{"title":"A Collusion-Resistant Distributed Signature Delegation Based on Anonymous Mobile Agent","authors":"Omaima Bamasak","volume":17,"journal":"International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering","pagesStart":1724,"pagesEnd":1731,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/12636","abstract":"This paper presents a novel method that allows an\r\nagent host to delegate its signing power to an anonymous mobile\r\nagent in such away that the mobile agent does not reveal any information about its host-s identity and, at the same time, can be authenticated by the service host, hence, ensuring fairness of service\r\nprovision. The solution introduces a verification server to verify the\r\nsignature generated by the mobile agent in such a way that even if colluding with the service host, both parties will not get more information than what they already have. The solution incorporates\r\nthree methods: Agent Signature Key Generation method, Agent\r\nSignature Generation method, Agent Signature Verification method.\r\nThe most notable feature of the solution is that, in addition to allowing secure and anonymous signature delegation, it enables\r\ntracking of malicious mobile agents when a service host is attacked. The security properties of the proposed solution are analyzed, and the solution is compared with the most related work.","references":"[1] N. Asokan, V. Shoup, and M. Waidner, \"Optimistic fair exchange of digital signatures\", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication., vol. 18, pp. 591-610, April 2000.\r\n[2] O. Bamasak, \" Delegating Signing Power to Mobile Agents: Algorithms\r\nand Protocol Design\", PhD Thesis, School of Computer Science, the\r\nUniversity of Manchester, January 2006.\r\n[3] F. Bao, R.H. Deng, and W. Mao, \"Efficient and practical fair exchange protocols with off-line TTP\", in Proc. 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