Privacy Policy | Red Bull Policy Center

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Privacy Policy for users from the United States:</cosmos-title> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">1. Introduction</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">This Privacy Policy ("<strong>Policy</strong>") sets out how THE FLYING BULLS GmbH whose offices are at Wilhelm-Spazier-Straße Hangar-8, 5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA (hereinafter “<strong>Red Bull</strong>”, "<strong>we</strong>", "<strong>us</strong>", "<strong>our</strong>") collects and processes Personal Information about you when you, among other things, visit our website, use our applications on mobile phones or other consumer electronic devices or access our social media experiences or other experiences where this Policy is posted (the "<strong>Properties</strong>"). This Policy does not apply to employee or applicant data that we process in accordance with our Employee and Applicant Privacy Notice at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link>. By continuing to use any of these Properties, you consent to your Personal Information being collected, processed and/or shared in accordance with this Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">2. Notice at Collection</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Below is an overview of the categories of Personal Information we have collected in the past 12 months, along with related information. For information about how to exercise the rights you may have under various state privacy laws, see Section 10 of this Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <div><style> table, tr, th, td { border: 1px solid; border-collapse: collapse; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; } td.text, th { padding:10px; } td.list { padding:10px; } </style> <div style="overflow:auto"> <table> <tr> <th><b>Personal Information We Collect</b></th> <th><b>How We Use Your Personal Information (Our Business Purpose)</b></th> <th><b>With Whom Do We Sell/Share/Disclose Your Information?</b></th> </tr> <tr> <td class="text">Personal Identifiers</td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>To administer our Properties, including troubleshooting</li> <li>To send you marketing materials and to provide you with personalized content and experiences</li> <li>To administer contests, sweepstakes and promotions</li> </ul></td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>Professional services consultants</li> <li>Social Media Networks</li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="text">Commercial Information</td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>To provide goods and services purchased</li> <li>To comply with our legal obligations</li> </ul></td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>Fulfillment vendors</li> <li>Professional services consultants</li> <li>Government agencies</li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="text">Internet Activity Information</td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>To optimize or improve our products, services, operations and Properties</li> <li>To detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity</li> <li>To improve our websites and services</li> <li>To perform research and business analytics, and identifying usage trends</li> <li>To monitor compliance with our policies, maintain network and information security</li> </ul></td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>Analytics services</li> <li>Security vendors</li> <li>Other Information Technology (“IT”) vendors</li> <li>Professional services consultants </li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="text">Contest and Promotion Information</td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>To administer payments or prizes for contests, sweepstakes and promotions </li> <li>To comply with our legal obligations</li> </ul></td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>Fulfillment vendors</li> <li>Promotional Partners</li> <li>Professional services consultants </li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="text">Profile Information</td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>To send you marketing materials and to provide you with personalized content and experiences</li> </ul></td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>Professional services consultants</li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="text">Sensitive Personal Information</td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>To comply with our legal obligations</li> <li>To verify your eligibility to participate in activations, contests and promotions and/or issue related tax statements for winners </li> <li>To prevent fraud and abuse and to secure our systems, data, resources and facilities from unauthorized access or exploitation </li> <li>To monitor compliance with our IT policies, maintain network and information security</li> <li>To provide security and comply with health and safety obligations</li> </ul></td> <td class="list"><ul> <li>Professional services consultants </li> <li>Auditing and accounting firms</li> </ul></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We retain each category of Personal Information for the duration of our relationship with you and thereafter based on the statute of limitations for possible claims and as otherwise needed for use in potential or ongoing litigation. For example, we keep the information you provide us in connection with a contest entry for the duration of that contest period, and afterward to confirm your participation, the outcome of the contest, and any awards you receive in the event of any litigation arising out of that contest.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">3. Categories and Sources of Personal Information Collected</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">3.1. <strong>Categories of Personal Information Collected</strong>. Some of the information we collect about you in connection with your use of the Properties may qualify as “<strong>Personal Information</strong>,” which is any information that itself identifies you or could reasonably be associated with you individually. We may collect and use de-identified data, which is Personal Information that has been stripped of any identifying information. We will not attempt to re-identify Personal Information once it has been de-identified. We may use de-identified data for any lawful purpose.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">3.2. <strong>Personal Information</strong>. We collect the following categories of Personal Information:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text><strong>Personal identifiers</strong>, such as your name, gender, date of birth, email address, telephone number, delivery address, and billing address<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text><strong>Commercial Information</strong>, such as records of goods or services purchased or considered, as well as purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text><strong>Internet or network activity information</strong>, such as IP address, browser type and version; browser plug-in types and versions; operating system and platform; the URL clickstream to, through and from our Properties; products and/or content you viewed or searched for within our Properties; download errors; length of visits to certain pages and page interaction and, in the case of our mobile applications, the other applications you have downloaded and how you use those applications<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text><strong>Contests or Promotions</strong>, such as information necessary for the administration of certain promotional events<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text><strong>Geolocation Information</strong>, such as GPS and WiFi<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">3.3. <strong>Sensitive Personal Information.</strong> Certain information we collect may be considered Sensitive Personal Information under the laws of your state. We only collect Sensitive Personal Information when we have explicitly informed you of such collection at the time of collection. Below are the categories of Sensitive Personal Information we collect:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Your Social Security Number, other government identification, payment information, log-in information and password when we need to validate winners of our sweepstakes and other promotions. We may also collect this information when it is needed to participate in our competitions or other events that we sponsor, and otherwise in connection with our legal obligations.<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Your demographic information, such as race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or other beliefs, medical or health information, precise geolocation information and biometric information when it is needed to participate in our competitions or other events that we sponsor. We may also use your demographic information and precise geolocation data for advertising purposes.<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Your age to comply with laws that restrict activities and information collection and disclosure of data for minors.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">3.4. Also, note that any information you post or disclose via message boards, chats, profile pages, blogs, and other services (including social media services) is publicly available. You should consider this when deciding to disclose any information.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">3.5. <strong>Sources of Personal Information</strong>.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">3.5.1. <strong>From You</strong>. We collect most Personal Information directly from you, including when you, among other things, use one of our Properties, create an account ("<strong>Account</strong>") with us, subscribe to a newsletter, purchase a game, product or service, participate in a contest or sweepstakes, respond to a customer survey, email us, post in a public forum, and/or use our chat/message functionality.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">3.5.2. <strong>From Your Device or Browser</strong>. We also collect Personal Information automatically using various technologies, including "cookies," as explained further in Section 6 below.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">3.5.3. <strong>From Other Sources</strong>. We also collect Personal Information from other sources, including:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Our affiliates<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Publicly available sources, such as public forums and chats<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Partners with whom we offer co-branded services or products, sell or distribute our products, or engage in joint marketing activities<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Social media networks with which you interact, such as when you reference Red Bull or our Services, or grant us permission to access your data on one or more of these services.<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Cookies on our Properties<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>When you contact us by telephone or through email, we may collect Personal Information in the form of audio recordings or electronic records, some of which may not be retained by us but by a third party<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>From you when participating in events, filming or winning prizes<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We acquire the information collected from other sources to update or supplement the Personal Information you provided or we collected automatically. Note that this includes Personal Information from your social media account when you grant us access to your social media account in connection with, for example, creating an Account with us. If you have created an Account with us, it is your responsibility to ensure that you submit true, accurate and complete information via your Account and keep it up to date. Where permitted by law, we may combine this Personal Information we receive from other sources with Personal Information you give to us or that we collect about you and use it to draw inferences about you as a consumer.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">4. How We Use Your Personal Information</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We collect and use your Personal Information for the purposes of enabling you to use our Properties, fulfilling orders you place (such as for products, services or newsletters), sending you marketing materials and providing personalized content and experiences. We may also use the Personal Information we collect to: (i) administer our Properties, including troubleshooting technical issues; (ii) optimize or improve our products, services, operations and Properties; (iii) maintain the safety and security of our Properties; (iv) measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you; (v) communicate with you about your Account or transactions with us and send you information about features on our Properties or changes to our policies; (vi) provide you with advertising based on your activity on our Properties and on other sites and applications; (vii) make suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of our Properties about goods or services that may interest you or them; and (viii) detect, investigate and prevent activities that may violate our policies or be illegal. Unless we obtain your explicit consent, we do not use Sensitive Personal Information for purposes other than to provide the products and services that you have requested.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">5. To Whom We Share Your Personal Information</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">5.1. <strong>Our Affiliates</strong>. We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, including our parent company Red Bull GmbH. When we do this, we and Red Bull GmbH act as one business and “joint controllers” of your Personal Information, meaning that we determine the purposes and terms of data use together. Red Bull GmbH’s use of information is governed by its privacy policy at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link>, which is substantially similar to this Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">5.2. <strong>Service Providers</strong>. To provide and support the Properties, we sometimes use external companies as service providers that work on our behalf to transmit, collect, process and/or store Personal Information for us. We require these service providers to treat the Personal Information we share with them as confidential and to use it only for the purpose of providing the services for which they have been engaged. These service providers fall into the following categories: billing and collection providers, auditing and accounting firms, analytics services, security and IT vendors, and professional services consultants.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">5.3. <strong>Third Party Ad Partners</strong>. We share your IP address, Device ID and browser activity with select third party advertising partners to allow them to provide custom advertising to you.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">5.4. <strong>Other Third Parties</strong>. We may also share your Personal Information with others: (i) when explicitly requested by you (for example, with social media networks); (ii) when required by a court order or any legal or regulatory requirement; (iii) in connection with the sale or transfer of all or a portion of our business or assets; (iv) to ensure compliance with, and enforce, our <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="terms.html">Terms of Use</cosmos-link>; (v) to ensure the safety and security of our users, consumers and others and (vi) to protect our rights and property and the rights and property of others.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">6. Online Tracking, Analytics, Advertising and User Choice</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">6.1. <strong>Tracking Technology Choices</strong><br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">6.1.1. <strong>Cookies</strong>. A “cookie” is a text file containing small amounts of information that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your computer as a tag that distinguishes your computer but does not name you. Some of our Properties use cookies to better serve you when you return to the Property. You can set your browser to notify you before you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it. You can also set your browser to turn off cookies or you may opt out of our Properties using performance and marketing cookies by toggling off such use in our privacy preference center; however, if you do this, some of the features of our Properties may not work properly. You may also be able to reject certain cookies served through our Properties by opting out on the website of the third party placing the cookie, which you can identify through your browser. Please note, the selection(s) you make in our privacy preference center will only apply to the browser or device in which you made your selection. To opt out of the targeted advertising or sale or sharing related to your email address or Account with us, please see the Opt Out of Targeted Advertising or Sale or Sharing of Personal Information instructions in Section 10.1 below.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">6.1.2. <strong>Flash cookies</strong>. We may also use local shared objects, sometimes known as “Flash cookies,” to store your preferences or display content based upon what you view on our site to personalize your visit. Our advertisers and service providers may also use Flash cookies to collect and store Personal Information. Flash cookies are different from browser cookies because of the amount of, type of and how data is stored. Cookie management tools provided by your browser will not remove Flash cookies. You can learn more about how to manage privacy and storage settings for Flash cookies by visiting the Flash Player Help website at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link>. If you disable Flash cookies, you will not have access to many features that make your guest experience more efficient and some of our services will not function properly.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">6.1.3. <strong>Web Beacons</strong>. Web beacons are small pieces of data that are embedded in images on the pages of websites. Web beacons may involve the transmission of Personal Information directly to us, to another party on our behalf or to another party in accordance with its privacy policy. We may use Web beacons to bring together Personal Information we collect about you. We may use tools provided by other companies to make the advertising we show you on our Properties and/or our partner websites more relevant and interesting to you. For this purpose, we use cookies, web beacons or similar technologies to collect information about your browsing behavior, and deliver Interest-Based Ads to you.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">6.2. <strong>Analytics and Interest-Based Advertising Choices</strong>. We use or allow trusted third parties and service providers to use tracking technologies (for example, cookies, web beacons or similar technologies) to collect information about your browsing activities, which may include Personal Information, so that online advertisers can serve you advertising that better reflects your interests (“<strong>Interest-Based Ads</strong>”) and so we can better understand how people use our Properties. You may receive advertisements based on Personal Information obtained from your activities across websites not affiliated with us. You can learn more about ad serving companies and the options available to limit their collection and use of your Personal Information by visiting the websites for the Network Advertising Initiative at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link> and you can opt out of receiving advertisements based on Personal Information obtained from your activities across websites not affiliated with us via the Digital Advertising Alliance at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=";lang=EN">;lang=EN</cosmos-link>. You can learn about your options to opt out of mobile app tracking by certain advertising networks through your device settings and by resetting the advertiser ID on your Apple or Android device. Opting-out of advertising networks services does not mean that you will not receive advertising while using our Services or on other websites, nor will it prevent the receipt of Interest-Based Ads from third parties that do not participate in these programs. It will, however, exclude you from interest-based advertising conducted through participating networks, as provided by their policies and choice mechanisms. If you opt out, you may still see ads, but they will not be personalized based on your online activity. If you delete your cookies, you may also delete your opt out preferences.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">6.3. <strong>Promotional Communications</strong>. As noted above, we and selected third parties with whom we share your Personal Information, may use your Personal Information for direct marketing purposes, including to provide updates, newsletters or other communications that we think may interest you. Where required by law, your prior consent will be obtained before we send direct marketing. In any event, we offer you the option to unsubscribe from electronic marketing materials. If you do not wish us to share your Personal Information with third parties for their marketing purposes, please contact us at our website at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link>.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">7. Data Security and Retention</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">7.1. We apply reasonable security measures to protect Personal Information that is under our control from unauthorized or illegal access, use, disclosure, modification or destruction. We offer no guarantees or warranties related to such protection and are not responsible for any such unauthorized activity. We will notify you in compliance with applicable law regarding data breach. Where you have a password that enables you to access our Properties, you are responsible for keeping this password secure and confidential.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">7.2. We retain Personal Information for as long as is reasonably necessary for the purposes described herein. The criteria used to determine the applicable retention period for your Personal Information includes the length of time we have an ongoing relationship with you and to provide services to you, and whether there is a legal obligation to which we are subject that requires us to retain your Personal Information.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">8. Links to Other Websites</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">8.1. Where we provide links to other websites or services, we do so for information purposes only. The other websites and services are outside our control and are not covered by this Policy. If you access other websites or services using the links provided, the operators of these websites and services may collect information from you and use that information in accordance with their privacy policy, which may differ from ours. By accessing an external website or link from our Properties, you hereby release us from any and all liability for your use of such website or link.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">8.2. On some pages of our Properties, third parties that provide content, services, applications or plug-ins may track your use of such content, services, applications and plug-ins, or they may customize such content, services, applications and plug-ins for you consistent with their privacy policies, which may differ from ours.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">9. Use of Properties by Minors</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">The features, programs, promotions and other aspects of our Properties requiring the submission of Personal Information are not intended for children. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 13. If you are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 13 and believe they have disclosed Personal Information to us please contact us at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link>. A parent or guardian of a child under the age of 13 may review and request the deletion of such child's Personal Information and prohibit the use of that information.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">10. Additional State Privacy Rights</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">10.1. The laws in certain states provide residents of those states with rights to receive disclosures regarding the collection, use and sharing of Personal Information, as well as rights to know, access, correct, delete and/or opt out of certain disclosures of Personal Information. To the extent that we collect Personal Information that is subject to such laws, that information, our practices and your rights are described below. Note that certain information we collect may be exempt from such state laws because it is considered public information (because it is made available by a government entity) or covered by a federal privacy rule.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Right to Know Categories of Data Collected, Sold, Disclosed or Shared, and Purposes for Collection</strong><br /> You have the right to receive information regarding the categories of Personal Information we collect, sell, disclose or otherwise share. You also have the right to receive information regarding the sources of Personal Information we collect, the purposes for which we collected it and the third parties and service providers with whom we shared it as well as the retention period or criteria for determining retention of such data. That information is provided to you in Section 2 of this Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Right to Access Personal Information</strong><br /> You have the right to request access to specific pieces of Personal Information collected about you. To protect our customers’ Personal Information, we are required to verify your identity before we can act on your request. Note that we may not be permitted to give you access to certain specific pieces of sensitive information (such as a driver license or social security number), or records that contain the personal information of a third party.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Right to Delete Personal Information</strong><br /> You have the right to request in certain circumstances that we delete any Personal Information that we or third parties on our behalf have collected directly from you. To protect our customers’ Personal Information, we are required to verify your identity before we can act on your request and maintain a record of your request, and in some cases, we are required or permitted by law to retain all or some of your Personal Information for specific purposes. If we do, we will explain that to you in our response.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Right to Correct Personal Information</strong><br /> You have the right to request in certain circumstances that we correct any inaccurate Personal Information that we have collected directly from you. To protect our customers’ Personal Information, we are required to verify your identity before we can act on your request.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Right to Information Regarding Participation in Data Sharing for Financial Incentives</strong><br /> We may run promotions from time to time whereby we incentivize a consumer to share certain pieces of information with us; for example, we may offer a one-time discount if consumers sign up for our email marketing list. The value of the data provided to us is based on the value of the discount provided to you. Participation in these incentives is voluntary and you may opt out of the data sharing at any time.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Right to Opt Out of Targeted Advertising or Sale or Sharing of Personal Information to Third Parties</strong><br /> To the extent we sell, as the term “sell” is defined under applicable law, or share your Personal Information for cross-contextual behavioral advertising, you have the right to opt out of that activity. You may exercise this right by both toggling off Do Not Sell or Share in our privacy preference center and contacting us through our website at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link>. Please note that under applicable law your right to opt out does not apply to our use of service providers, who are parties we engage to perform a function on our behalf and are contractually obligated to use any Personal Information we share only for that function. Additionally, certain browsers may allow you to opt out of the sale or sharing on all websites accessed through that browser. Where required by law, we will honor browser-based opt out settings and we treat those requests in the same manner that we treat requests submitted through our privacy preference center or website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Right to Limit Use of Sensitive Personal Information</strong><br /> As we describe in Section 3.3, we collect and use Sensitive Personal information when that information is needed to verify sweepstakes winners, evaluate participants in our competitions, and otherwise as described to you at the time of collection. We may also collect Sensitive Personal Information for advertising purposes. You may have the right to limit our use of your Sensitive Personal Information to only what is strictly necessary for us to provide our services to you and for the limited purposes otherwise allowed by applicable law. You may exercise this right by contacting us through our website at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link>.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Right to Personal Information about Certain Third-Party Disclosures</strong><br /> You have the right to request information regarding third parties to whom the company has disclosed certain categories of Personal Information during the preceding year for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">10.2. <strong>How to Exercise Your Rights</strong>. You may submit a request to exercise your rights described above as follows:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>By contacting us through our website at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link>; or<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>By calling us at +1 (855) 997-1970.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Applicable state law requires us to verify your identity before providing a substantive response to your request to exercise some of your rights described above. Generally, we will verify your identity by asking you to (a) provide us with your email to ensure your email is verified, and (b) confirm the right you wish to exercise under this Policy. In appropriate circumstances, we may ask you for additional information to verify your identity. Once your identity is verified, we will work to process your request in a timely manner in accordance with applicable law. If we cannot verify your identity, we may not be able to process your request.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">You can designate an authorized agent to submit requests on your behalf. However, we will require written proof of the agent’s permission to do so, and we will need to verify your identity directly.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">10.3. <strong>Appeals</strong>. You have the right to appeal decisions concerning your ability to exercise your consumer rights. Please contact us at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link> to request an appeal concerning decisions on your consumer request.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">11. Updates</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">A notice will be posted on our Properties for 30 days whenever there are material changes to this Policy. By continuing to use our Properties you confirm your acceptance of the updated Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">12. Contact Us</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you have a question, concern or complaint about this Policy or our handling of your Personal Information, you can contact us through this website at <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link>.<br /></cosmos-text> <h2><a name="contents"></a></h2> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h1" tag="h1" spacing="long-form">B. Privacy Policy for users from other than the United States:</cosmos-title> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">1. Scope of the Privacy Policy</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">At THE FLYING BULLS GmbH (“<strong>Company</strong>” or “<strong>we</strong>” or “<strong>our</strong>”), we place the highest priority on respecting your data privacy. This privacy policy (“<strong>Policy</strong>”) describes how we collect and process information from which you can be directly or indirectly identified (“<strong>Personal Data</strong>”) when you interact with us through our digital offerings (including our websites and mobile applications (“<strong>apps</strong>”), social media channels, stores, events, or other products and services. It also describes how your Personal Data is used, shared, and protected, the choices you have regarding your Personal Data and how you can contact us.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">For some of our products or services, the way in which we may use or collect your Personal Data may differ from what is set forth in this Policy; for such cases we will clearly link you to any dedicated policies within this Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We may change this Policy from time to time. If we make any important changes to this Policy (for example changes that affect the Personal Data we collect, or how or why we use it), then we will inform you about those changes and the date of the changes at the top of this Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">2. Who is responsible for processing your Personal Data?</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">The respective Company responsible for the processing of your Personal Data (“Data Controller”) will depend on how you interact with us, and where you are located in the world. The respective Data Controller is included within each data processing activity in this Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">For certain products or services, two Companies or one Company and another third party may jointly determine how your Personal Data is used (“Joint Controllers”) for the purposes identified in this Policy. Whenever we act as a Joint Controller, we act based on a specific arrangement that sets out the distribution of agreed roles and responsibilities of each party for compliance with their obligations. Such joint controllership arrangements govern in particular:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>How and which Joint Controller shall provide the information to data subjects on the underlying data processing;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Which Joint Controller shall be the designated point of contact for communication with data subjects and supervisory authorities; and,<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Which Joint Controller shall be responsible for the notification of a personal data breach to supervisory authorities and data subjects.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Further details regarding Joint Controllerships are provided in the specific section for the respective Personal Data processing activity.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">3. How do we collect Personal Data from you?</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">There are several ways we may collect your Personal Data depending on how you interact with us. Below are several examples. However, for more detailed information on each category of Personal Data we collect, please visit the section “How and why do we use your Personal Data?”.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text><strong>Personal Data you provide us directly</strong>: You may provide us with your Personal Data directly, for example when you use our websites or apps, participate in our events or promotions, subscribe to our newsletters, purchase our products or services, create a user account, visit one of our restaurants, or communicate with us through one of our social media platforms.<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text><strong>Personal Data we collect automatically</strong>: When you use our websites or apps, we may automatically collect certain types of information, such as information about your visit or page interactions.<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text><strong>Personal Data we receive from other sources</strong>: We may also receive your information about you from other sources if you use any of our websites or apps, or services. We are also working closely with third parties (including for example sub-contractors in technical, payment and delivery services), credit agencies (for example, if you purchase from our online shops), business and sponsorship partners and may receive information about you from them (including information that is publicly available).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">4. How and why do we use your Personal Data?</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Here you will find detailed information about the different ways in which we process Personal Data when you use our products or services, in particular which categories of Personal Data we collect and with which third parties (if any) we share the Personal Data.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h3" tag="h3" spacing="long-form">a) OUR WEBSITES</cosmos-title> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">i. Provision of the Website (Creation of Log Files)</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of Data Processing</strong><br /> You can visit or use our websites without having to create a user account and actively disclose your Personal Data. However, each time you visit one of our websites, your browser automatically transmits certain information to us. Such information is stored by us in so-called server log files (log files).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We may process your Personal Data for the following purposes, including to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide and deliver our websites and to guarantee the functionality of our websites;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Optimize our websites (e.g., to improve loading times);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Ensure the security and stability of our IT systems.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The temporary storage and processing of this Personal Data is based on our legitimate interests to ensure the stability and functionality of our websites.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data may be collected:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Browser information (e.g., IP address, browser type and version, operating system and interface used, language and version of the browser software, etc.);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Date and time of access and time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Volume of data transmitted in bytes;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Websites from which the user's system accesses our websites;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Websites accessed by the user's system via our websites;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Access status / HTTP status code.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Your Personal Data may be transferred to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IT service providers (e.g., hosting providers, cloud service providers, etc.);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Backup and disaster recovery specialists.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller of the data processing is the company named in the imprint of the respective website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> In as much as the Personal Data are stored in log files, these files will only be retained for as long as necessary for the respective data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">ii. Cookies and Similar Technologies</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">When you visit our websites, we process Personal Data using cookies and similar technologies (e.g., tags, web beacons, local/session storage, and JavaScript) (hereinafter collectively “<strong>Cookies</strong>”). Cookies are small text files that are stored on your end device (PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone). These text files are downloaded by your browser when you visit our websites for the first time. When you visit a website again with the same device or browser, the Cookie and the information stored in it are either sent back to the website that created them (first party Cookie) or sent to another website to which it belongs (third-party Cookie). As a result, the website "recognizes" that it is the same user and adjusts the display of content on the website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Our cookie settings automatically appear at the first visit of our websites. You can set your personal preferences within the cookie settings. Unless the use of a Cookie is absolutely necessary for example for technical reasons, you may accept or decline the use of such Cookies. You can change your cookie settings any time via the cookie settings in the footer of the respective website. Cookies already stored can be deleted at any time. If Cookies are deactivated for our website, it is possible that you will not be able to take full advantage of all the functions of the website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We use Cookies for the following purposes:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>To provide basic functions of the websites and provide any services requested by you, e.g., to save your cookie settings or to offer secure areas for logged-in users (more on this in detail under “Absolutely Necessary Cookies”);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>For analysis of website usage ("web statistics"), so that we can continuously improve our digital offerings and better tailor them to our users’ needs and interests (for more information see " Performance Cookies");<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>For the professional presentation of the content of our websites, e.g., by integrating map material video services (for more on this see " Third Party Service Embeds”);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>To personalize our offers, e.g., to display personalized advertising on the end device used, (for more information see “Marketing Cookies”).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h5" tag="h5" spacing="long-form">a. Absolutely Necessary Cookies</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of Data Processing</strong><br /> We use Absolutely Necessary Cookies to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Administer our websites for internal operations, including troubleshooting purposes and to understand any errors you may encounter on our websites;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide basic functions for our websites. Without these Cookies, we cannot provide core services, such as shopping carts;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Keep our websites safe and secure and to help manage and administer our IT systems; and,<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Improve use and content of our websites to ensure that the content is presented in the most effective way for you and your devices.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The temporary storage and processing of Personal Data is based on our legitimate interests to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide our products or services to you, including fully functional websites and the services you require;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Ensure that our websites and IT are secure and are being used in an appropriate manner.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data, Storage Duration and Categories of Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> You can find further information about which Absolutely Necessary Cookies we use, as well as what categories of Personal Data we process, for how long we store and to which third parties we transfer them in the cookie settings on the respective website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipients</strong><br /> Your Personal Data will be transferred to IT service providers (e.g., hosting providers, cloud service providers, consent management providers, log-in service providers).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller for the Personal Data processing is the company named in the imprint of the respective website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h5" tag="h5" spacing="long-form">b. Performance Cookies</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of Data Processing</strong><br /> Subject to your consent, we will process your information to measure and improve the performance of our websites (for example, by counting visits and traffic sources to help us understand which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the websites).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Should you not consent to such processing, this will not have a direct effect on the functioning of the websites, but without the information gained using the Performance Cookies it will be more difficult for us to further develop our websites.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">You can find further information about which Performance Cookies we use, what purpose they serve and how long they are stored for in the cookie settings on the respective website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The collection and processing of this Personal Data is based on your consent, where applicable in conjunction with the provisions of the E-Privacy Directive or its national implementation. You can withdraw your consent at any time and without giving any reasons. However, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data may be collected, for example Personal Data about:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Your visit including the URL clickstream to, through and from our websites;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>The page views and the usage of the application within a session (e.g., number of clicks, length of visit to certain pages);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>The origin of the first request;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Your device, operating system and browser;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>The device location;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Videos you have viewed, searched for or accessed;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Download or playback errors;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Video player and the playing mode;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Promotions placed on the websites.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Your Personal Data will be transferred to IT service providers (e.g., consent management providers, log-in service providers and cloud hosting providers).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller for the data processing is the company named in the imprint of the respective website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> Cookie data shall be stored for thirty (30) minutes after the last hit has been processed, but for a maximum of 3.5 hours after being set (browser session).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Your browser's "sessionStorage" and "localStorage" store data in the browser; "sessionStorage" is stored temporarily and session storage data are gone when you close the browser tab (also referred to as “browser session”). The ”localStorage“ is persistent, meaning it has no expiration date. You may erase them by deleting your browser's history or deleting the local storage (depending on the browser you used).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h5" tag="h5" spacing="long-form">c. Third Party Service Embeds</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">On our websites, we integrate content from third-party providers to provide you with an engaging user experience. The following section provides you with information concerning the data processing activities resulting from the use of such embedded third-party content. In a first step, we provide you with general information on the use of third-party embeds applicable to several third-party embed providers. This is followed by more detailed information on the processing activities regarding specific third-party content, which is of particular importance to us.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h6" tag="h6" spacing="long-form">i. General Information on Third-Party Service Embeds</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> On some of our websites, we integrate interactive third-party content, applications, or plug-ins (together “<strong>Content</strong>”) to provide an engaging user experience.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Examples of such Content include interactive maps, video players, social media plug-ins or interactive functions such as commenting or sharing. Subject to your consent, third parties who provide the Content may collect Personal Data about your use of such Content and may process information from you, which will be used by them in accordance with their own privacy policies. We therefore recommend that you also read the privacy notices and information of the respective third-party content provider as detailed below.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We process Personal Data in relation to the use of third party embeds for the following purposes, including to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Improve use and content of our websites, to ensure that the content is presented in the most effective way for you and your devices;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide a consistent experience across devices and platforms.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">The third-party providers of this Content collect the Personal Data mentioned for advertising, market research and/or needs-based design of its website. Such an evaluation is carried out (even for users who are not logged in or users without a corresponding account) to provide needs-based advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our websites. You have a right to object to the creation of these user profiles, although you must contact the respective third-party provider of the Content to exercise this right.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The processing of this Personal Data is based on your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time and without giving any reasons. However, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Third-party embeds set Cookies on your browser to store Personal Data. We therefore recommend that you read the section about Cookies in this Policy as well as the cookie policy of the respective embed provider.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong><br /> The Personal Data collected in relation to the use of third party embeds may include:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IP address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Referrer URL (the webpage that sends visitors to our websites using a link);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Information about the operating system and its interface;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Cookie-based data (for example Cookies set to ensure the workability of social plugins);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>User device information (language settings, location, browser type and version);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Date and time of the request;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Content of the request (specific page);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Access status/HTTP status code;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Location.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> If you consent to the use of our third-party embeds, your Personal Data may be shared with the third party providing the embed. For an overview of the third-party embeds in use, see cookie settings of the respective website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> Depending on the specific third-party embed, the company named in the imprint either:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>acts as a Joint Controller with the respective company providing the third-party content for the collection and disclosure by transmission to the company providing the third-party content of the Personal Data. Regarding the further processing activities both Data Controllers act as independent Data Controllers respectively. Concerning further processing activities performed by the company providing the third-party content, such as the potential processing for market research purposes, this company acts as an independent Data Controllers; for further information, please consult the privacy policy of the respective company; or,<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>acts as an independent Data Controllers for the data processing activities. The respective company providing the third-party content shall act as independent Data Controllers for the data processing activities performed by the company. For further information, please consult the privacy policy of the respective company.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> As regards storage duration of any third-party cookies that are set within the third-party embed, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective company providing the third-party content.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h6" tag="h6" spacing="long-form">ii. Specific Third-Party Service Embeds</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">This section provides you with information on third-party embeds of specific third-party providers. For further information, please consult the privacy policy of the third-party content provider as linked below.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Facebook</strong> (Privacy Policy of Facebook available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>)<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> On our websites, we integrate interactive third-party content from Facebook to provide an engaging user experience. This includes the embedding of Facebook posts, Facebook photos, Facebook videos, Facebook Plugins (e.g., the “Like” or “Share” button) and Facebook Pixel.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We will process this information to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Improve use and content of our websites to ensure that the content is presented in the most effective way for you and your devices;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide a consistent experience across devices and platforms.<br /> Subject to your consent, Facebook who is providing this content may collect data about your use of such Content and may process information from you which will be used in accordance with the Facebook Privacy Policy. We therefore recommend that you also read the privacy policy of Facebook.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The data processing is based on your consent. You can withdraw the consent at any time and without giving reasons; however, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Facebook also sets Cookies on your browser to store Personal Data, we therefore recommend you read our Policy carefully and to look at Facebook’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data may be collected depending on the specific Facebook tool and if you have a Facebook Account or are logged in:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Facebook Account data (Name, Preferences, Likes, etc);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>IP address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Information about the operating system and its interface;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Cookie-based data (for Cookies set to ensure the workability of posts, photos, videos and plugins);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Date and time of the request;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Content of the request (the specific post, video, photo);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Access status/HTTP status code.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipients</strong><br /> If you consent to the use of the respective Facebook embed, your Personal Data may be shared with Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Facebook operates data centers globally. Facebook uses Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) as adopted by the EU Commission as basis for data transfers to recipients outside the European Economic Area (EEA). These clauses oblige Facebook to comply with the EU‘s level of data protection when processing relevant data outside the EEA.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> If your Personal Data is collected and forwarded via our embedded Facebook components, the Company named in the imprint of the respective website and Facebook Ireland Ltd. are Joint Controllers with respect to the data processing. Joint commitments were also set out in a publicly available agreement <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>. Among other things, it states that we must clearly inform you about the use of Facebook tools on our website. We are also responsible for ensuring that the tools are securely integrated into our websites and are in accordance with the applicable privacy laws.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Facebook, on the other hand, is for example responsible for the data security of Facebook’s products. If you have any questions about Facebook’s data collection and processing, you can contact Facebook directly. Should you direct the question to us, we are obliged to forward it to Facebook. However, should any further processing occur, then Facebook is solely responsible for this Personal Data. Data subjects may exercise their rights with respect to their Personal Data processed by Facebook Ireland directly against Facebook Ireland. For further information regarding the data processing performed by Facebook, including the legal basis and the possibilities to enforce data subject rights, consult the privacy policy by Facebook.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> As regards storage duration of Facebook, please refer to Facebook’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Instagram</strong> (Privacy Policy of Instagram available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=";__coig_consent=1">here</cosmos-link>)<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> On our websites, we integrate interactive Instagram features such as content including photos and videos as well as plug-ins to provide an engaging user experience.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We will process this information to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Improve use and content of our websites to ensure that the content is presented in the most effective way for you and your devices;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide a consistent experience across devices and platforms.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The processing is based on your consent. You can withdraw the consent at any time and without giving reasons; however, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before its withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Instagram also sets Cookies on your browser to store Personal Data, we therefore recommend you read our Policy carefully and look at the Instagram privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data may be collected depending on if you have an Instagram account or are logged into your Instagram Account:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Instagram Account data (e.g., name, addresses, phone numbers);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>IP address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Information about the operating system and its interface;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Cookie-based data (for Cookies set to ensure the workability of posts, photos, videos and plugins);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Date and time of the request;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Content of the request (the specific post, video, photo);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Access status/HTTP status code.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipients</strong><br /> Whenever you visit our websites that have Instagram functions (i.e., Instagram photos or plugins) integrated to them, your browser automatically connects with Instagram’s servers. Thereby, if you consent to the use of the respective Instagram embed, Personal Data is sent to, as well as saved and processed by Instagram. This always happens, whether you have an Instagram account or not. Instagram shares the information obtained within the Meta businesses.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Instagram is maintained by:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Meta Platforms, Inc.</strong><br /> 1601 Willow Rd<br /> Menlo Park<br /> CA 94025<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Instagram operates data centers globally. Instagram uses standard contractual clauses adopted by the EU Commission as basis for Personal Data transfers to recipients outside the EEA. These clauses oblige Instagram to comply with the EU level of data protection when processing relevant data outside the EEA.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> If your Personal Data is collected and forwarded via our embedded Instagram components, the Company named in the imprint of the respective website and Meta Platforms, Inc. are Joint Controllers with respect to the data processing. Joint commitments were also set out in a publicly available agreement <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>. Among other things, it states that we must clearly inform you about the use of Instagram tools on our website. We are also responsible for ensuring that the tools are securely integrated into our website and are in accordance with the applicable privacy laws. Instagram, on the other hand, is for example responsible for the data security of Instagram’s products. If you have any questions about Instagram’s Personal Data collection and processing, you can contact Instagram directly. Should you direct the question to us, we are obliged to forward it to Instagram. However, should any further processing occur, then Instagram is solely responsible for this Personal Data. Data subjects may exercise their rights with respect to their Personal Data processed by Instagram directly against Instagram. For further information regarding the data processing performed by Instagram, including the legal basis and the possibilities to enforce data subject rights, consult the privacy policy by Instagram.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> Company does not store any Personal Data collected via Instagram embeds. As regards storage duration of Instagram, please refer to Instagram’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Google Maps</strong> (Privacy Policy of Google available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>)<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> On our websites, we integrate Google Maps provided by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to allow for an engaging user experience. With the use of Google Maps, we can show you locations in a better way and can therefore adjust our service to your needs.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We will process this information to:<br /> * Provide a useful and meaningful experience on our websites;<br /> * Improve the use and content of our website by offering you essential information on various locations, e.g., for route planning.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Subject to your consent, Google LLC may collect Personal Data about your use of Google Maps and may process Personal Data from you which will be used by Google in accordance with their privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The processing of the Personal Data is based on your consent. If no consent has been given, Google Maps content is not loaded and thus no Personal Data is transmitted or retained. You can withdraw the consent at any time and without giving reasons; however, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Google Maps also sets cookies on your browser to store Personal Data, we therefore recommend you read our Policy carefully and look at Google’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data may be collected depending if you are signed into your Google Account on your device:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IP address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Referrer URL;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Longitude and latitude coordinates (location data);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Entered start address when using the route planner function;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Entered search terms;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Cookie-based data;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Date and time of the request;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Google Account information.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipients</strong><br /> If you consent to the use of Google Maps, your Personal Data may be shared with:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Google LLC</strong><br /> 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View<br /> CA 94043<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Google operates data centers globally.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Google uses standard contractual clauses adopted by the EU Commission as basis for data transfers to recipients outside the EEA. These clauses oblige Google to comply with the EU level of data protection when processing relevant data outside the EEA.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller of the data processing is the company named in the imprint of the respective website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If your Personal Data is collected and forwarded via the embedded Google Maps API, Google LLC acts as independent Data Controller for the subsequent data processing performed by Google. If you have any questions about Google’s data collection and processing, you can contact Google directly or consult Google’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> As regards storage duration of the third parties, please refer to Google’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Google reCAPTCHA</strong> (Privacy Policy of Google available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>)<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> On our websites, we integrate Google reCAPTCHA of the company Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to provide an experience as secure and protected as possible, and to avoid unwanted bots or spam software. Therefore, we are doing everything we can to stay protected and to offer you the highest possible user friendliness. Using reCAPTCHA, Personal Data is transmitted to Google to determine whether you genuinely are human. reCAPTCHA thus ensures our website’s and subsequently your security. Without reCAPTCHA it could happen for example that a bot would register as many email addresses as possible when registering, to subsequently “spam” forums or blogs with unwanted advertising content. With reCAPTCHA we can avoid such bot attacks.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We will process this information to provide a secure and protected user experience.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The processing of this Personal Data is based on your consent. If no consent has been given, the Google reCAPTCHA content shall not be loaded and thus no Personal Data shall be transmitted or retained. You may withdraw the consent at any time and without giving reasons. However, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before its withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Google reCAPTCHA also sets Cookies on your browser to store Personal Data, we therefore recommend you read our Policy carefully and to look at Google’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data may be collected depending if you are signed into your Google Account on your device:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IP address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Referrer URL;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>information on the operating system;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>mouse and keyboard behavior;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Cookie-based data;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Date and language settings;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>All JavaScript objects;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Screen resolution.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipients</strong><br /> If you consent to the use of Google reCAPTCHA, your Personal Data may be shared with:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Google LLC</strong><br /> 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway<br /> Mountain View<br /> CA 94043<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Google operates data centers globally.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Google uses standard contractual clauses adopted by the EU Commission as basis for data transfers outside the EEA. These clauses oblige Google to comply with the EU level of data protection when processing relevant data outside the EEA.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller of the data processing is the company named in the imprint of the respective website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If your Personal Data is collected and forwarded via the embedded Google reCAPTCHA API, Google acts as independent controller for the data processing performed by Google. If you have any questions about Google’s data collection and processing, you can contact the company directly or consult the privacy policy by Google.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> As regards storage duration of the third parties, please refer to Google’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>YouTube</strong> (Privacy Policy of Google available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>)<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> On our websites, we integrate YouTube videos to provide an engaging user experience. With the help of our embedded videos, we can provide you helpful content in addition to our texts and images. YouTube is a video portal operated by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). When you visit a page on our website that contains an embedded YouTube video, your browser automatically connects to the servers of YouTube/Google. Thereby, certain data are transferred (depending on the settings).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We will process this information to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide a useful and meaningful experience on our websites;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Improve the use and quality on our websites.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Subject to your consent, Google LLC, which is providing this content, may collect and process personal data from you in accordance with their privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The processing of this Personal Data is based on your consent. You can withdraw the consent at any time and without giving reasons; however, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">YouTube also sets Cookies on your browser to store Personal Data, we therefore recommend you read our Policy carefully and look at Google’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data may be collected depending on if you are logged into your YouTube account:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IP address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Referrer URL;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Date, time and language of the request;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Access status/HTTP status code;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>YouTube account data (including session duration, approximate location, browser type).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipients</strong><br /> If you consent to the use of YouTube, your Personal Data may be shared with:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Google LLC</strong><br /> 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway<br /> Mountain View<br /> CA 94043<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Google operates data centers globally.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Google uses standard contractual clauses adopted by the EU Commission as basis for data transfers to recipients outside the EEA. These clauses oblige Google to comply with the EU’s level of data protection when processing relevant data outside the EEA.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller of the data processing is the company named in the imprint of the respective website.<br /> If your Personal Data is collected and forwarded via the embedded YouTube content, Google LLC acts as independent Data Controller for the data processing performed by Google. If you have any questions about Google’s data collection and processing, you can contact the company directly or consult the privacy policy by Google available.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> As regards storage duration of the third parties, please refer to Google’s YouTube’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Spotify</strong> (Privacy Policy of Spotify available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>)<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> On our websites, we integrate Spotify embeds to provide an engaging user experience. With the help of our embedded Spotify podcasts, albums, artists, tracks and playlists, we can provide you helpful content in addition to our texts, images and videos. Spotify is an audio streaming and media services provider operated by Spotify AB, Regeringsgatan 19, 111 53 Stockholm, Sweden. When you visit a page on our websites that contain embedded Spotify content, you automatically connect to the servers of Spotify. Thereby, certain data are transferred (depending on the settings).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We will process this information to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide a useful and meaningful experience on our websites;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Improve the use and quality on our websites.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Subject to your consent, Spotify AB who is providing this content may collect and process personal Data from you which will be used by Spotify in accordance with their privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The processing of this Personal Data is based on your consent. You can withdraw the consent at any time and without giving reasons. However, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Spotify also sets Cookies on your browser to store Personal Data, we therefore recommend you read our Policy carefully and look at Spotify’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data may be collected depending on if you have a Spotify Account or are logged in with your device:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Spotify Account data (e.g., name, preferences);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>IP address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Information about the operating system and its interface;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Cookie-based data (e.g., for Cookies set to ensure the workability);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Date and time of the request;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Content of the request (e.g., specific track, episode, playlist);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Access status/HTTP status code.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipients</strong><br /> If you consent the use of the Spotify embed, your data may be shared with:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Spotify AB</strong><br /> Regeringsgatan 19<br /> 111 53 Stockholm<br /> Sweden<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Spotify operates data centers globally. Spotify uses standard contractual clauses approved by the EU Commission as basis for data transfers to recipients outside the EEA. These clauses oblige Spotify to comply with the EU level of data protection when processing relevant data outside the EEA. In addition to these clauses, Spotify implements additional technical measures such as encryption or pseudonymization.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller is the company named in the imprint of the respective website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If your Personal Data is collected and forwarded via the embedded Spotify API, Spotify AB acts as independent Data Controller for the data processing performed by Spotify. If you have any questions about Spotify’s data collection and processing, you can contact the company directly or consult the privacy policy by Spotify.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> As regards storage duration of the third parties, please refer to Spotify’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Vimeo</strong> (Privacy Policy of Vimeo available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>)<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> On our websites, we integrate Vimeo videos to provide an engaging user experience. With the help of our embedded videos, we can provide you helpful content in addition to our texts and images. Vimeo is a video portal operated by Inc., 555 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 USA. When you visit a page on our website that contains an embedded Vimeo video, your browser automatically connects to the servers of Vimeo. Thereby, certain Personal Data are transferred to Vimeo.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We will process this information to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide a useful and meaningful experience on our websites,<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Improve the use and quality on our website.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Subject to your consent, Inc., who is providing this content may collect and process Personal Data from you which will be used by in accordance with their privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The processing of this Personal Data is based on your consent. You can withdraw the consent at any time and without giving reasons. However, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Vimeo also sets Cookies on your browser to store Personal Data, we therefore recommend you read our Policy and look at Vimeo’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data may be collected depending on if you are logged into your Vimeo account:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IP address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Referrer URL;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Date, time and language of the request;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Technical information about your browser type, operating system and device information;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Access status/HTTP status code;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Vimeo account data.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipients</strong><br /> If you consent to the use of Vimeo, your Personal Data may be shared with:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong> Inc.</strong><br /> 555 West 18th Street<br /> New York,<br /> NY 10011<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Vimeo operates data centers globally. Vimeo uses standard contractual clauses adopted by the EU Commission as basis for data transfers to recipients outside the EEA. These clauses oblige Vimeo to comply with the EU‘s level of data protection when processing relevant data outside the EEA.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller is the company named in the imprint of the respective website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If your Personal Data is collected and forwarded via the embedded Vimeo content, acts as an independent Data Controller for the subsequent data processing performed by Vimeo. If you have any questions about Vimeo’s data collection and processing, you can contact the company directly or consult the privacy policy by Vimeo.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> As regards storage duration of the third parties, please refer to Vimeo’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">iii. User Accounts</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> If you are a regular user of our websites, you may wish to create a user account (hereinafter “<strong>Account</strong>”) with us. An Account enables you to access certain services and may offer further functionalities (such as managing marketing communications or modifying your user setting preferences). Some accounts enable you to access other Company platforms (“<strong>Participating Platforms</strong>”) and visualize information from those Participating Platforms in your Account profile. Your Personal Data will be processed to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Create and manage your account and manage our relationship with you. Also, to communicate with you regarding your Account and our services;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Improve use and content of our websites to ensure that the content is presented in the most effective way for you and your devices;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Communicate with you and keep you up to date with our activities and events (subject to your prior consent if legally required). For example, to inform you via email or social media about products and services that may interest you;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide a consistent experience across devices and platforms.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The temporary storage and processing of this Personal Data is based on legitimate interests to provide you with an engaging and fully functioning user account service.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Personal Data</strong><br /> The Personal Data you provide when setting up an Account include:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First and last name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Email address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Social media credentials (if applicable).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Your Personal Data will be transferred to IT service providers (e.g., hosting providers, cloud service providers, customer identity and access management providers, customer relationship management providers etc.).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you are using your Facebook, Google or Apple Account to log-in on our websites or services, please look at the respective section describing Social Log-in Function.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller is the company named in the imprint of the respective website.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> We store your Account credentials until you terminate your Account or if you are inactive for three consecutive years. You can terminate your Account directly in your Account profile settings.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">iv. Social Log-In Function</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We offer you the option to use your existing social network credentials (for example Facebook, Twitter, or Google) for user authentication, to create or log into your user account or any mobile apps.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">By authenticating your user credentials via your social media account, you authorize us to collect, store and use any log-in information that you grant permission to provide us, for example to pre-populate some data fields on your account and profile pages.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">You can manage what Personal Data you would like to share with us through the privacy controls and settings on each third-party social-networking site, or via the access authorization screen of the respective social network provider. However, we have no control over how the respective social network provider processes your Personal Data in connection with the log-in. We therefore recommend that you carefully read the Privacy Policy of the respective provider.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The data processing performed by Company is based on your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time and without giving reasons; however, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Depending on the social log-in of your choice, the data processing by the social log-in provider is either based on your consent (Facebook, Apple, LinkedIn, Twitter) or the legitimate interest in offering you a quick and easy registration process (Google).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> If you use a social network profile for user authentication, subject to your access permission, we may be provided access to the following categories of Personal Data, for example:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Facebook</strong>:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First and last name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Email address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Age;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Gender;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Browser information (e.g., IP address, browser type and version, operating system, language).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Google</strong>:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First and last name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Email address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Browser information (e.g., IP address, browser type and version, operating system, language).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>LinkedIn</strong>:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First and last name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>LinkedIn identity;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Interests on LinkedIn;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Browser information (e.g., IP address, browser type and version, operating system, language).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Twitter</strong>:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Twitter name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Bio data;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Profile photo;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Preferred language;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Browser information (e.g., IP address, browser type and version, operating system, language).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Apple</strong>:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First and last name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Email;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Browser information (e.g., IP address, browser type and version, operating system, language).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Furthermore, if you decide to log-in by using your social network credentials, the respective social network provider may set various Cookies in your browser to ensure that the social plug-in works on our websites or apps, for example by identifying log-in activity and to protect users.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> In connection with a social log-in, your Personal Data may be shared with the following recipients:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Facebook</strong>: Your Personal Data will be transmitted to:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Facebook Ireland Ltd.</strong>,<br /> 4 Grand Canal Square Grand Canal Harbour,<br /> Dublin 2,<br /> Ireland<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Meta Platforms, Inc</strong>.<br /> 1 Hacker Way,<br /> Menlo Park,<br /> California,<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Facebook Ireland will process this Personal Data as a Joint Controller. Details on how Facebook processes this data can be found in Facebook’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Google</strong>: Your Personal Data will be transmitted to:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Google LLC</strong><br /> Amphitheater Parkway<br /> Mountain View<br /> CA 94043<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Google LLC will process this Personal Data as a Joint Controller. Details on how Google processes this Personal Data can be found in Google’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>LinkedIn</strong>: Your Personal Data will be transmitted to:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>LinkedIn Corporation</strong><br /> 1000 W Maude Ave<br /> Sunnyvale<br /> CA 94085<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Details on how LinkedIn processes this data can be found in LinkedIn’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Twitter</strong>: Your Personal Data will be transmitted to:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Twitter Inc.</strong><br /> 1355 Market Street<br /> Suite 900<br /> San Francisco<br /> CA 94103<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Details on how Twitter processes this data can be found in Twitter’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Apple</strong>: Your Personal Data will be transmitted to:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Apple Inc.</strong><br /> Apple Park Way<br /> Cupertino<br /> California<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Details on how Apple processes this data can be found in Apple’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">The recipients operate data centers globally. The recipients use standard contractual clauses adopted by the EU Commission as basis for data transfer to recipients outside of the EEA. These clauses oblige the respective recipient to comply with the EU‘s level of data protection when processing relevant Personal Data outside the EEA.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller of the data processing is the company named in the imprint of the respective website or app.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">This respective Company shall act as Joint Controller with Facebook for the collection and transfer of Personal Data to Facebook. Joint commitments were also set out in a publicly available agreement <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>. Among other things, it states that we must clearly inform you about the use of Facebook tools on our websites. We are also responsible for ensuring that the tools are securely integrated into our websites and are in accordance with the applicable privacy laws. Facebook, on the other hand, is for example responsible for the data security of Facebook’s products. If you have any questions about Facebook’s data collection and processing, you can contact Facebook directly. Should you direct the question to us, we are obliged to forward it to Facebook. However, should any further processing occur, then Facebook is solely responsible for this Personal Data. Data subjects may exercise their rights with respect to their data processed by Facebook Ireland directly against Facebook Ireland. For further information regarding the data processing performed by Facebook, including the legal basis and the possibilities to enforce data subject rights, consult the privacy policy by Facebook.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If your Personal Data is collected and forwarded to LinkedIn, Twitter, Google or Apple, these companies and their affiliates act as independent Data Controllers for the data processing they perform. If you have any questions regarding the data processing, please contact the companies directly or consult the respective privacy policy for further information.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> Company does not store any Personal Data collected via social log-ins. As regards storage duration of the third parties, please refer to their respective privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">v. Promotions and Sweepstakes</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We offer you the opportunity to participate in our activations and/or promotions (hereinafter “<strong>Promotion(s)</strong>”). Such Promotions are organized either by us or through a third-party cooperation partner.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We process the Personal Data you provide to us when taking part in the Promotion for the following purposes, including to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Administer and carry out the Promotion, such as the drawing of winners and the sending of a prize, or the registration and participation in a Promotion;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Communicate with you and keep you up to date about our activities and events (subject to your prior consent if legally required); for example, to inform you via email or social media about products and services that may interest you; and,<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Manage any concerns or requests on your behalf relating to the Promotion.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Participation in our Promotions is always voluntary. However, to participate in our Promotions, it is necessary that you provide us with a minimum of Personal Data and that we process this Personal Data.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">This Personal Data may also include content that you generate (User-Generated Content). Depending upon what you decide to share with us, such Personal Data may include a photo or video of you and other people (subject to their consent) being part of the published content.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If we organize a Promotion through a third-party cooperation partner, we may also share your Personal Data with the cooperation partner, who may also process your Personal Data while administering and carrying out the Promotion. We therefore recommend that you also read the Privacy Policy of the respective cooperation partner.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The data processing for the execution of the Promotion is carried out based on the necessity to perform the contract.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> The Personal Data we may process in connection with the participation in our Promotions may include:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First and last name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Email address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Postal address (to send prizes);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Phone number;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>User generated content, depending on what you decide to share with us (e.g., answer options you have chosen, uploaded photos, videos, contributions, texts, social media posts, audios, etc.);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Any communication in connection with the Promotion.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Depending on the type of Promotion, your Personal Data may be shared with the following recipients:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Cooperation partners (with whom we carry out joint Promotions or who provide us with prizes, so we recommend that you also read the privacy policies of the respective cooperation partner);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>IT service providers;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Shipping providers.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller is the company named in the Promotion terms and conditions. To the extent we act as a Joint Controller, we will inform you as part of the registration process.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> We only keep Personal Data for as long as needed to achieve the purposes of the data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">vi. Online Shops</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We run various online shops in which you can buy a variety of different items (e.g., clothing, merchandise).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We process your Personal Data to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide and improve our products or services offered in our online shops, for example, to provide you with and manage the products or services that you have requested and/or purchased;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide customer service and manage any concerns or requests, for example provide services to you after your order has been shipped (e.g., in the event of any cancellations, or refunds).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The data processing for processing your order (this includes the conclusion of the contract, pre-contractual obligations and the immediate fulfillment of the contract) is carried out based on performing the contract.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">The data processing in connection with a credit check or address verification is based on our legitimate interest. Our legitimate interest is to request information about your creditworthiness or address verification to better assess the risk associated with an advance performance on our part.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">The data processing in the context of fiduciary collection is carried out for the purpose of performing the contract.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> The Personal Data we process in connection with our online shops includes:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First name and last name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Postal address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Email address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Telephone number;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Order information, for example content of the order, clothing size, proof of delivery etc.);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Financial payment information;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Any communication in connection with your purchase.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> In connection with your order in our online shops, your Personal Data may be shared with the following recipients:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IT service providers;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Hosting service providers;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Payment service providers;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Shipping/logistics providers;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Collection service providers;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Credit agencies (e.g., for creditworthiness assessment);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Debt collection service providers (in the event of non-payment).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller is the company named in the imprint of the respective online shop in which you have made your purchase.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Please note that the respective payment service providers and logistic partners act as independent Data Controllers for any Personal Data provided and processed as part of the payment process. Therefore, please consult the privacy policies of the payment service provider and logistics partners, to find out the details of their data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> The Personal Data regarding the individual orders and transactions are stored in accordance with the applicable tax and accounting retention obligations.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">vii. Consumer Requests</cosmos-title> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h5" tag="h5" spacing="long-form">a. Chatbots</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We offer our Chatbot as a virtual assistance tool aiding consumers in submitting queries and/or feedback to us relating to our products, services and events.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We shall process your Personal Data to provide customer service and manage any concerns or requests, for example providing services to you after your order has been shipped, in the event of any cancellations, or refunds.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The data processing in connection with our Chatbot tool is based on our legitimate interest. Our legitimate interest is to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide our products or services to you, including to ensure the highest possible functionality and usability of the Chatbot and the necessary interface software;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Improve the functionality of our websites;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Better understand how you use our products, services, websites and apps and to make improvements.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> In connection with our Chatbot service, we may process the following categories of Personal Data, including:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First and last name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Email address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Postal address (depending on the nature of the request);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Phone number (if this is the preferred channel of communication);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Content of the request.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> In connection with our Chatbot tool, your Personal Data will be transferred to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IT service providers (e.g., hosting providers, cloud service providers, customer identity and access management providers, customer relationship management providers etc.).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller of the data processing is the company named in the imprint of the respective website. This company shall act as Joint Controllers with Wilhelm-Spazier-Straße Hangar-8, 5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA. The Joint Controllers have determined their respective responsibilities.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> We only keep Personal Data for as long as needed to achieve the purposes of the data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h5" tag="h5" spacing="long-form">b. Contact Us</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> Should you need to contact us, for example for information, to exercise your privacy rights or to submit a concern, we offer you various ways to get in touch such as via our website contact form, email, postal mail, or by telephone. Your request will be forwarded to the responsible department.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We shall process your Personal Data to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide an efficient customer care service and manage any concerns or requests on your behalf;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide and improve our products and services you have requested.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The data processing in connection with contacting us for information, disclosure or complaint purposes is based on our legitimate interest. Our legitimate interest is to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Process your requests in a customer-friendly and service-oriented manner;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide our products and services to you;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Better understand how you use our products, services, websites and apps and to make improvements;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>To make any necessary disclosures in response to requests which we are legally required to comply with to law enforcement or any regulatory authorities or bodies.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you are contacting us in connection with the conclusion of a contract, in a pre-contractual context, or in connection with the direct fulfillment of a contract, the Personal Data will be processed for the purpose of performing the contract.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">The data processing in connection with the exercise of your data subject rights is carried out for the compliance with a legal obligation.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> Contacting us is always voluntary. For us to properly process your request and thus be able to help you, you must provide us with a certain minimum of Personal Data, and we must process this Personal Data. Without this minimum required data processing, we are not able to process your request.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Depending on how you contact us, we process the following categories of Personal Data:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First name and last name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Email address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Content of the message or reason for contacting.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Depending on how the contact is made and on what request you have, your Personal Data may be shared with the following recipients:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IT service providers (e.g., hosting providers, cloud service providers);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Social media networks;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Shipping providers;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Cooperation partners.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller is the Company whom you contacted.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> We only keep your Personal Data for as long as needed to achieve the purposes of the data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">vii. Job Applications</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">You can find information on how we process your Personal Data within the respective recruitment policy <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link> that will be provided to you as part of the job application process.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h3" tag="h3" spacing="long-form">b) OUR APPS</cosmos-title> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">i. Provision of apps, creation of log files and hosting</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> The purpose of the processing of Personal Data in this context is to ensure trouble-free operation of the app and to improve our offer. With this Personal Data, we ensure the permanent functionality of our information technology systems and technology. In addition, this Personal Data is evaluated by Company with the aim of increasing data security and data protection. In this way, we can ensure an optimal level of protection for your Personal Data.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> We process the Personal Data including:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IP address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Date and time of access;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Device information (Device Model, Browser Version, Operating System, Advertising IDs or Device IDs)<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Traffic source - internet page from which our app is accessed (in the case of a link).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> In connection with the provision of our apps, we may share your Personal Data with the following recipients:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IT service providers (e.g., hosting providers, cloud service providers);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Backup and disaster recovery specialists.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> This data processing is carried out based on our legitimate interest to provide and optimize our online services and to improve data security.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller is the Company named in the terms and conditions of the respective app.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> We only keep Personal Data for as long as needed to achieve the purposes of the data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">ii. Third Party Software and Software Development Kits (SDKs)</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Our App make use of third-party software tools and SDKs. An SDK is a set of tools that provides a developer with the ability to integrate certain functionality to an app. Sometimes SDKs require that Personal Data is processed.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h5" tag="h5" spacing="long-form">Absolutely Necessary SDKs</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> When using absolutely necessary SDKs, we use this information to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Administer our app for internal operations, including troubleshooting purposes and optimization of video delivery as well to understand any errors you may encounter on our apps;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide basic functions of our apps. Without these SDKs, we cannot provide core services as mentioned in the terms and conditions of the apps;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Keep our apps safe and secure and to help manage and administer our IT systems.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data may be collected:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Device information (Device model, browser version, operating system, advertising IDs or device IDs);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Date and time of access;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Information about the performance of the app, it’s content (e.g., video loading times) or crashes.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Your Personal Data may be transferred to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IT service providers (e.g., hosting providers, cloud service providers, video service providers);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Backup and disaster recovery specialists.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The temporary storage and processing of this data is based on legitimate interests including to provide basic functions for our apps and to keep our apps safe and secure.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller for the data processing is the company named in the terms and conditions of the respective app.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> We only keep Personal Data for as long as needed to achieve the purposes of the data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h5" tag="h5" spacing="long-form">Performance SDKs</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> Subject to your consent, we will process your Personal Data to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Improve use and content of our apps to ensure that the content is presented in the most effective way for you and your devices;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Measure and improve the performance of our app and its content (for example to identify the most visited sections of the app or popularity of certain content).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Should you not consent to such processing, this will not have a direct effect on the functioning of the apps, but without such statistical data it will be more difficult for us to troubleshoot and further develop the app.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data may be collected, including:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Usage of the application within a session (e.g., number of clicks, length of visit to certain sections);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Device information (e.g., operating system, language settings, location);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Content you see, browse or play;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Where you navigate within the app.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Your Personal Data will be transferred to IT service providers (e.g., hosting providers, cloud service providers, consent management providers, analytics providers, log-in service providers).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The temporary storage and processing of this data is based on your consent.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller for the data processing is the company named in the terms and conditions of the respective app.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> We only keep Personal Data for as long as needed to achieve the purposes of the data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h5" tag="h5" spacing="long-form">Marketing SDKs</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> On some of our apps, we integrate interactive third-party content or third-party SDKs to provide an engaging user experience.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Examples of such Content include interactive maps, ads, social media plug-ins or interactive functions such as commenting or sharing. Subject to your consent, third parties who are providing this Content may collect Personal Data about your use of such Content and may process information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their Privacy Policy, which may differ from ours. Based on this data, content or advertising tailored to you can be offered. We therefore recommend that you also read the Privacy Policy of the respective third-party content provider.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We will process this Personal Data to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Improve use and content of our apps to ensure that the content is presented in the most effective way for you and your devices;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide a consistent experience across devices and our platforms.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> The following Personal Data which may be collected by the third party, include:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Device information (Device model, browser version, operating system, advertising IDs or device IDs);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Content of the access (specific page);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Location (if location services are activated).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">The third-party providers of this Content collect the Personal Data mentioned for advertising, market research and/or needs-based design of its tools. Such an evaluation is carried out to provide needs-based advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our app. You have a right to object to the creation of these user profiles, although you must contact the respective third-party provider of the Content to exercise this right.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Your Personal Data will be transferred to IT service providers (e.g., advertising partners and service providers, analytics providers, social media services, communication service providers).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The processing of this Personal Data is based on your consent.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller for the data processing is the company named in the terms and conditions of the respective app.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> We only keep Personal Data for as long as needed to achieve the purposes of the data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">iii. In-App Store purchases and downloads</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">(Privacy Policy of Apple available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link> and the Google Play Store and Google available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=";gl=at.">here</cosmos-link>)<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h5" tag="h5" spacing="long-form">In App Purchases</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">In-app purchases are additional services or content, such as upgrades or premium specials, that you can purchase in addition to the app's standard features. If we offer you the possibility of in-app purchases in our apps, the respective app store providers will be involved in connection with the purchase and payment processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We have no control over how your data is processed by these third parties in connection with purchase and payment processing. We therefore recommend you read the Privacy Policy of Apple, the Google Play Store and Google as linked above. The Data Controller for all processing activities in connection with the purchase and payment processing is therefore the respective app store provider.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h5" tag="h5" spacing="long-form">App downloads</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Our apps are available for download in so-called “app stores” (e.g., Apple App Store, Google Play Store, etc.). These app stores are operated by third parties. Therefore, to download our apps, you first need to register with the relevant app stores or provide your Personal Data during the download.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We have no control over how the respective app stores process your Personal Data in connection with any registration in the app store or the download of an app. We therefore recommend you read the Privacy Policy of Apple and the Google Play Store and Google.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">iv. Push Notifications</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> Push notifications are a communication channel which we use to complement our other channels (for example email, and SMS) to distribute information (subject to your consent) regarding news and similar items. Push notifications are small pop-up messages that are sent to your user device by a mobile app that appear even when the app is not open. These notifications convey specific information, such as reminders to upcoming events, updates.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Subject to your consent, we process your Personal Data to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Communicate with you and keep you up to date with our activities and events and make recommendations to you about products or services that may interest you;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Improve use and content of our apps to ensure that it is presented in the most effective manner for you;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>To manage our relationship with you and to communicate with you.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">You must actively consent to receive push notifications. If you no longer wish to receive push notifications, you can disable this feature at any time. This can be done directly on the app that is distributing the push notifications or in the settings of your user device.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The data processing is based on your consent.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> If you activate the sending of push notifications, we process the following categories of Personal Data:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Device information (Device Model, Browser Version, Operating System, Advertising IDs or Device IDs);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Preferences you may have stored, e.g., which events you want to be notified of.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Your Personal Data will be transferred to IT service providers (e.g., hosting providers, cloud service providers, customer identity and access management providers, customer relationship management providers etc.).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller is the company named in the imprint of the respective app on which you have activated the sending of push notifications.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> We only keep Personal Data for as long as needed to achieve the purposes of the data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h3" tag="h3" spacing="long-form">c) SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">*<em>General Information </em>*</cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">In addition to our websites and apps, we operate social media profiles on various social media platforms to familiarize you better with our products and services. Our social media profiles are operated on various social media platforms including, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> To the extent that we process your Personal Data via our social media profiles, we process it to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Communicate with you and keep you up-to-date and make recommendations to you about products and services that may interest you;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Improve use and content of our profiles to ensure that it is presented in the most effective manner for you;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>To manage our relationship with you and to communicate with you regarding our products and services;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>To provide a consistent experience across devices and platforms by matching information collected from you and provided by you on one device or platform with information collected from and provided by you on other devices and platforms;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>To understand the effectiveness of the advertising we serve to you and others and to deliver relevant advertising to you. Furthermore, we use your information when communicating with you through social media to build and maintain our social media profiles.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Further information regarding each respective social media platform, including any storage periods and whether Company acts a (joint) Data Controller with the third party operating the social media platform, is detailed below.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">Company’s Facebook Social Media Profile</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">(Privacy Policy of Facebook available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=";__coig_consent=1">here</cosmos-link> and Cookie Policy of Facebook available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>)<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We operate social media profiles on Facebook for the various purposes listed above, to engage with you, inform you about our events and activities and improve your experience across devices and platforms.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you want to know exactly how Facebook uses the data for its own purposes which it collects from your visit, how long Facebook stores this data and whether data from a visit to the Facebook page is passed onto third parties, please consult Facebook’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> Our data processing is based on our legitimate interest to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide optimized and customer-orientated offerings to you on our operated social media profiles;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Better understand how you use our products and services you want; and<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Effectively communicate and conduct social analytics and content performance;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Remain aware of updated market practice to ensure that we are offering a service which is competitive and meets the expectations of our consumers.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you want to learn about which legal basis Facebook uses, please consult Facebook’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> We process the following Personal Data:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Your Facebook username;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Direct messages you send us through our Facebook pages;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Your activity on our Facebook pages through Facebook Insights.<br /> Facebook processes Personal Data about your account, your IP address and the end devices you use. The Personal Data you enter on our Facebook profile page, such as comments, videos, pictures, likes, public messages, etc., are published by Facebook and are at no time used or processed by us for other purposes.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Use of Insights and Cookies on Facebook</strong><br /> In addition, we use the “Facebook Insights” function which shows statistical information (such as gender and age distribution) on the use of our Facebook profile. Facebook Insights refer to demographic data, for example, which target group interact most with our Facebook Page or which content on the Facebook Page was visited, shared or liked when and how often etc.  We have no control over the generation and presentation of Facebook Insights, but we receive the data in aggregated form and use it to improve our marketing activities and our external presence. We cannot draw any conclusions about individuals by using Facebook Insights.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Facebook uses cookies and storage technologies. If you are logged into Facebook as a user, there will be a cookie with your Facebook ID on your device. This enables Facebook to understand that you have visited this site and how you have used it. If you want to avoid this, you should log out of Facebook or deactivate the "remember me" function, delete the cookies on your device and exit and restart your browser. In this way, Facebook information that can be used to identify you directly is deleted. This allows you to use our Facebook page without revealing your Facebook ID. More information can be found in Facebook’s cookie guideline.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> If you are in the EEA, your Personal Data will be processed by:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Facebook Ireland Ltd.</strong><br /> 4 Grand Canal Square Grand Canal Harbour<br /> Dublin 2<br /> Ireland<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">However, please note that when using Facebook, Personal Data may also be processed outside the EEA and may be transferred to Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, US.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If the Personal Data is transferred to the USA, the data transfer is based on the existence of standard contractual clauses.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> When you visit our Facebook social media page, Personal Data is processed by us and by Facebook. The respective Company operating the Facebook profile is a Joint Controller with Facebook for the data processing operations. To the extent possible, we have concluded agreements on Joint Controllership with Facebook.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Facebook assumes the data protection obligations towards you as the user, such as information on data processing, and is the contact person for your rights. This follows from the fact that Facebook has direct access to the relevant information on the social media profile and the processing of your Personal Data. However, you are also welcome to contact us via the contact details described in our Policy if this should become necessary and we will then forward the request to Facebook, if necessary.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">Company’s Instagram Social Media Profile</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">(Privacy Policy of Instagram available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>)<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We operate Instagram social media profiles for the various purposes listed above, to engage with you, inform you about our events and activities and improve your experience across devices and platforms.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you want to know exactly how Instagram uses the Personal Data for its own purposes which it collects from your visit, how long Instagram stores this Personal Data and whether Personal Data from a visit to the Instagram page is passed onto third parties, please consult Instagram’s privacy policy. There you will also find information about contact options for Instagram and the setting options for advertisements.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> Our data processing is based on our legitimate interest to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide optimized and customer-orientated offerings to you on our operated social media profiles;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Better understand how you use our products and services you want; and<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Effectively communicate and conduct social analytics and content performance;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Remain aware of updated market practice to ensure that we are offering a service which is competitive and meets the expectations of our consumers.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you want to learn about which legal basis Instagram uses, please consult Instagram’s Privacy Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> We process the following Personal Data:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Your Instagram username;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Direct messages you send us through our Instagram pages;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Your activity on our Instagram pages through Instagram Insights.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Instagram processes Personal Data about your account, your IP address and the end devices you use. The Personal Data you enter on our Instagram profile page, such as comments, videos, pictures, likes, public messages, etc., are published by Instagram and are at no time used or processed by us for other purposes.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Use of Insights and Cookies on Instagram</strong><br /> In addition, we use the “Instagram Insights” function which shows statistical information (such as gender and age distribution) on the use of our Instagram profile. Instagram Insights refer to demographic data, for example, which target group interact most with our Instagram Page or which content on the Instagram Page was visited, shared or liked when and how often etc. We have no control over the generation and presentation of Instagram Insights, but we receive the data in aggregated form and use it to improve our marketing activities and our external presence. We cannot draw any conclusions about individuals by using Instagram Insights.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Instagram uses cookies and storage technologies. If you are logged into Instagram as a user, there will be a cookie with your Instagram ID on your device. This enables Instagram to understand that you have visited this site and how you have used it. If you want to avoid this, you should log out of Instagram or deactivate the "remember me" function, delete the cookies on your device and exit and restart your browser. In this way, Instagram information that can be used to identify you directly is deleted. This allows you to use our Instagram page without revealing your Instagram ID. More information can be found in Instagram’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Your Personal Data will be processed by:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Instagram Inc. 1601</strong><br /> Willow Road, Menlo Park<br /> CA, 94025<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If the Personal Data is transferred to the USA, the data transfer is based on the existence of standard contractual clauses.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> When you visit our Instagram social media page, Personal Data is processed by us and by Instagram. The respective Company operating the Instagram profile is a Joint Controller with Instagram for the data processing operations. To the extent possible, we have concluded agreements on Joint Controllership with Instagram, in particular the Page Controller Addendum of Facebook Ireland Ltd which can be found here.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Instagram assumes the data protection obligations towards you as the user, such as information on data processing, and is the contact person for your rights. This follows from the fact that Instagram has direct access to the relevant information on the social media profile and the processing of your Personal Data. However, you are also welcome to contact us via the contact details described in our Policy if this should become necessary and we will then forward the request to Instagram, if necessary.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">Company’s Twitter Social Media Profile</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Privacy Policy of Twitter available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link><br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We operate Twitter social media profiles for the various purposes listed above, to engage with you, inform you about our events and activities and improve your experience across devices and platforms.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you want to know exactly how Twitter uses the Personal Data for its own purposes which it collects from your visit, how long Twitter stores this Personal Data and whether Personal Data from a visit to the Twitter page is passed onto third parties, please consult Twitter’s privacy policy. There you will also find information about contact options for Twitter and the setting options for advertisements.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> Our data processing is based on our legitimate interest to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide optimized and customer-orientated offerings to you on our operated social media profiles;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Better understand how you use our products and services you want; and<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Effectively communicate and conduct social analytics and content performance;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Remain aware of updated market practice to ensure that we are offering a service which is competitive and meets the expectations of our consumers.<br /> If you want to learn about which legal basis Twitter uses, please consult Twitter’s Privacy Policy.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> We process the following Personal Data:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Your Twitter username;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Direct messages you send us through our Twitter pages;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Your activity on our Twitter pages through Twitter Analytics service.<br /> Twitter processes Personal Data about your account, your IP address and the end devices you use. The Personal Data you enter on our Twitter social media page, such as comments, videos, pictures, likes, public messages, etc., are published by Twitter and are at no time used or processed by us for other purposes.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Twitter Analytics and Cookies on Twitter</strong><br /> Twitter may use analysis tools such as Twitter or Google Analytics for evaluation, however we have no influence on the use of such tools by Twitter. Only certain, aggregated data about the tweet activity, such as the number of profile or link clicks through a specific tweet, can be viewed by us via our account.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">In addition, Twitter receives information when you view content, for example, even if you have not created an account. This so-called "log data" can be the IP address, the browser type, the operating system, information about the previously accessed website and the pages you accessed, your location, your mobile phone provider, the end device you are using (including device ID and application ID), the search terms you use and cookie information.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">You have options for restricting the processing of your Personal Data in the general settings of your Twitter account and under “Privacy and security”. In addition, you can restrict access from Twitter to contact and calendar data, photos, location data, etc. on mobile devices (smartphones, tablet computers) in the setting options there. However, this depends on the operating system used.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> If you are in the EEA, your Personal Data will be processed by:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Twitter International Company</strong><br /> One Cumberland Place<br /> Fenian Street<br /> Dublin 2 D02 AX07<br /> Ireland<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">However, please note that when using Twitter, Personal Data may also be processed outside the EEA and may be transferred to:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Twitter Inc.</strong><br /> 1355 Market Street<br /> Suite 900<br /> San Francisco<br /> CA 94103<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If the Personal Data is transferred to the USA, the data transfer is based on the existence of standard contractual clauses.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> When you visit our Twitter social media page, Personal Data is processed by us and by Twitter.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Twitter has released Controller-Controller Terms which are available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link> and which state that Company and Twitter are independently responsible for dealing with any user-related requests or matters involving the data protection authorities.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">Company’s LinkedIn Social Media Profile</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Privacy Policy of LinkedIn available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link><br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We operate LinkedIn social media profiles for the various purposes listed above, to engage with you, inform you about our events and activities and improve your experience across devices and platforms.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you want to know exactly how LinkedIn uses the Personal Data for its own purposes which it collects from your visit, how long LinkedIn stores this Personal Data and whether data from a visit to the LinkedIn page is passed onto third parties, please consult LinkedIn´s privacy policy. There you will also find information about contact options for LinkedIn and the setting options for advertisements.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> Our data processing is based on our legitimate interest to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide optimized and customer-orientated offerings to you on our operated social media profiles;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Better understand how you use our products and services you want; and<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Effectively communicate and conduct social analytics and content performance;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Remain aware of updated market practice to ensure that we are offering a service which is competitive and meets the expectations of our consumers.<br /> If you want to learn about which legal basis LinkedIn uses, please consult LinkedIn’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> We process the following Personal Data:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Your LinkedIn username;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Direct messages you send us through our Twitter pages.<br /> LinkedIn processes Personal Data about your account, your IP address and the end devices you use. The Personal Data you enter on our LinkedIn social media page, such as comments, public messages, etc., are published by Twitter and are at no time used or processed by us for other purposes.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Use of Insights and Cookies on LinkedIn</strong><br /> In addition, we use the “LinkedIn Insights” function which shows statistical information (such as gender and age distribution) on the use of our LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn Insights refer to demographic data, for example, which target group interact most with our LinkedIn Page or which content on the LinkedIn Page was visited, shared or liked when and how often etc. We have no control over the generation and presentation of LinkedIn Insights, but we receive the data in aggregated form and use it to improve our marketing activities and our external presence. We cannot draw any conclusions about individuals by using LinkedIn Insights. More information on LinkedIn Insights can be found in LinkedIn´s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">LinkedIn uses cookies and storage technologies. If you are logged into LinkedIn as a user, there will be a cookie with your LinkedIn ID on your device. This enables LinkedIn to understand that you have visited this site and how you have used it. If you want to avoid this, you should log out of Instagram or deactivate the "remember me" function, delete the cookies on your device and exit and restart your browser. In this way, LinkedIn information that can be used to identify you directly is deleted. This allows you to use our LinkedIn page without revealing your LinkedIn ID. More information can be found in LinkedIn’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> If you are in the EEA, your Personal Data will be processed by:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company</strong><br /> Wilton Place<br /> Dublin 2<br /> Ireland<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">However, please note that when using LinkedIn, Personal Data may also be processed outside the EEA and may be transferred to:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>LinkedIn Inc.</strong><br /> 605 W Maude Ave<br /> Sunnyvale<br /> CA 94085<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If the Personal Data is transferred to the USA, the data transfer is based on the existence of standard contractual clauses.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> When you visit our LinkedIn social media page, Personal Data is processed by us and by LinkedIn. The respective Company operating the LinkedIn profile is a Joint Controller with LinkedIn for the data processing operations. To the extent possible, we have concluded agreements on Joint Controllership with LinkedIn, in particular the LinkedIn Joint Controller Addendum of LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company which can be found <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">LinkedIn assumes the data protection obligations towards you as the user, such as information on data processing, and is the contact person for your rights. This follows from the fact that LinkedIn has direct access to the relevant information on the social media profile and the processing of your Personal Data. However, you are also welcome to contact us via the contact details described in our Policy if this should become necessary and we will then forward the request to LinkedIn, if necessary.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">Company’s YouTube Social Media Profile</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Privacy Policy of Google available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We operate YouTube social media profiles for the various purposes listed above, to engage with you, inform you about our events and activities and improve your experience across devices and platforms.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you want to know exactly how YouTube uses the Personal Data for its own purposes which it collects from your visit, how long YouTube stores this Personal Data and whether data from a visit to the YouTube page is passed onto third parties, please consult Google´s privacy policy. There you will also find information about contact options for YouTube and the setting options for advertisements.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> Our data processing is based on our legitimate interest to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Provide optimized and customer-orientated offerings to you on our operated social media profiles;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Better understand how you use our products and services you want; and<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Effectively communicate and conduct social analytics and content performance;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Remain aware of updated market practice to ensure that we are offering a service which is competitive and meets the expectations of our consumers.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you want to learn about which legal basis YouTube uses, please consult Google’s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> We process the following Personal Data:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Your YouTube username;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Direct messages you send us through our YouTube pages;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Your activity on our YouTube pages through YouTube Analytics service.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">YouTube processes Personal Data about your account, your IP address and the end devices you use. The Personal Data you enter on our YouTube social media page, such as comments, public messages, etc., are published by YouTube and are at no time used or processed by us for other purposes.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Use of Analytics and Cookies on YouTube</strong><br /> In addition, we use the “YouTube Analytics” function which shows statistical information (such as gender and age distribution) on the use of our YouTube profile. YouTube Analytics refer to demographic data, for example, the visits to our site, the reach of contributions, the average length of video views, information about the countries and cities our visitors come from and statistics about the gender ratios of our visitors etc. We have no control over the generation and presentation of YouTube Analytics, but we receive the data in aggregated form and use it to improve our marketing activities and our external presence. We cannot draw any conclusions about individuals by using YouTube Analytics. More information can be found in Google´s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">YouTube uses cookies and storage technologies. If you are logged into YouTube as a user, there will be a cookie with your YouTube ID on your device. This enables YouTube to understand that you have visited this site and how you have used it. If you want to avoid this, you should log out of YouTube or deactivate the "remember me" function, delete the cookies on your device and exit and restart your browser. In this way, YouTube information that can be used to identify you directly is deleted. This allows you to use our YouTube page without revealing your YouTube ID. More information can be found in Google´s privacy policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> If you are in the EEA, your Personal Data will be processed by:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Google Ireland Limited</strong><br /> Gordon House<br /> Barrow Street<br /> Dublin 4<br /> Ireland<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">However, please note that when using YouTube, Personal Data may also be processed outside the EEA and may be transferred to:<br /></cosmos-text> <blockquote><cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Google LLC</strong><br /> 1600 Amphitheater Parkway<br /> Mountain View<br /> CA94043<br /> USA<br /></cosmos-text> </blockquote> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If the Personal Data is transferred to the USA, the data transfer is based on the existence of standard contractual clauses.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> When you visit our YouTube social media page, Personal Data is processed by us and by YouTube<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">YouTube has released Controller-Controller Terms which are available <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link> and which state that Company and YouTube are independently responsible for dealing with any user-related requests or matters involving the data protection authorities.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h3" tag="h3" spacing="long-form">d) EVENTS</cosmos-title> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">i. Participant Registration for Events</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">You can find information on how we process your Personal Data for our participatory events in the respective privacy policy that will be provided to you as part of the registration process.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h4" tag="h4" spacing="long-form">ii. Spectator Ticketing for Events</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We organize various spectator events to provide an engaging experience and inspire our spectators. To effectively organize and provide the best possible experience, we work with selected ticketing partners.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Depending on the contractual set-up with the respective ticketing partner (e.g., whether we sell tickets directly or through a ticketing partner), we may process Personal Data for various purposes including to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Perform the sale of tickets;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Conduct event management services (on the ground event management, send out transactional communications);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide customer service and manage any concerns and requests, for example providing services to you after your ticket purchase in the event of any cancellations or refunds.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> Depending on the contractual set-up with the respective ticketing partner (e.g., whether we sell tickets directly or through a ticketing partner), we will process Personal Data including;<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Last name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Email address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Postal address;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Financial payment information;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Any communication in connection with the purchase.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Depending on the contractual set-up with the respective ticketing partner (e.g., whether we sell tickets directly or through a ticketing partner), your Personal Data may be shared with the following recipients:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Local / regional ticketing partner;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Event agency;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Local Company affiliate;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Payment service provider.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The data processing for managing your ticket order (this includes the conclusion of the contract, pre-contractual obligations and the fulfillment of the ticket contract) is carried out for the purpose of performing the contract.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">The data processing for conducting event management is based on our legitimate interests to ensure that we offer you safe on the ground events.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller is the company named in the imprint of the respective website in which you have made your ticket purchase.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We engage ticket partners to perform the ticket sale. Depending on the contractual agreement with the ticket partner, the ticket partner shall either act as an (joint) controller for any data provided and processed as part of the payment process or act as a processor, who is processing your Personal Data on behalf and on our instructions. For further information regarding the relationship, please consult the privacy policy of the ticket service provider or contact us directly. Any payment service providers that are contracted shall act as (joint)controllers for any data provided and processed as part of the payment process. If you decide to use a payment service provider, you are transferring the needed Personal Data for the purpose of the payment transaction to the provider. Please consult the privacy policy of the payment service provider, to find out the details of their data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> The Personal Data regarding the individual orders and transactions are stored in accordance with the applicable tax and accounting retention obligations.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h3" tag="h3" spacing="long-form">e) NEWSLETTERS AND OTHER PROMOTIONAL MESSAGES</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We offer various promotional messages that contain news, offers and other information about our products, services, as well as suggestions for participation in events or promotions, such as sweepstakes or online surveys. You can subscribe to our newsletters free of charge at any time.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">For the newsletter distribution, we use – where legally required – the so-called double opt-in procedure. This means that we will only send you the newsletter if you have previously given your consent to activate the sending of the newsletter. To do so, we will send you an email in which we ask you to confirm that you would like to receive our newsletter by clicking on a link. This procedure also serves to verify whether the email address submitted is yours.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We process your Personal Data to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Communicate with you and keep you up to date with our products or services and make recommendations that may interest you;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Manage our relationship with you and to communicate with you regarding your user account and services;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Perform tracking of the effectiveness of our newsletters, including the analysis of opening rates, click rates and bounce rates using aggregated and pseudonymized data.<br /> If you no longer wish to subscribe to our newsletters, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link that is included in every newsletter.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The data processing is based on your consent. A given consent may be withdrawn at any time without giving reasons. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> If you subscribe to one of our newsletters, we may process the following categories of Personal Data:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First name and last name;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Country of residence;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Email address.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> Your Personal Data may be shared with the following recipients:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>IT service providers (cloud hosting providers);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Newsletter tool service provider.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller is the company named in the imprint of the respective website or app on which you subscribe to the newsletter.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Storage Duration</strong><br /> We only keep Personal Data for as long as needed to achieve the purposes of the data processing.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h3" tag="h3" spacing="long-form">f) MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> We offer a wide range of magazines as part of our print offerings. You can purchase our magazines either individually or as a subscription basis.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We process the Personal Data to:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Fulfil and process the order (e.g., payment, electronic confirmation of subscription, shipping, etc.);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide and improve our products and services you have requested;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Provide customer service and manage any concerns or requests to provide you with a more efficient customer care service.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The data processing for managing the magazine subscription is carried out for the purpose of performing the contract.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> If you order a magazine subscription, we may process the following categories of Personal Data, including:<br /> * First and last name;<br /> * Email address;<br /> * Payment data;<br /> * Postal address.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> In connection with your magazine subscription order, your Personal Data may be shared with:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Shipping providers;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>IT service providers (e.g., hosting providers, cloud service providers, etc.);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Print service providers;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Payment service providers.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We have no control over how your Personal Data is processed by the payment service providers. We therefore recommend that you also read the Privacy Policy of the respective payment service provider.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> The Data Controller is the company named in the imprint of the respective magazine to which you have subscribed.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Storage</strong><br /> If you do not wish to receive your magazine subscription any longer, you can cancel it, considering the periods specified in the terms of use of the respective magazine. Your Personal Data will no longer be processed by us after termination of the subscription unless there are legal retention obligations.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h3" tag="h3" spacing="long-form">g) ONLINE SURVEY AND MARKET RESEARCH PROJECTS</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Purpose of the Data Processing</strong><br /> To improve our products and services, we conduct internally or contract third parties to conduct on our behalf, online surveys or market research projects (hereinafter “<strong>Project(s)</strong>”) in which you may voluntarily participate.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We carry out Projects for specific purposes (e.g., surveys on the use of our products and services, and websites and apps, etc.) and to collect statistical data using a scientific and methodical approach. If you wish to participate in a Project, you will always receive detailed information about which Personal Data we process and how we process it in advance of the respective Project.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Legal Basis for Data Processing</strong><br /> The data processing is based your consent. As far as participants receive a compensation for the participation in a Project, the data processing in this context is carried out for the purpose of performing the contract. You can withdraw the consent at any time and without giving reasons. However, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Categories of Data</strong><br /> Depending on the purpose, we may process Your Personal Data, including:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>First and last name (if internally run);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Email address (if internally run);<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Age;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Log-files;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Cookie-based data;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Gender;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Aggregated survey results (if conducted by a contracted third party).<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Recipient(s)</strong><br /> In connection with a Project, your Personal Data may be shared with the following recipients:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>Online survey service providers;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Freelancers.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>Data Controller</strong><br /> Depending on the individual case, the Data Controller is the company commissioning the online survey / market research project, or the respective market research institute.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">The respective market research institute shall either act as an independent Data Controller for any Personal Data provided and processed as part of the survey / project or act as a processor on our behalf. If the market research institutes act independently, we have no influence on how they process your Personal Data.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">For further information regarding the details of the data processing of the respective market research institute, please consult the privacy policy of the market research institute.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">5. With whom do we share your Personal Data?</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">You can find detailed information on whom we may share your Personal Data under the respective data processing activity listed under section 4. Whenever we share your Personal Data with a supplier or service provider, these will be required to meet our standards on processing information and security. The information we provide them, including your Personal Data, will only be provided in connection with the performance of their function. They will not be permitted to use your Personal Data for any purposes other than those outlined in this Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">In addition to any listed data recipients, we may need to also share your Personal Data with the categories of data recipients listed below.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>i. Within the Company Group</strong><br /> We may share and disclose your Personal Data within the (<cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="affiliates.html"><strong>Company Group</strong></cosmos-link>) for the purposes outlined under each respective data processing activity at section 4 of this Policy, or as required (e.g., to fulfil any contractual or legal obligations). If we share your Personal Data, we shall ensure compliance with any applicable data privacy legislation and, wherever necessary, conclude appropriate contracts for such intercompany data transfers within the Company Group.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>ii. Courts and Authorities</strong><br /> If we are required to do so by law or by enforceable governmental or court order, we may also disclose your information to governmental authorities (e.g., tax authorities, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, etc.) or courts to the extent necessary.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">6. How long do we keep your Personal Data?</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">We keep your Personal Data only for as long as necessary for our business purposes or for legal or regulatory requirements; but never longer than three years following a period of inactivity. How long we need your Personal Data depends on what we are using it for, as set out in this Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">For example, we will retain your information for as long as you have an Account with Company and for a period thereafter if it necessary to meet our legal obligations, such as retaining the information for tax and accounting purposes. We may also need to keep your Personal Data for a certain period for accounting purposes, for example, where you have bought a subscription.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If we no longer need your Personal Data, we will delete it or make it anonymous by removing all details that identify you. If we have asked for your permission to process your Personal Data and we have no other lawful grounds to continue with that processing, and you withdraw your permission, we will delete your Personal Data.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you object or opt-out of receiving direct marketing communications from us, we will remove your contact details and marketing permissions to ensure that you do not receive any future marketing communications from us.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">In all cases, we will continue to protect your Personal Data in accordance with this Policy and will routinely refresh our information to ensure that we keep it up to date.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">7. International Data Transfers</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">Given that the internet is a global environment, using the internet to collect and process Personal Data often involves the transmission of data on an international basis. While we generally endeavor to store the Personal Data, we collect about you through our websites or apps in your region (for example for European visitors, in the EEA), it is possible that your Personal Data may be transferred to recipients outside your region (where data protection laws may be different for example in the USA), including within the (<cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="affiliates.html"><strong>Company Group</strong></cosmos-link>).<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If such an international data transfer takes place, we have implemented safeguards and data protection solutions (for example EU standard data protection clauses, plus supplementary measures) to ensure that your information is adequately protected in any third countries that do not have an adequate level of data protection as recognized by the European Commission. You can find the EU Commission’s decision and the standard contractual clauses <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="">here</cosmos-link>. If you want more information or a copy of the standard contractual clauses used in each specific situation listed above, please contact us at any time for this purpose, by emailing us at the addresses indicated at the bottom of this Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">For those third countries that have an assured adequate level of data protection in line with that of the EU, the European Commission has issued so-called adequacy decisions. This means that you have the same or similar legal remedies as in the EU.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">8. Automated Decision-Making</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">On some of our e-commerce websites, we engage service providers who use automated decision making in order to verify your address and assess your creditworthiness. This allows us to ensure we use correct address data and to evaluate the risk of non-payment for our products and services. For more information, please consult the privacy policy of the respective service provider.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">9. Data Subject Rights</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">As a data subject, you have certain data subject rights. Please note that you are not necessarily entitled to these rights without limitation, but only in accordance with applicable legal provisions. For example, your data subject rights may be limited if the rights and freedoms of others are affected. You can assert your data subject rights against the responsible Data Controller. You can contact us at any time for this purpose, by emailing us at the addresses indicated at the bottom of this Policy.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>i. Right to Withdraw Consent</strong><br /> If we process your Personal Data based on your consent, you are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time. From receipt of your withdrawal, we will no longer process your Personal Data. However, the withdrawal of your consent does not affect the legitimacy of the processing that took place up to the time of the withdrawal.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>ii. Right to Access Information</strong><br /> You can request information about whether we process your Personal Data. If you do so, you can obtain information about this Personal Data, in particular about the purpose of the processing, the categories of Personal Data being processed about you, the recipients, storage period and origin of this Personal Data, the rights to which you are entitled in relation to this Personal Data and, in the event of transfer to a third country, the appropriate safeguards we have put in place. Upon request, we will also provide you with a copy of the Personal Data we process from you.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>iii. Right to Rectification</strong><br /> If we process Personal Data about you that is inaccurate or incomplete, you may request it to be corrected or completed.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>iv. Right to Erasure</strong><br /> You can request that we delete your Personal Data. We will delete your Personal Data if:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>It is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>The processing is based on your consent, you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for the processing;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>You object to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, or if you object to the processing for direct marketing purposes;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>Your data has been processed unlawfully;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>The erasure of your Personal Data is necessary for us to comply with a legal obligation;<br /> Your right to erasure does not exist if, for example, we need to process the Personal Data to comply with a legal obligation or to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>v. Right to Restriction of Processing</strong><br /> In certain cases, you may request that we restrict the processing of your Personal Data without deleting it. This means that we will continue to store this Personal Data, but we will only process it with your consent, for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest of the EU or of a Member State.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">You have the right to restrict processing if:<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text tag="div" spacing="long-form"> <ul> <li><cosmos-text>You contest the accuracy of your Personal Data until we have been able to verify this;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>You have objected to the processing of your Personal Data until it is determined whether legitimate grounds for the processing prevail;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>The processing is unlawful, but you refuse to have your Personal Data deleted;<br /></cosmos-text></li> <li><cosmos-text>We no longer need the Personal Data for the purpose of processing, but you need it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.<br /></cosmos-text></li> </ul> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>vi. Right to Object</strong><br /> Even if your Personal Data is accurate and complete and is processed by us lawfully, you may object to the processing of your Personal Data at any time for reasons relating to your situation. You only have this right if we process this Personal Data based on our legitimate interests. In this case, we will no longer process your Personal Data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves the purpose of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">In addition, you can object if you receive direct marketing from us and no longer wish to receive it in the future. In such case, we will no longer process your Personal Data for these purposes.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>vii. Right to Data Portability</strong><br /> If we process your Personal Data based on your consent or a contract concluded with you and the processing is carried out by automated means, you can request that we send you the Personal Data you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. Likewise, you may request that we transfer this Personal Data directly to another Data Controller, if this is technically feasible.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form"><strong>viii. Right to Lodge a Complaint</strong><br /> Although we make every effort to protect the privacy and integrity of your Personal Data, disagreements about how we process your Personal Data cannot be completely excluded. If you believe that the processing of your Personal Data violates applicable data protection law, in addition to contacting us, you are free to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority. The competence of the data protection authority is generally based on the registered office of the Data Controller. Within the EU, however, you can turn to any data protection authority of an EU member state, which will then forward your complaint to the competent authority.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">10. Use of this website or of our apps by minors</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">You should not use our website or app if you are younger than (16). If you are aged (16) or under, you must ask for your parent's or your guardian's permission before you use our website or app. If we find out that you are younger than (16) and have not got permission from your parent or guardian, we will stop using your Personal Data.<br /></cosmos-text> <cosmos-title class="policy-content__h2" tag="h2" spacing="long-form">11. Questions, concerns and support – With whom and how can you get in touch?</cosmos-title> <cosmos-text class="policy-content__p" spacing="long-form">If you have general questions relating to this Policy or about how we process your Personal Data, or if you would like to exercise any of your rights described in this Policy, you can contact us directly by emailing <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link>, or by writing to the postal address of the respective Data Controller. You can find the postal addresses of the Companies in the <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href="affiliates.html">Affiliates List</cosmos-link>. If you would like to contact our appointed Data Protection Officer, please contact <cosmos-link class="policy-content__link" kind="underlined" href=""></cosmos-link>.</cosmos-text> </div> </div> <div class="policy-footer"> <div class="policy-footer__left"> <img src="/cosmos-templates/images/sidebyside.svg" alt="Red Bull Logo" fetchpriority="high" class="footer__logo"> </div> <div class="policy-footer__right"> <div class="policy-footer__nav"> <cosmos-text appearance="light" size="small"> <cosmos-link href="" class="policy-footer__nav-link" kind="bare">Visit</cosmos-link> </cosmos-text> <cosmos-text appearance="light" size="small"> <cosmos-link href="" class="policy-footer__nav-link" kind="bare">Contact</cosmos-link> </cosmos-text> </div> <cosmos-text appearance="light" size="small" kind="subtle" class="policy-footer__subtle"> &copy; <span x-text="new Date().getFullYear()">2023</span> Red Bull </cosmos-text> </div> </div> <cosmos-button kind="tertiary" shape="circle" size="medium" enable-new-styles id="go-to-top" href="#policy-page" @click="gotoTopVisible = false" x-show="gotoTopVisible" x-transition.duration.500ms.opacity x-cloak> <cosmos-icon-arrow-up slot="icon"></cosmos-icon-arrow-up> </cosmos-button> </body></html>

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