Information for the Press from Nobel Center and the Nobel Museum

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major topic in a small exhibition. THEN, NOW, LATER will explore how some Nobel Prize laureates in physics and literature have dealt with the subject of time and have debated its nature. Visitors will also be able to experience a video work in which the artist Marcus Coates follows the movement of a clock, second by second. The exhibition will open on 7 September.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Torsten Wiesel donates instrument to Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2024-06-19 &mdash; </em>Early in June, Swedish Nobel Prize laureate Torsten Wiesel turned 100 years old. His centenary birthday was celebrated with a seminar at the Nobel Prize Museum on 17 June. He also donated a scientific instrument that he and David Hubel used in their Nobel Prize-awarded research.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Artefacts from Eyvind Johnson have been donated to the Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2024-03-08 &mdash; </em>It is not uncommon to have a collection of keys from earlier periods of your life lying around in a cupboard. There is not always someone around who knows what they once were used for. Now just such a collection of keys has been donated to the Nobel Prize Museum in Stockholm. They all belonged to Swedish author Eyvind Johnson, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature fifty years ago this year. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Prize Museum’s new exhibition is about meaningful things</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2024-03-08 &mdash; </em>What significance can an artefact have, and what kind of story does it tell about the person who owned it? For the first time, the Nobel Prize Museum’s new exhibition “These things changed the world” displays a large selection from its collection of artefacts donated by Nobel Prize laureates. The exhibition features more than 250 artefacts and opens today, 8 March. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Artefacts from José Saramago donated to the Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2024-03-01 &mdash; </em>A stone, a pair of glasses and a manuscript. These were some of the artefacts that were donated to the Nobel Prize Museum by the José Saramago Foundation in late February. On 8 March, the Nobel Prize Museum’s new exhibition “These things changed the world” will be inaugurated, with over 250 objects donated by laureates over the years. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">The best picture from the light festival was taken under the Centralbron bridge</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2024-01-30 &mdash; </em>During the Nobel Week Lights festival in December 2023, a photo contest was held for the third time. Over 400 entries were received, and now a winner has been chosen. Lebanese-born photographer Mohamad Assaad won the contest with his image of an artistic light installation that was inspired by the activity inside scientists’ computers. Meanwhile an estimate shows that more and more people are visiting the light festival. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Magic carpets and glowing heartbeats at this year’s Nobel Week Lights festival</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2023-11-09 &mdash; </em>A park filled with fireflies, illuminated orbs you can kick into action and heartbeats that are transformed into light. These are some of the artworks presented during this year’s Nobel Week Lights. Today marks the release of the programme for the light festival, featuring seventeen light installations inspired by Nobel Prize laureates. The festival runs from 2-10 December.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">New exhibition dives into the world of fungi</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2023-09-29 &mdash; </em>Throughout history, humans have been fascinated by fungi. They are all around us and inside us, but they often remain invisible. A new exhibition opening tomorrow at the Nobel Prize Museum in Stockholm showcases how both art and science explore fungi. The exhibition, entitled Fungi – In Art and Science, juxtaposes design objects, works of art, fashion and current scientific research.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Press invitation. New exhibition. Fungi – In Art and Science</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2023-09-19 &mdash; </em>On 30 September, the Nobel Prize Museum’s new exhibition “Fungi – In Art and Science” will open. A media preview will take place on 29 September at 10.00 a.m.  at the museum. The exhibition explores the world of fungi through artworks, design objects, fashion and contemporary scientific research.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Dmitry Muratov and Tawakkol Karman to visit Stockholm in September</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2023-09-18 &mdash; </em>Nobel Peace Prize laureates Dmitry Muratov and Tawakkol Karman will visit Stockholm in late September. They will speak at an international conference for teachers and will participate in separate conversations at the Nobel Prize Museum. The theme of these conversations is the growing threats to freedom of expression and democracy and what can reverse this trend. Their visits will take place in conjunction with the announcement of this year’s Nobel Prizes in early October. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Experimental theatre concept to be presented at the Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2023-08-28 &mdash; </em>A theatre performance is currently emerging at the Nobel Prize Museum. Actors Katarina Krogh and Fabian Hedlund, together with director Johan Bark and Nobel Prize Museum curator Carin Klaesson, are creating a completely new production based on texts from Nobel Prize laureates in literature. 30 September marks the premiere of the performance, which has emerged from a form of theatre lab.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Chain on display at Nobel Prize Museum this summer</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2023-07-04 &mdash; </em>A powerful, much-used chain, which has been employed in the struggle to draw attention to political prisons who are incarcerated in Russia, has been added to the Nobel Prize Museum’s collection. The Center for Civil Liberties ‒ one of three 2022 Nobel Peace Prize recipients ‒ donated this artefact, which will be on display at the museum this summer.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">New exhibition will dive into the world of fungi</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2023-06-28 &mdash; </em>Throughout history, humans have been fascinated by fungi. They are all around us and inside us, but they often remain invisible. In September, a new exhibition opening at the Nobel Prize Museum in Stockholm will showcase how both art and science explore fungi. The visitor will be greeted by everything from Carsten Höller&#039;s sculptures of fly agaric mushrooms to a mushroom-themed dress created for Icelandic singer Björk.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Literature laureate Nelly Sachs’ suitcase donated to the Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2023-04-27 &mdash; </em>A gift with a powerful story behind it has been presented to the Nobel Prize Museum. Nelly Sachs’ suitcase reminds us of Europe during World War II and the escape of a mother and daughter from Nazi terror in Berlin to Sweden. The contents of the suitcase were the only things they carried with them. The suitcase has now been gifted to the museum by Swedish writer Aris Fioretos, who has owned it for the past fifteen years. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Louise Glück donates Mahler record to Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2023-03-02 &mdash; </em>During the four years that poet and 2020 literature laureate Louise Glück was working on ‘Averno’, she listened intensely to music by the Austrian composer Gustav Mahler. She has now donated the record, which is on display at the Nobel Prize Museum together with artefacts from other Nobel Prize laureates. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Prize Museum is displaying books from Svante Pääbo</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2023-02-07 &mdash; </em>During the Nobel Week in December, medicine laureate Svante Pääbo donated a two-volume natural science encyclopaedia to the Nobel Prize Museum in Stockholm&#039;s Old Town. He had received these books from his father Sune Bergström, who was awarded the Nobel Prize forty years earlier. Now the books are on display at the museum. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Illuminated seesaws and a magnificent globe – the light festival is fully under way</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2022-12-14 &mdash; </em>The Nobel Week Lights festival has been under way since 3 December to welcome Stockholm residents and visitors to join in celebrating the Nobel Week. It includes riding on illuminated seesaws in Charles XII Square and singing at the Stockholm Cathedral, which affects the artistic work on the façade. At the Royal Palace, spectators will be astounded by a luminous globe.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Prize laureates will be on hand during a festival that illuminates science and art</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2022-11-10 &mdash; </em>The 2022 Nobel Week Lights festival will take place from 3 to 11 December – with Nobel Prize laureates on hand in Stockholm for the first time. One innovation this year will be an artistic light installation on the Royal Palace, and visitors are being promised more interactivity. Nobel Prize-awarded LED technology will make the light installations energy-efficient, and the large City Hall installation will consume 40 per cent less energy thanks to new technology. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">The Nobel Prize Museum&#039;s Life Eternal exhibition opens at Liljevalchs this weekend</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2022-09-29 &mdash; </em>On 1 October, the Nobel Prize Museum’s new exhibition, Life Eternal, will open at Liljevalchs (the Liljevalch Art Gallery) in Stockholm. The exhibition – which brings together science, art and cultural history – shows different approaches to eternity, explores the crucial issues of our era and offers hope for the future. At the same time an anthology, also called Life Eternal, will be released. It includes more than 30 essays that elaborate on the theme of the exhibition.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Invitation to the media – Life Eternal</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2022-09-12 &mdash; </em>On 1 October, the Nobel Prize Museum’s new exhibition entitled “Life Eternal” will open at Liljevalchs (Liljevalch Art Gallery) in Stockholm. A media preview tour will take place starting at 10.00 on 29 September at Liljevalchs.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Prize Museum creates exhibition about eternal life at Liljevalchs</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2022-06-30 &mdash; </em>On 1 October, the Nobel Prize Museum’s new exhibition entitled &#039;Life Eternal&#039; will open at Liljevalchs art gallery in Stockholm. The exhibition – which brings together science, art and cultural history – shows different approaches to eternity, explores the crucial issues of our era and offers hope for the future.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Laureates visit the Nobel Prize Museum to donate artefacts and sign chairs</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2022-06-15 &mdash; </em>A tie, a book and a magnetic tape were artefacts that were donated to the Nobel Prize Museum when five Nobel Prize laureates paid a visit on Tuesday, 14 June. Those laureates who had not been to the museum before also took the opportunity to sign a chair for the museum&#039;s Bistro Nobel.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">New Nobel Center takes the next step</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2022-05-20 &mdash; </em>On Wednesday, 4 May, the Nobel Foundation announced that SEK 1.2 billion (more than USD 120 million) has been donated by the Erling-Persson Foundation and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to build the Nobel Center − a house for science, culture and dialogue to be located at Slussen in central Stockholm. This means that funding has been secured and the project will now move forward. At the same time, the Nobel Foundation unveiled its plans for the Center&#039;s public activities, which will inspire Stockholm residents, school children and tourists to participate in solving the challenges of the future and helping create a better world.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Abdulrazak Gurnah donated his dictionary to the Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2022-04-29 &mdash; </em>On Thursday, the Nobel Prize Museum was visited by 2021 literature laureate Abdulrazak Gurnah, who is in Stockholm this week. During his visit, he donated his dictionary and took the opportunity to sign a chair in the museum&#039;s Bistro. He will be returning this evening Friday 29 April at 18.00 CET, for a conversation on the museum&#039;s stage.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Art and science meet when the Nobel Prize Museum displays Cajal’s nerve cell drawings</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2021-11-23 &mdash; </em>On 24 November, the Nobel Prize Museum will be visited by the heads of the Spanish and Swedish royal families. They have been invited for a guided tour of a special exhibition that will display the drawings of Nobel Prize laureate Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Also on display will be works by contemporary visual artists who have been inspired by the artistically gifted scientist Cajal. The exhibition will be open to the public from 25 November to 4 December.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Unique artefacts from poet Wisława Szymborska donated to the Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2021-11-11 &mdash; </em>Twenty-five years ago, Wisława Szymborska received the Nobel Prize in Literature. On Thursday, the Nobel Prize Museum will receive three artefacts that provide a picture of the poet&#039;s work process and how she dealt with the attention that the Nobel Prize brought.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Celebrating this year’s newly announced Nobel Prize laureates in Stockholm</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2021-10-04 &mdash; </em>During the period 4 – 11 October, this year’s Nobel Prize laureates will be announced. The Nobel Prize Museum is highlighting this through its Nobel Calling Stockholm programme – a week filled with activities at the museum as well as at theatres, higher education institutions and libraries. There will also be an open stage at Sergels torg featuring a broad cultural programme, and the voices of earlier laureates will be heard across the square.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Prize Museum reopening with an exhibition about the banquet</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2021-08-18 &mdash; </em>The Nobel Prize Museum on Stortorget, the main square in Stockholm&#039;s Old Town (Gamla stan), is reopening to visitors on 21 August. They can view the first major exhibition about the Nobel Prize banquet – focusing on the food, the clothing, the decorations and the laureates&#039; speeches. This new exhibition takes you behind the scenes of this most festive of festivities. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Acclaimed Nobel Week Lights festival will return in December</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2021-06-24 &mdash; </em>In December 2020 the acclaimed Nobel Week Lights Stockholm festival took place in Stockholm. Sixteen light installations – many of them directly inspired by earlier Nobel Prizes – illuminated locations and buildings around the Swedish capital. It has now been decided that the festival will return this year.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Munchmuseet and Medicine Prize committee provide new Nobel Prize Museum board members</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2021-05-06 &mdash; </em>The Board of Directors of the Nobel Prize Museum has gained two new members. Stein Olav Henrichsen is Director of Munchmuseet (MUNCH) in Oslo, Norway. Also newly elected to the board is Professor Thomas Perlmann, Secretary General of the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet and the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Alfred Nobel’s old bottles</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2021-03-19 &mdash; </em>There is a project of some cultural-historical value that has gone largely undetected until now. Together with Uppsala University and the Swedish National Heritage Board, the Nobel Prize Museum has been analysing the contents of forty-three old ceramic bottles that were used in Alfred Nobel’s laboratories.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Conversation about the climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic and scientific communication is released</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2021-02-16 &mdash; </em>What makes us listen to science? is a recorded conversation about how scientists can find new ways to convey important research findings and generate interest in their announcements. It features environmental researcher Johan Rockström, Nobel Laureate Sir Richard J. Roberts and Anna Sjöström Douagi, Vice President for Science and Programmes at Stockholm’s Nobel Prize Museum. A video of the conversation, conducted in English and with Swedish subtitles, will be available at Dramaten Play and the Nobel Prize Museum website starting on 23 February.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Stockholm launches a new celebration of lights during Nobel Week</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2020-11-18 &mdash; </em>When December comes, we all need a little light in the darkness – and this year perhaps more than ever before. To bring some more light and hope to our lives, about fifteen places around Stockholm will be lit up for Nobel Week Lights Stockholm on 5-13 December as part of the 2020 Nobel Week. This celebration of lights weaves together art and technology in a playful new way to celebrate this year’s Nobel Laureates.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">This year’s Nobel Laureates are being celebrated with an outdoor cinema on Sergels torg</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2020-10-05 &mdash; </em>In the coming days, this year’s Nobel Laureates will be announced for their achievements in science, literature, peace and economics. The Nobel Prize Museum is celebrating the announcements with the programme Nobel Calling Stockholm and an outdoor cinema that has just opened on Sergels torg in downtown Stockholm.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">The Nobel Prize Museum is soon opening its doors again</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2020-06-18 &mdash; </em>On 2 July, the Nobel Prize Museum on Stortorget, the main square in Stockholm’s Old Town, will reopen under controlled conditions. New to the museum is a mini-exhibition about viruses, pandemics and the Nobel Prize. Visitors who cannot travel to the museum during the summer can also view the exhibition digitally.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Sustainable courage: a live conversation between Greta Thunberg and Johan Rockström from the Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2020-04-21 &mdash; </em>On Earth Day, 22 April 2020, Greta Thunberg and Johan Rockström will meet for a digital conversation about courage, solidarity and opportunities in times of crisis streamed from the Nobel Prize Museum in Stockholm. The call will be broadcast live for a global audience. This year marks 50 years since Earth Day was first organised to highlight major environmental challenges in the world.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Prize Museum wants to hear your stories about how you celebrate Nobel Day</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2020-04-15 &mdash; </em>Just in time for Nobel Week in December 2020, Nobel Prize Museum is opening a new exhibition about the Nobel Banquet and the important role that shared meals play in bringing people together and fostering conversation. Nobel Day is celebrated by people everywhere these days, from preschools to elderly care facilities, and of course in countless living rooms where people tune in to watch the broadcast from their sofas at home. All of those who follow the festivities are now being invited to share their stories of what Nobel Day means for them.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Grant to Nobel Prize Museum funds further investment in young people</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2020-03-06 &mdash; </em>The Erling-Persson Family Foundation and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation have together awarded a project grant of 84 million kronor (8 million euros) to the Nobel Prize Museum. The funding is to be used over a period of five years to further develop the museum’s efforts to educate the public and initiatives aimed at children and young people.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Center to be built at Slussen</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2020-02-07 &mdash; </em>Stadsgårdskajen next to Slussen is the site where the Nobel Center will be located, the City of Stockholm and the Nobel Foundation announced at a joint press conference today. With its broad public activities, the Nobel Center will be an important piece of the puzzle in developing Slussen into a lively meeting place.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Week in Stockholm 2019</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-12-06 &mdash; </em></p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Laureates call to Space Station</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-11-27 &mdash; </em>Nobel Laureates in Physics and Chemistry will talk to ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano and NASA astronaut Jessica Meir on 6 December as the Nobel Week festivities begin in Stockholm, Sweden.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Luxurious jewellery highlights everyone’s right to life-saving medicines</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-11-05 &mdash; </em>Today Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is launching a jewellery installation at Nobel Prize Museum. The collection, which consists of jewellery pieces cast in the shape of medicines, was produced by alumni of Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm and is an effort to make the public aware that millions of people do not have access to vital medicines because these are too expensive.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Prize-awarded achievements are showcased in new exhibition</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-10-04 &mdash; </em>What would the world be like without penicillin? What are good examples of discoveries that will decrease our climate impact? How do we help people who have become refugees? These are some of the questions highlighted in the new exhibition ‘For the Greatest Benefit to Humankind’, which opens at Nobel Prize Museum on 5 October.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Philosophy professor Åsa Wikforss to give Performance Lecture on truth</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-09-12 &mdash; </em>Why is it so hard for us to accept certain truths? Can something be true to me and false to you? Why does fake news spread so easily, and why is it becoming more and more important to be critical about sources? Åsa Wikforss, professor of theoretical philosophy at Stockholm University and a member of the Swedish Academy, answers these questions in a new Swedish-language Performance Lecture presented by Dramaten –the Royal Dramatic Theatre –and Nobel Prize Museum, and directed by Carolina Frände. The premiere will be on 8 November.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">World premiere of exhibition demonstrating the contributions of Nobel Laureates</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-09-11 &mdash; </em>The new travelling exhibition ‘For the greatest benefit to humankind’ was inaugurated today, 11 September 2019 in Mohali, India. The world premiere is part of the Nobel Prize Series India 2019, a three-day programme that will also take place in Ludhiana and Delhi, highlighting issues related to education and learning. Nobel Laureates will give lectures and take part in roundtable discussions together with experts, teachers and students. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Clara Åhlvik new Head of Exhibitions at Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-09-03 &mdash; </em>Nobel Prize Museum in Stockholm’s Old Town has appointed a new Head of Exhibitions. Clara Åhlvik has long experience of working with exhibitions at a large number of museums and has organised many highly publicised exhibitions that have been displayed around Sweden.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Handwritten manuscript from Albert Einstein donated to Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-06-19 &mdash; </em>This week a handwritten manuscript by Albert Einstein is being donated to the Nobel Prize Museum. It was published in December 1922 and was thus the first Einstein work published after he received the Nobel Prize.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Teachers to discuss climate change with Nobel Laureates and top scientists</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-05-29 &mdash; </em>Between 7 and 14 October, this year&#039;s Nobel Prizes will be announced. During the same period, the annual Nobel Prize Teacher Summit will also be organised in Stockholm. The theme of the 2019 international teacher conference will be climate change. During this full-day event, teachers from all over the world will discuss how they can work with this issue in their instruction. Nobel Laureates who helped develop the LED lamp and discover how freons damage the ozone layer will be on hand to inspire the Teacher Summit participants.    </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Prize Museum and NIBE begin a multi-year partnership</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-04-25 &mdash; </em>NIBE, a leading global manufacturer of heat pumps and other solutions in sustainable energy, is becoming a new main partner of the Nobel Prize Museum. This collaboration will enable more students in Swedish schools to learn about the discoveries and achievements that have been rewarded with the Nobel Prize. One element of the partnership is that the Nobel Prize Museum will display exhibitions in Markaryd, southern Sweden, aimed at the schools. In conjunction with this, the Museum will also organise evening training courses for teachers in the surrounding region.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Artefacts from Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda presented to the Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-03-25 &mdash; </em>At a ceremony a book from Gabriela Mistral&#039;s private collection and three of her personal photographs were donated to the Nobel Prize Museum. Earlier this spring, the Museum also received a pipe that belonged to Pablo Neruda. These artefacts will enable Museum visitors to learn more about the two Chilean Nobel Laureates in Literature.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Erika Lanner appointed Director of Nobel Prize Museum</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-02-19 &mdash; </em>Erika Lanner is taking over as Museum Director at the Nobel Prize Museum. In connection with the change of Director, the Museum in Stockholm’s Old Town is taking the opportunity to change its name. The former Nobel Museum is now becoming the Nobel Prize Museum.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Economics professor Micael Dahlen to give Performance Lecture on happiness</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2019-02-15 &mdash; </em>What is happiness? What makes us happy? How happy can we be? Economics professor Micael Dahlen takes on this complex subject and shares his latest thoughts in a lecture elevated by the tools of theatre and directed by Jenny Andreasson. It will premiere on Lilla scenen (the Small Stage) of the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm on May 9.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Jesse Jackson visiting Stockholm in January</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2018-12-05 &mdash; </em>On January 15, the public is invited to a talk between the Reverend Jesse Jackson and Swedish TV journalist Jenny Strömstedt about the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King, Jr. During this event at the beautiful Södra Teatern, Eurovision Song Contest winner Loreen will perform. Jackson was invited by the Nobel Museum in connection with the exhibition about Dr King that is now on display at the Museum in Stockholm’s Old Town. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Statement of the Nobel Foundation about the Alliance-Green Party agreement on the Nobel Center</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2018-10-15 &mdash; </em>Today the Alliance parties together with the Green Party announced that they do not wish to have a Nobel Center on the Blasieholmen peninsula in central Stockholm. However, the question is what this really means. The Nobel Center project is currently being examined according to the process that the Nobel Foundation and the City of Stockholm had agreed on</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">“Nobel Prize Lessons” bring the 2018 Nobel Prize into the classroom</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2018-10-02 &mdash; </em>When the 2018 Nobel Prizes are announced, this will attract great interest all over the world. What are the discoveries and achievements that are being rewarded this year? Many teachers share this fascination and would like to present news about the new Nobel Prizes in their classroom. This is now possible, thanks to a series of lesson materials from the Nobel Center.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">The Nobel Center and Stockholm Academic Forum Unite to Challenge Academic Borders</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2018-09-27 &mdash; </em>STOCKHOLM, September 27, 2018 — Today, the Nobel Center and Stockholm Academic Forum (Staf), the peak collaborative body of the City of Stockholm and its 18 higher educations institutions, announced that they will launch a new, innovative forum to challenge scholars from different disciplines and universities to push disciplinary borders to reach new insights.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Now all third-year Swedish upper secondary students can download Factfulness free of charge</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2018-09-27 &mdash; </em>Starting today, all third-year students at upper secondary schools in Sweden can download a free copy of the acclaimed book Factfulness: Tio knep som hjälper dig att förstå världen (Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think) by Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Rönnlund. The aim is to increased young adults&#039; interest in science and facts.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Three Nobel Laureates visiting Stockholm in October</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2018-09-25 &mdash; </em>The Nobel Center will be inviting the general public to Stockholm museums, libraries and theatres in order to celebrate and understand the new Nobel Prizes that will be announced during the first eight days of October.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Museum to open new exhibition about Martin Luther King</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2018-09-06 &mdash; </em>Announcing the forthcoming opening of a new exhibition entitled A Right to Freedom – Martin Luther King, Jr., at the Nobel Museum in Stockholm on September 29, 2018.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Psychology researcher Armita Golkar to give a Performance Lecture about our fears</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2018-06-15 &mdash; </em>Fear is a prerequisite for survival. Fear can also prevent us from living. Where does fear come from? And how are we affected by it? These are some of the questions that psychology researcher Armita Golkar will examine in the third Performance Lecture in a series organised by Stockholm’s Royal Dramatic Theatre (Dramaten) and the Nobel Center. The director will be Alexander Mørk-Eidem. The premiere will take place on Dramaten’s Small Stage (Lilla scenen) on September 11.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Nobel Center comments on the decision made by the Land and Environment Court</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2018-05-22 &mdash; </em></p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Physicist Ulf Danielsson to give a Performance Lecture on the universe at the Royal Dramatic Theatre</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2018-03-02 &mdash; </em>What lies in the darkness between the stars? Why does it become dark at night? How was the universe created, and what happened before the Big Bang?</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">“Nobel Prize Lessons” bring the 2017 Laureates into the classroom</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2017-10-03 &mdash; </em>When the 2017 Nobel Laureates are announced, this will attract great interest all over the world. What are the discoveries, literary works and peace efforts that are being rewarded this year? Many teachers share this fascination and would like to present news about the new Laureates in their classroom. Now it will be easier for them to do so, thanks to a newly developed set of educational materials from the Nobel Center.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">New international conference highlights the role of teachers at a time when science and facts are being questioned</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2017-09-26 &mdash; </em>The Nobel Teacher Summit is part of the Nobel Center’s efforts to create highly topical activities and school programmes that will reach pupils and teachers around the world. </p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Literary Rebellion – what we prefer not to see</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2017-09-25 &mdash; </em>The exhibition Literary Rebellion – Images of Nobel Laureates in Literature is a clash of impressions. Beautiful black and white photographs entice visitors with a sense of serenity.</p> </a> </li> <li class="filter-results__item filter-results__item--row"> <a href=""> <h4 class="filter-results__item__title">Ylva Lageson appointed new CEO of Nobelhuset AB</h4> <p class="filter-results__item__ingress"><em>2017-04-21 &mdash; </em>Ylva Lageson has been recruited to the role as Chief Executive Officer of Nobelhuset AB, the company entrusted with planning, constructing, owning, managing and improving the Nobel Center in Stockholm.</p> </a> </li> </ul> <a id="more-press-release" class="show-more-link ">Show more</a> </div> </div> <div class="media-page block block--all-out"> <h4 class="block__title">Media</h4> <ul id="media-results" class="media-results row row--nofelx"> </ul> <a id="more-press-media" class="show-more-link hide ">Show more</a> </div> <div class="post-content"> <div class="post-split block block--small"> <h4 class="block__title">Press contact and image archive</h4> <div 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xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 448 512" height="18"><path d="M224 416c-8.188 0-16.38-3.125-22.62-9.375l-192-192c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.75 0-45.25s32.75-12.5 45.25 0L224 338.8l169.4-169.4c12.5-12.5 32.75-12.5 45.25 0s12.5 32.75 0 45.25l-192 192C240.4 412.9 232.2 416 224 416z"></path></svg> </span> </span> </summary> <div class="cmplz-description"> <span class="cmplz-description-statistics">The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes.</span> <span class="cmplz-description-statistics-anonymous">The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you.</span> </div> </details> <details class="cmplz-category cmplz-marketing"> <summary> <span class="cmplz-category-header"> <span class="cmplz-category-title">Marknadsföring</span> <span class="cmplz-banner-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" id="cmplz-marketing-optin" data-category="cmplz_marketing" class="cmplz-consent-checkbox cmplz-marketing" size="40" value="1"> <label class="cmplz-label" for="cmplz-marketing-optin" tabindex="0"><span class="screen-reader-text">Marknadsföring</span></label> </span> <span class="cmplz-icon cmplz-open"> <svg xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 448 512" height="18"><path d="M224 416c-8.188 0-16.38-3.125-22.62-9.375l-192-192c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.75 0-45.25s32.75-12.5 45.25 0L224 338.8l169.4-169.4c12.5-12.5 32.75-12.5 45.25 0s12.5 32.75 0 45.25l-192 192C240.4 412.9 232.2 416 224 416z"></path></svg> </span> </span> </summary> <div class="cmplz-description"> <span class="cmplz-description-marketing">The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes.</span> </div> </details> </div> <!-- categories end --> </div> <div class="cmplz-links cmplz-information"> <a class="cmplz-link cmplz-manage-options cookie-statement" href="#" data-relative_url="#cmplz-manage-consent-container">Manage options</a> <a class="cmplz-link cmplz-manage-third-parties cookie-statement" href="#" data-relative_url="#cmplz-cookies-overview">Manage services</a> <a class="cmplz-link cmplz-manage-vendors tcf cookie-statement" href="#" data-relative_url="#cmplz-tcf-wrapper">Manage {vendor_count} vendors</a> <a class="cmplz-link cmplz-external cmplz-read-more-purposes tcf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href="">Read more about these purposes</a> </div> <div class="cmplz-divider cmplz-footer"></div> <div class="cmplz-buttons"> <button class="cmplz-btn cmplz-accept">Acceptera</button> <button class="cmplz-btn cmplz-deny">Neka</button> <button class="cmplz-btn cmplz-view-preferences">Visa preferenser</button> <button class="cmplz-btn cmplz-save-preferences">Spara preferenser</button> <a class="cmplz-btn cmplz-manage-options tcf cookie-statement" href="#" data-relative_url="#cmplz-manage-consent-container">Visa preferenser</a> </div> <div class="cmplz-links cmplz-documents"> <a class="cmplz-link cookie-statement" href="#" data-relative_url="">{title}</a> <a class="cmplz-link privacy-statement" href="#" data-relative_url="">{title}</a> <a class="cmplz-link impressum" href="#" data-relative_url="">{title}</a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="cmplz-manage-consent" data-nosnippet="true"> <button class="cmplz-btn cmplz-hidden cmplz-manage-consent manage-consent-1">Manage consent</button> </div> <script type="text/javascript" id="sage/main.js-js-extra"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var newsletter = {"ajax_url":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php"}; 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