Spalding | Ceres: Sustainability is the bottom line

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In addition to supporting network members, she and her team lead global investor initiatives such as Climate Action 100+, Net Zero Asset Managers, and Paris Aligned Asset Owners as the North American investor network partner. Kirsten also leads Ceres’ West Coast office. </p><p>Prior to joining Ceres, Kirsten served as Chief Deputy Treasurer under California Treasurer Phil Angelides and Director of the Treasurer’s environmental financing authorities. Kirsten worked in the labor movement as Chief of Staff for the California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO. For six years, she chaired the Center for Labor Research and Education, UC Berkeley and taught at the School of Law. As a lawyer with the firm of Beeson, Tayer and Bodine she represented unions and their pension plans. In her early career<u>,</u> she worked as a community and cultural organizer in Durban, South Africa. </p><p>Kirsten holds a B.A. from Yale College in music, a J.D. from Hastings College of Law<u>,</u> and an M.Div. from Church Divinity School of the Pacific. She is an Episcopal priest, rector of the Church of the Nativity in San Rafael, CA, an avid backpacker<u>,</u> and a creative cook.</p> </div> <!-- End: /components/_text.antlers.html --> </article> <!-- End: /typography/_prose.antlers.html --> </div> </section> <!-- End: /page_builder/_wysiwyg.antlers.html --> </div> </div> </main> </section> <!-- /layout/_footer.antlers.html --> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-12 lg:gap-24 py-16 border-b border-b-black/25 lg:flex-row"> <div> <!-- /components/_logo.antlers.html --> <a aria-label="Logo Ceres" href="/" > <img src="/visuals/logo-dark.svg" class="select-none " width="108" alt="Ceres"/> </a> <!-- End: /components/_logo.antlers.html --> </div> <div class="flex-grow"> <!-- Grid component for layout of modules. 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