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.gs_fma_smlar{transform:rotate(45deg);top:0;}.gs_fma_fons{margin-top:16px;}.gs_fma_fon{padding-left:12px;display:flex;align-items:center;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;background:#f5f5f5;border-radius:4px;height:29px;}.gs_fma_cl .gs_fma_fon{position:relative;z-index:-2;}.gs_fma_fi{height:16px;width:16px;padding-right:8px;}.gs_pdot{color:#d9d9d9;padding:0 6px;}.gs_fmaa{line-height:19px;margin-bottom:2px;}.gs_fma_s,.gs_el_ph .gs_fma_p,.gs_el_ta .gs_fma_p{display:none;}.gs_el_ph .gs_fma_s,.gs_el_ta .gs_fma_s{display:block;}</style></div><div id="gs_res_ccl_mid"> <div class="gs_r gs_or gs_scl gs_fmar" data-cid="vMQPTJKdOw8J" data-did="vMQPTJKdOw8J" data-lid="" data-aid="vMQPTJKdOw8J" data-rp="0"><div class="gs_ggs gs_fl"><div class="gs_ggsd"><div class="gs_or_ggsm" ontouchstart="gs_evt_dsp(event)" tabindex="-1"><a href="" data-clk="hl=en&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=0&d=1097644185861735612&ei=OcXRZ_XsFKOD6rQPt-Ce6A4" data-clk-atid="vMQPTJKdOw8J"><span class=gs_ctg2>[PDF]</span></a></div></div></div><div class="gs_ri"><h3 class="gs_rt" ontouchstart="gs_evt_dsp(event)"><a id="vMQPTJKdOw8J" href="" data-clk="hl=en&sa=T&ct=res&cd=0&d=1097644185861735612&ei=OcXRZ_XsFKOD6rQPt-Ce6A4" data-clk-atid="vMQPTJKdOw8J">Revealing the competition between charge density wave and superconductivity in <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="CsV3Sb5" width="70px" height="17px" style="vertical-align:-5px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01800, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01800, 0.00000, 12.69000)"><g><g><g><g><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 467 219 Q 537 130 642 78 T 860 27 Q 955 27 1036 64 T 1177 169 T 1270 321 T 1303 500 Q 1303 516 1321 516 H 1346 Q 1362 516 1362 496 Q 1362 389 1321 289 T 1205 114 T 1032 -3 T 829 -45 Q 682 -45 550 14 T 321 177 T 169 417 T 115 700 Q 115 847 169 983 T 321 1223 T 550 1385 T 829 1444 Q 934 1444 1030 1398 T 1198 1270 L 1317 1438 Q 1329 1444 1331 1444 H 1346 Q 1352 1444 1357 1439 T 1362 1427 V 874 Q 1362 856 1346 856 H 1309 Q 1290 856 1290 874 Q 1290 933 1266 1006 T 1206 1144 T 1122 1260 Q 1007 1372 858 1372 Q 745 1372 641 1321 T 467 1180 Q 392 1084 363 961 T 334 700 Q 334 561 363 438 T 467 219 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 722.21997, 0.00000)" d="M 68 -6 V 328 Q 68 344 86 344 H 111 Q 123 344 127 328 Q 184 31 403 31 Q 500 31 565 75 T 631 211 Q 631 277 580 323 T 459 387 L 322 414 Q 253 429 196 460 T 104 542 T 68 662 Q 68 752 115 809 T 239 892 T 403 918 Q 508 918 586 862 L 645 913 Q 645 918 655 918 H 670 Q 676 918 681 912 T 686 901 V 633 Q 686 614 670 614 H 645 Q 627 614 627 633 Q 627 740 567 805 T 401 870 Q 309 870 241 836 T 174 719 Q 174 662 222 625 T 336 573 L 475 547 Q 545 531 605 493 T 701 397 T 737 266 Q 737 192 711 137 T 640 47 T 533 -6 T 403 -23 Q 275 -23 184 63 L 109 -18 Q 109 -23 98 -23 H 86 Q 68 -23 68 -6 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 1116.65991, 0.00000)" d="M 721 -23 L 238 1262 Q 220 1305 169 1316 T 39 1327 V 1399 H 602 V 1327 Q 432 1327 432 1274 Q 433 1271 433 1268 T 434 1262 L 827 217 L 1198 1206 Q 1202 1214 1202 1231 Q 1202 1281 1156 1304 T 1053 1327 V 1399 H 1495 V 1327 Q 1418 1327 1359 1298 T 1276 1206 L 813 -23 Q 807 -45 780 -45 H 754 Q 727 -45 721 -23 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(1880.54785, 150.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 233 160 Q 268 114 324 85 T 443 44 T 571 33 Q 658 33 715 78 T 798 198 T 825 356 Q 825 442 798 515 T 713 634 T 569 680 H 418 Q 410 680 402 687 T 395 702 V 723 Q 395 732 402 738 T 418 745 L 547 754 Q 653 754 717 858 T 782 1077 Q 782 1173 725 1232 T 571 1292 Q 487 1292 413 1267 T 291 1188 Q 334 1188 363 1154 T 393 1077 Q 393 1033 362 1001 T 285 969 Q 238 969 206 1001 T 174 1077 Q 174 1172 235 1236 T 388 1330 T 571 1360 Q 664 1360 760 1329 T 922 1234 T 989 1077 Q 989 950 905 855 T 694 717 Q 785 698 867 649 T 1001 525 T 1053 356 Q 1053 236 981 145 T 798 7 T 571 -41 Q 463 -41 358 -8 T 182 98 T 111 279 Q 111 329 145 362 T 229 395 Q 261 395 287 380 T 330 338 T 346 279 Q 346 230 313 195 T 233 160 Z "/></g></g></g><g transform="translate(2329.15576, 0.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 115 -29 V 449 Q 115 465 133 465 H 158 Q 164 465 169 460 T 174 449 Q 174 248 298 137 T 625 27 Q 696 27 756 68 T 849 175 T 883 313 Q 883 375 858 433 T 786 535 T 680 592 L 414 657 Q 282 692 198 800 T 115 1044 Q 115 1150 169 1243 T 314 1390 T 512 1444 Q 717 1444 838 1305 L 922 1438 Q 928 1444 936 1444 H 950 Q 956 1444 961 1439 T 967 1427 V 952 Q 967 934 950 934 H 926 Q 907 934 907 952 Q 907 1004 889 1066 T 841 1185 T 774 1278 Q 675 1378 512 1378 Q 442 1378 383 1342 T 289 1246 T 254 1118 Q 254 1030 308 958 T 451 864 L 717 799 Q 783 783 841 741 T 939 645 T 1000 522 T 1022 383 Q 1022 272 971 173 T 827 15 T 625 -45 Q 557 -45 486 -30 T 355 16 T 246 96 L 160 -39 Q 154 -45 145 -45 H 133 Q 115 -45 115 -29 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 555.56000, 0.00000)" d="M 213 0 V 1212 Q 213 1267 196 1291 T 149 1321 T 53 1327 V 1399 L 356 1421 V 780 Q 390 818 435 846 T 533 890 T 639 905 Q 731 905 809 868 T 946 766 T 1036 616 T 1069 442 Q 1069 318 1008 211 T 843 40 T 614 -23 Q 536 -23 463 17 T 342 123 L 272 0 H 213 Z M 362 201 Q 396 126 460 78 T 602 31 Q 708 31 773 92 T 865 246 T 891 442 Q 891 615 846 705 Q 826 745 791 779 T 714 832 T 625 852 Q 543 852 473 808 T 362 692 V 201 Z "/></g></g><g transform="translate(3440.27588, 213.99960)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 227 223 Q 267 136 354 84 T 537 33 Q 643 33 709 85 T 803 221 T 831 412 Q 831 504 815 587 T 748 731 T 606 791 Q 526 791 472 771 T 388 726 T 330 668 T 289 633 H 266 Q 245 638 240 659 V 1337 Q 240 1347 247 1353 T 264 1360 H 272 Q 356 1326 434 1310 T 594 1294 Q 675 1294 754 1310 T 915 1360 H 922 Q 932 1360 939 1353 T 946 1337 V 1317 Q 946 1309 940 1303 Q 860 1211 747 1159 T 514 1108 Q 415 1108 322 1133 V 758 Q 438 856 606 856 Q 724 856 822 794 T 977 630 T 1034 410 Q 1034 313 993 229 T 880 84 T 720 -9 T 539 -41 Q 434 -41 338 7 T 186 140 T 129 332 Q 129 376 160 407 T 236 438 Q 281 438 311 407 T 342 332 Q 342 286 311 254 T 236 223 H 227 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></svg> through uniaxial strain</a></h3><div class="gs_a gs_fma_s"><a href="/citations?user=8xbwwcAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">T Qian</a>, <a href="/citations?user=mYNuBL0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">MH Christensen</a>, <a href="/citations?user=NcmRMXQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">C Hu</a>, <a href="/citations?user=D_7-VoQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">A Saha</a>, <a href="/citations?user=3uOUUT0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">BM Andersen</a>… - Physical Review B, 2021 - APS</div><div class="gs_a gs_fma_p"><div class="gs_fmaa"><a href="/citations?user=8xbwwcAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">T Qian</a>, <a href="/citations?user=mYNuBL0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">MH Christensen</a>, <a href="/citations?user=NcmRMXQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">C Hu</a>, <a href="/citations?user=D_7-VoQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">A Saha</a>, <a href="/citations?user=3uOUUT0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">BM Andersen</a>, <a href="/citations?user=SXwwAxkAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">RM Fernandes</a>, <a href="/citations?user=NXXfZ3UAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">T Birol</a>, <a href="/citations?user=1zPax8kAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra">N Ni</a></div>Physical Review B, 2021<span class="gs_pdot">•</span>APS</div><div class="gs_rs gs_fma_s">In this paper we report the effect of uniaxial strain ɛ applied along the crystalline a axis on <br>the newly discovered kagome superconductor CsV 3 Sb 5. At ambient conditions, CsV 3 Sb <br>5 shows a charge-density wave (CDW) transition at T CDW= 94.5 K and superconducts <br>below T c= 3.34 K. In our paper, when the uniaxial strain ɛ is varied from− 0.90% to 0.90%, <br>T c monotonically increases by∼ 33% from 3.0 to 4.0 K, giving rise to the empirical relation T <br>c (ɛ)= 3.4+ 0.56 ɛ+ 0.12 ɛ 2. On the other hand, for ɛ changing from− 0.76% to 1.26%, T …</div><div class="gs_fma gs_fma_p gs_invis"><div class="gs_fma_brdr"></div><div class="gs_fma_wpr"><div class="gs_fma_con gs_fma_sh" data-trk="/scholar_url?url="><div class="gs_fma_abs"><div class="gs_fma_grad"></div><div class="gs_fma_snp"><div class="gsh_csp">In this paper we report the effect of uniaxial strain ɛ applied along the crystalline <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="a" width="8px" height="7px" style="vertical-align:0px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 7.07200)"><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 356 -23 Q 227 -23 152 74 T 78 305 Q 78 436 146 577 T 329 811 T 578 905 Q 639 905 687 872 T 762 782 Q 785 864 852 864 Q 878 864 895 848 T 913 807 Q 913 801 912 798 T 911 791 L 768 219 Q 754 158 754 119 Q 754 31 813 31 Q 877 31 910 112 T 967 301 Q 971 313 983 313 H 1008 Q 1016 313 1021 306 T 1026 293 Q 990 150 947 63 T 809 -23 Q 740 -23 687 17 T 621 125 Q 489 -23 356 -23 Z M 358 31 Q 432 31 501 86 T 621 217 Q 623 219 623 223 L 733 668 L 735 674 Q 723 747 682 799 T 573 852 Q 504 852 444 795 T 344 662 Q 304 580 267 437 T 231 215 Q 231 144 261 87 T 358 31 Z "/></g></g></svg> axis on the newly discovered kagome superconductor <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="CsV3Sb5" width="62px" height="14px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 11.28000)"><g><g><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 467 219 Q 537 130 642 78 T 860 27 Q 955 27 1036 64 T 1177 169 T 1270 321 T 1303 500 Q 1303 516 1321 516 H 1346 Q 1362 516 1362 496 Q 1362 389 1321 289 T 1205 114 T 1032 -3 T 829 -45 Q 682 -45 550 14 T 321 177 T 169 417 T 115 700 Q 115 847 169 983 T 321 1223 T 550 1385 T 829 1444 Q 934 1444 1030 1398 T 1198 1270 L 1317 1438 Q 1329 1444 1331 1444 H 1346 Q 1352 1444 1357 1439 T 1362 1427 V 874 Q 1362 856 1346 856 H 1309 Q 1290 856 1290 874 Q 1290 933 1266 1006 T 1206 1144 T 1122 1260 Q 1007 1372 858 1372 Q 745 1372 641 1321 T 467 1180 Q 392 1084 363 961 T 334 700 Q 334 561 363 438 T 467 219 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 722.21997, 0.00000)" d="M 68 -6 V 328 Q 68 344 86 344 H 111 Q 123 344 127 328 Q 184 31 403 31 Q 500 31 565 75 T 631 211 Q 631 277 580 323 T 459 387 L 322 414 Q 253 429 196 460 T 104 542 T 68 662 Q 68 752 115 809 T 239 892 T 403 918 Q 508 918 586 862 L 645 913 Q 645 918 655 918 H 670 Q 676 918 681 912 T 686 901 V 633 Q 686 614 670 614 H 645 Q 627 614 627 633 Q 627 740 567 805 T 401 870 Q 309 870 241 836 T 174 719 Q 174 662 222 625 T 336 573 L 475 547 Q 545 531 605 493 T 701 397 T 737 266 Q 737 192 711 137 T 640 47 T 533 -6 T 403 -23 Q 275 -23 184 63 L 109 -18 Q 109 -23 98 -23 H 86 Q 68 -23 68 -6 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 1116.65991, 0.00000)" d="M 721 -23 L 238 1262 Q 220 1305 169 1316 T 39 1327 V 1399 H 602 V 1327 Q 432 1327 432 1274 Q 433 1271 433 1268 T 434 1262 L 827 217 L 1198 1206 Q 1202 1214 1202 1231 Q 1202 1281 1156 1304 T 1053 1327 V 1399 H 1495 V 1327 Q 1418 1327 1359 1298 T 1276 1206 L 813 -23 Q 807 -45 780 -45 H 754 Q 727 -45 721 -23 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(1880.54785, 150.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 233 160 Q 268 114 324 85 T 443 44 T 571 33 Q 658 33 715 78 T 798 198 T 825 356 Q 825 442 798 515 T 713 634 T 569 680 H 418 Q 410 680 402 687 T 395 702 V 723 Q 395 732 402 738 T 418 745 L 547 754 Q 653 754 717 858 T 782 1077 Q 782 1173 725 1232 T 571 1292 Q 487 1292 413 1267 T 291 1188 Q 334 1188 363 1154 T 393 1077 Q 393 1033 362 1001 T 285 969 Q 238 969 206 1001 T 174 1077 Q 174 1172 235 1236 T 388 1330 T 571 1360 Q 664 1360 760 1329 T 922 1234 T 989 1077 Q 989 950 905 855 T 694 717 Q 785 698 867 649 T 1001 525 T 1053 356 Q 1053 236 981 145 T 798 7 T 571 -41 Q 463 -41 358 -8 T 182 98 T 111 279 Q 111 329 145 362 T 229 395 Q 261 395 287 380 T 330 338 T 346 279 Q 346 230 313 195 T 233 160 Z "/></g></g></g><g transform="translate(2329.15576, 0.00000)"><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 115 -29 V 449 Q 115 465 133 465 H 158 Q 164 465 169 460 T 174 449 Q 174 248 298 137 T 625 27 Q 696 27 756 68 T 849 175 T 883 313 Q 883 375 858 433 T 786 535 T 680 592 L 414 657 Q 282 692 198 800 T 115 1044 Q 115 1150 169 1243 T 314 1390 T 512 1444 Q 717 1444 838 1305 L 922 1438 Q 928 1444 936 1444 H 950 Q 956 1444 961 1439 T 967 1427 V 952 Q 967 934 950 934 H 926 Q 907 934 907 952 Q 907 1004 889 1066 T 841 1185 T 774 1278 Q 675 1378 512 1378 Q 442 1378 383 1342 T 289 1246 T 254 1118 Q 254 1030 308 958 T 451 864 L 717 799 Q 783 783 841 741 T 939 645 T 1000 522 T 1022 383 Q 1022 272 971 173 T 827 15 T 625 -45 Q 557 -45 486 -30 T 355 16 T 246 96 L 160 -39 Q 154 -45 145 -45 H 133 Q 115 -45 115 -29 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 555.56000, 0.00000)" d="M 213 0 V 1212 Q 213 1267 196 1291 T 149 1321 T 53 1327 V 1399 L 356 1421 V 780 Q 390 818 435 846 T 533 890 T 639 905 Q 731 905 809 868 T 946 766 T 1036 616 T 1069 442 Q 1069 318 1008 211 T 843 40 T 614 -23 Q 536 -23 463 17 T 342 123 L 272 0 H 213 Z M 362 201 Q 396 126 460 78 T 602 31 Q 708 31 773 92 T 865 246 T 891 442 Q 891 615 846 705 Q 826 745 791 779 T 714 832 T 625 852 Q 543 852 473 808 T 362 692 V 201 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(1111.12000, 150.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 227 223 Q 267 136 354 84 T 537 33 Q 643 33 709 85 T 803 221 T 831 412 Q 831 504 815 587 T 748 731 T 606 791 Q 526 791 472 771 T 388 726 T 330 668 T 289 633 H 266 Q 245 638 240 659 V 1337 Q 240 1347 247 1353 T 264 1360 H 272 Q 356 1326 434 1310 T 594 1294 Q 675 1294 754 1310 T 915 1360 H 922 Q 932 1360 939 1353 T 946 1337 V 1317 Q 946 1309 940 1303 Q 860 1211 747 1159 T 514 1108 Q 415 1108 322 1133 V 758 Q 438 856 606 856 Q 724 856 822 794 T 977 630 T 1034 410 Q 1034 313 993 229 T 880 84 T 720 -9 T 539 -41 Q 434 -41 338 7 T 186 140 T 129 332 Q 129 376 160 407 T 236 438 Q 281 438 311 407 T 342 332 Q 342 286 311 254 T 236 223 H 227 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></g></svg>. At ambient conditions, <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="CsV3Sb5" width="62px" height="14px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 11.28000)"><g><g><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 467 219 Q 537 130 642 78 T 860 27 Q 955 27 1036 64 T 1177 169 T 1270 321 T 1303 500 Q 1303 516 1321 516 H 1346 Q 1362 516 1362 496 Q 1362 389 1321 289 T 1205 114 T 1032 -3 T 829 -45 Q 682 -45 550 14 T 321 177 T 169 417 T 115 700 Q 115 847 169 983 T 321 1223 T 550 1385 T 829 1444 Q 934 1444 1030 1398 T 1198 1270 L 1317 1438 Q 1329 1444 1331 1444 H 1346 Q 1352 1444 1357 1439 T 1362 1427 V 874 Q 1362 856 1346 856 H 1309 Q 1290 856 1290 874 Q 1290 933 1266 1006 T 1206 1144 T 1122 1260 Q 1007 1372 858 1372 Q 745 1372 641 1321 T 467 1180 Q 392 1084 363 961 T 334 700 Q 334 561 363 438 T 467 219 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 722.21997, 0.00000)" d="M 68 -6 V 328 Q 68 344 86 344 H 111 Q 123 344 127 328 Q 184 31 403 31 Q 500 31 565 75 T 631 211 Q 631 277 580 323 T 459 387 L 322 414 Q 253 429 196 460 T 104 542 T 68 662 Q 68 752 115 809 T 239 892 T 403 918 Q 508 918 586 862 L 645 913 Q 645 918 655 918 H 670 Q 676 918 681 912 T 686 901 V 633 Q 686 614 670 614 H 645 Q 627 614 627 633 Q 627 740 567 805 T 401 870 Q 309 870 241 836 T 174 719 Q 174 662 222 625 T 336 573 L 475 547 Q 545 531 605 493 T 701 397 T 737 266 Q 737 192 711 137 T 640 47 T 533 -6 T 403 -23 Q 275 -23 184 63 L 109 -18 Q 109 -23 98 -23 H 86 Q 68 -23 68 -6 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 1116.65991, 0.00000)" d="M 721 -23 L 238 1262 Q 220 1305 169 1316 T 39 1327 V 1399 H 602 V 1327 Q 432 1327 432 1274 Q 433 1271 433 1268 T 434 1262 L 827 217 L 1198 1206 Q 1202 1214 1202 1231 Q 1202 1281 1156 1304 T 1053 1327 V 1399 H 1495 V 1327 Q 1418 1327 1359 1298 T 1276 1206 L 813 -23 Q 807 -45 780 -45 H 754 Q 727 -45 721 -23 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(1880.54785, 150.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 233 160 Q 268 114 324 85 T 443 44 T 571 33 Q 658 33 715 78 T 798 198 T 825 356 Q 825 442 798 515 T 713 634 T 569 680 H 418 Q 410 680 402 687 T 395 702 V 723 Q 395 732 402 738 T 418 745 L 547 754 Q 653 754 717 858 T 782 1077 Q 782 1173 725 1232 T 571 1292 Q 487 1292 413 1267 T 291 1188 Q 334 1188 363 1154 T 393 1077 Q 393 1033 362 1001 T 285 969 Q 238 969 206 1001 T 174 1077 Q 174 1172 235 1236 T 388 1330 T 571 1360 Q 664 1360 760 1329 T 922 1234 T 989 1077 Q 989 950 905 855 T 694 717 Q 785 698 867 649 T 1001 525 T 1053 356 Q 1053 236 981 145 T 798 7 T 571 -41 Q 463 -41 358 -8 T 182 98 T 111 279 Q 111 329 145 362 T 229 395 Q 261 395 287 380 T 330 338 T 346 279 Q 346 230 313 195 T 233 160 Z "/></g></g></g><g transform="translate(2329.15576, 0.00000)"><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 115 -29 V 449 Q 115 465 133 465 H 158 Q 164 465 169 460 T 174 449 Q 174 248 298 137 T 625 27 Q 696 27 756 68 T 849 175 T 883 313 Q 883 375 858 433 T 786 535 T 680 592 L 414 657 Q 282 692 198 800 T 115 1044 Q 115 1150 169 1243 T 314 1390 T 512 1444 Q 717 1444 838 1305 L 922 1438 Q 928 1444 936 1444 H 950 Q 956 1444 961 1439 T 967 1427 V 952 Q 967 934 950 934 H 926 Q 907 934 907 952 Q 907 1004 889 1066 T 841 1185 T 774 1278 Q 675 1378 512 1378 Q 442 1378 383 1342 T 289 1246 T 254 1118 Q 254 1030 308 958 T 451 864 L 717 799 Q 783 783 841 741 T 939 645 T 1000 522 T 1022 383 Q 1022 272 971 173 T 827 15 T 625 -45 Q 557 -45 486 -30 T 355 16 T 246 96 L 160 -39 Q 154 -45 145 -45 H 133 Q 115 -45 115 -29 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 555.56000, 0.00000)" d="M 213 0 V 1212 Q 213 1267 196 1291 T 149 1321 T 53 1327 V 1399 L 356 1421 V 780 Q 390 818 435 846 T 533 890 T 639 905 Q 731 905 809 868 T 946 766 T 1036 616 T 1069 442 Q 1069 318 1008 211 T 843 40 T 614 -23 Q 536 -23 463 17 T 342 123 L 272 0 H 213 Z M 362 201 Q 396 126 460 78 T 602 31 Q 708 31 773 92 T 865 246 T 891 442 Q 891 615 846 705 Q 826 745 791 779 T 714 832 T 625 852 Q 543 852 473 808 T 362 692 V 201 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(1111.12000, 150.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 227 223 Q 267 136 354 84 T 537 33 Q 643 33 709 85 T 803 221 T 831 412 Q 831 504 815 587 T 748 731 T 606 791 Q 526 791 472 771 T 388 726 T 330 668 T 289 633 H 266 Q 245 638 240 659 V 1337 Q 240 1347 247 1353 T 264 1360 H 272 Q 356 1326 434 1310 T 594 1294 Q 675 1294 754 1310 T 915 1360 H 922 Q 932 1360 939 1353 T 946 1337 V 1317 Q 946 1309 940 1303 Q 860 1211 747 1159 T 514 1108 Q 415 1108 322 1133 V 758 Q 438 856 606 856 Q 724 856 822 794 T 977 630 T 1034 410 Q 1034 313 993 229 T 880 84 T 720 -9 T 539 -41 Q 434 -41 338 7 T 186 140 T 129 332 Q 129 376 160 407 T 236 438 Q 281 438 311 407 T 342 332 Q 342 286 311 254 T 236 223 H 227 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></g></svg> shows a charge-density wave (CDW) transition at <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="TCDW=94.5K" width="108px" height="14px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 10.92800)"><g><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 94 27 Q 95 32 98 45 T 107 65 T 123 72 Q 299 72 356 82 Q 411 96 422 141 L 702 1266 Q 711 1291 711 1311 Q 711 1327 639 1327 H 520 Q 383 1327 308 1285 T 199 1174 T 109 948 Q 102 930 88 930 H 70 Q 49 930 49 956 L 195 1380 Q 199 1399 215 1399 H 1425 Q 1446 1399 1446 1372 L 1378 948 Q 1378 942 1371 936 T 1358 930 H 1339 Q 1319 930 1319 956 Q 1341 1101 1341 1161 Q 1341 1233 1311 1270 T 1233 1317 T 1108 1327 H 987 Q 932 1327 913 1317 T 881 1257 L 600 133 Q 599 129 598 125 T 596 115 Q 596 89 627 82 Q 680 72 854 72 Q 874 72 874 45 Q 867 16 863 8 T 840 0 H 115 Q 94 0 94 27 Z "/><g transform="translate(584.39001, 150.00000)"><g><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 143 700 Q 143 854 206 991 T 382 1229 T 635 1385 T 932 1440 Q 1050 1440 1156 1394 T 1346 1262 L 1470 1432 Q 1480 1440 1487 1440 H 1501 Q 1510 1440 1517 1433 T 1524 1417 V 872 Q 1524 865 1516 857 T 1501 850 H 1464 Q 1446 850 1442 872 Q 1433 964 1393 1053 T 1291 1210 T 1143 1318 T 963 1358 Q 775 1358 641 1272 T 439 1036 T 371 700 Q 371 562 409 442 T 523 231 T 710 90 T 965 41 Q 1061 41 1147 75 T 1301 172 T 1408 319 T 1446 500 Q 1446 508 1454 515 T 1468 522 H 1501 Q 1512 522 1518 514 T 1524 496 Q 1524 380 1475 281 T 1343 110 T 1151 -2 T 932 -41 Q 780 -41 636 14 T 381 170 T 206 408 T 143 700 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 570.84998, 0.00000)" d="M 115 0 V 82 Q 326 82 326 143 V 1255 Q 326 1317 115 1317 V 1399 H 926 Q 1068 1399 1195 1342 T 1417 1185 T 1564 956 T 1616 686 Q 1616 544 1562 420 T 1413 202 T 1192 54 T 926 0 H 115 Z M 520 143 Q 520 102 546 92 T 627 82 H 868 Q 1051 82 1169 158 T 1342 371 T 1397 686 Q 1397 826 1370 941 T 1270 1143 Q 1200 1227 1093 1272 T 868 1317 H 627 Q 572 1317 546 1307 T 520 1255 V 143 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 1151.39856, 0.00000)" d="M 700 -12 L 246 1255 Q 228 1297 180 1307 T 59 1317 V 1399 H 623 V 1317 Q 453 1317 453 1266 Q 453 1260 455 1255 L 813 250 L 1137 1153 L 1100 1255 Q 1083 1297 1034 1307 T 913 1317 V 1399 H 1477 V 1317 Q 1307 1317 1307 1266 V 1255 L 1667 250 L 2005 1200 Q 2009 1212 2009 1219 Q 2009 1270 1952 1293 T 1835 1317 V 1399 H 2296 V 1317 Q 2223 1317 2167 1289 T 2089 1200 L 1655 -12 Q 1645 -41 1616 -41 H 1593 Q 1564 -41 1552 -12 L 1178 1038 L 803 -12 Q 798 -25 787 -33 T 762 -41 H 739 Q 712 -41 700 -12 Z "/></g></g></g></g><g transform="translate(2602.09766, 0.00000)"><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 277.77780, 0.00000)" d="M 154 272 Q 137 272 126 285 T 115 313 Q 115 330 126 342 T 154 354 H 1440 Q 1455 354 1466 342 T 1477 313 Q 1477 298 1466 285 T 1440 272 H 154 Z M 154 670 Q 137 670 126 682 T 115 711 Q 115 726 126 739 T 154 752 H 1440 Q 1455 752 1466 739 T 1477 711 Q 1477 694 1466 682 T 1440 670 H 154 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(3935.43335, 0.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 231 86 Q 287 20 426 20 Q 504 20 571 73 T 676 203 Q 719 290 731 388 T 743 633 Q 708 550 642 497 T 492 444 Q 373 444 279 508 T 136 678 T 86 903 Q 86 1026 142 1132 T 297 1301 T 522 1364 Q 646 1364 729 1296 T 857 1122 T 918 897 T 936 662 Q 936 504 878 339 T 704 65 T 426 -45 Q 305 -45 221 12 T 137 184 Q 137 226 165 254 T 236 283 Q 277 283 305 254 T 334 184 Q 334 144 305 115 T 236 86 H 231 Z M 500 498 Q 584 498 637 554 T 715 695 T 739 862 V 901 V 909 Q 739 1063 694 1184 T 522 1305 Q 441 1305 390 1269 T 316 1175 T 285 1049 T 279 903 Q 279 787 290 705 T 350 560 T 500 498 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 500.00000, 0.00000)" d="M 57 338 V 410 L 690 1354 Q 697 1364 711 1364 H 741 Q 764 1364 764 1341 V 410 H 965 V 338 H 764 V 137 Q 764 95 824 83 T 963 72 V 0 H 399 V 72 Q 478 72 538 83 T 598 137 V 338 H 57 Z M 125 410 H 610 V 1135 L 125 410 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 1000.00000, 0.00000)" d="M 172 113 Q 172 159 206 192 T 285 225 Q 313 225 340 210 T 382 168 T 397 113 Q 397 68 364 34 T 285 0 Q 240 0 206 34 T 172 113 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 1277.78003, 0.00000)" d="M 178 233 Q 199 173 242 124 T 345 47 T 469 20 Q 617 20 673 135 T 729 414 Q 729 485 726 533 T 713 627 Q 694 699 646 753 T 530 807 Q 461 807 411 786 T 331 737 T 276 678 T 246 645 H 223 Q 218 645 210 651 T 203 664 V 1348 Q 203 1353 209 1358 T 223 1364 H 229 Q 367 1298 522 1298 Q 674 1298 815 1364 H 821 Q 828 1364 834 1359 T 840 1348 V 1329 Q 840 1319 836 1319 Q 766 1226 660 1174 T 442 1122 Q 360 1122 274 1145 V 758 Q 342 813 395 836 T 532 860 Q 645 860 734 795 T 872 625 T 920 412 Q 920 289 859 184 T 695 17 T 469 -45 Q 368 -45 283 7 T 150 147 T 102 334 Q 102 380 132 409 T 207 438 Q 252 438 282 408 T 313 334 Q 313 290 282 259 T 207 229 Q 200 229 191 230 T 178 233 Z "/></g><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 5993.21338, 0.00000)" d="M 63 0 V 72 Q 274 72 274 137 V 1262 Q 274 1327 63 1327 V 1399 H 676 V 1327 Q 465 1327 465 1262 V 598 L 1098 1206 Q 1124 1234 1124 1262 Q 1124 1294 1096 1310 T 1034 1327 V 1399 H 1479 V 1327 Q 1311 1327 1184 1206 L 821 858 L 1270 193 Q 1325 112 1366 92 T 1507 72 V 0 H 971 V 72 Q 1020 72 1053 82 T 1087 129 Q 1087 154 1061 193 L 694 737 L 465 516 V 137 Q 465 72 676 72 V 0 H 63 Z "/></g></g></g></svg> and superconducts below <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="Tc=3.34K" width="83px" height="13px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 10.92800)"><g><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 94 27 Q 95 32 98 45 T 107 65 T 123 72 Q 299 72 356 82 Q 411 96 422 141 L 702 1266 Q 711 1291 711 1311 Q 711 1327 639 1327 H 520 Q 383 1327 308 1285 T 199 1174 T 109 948 Q 102 930 88 930 H 70 Q 49 930 49 956 L 195 1380 Q 199 1399 215 1399 H 1425 Q 1446 1399 1446 1372 L 1378 948 Q 1378 942 1371 936 T 1358 930 H 1339 Q 1319 930 1319 956 Q 1341 1101 1341 1161 Q 1341 1233 1311 1270 T 1233 1317 T 1108 1327 H 987 Q 932 1327 913 1317 T 881 1257 L 600 133 Q 599 129 598 125 T 596 115 Q 596 89 627 82 Q 680 72 854 72 Q 874 72 874 45 Q 867 16 863 8 T 840 0 H 115 Q 94 0 94 27 Z "/><g transform="translate(584.39001, 150.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 301 264 Q 301 169 356 107 T 504 45 Q 636 45 756 93 T 954 240 Q 959 248 973 248 Q 987 248 1000 233 T 1014 205 Q 1014 196 1008 188 Q 923 81 788 30 T 500 -20 Q 397 -20 310 25 T 173 152 T 123 338 Q 123 448 173 551 T 312 734 T 504 858 T 719 903 Q 778 903 841 885 T 945 828 T 987 727 Q 987 672 953 631 T 864 590 Q 830 590 806 611 T 782 668 Q 782 711 811 744 T 883 786 Q 828 838 715 838 Q 617 838 539 783 T 409 642 T 328 453 T 301 264 Z "/></g></g></g><g transform="translate(991.78198, 0.00000)"><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 277.77780, 0.00000)" d="M 154 272 Q 137 272 126 285 T 115 313 Q 115 330 126 342 T 154 354 H 1440 Q 1455 354 1466 342 T 1477 313 Q 1477 298 1466 285 T 1440 272 H 154 Z M 154 670 Q 137 670 126 682 T 115 711 Q 115 726 126 739 T 154 752 H 1440 Q 1455 752 1466 739 T 1477 711 Q 1477 694 1466 682 T 1440 670 H 154 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(2325.11768, 0.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 195 158 Q 243 88 324 54 T 498 20 Q 617 20 667 121 T 717 352 Q 717 410 706 468 T 671 576 T 602 656 T 496 686 H 360 Q 342 686 342 705 V 723 Q 342 739 360 739 L 473 748 Q 545 748 592 802 T 662 933 T 684 1081 Q 684 1179 638 1242 T 498 1305 Q 420 1305 349 1275 T 236 1186 Q 240 1187 243 1187 T 250 1188 Q 296 1188 327 1156 T 358 1079 Q 358 1035 327 1003 T 250 971 Q 205 971 173 1003 T 141 1079 Q 141 1167 194 1232 T 330 1330 T 498 1364 Q 560 1364 629 1345 T 754 1292 T 845 1204 T 881 1081 Q 881 995 842 922 T 737 796 T 590 717 Q 679 700 759 650 T 887 522 T 936 354 Q 936 241 874 149 T 711 6 T 498 -45 Q 402 -45 305 -9 T 147 101 T 86 276 Q 86 327 120 361 T 205 395 Q 238 395 265 379 T 308 336 T 324 276 Q 324 226 289 192 T 205 158 H 195 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 500.00000, 0.00000)" d="M 172 113 Q 172 159 206 192 T 285 225 Q 313 225 340 210 T 382 168 T 397 113 Q 397 68 364 34 T 285 0 Q 240 0 206 34 T 172 113 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 777.78003, 0.00000)" d="M 195 158 Q 243 88 324 54 T 498 20 Q 617 20 667 121 T 717 352 Q 717 410 706 468 T 671 576 T 602 656 T 496 686 H 360 Q 342 686 342 705 V 723 Q 342 739 360 739 L 473 748 Q 545 748 592 802 T 662 933 T 684 1081 Q 684 1179 638 1242 T 498 1305 Q 420 1305 349 1275 T 236 1186 Q 240 1187 243 1187 T 250 1188 Q 296 1188 327 1156 T 358 1079 Q 358 1035 327 1003 T 250 971 Q 205 971 173 1003 T 141 1079 Q 141 1167 194 1232 T 330 1330 T 498 1364 Q 560 1364 629 1345 T 754 1292 T 845 1204 T 881 1081 Q 881 995 842 922 T 737 796 T 590 717 Q 679 700 759 650 T 887 522 T 936 354 Q 936 241 874 149 T 711 6 T 498 -45 Q 402 -45 305 -9 T 147 101 T 86 276 Q 86 327 120 361 T 205 395 Q 238 395 265 379 T 308 336 T 324 276 Q 324 226 289 192 T 205 158 H 195 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 1277.78003, 0.00000)" d="M 57 338 V 410 L 690 1354 Q 697 1364 711 1364 H 741 Q 764 1364 764 1341 V 410 H 965 V 338 H 764 V 137 Q 764 95 824 83 T 963 72 V 0 H 399 V 72 Q 478 72 538 83 T 598 137 V 338 H 57 Z M 125 410 H 610 V 1135 L 125 410 Z "/></g><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 4382.89746, 0.00000)" d="M 63 0 V 72 Q 274 72 274 137 V 1262 Q 274 1327 63 1327 V 1399 H 676 V 1327 Q 465 1327 465 1262 V 598 L 1098 1206 Q 1124 1234 1124 1262 Q 1124 1294 1096 1310 T 1034 1327 V 1399 H 1479 V 1327 Q 1311 1327 1184 1206 L 821 858 L 1270 193 Q 1325 112 1366 92 T 1507 72 V 0 H 971 V 72 Q 1020 72 1053 82 T 1087 129 Q 1087 154 1061 193 L 694 737 L 465 516 V 137 Q 465 72 676 72 V 0 H 63 Z "/></g></g></g></svg>. In our paper, when the uniaxial strain ɛ is varied from <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="−0.90%" width="60px" height="13px" style="vertical-align:-1px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 12.00000)"><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 209 471 Q 192 471 181 484 T 170 512 Q 170 527 181 540 T 209 553 H 1384 Q 1400 553 1410 540 T 1421 512 Q 1421 497 1410 484 T 1384 471 H 209 Z "/><g transform="translate(777.78003, 0.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 512 -45 Q 261 -45 170 161 T 80 653 Q 80 831 112 988 T 241 1254 T 512 1364 Q 647 1364 733 1298 T 864 1127 T 925 903 T 942 653 Q 942 477 909 323 T 782 62 T 512 -45 Z M 512 8 Q 626 8 682 125 T 751 384 T 764 686 Q 764 840 751 970 T 682 1205 T 512 1311 Q 396 1311 340 1205 T 271 969 T 258 686 Q 258 572 263 471 T 293 262 T 370 81 T 512 8 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 500.00000, 0.00000)" d="M 172 113 Q 172 159 206 192 T 285 225 Q 313 225 340 210 T 382 168 T 397 113 Q 397 68 364 34 T 285 0 Q 240 0 206 34 T 172 113 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 777.78003, 0.00000)" d="M 231 86 Q 287 20 426 20 Q 504 20 571 73 T 676 203 Q 719 290 731 388 T 743 633 Q 708 550 642 497 T 492 444 Q 373 444 279 508 T 136 678 T 86 903 Q 86 1026 142 1132 T 297 1301 T 522 1364 Q 646 1364 729 1296 T 857 1122 T 918 897 T 936 662 Q 936 504 878 339 T 704 65 T 426 -45 Q 305 -45 221 12 T 137 184 Q 137 226 165 254 T 236 283 Q 277 283 305 254 T 334 184 Q 334 144 305 115 T 236 86 H 231 Z M 500 498 Q 584 498 637 554 T 715 695 T 739 862 V 901 V 909 Q 739 1063 694 1184 T 522 1305 Q 441 1305 390 1269 T 316 1175 T 285 1049 T 279 903 Q 279 787 290 705 T 350 560 T 500 498 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 1277.78003, 0.00000)" d="M 512 -45 Q 261 -45 170 161 T 80 653 Q 80 831 112 988 T 241 1254 T 512 1364 Q 647 1364 733 1298 T 864 1127 T 925 903 T 942 653 Q 942 477 909 323 T 782 62 T 512 -45 Z M 512 8 Q 626 8 682 125 T 751 384 T 764 686 Q 764 840 751 970 T 682 1205 T 512 1311 Q 396 1311 340 1205 T 271 969 T 258 686 Q 258 572 263 471 T 293 262 T 370 81 T 512 8 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(2555.56006, 0.00000)"><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 166.66667, 0.00000)" d="M 285 -74 Q 285 -62 291 -53 L 1219 1329 Q 1096 1260 948 1260 Q 788 1260 641 1343 Q 682 1245 682 1124 Q 682 1058 666 987 T 619 854 T 536 751 T 418 711 Q 322 711 253 775 T 149 935 T 115 1124 Q 115 1215 149 1311 T 253 1472 T 418 1536 Q 494 1536 557 1475 Q 722 1313 948 1313 Q 1069 1313 1174 1366 T 1346 1520 Q 1356 1536 1378 1536 Q 1396 1536 1407 1525 T 1419 1495 Q 1419 1484 1413 1475 L 356 -102 Q 347 -115 326 -115 Q 309 -115 297 -102 T 285 -74 Z M 418 764 Q 519 764 571 884 T 623 1124 Q 623 1191 601 1276 T 534 1422 T 418 1483 Q 316 1483 283 1369 T 250 1122 Q 250 993 284 878 T 418 764 Z M 1325 -115 Q 1229 -115 1160 -51 T 1056 109 T 1022 299 Q 1022 390 1056 486 T 1160 647 T 1325 711 Q 1414 711 1474 643 T 1561 481 T 1589 299 Q 1589 233 1573 163 T 1526 29 T 1444 -75 T 1325 -115 Z M 1325 -61 Q 1394 -61 1441 0 T 1509 147 T 1530 299 Q 1530 417 1478 537 T 1325 657 Q 1223 657 1190 543 T 1157 297 Q 1157 167 1191 53 T 1325 -61 Z "/></g></g></g></g></svg> to <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="0.90%,Tc" width="72px" height="15px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 12.00000)"><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 512 -45 Q 261 -45 170 161 T 80 653 Q 80 831 112 988 T 241 1254 T 512 1364 Q 647 1364 733 1298 T 864 1127 T 925 903 T 942 653 Q 942 477 909 323 T 782 62 T 512 -45 Z M 512 8 Q 626 8 682 125 T 751 384 T 764 686 Q 764 840 751 970 T 682 1205 T 512 1311 Q 396 1311 340 1205 T 271 969 T 258 686 Q 258 572 263 471 T 293 262 T 370 81 T 512 8 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 500.00000, 0.00000)" d="M 172 113 Q 172 159 206 192 T 285 225 Q 313 225 340 210 T 382 168 T 397 113 Q 397 68 364 34 T 285 0 Q 240 0 206 34 T 172 113 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 777.78003, 0.00000)" d="M 231 86 Q 287 20 426 20 Q 504 20 571 73 T 676 203 Q 719 290 731 388 T 743 633 Q 708 550 642 497 T 492 444 Q 373 444 279 508 T 136 678 T 86 903 Q 86 1026 142 1132 T 297 1301 T 522 1364 Q 646 1364 729 1296 T 857 1122 T 918 897 T 936 662 Q 936 504 878 339 T 704 65 T 426 -45 Q 305 -45 221 12 T 137 184 Q 137 226 165 254 T 236 283 Q 277 283 305 254 T 334 184 Q 334 144 305 115 T 236 86 H 231 Z M 500 498 Q 584 498 637 554 T 715 695 T 739 862 V 901 V 909 Q 739 1063 694 1184 T 522 1305 Q 441 1305 390 1269 T 316 1175 T 285 1049 T 279 903 Q 279 787 290 705 T 350 560 T 500 498 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 1277.78003, 0.00000)" d="M 512 -45 Q 261 -45 170 161 T 80 653 Q 80 831 112 988 T 241 1254 T 512 1364 Q 647 1364 733 1298 T 864 1127 T 925 903 T 942 653 Q 942 477 909 323 T 782 62 T 512 -45 Z M 512 8 Q 626 8 682 125 T 751 384 T 764 686 Q 764 840 751 970 T 682 1205 T 512 1311 Q 396 1311 340 1205 T 271 969 T 258 686 Q 258 572 263 471 T 293 262 T 370 81 T 512 8 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(1777.78003, 0.00000)"><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 166.66667, 0.00000)" d="M 285 -74 Q 285 -62 291 -53 L 1219 1329 Q 1096 1260 948 1260 Q 788 1260 641 1343 Q 682 1245 682 1124 Q 682 1058 666 987 T 619 854 T 536 751 T 418 711 Q 322 711 253 775 T 149 935 T 115 1124 Q 115 1215 149 1311 T 253 1472 T 418 1536 Q 494 1536 557 1475 Q 722 1313 948 1313 Q 1069 1313 1174 1366 T 1346 1520 Q 1356 1536 1378 1536 Q 1396 1536 1407 1525 T 1419 1495 Q 1419 1484 1413 1475 L 356 -102 Q 347 -115 326 -115 Q 309 -115 297 -102 T 285 -74 Z M 418 764 Q 519 764 571 884 T 623 1124 Q 623 1191 601 1276 T 534 1422 T 418 1483 Q 316 1483 283 1369 T 250 1122 Q 250 993 284 878 T 418 764 Z M 1325 -115 Q 1229 -115 1160 -51 T 1056 109 T 1022 299 Q 1022 390 1056 486 T 1160 647 T 1325 711 Q 1414 711 1474 643 T 1561 481 T 1589 299 Q 1589 233 1573 163 T 1526 29 T 1444 -75 T 1325 -115 Z M 1325 -61 Q 1394 -61 1441 0 T 1509 147 T 1530 299 Q 1530 417 1478 537 T 1325 657 Q 1223 657 1190 543 T 1157 297 Q 1157 167 1191 53 T 1325 -61 Z "/></g><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 2944.44336, 0.00000)" d="M 203 -369 Q 203 -360 211 -352 Q 285 -281 326 -188 T 367 8 V 33 Q 334 0 285 0 Q 238 0 205 33 T 172 113 Q 172 161 205 193 T 285 225 Q 358 225 389 157 T 420 8 Q 420 -106 374 -209 T 246 -393 Q 238 -397 233 -397 Q 223 -397 213 -388 T 203 -369 Z "/><g transform="translate(3502.22339, 0.00000)"><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 94 27 Q 95 32 98 45 T 107 65 T 123 72 Q 299 72 356 82 Q 411 96 422 141 L 702 1266 Q 711 1291 711 1311 Q 711 1327 639 1327 H 520 Q 383 1327 308 1285 T 199 1174 T 109 948 Q 102 930 88 930 H 70 Q 49 930 49 956 L 195 1380 Q 199 1399 215 1399 H 1425 Q 1446 1399 1446 1372 L 1378 948 Q 1378 942 1371 936 T 1358 930 H 1339 Q 1319 930 1319 956 Q 1341 1101 1341 1161 Q 1341 1233 1311 1270 T 1233 1317 T 1108 1327 H 987 Q 932 1327 913 1317 T 881 1257 L 600 133 Q 599 129 598 125 T 596 115 Q 596 89 627 82 Q 680 72 854 72 Q 874 72 874 45 Q 867 16 863 8 T 840 0 H 115 Q 94 0 94 27 Z "/><g transform="translate(584.39001, 150.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 301 264 Q 301 169 356 107 T 504 45 Q 636 45 756 93 T 954 240 Q 959 248 973 248 Q 987 248 1000 233 T 1014 205 Q 1014 196 1008 188 Q 923 81 788 30 T 500 -20 Q 397 -20 310 25 T 173 152 T 123 338 Q 123 448 173 551 T 312 734 T 504 858 T 719 903 Q 778 903 841 885 T 945 828 T 987 727 Q 987 672 953 631 T 864 590 Q 830 590 806 611 T 782 668 Q 782 711 811 744 T 883 786 Q 828 838 715 838 Q 617 838 539 783 T 409 642 T 328 453 T 301 264 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></g></svg> monotonically increases by <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="∼33%" width="56px" height="13px" style="vertical-align:-1px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 12.00000)"><g><g><g><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 277.77780, 0.00000)" d="M 143 272 Q 121 272 115 324 V 336 Q 115 494 209 623 T 455 752 Q 549 752 625 705 T 805 566 T 977 430 T 1137 387 Q 1218 387 1282 431 T 1382 548 T 1419 700 Q 1425 752 1448 752 Q 1471 752 1477 700 V 688 Q 1477 589 1435 492 T 1317 333 T 1137 272 Q 1043 272 970 316 T 794 453 T 618 591 T 455 637 Q 375 637 310 593 T 208 476 T 172 324 Q 166 272 143 272 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(1333.33569, 0.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 195 158 Q 243 88 324 54 T 498 20 Q 617 20 667 121 T 717 352 Q 717 410 706 468 T 671 576 T 602 656 T 496 686 H 360 Q 342 686 342 705 V 723 Q 342 739 360 739 L 473 748 Q 545 748 592 802 T 662 933 T 684 1081 Q 684 1179 638 1242 T 498 1305 Q 420 1305 349 1275 T 236 1186 Q 240 1187 243 1187 T 250 1188 Q 296 1188 327 1156 T 358 1079 Q 358 1035 327 1003 T 250 971 Q 205 971 173 1003 T 141 1079 Q 141 1167 194 1232 T 330 1330 T 498 1364 Q 560 1364 629 1345 T 754 1292 T 845 1204 T 881 1081 Q 881 995 842 922 T 737 796 T 590 717 Q 679 700 759 650 T 887 522 T 936 354 Q 936 241 874 149 T 711 6 T 498 -45 Q 402 -45 305 -9 T 147 101 T 86 276 Q 86 327 120 361 T 205 395 Q 238 395 265 379 T 308 336 T 324 276 Q 324 226 289 192 T 205 158 H 195 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 500.00000, 0.00000)" d="M 195 158 Q 243 88 324 54 T 498 20 Q 617 20 667 121 T 717 352 Q 717 410 706 468 T 671 576 T 602 656 T 496 686 H 360 Q 342 686 342 705 V 723 Q 342 739 360 739 L 473 748 Q 545 748 592 802 T 662 933 T 684 1081 Q 684 1179 638 1242 T 498 1305 Q 420 1305 349 1275 T 236 1186 Q 240 1187 243 1187 T 250 1188 Q 296 1188 327 1156 T 358 1079 Q 358 1035 327 1003 T 250 971 Q 205 971 173 1003 T 141 1079 Q 141 1167 194 1232 T 330 1330 T 498 1364 Q 560 1364 629 1345 T 754 1292 T 845 1204 T 881 1081 Q 881 995 842 922 T 737 796 T 590 717 Q 679 700 759 650 T 887 522 T 936 354 Q 936 241 874 149 T 711 6 T 498 -45 Q 402 -45 305 -9 T 147 101 T 86 276 Q 86 327 120 361 T 205 395 Q 238 395 265 379 T 308 336 T 324 276 Q 324 226 289 192 T 205 158 H 195 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(2333.33569, 0.00000)"><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 166.66667, 0.00000)" d="M 285 -74 Q 285 -62 291 -53 L 1219 1329 Q 1096 1260 948 1260 Q 788 1260 641 1343 Q 682 1245 682 1124 Q 682 1058 666 987 T 619 854 T 536 751 T 418 711 Q 322 711 253 775 T 149 935 T 115 1124 Q 115 1215 149 1311 T 253 1472 T 418 1536 Q 494 1536 557 1475 Q 722 1313 948 1313 Q 1069 1313 1174 1366 T 1346 1520 Q 1356 1536 1378 1536 Q 1396 1536 1407 1525 T 1419 1495 Q 1419 1484 1413 1475 L 356 -102 Q 347 -115 326 -115 Q 309 -115 297 -102 T 285 -74 Z M 418 764 Q 519 764 571 884 T 623 1124 Q 623 1191 601 1276 T 534 1422 T 418 1483 Q 316 1483 283 1369 T 250 1122 Q 250 993 284 878 T 418 764 Z M 1325 -115 Q 1229 -115 1160 -51 T 1056 109 T 1022 299 Q 1022 390 1056 486 T 1160 647 T 1325 711 Q 1414 711 1474 643 T 1561 481 T 1589 299 Q 1589 233 1573 163 T 1526 29 T 1444 -75 T 1325 -115 Z M 1325 -61 Q 1394 -61 1441 0 T 1509 147 T 1530 299 Q 1530 417 1478 537 T 1325 657 Q 1223 657 1190 543 T 1157 297 Q 1157 167 1191 53 T 1325 -61 Z "/></g></g></g></g></svg> from 3.0 to 4.0 K, giving rise to the empirical relation Tc(ɛ)=3.4+0.56ɛ+0.12ɛ2. On the other hand, for ɛ changing from <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="−0.76%" width="60px" height="13px" style="vertical-align:-1px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 12.00000)"><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 209 471 Q 192 471 181 484 T 170 512 Q 170 527 181 540 T 209 553 H 1384 Q 1400 553 1410 540 T 1421 512 Q 1421 497 1410 484 T 1384 471 H 209 Z "/><g transform="translate(777.78003, 0.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 512 -45 Q 261 -45 170 161 T 80 653 Q 80 831 112 988 T 241 1254 T 512 1364 Q 647 1364 733 1298 T 864 1127 T 925 903 T 942 653 Q 942 477 909 323 T 782 62 T 512 -45 Z M 512 8 Q 626 8 682 125 T 751 384 T 764 686 Q 764 840 751 970 T 682 1205 T 512 1311 Q 396 1311 340 1205 T 271 969 T 258 686 Q 258 572 263 471 T 293 262 T 370 81 T 512 8 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 500.00000, 0.00000)" d="M 172 113 Q 172 159 206 192 T 285 225 Q 313 225 340 210 T 382 168 T 397 113 Q 397 68 364 34 T 285 0 Q 240 0 206 34 T 172 113 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 777.78003, 0.00000)" d="M 356 53 Q 356 167 376 276 T 434 491 T 527 700 T 647 893 L 834 1153 H 600 Q 236 1153 225 1143 Q 198 1110 174 954 H 115 L 182 1384 H 242 V 1378 Q 242 1341 367 1330 T 612 1319 H 993 V 1266 Q 993 1264 992 1263 T 991 1260 L 709 864 Q 605 710 579 522 T 553 53 Q 553 13 524 -16 T 455 -45 Q 414 -45 385 -16 T 356 53 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 1277.78003, 0.00000)" d="M 512 -45 Q 385 -45 300 22 T 168 197 T 104 423 T 86 662 Q 86 824 149 987 T 334 1257 T 625 1364 Q 695 1364 755 1337 T 850 1259 T 885 1135 Q 885 1093 856 1064 T 786 1036 Q 746 1036 717 1065 T 688 1135 Q 688 1175 717 1204 T 786 1233 H 797 Q 771 1270 723 1287 T 625 1305 Q 563 1305 510 1278 T 416 1205 T 346 1103 T 302 977 T 283 844 T 279 688 Q 315 772 381 825 T 530 879 Q 621 879 696 842 T 825 739 T 907 590 T 936 420 Q 936 300 882 191 T 732 19 T 512 -45 Z M 512 20 Q 591 20 639 56 T 709 151 T 737 271 T 743 420 Q 743 536 732 618 T 672 762 T 522 825 Q 439 825 385 769 T 307 627 T 283 463 Q 283 436 285 422 Q 285 419 284 417 T 283 412 Q 283 324 301 234 T 370 82 T 512 20 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(2555.56006, 0.00000)"><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 166.66667, 0.00000)" d="M 285 -74 Q 285 -62 291 -53 L 1219 1329 Q 1096 1260 948 1260 Q 788 1260 641 1343 Q 682 1245 682 1124 Q 682 1058 666 987 T 619 854 T 536 751 T 418 711 Q 322 711 253 775 T 149 935 T 115 1124 Q 115 1215 149 1311 T 253 1472 T 418 1536 Q 494 1536 557 1475 Q 722 1313 948 1313 Q 1069 1313 1174 1366 T 1346 1520 Q 1356 1536 1378 1536 Q 1396 1536 1407 1525 T 1419 1495 Q 1419 1484 1413 1475 L 356 -102 Q 347 -115 326 -115 Q 309 -115 297 -102 T 285 -74 Z M 418 764 Q 519 764 571 884 T 623 1124 Q 623 1191 601 1276 T 534 1422 T 418 1483 Q 316 1483 283 1369 T 250 1122 Q 250 993 284 878 T 418 764 Z M 1325 -115 Q 1229 -115 1160 -51 T 1056 109 T 1022 299 Q 1022 390 1056 486 T 1160 647 T 1325 711 Q 1414 711 1474 643 T 1561 481 T 1589 299 Q 1589 233 1573 163 T 1526 29 T 1444 -75 T 1325 -115 Z M 1325 -61 Q 1394 -61 1441 0 T 1509 147 T 1530 299 Q 1530 417 1478 537 T 1325 657 Q 1223 657 1190 543 T 1157 297 Q 1157 167 1191 53 T 1325 -61 Z "/></g></g></g></g></svg> to <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="1.26%,TCDW" width="98px" height="15px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 12.00000)"><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 190 0 V 72 Q 446 72 446 137 V 1212 Q 340 1161 178 1161 V 1233 Q 429 1233 557 1364 H 586 Q 593 1364 599 1358 T 606 1346 V 137 Q 606 72 862 72 V 0 H 190 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 500.00000, 0.00000)" d="M 172 113 Q 172 159 206 192 T 285 225 Q 313 225 340 210 T 382 168 T 397 113 Q 397 68 364 34 T 285 0 Q 240 0 206 34 T 172 113 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 777.78003, 0.00000)" d="M 102 0 V 55 Q 102 60 106 66 L 424 418 Q 496 496 541 549 T 630 671 T 699 811 T 725 963 Q 725 1047 694 1123 T 601 1246 T 453 1292 Q 364 1292 293 1238 T 193 1100 Q 201 1102 215 1102 Q 261 1102 293 1071 T 326 991 Q 326 944 293 911 T 215 879 Q 167 879 134 912 T 102 991 Q 102 1068 131 1135 T 214 1255 T 337 1336 T 483 1364 Q 600 1364 701 1314 T 861 1174 T 920 963 Q 920 874 881 794 T 781 648 T 625 500 T 500 389 L 268 166 H 465 Q 610 166 707 168 T 811 176 Q 835 202 860 365 H 920 L 862 0 H 102 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 1277.78003, 0.00000)" d="M 512 -45 Q 385 -45 300 22 T 168 197 T 104 423 T 86 662 Q 86 824 149 987 T 334 1257 T 625 1364 Q 695 1364 755 1337 T 850 1259 T 885 1135 Q 885 1093 856 1064 T 786 1036 Q 746 1036 717 1065 T 688 1135 Q 688 1175 717 1204 T 786 1233 H 797 Q 771 1270 723 1287 T 625 1305 Q 563 1305 510 1278 T 416 1205 T 346 1103 T 302 977 T 283 844 T 279 688 Q 315 772 381 825 T 530 879 Q 621 879 696 842 T 825 739 T 907 590 T 936 420 Q 936 300 882 191 T 732 19 T 512 -45 Z M 512 20 Q 591 20 639 56 T 709 151 T 737 271 T 743 420 Q 743 536 732 618 T 672 762 T 522 825 Q 439 825 385 769 T 307 627 T 283 463 Q 283 436 285 422 Q 285 419 284 417 T 283 412 Q 283 324 301 234 T 370 82 T 512 20 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(1777.78003, 0.00000)"><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 166.66667, 0.00000)" d="M 285 -74 Q 285 -62 291 -53 L 1219 1329 Q 1096 1260 948 1260 Q 788 1260 641 1343 Q 682 1245 682 1124 Q 682 1058 666 987 T 619 854 T 536 751 T 418 711 Q 322 711 253 775 T 149 935 T 115 1124 Q 115 1215 149 1311 T 253 1472 T 418 1536 Q 494 1536 557 1475 Q 722 1313 948 1313 Q 1069 1313 1174 1366 T 1346 1520 Q 1356 1536 1378 1536 Q 1396 1536 1407 1525 T 1419 1495 Q 1419 1484 1413 1475 L 356 -102 Q 347 -115 326 -115 Q 309 -115 297 -102 T 285 -74 Z M 418 764 Q 519 764 571 884 T 623 1124 Q 623 1191 601 1276 T 534 1422 T 418 1483 Q 316 1483 283 1369 T 250 1122 Q 250 993 284 878 T 418 764 Z M 1325 -115 Q 1229 -115 1160 -51 T 1056 109 T 1022 299 Q 1022 390 1056 486 T 1160 647 T 1325 711 Q 1414 711 1474 643 T 1561 481 T 1589 299 Q 1589 233 1573 163 T 1526 29 T 1444 -75 T 1325 -115 Z M 1325 -61 Q 1394 -61 1441 0 T 1509 147 T 1530 299 Q 1530 417 1478 537 T 1325 657 Q 1223 657 1190 543 T 1157 297 Q 1157 167 1191 53 T 1325 -61 Z "/></g><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 2944.44336, 0.00000)" d="M 203 -369 Q 203 -360 211 -352 Q 285 -281 326 -188 T 367 8 V 33 Q 334 0 285 0 Q 238 0 205 33 T 172 113 Q 172 161 205 193 T 285 225 Q 358 225 389 157 T 420 8 Q 420 -106 374 -209 T 246 -393 Q 238 -397 233 -397 Q 223 -397 213 -388 T 203 -369 Z "/><g transform="translate(3502.22339, 0.00000)"><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 94 27 Q 95 32 98 45 T 107 65 T 123 72 Q 299 72 356 82 Q 411 96 422 141 L 702 1266 Q 711 1291 711 1311 Q 711 1327 639 1327 H 520 Q 383 1327 308 1285 T 199 1174 T 109 948 Q 102 930 88 930 H 70 Q 49 930 49 956 L 195 1380 Q 199 1399 215 1399 H 1425 Q 1446 1399 1446 1372 L 1378 948 Q 1378 942 1371 936 T 1358 930 H 1339 Q 1319 930 1319 956 Q 1341 1101 1341 1161 Q 1341 1233 1311 1270 T 1233 1317 T 1108 1327 H 987 Q 932 1327 913 1317 T 881 1257 L 600 133 Q 599 129 598 125 T 596 115 Q 596 89 627 82 Q 680 72 854 72 Q 874 72 874 45 Q 867 16 863 8 T 840 0 H 115 Q 94 0 94 27 Z "/><g transform="translate(584.39001, 150.00000)"><g><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 143 700 Q 143 854 206 991 T 382 1229 T 635 1385 T 932 1440 Q 1050 1440 1156 1394 T 1346 1262 L 1470 1432 Q 1480 1440 1487 1440 H 1501 Q 1510 1440 1517 1433 T 1524 1417 V 872 Q 1524 865 1516 857 T 1501 850 H 1464 Q 1446 850 1442 872 Q 1433 964 1393 1053 T 1291 1210 T 1143 1318 T 963 1358 Q 775 1358 641 1272 T 439 1036 T 371 700 Q 371 562 409 442 T 523 231 T 710 90 T 965 41 Q 1061 41 1147 75 T 1301 172 T 1408 319 T 1446 500 Q 1446 508 1454 515 T 1468 522 H 1501 Q 1512 522 1518 514 T 1524 496 Q 1524 380 1475 281 T 1343 110 T 1151 -2 T 932 -41 Q 780 -41 636 14 T 381 170 T 206 408 T 143 700 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 570.84998, 0.00000)" d="M 115 0 V 82 Q 326 82 326 143 V 1255 Q 326 1317 115 1317 V 1399 H 926 Q 1068 1399 1195 1342 T 1417 1185 T 1564 956 T 1616 686 Q 1616 544 1562 420 T 1413 202 T 1192 54 T 926 0 H 115 Z M 520 143 Q 520 102 546 92 T 627 82 H 868 Q 1051 82 1169 158 T 1342 371 T 1397 686 Q 1397 826 1370 941 T 1270 1143 Q 1200 1227 1093 1272 T 868 1317 H 627 Q 572 1317 546 1307 T 520 1255 V 143 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 1151.39856, 0.00000)" d="M 700 -12 L 246 1255 Q 228 1297 180 1307 T 59 1317 V 1399 H 623 V 1317 Q 453 1317 453 1266 Q 453 1260 455 1255 L 813 250 L 1137 1153 L 1100 1255 Q 1083 1297 1034 1307 T 913 1317 V 1399 H 1477 V 1317 Q 1307 1317 1307 1266 V 1255 L 1667 250 L 2005 1200 Q 2009 1212 2009 1219 Q 2009 1270 1952 1293 T 1835 1317 V 1399 H 2296 V 1317 Q 2223 1317 2167 1289 T 2089 1200 L 1655 -12 Q 1645 -41 1616 -41 H 1593 Q 1564 -41 1552 -12 L 1178 1038 L 803 -12 Q 798 -25 787 -33 T 762 -41 H 739 Q 712 -41 700 -12 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></g></g></svg> decreases monotonically by <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="∼10%" width="56px" height="13px" style="vertical-align:-1px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 12.00000)"><g><g><g><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 277.77780, 0.00000)" d="M 143 272 Q 121 272 115 324 V 336 Q 115 494 209 623 T 455 752 Q 549 752 625 705 T 805 566 T 977 430 T 1137 387 Q 1218 387 1282 431 T 1382 548 T 1419 700 Q 1425 752 1448 752 Q 1471 752 1477 700 V 688 Q 1477 589 1435 492 T 1317 333 T 1137 272 Q 1043 272 970 316 T 794 453 T 618 591 T 455 637 Q 375 637 310 593 T 208 476 T 172 324 Q 166 272 143 272 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(1333.33569, 0.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 190 0 V 72 Q 446 72 446 137 V 1212 Q 340 1161 178 1161 V 1233 Q 429 1233 557 1364 H 586 Q 593 1364 599 1358 T 606 1346 V 137 Q 606 72 862 72 V 0 H 190 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 500.00000, 0.00000)" d="M 512 -45 Q 261 -45 170 161 T 80 653 Q 80 831 112 988 T 241 1254 T 512 1364 Q 647 1364 733 1298 T 864 1127 T 925 903 T 942 653 Q 942 477 909 323 T 782 62 T 512 -45 Z M 512 8 Q 626 8 682 125 T 751 384 T 764 686 Q 764 840 751 970 T 682 1205 T 512 1311 Q 396 1311 340 1205 T 271 969 T 258 686 Q 258 572 263 471 T 293 262 T 370 81 T 512 8 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(2333.33569, 0.00000)"><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 166.66667, 0.00000)" d="M 285 -74 Q 285 -62 291 -53 L 1219 1329 Q 1096 1260 948 1260 Q 788 1260 641 1343 Q 682 1245 682 1124 Q 682 1058 666 987 T 619 854 T 536 751 T 418 711 Q 322 711 253 775 T 149 935 T 115 1124 Q 115 1215 149 1311 T 253 1472 T 418 1536 Q 494 1536 557 1475 Q 722 1313 948 1313 Q 1069 1313 1174 1366 T 1346 1520 Q 1356 1536 1378 1536 Q 1396 1536 1407 1525 T 1419 1495 Q 1419 1484 1413 1475 L 356 -102 Q 347 -115 326 -115 Q 309 -115 297 -102 T 285 -74 Z M 418 764 Q 519 764 571 884 T 623 1124 Q 623 1191 601 1276 T 534 1422 T 418 1483 Q 316 1483 283 1369 T 250 1122 Q 250 993 284 878 T 418 764 Z M 1325 -115 Q 1229 -115 1160 -51 T 1056 109 T 1022 299 Q 1022 390 1056 486 T 1160 647 T 1325 711 Q 1414 711 1474 643 T 1561 481 T 1589 299 Q 1589 233 1573 163 T 1526 29 T 1444 -75 T 1325 -115 Z M 1325 -61 Q 1394 -61 1441 0 T 1509 147 T 1530 299 Q 1530 417 1478 537 T 1325 657 Q 1223 657 1190 543 T 1157 297 Q 1157 167 1191 53 T 1325 -61 Z "/></g></g></g></g></svg> from 97.5 to 87.5 K with TCDW(ɛ)=94.5−4.72ɛ−0.60ɛ2. The opposite response of <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="Tc" width="16px" height="13px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 10.92800)"><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 94 27 Q 95 32 98 45 T 107 65 T 123 72 Q 299 72 356 82 Q 411 96 422 141 L 702 1266 Q 711 1291 711 1311 Q 711 1327 639 1327 H 520 Q 383 1327 308 1285 T 199 1174 T 109 948 Q 102 930 88 930 H 70 Q 49 930 49 956 L 195 1380 Q 199 1399 215 1399 H 1425 Q 1446 1399 1446 1372 L 1378 948 Q 1378 942 1371 936 T 1358 930 H 1339 Q 1319 930 1319 956 Q 1341 1101 1341 1161 Q 1341 1233 1311 1270 T 1233 1317 T 1108 1327 H 987 Q 932 1327 913 1317 T 881 1257 L 600 133 Q 599 129 598 125 T 596 115 Q 596 89 627 82 Q 680 72 854 72 Q 874 72 874 45 Q 867 16 863 8 T 840 0 H 115 Q 94 0 94 27 Z "/><g transform="translate(584.39001, 150.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 301 264 Q 301 169 356 107 T 504 45 Q 636 45 756 93 T 954 240 Q 959 248 973 248 Q 987 248 1000 233 T 1014 205 Q 1014 196 1008 188 Q 923 81 788 30 T 500 -20 Q 397 -20 310 25 T 173 152 T 123 338 Q 123 448 173 551 T 312 734 T 504 858 T 719 903 Q 778 903 841 885 T 945 828 T 987 727 Q 987 672 953 631 T 864 590 Q 830 590 806 611 T 782 668 Q 782 711 811 744 T 883 786 Q 828 838 715 838 Q 617 838 539 783 T 409 642 T 328 453 T 301 264 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></svg> and <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="TCDW" width="42px" height="14px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 10.92800)"><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 94 27 Q 95 32 98 45 T 107 65 T 123 72 Q 299 72 356 82 Q 411 96 422 141 L 702 1266 Q 711 1291 711 1311 Q 711 1327 639 1327 H 520 Q 383 1327 308 1285 T 199 1174 T 109 948 Q 102 930 88 930 H 70 Q 49 930 49 956 L 195 1380 Q 199 1399 215 1399 H 1425 Q 1446 1399 1446 1372 L 1378 948 Q 1378 942 1371 936 T 1358 930 H 1339 Q 1319 930 1319 956 Q 1341 1101 1341 1161 Q 1341 1233 1311 1270 T 1233 1317 T 1108 1327 H 987 Q 932 1327 913 1317 T 881 1257 L 600 133 Q 599 129 598 125 T 596 115 Q 596 89 627 82 Q 680 72 854 72 Q 874 72 874 45 Q 867 16 863 8 T 840 0 H 115 Q 94 0 94 27 Z "/><g transform="translate(584.39001, 150.00000)"><g><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 143 700 Q 143 854 206 991 T 382 1229 T 635 1385 T 932 1440 Q 1050 1440 1156 1394 T 1346 1262 L 1470 1432 Q 1480 1440 1487 1440 H 1501 Q 1510 1440 1517 1433 T 1524 1417 V 872 Q 1524 865 1516 857 T 1501 850 H 1464 Q 1446 850 1442 872 Q 1433 964 1393 1053 T 1291 1210 T 1143 1318 T 963 1358 Q 775 1358 641 1272 T 439 1036 T 371 700 Q 371 562 409 442 T 523 231 T 710 90 T 965 41 Q 1061 41 1147 75 T 1301 172 T 1408 319 T 1446 500 Q 1446 508 1454 515 T 1468 522 H 1501 Q 1512 522 1518 514 T 1524 496 Q 1524 380 1475 281 T 1343 110 T 1151 -2 T 932 -41 Q 780 -41 636 14 T 381 170 T 206 408 T 143 700 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 570.84998, 0.00000)" d="M 115 0 V 82 Q 326 82 326 143 V 1255 Q 326 1317 115 1317 V 1399 H 926 Q 1068 1399 1195 1342 T 1417 1185 T 1564 956 T 1616 686 Q 1616 544 1562 420 T 1413 202 T 1192 54 T 926 0 H 115 Z M 520 143 Q 520 102 546 92 T 627 82 H 868 Q 1051 82 1169 158 T 1342 371 T 1397 686 Q 1397 826 1370 941 T 1270 1143 Q 1200 1227 1093 1272 T 868 1317 H 627 Q 572 1317 546 1307 T 520 1255 V 143 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 1151.39856, 0.00000)" d="M 700 -12 L 246 1255 Q 228 1297 180 1307 T 59 1317 V 1399 H 623 V 1317 Q 453 1317 453 1266 Q 453 1260 455 1255 L 813 250 L 1137 1153 L 1100 1255 Q 1083 1297 1034 1307 T 913 1317 V 1399 H 1477 V 1317 Q 1307 1317 1307 1266 V 1255 L 1667 250 L 2005 1200 Q 2009 1212 2009 1219 Q 2009 1270 1952 1293 T 1835 1317 V 1399 H 2296 V 1317 Q 2223 1317 2167 1289 T 2089 1200 L 1655 -12 Q 1645 -41 1616 -41 H 1593 Q 1564 -41 1552 -12 L 1178 1038 L 803 -12 Q 798 -25 787 -33 T 762 -41 H 739 Q 712 -41 700 -12 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></g></svg> to the uniaxial strain suggests strong competition between these two orders. Comparison with hydrostatic pressure measurements indicate that it is the change in the <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="c" width="7px" height="7px" style="vertical-align:0px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 7.07200)"><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 240 244 Q 240 155 285 93 T 416 31 Q 538 31 650 87 T 834 242 Q 840 248 850 248 Q 860 248 870 236 T 881 215 Q 881 207 877 203 Q 802 98 675 37 T 412 -23 Q 314 -23 239 23 T 123 148 T 82 324 Q 82 462 159 598 T 364 819 T 633 905 Q 725 905 798 860 T 872 729 Q 872 673 839 633 T 752 594 Q 719 594 696 614 T 674 668 Q 674 716 709 750 T 791 784 H 795 Q 771 819 725 835 T 631 852 Q 511 852 421 749 T 285 504 T 240 244 Z "/></g></g></svg> axis that is responsible for these behaviors of the CDW and superconducting transitions, and that the explicit breaking of the sixfold rotational symmetry by strain has a negligible effect. Combined with our first-principles calculations and phenomenological analysis, we conclude that the enhancement in <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="Tc" width="16px" height="13px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 10.92800)"><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 94 27 Q 95 32 98 45 T 107 65 T 123 72 Q 299 72 356 82 Q 411 96 422 141 L 702 1266 Q 711 1291 711 1311 Q 711 1327 639 1327 H 520 Q 383 1327 308 1285 T 199 1174 T 109 948 Q 102 930 88 930 H 70 Q 49 930 49 956 L 195 1380 Q 199 1399 215 1399 H 1425 Q 1446 1399 1446 1372 L 1378 948 Q 1378 942 1371 936 T 1358 930 H 1339 Q 1319 930 1319 956 Q 1341 1101 1341 1161 Q 1341 1233 1311 1270 T 1233 1317 T 1108 1327 H 987 Q 932 1327 913 1317 T 881 1257 L 600 133 Q 599 129 598 125 T 596 115 Q 596 89 627 82 Q 680 72 854 72 Q 874 72 874 45 Q 867 16 863 8 T 840 0 H 115 Q 94 0 94 27 Z "/><g transform="translate(584.39001, 150.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 301 264 Q 301 169 356 107 T 504 45 Q 636 45 756 93 T 954 240 Q 959 248 973 248 Q 987 248 1000 233 T 1014 205 Q 1014 196 1008 188 Q 923 81 788 30 T 500 -20 Q 397 -20 310 25 T 173 152 T 123 338 Q 123 448 173 551 T 312 734 T 504 858 T 719 903 Q 778 903 841 885 T 945 828 T 987 727 Q 987 672 953 631 T 864 590 Q 830 590 806 611 T 782 668 Q 782 711 811 744 T 883 786 Q 828 838 715 838 Q 617 838 539 783 T 409 642 T 328 453 T 301 264 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></svg> with decreasing <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="c" width="7px" height="7px" style="vertical-align:0px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 7.07200)"><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 240 244 Q 240 155 285 93 T 416 31 Q 538 31 650 87 T 834 242 Q 840 248 850 248 Q 860 248 870 236 T 881 215 Q 881 207 877 203 Q 802 98 675 37 T 412 -23 Q 314 -23 239 23 T 123 148 T 82 324 Q 82 462 159 598 T 364 819 T 633 905 Q 725 905 798 860 T 872 729 Q 872 673 839 633 T 752 594 Q 719 594 696 614 T 674 668 Q 674 716 709 750 T 791 784 H 795 Q 771 819 725 835 T 631 852 Q 511 852 421 749 T 285 504 T 240 244 Z "/></g></g></svg> is caused primarily by the suppression of <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="TCDW" width="42px" height="14px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 10.92800)"><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 94 27 Q 95 32 98 45 T 107 65 T 123 72 Q 299 72 356 82 Q 411 96 422 141 L 702 1266 Q 711 1291 711 1311 Q 711 1327 639 1327 H 520 Q 383 1327 308 1285 T 199 1174 T 109 948 Q 102 930 88 930 H 70 Q 49 930 49 956 L 195 1380 Q 199 1399 215 1399 H 1425 Q 1446 1399 1446 1372 L 1378 948 Q 1378 942 1371 936 T 1358 930 H 1339 Q 1319 930 1319 956 Q 1341 1101 1341 1161 Q 1341 1233 1311 1270 T 1233 1317 T 1108 1327 H 987 Q 932 1327 913 1317 T 881 1257 L 600 133 Q 599 129 598 125 T 596 115 Q 596 89 627 82 Q 680 72 854 72 Q 874 72 874 45 Q 867 16 863 8 T 840 0 H 115 Q 94 0 94 27 Z "/><g transform="translate(584.39001, 150.00000)"><g><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 143 700 Q 143 854 206 991 T 382 1229 T 635 1385 T 932 1440 Q 1050 1440 1156 1394 T 1346 1262 L 1470 1432 Q 1480 1440 1487 1440 H 1501 Q 1510 1440 1517 1433 T 1524 1417 V 872 Q 1524 865 1516 857 T 1501 850 H 1464 Q 1446 850 1442 872 Q 1433 964 1393 1053 T 1291 1210 T 1143 1318 T 963 1358 Q 775 1358 641 1272 T 439 1036 T 371 700 Q 371 562 409 442 T 523 231 T 710 90 T 965 41 Q 1061 41 1147 75 T 1301 172 T 1408 319 T 1446 500 Q 1446 508 1454 515 T 1468 522 H 1501 Q 1512 522 1518 514 T 1524 496 Q 1524 380 1475 281 T 1343 110 T 1151 -2 T 932 -41 Q 780 -41 636 14 T 381 170 T 206 408 T 143 700 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 570.84998, 0.00000)" d="M 115 0 V 82 Q 326 82 326 143 V 1255 Q 326 1317 115 1317 V 1399 H 926 Q 1068 1399 1195 1342 T 1417 1185 T 1564 956 T 1616 686 Q 1616 544 1562 420 T 1413 202 T 1192 54 T 926 0 H 115 Z M 520 143 Q 520 102 546 92 T 627 82 H 868 Q 1051 82 1169 158 T 1342 371 T 1397 686 Q 1397 826 1370 941 T 1270 1143 Q 1200 1227 1093 1272 T 868 1317 H 627 Q 572 1317 546 1307 T 520 1255 V 143 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 1151.39856, 0.00000)" d="M 700 -12 L 246 1255 Q 228 1297 180 1307 T 59 1317 V 1399 H 623 V 1317 Q 453 1317 453 1266 Q 453 1260 455 1255 L 813 250 L 1137 1153 L 1100 1255 Q 1083 1297 1034 1307 T 913 1317 V 1399 H 1477 V 1317 Q 1307 1317 1307 1266 V 1255 L 1667 250 L 2005 1200 Q 2009 1212 2009 1219 Q 2009 1270 1952 1293 T 1835 1317 V 1399 H 2296 V 1317 Q 2223 1317 2167 1289 T 2089 1200 L 1655 -12 Q 1645 -41 1616 -41 H 1593 Q 1564 -41 1552 -12 L 1178 1038 L 803 -12 Q 798 -25 787 -33 T 762 -41 H 739 Q 712 -41 700 -12 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></g></svg>, rather than strain-induced modifications in the bare superconducting parameters. We propose that the sensitivity of <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="TCDW" width="42px" height="14px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 10.92800)"><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 94 27 Q 95 32 98 45 T 107 65 T 123 72 Q 299 72 356 82 Q 411 96 422 141 L 702 1266 Q 711 1291 711 1311 Q 711 1327 639 1327 H 520 Q 383 1327 308 1285 T 199 1174 T 109 948 Q 102 930 88 930 H 70 Q 49 930 49 956 L 195 1380 Q 199 1399 215 1399 H 1425 Q 1446 1399 1446 1372 L 1378 948 Q 1378 942 1371 936 T 1358 930 H 1339 Q 1319 930 1319 956 Q 1341 1101 1341 1161 Q 1341 1233 1311 1270 T 1233 1317 T 1108 1327 H 987 Q 932 1327 913 1317 T 881 1257 L 600 133 Q 599 129 598 125 T 596 115 Q 596 89 627 82 Q 680 72 854 72 Q 874 72 874 45 Q 867 16 863 8 T 840 0 H 115 Q 94 0 94 27 Z "/><g transform="translate(584.39001, 150.00000)"><g><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 143 700 Q 143 854 206 991 T 382 1229 T 635 1385 T 932 1440 Q 1050 1440 1156 1394 T 1346 1262 L 1470 1432 Q 1480 1440 1487 1440 H 1501 Q 1510 1440 1517 1433 T 1524 1417 V 872 Q 1524 865 1516 857 T 1501 850 H 1464 Q 1446 850 1442 872 Q 1433 964 1393 1053 T 1291 1210 T 1143 1318 T 963 1358 Q 775 1358 641 1272 T 439 1036 T 371 700 Q 371 562 409 442 T 523 231 T 710 90 T 965 41 Q 1061 41 1147 75 T 1301 172 T 1408 319 T 1446 500 Q 1446 508 1454 515 T 1468 522 H 1501 Q 1512 522 1518 514 T 1524 496 Q 1524 380 1475 281 T 1343 110 T 1151 -2 T 932 -41 Q 780 -41 636 14 T 381 170 T 206 408 T 143 700 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 570.84998, 0.00000)" d="M 115 0 V 82 Q 326 82 326 143 V 1255 Q 326 1317 115 1317 V 1399 H 926 Q 1068 1399 1195 1342 T 1417 1185 T 1564 956 T 1616 686 Q 1616 544 1562 420 T 1413 202 T 1192 54 T 926 0 H 115 Z M 520 143 Q 520 102 546 92 T 627 82 H 868 Q 1051 82 1169 158 T 1342 371 T 1397 686 Q 1397 826 1370 941 T 1270 1143 Q 1200 1227 1093 1272 T 868 1317 H 627 Q 572 1317 546 1307 T 520 1255 V 143 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 1151.39856, 0.00000)" d="M 700 -12 L 246 1255 Q 228 1297 180 1307 T 59 1317 V 1399 H 623 V 1317 Q 453 1317 453 1266 Q 453 1260 455 1255 L 813 250 L 1137 1153 L 1100 1255 Q 1083 1297 1034 1307 T 913 1317 V 1399 H 1477 V 1317 Q 1307 1317 1307 1266 V 1255 L 1667 250 L 2005 1200 Q 2009 1212 2009 1219 Q 2009 1270 1952 1293 T 1835 1317 V 1399 H 2296 V 1317 Q 2223 1317 2167 1289 T 2089 1200 L 1655 -12 Q 1645 -41 1616 -41 H 1593 Q 1564 -41 1552 -12 L 1178 1038 L 803 -12 Q 798 -25 787 -33 T 762 -41 H 739 Q 712 -41 700 -12 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></g></svg> with respect to the changes in the <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="c" width="7px" height="7px" style="vertical-align:0px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 7.07200)"><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 240 244 Q 240 155 285 93 T 416 31 Q 538 31 650 87 T 834 242 Q 840 248 850 248 Q 860 248 870 236 T 881 215 Q 881 207 877 203 Q 802 98 675 37 T 412 -23 Q 314 -23 239 23 T 123 148 T 82 324 Q 82 462 159 598 T 364 819 T 633 905 Q 725 905 798 860 T 872 729 Q 872 673 839 633 T 752 594 Q 719 594 696 614 T 674 668 Q 674 716 709 750 T 791 784 H 795 Q 771 819 725 835 T 631 852 Q 511 852 421 749 T 285 504 T 240 244 Z "/></g></g></svg> axis arises from the impact of the latter on the trilinear coupling between the <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="M1+" width="27px" height="18px" style="vertical-align:-4px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 13.78790)"><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 104 0 Q 84 0 84 27 Q 85 32 88 44 T 96 64 T 111 72 Q 306 72 338 197 L 604 1266 Q 608 1286 608 1294 Q 608 1316 584 1319 Q 545 1327 436 1327 Q 416 1327 416 1354 Q 417 1359 420 1371 T 428 1391 T 442 1399 H 803 Q 826 1399 829 1376 L 989 203 L 1735 1376 Q 1749 1399 1774 1399 H 2122 Q 2142 1399 2142 1372 Q 2141 1367 2138 1354 T 2129 1334 T 2116 1327 Q 1991 1327 1942 1313 Q 1915 1304 1903 1257 L 1622 133 Q 1618 113 1618 104 Q 1618 96 1620 90 T 1627 83 T 1642 80 Q 1681 72 1790 72 Q 1810 72 1810 45 Q 1803 16 1799 8 T 1776 0 H 1241 Q 1221 0 1221 27 Q 1222 32 1225 44 T 1233 64 T 1247 72 Q 1372 72 1421 86 Q 1448 95 1460 141 L 1755 1327 L 928 23 Q 916 0 887 0 Q 861 0 858 23 L 684 1311 L 403 188 Q 401 183 400 175 T 397 158 Q 397 105 443 88 T 557 72 Q 578 72 578 45 Q 571 18 566 9 T 543 0 H 104 Z "/><g transform="translate(970.16998, 0.00000)"><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 109.02700, -428.44400)" d="M 848 -199 V 461 H 190 Q 170 464 156 477 T 143 512 Q 143 554 190 561 H 848 V 1221 Q 851 1241 864 1254 T 899 1268 Q 941 1268 948 1221 V 561 H 1604 Q 1651 554 1651 512 Q 1651 491 1637 477 T 1604 461 H 948 V -199 Q 941 -246 899 -246 Q 878 -246 864 -233 T 848 -199 Z "/><g transform="translate(0.00000, 280.35199)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 233 0 V 82 Q 516 82 516 143 V 1202 Q 401 1147 219 1147 V 1229 Q 341 1229 447 1258 T 629 1360 H 666 Q 685 1355 690 1335 V 143 Q 690 82 973 82 V 0 H 233 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></g></svg> and the <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="L2−" width="21px" height="15px" style="vertical-align:-4px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 10.92800)"><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 96 0 Q 76 0 76 27 Q 77 32 80 44 T 88 64 T 102 72 Q 227 72 276 86 Q 303 95 315 141 L 596 1266 Q 600 1286 600 1294 Q 600 1316 575 1319 Q 537 1327 428 1327 Q 408 1327 408 1354 Q 415 1380 419 1389 T 442 1399 H 1047 Q 1065 1399 1065 1372 Q 1062 1351 1058 1339 T 1038 1327 Q 887 1327 836 1317 Q 786 1308 774 1257 L 494 133 Q 485 108 485 88 Q 485 72 555 72 H 745 Q 906 72 1006 136 T 1154 280 T 1234 447 T 1282 537 H 1300 Q 1321 537 1321 510 L 1139 14 Q 1136 0 1120 0 H 96 Z "/><g transform="translate(680.56000, 0.00000)"><path transform="matrix(0.34180, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.34180, 0.00000, -362.89200)" d="M 268 461 Q 248 464 234 477 T 221 512 Q 221 554 268 561 H 1559 Q 1606 554 1606 512 Q 1606 491 1592 477 T 1559 461 H 268 Z "/><g transform="translate(0.00000, 247.21700)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 129 0 V 59 Q 129 68 137 76 L 502 432 Q 523 454 535 466 T 571 502 Q 692 623 759 727 T 827 956 Q 827 1024 804 1083 T 739 1187 T 641 1254 T 516 1278 Q 425 1278 349 1231 T 236 1104 H 242 Q 291 1104 322 1071 T 354 991 Q 354 945 322 912 T 242 879 Q 195 879 162 912 T 129 991 Q 129 1101 190 1185 T 349 1314 T 551 1360 Q 675 1360 786 1313 T 965 1174 T 1034 956 Q 1034 865 993 786 T 892 648 T 726 505 T 588 395 L 338 182 H 526 Q 603 182 687 182 T 836 185 T 905 193 Q 923 212 934 261 T 956 381 H 1034 L 973 0 H 129 Z "/></g></g></g></g></g></g></svg> phonon modes associated with the CDW. Overall, our paper reveals that the <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="c" width="7px" height="7px" style="vertical-align:0px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 7.07200)"><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 240 244 Q 240 155 285 93 T 416 31 Q 538 31 650 87 T 834 242 Q 840 248 850 248 Q 860 248 870 236 T 881 215 Q 881 207 877 203 Q 802 98 675 37 T 412 -23 Q 314 -23 239 23 T 123 148 T 82 324 Q 82 462 159 598 T 364 819 T 633 905 Q 725 905 798 860 T 872 729 Q 872 673 839 633 T 752 594 Q 719 594 696 614 T 674 668 Q 674 716 709 750 T 791 784 H 795 Q 771 819 725 835 T 631 852 Q 511 852 421 749 T 285 504 T 240 244 Z "/></g></g></svg>-axis lattice parameter, which can be controlled by both pressure and uniaxial strain, is a powerful tuning knob for the phase diagram of <svg class="gs_fsvg" aria-label="CsV3Sb5" width="62px" height="14px" style="vertical-align:-3px;"><g transform="matrix(0.01600, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01600, 0.00000, 11.28000)"><g><g><g><g><g><path transform="scale(0.48828, -0.48828)" d="M 467 219 Q 537 130 642 78 T 860 27 Q 955 27 1036 64 T 1177 169 T 1270 321 T 1303 500 Q 1303 516 1321 516 H 1346 Q 1362 516 1362 496 Q 1362 389 1321 289 T 1205 114 T 1032 -3 T 829 -45 Q 682 -45 550 14 T 321 177 T 169 417 T 115 700 Q 115 847 169 983 T 321 1223 T 550 1385 T 829 1444 Q 934 1444 1030 1398 T 1198 1270 L 1317 1438 Q 1329 1444 1331 1444 H 1346 Q 1352 1444 1357 1439 T 1362 1427 V 874 Q 1362 856 1346 856 H 1309 Q 1290 856 1290 874 Q 1290 933 1266 1006 T 1206 1144 T 1122 1260 Q 1007 1372 858 1372 Q 745 1372 641 1321 T 467 1180 Q 392 1084 363 961 T 334 700 Q 334 561 363 438 T 467 219 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 722.21997, 0.00000)" d="M 68 -6 V 328 Q 68 344 86 344 H 111 Q 123 344 127 328 Q 184 31 403 31 Q 500 31 565 75 T 631 211 Q 631 277 580 323 T 459 387 L 322 414 Q 253 429 196 460 T 104 542 T 68 662 Q 68 752 115 809 T 239 892 T 403 918 Q 508 918 586 862 L 645 913 Q 645 918 655 918 H 670 Q 676 918 681 912 T 686 901 V 633 Q 686 614 670 614 H 645 Q 627 614 627 633 Q 627 740 567 805 T 401 870 Q 309 870 241 836 T 174 719 Q 174 662 222 625 T 336 573 L 475 547 Q 545 531 605 493 T 701 397 T 737 266 Q 737 192 711 137 T 640 47 T 533 -6 T 403 -23 Q 275 -23 184 63 L 109 -18 Q 109 -23 98 -23 H 86 Q 68 -23 68 -6 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 1116.65991, 0.00000)" d="M 721 -23 L 238 1262 Q 220 1305 169 1316 T 39 1327 V 1399 H 602 V 1327 Q 432 1327 432 1274 Q 433 1271 433 1268 T 434 1262 L 827 217 L 1198 1206 Q 1202 1214 1202 1231 Q 1202 1281 1156 1304 T 1053 1327 V 1399 H 1495 V 1327 Q 1418 1327 1359 1298 T 1276 1206 L 813 -23 Q 807 -45 780 -45 H 754 Q 727 -45 721 -23 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(1880.54785, 150.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 233 160 Q 268 114 324 85 T 443 44 T 571 33 Q 658 33 715 78 T 798 198 T 825 356 Q 825 442 798 515 T 713 634 T 569 680 H 418 Q 410 680 402 687 T 395 702 V 723 Q 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967 934 950 934 H 926 Q 907 934 907 952 Q 907 1004 889 1066 T 841 1185 T 774 1278 Q 675 1378 512 1378 Q 442 1378 383 1342 T 289 1246 T 254 1118 Q 254 1030 308 958 T 451 864 L 717 799 Q 783 783 841 741 T 939 645 T 1000 522 T 1022 383 Q 1022 272 971 173 T 827 15 T 625 -45 Q 557 -45 486 -30 T 355 16 T 246 96 L 160 -39 Q 154 -45 145 -45 H 133 Q 115 -45 115 -29 Z "/><path transform="matrix(0.48828, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.48828, 555.56000, 0.00000)" d="M 213 0 V 1212 Q 213 1267 196 1291 T 149 1321 T 53 1327 V 1399 L 356 1421 V 780 Q 390 818 435 846 T 533 890 T 639 905 Q 731 905 809 868 T 946 766 T 1036 616 T 1069 442 Q 1069 318 1008 211 T 843 40 T 614 -23 Q 536 -23 463 17 T 342 123 L 272 0 H 213 Z M 362 201 Q 396 126 460 78 T 602 31 Q 708 31 773 92 T 865 246 T 891 442 Q 891 615 846 705 Q 826 745 791 779 T 714 832 T 625 852 Q 543 852 473 808 T 362 692 V 201 Z "/></g><g transform="translate(1111.12000, 150.00000)"><path transform="scale(0.34180, -0.34180)" d="M 227 223 Q 267 136 354 84 T 537 33 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