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min-height: 50rem;"> <article class="container" style="margin-bottom: 100px;"> <div class="trend-partner-success-story">Trend Partner Success Story</div> <div class="frame-616"> <div class="frame-617"> <div class="frame-234"> <div class="trend-partner-success-story-content"> <p style="font-size:16px;">Trend Micro is ranked #1 Channel Security Vender in the 2023 Canalys Global Cybersecurity Leadership Matrix. The highlights and key strengths mentioned by Canalys are:<br></p> <p style="line-height: 25px;margin-left:20px;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:10px;font-size:16px;"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;&nbsp;Commitment to channel partners<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;&nbsp;Quality of account management<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;&nbsp;Channel innovation and thought leadership<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;&nbsp;Support and enablement of multiple partner types </p> <p style="font-size:16px;">Trend Micro’s Vision One platform and channel-first approach continued to empower its partners to grow their businesses. It grew its AWS CCPO partners and MSPs with XDR by more than 40%. Over 800 partners used its co-branded Trend Cyber Risk Assessment, which generated more than 1,400 leads, while 77,000 partners undertook its training in the last 12 months. Its Champion status reflected its ongoing channel innovation and partners’ contribution to driving customer adoption of its platform.</p> <p style="font-size:16px;;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:10px;">Its redesigned Trend Partner Program, which focuses on enabling specific partner business models and accelerating their growth and competencies. Lead generation, a new Partner Capability Model and Partner Digital Experiences are all key elements. Competencies cover Incident Response, Managed Security Services, and Professional Services. Profitability is a major focus, which takes in partner capabilities, deal participation, influenced revenue in services, and marketplace offers.</p> <br> <p class="StoryClass2" style="margin-bottom:-15px;">See how Trend Micro has helped businesses just like yours.</p> </div> <div class="button-groups"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="state-layer5"> <div class="label-text">Learn more</div> </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <div class="state-layer6"> <div class="label-text-red">Watch video</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <img class="global-cybersecurity-leadership-matrix-2022-1" src="/prm_newloginpage_success_story_img.webp"> </div> </article> </section> </main> <footer class="partner-locator-footer flex-center bg-black text-white fs-200 ff-open-sans"> Copyright © &nbsp<span class="current-year"></span> &nbspTrend Micro Incorporated. 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label: "Ecuador", value: "218" } , { label: "Egypt", value: "818" } , { label: "El Salvador", value: "222" } , { label: "Equatorial Guinea", value: "226" } , { label: "Eritrea", value: "232" } , { label: "Estonia", value: "233" } , { label: "Eswatini", value: "748" } , { label: "Ethiopia", value: "231" } , { label: "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", value: "238" } , { label: "Faroe Islands", value: "234" } , { label: "Fiji", value: "242" } , { label: "Finland", value: "246" } , { label: "France", value: "250" } , { label: "French Guiana", value: "254" } , { label: "French Polynesia", value: "258" } , { label: "French Southern Territories", value: "260" } , { label: "Gabon", value: "266" } , { label: "Gambia", value: "270" } , { label: "Georgia", value: "268" } , { label: "Germany", value: "276" } , { label: "Ghana", value: "288" } , { label: "Gibraltar", value: "292" } , { label: "Greece", value: "300" } , { label: "Greenland", value: "304" } , { label: "Grenada", value: "308" } , { label: "Guadeloupe", value: "312" } , { label: "Guam", value: "316" } , { label: "Guatemala", value: "320" } , { label: "Guernsey", value: "831" } , { label: "Guinea", value: "324" } , { label: "Guinea-Bissau", value: "624" } , { label: "Guyana", value: "328" } , { label: "Haiti", value: "332" } , { label: "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", value: "334" } , { label: "Holy See", value: "336" } , { label: "Honduras", value: "340" } , { label: "Hong Kong", value: "344" } , { label: "Hungary", value: "348" } , { label: "Iceland", value: "352" } , { label: "India", value: "356" } , { label: "Indonesia", value: "360" } , { label: "Iran (Islamic Republic of)", value: "364" } , { label: "Iraq", value: "368" } , { label: "Ireland", value: "372" } , { label: "Isle of Man", value: "833" } , { label: "Israel", value: "376" } , { label: "Italy", value: "380" } , { label: "Jamaica", value: "388" } , { label: "Japan", value: "392" } , { label: "Jersey", value: "832" } , { label: "Jordan", value: "400" } , { label: "Kazakhstan", value: "398" } , { label: "Kenya", value: "404" } , { label: "Kiribati", value: "296" } , { label: "Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)", value: "408" } , { label: "Korea", value: "410" } , { label: "Kuwait", value: "414" } , { label: "Kyrgyzstan", value: "417" } , { label: "Lao People's Democratic Republic", value: "418" } , { label: "Latvia", value: "428" } , { label: "Lebanon", value: "422" } , { label: "Lesotho", value: "426" } , { label: "Liberia", value: "430" } , { label: "Libya", value: "434" } , { label: "Liechtenstein", value: "438" } , { label: "Lithuania", value: "440" } , { label: "Luxembourg", value: "442" } , { label: "Macao", value: "446" } , { label: "Madagascar", value: "450" } , { label: "Malawi", value: "454" } , { label: "Malaysia", value: "458" } , { label: "Maldives", value: "462" } , { label: "Mali", value: "466" } , { label: "Malta", value: "470" } , { label: "Marshall Islands", value: "584" } , { label: "Martinique", value: "474" } , { label: "Mauritania", value: "478" } , { label: "Mauritius", value: "480" } , { label: "Mayotte", value: "175" } , { label: "Mexico", value: "484" } , { label: "Micronesia", value: "583" } , { label: "Moldova", value: "498" } , { label: "Monaco", value: "492" } , { label: "Mongolia", value: "496" } , { label: "Montenegro", value: "499" } , { label: "Montserrat", value: "500" } , { label: "Morocco", value: "504" } , { label: "Mozambique", value: "508" } , { label: "Myanmar", value: "104" } , { label: "Namibia", value: "516" } , { label: "Nauru", value: "520" } , { label: "Nepal", value: "524" } , { label: "Netherlands", value: "528" } , { label: "New Caledonia", value: "540" } , { label: "New Zealand", value: "554" } , { label: "Nicaragua", value: "558" } , { label: "Niger", value: "562" } , { label: "Nigeria", value: "566" } , { label: "Niue", value: "570" } , { label: "Norfolk Island", value: "574" } , { label: "North Macedonia", value: "807" } , { label: "Northern Mariana Islands", value: "580" } , { label: "Norway", value: "578" } , { label: "Oman", value: "512" } , { label: "Pakistan", value: "586" } , { label: "Palau", value: "585" } , { label: "Palestine, State of", value: "275" } , { label: "Panama", value: "591" } , { label: "Papua New Guinea", value: "598" } , { label: "Paraguay", value: "600" } , { label: "Peru", value: "604" } , { label: "Philippines", value: "608" } , { label: "Pitcairn", value: "612" } , { label: "Poland", value: "616" } , { label: "Portugal", value: "620" } , { label: "Puerto Rico", value: "630" } , { label: "Qatar", value: "634" } , { label: "Romania", value: "642" } , { label: "Russia", value: "643" } , { label: "Rwanda", value: "646" } , { label: "Réunion", value: "638" } , { label: "Saint Barthélemy", value: "652" } , { label: "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", value: "654" } , { label: "Saint Kitts and Nevis", value: "659" } , { label: "Saint Lucia", value: "662" } , { label: "Saint Martin (French part)", value: "663" } , { label: "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", value: "666" } , { label: "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", value: "670" } , { label: "Samoa", value: "882" } , { label: "San Marino", value: "674" } , { label: "Sao Tome and Principe", value: "678" } , { label: "Saudi Arabia", value: "682" } , { label: "Senegal", value: "686" } , { label: "Serbia", value: "688" } , { label: "Seychelles", value: "690" } , { label: "Sierra Leone", value: "694" } , { label: "Singapore", value: "702" } , { label: "Sint Maarten", value: "534" } , { label: "Slovakia", value: "703" } , { label: "Slovenia", value: "705" } , { label: "Solomon Islands", value: "90" } , { label: "Somalia", value: "706" } , { label: "South Africa", value: "710" } , { label: "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", value: "239" } , { label: "South Sudan", value: "728" } , { label: "Spain", value: "724" } , { label: "Sri Lanka", value: "144" } , { label: "Sudan", value: "729" } , { label: "Suriname", value: "740" } , { label: "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", value: "744" } , { label: "Sweden", value: "752" } , { label: "Switzerland", value: "756" } , { label: "Syrian Arab Republic", value: "760" } , { label: "Taiwan", value: "158" } , { label: "Tajikistan", value: "762" } , { label: "Tanzania, the United Republic of", value: "834" } , { label: "Thailand", value: "764" } , { label: "Timor-Leste", value: "626" } , { label: "Togo", value: "768" } , { label: "Tokelau", value: "772" } , { label: "Tonga", value: "776" } , { label: "Trinidad and Tobago", value: "780" } , { label: "Tunisia", value: "788" } , { label: "Turkmenistan", value: "795" } , { label: "Turks and Caicos Islands", value: "796" } , { label: "Tuvalu", value: "798" } , { label: "Turkey", value: "792" } , { label: "Uganda", value: "800" } , { label: "Ukraine", value: "804" } , { label: "United Arab Emirates", value: "784" } , { label: "United Kingdom", value: "826" } , { label: "United States Minor Outlying Islands", value: "581" } , { label: "USA", value: "840" } , { label: "Uruguay", value: "858" } , { label: "Uzbekistan", value: "860" } , { label: "Vanuatu", value: "548" } , { label: "Venezuela", value: "862" } , { label: "Vietnam", value: "704" } , { label: "Virgin Islands (British)", value: "92" } , { label: "Virgin Islands (U.S.)", value: "850" } , { label: "Wallis and Futuna", value: "876" } , { label: "Western Sahara", value: "732" } , { label: "Yemen", value: "887" } , { label: "Zambia", value: "894" } , { label: "Zimbabwe", value: "716" } , { label: "Afghanistan", value: "4" } , { label: "Kosovo", value: "999" } ]; let partnerTypeList = [ { label: '', value: '' }, { label: "Reseller", value: "1" } , { label: "Managed Service Provider", value: "2" } , { label: "Managed Security Service Provider", value: "3" } , { label: "Cloud Service Provider", value: "4" } , { label: "System Integrator", value: "5" } , { label: "Global System Integrator", value: "6" } , { label: "Professional Service", value: "7" } ]; const partnerCompanyNameState = { partnerCompanyName: { id: 'partnerCompanyName', label: '', value: '', labelValue: '', placeholder: 'Search by partner company name', errorMessage: '', require: false, readonly: false, button: { id: 'searchInputButton', text: '', onClick: function() { document.getElementById('modal-iframe').style.display = 'block'; const searchModal = new SearchModal(); document.getElementById('modal').style.display = 'block'; } } } }; const dropDownState = { country : { id: 'country', label: 'Country', value: '', labelValue: '', placeholder: 'Please select', errorMessage: 'This field is required', require: true, dropdownList: countryList }, state : { id: 'state', label: 'State/Province', value: '', labelValue: '', placeholder: 'Please select', errorMessage: '', require: false, dropdownList: usStateProvinceList }, partnerType : { id: 'partnerType', label: 'Partner type', value: '', labelValue: '', placeholder: 'Please select', errorMessage: '', require: false, dropdownList: partnerTypeList }, partnerTier : { id: 'partnerTier', label: 'Partner tier', value: '', labelValue: '', placeholder: 'Please select', errorMessage: '', require: false, dropdownList: partnerTierList }, partnerCompetency : { id: 'partnerCompetency', label: 'Partner competency', value: '', labelValue: '', placeholder: 'Please select', errorMessage: '', require: false, dropdownList: partnerCompetencyList } }; const modalState = { country: { id: 'country', label: 'Country', value: '', labelValue: '', placeholder: 'Please select', errorMessage: 'This field is required', require: true, dropdownList: countryList } }; //画面初始化 function pageInitiation() { // 画面项目做成 const customerInfoContainerElement = getElement('.companyName-frame'); companyNameInstance = new BaseInputWithButtonPL(partnerCompanyNameState.partnerCompanyName,'en-US', customerInfoContainerElement, (data) => { partnerCompanyNameState.partnerCompanyName.value = data.value; }); const dropdownContainerElement = getElement('.dropdown-frame'); new BaseTag(`<div class="search-row column-11">`, dropdownContainerElement); const rowWrapperFragmentColumn11 = getElement('.column-11'); countryInstance = new DropdownPRM(, rowWrapperFragmentColumn11, handleClickOnDropdown, true); new BaseTag(`<div class="search-row column-12">`, dropdownContainerElement); const rowWrapperFragmentColumn12 = getElement('.column-12'); stateInstance = new DropdownPRM(dropDownState.state, rowWrapperFragmentColumn12, handleClickOnDropdown, true); stateInstance.setReadonly(true); new BaseTag(`<div class="search-row column-21">`, dropdownContainerElement); const rowWrapperFragmentColumn21 = getElement('.column-21'); partnerTypeInstance = new DropdownPRM(dropDownState.partnerType, rowWrapperFragmentColumn21, handleClickOnDropdown); new BaseTag(`<div class="search-row column-22">`, dropdownContainerElement); const rowWrapperFragmentColumn22 = getElement('.column-22'); partnerTierInstance = new DropdownPRM(dropDownState.partnerTier, rowWrapperFragmentColumn22, handleClickOnDropdown); new BaseTag(`<div class="search-row column-31">`, dropdownContainerElement); const rowWrapperFragmentColumn31 = getElement('.column-31'); partnerCompetencyInstance = new DropdownPRM(dropDownState.partnerCompetency, rowWrapperFragmentColumn31, handleClickOnDropdown); const mainButtonElement = getElement('.main-button-frame'); new BaseTag(` <div class="form-buttons flex items-center justify-end gap-6"> <button type="button" class="btn outline-white ff-inter fs-200 transition-colors" id="clearSelections">Clear all filters</button> <button type="button" class="btn primary ff-inter fs-200 transition-colors" id="searchMain">Search</button> </div> `, mainButtonElement); // footer的年份取得 renderCurrentYear(); } // footer的年份取得 const renderCurrentYear = () => { const fullYear = new Date().getFullYear(); const footerYearElement = getElement('.partner-locator-footer .current-year'); footerYearElement.textContent = fullYear; } // Dropdown按下 const handleClickOnDropdown = ({ id, value, label }) => { dropDownState[id].value = value; dropDownState[id].labelValue = label; if(id=='country'){ if (dropDownState[id].value=='840') { stateInstance.setReadonly(false); } else { stateInstance.clearValue(); dropDownState.state.value = ''; stateInstance.setReadonly (true); } } } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { // 清除主页面所有下拉框的值 document.getElementById('clearSelections').onclick = () => { countryInstance.clearValue(); = ''; stateInstance.clearValue(); dropDownState.state.value = ''; partnerTypeInstance.clearValue(); dropDownState.partnerType.value = ''; partnerTierInstance.clearValue(); dropDownState.partnerTier.value = ''; partnerCompetencyInstance.clearValue(); dropDownState.partnerCompetency.value = ''; }; // 主页面的检索按钮(获取所有下拉框选择的值并传递到下一个页面) document.getElementById('searchMain').onclick = () => { const countryValue =; if (!countryValue) { countryInstance?.setError(); return; } const urlParams = new URLSearchParams({ country:, state: dropDownState.state.value, partnerType: dropDownState.partnerType.value, partnerTier: dropDownState.partnerTier.value, partnerCompetency: dropDownState.partnerCompetency.value }); const targetPage = '/partner-locator-search-partner/'; window.location.href = `${targetPage}?${urlParams.toString()}`; }; }); // dialog类 class SearchModal { constructor() { this.initialRender(); this.attachEventListeners(); } // dialog画面初期表示 initialRender() { const containerElement = document.getElementById('modal-iframe'); containerElement.innerHTML = ` <div id="modal" class="modal"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-4"> <h3 class="fs-400 ff-inter-bold tracking">Please select a country.</h3> <div class="search-by-account__tab-content flex flex-col bg-neutral-100"> <div id="tab-content__search-by-account" class="tab-content gap-6"> <!-- Content for search by account will be dynamically inserted here --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; const tabContentContainerElement = getElement('#tab-content__search-by-account'); tabContentContainerElement.innerHTML = ''; // dialog的country countryCompanyNameInstance = new Dropdown(, tabContentContainerElement, this.handleClickOnDropdownEndCustomer, true); // dialog的按钮部分 new BaseTag(` <div class="prm-buttons flex items-center justify-start gap-4"> <button type="button" id="search-account-btn" class="btn outline-red ff-inter fs-200 transition-colors">Search</button> <button type="button" id="cancel-account-btn" class="btn outline-white ff-inter fs-200 transition-colors">Cancel</button> </div> `, tabContentContainerElement); } handleClickOnDropdownEndCustomer = ({ id, value, label }) => { modalState[id].value = value; modalState[id].labelValue = label; } // dialog画面按钮按下 attachEventListeners() { // dialog的Search按钮 document.getElementById('search-account-btn').onclick = () => { const countryValue =; if (!countryValue) { countryCompanyNameInstance?.setError(); return; } const urlParams = new URLSearchParams({ countryForPartnerCompanyName: countryValue, partnerCompanyName: partnerCompanyNameState.partnerCompanyName.value }); const targetPage = '/partner-locator-search-partner/'; window.location.href = `${targetPage}?${urlParams.toString()}`; }; // dialog的Cancel按钮 document.getElementById('cancel-account-btn').onclick = () => { countryCompanyNameInstance.clearValue(); = ''; document.getElementById('modal-iframe').style.display = 'none'; }; } } // 主页面初期表示 pageInitiation(); </script> <div id="modal-iframe" class="modal-iframe"> </div></div></div> </div> <script 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