.\n- Strong communication and presentation skills, with experience influencing stakeholders at all levels.\n- Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment, balancing strategic priorities with hands-on execution.\n- Strong leadership and team-building skills, with the ability to collaborate cross-functionally and influence at all levels.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732407433,"locationNames":["Alexandria"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"director-marketing-programs","title":"Director, Marketing Programs","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3158603","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:895963":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"895963","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-895963"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-895963"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":"Self-hosted alternative to Slack","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3158603"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Mattermost","slug":"mattermost"},"Badge:B2B-8615344":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-8615344","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8615344":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-8615344","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"Badge:GROWING_FAST-8615344":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"GROWING_FAST-8615344","name":"GROWING_FAST_BADGE","label":"Growing fast","tooltip":"Showed strong hiring growth in the past month","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3157741":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**About You**\n\nThe Creative Director will lead SGNL’s brand strategy, creative direction, and execution across all GTM channels, ensuring that our visual and narrative storytelling stands out in a competitive industry. This individual will oversee creative initiatives from concept to completion, collaborating with cross-functional teams to develop assets that support product launches, sales enablement, and brand awareness efforts. In this role, you will manage a network of contractors, with the potential to build an in-house creative team as SGNL scales. This position is ideal for a visionary leader with a strong design background, experience in digital content, and the ability to produce high-impact assets for a technical, security audience.\n\n**Qualifications**\n\n- 10+ years of experience in a creative role, with at least 5 years in a senior creative leadership position, ideally within the technology or cybersecurity sector\n- Experience sourcing, vetting, and managing contractors or agencies, as well as direct management experience of in-house designers and creators\n- A strong portfolio showcasing expertise in digital content creation, brand development, and integrated campaigns, with proven experience leading successful creative initiatives in fast-paced environments.\n- Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, After Effects), Figma, Hubspot, and other industry-standard design and video production tools\n- A strategic and creative thinker with the ability to translate complex ideas into compelling visual and narrative content that drives business outcomes\n- Demonstrated experience managing creative processes, from ideation to production, with a focus on delivering high-quality assets on time and within budget\n- Strong cross-functional collaboration skills, with the ability to partner effectively with stakeholders in Product Marketing, Sales, Demand Generation, and external agencies\n- Proven ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, prioritize tasks, and adapt to changing deadlines in a dynamic work environment. Demonstrates sound judgment in assessing when a deliverable needs to be “good enough” to meet business needs versus when to pursue perfection for high-stakes projects.\n- Excellent communication and presentation skills, with the ability to articulate creative concepts and project status to both creative and non-creative audiences\n\n**Responsibilities**\n\n- Develop and lead SGNL’s brand strategy, defining a cohesive visual and narrative identity that captures our mission, differentiates us in the market, and resonates with target audiences in the identity security space\n- Oversee the design and production of all creative assets, including website content, marketing collateral, social media graphics, videos, and presentations, ensuring brand consistency and quality across all deliverables\n- Drive the creative process from concept through execution, collaborating closely with Product Marketing, Demand Generation, Sales, and other internal stakeholders to deliver impactful assets that align with strategic goals\n- Lead creative direction for integrated campaigns, working with Marketing and Sales teams to ensure a unified look and feel across various channels and touchpoints, including web, email, events, and digital advertising. This includes developing and maintaining systems of self-serve design templates and assets that GTM teams can leverage independently.\n- Establish SGNL as a recognizable and trusted brand in the identity security industry by delivering creative assets that enhance thought leadership and support content strategies around education, storytelling, and engagement\n- Manage relationships with external contractors, agencies, and freelancers to support creative needs, while maintaining high standards for quality, consistency, and brand integrity\n- Drive experimentation with new creative approaches, visual trends, and formats, continuously innovating to keep SGNL’s brand fresh, relevant, and engaging\n- Provide leadership and mentorship to creative contributors, fostering an environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and excellence in every project\n- Plan for the expansion of the creative function, with the opportunity to build and lead an in-house team as SGNL grows\n\n \n\n**Additional Information**\n\n- Base salary range for this position: $150,000.00 - $225,000.00 per year*\n- Eligible to participate in SGNL's Equity Incentive Plan\n\n** Final offer will be at the company's sole discretion and determined by multiple factors, including years and depth of relevant experience and expertise, location, and other business considerations.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732315718,"locationNames":[],"primaryRoleTitle":"Creative Director","remote":true,"slug":"creative-director","title":"Creative Director","compensation":"$150k – $225k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3157741","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:8615344":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"8615344","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-8615344"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8615344"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-8615344"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Modern enterprise authz with human-readable policies to deliver just-in-time access","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3157741"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"SGNL","slug":"sgnl-ai"},"Badge:B2C-922980":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-922980","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-922980":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-922980","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-922980":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-922980","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-922980":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-922980","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_500M-922980":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_500M-922980","name":"VALUATION500M_BADGE","label":"Valuation $500M+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $500M or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-922980":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-922980","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Athletic is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.4 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.4","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-922980":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-922980","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Athletic 4.6/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.6","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-922980":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-922980","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Athletic 4.4/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.4","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3159633":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**About Us** \nThe Athletic is a digital sports media company that brings true sports fans closer to the athletes, teams and leagues that captivate their attention. We serve a multi-faceted audience that craves a richer connection and understanding with immersive storytelling and a like-minded community of fans. Founded in 2016 and with major operational hubs in San Francisco, Los Angeles, London and Melbourne, we empower a truly global team of more than 600 creators and cover more than 250 professional sports and collegiate teams across the United States, Canada and the UK. Our newsroom has produced thousands of in-depth reports along with more than 120 podcasts and other forms of premium content. Put simply, The Athletic is at the center of a sports fan’s universe. \n \n**About the Role** \nProduct plays a pivotal role at The Athletic, spearheading critical cross-functional initiatives and leading teams of engineers, designers, marketers, and analysts to execute seamlessly on behalf of the business and our users. As a Director of Product, you will be a key strategic and operational leader, partnering closely with company executives and leading a team of Product Managers. This is an advanced role, and you will be critical to the success of the Product organization and company at large. You will report to the VP of Product. \nThe primary focus is on driving subscription growth. Key areas of subscription growth include driving new audience to The Athletic, bringing them back on platform for continued engagement or re-activation, converting them to subscribers, and preventing subscription churn. There may be other areas of ownership within our Subscription or Commercial strategies. Your work will span off-platform (e.g., email), on-platform messaging and conversion touchpoints, and on-platform engagement features. The job is to improve the overall user experience, with the goal of helping users move down the subscription funnel, with influence across the product experience \nThis role is remote to the US and Canada only. \n### Responsibilities\n- *Own the strategy and roadmap for 1 or more product areas*\n- Define the strategy and vision for your product area(s) to meet business objectives.\n- Leverage existing expertise in your domain area(s) (e.g., Subscriber Engagement and Retention) and a clear understanding of user needs and the competitive landscape.\n- Partner closely on strategy and execution with tech executives across product, design, engineering, data, marketing, and the newsroom.\n- Own a multi-team roadmap that balances long term and short term considerations.\n- *Drive impact*\n- Lead large cross-functional working group(s) on key strategic initiatives.\n- Work closely with the rest of the Product team to align initiatives and dependencies.\n- Report on impact and learnings to key executive stakeholders.\n- *Lead a team of Product Managers*\n- Develop the careers of your direct report Product Managers.\n- Foster a highly collaborative and productive environment.\n- Inform the work of other teams through direct and indirect mechanisms, including mentoring other PM colleagues as appropriate.\n- *Improve organizational operations*\n- Work closely with other tech leaders on operational improvements.\n- Invest smartly in platforms and processes to ship and experiment at scale.\n\n### Requirements\n- 4+ years of highly relevant product leadership experience including a team or functional leadership role.\n- Clear strategic strengths, from goal setting to strategy development to communication and reporting.\n- Expertise in consumer digital products.\n- Executional capabilities including cross-functional initiative leadership - you need to get things done in addition to guide the work.\n- Demonstrated experience being a people manager your team learns from and is excited to work with.\n- High familiarity with and love for sports and journalism.\n- Excellence with data - analyzing data, deriving insights, and making data-driven decisions.\n- Experience developing great user experiences, and an ability to empathize with users.\n- Eagerness to try new things and learn - and a willingness to fail.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732581957,"locationNames":["United States"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing Manager","remote":true,"slug":"director-of-product-growth-remote","title":"Director of Product, Growth (Remote)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3159633","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:922980":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"922980","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-922980"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-922980"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-922980"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-922980"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_500M-922980"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-922980"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-922980"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-922980"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Premium sports media coverage for local fans","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3159633"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Athletic","slug":"the-athletic"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-10155865":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-10155865","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 10% of responders","tooltip":" is in the top 10% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-10155865":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-10155865","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within two weeks","tooltip":"Based on past data, usually responds to incoming applications within two weeks","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-10155865":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-10155865","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-10155865":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-10155865","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"Badge:GROWING_FAST-10155865":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"GROWING_FAST-10155865","name":"GROWING_FAST_BADGE","label":"Growing fast","tooltip":"Showed strong hiring growth in the past month","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3159963":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"Location: New York, NY / Hybrid\n\n### About Us\nAt, we are building the industry’s first holistic marketing solution that makes it easy for DTC and e-commerce brands to run performance ad campaigns on Streaming TV - leveraging their best brand, product \u0026amp; social content.\n\nOur AI-driven platform connects the dots between performance TV creative, advanced targeting, and digital measurement to drive real performance for KPIs like website visits and purchases (CPA), as well as lift across existing search, social \u0026amp; other digital marketing channels.\n\n### Job Description\nWe are seeking a dynamic Creative Director to lead, project manage, and coordinate the development of our TV ad creatives. In this role, you’ll work closely with our creative, marketing, and production teams to deliver high-impact advertising campaigns, driving brand resonance and performance across streaming platforms. This role requires a mix of creative vision, strategic planning, and production management experience, as well as a deep understanding of advertising and branding principles.\n\n### Key Responsibilities\n* Creative Strategy \u0026amp; Vision: Develop and execute a visionary creative strategy that aligns with our brand, product goals, and audience needs. Collaborate with the marketing and data teams to integrate insights into creative concepts, focusing on effectiveness and engagement.\n* Campaign Development \u0026amp; Project Management: Lead the end-to-end creative process, from concept ideation and storyboarding to final delivery. Coordinate with design, production, and post-production teams to ensure timely and budget-conscious execution. Oversee the development of creative briefs, ensuring clarity, alignment with objectives, and innovative direction.\n* Client \u0026amp; Stakeholder Collaboration: Partner with key stakeholders, including clients and internal teams, to understand brand objectives and communicate the creative vision effectively. Regularly gather and incorporate feedback, ensuring that creative solutions address business needs and resonate with target audiences.\n* Performance Monitoring \u0026amp; Iteration: Collaborate with analytics teams to measure ad effectiveness, using data to refine and optimize future campaigns. Drive iterative improvements based on performance data and trends, maintaining relevance and maximizing impact.\n* Industry Awareness \u0026amp; Trendspotting: Stay updated on trends in TV and digital advertising, brand storytelling, and creative technology to keep our campaigns cutting-edge. Act as an advocate for creative excellence within the company, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in ad storytelling.\n\n### Qualifications\n* Experience: Minimum of 7 years in a creative direction role, preferably in TV or digital advertising, with a strong portfolio demonstrating campaign management, brand storytelling, and visual creativity. Proven success in leading creative projects from concept to launch, managing cross-functional teams, and collaborating with stakeholders.\n* Creative \u0026amp; Strategic Skills: Strong background in conceptualizing and executing visually compelling, impactful campaigns with measurable results. Understanding of creative metrics, A/B testing, and the use of data to inform creative strategies and optimize performance.\n* Project Management: Exceptional project management skills with a track record of delivering complex creative projects on time and within budget. Ability to navigate fast-paced environments and manage multiple projects simultaneously.\n* Communication: Excellent communication and presentation skills, with the ability to articulate creative concepts to both creative and non-creative stakeholders. Confidence in presenting to clients and executives, with a collaborative and inclusive leadership style.\n* Education: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Design, Communications, Film, or a related field.\n\n### Preferred Qualifications\n* Excellent communication skills capable of taking deeply technical and in-depth topics down to the gritty details and/or up to the 30k feet executive level.\n* Experience with video, streaming, advertising, demand side platforms, and real-time advertising exchanges.\n\n### What We Offer\n* Competitive salary and benefits package.\n* Flexible work hours and remote work options (3 days per week in office).\n* Opportunities for professional growth and development.\n* A collaborative and inclusive work environment.\n* The chance to work on an exciting and innovative startup.\n* Work with a seasoned team of serial entrepreneurs.\n\n### How to Apply\nIf you are passionate about technology and want to be part of a dynamic team, we would love to hear from you. Please send your resume and a cover letter detailing your experience and why you are a good fit for this role to\n\ is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732650806,"locationNames":["New York City"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Creative Director","remote":false,"slug":"creative-editor","title":"Creative Editor","compensation":"$100k – $150k • 0.1% – 0.25%","yearsExperienceMin":3,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3159963","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:10155865":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"10155865","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-10155865"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-10155865"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-10155865"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-10155865"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-10155865"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1_10","highConcept":" uses AI to transform Streaming TV into a performance marketing channel","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3159963"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"","slug":"tvads-ai"},"Badge:B2C-1339764":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-1339764","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-1339764":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-1339764","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-1339764":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-1339764","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-1339764":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-1339764","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3160032":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**Why you'll love this role**\n\nAs the Director, CRM, you will be responsible for communications and programs to increase retention and engagement of the StockX website and apps across email and push notifications globally. You will collaborate with all parts of the business to create and execute CRM strategies that move business metrics, migrate customers through the lifecycle funnel and delight our customers.\n\nThis is a chance to work with a world-class digital marketing team and help drive this fast growing company’s customer contact strategy, from end-to-end. Reporting to the VP of Customer Experience, you’ll be responsible for managing a team, developing and crafting email, push, and SMS communications to our tens of millions of customers. We’re looking for a seasoned B2C e-commerce marketer, who can coordinate a go-to-market calendar, manage and develop a team, while balancing the fast-paced changes in this transformational company. Any candidate should have demonstrated the ability to generate and grow revenue from this important channel. \n\n**What you'll do**\n\n- Increase user engagement and retention through omni-channel strategies\n- Build a deep understanding of the customer base to identify core insights to drive effective audience segmentation, targeting, \u0026 communications planning\n- Optimize the digital marketing communications process by establishing best-in-class processes, communications and planning\n- Responsible for the CRM tech stack, including ESP and predictive/segmentation tools.\n- Develop, design \u0026 conduct A/B testing to help optimize our personalization capabilities\n- Establish and own the annual and weekly channel performance goals and have the skillset to know how to navigate through high/low demand seasonality\n- Responsible for the forecasting of send volume, contact cadence optimization and lifecycle segmentation strategy\n- Partner with the analytics team to assess campaign performance and identify key opportunities\n- Work collaboratively with other Creative, Marketing, Technology and Product Managers to develop best in class content, user experience, and promotion of product features.\n- Maintains CRM cross-channel editorial calendars for title, program campaigns, and key initiatives.\n- Continually and proactively search for new opportunities to grow owned channels, assess new partners and technology, and innovate on communication strategies\n\n**About you**\n\n- Minimum of 7 years experience within CRM or Digital Marketing in a B2C e-commerce setting.\n- Minimum of 4 years in a leadership role\n- Copywriting experience\n- Comfortable owning revenue targets, message volume forecasts, and other KPIs.\n- Proven experience working with integrated marketing teams, such as creative, social, and vertical owners\n- Bachelor's Degree in Marketing a plus\n\n**This is a Hybrid role with 2 days per week onsite in our Downtown Detroit office**\n\n \n\n*Pursuant to the various pay transparency laws/acts, the base salary range is $170,000.00 to $190,000.00 plus opportunities for benefits (e.g., medical, dental), equity and discretionary bonuses. Compensation is dependent on geography and may vary.*\n\n*Pursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance, and any other state or local hiring regulations, we will consider for employment any qualified applicant, including those with arrest and conviction records, in a manner consistent with the applicable regulation.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732657961,"locationNames":["Detroit"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Customer Success Manager","remote":false,"slug":"director-crm","title":"Director, CRM","compensation":"$170k – $190k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3160032","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:1339764":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"1339764","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-1339764"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-1339764"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-1339764"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-1339764"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"The Stock Market Of Things","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3160032"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"StockX","slug":"stockx"},"Badge:B2C-121228":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-121228","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-121228":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-121228","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-121228":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-121228","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-121228":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-121228","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Big Health is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.9 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.9","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-121228":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-121228","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Big Health 4.5/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.5","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-121228":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-121228","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Big Health 4.9/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.9","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3151756":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Our Mission** \nAt Big Health, our mission is to help millions back to good mental health by providing fully digital, non-drug options for the most common mental health conditions. Our digital therapeutics — SleepioRx for insomnia, DaylightRx for anxiety — both recently cleared by the FDA, provide treatment anytime, anywhere. Our digital program - Spark Direct - helps to reduce the impact of persistent depressive symptoms. In pursuit of our mission, we’ve pioneered the first at-scale digital therapeutic business model, in partnership with some of the most prominent global healthcare organizations, including leading Fortune 500 healthcare companies and Scotland’s NHS. Through product innovation, robust clinical evaluation, and a commitment to equity at scale, we are designing the next generation of medicine and the future of mental health care. \n**Our Vision** \nOver the next 5-10 years, we believe digital therapeutics (DTx) will transform the delivery of health care worldwide, providing access to safe and effective evidence-based treatments to billions. Big Health is in a prime position to take the lead in this transformation.Big Health is a remote-first company, and this role can be based anywhere in the US. We encourage you to apply even if you don’t meet 100% of the job requirements. \n**Join Us.** \n**Job Summary** \nWe are looking for a Director, Marketing to join our organization to lead strategic marketing plans across all of Big Health’s core market segments including employer, payer, and provider markets. This leader will own all the core marketing functions (enrollment/member growth, creative \u0026 content, B2B marketing, product marketing, PR \u0026 brand) and lead a team of marketing professionals. This role is mission critical toward driving sustainable revenue growth for the company.\n### Responsibilities\n- **_Team Leadership \u0026 Cross Functional Collaboration:_**\n- Manage and mentor the marketing team, fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment. Set clear objectives, provide regular feedback, and conduct performance evaluations.\n- Collaborate with internal departments, such as sales, product development, and client success, to ensure alignment and support for marketing initiatives.\n- **_Strategic Planning:_**\n- Execute comprehensive marketing strategies that align with the company’s business objectives.\n- Manage the marketing budget, ensuring cost-effective and efficient allocation of resources.\n- **_Campaign Management:_**\n- Plan and execute multi-channel marketing campaigns, including digital marketing, social media, email marketing, content marketing, events, and traditional media.\n- Monitor campaign performance and adjust strategies as necessary to achieve optimal results.\n- **_Brand Management:_**\n- Oversee the development and positioning of the company’s brand, ensuring consistent messaging across all channels.\n- Lead brand initiatives to strengthen brand recognition and loyalty.\n- **_Product Marketing: _**\n- Oversee Product Marketing team and work with them to:\n- Collaborate with product development teams to create go-to-market strategies for new product launches and releases.\n- Drive the design, development, and execution of sales and client success enablement materials, including sales decks, one-pagers, whitepapers, and videos as needed.\n- **_Customer Relationship Management (CRM):_**\n- Develop and implement CRM strategies to enhance customer engagement and retention.\n- Oversee campaign brief development for seasonal campaign, client/product launches and intake requests as needed.\n- Utilize data analytics to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, tailoring marketing efforts accordingly.\n- **_Performance Analysis:_**\n- Partner with Analytics to track, analyze, and report on key marketing metrics and KPIs to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts.\n- Use data-driven insights to make informed decisions and optimize marketing strategies\n \n\n### Requirements\n- Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or a related field (Master’s degree preferred).\n- Proven experience (at least 7+ years) of marketing experience with a track record of successful marketing strategy development and execution. Experience within the healthcare or wellness space is highly preferred\n- Demonstrated leadership and at least 3 years of prior team management experience\n- Strong analytical skills and experience with marketing analytics and tools\n- Creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.\n- Proficiency in digital marketing platforms and technologies.\n- Innovative mindset with a passion for staying ahead of marketing trends.\n- Ability to work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.\n- Strong project management skills and attention to detail.\n- Customer-centric approach with a focus on delivering value.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731630087,"locationNames":[],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing Manager","remote":true,"slug":"director-marketing","title":"Director, Marketing","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3151756","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:121228":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"121228","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-121228"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-121228"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-121228"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-121228"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-121228"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-121228"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Helping millions back to good mental health","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3151756"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Big Health","slug":"big-health"},"Badge:B2B-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-183505","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-183505","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-183505","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-183505","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-183505","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"GitLab is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.8 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.8","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-183505","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate GitLab 4.8/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.8","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-183505","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate GitLab 4.7/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.7","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3139593":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"GitLab is an open core software company that develops the most comprehensive [AI-powered DevSecOps Platform](, used by more than 100,000 organizations. Our [mission]( is to enable everyone to contribute to and co-create the software that powers our world. When everyone can contribute, consumers become contributors, significantly accelerating the rate of human progress. This mission is integral to our culture, influencing how we hire, build products, and lead our industry. We make this possible at GitLab by running our [operations]( on our product and staying aligned with our [values]( Learn more about [Life at GitLab](\n\nAs a part of GitLab's Digital Success team, the Digital Success Web Developer will play a pivotal role in developing and enhancing digital tools and platforms that support our long-tail customer base. This position is crucial for creating scalable, digital-first customer success solutions that drive product adoption, customer retention, and expansion. Working closely with the Director of Digital Success and cross-functional teams, you will implement innovative web solutions that improve customer experiences and contribute to business outcomes.\n\n### **Responsibilities**\n\n- Design, develop, and maintain web-based tools that support digital customer success initiatives, including digital onboarding, feature adoption campaigns, and customer education programs.\n- Create innovative features and enhancements for digital platforms, focusing on automation, user engagement, and effective communication of complex product features.\n- Collaborate with the Digital Success team to integrate customer success platforms and other digital tools to enhance efficiency and scalability.\n- Work closely with Marketing, Product, Support, CS Strategy, and Sales teams to ensure that web applications align with GitLab’s overall customer success objectives and the specific needs of the long-tail customer segment.\n- Participate in the design and implementation of a robust customer health scoring system, utilizing web technologies to track and influence customer behavior and outcomes.\n- Lead projects to develop and optimize digital-first programs that contribute to product adoption, customer retention, and expansion.\n- Stay abreast of emerging technologies and industry trends in digital customer success, applying best practices to continuous strategy evolution.\n- Mentor junior developers and collaborate with Digital Customer Success Managers to ensure technical solutions meet strategic goals.\n\n### **Requirements**\n\n- Experience in web development, with extensive experience in developing and maintaining web applications.\n- Expertise in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and server-side languages and frameworks.\n- Familiarity with Adobe Creative Suite apps (Photoshop and/or Illustrator) for web asset creation\n- Professional experience with GitLab and coding standard processes for collaboration\n- Proven ability to develop web applications that effectively communicate complex product features and engage users.\n- Strong project management skills, excellent communication abilities, and a knack for solving complex problems creatively.\n- Demonstrated experience in automating processes within web platforms and improving the scalability of digital tools.\n- A proactive and innovative mindset with the ability to work independently and as part of a dynamic team.\n\n## Compensation\n\nTo view the full job description and its compensation calculator, view our handbook. The compensation calculator can be found towards the bottom of the page.\n\nAdditional details about our process can be found on our[ hiring page](\n\nRemote-Global\n* * *\n\n**Country Hiring Guidelines:** GitLab hires new team members in countries around the world. All of our roles are remote, however some roles may carry specific location-based eligibility requirements. Our Talent Acquisition team can help answer any questions about location after starting the recruiting process. \n\n**Privacy Policy:** Please review our [Recruitment Privacy Policy.]( Your privacy is important to us.\n\nGitLab is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. GitLab’s policies and practices relating to recruitment, employment, career development and advancement, promotion, and retirement are based solely on merit, regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, lactation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression), national origin, age, citizenship, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information (including family medical history), discharge status from the military, protected veteran status (which includes disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans), or any other basis protected by law. GitLab will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. See also [GitLab’s EEO Policy]( and [EEO is the Law]( If you have a disability or special need that requires [accommodation](, please let us know during the [recruiting process](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730334202,"locationNames":["United Kingdom"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Full-Stack Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"digital-success-web-developer","title":"Digital Success Web Developer","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3139593","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3157908":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"GitLab is an open core software company that develops the most comprehensive [AI-powered DevSecOps Platform](, used by more than 100,000 organizations. Our [mission]( is to enable everyone to contribute to and co-create the software that powers our world. When everyone can contribute, consumers become contributors, significantly accelerating the rate of human progress. This mission is integral to our culture, influencing how we hire, build products, and lead our industry. We make this possible at GitLab by running our [operations]( on our product and staying aligned with our [values]( Learn more about [Life at GitLab](\n\nWe are hiring a Senior Customer Success Strategy Analyst to support our Digital CS teams. As a Senior Analyst, you will partner with our global customer engagement teams to drive and influence business improvements and bolster customer-centric decision-making across the business. You will play a pivotal role in driving customer satisfaction and loyalty by analyzing insights and feedback, identifying areas for improvement, and partnering with cross-functional teams to develop and implement strategies that enhance the overall customer experience.\n\n## What you'll do\n\n- Analyze One-to-Many Engagements: Assess performance metrics for one-to-many customer interactions such as webinars, workshops, and virtual events, measuring attendance, engagement, and conversion rates.\n- Analyze Digital Touchpoints: Gather and analyze data from digital customer engagement channels (e.g., GitLab University, email campaigns, in-app messaging) to understand user behavior and effectiveness of engagement strategies.\n- Report on Key Metrics: Develop and maintain dashboards that track KPIs related to case management, digital engagement, adoption, retention, conversion, and customer satisfaction, providing timely and actionable insights for cross-functional teams.\n- Optimize Digital Strategies: Work closely with Strategy, Customer Success, Marketing, and Product teams to recommend improvements for digital and scaled engagement strategies based on data-driven insights.\n- Segment Customer Engagements: Leverage customer segmentation and cohort analysis to enable personalized, relevant digital and scale engagements across customer lifecycle stages.\n- Forecasting and Planning: Assist in forecasting the impact of digital and scale engagement initiatives and planning for resource allocation to meet performance targets effectively.\n- Enhance Automation Efforts: Collaborate with teams to refine automation workflows and personalize at scale, improving efficiency and relevance of digital touchpoints and engagement programs.\n\n## What you'll bring\n\n- 5+ years of experience in a data analytics role, preferably in a B2B SaaS environment.\n- Analytical Skills: Strong expertise in data analysis, including proficiency in SQL, Excel, and data visualization tools like Tableau, Looker, or Power BI.\n- Experience with Digital Analytics Tools: Familiarity with Snowflake, Tableau, Google Analytics, Customer Success platforms (e.g.Gainsight), CRM systems (e.g., Salesforce), and marketing automation tools (e.g Marketo).\n- Understanding of Customer Success \u0026 Marketing Analytics: Proven experience analyzing customer success metrics and digital marketing performance, including familiarity with metrics like churn, renewal rates, and customer lifetime value.\n- Strong Communication Skills: Ability to convey complex data insights clearly and concisely to non-technical stakeholders, with experience presenting findings to executives and cross-functional teams.\n- Customer-Centric Mindset: A passion for understanding customer needs and behaviors, and using data to enhance the customer experience.\n- Problem-Solving Skills: Proactive and solutions-oriented, with a demonstrated ability to translate data insights into practical recommendations.\n- Experimentation Mindset: Experience designing and analyzing A/B tests and a strong understanding of statistical analysis to guide decision-making.\n- Attention to Detail: High accuracy in analysis and reporting, with a methodical approach to data verification and validation.\n- Adaptability and Collaboration: Comfortable working in a fast-paced, collaborative environment, with the ability to adapt to shifting priorities and rapidly changing requirements.\n\n## How GitLab will support you\n\n- [Benefits to support your health, finances, and well-being](\n- All remote, [asynchronous]( work environment\n- [Flexible PTO](\n- [Team Member Resource Groups](,-TMRGs%20are%20voluntary\u0026text=The%20purpose%20for%20this%20type,developing%20the%20sense%20of%20belonging.)\n- [Equity Compensation \u0026 Employee Stock Purchase Plan](\n- [Growth and development budget](\n- [Parental leave](\n- [Home office]( support\n\n## Hiring process\n\n- Selected candidates will be invited to schedule a [screening call]( with our Global Recruiters.\n- Next, candidates will be invited to schedule a first interview with the Senior Manager of Customer Success Strategy.\n- Next, candidates will be asked to complete a technical take-home assignment followed by a technical peer interview.\n- Next, candidates will meet with a senior stakeholder on the Digital and/or Scale Customer Success team.\n- The final interview is with the Senior Director of Sales Strategy.\n- Successful candidates will be made an offer after references are verified.\n\nPlease note that we welcome interest from candidates with varying levels of experience; many successful candidates do not meet every single requirement. Additionally, studies have shown that people from [underrepresented groups]( are less likely to apply to a job unless they meet every single qualification. If you're excited about this role, please apply and allow our recruiters to assess your application.\n\n#LI-DNI\n\n*The base salary range for this role’s listed level is currently for residents of listed locations only. Grade level and salary ranges are determined through interviews and a review of education, experience, knowledge, skills, abilities of the applicant, equity with other team members, and alignment with market data. See more information on our [benefits]( and [equity]( Sales roles are also eligible for incentive pay targeted at up to 100% of the offered base salary.*\n\nCalifornia/Colorado/Hawaii/New Jersey/New York/Washington/DC pay range$84,000—$180,000 USD\n* * *\n\n**Country Hiring Guidelines:** GitLab hires new team members in countries around the world. All of our roles are remote, however some roles may carry specific location-based eligibility requirements. Our Talent Acquisition team can help answer any questions about location after starting the recruiting process. \n\n**Privacy Policy:** Please review our [Recruitment Privacy Policy.]( Your privacy is important to us.\n\nGitLab is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. GitLab’s policies and practices relating to recruitment, employment, career development and advancement, promotion, and retirement are based solely on merit, regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, lactation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression), national origin, age, citizenship, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information (including family medical history), discharge status from the military, protected veteran status (which includes disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans), or any other basis protected by law. GitLab will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. See also [GitLab’s EEO Policy]( and [EEO is the Law]( If you have a disability or special need that requires [accommodation](, please let us know during the [recruiting process](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732321684,"locationNames":["North America"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Customer Success Manager","remote":true,"slug":"senior-customer-success-strategy-analyst","title":"Senior Customer Success Strategy Analyst","compensation":"$84k – $180k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3157908","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:183505":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"183505","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-183505"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"One interface. A complete CI/CD toolchain, out-of-the-box","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3139593"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3157908"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"GitLab","slug":"gitlab"},"Badge:B2C-467050":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-467050","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-467050":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-467050","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3092063":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"Are you ready to redefine wireless? At US Mobile, we’re breaking boundaries and reshaping the future of connectivity. With our recent launch of Dark Star, our third network, we’re officially becoming a super carrier—and we’re just getting started.\n\nNow, we’re looking for a Creative Director to lead the charge in revolutionizing our brand, from product design to storytelling, and inspire a team that’s as forward-thinking as our technology. This isn’t just a role; it’s an opportunity to create work that will disrupt an entire industry and connect people in ways they never imagined.\n\nAbout Us\nUS Mobile is a disruptive MVNO that’s grown from $15M to nearly $100M in recurring revenue in just three years. We’ve built pioneering technology that allows customers to share data across all three major networks in the US, and we’re set to become a billion-dollar company by investing in our team and our people.\n\nWhat You’ll Do\nShape the Future of Wireless: Lead US Mobile’s creative vision, from branding to product experience, ensuring every customer touchpoint reflects our revolutionary approach.\nDevelop Iconic Campaigns: Conceptualize and oversee innovative multi-channel marketing campaigns that engage, inspire, and push boundaries.\nDrive Digital and Design Strategy: Collaborate across teams to design cutting-edge digital experiences and product visuals that showcase our tech in a fresh, compelling way.\nMentor a World-Class Team: Inspire and nurture a talented team of designers, copywriters, and strategists to deliver game-changing work.\nBe a Brand Storyteller: Amplify our brand voice, ensuring every piece of communication aligns with our ethos of innovation, simplicity, and customer-centricity.\n\nWhat You Bring\nVisionary Leadership: You’re a creative pioneer with 7+ years of experience in a senior creative role at a leading brand or agency, preferably with experience in tech or telecom.\nStrategic Thinker: You excel at turning data and insights into bold creative strategies that resonate with diverse audiences.\nExceptional Storytelling: You know how to bring brands to life, with a proven track record of building memorable campaigns that drive engagement.\nDesign Mastery: Expertise in digital design, UI/UX, and a sharp eye for detail to create visually stunning and cohesive brand experiences.\nCollaboration Guru: You’re a natural collaborator who can work closely with marketing, product, and engineering teams to ensure creative aligns with business goals.\nPassion for Innovation: Most importantly, you’re excited about shaping the future of wireless and pushing creative boundaries in an industry ripe for disruption.\n\nWhy Join Us\nImpact: You’ll be at the helm of a brand that’s literally changing the way people experience wireless.\nGrowth: We’re on a mission to disrupt a $350 Billion/yr industry , and you’ll play a key role in shaping that journey.\n\nCulture: Join a team that values innovation, creativity, and a commitment to excellence, all while keeping the customer at the heart of everything we do.\nIf you're a creative trailblazer who's ready to lead US Mobile's bold new chapter, we'd love to hear from you!\n\nCheck our team out at","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730952060,"locationNames":["New York City","London"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Creative Director","remote":false,"slug":"creative-director","title":"Creative Director","compensation":"$175k – $250k • 0.01% – 0.1%","yearsExperienceMin":8,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3092063","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:467050":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"467050","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-467050"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-467050"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Next-generation wireless carrier and mobile connectivity platform ","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3092063"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"US Mobile","slug":"us-mobile"},"Badge:B2B-37080":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-37080","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-37080":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-37080","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-37080":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-37080","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-37080":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-37080","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-37080":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-37080","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"AlphaSense is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.7 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.7","data":null},"Badge:RECENTLY_FUNDED":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"RECENTLY_FUNDED","name":"RECENTLY_FUNDED_BADGE","label":"Recently funded","tooltip":"Raised funding in the past six months","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-37080":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-37080","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate AlphaSense 4.4/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.4","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-37080":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-37080","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate AlphaSense 4.5/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.5","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3154545":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Location:** Remote, US \n \n**Reports to:** SVP, Head of Product and Design\n\n**About AlphaSense:**\n\nThe world’s most sophisticated companies rely on AlphaSense to remove uncertainty from decision-making. With market intelligence and search built on proven AI, AlphaSense delivers insights that matter from content you can trust. Our universe of public and private content includes equity research, company filings, event transcripts, expert calls, news, trade journals, and clients’ own research content. Our platform is trusted by over 4,000 enterprise customers, including a majority of the S\u0026P 500.\n\nFounded in 2011, AlphaSense is headquartered in New York City with over 1,500 people across the globe and offices in the U.S., U.K., Finland, India, and Singapore. For more information, please visit\n\n**About the Team:**\n\nThe AlphaSense Product Design team is comprised of talented product designers, UX specialists, and research professionals based in the US, UK, Finland, and India. We’re a detail-oriented, strategic-minded group dedicated to creating engaging user experiences that deliver real results. We base our designs on a deep understanding of user behavior, market trends, and performance metrics, ensuring that our work drives meaningful impact for our clients, which range from Fortune 1000 companies to leading financial institutions around the globe. Our commitment to data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement ensures that we stay at the forefront of our field and deliver the best possible user experiences.\n\n**About the Role:**\n\nWe’re seeking a skilled and passionate Senior Director of Design to join our growing Product Design team. In this role, you will directly influence our ability to modernize and streamline the way institutional investors and companies conduct business and financial research through our all-in-one platform. As one of our most senior design leaders, you will oversee, nurture and grow our design teams focused on the primary product areas of Expert Research, Financial data, and overall user experience and workflow. \n\nYou will collaborate closely with Product, Engineering, and our go-to-market teams to ensure that our Design strategy and execution drives value to our customers and aligns tightly with our brand identity. Some of the key user experience challenges you’ll oversee are creating easy navigation of large bodies of quantitative and qualitative data, devising summary-level waypoints that guide users deep into our content, and automating detailed company research steps using AI tooling. \n\nReporting to the SVP of Product, you will partner with C-level executives and other key stakeholders to integrate and embed design thinking into every product design decision we make. You will build, nurture, and inspire a high-velocity and high-performance team, fostering a culture of innovation, ideation, and continuous improvement. You will roll up your sleeves when necessary, helping to paint a picture of our product vision and coaching our design team in the details of their work. \n\n**Who you are \u0026 What You'll bring:**\n\n- Experience building design organizations, nurturing strong innovation culture, and coaching + growing designers\n- Ability to provide constructive, tangible design feedback and guidance to IC designers\n- A strong storyteller and the ability to create concepts to illustrate and communicate product and design vision and strategy\n- Experience working in high content consumption environments and creating engaging and easy-to-use UX.\n- Orientation towards innovation speed, rigor and outcome, including the ability to meet directly with customers, iterate quickly on concepts, and uphold high quality UX as a pillar of excellence\n- Strong product and business strategy intuition\n\n**What You’ll Do:**\n\n- Define and articulate the product design vision, strategy, and goals for your areas; aligning them with the overall business objectives.\n- Lead, grow, and inspire a diverse team of product designers, fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and continuous improvement.\n- Partner with C-level executives and other key stakeholders to integrate design thinking into strategic decision-making processes and drive business growth.\n- Establish and maintain design standards, processes, and best practices to ensure consistency, quality, and efficiency across all design initiatives.\n- Drive innovation by exploring emerging technologies, trends, and user behaviors, and leveraging them to create breakthrough design solutions.\n- Advocate for customer-centricity and accessibility, ensuring that our products/services are inclusive and meet the needs of diverse user groups.\n- Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including product management, engineering, marketing, and customer support, to deliver cohesive and compelling experiences.\n\n**Requirements:**\n\n- 12+ years experience in designing digital products required, with an emphasis on strategic Product and UX systems thinking\n- 5 years experience in a design leadership role, with experience building and maturing design teams and processes within a growth stage business\n- Proven track record of leading successful complex B2B design initiatives from concept to launch to iteration, inclusive of setting and hitting quantitative and qualitative success metrics\n- Proficient in design tools such as Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, Figma, and in creating pragmatic design systems\n- Proficient in interaction design, information architecture, and at least one more UX competency: user research, visual design, or product design\n- Ability to lead design conversations within a team or group context, to reason through complex problems and arrive at elegant solutions in a collaborative way.\n- Excellent communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills with the ability to work cross-functionally with internal partners and external partners alike\n\nAlphaSense is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to a work environment that supports, inspires, and respects all individuals. All employees share in the responsibility for fulfilling AlphaSense’s commitment to equal employment opportunity. AlphaSense does not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of race, color, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, military or veteran status, disability, or any other non-merit factor. This policy applies to every aspect of employment at AlphaSense, including recruitment, hiring, training, advancement, and termination.\n\nIn addition, it is the policy of AlphaSense to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified employees who have protected disabilities to the extent required by applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances where a particular employee works.\n\n**Base Compensation Range*:** $260,000 - $300,000\n\nAdditional Components: You may also be offered a performance-based bonus, equity, and a generous benefits program.\n\n*For base compensation, we set standard ranges for all US-based roles based on function, level and geographic location, benchmarked against similar stage growth companies and internal comparables. In order to be compliant with local legislation, as well as to provide greater transparency to candidates, we share salary ranges on all job postings regardless of desired hiring location. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors including geographic location as well as candidate experience/expertise and may vary from the amounts listed above.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731979260,"locationNames":["United States"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Designer","remote":true,"slug":"senior-director-product-design","title":"Senior Director, Product Design","compensation":"$260k – $300k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3154545","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3136812":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Location:** New York, NY \n\n**Reports to:** VP, Creative \u0026 Brand Marketing\n\n**About AlphaSense:**\n\nAlphaSense is a search engine for market intelligence that transforms how decisions are made by the world’s leading corporations and financial institutions. Leveraging AI and NLP technology, AlphaSense enables knowledge professionals to extract insights in seconds from thousands of disparate data sources, including company filings, event transcripts, news and trade journals, and equity research. Founded in 2011 and backed by investors including Innovation Endeavors and Soros Fund Management, AlphaSense is on a mission to empower organizations to make data-driven decisions with confidence.\n\n**About the Team:** \nAlphaSense Product Development Organization is composed of great talent across Product, User Experience \u0026 Engineering – a team of creative technologists who drive the innovation, execution \u0026 delivery of our product each \u0026 every day. \n\nAt our core, we're here as a partner to the broader business – which we do by identifying customer problems, understanding market needs, \u0026 devising ways to deliver world class user experiences.\n\n**About the Role:**\n\nAs a Sr. Director of Creative, you’ll take a lead role in developing a rapidly evolving brand. The work ranges from driving excitement in AlphaSense’s products to staying engaged with our existing members. \n\nYou bring creative vision to the discipline and are as capable of taking a systems-level approach to your work as you are of creating a single, pixel-perfect execution. You understand how to explore and define brand guidelines while building discipline, rigor and documentation of the brand. A strong passion for conceptual work that spans advertising, brand design and consulting when the brand intersects with the product is a necessity for this position. Your work can translate across digital, print, video \u0026 experiential — and you toggle between these media easily.\n\nYou thrive in a collaborative environment. This role will ask you to craft creative briefs based on business and strategic marketing inputs that you and the broader team and agency partners will execute upon to make award winning ideas come alive. You’ll be required to present work \u0026 communicate your thought process with clarity \u0026 organization. The ability to give and receive feedback as well as implement the work is also a strong attribute needed for this job.\n\n**Who You Are:**\n\n- 12+ years of creative experience in advertising \u0026 creative agencies and/or in-house teams\n- A background in creating brand and product campaign work as well as experience building identity systems \u0026 bringing them to life across industries \u0026 categories, spanning a variety of touchpoints.\n- Ability to communicate your creative ideas through compelling presentations including detailed comps/mockups in an iterative environment\n- Excellent communication, presentation, interpersonal \u0026 analytical skills\n- Unwavering attention to detail \u0026 a strong sense of ownership\n- Proven ability to work cross-team, lead the design process, \u0026 synthesize feedback \u0026 input from stakeholders\n- The ability to manage ambiguity, work autonomously, \u0026 multitask\n- The ability to work across organizational boundaries to define, manage, \u0026 prioritize work\n\n**What You’ll Do:** \n\n- Provide visual creative leadership in the concept \u0026 execution of all marketing assets including LinkedIn, Google Ads, Influencer Partnerships, Partnership Executions, OOH, Direct Mail, Content Marketing \u0026 more.\n- Define our brand while documenting and crafting guidelines so the business can scale — maintaining an incredible attention to detail when featuring our logo, typefaces, grids, colors, vector artwork, etc.\n- See all design projects through from concept to execution/production (ability to create print-ready artwork files to send to the printer, ability to animate social ads, etc.)\n- Collaborate internally to develop brand content for digital and physical customer experiences to create fully immersive brand experiences.\n- Help evolve \u0026 improve our creative process, ensuring efficiency \u0026 while creating outstanding creative outputs.\n- Articulate strategic positions to influence and challenge partners with new creative thinking through storytelling.\n- Drive impact across multiple cross-product initiatives with a complex group of stakeholders.\n- Highly proficient in Figma, Adobe Creative Suite: Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, After Effects\n\n \n\nAlphaSense is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to a work environment that supports, inspires, and respects all individuals. All employees share in the responsibility for fulfilling AlphaSense’s \n\ncommitment to equal employment opportunity. AlphaSense does not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of race, color, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, military or veteran status, disability, or any other non-merit factor. This policy applies to every aspect of employment at AlphaSense, including recruitment, hiring, training, advancement, and termination.\n\nIn addition, it is the policy of AlphaSense to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified employees who have protected disabilities to the extent required by applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances where a particular employee works.\n\n \n\n**Base Compensation Range***: $215,000 - $240,000\n\n**Additional Components:** You may also be offered a performance-based bonus, equity, and a generous benefits program.\n\n*For base compensation, we set standard ranges for all US-based roles based on function, level and geographic location, benchmarked against similar stage growth companies and internal comparables. In order to be compliant with local legislation, as well as to provide greater transparency to candidates, we share salary ranges on all job postings regardless of desired hiring location. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors including geographic location as well as candidate experience/expertise and may vary from the amounts listed above.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729905704,"locationNames":["New York City"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Creative Director","remote":false,"slug":"sr-director-creative","title":"Sr. Director, Creative","compensation":"$215k – $240k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3136812","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:37080":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"37080","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-37080"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-37080"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-37080"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-37080"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-37080"},{"__ref":"Badge:RECENTLY_FUNDED"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-37080"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-37080"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"With AlphaSense work smarter, not harder. Find the business insights you need in seconds","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3154545"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3136812"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"AlphaSense","slug":"alphasense"},"Badge:B2B-911928":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-911928","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-911928":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-911928","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3156655":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"## RAPP Chicago is looking for a Director, Data Science to join our award-winning Marketing Sciences team.\n\n**WHO WE ARE:**\n\nWe are RAPP – world leaders in activating growth with precision and empathy at scale.\n\nAs a global, next-generation precision marketing agency we leverage data, creativity, technology, and empathy to foster client growth. We champion individuality in the marketing solutions we create, and in our workplace. We fight for solutions that adapt to the individual’s needs, beliefs, behaviors, and aspirations.\n\nWe foster an inclusive workplace that values diversity and emphasizes personal well-being.\n\n**HOW WE DO IT:**\n\nAt RAPP, our fearless superconnectors help to create value from personal brand experiences by focusing on three key areas: connected data, connected content and connected decisioning. \n \nOur data analysts identify who that person is, our strategists understand what they want, and our award-winning technologists and creatives know how to deliver it – ensuring we’re able to activate authentic customer connections for our clients. \n \nPart of Omnicom’s Precision Marketing Group, RAPP is comprised of 2,000+ creatives, technologists, strategists, and data and marketing scientists across 15+ global markets.\n\n**YOUR ROLE:**\n\nThe Director, Data Science heads a team of Advanced Analytic Solutions data scientists in leveraging a holistic view of customer and campaign data to provide actionable insights, algorithms, and computational solutions to real-world marketing challenges through the application of technology-based mathematical methods. Under the direction of the VP/SVP, Advanced Analytics Solutions (AAS), the Director, Data Science drives the development and implementation of the vision for RAPP’s offering from a multitude of data sources leveraging a variety of systematic techniques to deliver value for our clients. The Director, Data Science works with multidisciplinary teams to inform, power, measure, and optimize marketing efforts.\n\n **RESPONSIBILITIES:**\n\n- Leverage Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on behalf of RAPP clients to drive Customer Experience and Marketing Optimization to include but not limited to:\n - Profile-based, Behavioral, LTV and other Customer Segmentation frameworks\n - Propensity, Look-Alike, Loyalty, Response, Net Lift, Journey Pathing, Recommender, and other customer-focused models\n - Media Mix and Marketing Attribution models\n - Leads, sales, and other KPI time series forecasting models\n- Perform necessary Data Engineering tasks to create prototypes of the above tools and to create requirements for the RAPP Technology team to implement tools promoted to production\n- Research and apply new techniques and tools which drive value for RAPP clients\n- Manage competing priorities across a portfolio of client projects\n- Partner with RAPP Analytics, Technology/Data, Account, Strategy, Campaign, Project Management, and Media Planning teams as needed to drive insights and value for RAPP clients\n- Deep understanding and expertise of digital marketing ecosystem modeling and insights, including but not limited to display, programmatic, video, social, email, and direct mail.\n- Attract, Nurture and Retain the best talent; Build and manage a team of data scientists capable of meeting needs of agency and client.\n\n**REQUIREMENTS:**\n\n- Master’s degree in a relevant academic practice (e.g. Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Engineering, Statistics, Data Science, etc.)\n- 8+ years relevant work experience\n- Proven proficiency with common languages used in Data Science: Python, R, SQL\n- Experience interacting directly with external Clients\n- Experience managing or mentoring experienced and entry-level Data Scientists\n- Proficiency in working with structured and unstructured data and APIs\n- Proficiency in statistics, model building, machine learning, and algorithm construction\n- Proven communication and presentation skills\n\n**DESIRABLE:**\n\n- Automotive or Pharma industry experience\n- Familiarity with Databricks and AWS stack: Sagemaker, Redshift, S3, EC2, Glue, Athena\n- Agency experience a plus\n- Experience with Spark, Scala\n- Familiarity with Natural Language Processing and Image Recognition\n\n \n\n* * *\n\n**Our hybrid work model:**\n\nRAPP's current hybrid model is designed to enable in-person connections and collaboration that is core to our culture, while also supporting flexibility for all employees. As such, we have the option to work from home two days per week, if we'd like.\n\n**RAPP provides a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits plan. Benefits for this role include health/vision/dental insurance, 401(k), stock options, Healthcare \u0026 Dependent Flexible Spending Accounts, vacation, sick, and personal days and positive activism days, paid parental leave and disability benefits. For more information regarding Omnicom benefits, please visit []( A reasonable estimate of the salary for this role, at the time of posting, is $140,000 - $160,000. This range is specific to Chicago and multiple factors are considered in making compensation decisions including, but not limited to: skill set, experience and training, certifications; etc. This is an exempt position. If your requirements fall outside of this range, you are still welcome to apply.**\n\n“As an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, veteran status.”\n\n*NOTE: This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. Employee may perform other related duties as negotiated to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732151594,"locationNames":["Chicago","Rapperswil-Jona"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Data Scientist","remote":false,"slug":"director-data-science","title":"Director, Data Science ","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3156655","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3157144":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"## RAPP New York is looking for an Account Director to join our award-winning Account Leadership team.\n\n**WHO WE ARE:**\n\nWe are RAPP – world leaders in activating growth with precision and empathy at scale.\n\nAs a global, next-generation precision marketing agency we leverage data, creativity, technology, and empathy to foster client growth. We champion individuality in the marketing solutions we create, and in our workplace. We fight for solutions that adapt to the individual’s needs, beliefs, behaviors, and aspirations.\n\nWe foster an inclusive workplace that values diversity and emphasizes personal well-being.\n\n**HOW WE DO IT:**\n\nAt RAPP, our fearless superconnectors help to create value from personal brand experiences by focusing on three key areas: connected data, connected content and connected decisioning. \n \nOur data analysts identify who that person is, our strategists understand what they want, and our award-winning technologists and creatives know how to deliver it – ensuring we’re able to activate authentic customer connections for our clients. \n \nPart of Omnicom’s Precision Marketing Group, RAPP is comprised of 2,000+ creatives, technologists, strategists, and data and marketing scientists across 15+ global markets.\n\n**YOUR ROLE:**\n\nThe ideal candidate has mastered the Account Director core competencies and is comfortable leading in a digital-first, data centric integrated manner. They are an advisor and partner to the client at the Sr. manager and marketing/category director levels. They have developed a keen ability for managing client based multi-discipline projects across the agency matrix, cross-holding company partners, and external agency partners. They have a natural curiosity, and are motivated by driving excellent results, time and time again.\n\n**YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES:**\n\n1. Client Partnering\n\n- Strategically builds client relationship trust and effectively facilitates, negotiates and drives scopes of work for accounts.\n- Responsible for overall client satisfaction and service/product quality.\n- Understands client business and ensures QBRs and strategic business reviews are set\n- Leads QBR reviews with key c-suite clients and internal agency stakeholder\n- Partners with SVP, Client Partner to build and drive the macro engagement roadmap and sponsors discrete engagement strategies rolling up to that roadmap\n- Helps build the clients reputation through our engagement, providing us with a long-term platform for success: our client engagement agenda is thus a shared, strategic and value-creating.\n- Communicates powerfully, is credible and engenders trust with executive clients.\n\n1. Growth\n\n- Sets Yearly engagement plan – core and growth elements\n- Leads SOW development and leads a strategic review each quarter with internal leadership team and President\n- Consultative consiglieri and seller to the client C-Suite\n- Provides high level overview of marketing technology landscape and marketing science products, delivering wider group product and value suite to the senior client for engagement.\n- Oversees the account’s month on month commercial\n- Responsible for account P\u0026L and ensures top line growth and bottom profitability growth \u0026 health is delivered. Tracks Month on month with team and course corrects\n- Is able to build our engagement to new heights year on year: Driving organic growth, identifying and opening new revenue streams\n- Keeps leadership apprised of key client opportunities, potential risks and other key nuances which affect the health of the business.\n\n1. Great work: Our Product\n\n- Provides a clear north star for all work on an engagement\n- Approves all strategic initiatives across the engagement\n- Holds creative, strategy, data and delivery accountable to deliver and course corrects\n- Responsible for the delivery of best-in-class strategies – from transformation strategies to marcomms strategies\n- Builds strong working relationships with department leads and department staff.\n- Provides critical insights during major creative concept reviews and provides direction on how to ‘expand’ the brief and solution for further development and plays major role in selling the work.\n\n1. Being the connector: Building, Leading, Mentoring and Networking,\n\n- Mentors internal team to deliver to excellence, setting high talent standards, develops, coaches, and mentors talent\n- Identify, attract, and retain top talent.\n- Holds accountability of deliverables and engagement impact from dept. and course corrects as needed\n- Ensures the SVP, Client Partner is kept apprised of engagement development and track to engagement strategy\n- Acts as a role model by representing, communicating, and leading RAPP’s overall vision, mission, and values.\n\n**REQUIREMENTS:**\n\n- 8-10 years of experience and 4-6 years management experience\n- Healthcare experience preferred\n- Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent experience\n- Experience in direct marketing/advertising/digital marketing.\n- Strong experience and comfort-level with martech platforms\n- Previous CRM experience\n- Experience in the application of multi-channel marketing programs in the areas of customer acquisition, retention and optimization.\n- Experience with financial growth on individual pieces of business.\n- Possess excellent planning, organizational, and problem-solving skills. Making sense of complex, high quantity; and sometimes contradictory information to effectively solve problems\n- Builds partnerships and works collaboratively with others to meet shared objectives\n- Must have leadership, coaching and mentoring qualities.\n- Excellent interpersonal, presentation and written skills.\n- Builds strong customer relationships and delivers customer centric solutions.\n- Gains the confidence and trust of others through honesty, integrity, and authenticity.\n- Uses compelling arguments to gain the support and commitment of others.\n- Managerial experience focus on, and commitment to, development and growth of talent.\n- Ability to hold self and others accountable to meet commitments\n- Takes on new opportunities and tough challenges with a sense of urgency, high energy, and enthusiasm\n\n* * *\n\n**Our Hybrid Work Model:**\n\nRAPP's current hybrid model is designed to enable in-person connections and collaboration that is core to our culture, while also supporting flexibility for all employees. As such, we have the option to work from home two days per week, if we'd like.\n\n**RAPP provides a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits plan. Benefits for this role include health/vision/dental insurance, 401(k), stock options, Healthcare \u0026 Dependent Flexible Spending Accounts, vacation, sick, and personal days and positive activism days, paid parental leave and disability benefits. For more information regarding Omnicom benefits, please visit []( A reasonable estimate of the salary for this role, at the time of posting, is $130,000 - $155,000. This range is specific to NYC and multiple factors are considered in making compensation decisions including, but not limited to: skill set, experience and training, certifications; etc. This is an exempt position. If your requirements fall outside of this range, you are still welcome to apply.**\n\n“As an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, veteran status.”\n\n*NOTE: This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. Employee may perform other related duties as negotiated to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732237961,"locationNames":["New York","Rapperswil-Jona"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Account Manager","remote":false,"slug":"account-director","title":"Account Director ","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3157144","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3146287":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"## RAPP Chicago is looking for an Associate Account Director to join our award-winning Account Leadership team.\n\n**WHO WE ARE:**\n\nWe are RAPP – world leaders in activating growth with precision and empathy at scale.\n\nAs a global, next-generation precision marketing agency we leverage data, creativity, technology, and empathy to foster client growth. We champion individuality in the marketing solutions we create, and in our workplace. We fight for solutions that adapt to the individual’s needs, beliefs, behaviors, and aspirations.\n\nWe foster an inclusive workplace that values diversity and emphasizes personal well-being.\n\n**HOW WE DO IT:**\n\nAt RAPP, our fearless superconnectors help to create value from personal brand experiences by focusing on three key areas: connected data, connected content and connected decisioning. \n \nOur data analysts identify who that person is, our strategists understand what they want, and our award-winning technologists and creatives know how to deliver it – ensuring we’re able to activate authentic customer connections for our clients. \n \nPart of Omnicom’s Precision Marketing Group, RAPP is comprised of 2,000+ creatives, technologists, strategists, and data and marketing scientists across 15+ global markets.\n\n**YOUR ROLE:**\n\nAs the Associate Account Director for Marketing Operations, you will be responsible for supporting the management of platform capabilities and features geared towards lead capture and nurture activities for the US Army. You will collaborate with clients and internal stakeholders to understand business needs. You will partner with other functional teams to develop and manage processes for data handling, campaign attribution, contact center, SMS and other business needs as necessary.\n\n**YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES:**\n\n- Lead/manage/coordinate weekly client status meetings. Implement client direction.\n- Manage client expectations, objectives, timelines, and budgets.\n- Partner with client(s), strategists and functional leads to understand business goals.\n- Facilitate development of project briefs, working with strategic planners and analysts.\n- Collaborate with strategy and marketing sciences to develop in-depth business reporting and comprehensive results-oriented advertising/marketing analyses.\n- Ensure RAPP and integrated agency teams align and work against shared goals.\n- Be liaison to internal and external stakeholders to ensure integration across business.\n- Collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams to drive the development of marketing programs and campaigns across relevant channels.\n- Partner closely with a high-performing team of system experts and operational specialists to develop, manage and continually improve tools, systems, and processes.\n- Develop and maintain efficient and effective management of leads data through the recruiting funnel to ensure accurate tracking of marketing efforts.\n- Monitor, project and provide innovative solutions to marketing issues.\n- Be knowledge hub for US Army’s marketing operations and associated systems.\n- Partner closely with the contact center vendor to ensure operations align with client mission, goals, and strategy, and comply with contractual requirements.\n- Develop and manage onboarding of new team members on relevant systems in compliance with established processes (including training, background checks etc.)\n- Manage training on systems marketing operation systems.\n- Lead efforts to support client’s systems and processes for lead management.\n\n **REQUIREMENTS**\n\n- Bachelor’s degree in marketing communications related field or equivalent experience.\n- 5-8+ years of account management or client partner experience.\n- Direct marketing and digital marketing or CRM background a plus.\n- Experience working with the Salesforce suite of products a huge plus.\n- Demonstrated client experience and ability to navigate a complex client.\n- Comfortable with ambiguity (with clients and internally) and be able to demonstrate flexibility and creative problem solving.\n- Very experienced in presenting information both orally and in writing with excellent interpersonal, presentation and written skills.\n- Positive attitude and sound work ethic with a desire to work in a fast-paced environment.\n- Proven ability to independently manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment.\n- Understanding of account profitability, client satisfaction, and client retention.\n- Experience prioritizing multiple demands and obtaining buy-in from stakeholders.\n- Ability to work effectively and proactively with a geographically dispersed team.\n- Knowledge of US Army systems and leads management processes a huge plus.\n- Experience with tools and training for US Army systems and processes a plus.\n- Understanding of the Army marketing organization and client partners a plus.\n- Understanding and appreciation for data accuracy and governance processes.\n- Understanding of systems and tools for lead handling and management.\n- Understanding of process flows and system diagrams.\n- Proven ability in collaborating with peers on a multi-disciplinary team and delivering reliable processes and systems for capturing and managing leads data.\n- Proven track record of working with senior client stakeholders and diverse teams.\n\n \n\n* * *\n\n**Our hybrid work model:**\n\nRAPP's current hybrid model is designed to enable in-person connections and collaboration that is core to our culture, while also supporting flexibility for all employees. As such, we have the option to work from home two days per week, if we'd like.\n\n**RAPP provides a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits plan. Benefits for this role include health/vision/dental insurance, 401(k), stock options, Healthcare \u0026 Dependent Flexible Spending Accounts, vacation, sick, and personal days and positive activism days, paid parental leave and disability benefits. For more information regarding Omnicom benefits, please visit []( A reasonable estimate of the salary for this role, at the time of posting, is $95,000 - $110,000. This range is specific to Chicago and multiple factors are considered in making compensation decisions including, but not limited to: skill set, experience and training, certifications; etc. This is an exempt position. If your requirements fall outside of this range, you are still welcome to apply.**\n\n“As an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, veteran status.”\n\n*NOTE: This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. Employee may perform other related duties as negotiated to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731028151,"locationNames":["Chicago","Rapperswil-Jona"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Account Manager","remote":false,"slug":"associate-account-director","title":"Associate Account Director ","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3146287","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:911928":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"911928","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-911928"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-911928"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"We stand up for individuality","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3156655"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3157144"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3146287"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"RAPP","slug":"rapp-2"},"Badge:B2C-54529":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-54529","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-54529":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-54529","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-54529":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-54529","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-54529":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-54529","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_500M-54529":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_500M-54529","name":"VALUATION500M_BADGE","label":"Valuation $500M+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $500M or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3159595":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"WEBTOON Entertainment is a leading global entertainment company and home to some of the world's largest storytelling platforms. As the global leader and pioneer of the mobile webcomic format, WEBTOON Entertainment has transformed comics and visual storytelling for fans and creators. \nWith its CANVAS UGC platform empowering anyone to become a creator, and a growing roster of superstar WEBTOON Originals creators and series, WEBTOON Entertainment’s passionate fandoms are the new face of pop culture. WEBTOON adaptations are available on Netflix, Prime Video, Crunchyroll, and other screens around the world, and the company’s content partners include Discord, HYBE and DC Comics, among many others. \nWe’re seeking a highly motivated Director of B2B Marketing to work closely with the Wattpad \u0026 WEBTOON Brand Partnerships team in adapting strategic marketing efforts to attract new and existing advertising clients, from agency level to brand direct. The Director of B2B Marketing would be responsible for raising and promoting the Wattpad \u0026 WEBTOON Brand Partnerships brand across various channels while supporting sellers in their outreach at multiple stages of the funnel. We’re looking for a strategic marketing professional who is a creative storyteller with an analytical mindset who knows how to measure impact and deliver strong results!\n### What you will be doing: \n- Oversee the B2B marketing strategy for Wattpad \u0026 WEBTOON Brand Partnerships, translating business needs into insightful and effective go-to-market plans.\n- Oversee digital marketing campaigns and initiatives across various platforms which include but are not limited to organic LinkedIn campaigns, social media, email, and digital content creation to generate awareness and elevate the Brand Partnerships brand identity among prospective brands and agency partners.\n- Oversee the hiring and management of freelancers, agencies, and other external partners to support marketing initiatives.\n- Lead the creation of engaging best-in-class content including blogs, videos, and white papers, by working with our internal creative team and external agencies and freelancers.\n- Demonstrate a deep understanding of internal and external market positioning and our target audiences to make event decisions\n- Lead B2B research efforts by developing research objectives and methodology, analyzing results, and oversee the creation of compelling content based on insights.\n- Strategize on sales enablement collateral including case studies, one-pagers, and pitch decks for target accounts.\n- Develop metric-based monthly scorecards with actionable insights that measure the impact of marketing efforts.\n- Drive demand and lead generation activities to support revenue growth and performance metrics\n- Lead a growing B2B team by providing leadership, guidance, and mentorship to direct reports, fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and continuous improvement.\n- Collaborate with global and regional partner marketing stakeholders and leadership to set goals, develop priority event list, execute event plans and evaluate performance to drive improvement over time\n- Build and manage event campaign program scopes of work, resources, budget, contracts, and timelines\n- Manage the budget for all B2B marketing initiatives.\n\n### What we’re looking for: \n- A passionate and creative leader who can effectively manage and collaborate with direct reports to strategize and execute on projects\n- Seven or more years of marketing experience in a fast-moving company, ideally in tech or entertainment or in a B2B role, with a proven ability to drive business results.\n- Exceptional analytical skills with a proven track record of delivering results, excellent data fluency.\n- Strong content marketing skills with the ability to manage content creation from conceptualization to editing, publishing, optimizing for SEO, and promoting.\n- Experience within the full lifecycle of B2B event planning (planning, executing and promotion and post event reporting) across owned and industry wide events\n- Experience launching thought leadership pieces and executing events that generate high quality leads and press.\n- A problem solver– Demonstrates a deep understanding of the Wattpad and WEBTOON platforms to be able to formulate marketing plans and sales enablement materials that work across both platforms.\n- Demonstrated ability to develop marketing strategies and understand the big picture complemented with the skills to execute and pay attention to details.\n- Experience in hiring, managing, mentoring, and coaching multinational team members and agencies\n- Strong presentation and storytelling skills that enable you to create engaging presentations and collateral.\n- Willingness to jump in, roll up their sleeves and support in execution!\n\n### Bonus/Additional assets:\n- Experience marketing towards agencies\n- Familiar with HubSpot, Google AdWords, LinkedIn Advertising\n- Experience working in the advertising ecosystem\n \n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732579342,"locationNames":["Los Angeles"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"webtoon-director-b2b-marketing","title":"[WEBTOON] Director, B2B Marketing","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3159595","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:54529":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"54529","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-54529"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-54529"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-54529"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-54529"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_500M-54529"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"The world's most-loved social storytelling platform","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3159595"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Wattpad","slug":"wattpad"},"Badge:B2B-241631":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-241631","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-241631":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-241631","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-241631":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-241631","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3152506":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"- Integral Ad Science (IAS) is a leading global media measurement and optimization platform that delivers the industry’s most actionable data to drive superior results for the world’s largest advertisers, publishers, and media platforms. IAS’s software provides comprehensive and enriched data that ensures ads are seen by real people in safe and suitable environments, while improving return on ad spend for advertisers and yield for publishers. Our mission is to be the global benchmark for trust and transparency in digital media quality. For more information, visit[](\n\nAs part of the Product Management organization, the Product Strategy and Operations team is responsible for building and executing a scalable product commercialization strategy. The Senior Director, Product Marketing - Launch will guide IAS’s go-to-market (GTM) efforts globally, support product launches, and drive adoption to ensure post-launch success. \n \nThe Product Marketing Launch team is a newly created group within IAS, offering a unique opportunity to shape the future of product commercialization and directly impact revenue growth. This role provides an exciting chance to define the GTM strategy, optimize processes for scalability, and enhance cross-functional alignment, all while leading a dedicated team. \n\nThis is a rare opportunity to join a new team and set the foundation for launch excellence, shape product launch processes, and directly influence IAS’s ability to bring impactful products to market, drive adoption, and contribute to revenue growth.\n\n**What you’ll get to do:**\n\n - **Develop Product Commercialization Strategy:** Create and implement a scalable strategy covering pricing, customer segmentation, and adoption objectives, supporting the product's market success and setting a foundation for long-term growth\n - **Own and Refine Launch Processes:** Take ownership of the launch process, ensuring it is effective, scalable, and aligned with IAS’s operational standards\n - **Define Measurement Milestones and KPIs:** Establish metrics and KPIs to measure launch success, including adoption targets and readiness scores for the commercial team, enabling ongoing optimization of the GTM strategy\n - **Lead GTM Readiness and Execution:** Oversee GTM plan readiness and execution, managing cross-functional alignment with teams such as Product, Pricing, Legal, SalesOps, BizOps, and Technical Support\n - **Evaluate Commercial Team Readiness:** Implement a training and readiness mechanism for the Commercial team, capturing NPS-like metrics to gauge their preparedness to demo products and differentiate IAS offerings\n - **Provide Stakeholder Engagement:** Regularly update senior leaders on launch progress, fostering transparency and alignment on outcomes\n - **Implement Adoption Tracking and Reporting:** Establish adoption models and reporting to monitor progress, support post-launch tracking, and drive ongoing adoption\n - **Run Alpha and Beta Programs:** Oversee Alpha and Beta testing to validate the product and refine it before full launch\n\n**You should apply if you have most of this:**\n\n - 10+ years of experience in product marketing, preferably within a B2B SaaS platform, including 5+ years leading high-performing product marketing teams.\n - Ability to develop GTM strategies that align with business goals, delivering measurable market impact\n - Understanding of product features and market positioning to articulate the product's unique value during launch\n - Proven ability to lead matrixed teams across various functions, ensuring collaboration and alignment\n - Strong organizational skills to manage and improve processes optimized for scalability, ensuring a structured approach to product commercialization\n - Background in bringing new products and features to market within a SaaS context\n - Skilled in setting up tracking mechanisms to support ongoing growth and engagement\n - Demonstrated experience with measurable success in product launches, including high adoption rates and a strong Commercial team readiness score\n - BA or BS degree; MBA or quantitative graduate degree a plus\n\n*New York Applicants: The salary range for this position is $161,000 - $250,200. Actual pay may vary based on experience or geographic location.*\n\n**About Integral Ad Science**\n\nIntegral Ad Science (IAS) is a leading global media measurement and optimization platform that delivers the industry’s most actionable data to drive superior results for the world’s largest advertisers, publishers, and media platforms. IAS’s software provides comprehensive and enriched data that ensures ads are seen by real people in safe and suitable environments, while improving return on ad spend for advertisers and yield for publishers. Our mission is to be the global benchmark for trust and transparency in digital media quality. For more information, visit [](\n\n**Equal Opportunity Employer:**\n\n*IAS is an equal opportunity employer, committed to our diversity and inclusiveness. We will consider all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, nationality, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, disability or age. We strongly encourage women, people of color, members of the LGBTQIA community, people with disabilities and veterans to apply.*\n\n**California Applicant Pre-Collection Notice:**\n\n*We collect personal information (PI) from you in connection with your application for employment or engagement with IAS, including the following categories of PI: identifiers, personal records, commercial information, professional or employment or engagement information, non-public education records, and inferences drawn from your PI. We collect your PI for our purposes, including performing services and operations related to your potential employment or engagement. For additional details or if you have questions, contact us at*\n\n**To learn more about us, please visit** [****](\n\n*Attention agency/3rd party recruiters: IAS does not accept any unsolicited resumes or candidate profiles. If you are interested in becoming an IAS recruiting partner, please send an email introducing your company to We will get back to you if there's interest in a partnership.*\n\n*#LI-Hybrid*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731720171,"locationNames":["New York"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-director-product-marketing-launch","title":"Senior Director, Product Marketing - Launch","compensation":"$161k – $250k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3152506","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3152507":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"- Integral Ad Science (IAS) is a leading global media measurement and optimization platform that delivers the industry’s most actionable data to drive superior results for the world’s largest advertisers, publishers, and media platforms. IAS’s software provides comprehensive and enriched data that ensures ads are seen by real people in safe and suitable environments, while improving return on ad spend for advertisers and yield for publishers. Our mission is to be the global benchmark for trust and transparency in digital media quality. For more information, visit[](\n\nAs part of the Product Management organization, the Product Strategy and Operations team is responsible for building and executing a scalable product commercialization strategy. The Senior Director, Product Marketing - Launch will guide IAS’s go-to-market (GTM) efforts globally, support product launches, and drive adoption to ensure post-launch success. \n \nThe Product Marketing Launch team is a newly created group within IAS, offering a unique opportunity to shape the future of product commercialization and directly impact revenue growth. This role provides an exciting chance to define the GTM strategy, optimize processes for scalability, and enhance cross-functional alignment, all while leading a dedicated team. \n\nThis is a rare opportunity to join a new team and set the foundation for launch excellence, shape product launch processes, and directly influence IAS’s ability to bring impactful products to market, drive adoption, and contribute to revenue growth.\n\n**What you’ll get to do:**\n\n - **Develop Product Commercialization Strategy:** Create and implement a scalable strategy covering pricing, customer segmentation, and adoption objectives, supporting the product's market success and setting a foundation for long-term growth\n - **Own and Refine Launch Processes:** Take ownership of the launch process, ensuring it is effective, scalable, and aligned with IAS’s operational standards\n - **Define Measurement Milestones and KPIs:** Establish metrics and KPIs to measure launch success, including adoption targets and readiness scores for the commercial team, enabling ongoing optimization of the GTM strategy\n - **Lead GTM Readiness and Execution:** Oversee GTM plan readiness and execution, managing cross-functional alignment with teams such as Product, Pricing, Legal, SalesOps, BizOps, and Technical Support\n - **Evaluate Commercial Team Readiness:** Implement a training and readiness mechanism for the Commercial team, capturing NPS-like metrics to gauge their preparedness to demo products and differentiate IAS offerings\n - **Provide Stakeholder Engagement:** Regularly update senior leaders on launch progress, fostering transparency and alignment on outcomes\n - **Implement Adoption Tracking and Reporting:** Establish adoption models and reporting to monitor progress, support post-launch tracking, and drive ongoing adoption\n - **Run Alpha and Beta Programs:** Oversee Alpha and Beta testing to validate the product and refine it before full launch\n\n**You should apply if you have most of this:**\n\n - 10+ years of experience in product marketing, preferably within a B2B SaaS platform, including 5+ years leading high-performing product marketing teams.\n - Ability to develop GTM strategies that align with business goals, delivering measurable market impact\n - Understanding of product features and market positioning to articulate the product's unique value during launch\n - Proven ability to lead matrixed teams across various functions, ensuring collaboration and alignment\n - Strong organizational skills to manage and improve processes optimized for scalability, ensuring a structured approach to product commercialization\n - Background in bringing new products and features to market within a SaaS context\n - Skilled in setting up tracking mechanisms to support ongoing growth and engagement\n - Demonstrated experience with measurable success in product launches, including high adoption rates and a strong Commercial team readiness score\n - BA or BS degree; MBA or quantitative graduate degree a plus\n\n \n\n**About Integral Ad Science**\n\nIntegral Ad Science (IAS) is a leading global media measurement and optimization platform that delivers the industry’s most actionable data to drive superior results for the world’s largest advertisers, publishers, and media platforms. IAS’s software provides comprehensive and enriched data that ensures ads are seen by real people in safe and suitable environments, while improving return on ad spend for advertisers and yield for publishers. Our mission is to be the global benchmark for trust and transparency in digital media quality. For more information, visit [](\n\n**Equal Opportunity Employer:**\n\n*IAS is an equal opportunity employer, committed to our diversity and inclusiveness. We will consider all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, nationality, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, disability or age. We strongly encourage women, people of color, members of the LGBTQIA community, people with disabilities and veterans to apply.*\n\n**California Applicant Pre-Collection Notice:**\n\n*We collect personal information (PI) from you in connection with your application for employment or engagement with IAS, including the following categories of PI: identifiers, personal records, commercial information, professional or employment or engagement information, non-public education records, and inferences drawn from your PI. We collect your PI for our purposes, including performing services and operations related to your potential employment or engagement. For additional details or if you have questions, contact us at*\n\n**To learn more about us, please visit** [****](\n\n*Attention agency/3rd party recruiters: IAS does not accept any unsolicited resumes or candidate profiles. If you are interested in becoming an IAS recruiting partner, please send an email introducing your company to We will get back to you if there's interest in a partnership.*\n\n*#LI-Hybrid*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731720171,"locationNames":["Chicago"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-director-product-marketing-launch","title":"Senior Director, Product Marketing - Launch","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3152507","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3106688":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"As an Agency Marketing Manager, you will have the opportunity to build and scale engagement across major Holding \u0026 Operating Companies. This is a high-impact role with the opportunity to work with cross-functional marketing leaders from the Revenue, Agency Development, Events, and Product Marketing functions. This role will report to the Director of Integrated Marketing and will be a driving force behind the success of our best-in-class Agency Development team. \n\nWhat you’ll get to do:\n\n- Build, execute, and scale multi-channel marketing strategies to drive agency engagement through workshops, ideation sessions, email marketing, thought leadership, persona-based content, webinars, and more\n- Develop and maintain agency-specific collateral, playbooks, case studies, guides, and personalized content to scale existing business, uncover new revenue, and increase product adoption\n- Ensure campaign alignment with product marketing, agency development, and various cross-functional teams, taking into account external market trends and competitive analysis\n- Oversee aggressive campaign timelines, ensuring that activities occur as planned and that projects are executed on time and within budget — including design, production and distribution\n- Generate executive-level reporting on business impact related to agency growth while providing campaign optimization recommendations\n\nYou should apply if you have most of this experience: \n\n- 4+ years of relevant experience in B2B Marketing\n- A proven storyteller with excellent written, editorial, and verbal communication skills. You do whatever it takes to ensure content is of the highest standards, engaging, clean, accurate, and delivers the right message to the right audience.\n- Experience creating digital content across several disciplines (copy, design, video) and media (articles, guides, social, white papers, research, infographics)\n- High level of creativity, attention to detail, and project management skills\n- Strong experience managing end-to-end campaigns in Marketo\n- Recognized self-starter, who takes initiative, capable of flourishing in fast-paced and dynamic environment\n\nWhat puts you over the top:\n\n- Event Management experience\n- Experience with a project management tool, ideally Asana, but not required\n- Successfully completed Marketo Expert certification\n\n*New York Applicants: The salary range for this position is $69,300 - $118,800. Actual pay may vary based on experience or geographic location.*\n\n**About Integral Ad Science**\n\nIntegral Ad Science (IAS) is a leading global media measurement and optimization platform that delivers the industry’s most actionable data to drive superior results for the world’s largest advertisers, publishers, and media platforms. IAS’s software provides comprehensive and enriched data that ensures ads are seen by real people in safe and suitable environments, while improving return on ad spend for advertisers and yield for publishers. Our mission is to be the global benchmark for trust and transparency in digital media quality. For more information, visit [](\n\n**Equal Opportunity Employer:**\n\n*IAS is an equal opportunity employer, committed to our diversity and inclusiveness. We will consider all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, nationality, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, disability or age. We strongly encourage women, people of color, members of the LGBTQIA community, people with disabilities and veterans to apply.*\n\n**California Applicant Pre-Collection Notice:**\n\n*We collect personal information (PI) from you in connection with your application for employment or engagement with IAS, including the following categories of PI: identifiers, personal records, commercial information, professional or employment or engagement information, non-public education records, and inferences drawn from your PI. We collect your PI for our purposes, including performing services and operations related to your potential employment or engagement. For additional details or if you have questions, contact us at*\n\n**To learn more about us, please visit** [****](\n\n*Attention agency/3rd party recruiters: IAS does not accept any unsolicited resumes or candidate profiles. If you are interested in becoming an IAS recruiting partner, please send an email introducing your company to We will get back to you if there's interest in a partnership.*\n\n*#LI-Hybrid*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727712859,"locationNames":["New York"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"agency-marketing-manager","title":"Agency Marketing Manager","compensation":"$69k – $119k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3106688","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:241631":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"241631","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-241631"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-241631"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-241631"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Helping companies develop far reaching and successful digital advertising campaigns","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3152506"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3152507"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3106688"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Integral Ad Science","slug":"integral-ad-science"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-10096619":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-10096619","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 10% of responders","tooltip":"DTCo is in the top 10% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-10096619":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-10096619","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within two weeks","tooltip":"Based on past data, DTCo usually responds to incoming applications within two weeks","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-10096619":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-10096619","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-10096619":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-10096619","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"Badge:GROWING_FAST-10096619":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"GROWING_FAST-10096619","name":"GROWING_FAST_BADGE","label":"Growing fast","tooltip":"Showed strong hiring growth in the past month","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3154070":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"We're looking for a **Creative Director** to drive excellence in DTC advertisement design quality and seamless delivery of creative assets as part of our Content Team.\n\nYou will play a crucial role in ensuring the successful delivery of creative assets for our performance marketing campaigns for Meta, TikTok, YouTube and Landing Pages. You’ll partner closely with cross-functional teams, including growth managers, designers, and content producers, to ensure excellence in projects from conception to production to completion. The ideal candidate feels at home in design software (Adobe Creative Suite, Canva, CapCut), has incredible communication skills and is engaged in the DTC digital world with an eye for “what works.”\n\nThis role reports to the VP, Content, works cross-functionally with Account teams, and manages a team of Content Specialists/Strategists.\n\n### Responsibilities\n\n**Creative Management:**\n\n* Manage a team of Content Specialists/Strategists to oversee creative direction and compelling execution of static, video and animation briefs for DTCo’s portfolio of Direct to Consumer brands. \n* Work closely with Content Strategists to ensure that briefs are received with appropriate detail for immediate action. Resolve blockers cross-functionally with a growth mindset. \n* Facilitate the creative production process through design brainstorms, ideation sessions, excellent communication and attention to detail, ensuring that work is completed on time, tasks are moved through the process effectively and that clients are consistently delighted by quality of output. \n\n**Quality Assurance:**\n\n* Conduct thorough quality checks on creative deliverables to ensure they meet client expectations and adhere to brand guidelines.\n* Provide constructive feedback to the Content team for continuous improvement, inclusive of upskilling Content Strategists in areas of design/production personal development. \n\n**Resource Allocation:**\n\n* Monitor workloads and adjust resources as needed to meet project deadlines.\n* Facilitate all internal and client feedback to ensure it is worked on in a timely manner.\n* Operate as coverage for Content Strategists where needed; able to jump into active projects and execute confidently.\n\n**Communication and Collaboration:**\n\n* Foster strong communication channels between Account, Content, and Client teams. Communication occurs between Slack, Asana and weekly calls. \n* Support client communication through Slack, sharing creative for review, scheduling calls, and navigating feedback.\n\n**Project Planning and Coordination:**\n\n* Develop and maintain project timelines, ensuring all milestones are met.\n* Collaborate with internal teams to gather project requirements and set clear objectives.\n\n### Qualifications\n\n* 5+ years of experience in managing creative projects, ideally in-house at a DTC brand and/or agency-side.\n* 5+ years managing a team of creative designers.\n* Strong visual portfolio and demonstrated experience in performance marketing campaigns across static, animation and video mediums.\n* Experience managing projects and teams in dynamic environments.\n* Excels at coaching team members to greatness and translating subjective feedback to objective action. A meticulous eye for detail in copy and design fundamentals.\n* Experience translating brand guidelines into digital-first ad experiences.\n* Excellent communication, presentation and organizational skills.\n* Thrives on process improvement and opportunities for scalable solutions.\n* Expert-level social landscape fluency: you can smell a trend a mile away and have an eye for “what works” on Paid Social\n\n**Intangibles**\n\n* Primary: Organized, Creative, Communicative\n* Secondary: Proactive, Confident, Curious\n\n**Team Player**\n\n* Comfortable being relied on to balance workload and deliverables.\n* Coaches with empathy. Can show, rather than tell, Content team how to develop.\n* Displays sense of urgency when necessary and knows how/when to push back. \n* A team player through and through: sees that no idea is too off the wall to surface, no job is too small to get done, and problems can be solved collaboratively.\n\n**Benefits**\n\n* Competitive Compensation \u0026amp; Benefits\n* Annual Bonuses\n* 100% Remote\n* Leadership Participates in Day-to-Day Work\n* Fun, High-Growth Clients\n* Inclusive Team Dynamic\n* A Team That Has More Going On Than Just Work","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732028034,"locationNames":["United States"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Creative Director","remote":true,"slug":"creative-director","title":"Creative Director","compensation":"$125k – $150k • No equity","yearsExperienceMin":5,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3154070","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:10096619":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"10096619","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-10096619"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-10096619"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-10096619"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-10096619"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-10096619"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"An advisor-led agency for high potential brands","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3154070"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"DTCo","slug":"dtco-3"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-34310":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-34310","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 1% of responders","tooltip":"Conviva is in the top 1% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-34310":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-34310","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within a day","tooltip":"Based on past data, Conviva usually responds to incoming applications within a day","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-34310":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-34310","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-34310":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-34310","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-34310":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-34310","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3078865":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**Conviva is the first and best place to go to understand and optimize digital customer experiences. Our Operational Data Platform harnesses full-census, comprehensive client-side telemetry—capturing every aspect of customer experience and engagement across all devices and linking them to the performance of underlying services, in real time and at a fraction of the cost of alternative solutions. Trusted by industry leaders like Disney, NBC, and the NFL, Conviva revolutionizes how businesses understand customer experience and engagement, maximizing satisfaction, conversion, and revenue.**\n\n \n\nThe Conviva marketing team is seeking a visionary and hands-on Creative/Brand Director to drive the development and execution of our brand strategy. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in web design, UX, brand creation and management, as well as hands-on experience leading creative projects to fuel digital marketing and sales enablement programs. This role requires strategic thinking and a passion for design, innovation, and storytelling.\n\n* *\n\n**What Success Will Look Like:**\n\n- **Web Design:** End-to-end ownership of the company's website.\n- **Brand Strategy:** Develop and implement a comprehensive brand strategy, including the company’s visual identity and prioritization and delivery of key creative assets.\n- **Marketing and Sales Assets:** Create on-brand graphics and corporate materials, including banner ads, social media assets, collateral, research reports, and PowerPoint presentations.\n- **Creative Leadership:** Manage agency-based designers to produce high-quality, impactful marketing and sales assets.\n- **Market Research:** Conduct market research and competitive analysis to benchmark and measure the success of the company’s brand and creative initiatives and identify trends and opportunities for differentiation.\n- **Brand Consistency:** Ensure brand consistency across all touchpoints, including website, product, marketing materials, and customer communications\n- **Performance Metrics**: Establish and track key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of branding and creative initiatives.\n- **Stakeholder Collaboration:** Work closely with product, sales, and customer success teams to align brand strategy with business goals.\n\n \n\n**Who You Are \u0026 What You've Done:** \n\n- Bachelor’s degree in design, marketing, or related field.\n- 10+ years of experience in brand management, creative direction, or a similar role in the B2B SaaS industry.\n- Experience working with hypergrowth companies journeying through the start-up to IPO-phase.\n- Proven track record of developing and executing successful brand strategies, creative campaigns, and sales enablement initiatives.\n- Curiosity and proven ability to translate technical topics into compelling stories and visuals.\n- Hands-on and strategic skills, combining the ability to establish a plan with the ability to execute it.\n- Proficiency in design software, including Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft PowerPoint, Figma, and video editing software.\n\n*This is a hybrid role based out of our Foster City office.*\n\n*The expected salary range for this full-time position is $180,000 - $210,000 + equity + benefits. Compensation is determined by numerous factors such as your qualifications, experience, relevant education or training, and work location.*\n\n \n\n**Privately held, Conviva is headquartered in Silicon Valley, California with offices and people around the globe. For more information, visit us at** [****](**. Join us to help extend our leadership position in big data streaming analytics to new audiences and markets!**\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731605771,"locationNames":["Foster City"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Creative Director","remote":false,"slug":"director-of-brand-and-creative","title":"Director of Brand and Creative","compensation":"$180k – $210k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3078865","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3091325":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**Conviva is the first and best place to go to understand and optimize digital customer experiences. Our Operational Data Platform harnesses full-census, comprehensive client-side telemetry—capturing every aspect of customer experience and engagement across all devices and linking them to the performance of underlying services, in real time and at a fraction of the cost of alternative solutions. Trusted by industry leaders like Disney, NBC, and the NFL, Conviva revolutionizes how businesses understand customer experience and engagement, maximizing satisfaction, conversion, and revenue.**\n\n \n\nThe Conviva marketing team is seeking a motivated and experienced marketing demand generation leader. This role is pivotal to driving our growth strategy by generating high-quality leads and nurturing them through the sales funnel. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in marketing demand generation in B2B SaaS companies and the ability to grow and lead the team to success.\n\n*This position will be based in our Foster City, CA office.*\n\n* *\n\n**What Success Will Look Like:**\n\n- **Develop and execute demand generation strategies:** Create and implement comprehensive plans, establishing the goals, activities, and metrics, to create a strong pipeline of qualified leads and achieve revenue targets.\n- **Establish lead generation campaigns:** Design, execute, and optimize lead generation campaigns across multiple channels, including events, content marketing, social media, and digital (organic and paid).\n- **Marketing automation:** Utilize marketing automation tools to nurture leads, track engagement, and measure campaign effectiveness.\n- **Content creation:** Collaborate with the content team to develop compelling content that resonates with our target audiences and drives lead generation.\n- **Analysis and reporting:** Analyze campaign performance to identify trends, insights, and areas for improvement. Provide regular updates to the company’s senior management.\n- **Budget management:** Manage the demand generation budget, ensuring efficient allocation of resources to achieve the best return on investment.\n- **Team leadership**: Hire, lead, mentor, and develop a high-performing marketing demand generation team.\n\n \n\n**Who You Are \u0026 What You've Done:** \n\n- **Experience:** 10+ years of experience in demand generation in a B2B SaaS companies.\n- **Hypergrowth familiarity:** Experience working with hypergrowth companies journeying through the start-up to IPO-phase.\n- **Strategic leadership**: Proven success establishing and executing demand generation programs and delivering measurable outcomes.\n- **Technical skills:** Proficiency in marketing automation platforms (e.g., Marketo), CRM systems (e.g., Salesforce), and analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics.)\n- **Analytical mindset:** Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret data and make data-driven decisions.\n- **Communication:** Excellent written and verbal communication skills.\n- **Creativity**: Innovative thinker with a passion for developing creative marketing strategies.\n- **Education**: Bachelor's degree in business or a related field. MBA is a plus.\n\n \n\n*The expected salary range for this full-time position is $200,000 - $250,000 + equity + benefits. Compensation is determined by numerous factors such as your qualifications, experience, relevant education or training, and work location.*\n\n \n\n**Privately held, Conviva is headquartered in Silicon Valley, California with offices and people around the globe. For more information, visit us at** [****](**. Join us to help extend our leadership position in big data streaming analytics to new audiences and markets!**\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1726177656,"locationNames":["Foster City"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Growth Hacker","remote":false,"slug":"director-of-growth-marketing","title":"Director of Growth Marketing","compensation":"$200k – $250k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3091325","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3091324":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**Conviva is the first and best place to go to understand and optimize digital customer experiences. Our Operational Data Platform harnesses full-census, comprehensive client-side telemetry—capturing every aspect of customer experience and engagement across all devices and linking them to the performance of underlying services, in real time and at a fraction of the cost of alternative solutions. Trusted by industry leaders like Disney, NBC, and the NFL, Conviva revolutionizes how businesses understand customer experience and engagement, maximizing satisfaction, conversion, and revenue.**\n\n \n\nThe Conviva Marketing team is seeking a strategic and hands-on leader to drive the company’s content marketing initiative. This leader will own the strategy for prioritizing and building marketing and sales content. This entails developing an asset strategy mapping to each stage of the sales cycle, writing and editing content, growing a team of content creators, and driving collaboration across the organization to ensure assets deliver the desired results. Additionally, this leader will be a champion of the Conviva brand, nurturing our ‘voice’ so we stand out in a crowded marketplace, and ensuring our brand is reflected properly across all external, customer-facing touchpoints.\n\n \n\n*This position will be based in our Foster City, CA office.*\n\n* *\n\n**What Success Will Look Like:**\n\n- Own content-related marketing-sourced pipeline/lead generation for the company.\n- Own SEO and organic traffic metrics for the company.\n- Build strategy for the company’s marketing and sales content, spanning Conviva-produced and third-party-produced deliverables, and aligning with company goals and customers’ needs.\n- Develop and manage a team that writes content that our customers and prospective customers want to read.\n- Own all aspects of content development, including setting the strategy to prioritize asset creation based on SEO or pipe-generation requirements, aligning teams on plan, writing assets and/or leading team members and agency partners to create assets, partnering with creative teams on visual and layout, and working with other marketing team members to publish and optimize content for maximum impact.\n- Present results, including impact on SEO, organic traffic, and pipegen, to company’s executive leadership.\n- Champion Conviva voice and culture; be a leading member of our winning team as well as a positive contributor to our company culture.\n\n \n\n**Who You Are \u0026 What You've Done:** \n\n- BA in marketing, creative writing or other relevant focus area.\n- 10+ years relevant experience, including developing marketing and sales collateral, including blogs, e-books, research, and website copy.\n- Excellent communications skills.\n- Passion for all aspects of content development, including writing, editing, and layout/design.\n- Leadership experience building teams and managing agencies.\n- Expert project management skills and proven ability to prioritize projects and deliver results in a timely manner.\n- Solid executive presence – ability to prepare and present results to senior business leaders.\n\n \n\n*The expected salary range for this full-time position is $200,000 - $250,000 + equity + benefits. Compensation is determined by numerous factors such as your qualifications, experience, relevant education or training, and work location.*\n\n \n\n**Privately held, Conviva is headquartered in Silicon Valley, California with offices and people around the globe. For more information, visit us at** [****](**. Join us to help extend our leadership position in big data streaming analytics to new audiences and markets!**\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1726177655,"locationNames":["Foster City"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing","remote":false,"slug":"director-of-content","title":"Director of Content","compensation":"$200k – $250k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3091324","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:34310":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"34310","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-34310"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-34310"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-34310"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-34310"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-34310"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3078865"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3091325"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3091324"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Conviva","slug":"conviva"},"JobListingSearchResult:3157037":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Get to know Okta** \n \nOkta is The World’s Identity Company. We free everyone to safely use any technology—anywhere, on any device or app. Our Workforce and Customer Identity Clouds enable secure yet flexible access, authentication, and automation that transforms how people move through the digital world, putting Identity at the heart of business security and growth. \n \nAt Okta, we celebrate a variety of perspectives and experiences. We are not looking for someone who checks every single box - we’re looking for lifelong learners and people who can make us better with their unique experiences. \n \nJoin our team! We’re building a world where Identity belongs to you.\n\n#### Overview\n\nFor the last 15 years, Okta has been on a mission to secure the identity of every application, user, device, workload and touchpoint across every organization, globally. As we continue to evolve from an identity company to an identity security company, the role of Product Marketing has never been more critical. We need to raise the bar on our storytelling, messaging, competitive positioning, new product launches, and depth of technical acumen to stay relevant and provide meaningful value to our customers.\n\nIn that context, we are looking for a seasoned Product Marketing leader with deep industry expertise and credibility to lead our Core PMM functions - including Workforce \u0026 Customer Identity Clouds, Technical Product Marketing and Cross-Cloud (Platform) PMM teams. They need to be driven, hands-on, and possess deep product marketing expertise gained over many years covering SaaS and/or technical domains in a multi-persona, multi-product environment. \n\nThis senior leader needs to be a multiplier who can build, mentor and grow a high performing PMM team. They will need to be an expert collaborator who builds relationships at all levels within a highly matrixed organization with deep people management experience and a proven track record of driving results in previous leadership roles. The Sr. Director will be a key voice to help influence company strategy and vision through partnerships at the highest levels of the business. They will need to lead with clarity through ambiguity and periods of change while translating business/market transitions into strategy and action. This is a transformative opportunity for the right individual looking to have a lasting impact on the industry leader in identity security.\n\n#### Responsibilities\n\n- **Growing the team**: Invest in the growing the core PMM skills, business acumen, and leadership capabilities of direct reports and skip levels\n- **Messaging excellence**: Take a hands-on approach to continuously improving our product messaging to make it relevant to CIOs, CISOs, VPs of Engineering/Product, IT admins, ISVs and Developers. Work collaboratively with the GTM PMM leader to ensure relevance across key solutions and industries. Deploy consistent and differentiated messaging across all key channels from decks, to web, to social and blogs\n\n**Competitive differentiation: Work collaboratively with the Compete Team to infuse relevant and compelling competitive differentiation into every piece of messaging, every demo and every asset Launch Excellence (in partnership with Launch Operations): Continue to invest in launch excellence for our key NPIs, across content, measurement and accountability. Work collaboratively with to align with our quarterly Launch Week process**\n\n- **Strategy and Thought partnership**: Spend time with customers, analysts, and broadly in the industry to help inform product and GTM strategy. Act as a peer and courageous thought partner to key VP/SVP level product leaders to influence roadmap and absorb their strategy\n- **Analyst Relations**: Partner closely with AR and comms team to influence the AR agenda and perception of Okta among key industry analysts\n- **Demo excellence** - Invest in upleveling how we ‘show the value’ to both internal and external audiences\n- **Field Enablement Partnership**: Collaborate with GTM PMM leader to ensure the right agenda, content and impact for field (Sales, Customer Success) enablement\n- **Customer and Event Presence**: Contribute to the creation of customer-facing and event content, while also delivering the message in key customer briefings, event keynotes, webinars, etc.\n\n#### Qualifications\n\n- 18+ years experience with at least 12+ years in PMM Enterprise Product Marketing: Significant experience in product marketing at the enterprise level, ideally reporting to VP/SVP of Product Marketing, with demonstrated influence on CMO and Product/Sales VPs.\n- **Strategic Messaging \u0026 Positioning**: Track record of developing impactful company and product messaging in a complex, multi-product, multi-persona, and technical environment.\n- **Stakeholder Engagement**: Proven ability to build and maintain trusted relationships with senior and technical stakeholders, including C-level executives, influencing strategic decisions.\n- **Team Leadership \u0026 Development**: Experienced in mentoring, engaging, and upskilling high-performing teams, fostering a collaborative and growth-focused culture.\n- Willing to operate at both strategic and tactical levels, from high-level strategy to hands-on execution alongside the team to achieve excellence\n Okta’s Top 5 Core Leadership Competencies are part of the deeply ingrained principles that guide all of our company’s actions. They also align strongly to our cultural cornerstones, our Okta values: love our customers, empower our people, never stop innovating, act with integrity, and maintain transparency. It’s our expectation that our managers and leaders embody these core competencies:\n- Builds Effective Teams: Building strong-identity teams that apply their diverse skills and perspectives to achieve common goals.\n- Demonstrates Self-Awareness (EQ): Using a combination of feedback and reflection to gain productive insight into personal strengths and weaknesses.\n- Develops Talent: Developing people to meet both their career goals and the organization’s goals.\n- Drives Results: Consistently achieving results, even under tough circumstances.\n- Strategic Mindset: Seeing ahead to future possibilities and translating them into breakthrough strategies.\n\n#LI-remote \n\nBelow is the annual base salary range for candidates located in California, Colorado, New York and Washington. Your actual base salary will depend on factors such as your skills, qualifications, experience, and work location. In addition, Okta offers equity (where applicable), bonus, and benefits, including health, dental and vision insurance, 401(k), flexible spending account, and paid leave (including PTO and parental leave) in accordance with our applicable plans and policies. To learn more about our Total Rewards program please visit: []( \n\nThe annual base salary range for this position for candidates located in California (excluding San Francisco Bay Area), Colorado, New York, and Washington is between:$215,000—$323,000 USD The annual base salary range for this position for candidates located in the San Francisco Bay area is between: $241,000—$361,000 USD\n\n**What you can look forward to as an Full-Time Okta employee!**\n\n- Amazing [Benefits](\n- Making [Social Impact](\n- Fostering [Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging at Okta](\n\nOkta cultivates a dynamic work environment, providing the best tools, technology and benefits to empower our employees to work productively in a setting that best and uniquely suits their needs. Each organization is unique in the degree of flexibility and mobility in which they work so that all employees are enabled to be their most creative and successful versions of themselves, regardless of where they live. Find your place at Okta[ today!](\n\nOkta is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, physical or mental disability, or status as a protected veteran. We also consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and convictions records, consistent with applicable laws. If reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the job application, interview process, or onboarding please use this[ Form]( to request an accommodation.\n\nOkta is committed to complying with applicable data privacy and security laws and regulations. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy at []( \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732235222,"locationNames":["United States"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"sr-director-product-marketing","title":"Sr. Director, Product Marketing","compensation":"$215k – $323k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3157037","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3149265":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Get to know Okta** \n \nOkta is The World’s Identity Company. We free everyone to safely use any technology—anywhere, on any device or app. Our Workforce and Customer Identity Clouds enable secure yet flexible access, authentication, and automation that transforms how people move through the digital world, putting Identity at the heart of business security and growth. \n \nAt Okta, we celebrate a variety of perspectives and experiences. We are not looking for someone who checks every single box - we’re looking for lifelong learners and people who can make us better with their unique experiences. \n \nJoin our team! We’re building a world where Identity belongs to you.\n\n**Overview:**\n\nWe’re seeking a strategic and innovative **Director, CEO Communications** who will lead all aspects of communications for Okta’s CEO and cofounder, Todd McKinnon. You will craft and amplify our CEO’s voice - leading Okta’s corporate narrative that aligns with our vision, engaging key stakeholders, and ensuring impactful messaging across all channels. As the CEO’s trusted communications partner, you’ll manage external and internal communications to drive thought leadership, visibility, and outcome-driven results. This leader will combine a deep understanding of the current market and Okta’s business priorities with disciplined execution and meticulous attention to detail. This role reports to the Head of Internal and Executive communications, and will manage one direct report. \n\n**Key Responsibilities:**\n\n- **Strategic Messaging:** Develop and execute a communication strategy that defines and strengthens Okta’s CEO’s voice, aligning with the company's vision and values for different stakeholder audiences.\n- **Thought Leadership:** Position Okta’s CEO as an industry leader by crafting high-impact, forward-thinking content, including keynotes/speeches, blogs, social, board presentations, and other public-facing content.\n- **Stakeholder Engagement:** Oversee messaging for key audiences (employees, customers, investors, and media) to drive Okta’s brand, foster transparency, and ensure alignment with business priorities.\n- **Content Development:** Effectively communicate Okta’s CEO’s perspectives and strategies by creating compelling, insightful content for high-impact internal and external events, earnings, All Hands/Town Hall meetings, online presence, and press engagements.\n- **Reputation Management:** Proactively identify, mitigate, and advise on communication risks while handling sensitive issues with confidentiality.\n- **Collaboration:** Build and maintain relationships with members of the Okta’s executive leadership team to inform CEO communications strategy and content. Partner with teams across Global communications, Marketing, Legal, Investor Relations, agency partners, and many others to ensure cohesive and consistent messaging.\n\n**Qualifications**\n\nThe ideal candidate has:\n\n- 10-15+ years of relevant communications experience; ideally owning a CEO’s thought leadership and executive communications.\n- Experience writing for and working directly with CEOs, C-level executives, and SVPs; ability to engage with and influence senior executives and leadership teams.\n- An understanding of Okta’s business and competitors, along with experience working with cloud and/or SaaS companies.\n- Social media experience and an analytical approach, with the ability to quickly identify trending topics and issues with a defined point of view.\n- Highly collaborative to enable CEO messaging to pull through across the company.\n- A strong, clear writing style and voice, with excellent writing and editing skills.\n- A detail-oriented approach, with the ability to manage multiple, high-profile and confidential projects and deliverables.\n- This role will be based in Okta’s San Francisco office and will be required to be in office.\n- BS/BA degree.\n Okta’s Top 5 Core Leadership Competencies are part of the deeply ingrained principles that guide all of our company’s actions. They also align strongly to our cultural cornerstones, our Okta values: love our customers, empower our people, never stop innovating, act with integrity, and maintain transparency. It’s our expectation that our managers and leaders embody these core competencies:\n- Builds Effective Teams: Building strong-identity teams that apply their diverse skills and perspectives to achieve common goals.\n- Demonstrates Self-Awareness (EQ): Using a combination of feedback and reflection to gain productive insight into personal strengths and weaknesses.\n- Develops Talent: Developing people to meet both their career goals and the organization’s goals.\n- Drives Results: Consistently achieving results, even under tough circumstances.\n- Strategic Mindset: Seeing ahead to future possibilities and translating them into breakthrough strategies.\n\nBelow is the annual base salary range for candidates located in California. Your actual base salary will depend on factors such as your skills, qualifications, experience, and work location. In addition, Okta offers equity (where applicable), bonus, and benefits, including health, dental and vision insurance, 401(k), flexible spending account, and paid leave (including PTO and parental leave) in accordance with our applicable plans and policies. To learn more about our Total Rewards program please visit:[]( \n\n The annual base salary range for this position for candidates located in the San Francisco Bay area is between: $208,000—$312,000 USD\n\n**What you can look forward to as an Full-Time Okta employee!**\n\n- Amazing [Benefits](\n- Making [Social Impact](\n- Fostering [Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging at Okta](\n\nOkta cultivates a dynamic work environment, providing the best tools, technology and benefits to empower our employees to work productively in a setting that best and uniquely suits their needs. Each organization is unique in the degree of flexibility and mobility in which they work so that all employees are enabled to be their most creative and successful versions of themselves, regardless of where they live. Find your place at Okta[ today!](\n\nOkta is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, physical or mental disability, or status as a protected veteran. We also consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and convictions records, consistent with applicable laws. If reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the job application, interview process, or onboarding please use this[ Form]( to request an accommodation.\n\nOkta is committed to complying with applicable data privacy and security laws and regulations. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy at []( \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731457466,"locationNames":["San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Marketing Manager","remote":false,"slug":"director-ceo-communications","title":"Director, CEO Communications","compensation":"$208k – $312k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3149265","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3151291":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Get to know Okta** \n \nOkta is The World’s Identity Company. We free everyone to safely use any technology—anywhere, on any device or app. Our Workforce and Customer Identity Clouds enable secure yet flexible access, authentication, and automation that transforms how people move through the digital world, putting Identity at the heart of business security and growth. \n \nAt Okta, we celebrate a variety of perspectives and experiences. We are not looking for someone who checks every single box - we’re looking for lifelong learners and people who can make us better with their unique experiences. \n \nJoin our team! We’re building a world where Identity belongs to you.\n\n**The Field Analytics team Team**\n\nAs part of Okta's Go-To-Market Strategy \u0026 Operations group, the Field Analytics team provides critical insights and analyses to support data-driven decision-making within the field organization. By delivering a robust analytical foundation, the team empowers leadership to make informed choices that drive growth, optimize resource allocation, and enhance business performance.\n\n**The Director, Field Analytics Opportunity**\n\nAs the Director of Field Analytics, you will lead a team of skilled analytics professionals to generate actionable insights that support our go-to-market strategies and business outcomes. Your team will focus on uncovering trends, refining data frameworks, and driving analytics initiatives that influence Okta’s GTM strategy.\n\n**What you’ll be doing**\n\n- **Strategy and Planning:** Lead the development and execution of key analyses that inform our go-to-market strategy, including assessing product growth trends, market penetration, and sales segmentation. Collaborate with the Planning team to ensure analytical outputs align with strategic assumptions and goals.\n- **Pipeline and Funnel Analysis**: Drive pipeline generation and funnel trend analysis, providing insights that help guide sales strategy and forecast accuracy. Partner with sales and marketing stakeholders to ensure consistent pipeline growth and conversion metrics.\n- **Executive Performance Reporting**: Prepare quarterly performance review decks for the executive team, distilling data into key themes and clear takeaways.\n- **Insight Generation:** Design and manage a suite of reports, dashboards, and analytical tools to present business insights. Develop data narratives that drive understanding of critical business trends for senior leadership, providing clear, actionable insights that impact decision-making.\n- **Field Analytics \u0026 Dashboard Management:** Oversee the creation and ongoing management of field analytics dashboards in Tableau, delivering accessible, real-time data that enables regional and functional leaders to track performance and make informed decisions.\n- **Data Stewardship**: Serve as the expert on the data architecture that underpins GTM reporting and analysis. Standardize key metrics and data definitions, enabling alignment across GTM and cross-functional teams. Support efforts to ensure data integrity and consistency in reporting.\n- **Operational Efficiency**: Identify opportunities to streamline reporting and analytics processes. Work with Data and Business Systems teams to implement scalable solutions that enhance the efficiency and accuracy of our data ecosystem.\n- **Team Leadership:** Build, mentor, and lead a high-performing team of analytics professionals. Foster a collaborative, innovation-focused environment that encourages continuous learning and development.\n\n**What you’ll bring to the role**\n\n- 9+ years of experience in an analytical or operational role, with at least 5 years in Sales Operations, FP\u0026A, or similar; B2B SaaS experience preferred.\n- Proven experience in developing and managing complex data models and analytical frameworks (e.g., using Excel, analysis tools, BI platforms).\n- Strong data storytelling abilities, with experience presenting complex insights to executive audiences.\n- Excellent quantitative skills and proficiency with MS Excel (e.g., advanced functions like sumifs, index/match, vlookup).\n- Experience with Tableau or other BI tools; familiarity with planning tools (e.g., Anaplan) a plus.\n- Working knowledge of MySQL or a similar database querying language.\n- Demonstrated curiosity and a passion for deep data exploration.\n- Self-driven and capable of both independent and collaborative work.\nOkta’s Top 5 Core Leadership Competencies are part of the deeply ingrained principles that guide all of our company’s actions. They also align strongly to our cultural cornerstones, our Okta values: love our customers, empower our people, never stop innovating, act with integrity, and maintain transparency. It’s our expectation that our managers and leaders embody these core competencies:\n- Builds Effective Teams: Building strong-identity teams that apply their diverse skills and perspectives to achieve common goals.\n- Demonstrates Self-Awareness (EQ): Using a combination of feedback and reflection to gain productive insight into personal strengths and weaknesses.\n- Develops Talent: Developing people to meet both their career goals and the organization’s goals.\n- Drives Results: Consistently achieving results, even under tough circumstances.\n- Strategic Mindset: Seeing ahead to future possibilities and translating them into breakthrough strategies.\n\n#LI-RA1 \n#LI-Hybrid\n\nBelow is the annual base salary range for candidates located in California. Your actual base salary will depend on factors such as your skills, qualifications, experience, and work location. In addition, Okta offers equity (where applicable), bonus, and benefits, including health, dental and vision insurance, 401(k), flexible spending account, and paid leave (including PTO and parental leave) in accordance with our applicable plans and policies. To learn more about our Total Rewards program please visit:[]( \n\n The annual base salary range for this position for candidates located in the San Francisco Bay area is between: $195,000—$293,000 USD\n\n**What you can look forward to as an Full-Time Okta employee!**\n\n- Amazing [Benefits](\n- Making [Social Impact](\n- Fostering [Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging at Okta](\n\nOkta cultivates a dynamic work environment, providing the best tools, technology and benefits to empower our employees to work productively in a setting that best and uniquely suits their needs. Each organization is unique in the degree of flexibility and mobility in which they work so that all employees are enabled to be their most creative and successful versions of themselves, regardless of where they live. Find your place at Okta[ today!](\n\nOkta is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, physical or mental disability, or status as a protected veteran. We also consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and convictions records, consistent with applicable laws. If reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the job application, interview process, or onboarding please use this[ Form]( to request an accommodation.\n\nOkta is committed to complying with applicable data privacy and security laws and regulations. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy at []( \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731630274,"locationNames":["San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"director-field-analytics","title":"Director, Field Analytics","compensation":"$195k – $293k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3151291","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:32716":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"32716","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"Secure identity management","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3157037"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3149265"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3151291"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Okta","slug":"okta"},"SeoRoleKeyword:1171":{"__typename":"SeoRoleKeyword","id":"1171","slug":"digital-marketing-director","displayName":"Digital Marketing Director"},"RoleEditorial:1171":{"__typename":"RoleEditorial","id":"1171","meta":{"__typename":"MetaTags","canonicalUrl":"","description":"Find the best Digital Marketing Director jobs in November 2024 on Wellfound! 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