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= 1/2/2 | image1 = Downtown South Bend.jpg{{!}}Downtown South Bend and St. Joeseph River | caption1 = [[Downtown South Bend]] and [[St. Joseph River (Lake Michigan)|St. Joseph River]] | image2 = Saint Joseph County Courthouse Indiana (South Bend).jpg{{!}}Third St. Joseph County Courthouse | caption2 = [[Third St. Joseph County Courthouse|St. Joseph County Courthouse]] | image4 = Main Building at the University of Notre Dame.jpg{{!}}Main Building at the University of Notre Dame | caption4 = [[University of Notre Dame]] | image5 = 1964 Lark Daytona, 1966 Cruiser (14914052189).jpg{{!}}Studebaker National Museum | caption5 = [[Studebaker National Museum]] | caption6 = [[Four Winds Field]] | image6 = Four Winds Field at Coveleski Stadium Gate D closeup.JPG{{!}}Four Winds Field }} |image_flag = Flag of South Bend, Indiana.svg |flag_link = Flag of South Bend, Indiana |image_seal = south bend indiana seal.png |image_map = {{maplink | frame = yes | plain = yes | frame-align = center | frame-width = 290 | frame-height = 290 | frame-coord = {{coord|qid=Q486877}} | zoom = 10 | type = shape | marker = city | stroke-width = 2 | stroke-color = #0096FF | fill = #0096FF | id2 = Q486877 | type2 = shape-inverse | stroke-width2 = 2 | stroke-color2 = #5F5F5F | stroke-opacity2 = 0 | fill2 = #000000 | fill-opacity2 = 0 }} | map_caption = Interactive map of South Bend |pushpin_map = USA Indiana#USA |pushpin_mapsize = 200px |pushpin_relief = yes |pushpin_label = South Bend |pushpin_label_position = bottom |coordinates = {{coord|41|40|35|N|86|16|10|W|region:US-IN_type:city|display=inline,title}} | subdivision_type = Country |subdivision_name = {{USA}} |subdivision_type1 = [[U.S. state|State]] |subdivision_name1 = {{flag|Indiana}} |subdivision_type2 = [[List of counties in Indiana|County]] |subdivision_name2 = [[St. Joseph County, Indiana|St. Joseph]] |established_title = Incorporated (City) |established_date = 1865 |established_title2 = Founder |established_date2 = [[Alexis Coquillard]] |government_type = [[Mayor-council government|Strong Mayor-Council]] |governing_body = [[South Bend Common Council]] |leader_title = [[List of mayors of South Bend, Indiana|Mayor]] |leader_name = [[James Mueller (Indiana politician)|James Mueller]] ([[Democratic Party (United States)|D]]) |unit_pref = Imperial |area_footnotes = &lt;ref name="CenPopGazetteer2020">{{cite web|title=2020 U.S. Gazetteer Files|url=|publisher=United States Census Bureau|accessdate=March 16, 2022}}&lt;/ref> |area_magnitude = |area_total_km2 = 109.82 |area_total_sq_mi = 42.40 |area_land_km2 = 108.72 |area_land_sq_mi = 41.98 |area_water_km2 = 1.10 |area_water_sq_mi = 0.43 |elevation_footnotes = &lt;ref name=gnis/> |elevation_ft = 719 |population_total = {{increase}} 103453 |population_as_of = [[2020 United States Census|2020]] |population_footnotes = |population_density_km2 = 951.58 |population_density_sq_mi = 2464.57 |population_est = |pop_est_as_of = |population_urban = {{increase}} 278,921 (US: [[List of United States urban areas|144th]])&lt;ref name="urban area">{{cite web |url=|title=2020 Census Qualifying Urban Areas and Final Criteria Clarifications|author=United States Census Bureau|website=Federal Register|date=December 29, 2022}}&lt;/ref> |population_density_urban_km2 = 728.0 |population_density_urban_sq_mi = 1,885.5 |population_metro = {{increase}} 324,501 (US: [[List of Metropolitan Statistical Areas|160th]]) |population_blank1_title = [[Combined statistical area|CSA]] |population_blank1 = {{increase}} 812,199 (US: [[List of Combined Statistical Areas|68th]]) |population_note = | demographics_type2 = GDP | demographics2_footnotes = &lt;ref>{{Cite web|title=Total Gross Domestic Product for South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI (MSA)|url=|work=[[Federal Reserve Economic Data]] |publisher=[[Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis]]}}&lt;/ref> |demographics2_title1 = Metro |demographics2_info1 = $35.608 billion (2022) |postal_code_type = [[ZIP Code]]s |postal_code = 46601, 46604, 46612–46617, 46619–46620, 46624, 46626, 46628–46629, 46634–46635, 46637, 46660, 46680, 46699 |area_code = [[Area code 574|574]] |unemployment_rate = |website = {{URL|}} |footnotes = |nicknames = ''Lotion City,'' ''Wagon City,'' ''Metropolis of Northern Indiana''&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=;pg=RA1-PA79|title=Indiana Magazine of History|year=1911}}&lt;/ref> |timezone = [[North American Eastern Time Zone|EST]] |utc_offset = −5 |timezone_DST = [[Eastern Daylight Time|EDT]] |utc_offset_DST = −4 &lt;!-- Area --> |blank_name = [[Federal Information Processing Standard|FIPS code]] |blank_info = 18-71000 |blank1_name = [[Geographic Names Information System|GNIS]] feature ID |blank1_info = 2395913&lt;ref name=gnis>{{GNIS|2395913}}&lt;/ref> |blank2_name = [[Demonym]]s |blank2_info = South Bender, [[University of Notre Dame|Domer]] (Notre Dame) |blank6_name_sec2 = [[Gross domestic product|GDP]] |blank6_info_sec2 = {{increase}} $11.2 billion&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=}}&lt;/ref> |pop_est_footnotes = }} '''South Bend''' is a city in and the [[county seat]] of [[St. Joseph County, Indiana]], United States,&lt;ref name="GR6">{{cite web |url= |access-date=June 7, 2011 |title=Find a County |publisher=National Association of Counties |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=May 3, 2015}}&lt;/ref> on the [[St. Joseph River (Lake Michigan)|St. Joseph River]] near its southernmost bend, from which it derives its name. At the [[2020 United States Census|2020 census]], the city had a total of 103,453 residents and is the [[List of cities in Indiana|fourth-largest city in Indiana]]. Located just south of the border with [[Michigan]], South Bend anchors the [[Michiana]] region and is {{Convert|72|mi|km}} east of [[Downtown Chicago|downtown]] [[Chicago]]. The [[South Bend-Mishawaka metropolitan area|metropolitan area]] had a population of 324,501 in 2020, while its combined statistical area had 812,199.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Table 2. Annual Estimates of the Population of Combined Statistical Areas: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2012 |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=May 17, 2013 |access-date=March 20, 2013 |website=[[United States Census Bureau]]}}&lt;/ref> The area was settled in the early 19th century by [[fur trade]]rs&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Feature Article | |date=August 23, 1998 |access-date=December 17, 2015 |archive-date=January 13, 2016 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> and was established as a city in 1865. The St. Joseph River shaped South Bend's economy through the mid-20th century. River access assisted heavy industrial development such as that of the [[Studebaker|Studebaker Corporation]], the [[Oliver Corporation|Oliver Chilled Plow Company]], and other large corporations. The population of South Bend declined after 1960, when it peaked at 132,445. This was chiefly due to migration to suburban areas as well as the demise of [[Studebaker]] and other [[heavy industry]]. Today, the largest industries in South Bend are health care, education, small business, and [[tourism]]. Remaining large corporations based in the area include [[Crowe Global|Crowe]], [[Honeywell]], and [[AM General]]. The city's economy and culture are influenced by the nearby [[University of Notre Dame]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title = Explore South Bend}}&lt;/ref> ==History== ===Early history=== The St. Joseph Valley was long occupied by Native Americans. One of the earliest known groups to occupy what would later become northern Indiana was the [[Miami tribe]]. Later, the [[Potawatomi]] moved into the region, utilizing the rich food and natural resources found along the river. The Potawatomi occupied this region of Indiana until most of them were forcibly removed in the 1840s. The South Bend area was popular because its portage was the shortest overland route from the St. Joseph River to the [[Kankakee River]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title =Early St. Joseph County History |publisher = The History Museum |access-date = December 17, 2015}}&lt;/ref> This route was used for centuries, first by the Native Americans, then by French explorers, missionaries and traders.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title =Local History |publisher =The History Museum|access-date = December 17, 2015}}&lt;/ref> The French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, the first white European to set foot in what is now South Bend,&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = South Bend: History – French Exploration Establishes South Bend |publisher = |access-date = December 17, 2015}}&lt;/ref> used this portage between the St. Joseph River and the Kankakee River in December 1679. ===First settlements=== The first permanent white settlers of South Bend were fur traders who established trading posts in the area. In 1820, [[Pierre Frieschutz Navarre]] arrived, representing the [[American Fur Company]] (AFC) of [[John Jacob Astor]]. He settled near what is now downtown South Bend.&lt;ref name=Crossroads>{{cite book |title = South Bend: Crossroads of Commerce |chapter = At The Bend In The River |last = Palmer|first=John |year = 2003 |publisher = Arcadia Publishing |isbn = 0-7385-2414-X }}&lt;/ref> [[Alexis Coquillard]], another agent of the AFC,&lt;ref name=Crossroads />&lt;ref name=StHistory>{{cite book |title = History of St. Joseph County, Indiana |chapter-url = |chapter = Chapter XI The City of South Bend |last=Howard|first=Timothy E. |year = 1907 |publisher = The Lewis Publishing Company }}&lt;/ref> established a trading post known as the Big St. Joseph Station.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title =The First Settlers |publisher = The History Museum |date = May 24, 1904 |access-date = December 17, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> In 1827, [[Lathrop Minor Taylor]] established a post for Samuel Hanna and Company, in whose records the name St. Joseph's, Indiana was used.&lt;ref name=StHistory /> By 1829, the town was growing, with Coquillard and Taylor emerging as leaders. They applied for a post office. Taylor was appointed [[postmaster]], and the post office was designated as Southold, Allen County, Indiana.&lt;ref name=Crossroads /> The following year, the name was changed to South Bend, probably to ease confusion, as several other communities were named Southold at the time. In 1831, South Bend was laid out as the county seat and as one of the four original townships of [[St. Joseph County, Indiana|St. Joseph County]] with 128 residents.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title =Early South Bend |publisher = The History Museum |access-date = December 17, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> That same year, [[Horatio Chapin]] moved to the settlement, opened the first general store with imported (out of state) goods and helped established the first church and Sunday school.&lt;ref name = Crossroads /> Around the same time, design began on what would become the town of South Bend. The town was formally established in 1835, with Chapin as the first president of the board of town trustees.&lt;ref>J. Palmer, South Bend: Crossroads of Commerce (Charleston, SC, 2003), p. 56&lt;/ref> In 1856, attorney Andrew Anderson, Chapin's son-in-law, founded May Oberfell Lorber, the oldest continuous business in St. Joseph County.&lt;ref>[ May Oberfell Lorber] Official website&lt;/ref> He compiled a complete index of South Bend's real estate records.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = May, Oberfell &amp; Lorfer |publisher = [[Indiana Historical Society]] |url = |access-date = October 12, 2012 |archive-url = |archive-date = September 13, 2012 |url-status = dead }}&lt;/ref> [[File:Alexis-Coquillard.jpg|thumb|upright|[[Alexis Coquillard]]]] In 1841, [[Schuyler Colfax]] was appointed St. Joseph County deputy auditor. Colfax purchased the ''South Bend Free Press'' and then turned it into a pro-[[Whig Party (United States)|Whig]] newspaper, the ''St. Joseph Valley Register''. He was a member of the state constitutional convention of 1850, at which he opposed the barring of African American migration to Indiana. He joined the [[Republican Party (United States)|Republican Party]], like many Whigs of his day, and was elected to Congress in 1855, becoming Speaker of the House in 1863 during the administration of [[Abraham Lincoln]]. In 1868, he was elected vice president under [[Ulysses S. Grant]]. Colfax returned to South Bend after his stint in Washington and is buried in City Cemetery, west of downtown.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=COLFAX, Schuyler – Biographical Information | |access-date=December 17, 2015}}&lt;/ref> ===Early business=== During the late 1830s through the 1850s, much of South Bend's development centered on the industrial complex of factories located on the two [[Mill race|races]] (man-made canals along the [[St. Joseph River (Lake Michigan)|St. Joseph River]] in South Bend). Several dams were created and factories were built on each side of the river. On October 4, 1851, the first steam [[locomotive]] entered South Bend.&lt;ref name=Crossroads /> This shifted commerce from the river to the [[railroad]]. In 1852, Henry Studebaker set up [[Studebaker]] wagon shop, later becoming the world's largest wagon builder and the only one to later succeed as an automobile manufacturer. The [[Singer Corporation|Singer Sewing Company]] and the [[Oliver Corporation|Oliver Chilled Plow Company]] were among other companies that made manufacturing the driving force in the South Bend economy until the mid-20th century.&lt;ref name=Crossroads /> Another important economic act was the dredging of the [[Kankakee River]] in 1884 to create farmland.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Dredging Of The River |publisher = |access-date = December 17, 2015 |archive-url = |archive-date = January 13, 2016 |url-status = dead }}&lt;/ref> During this time period there was a great immigration of Europeans, such as Polish, Hungarian, Irish, German, Italian, and Swedish people to South Bend because of available employment in area factories.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Indiana Emigration and Immigration &amp;#124; Learn |publisher = |date = December 11, 2015 |access-date = December 17, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> [[File:South-Bend-1866.gif|thumb|left|South Bend in 1866]] South Bend benefited from its location on the [[Michigan Road]], the main north–south artery of [[northern Indiana]] in the 19th century.&lt;ref name = Crossroads /> Another significant development occurred near South Bend in 1842, when Father [[Edward Sorin]] founded the [[University of Notre Dame]] just north of the town.&lt;ref name="ND">"[ About Notre Dame The University of Notre Dame]" Official website. Retrieved on November 13, 2007.&lt;/ref> It became a major factor in the area's economy and culture.&lt;ref name="NDEcon">Bay Area Economics."[ Notre Dame and The Local Economy:2002]." Retrieved on August 31, 2006. {{webarchive |url= |date=October 29, 2008 }}&lt;/ref> ===Establishment and early history=== South Bend was incorporated as a city on May 22, 1865, and its first elections were held on June 5, 1865, with William G. George elected as its first mayor&lt;ref name="StHistory" /> The official city motto, "Peace", refers to the fact that incorporation came in the month following the [[Confederate States of America|Confederate]] surrender that effectively ended the [[American Civil War]]. Industrial growth was rapid after the Civil War, most notably with the [[Studebaker]] wagon factory, and the [[Oliver Farm Equipment Company|Oliver plow company]]. Good jobs and high wages attracted immigrants from Europe, especially Germans, Irish, and Poles. The majority were Catholic, and they achieved higher rates of social mobility than the same ethnic groups in the Northeast .&lt;ref>Dean R, Esslinger, ''Immigrants and the city: Ethnicity and mobility in a nineteenth century Midwestern community'' (Kennikat Press, 1975).&lt;/ref> Olivet African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church was founded in South Bend in March 1870, making it the first African American church in the city.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = A LOOK BACK: Blacks shape South Bend |url = |website = South Bend Tribune |access-date = December 16, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> Olivet AME is still an active African Methodist Episcopal Church, and celebrated its 145th anniversary in 2015.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = South Bend 150 history timeline |url = |website = South Bend Tribune |access-date = December 16, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> A sergeant from South Bend fired the first American shells against Germany in World War I.&lt;ref>{{Cite journal |title = Indiana Sergeant Fired First Shot |date = October 31, 1917 |journal = New York Times }}&lt;/ref> ====History with Ku Klux Klan==== In 1923, the African American owner of a soda fountain received a letter signed "KKK", threatening to kill an African American man held in the city's jail and harm the rest of the city's African American population. Within a few days, over a thousand African Americans fled the city.&lt;ref>{{Cite journal |title = Negroes Leave South Bend in Fear of Klan |date = September 12, 1923 |journal = Chicago Daily Tribune }}&lt;/ref> In 1924, the [[Ku Klux Klan]] held a conference and planned a parade from its local headquarters at 230 S. Michigan St. In preparation, Klan members were posted around town to direct traffic. [[University of Notre Dame|Notre Dame]] students, well aware of the anti-Catholic nature of the Klan, vigorously protested this intrusion, and before noon all of the Klansmen traffic directors had been "unmasked and unrobed." Notre Dame students continued the fight, with several hundred gathering outside of the Klan headquarters, throwing rocks and smashing windows in protest. Local police as well as Notre Dame officials eventually managed to convince them to return to campus.&lt;ref>{{Cite journal |title = Indiana News |last = Smith |first = Alvin |date = May 24, 1924 |journal = Chicago Defender }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite journal |title = South Bend Bars Klan Parade After Disorder: Lodge Headquarters are Stormed |date = May 18, 1924 |journal = Chicago Daily Tribune }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite journal |title = Klan and Foes Fight in Indiana |date = May 20, 1924 |journal = Chicago Daily Tribune }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Dame |first=Marketing Communications: Web {{!}} University of Notre |title=A Clash Over Catholicism |url= |access-date=2023-06-26 |website=A Clash Over Catholicism |language=en}}&lt;/ref> It is said that even legendary football coach [[Knute Rockne]] became involved in the struggle to calm down the students.&lt;ref>{{Cite journal |title = N.D. Students Pledge to Leave Klansmen Alone |date = May 21, 1924 |journal = Chicago Daily Tribune }}&lt;/ref> ===Later business=== Other industries developed in South Bend in the early 20th century, including Birdsell Manufacturing Company, the [[Bendix Corporation]], [[Honeywell]], [[AlliedSignal]], [[South Bend Lathe Works]], the O'Brien Paint Corp., the South Bend Toy Company, South Bend Range, South Bend Bait Company, and [[South Bend Watch Company]]. Workers at the [[Bendix Corporation]] staged the first sit-in strike in American history in 1936.&lt;ref>{{cite book |url =;q=Bendix+strike&amp;pg=PA128 |title = Sit-down: the General Motors Strike of 1936–1937 – Sidney Fine – Google Books |access-date = December 17, 2015 |isbn = 0-472-32948-0 |last1 = Fine |first1 = Sidney |year = 1969 |publisher = University of Michigan Press }}&lt;/ref> Fast development led to the creation of [[Railway electrification system|electric rail]] transportation throughout the area, and in 1925, the [[South Shore Line (NICTD)|South Shore]] [[interurban]] streetcar service was established from downtown South Bend to downtown Chicago.&lt;ref name="rail">Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District "[ Our History]." Retrieved on January 2, 2008. {{webarchive |url= |date=March 23, 2008 }}&lt;/ref> The South Shore line still runs daily to and from Chicago and also is a major freight carrier in the area. On June 30, 1934, the Merchants National Bank in South Bend was the last bank to be robbed by the [[John Dillinger|Dillinger]] gang.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last = Fosmoe |first = Margaret |url = |title = 9 crimes, trials in South Bend's history – South Bend Tribune: South Bend 150 |publisher = South Bend Tribune |date = May 20, 2015 |access-date = December 17, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> [[File:South Bend, World Famed.jpg|thumb|upright|This 1922 pamphlet demonstrates the visions of progress and global importance in the peak period of industrialization in South Bend.]] ===Recent history=== On September 29, 1929, South Bend completed its "track elevation program".&lt;ref name=trackelevration>{{cite web |last1=Titus |first1=Jacob |title=South Bend's New Front: The Track Elevation of 1929 |url= |publisher=West.SB |access-date=30 November 2019 |date=29 September 2019}}&lt;/ref> This was a railroad infrastructure project which saw the removal of [[Grand Trunk Western Railroad]] tracks from Division Street, the removal of [[level crossing]]s from Chapin to Miami streets, the creation of a modern freight layout, and the construction of [[Union Station (South Bend, Indiana)|Union Station]].&lt;ref name=trackelevration/> This project had been seventeen years in the making,&lt;ref name=trackelevration/> and had been the subject of the [[Indiana Supreme Court]] case Vandalia Railroad v. South Bend, which was subsequently affirmed by the [[Supreme Court of the United States]].&lt;ref name=trackelevration/>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=U.S. Reports: Vandalia Railroad v. South Bend, 207 U.S. 359 (1907). |url= |publisher=Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA}}&lt;/ref> In 1949, legendary percussionist [[Lionel Hampton]] was informed that his concert at South Bend's Palais du Royale would be a blacks-only event; he threatened to call for a boycott of the venue, and the affair proceeded as an integrated evening, which newspapers said led to all attendees breaking out in "paroxysms of ecstasy."&lt;ref>{{Cite journal |title = Hampton Kayos Jim Crow at South Bend Dance Date |date = March 12, 1949 |journal = Pittsburgh Courier }}&lt;/ref> By 1950, more than half of all employment was in the manufacturing sector.&lt;ref name="EconMan">Indiana Business Review "[ ASouth Bend/Mishawaka – Elkhart/Goshen]." Retrieved on January 2, 2008.&lt;/ref> Due to economic difficulties, [[Studebaker]] closed its automotive manufacturing plants in South Bend in December 1963.&lt;ref name="EarlyHist">[ "Early South Bend"], Northern Indiana Center for History, Retrieved August 30, 2006.&lt;/ref> A general decline in manufacturing soon followed as industry was restructured nationwide. By 2000, manufacturing was only 16 percent of the local economy. Due to the severe loss of jobs, the city's population decreased by nearly 30,000 during that period.&lt;ref name="EconMan" /> This decline of industry and population loss led to the [[Rust Belt]] designation for the northwestern and midwestern regions of the United States that experienced these effects of [[deindustrialization]].&lt;ref>{{Cite journal |last=Prizant |first=Yael |date=2017 |title=Reimagining the Rust Belt: South Bend, Indiana, and The Citizen Project |url= |journal=Studies in the Literary Imagination |volume=50 |issue=1 |pages=21–43 |doi=10.1353/sli.2017.0004 |s2cid=159477281 |issn=2165-2678}}&lt;/ref> In 1984, South Bend community leaders began seeking a minor-league baseball team for the city. A stadium was constructed in 1986 and a 10-year player-development contract was signed with the [[Chicago White Sox]]. The team would be known as the South Bend White Sox. In 1994, the team's name was changed to the South Bend Silver Hawks,&lt;ref name="SilverHawks">South Bend Silver Hawks "[ About The Cove] {{webarchive|url= |date=2007-12-30 }}." Retrieved August 30, 2006.&lt;/ref> and then to the [[South Bend Cubs]] in 2015. They are a Class A minor league affiliate of the Chicago Cubs in the Midwest League. In 2015, the City of South Bend celebrated its 150th birthday. The yearlong festival culminated with the ceremonial illumination of the first River Lights along the St. Joseph River. Mayor [[Pete Buttigieg]] welcomed the coming of the next 150 years of South Bend's heritage accompanied by five previous South Bend mayors: Steve Luecke, Joe Kernan, Roger Parent, Peter Nemeth and Jerry Miller.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = South Bend lights up for 150th birthday bash |url = |website = South Bend Tribune |access-date = February 19, 2016 }}&lt;/ref> In 2015, the city's population increased by 286, the largest one-year growth in over twenty years.&lt;ref name="Hawks">Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, South Bend see population growth "[ Population Growth]." Retrieved June 5, 2015.&lt;/ref> The former [[Studebaker]] plant has been developed as the [[Ignition Park]] center to attract new businesses, especially in the tech industry.&lt;ref name=":0">{{cite web|title=Ignition Park an Indiana State-Certified Technology Park|url=|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=March 11, 2016|access-date=December 17, 2015|publisher=Ignition Park}}&lt;/ref> South Bend has also seen new development, particularly in the tech field, a decline in unemployment, and a renewal of the downtown area under Buttigieg's tenure, which has been described as a revival and South Bend as a 'turnaround city'.&lt;ref>{{cite magazine |last1=Tullis |first1=Paul |title=Pete Buttigieg Revived South Bend With Tech. Up Next: America |url= |magazine=Wired |access-date=23 July 2019 |date=11 April 2019}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |last1=Hicks |first1=Michael J. |title=An Indiana economist looks at South Bend's revival under Pete Buttigieg |url= |website=MarketWatch |access-date=23 July 2019}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title='Turnaround city': Pete Buttigieg pushes theme of South Bend revival in run for president |url= |website=South Bend Tribune |access-date=23 July 2019 |language=en}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |last1=Manier |first1=Jeremy |title=South Bend, a postindustrial Everycity, is riding the Pete Buttigieg presidential wave |url= | |date=April 16, 2019 |access-date=23 July 2019}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Did South Bend unemployment fall by half under Buttigieg? |url= |website=@politifact |access-date=23 July 2019 |language=en}}&lt;/ref> South Bend also was in the national spotlight during the 2019-20 Democratic presidential campaign of former mayor Buttigieg. ==Geography== [[File:South-bend-indiana.jpg|thumb|right|An aerial photo of Downtown South Bend]]South Bend is located {{convert|5|mi|abbr=on}} from the [[Michigan]] border and approximately equidistant from [[Illinois]] and [[Ohio]]. The city is {{convert|93|mi|abbr=on}} from Chicago. The shore of [[Lake Michigan]] is {{convert|20|mi|abbr=on}} away. According to the 2010 census, South Bend has a total area of {{convert|41.877|sqmi|sqkm|2}}, of which {{convert|41.46|sqmi|sqkm|2}} (or 99%) is land and {{convert|0.417|sqmi|sqkm|2}} (or 1%) is water.&lt;ref name="census-g001">{{cite web |url = |title = G001 - Geographic Identifiers - 2010 Census Summary File 1 |access-date = July 29, 2015 |publisher = [[United States Census Bureau]] |archive-url = |archive-date = February 13, 2020 |url-status = dead }}&lt;/ref> ===Cityscape=== The [[St. Joseph River (Lake Michigan)|St. Joseph River]] flows from the east end of the city turning north near the city center, giving South Bend its name at the bend in the river. South Bend is located on the north–south continental divide, and the river flows northwest into Lake Michigan.&lt;ref name="climate">WSBT"[ What Does the 'North/South Continental Divide' Sign on the Bypass Mean?] {{webarchive|url= |date=October 14, 2008 }}." Retrieved on January 6, 2008&lt;/ref> The downtown area is located in the north-central part of the city along the St. Joseph River. [[Notre Dame, Indiana]], is directly adjacent to the north. The city extends further north on the west side, mainly with manufacturing and distribution facilities near the [[South Bend International Airport]]. [[Mishawaka]], Indiana, is adjacent to South Bend's east side. ===Neighborhoods=== Notable neighborhoods in the city include: * Far Northwest, Near Northwest, and Keller Park are located off of Portage Avenue. along the riverfront. * Northeast South Bend is between the River and [[Indiana State Road 23|SR 23]] north of East LaSalle Avenue. * River Park is located north and south of Mishawaka Avenue. It has been the subject of several redevelopment projects intended to revitalize the area.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=River-East Development Plan |publisher=City of South Bend |date=2019 |access-date=July 20, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Home | |access-date=July 20, 2022}}&lt;/ref> * The Wayne Street neighborhood between Washington Street and Sunnymede Avenue along Jefferson Boulevard was designated a historic district in 1987.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title = East Wayne Street // Building South Bend // University of Notre Dame}}&lt;/ref> * Rum Village is in Southwest South Bend north of West Ewing Avenue and west of South Main Street. * The Eddy Street Commons is a mixed-use complex along North Eddy Street across Angela Boulevard from [[University of Notre Dame|Notre Dame]]. * Leeper Park is south of the River and northwest of the [[Memorial Hospital of South Bend|Memorial Hospital]] main campus. ===Climate=== South Bend has a [[humid continental climate]], with a [[Köppen climate classification]] of Dfa. Lake Michigan exerts a great influence on the climate of South Bend, including [[lake effect snow]] in winter and a tendency to moderate temperatures year round.&lt;ref name="climate3"/> June, July and August are the warmest months, with average temperatures above {{convert|69|°F}}. Normally, 42&amp;nbsp;days with [[thunderstorms]] occur each year.&lt;ref name="climate3"/> The snowiest month is usually January, with snowfall normally recorded from October through April.&lt;ref name="climate2">World Climate"[ South Bend, IN, Indiana, USA: Climate and Daylight Chart]." Retrieved on January 27, 2008.&lt;/ref> On average, South Bend receives {{convert|64.5|in|cm|0}} of snow per year.&lt;ref name="climate3">National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office "[ South Bend Indiana Climate]." Retrieved on January 27, 2008.&lt;/ref> Spring and fall can be mild and overcast, but also severely stormy at times with 293 partly cloudy to cloudy days each year.&lt;ref name="climate4">'[ South Bend]". Retrieved on January 27, 2008.&lt;/ref> {{Weather box|location = South Bend, Indiana ([[South Bend Regional Airport]]), 1981–2010 normals, extremes 1893–present |single line = Y |Jan record high F = 68 |Feb record high F = 74 |Mar record high F = 85 |Apr record high F = 91 |May record high F = 97 |Jun record high F = 106 |Jul record high F = 109 |Aug record high F = 105 |Sep record high F = 99 |Oct record high F = 92 |Nov record high F = 82 |Dec record high F = 70 |year record high F = 109 | Jan avg record high F = 53.9 | Feb avg record high F = 56.5 | Mar avg record high F = 70.9 | Apr avg record high F = 80.2 | May avg record high F = 87.3 | Jun avg record high F = 92.8 | Jul avg record high F = 93.5 | Aug avg record high F = 91.7 | Sep avg record high F = 89.3 | Oct avg record high F = 81.6 | Nov avg record high F = 67.2 | Dec avg record high F = 56.3 | year avg record high F = 95.3 |Jan high F = 31.2 |Feb high F = 34.9 |Mar high F = 46.2 |Apr high F = 59.0 |May high F = 70.1 |Jun high F = 79.4 |Jul high F = 82.7 |Aug high F = 80.8 |Sep high F = 74.4 |Oct high F = 61.8 |Nov high F = 47.7 |Dec high F = 36.3 |year high F = 58.7 |Jan mean F = 24.1 |Feb mean F = 27.1 |Mar mean F = 36.7 |Apr mean F = 48.1 |May mean F = 59.1 |Jun mean F = 68.8 |Jul mean F = 72.4 |Aug mean F = 70.7 |Sep mean F = 63.7 |Oct mean F = 52.0 |Nov mean F = 39.8 |Dec mean F = 29.6 |year mean F = 49.3 |Jan low F = 17.0 |Feb low F = 19.3 |Mar low F = 27.2 |Apr low F = 37.1 |May low F = 48.1 |Jun low F = 58.1 |Jul low F = 62.1 |Aug low F = 60.5 |Sep low F = 53.0 |Oct low F = 42.1 |Nov low F = 31.8 |Dec low F = 23.0 |year low F = 39.9 | Jan avg record low F = -4.5 | Feb avg record low F = 1.6 | Mar avg record low F = 9.9 | Apr avg record low F = 22.6 | May avg record low F = 33.7 | Jun avg record low F = 44.1 | Jul avg record low F = 51.1 | Aug avg record low F = 50.5 | Sep avg record low F = 39.2 | Oct avg record low F = 29.4 | Nov avg record low F = 18.4 | Dec avg record low F = 4.4 | year avg record low F = -7.7 |Jan record low F = −22 |Feb record low F = −20 |Mar record low F = −13 |Apr record low F = 11 |May record low F = 24 |Jun record low F = 35 |Jul record low F = 42 |Aug record low F = 40 |Sep record low F = 29 |Oct record low F = 12 |Nov record low F = −7 |Dec record low F = −18 |year record low F = −22 |precipitation colour = green |Jan precipitation inch = 2.66 |Feb precipitation inch = 2.31 |Mar precipitation inch = 2.35 |Apr precipitation inch = 3.49 |May precipitation inch = 4.20 |Jun precipitation inch = 4.04 |Jul precipitation inch = 3.78 |Aug precipitation inch = 4.01 |Sep precipitation inch = 3.49 |Oct precipitation inch = 3.72 |Nov precipitation inch = 2.78 |Dec precipitation inch = 2.40 |year precipitation inch = 39.23 |Jan snow inch = 21.6 |Feb snow inch = 16.1 |Mar snow inch = 6.8 |Apr snow inch = 1.0 |May snow inch = 0.0 |Jun snow inch = 0.0 |Jul snow inch = 0.0 |Aug snow inch = 0.0 |Sep snow inch = 0.0 |Oct snow inch = 0.2 |Nov snow inch = 5.1 |Dec snow inch = 13.7 |year snow inch = 64.5 |unit precipitation days = 0.01 in |Jan precipitation days = 16.8 |Feb precipitation days = 12.5 |Mar precipitation days = 12.4 |Apr precipitation days = 13.4 |May precipitation days = 13.4 |Jun precipitation days = 11.0 |Jul precipitation days = 9.5 |Aug precipitation days = 10.0 |Sep precipitation days = 9.6 |Oct precipitation days = 11.5 |Nov precipitation days = 12.6 |Dec precipitation days = 14.8 |year precipitation days = 147.5 |unit snow days = 0.1 in |Jan snow days = 13.1 |Feb snow days = 9.7 |Mar snow days = 5.1 |Apr snow days = 1.5 |May snow days = 0.0 |Jun snow days = 0.0 |Jul snow days = 0.0 |Aug snow days = 0.0 |Sep snow days = 0.1 |Oct snow days = 0.3 |Nov snow days = 3.4 |Dec snow days = 9.0 |year snow days = 42.2 |source 1 = NOAA&lt;ref name= NOAA> {{cite web | url = | title = NowData - NOAA Online Weather Data | publisher = [[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]] | access-date = May 29, 2021}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=NCEI> {{cite web | url =;startDate=0001-01-01&amp;endDate=9996-12-31&amp;stations=USW00014848&amp;format=pdf | publisher = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | title = Station: South Bend Michiana RGNL AP, IN | work = U.S. Climate Normals 2020: U.S. Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020) | access-date = May 29, 2021}}&lt;/ref> |date=February 2012 }} ==Demographics== {{US Census population |1850= 1652 |1860= 3832 |1870= 7206 |1880= 13280 |1890= 21819 |1900= 35999 |1910= 53684 |1920= 70983 |1930= 104193 |1940= 101268 |1950= 115911 |1960= 132445 |1970= 125850 |1980= 109727 |1990= 105511 |2000= 107789 |2010= 101168 |2020= 103453 |align-fn=center |footnote=U.S. Decennial Census&lt;ref name="DecennialCensus">{{cite web|url=|title=Census of Population and Housing from 1790|publisher=[[US Census Bureau]]|access-date=January 24, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;br /> 2010-2020&lt;ref name=2020CensusP2/> }} ===2020 census=== {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" |+'''South Bend city, Indiana – Racial and ethnic composition'''&lt;br />&lt;small>{{nobold|''Note: the U.S. census treats Hispanic/Latino as an ethnic category. This table excludes Latinos from the racial categories and assigns them to a separate category. Hispanics/Latinos may be of any race.''}}&lt;/small> !Race / Ethnicity &lt;small>(''NH = Non-Hispanic'')&lt;/small> !Pop 2000&lt;ref name=2000CensusP004>{{Cite web|title=P004: Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2000: DEC Summary File 1 – South Bend city, Indiana|url=;tid=DECENNIALSF12000.P004|publisher=[[United States Census Bureau]]}}&lt;/ref> !Pop 2010&lt;ref>{{cite web|title=P2 Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2010: DEC Redistricting Data (PL 94-171) - South Bend city, Indiana|url=;g=1600000US1871000&amp;tid=DECENNIALPL2010.P2|website=[[United States Census Bureau]]}}&lt;/ref> !{{partial|Pop 2020}}&lt;ref name=2020CensusP2>{{cite web|title=P2 Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race – 2020: DEC Redistricting Data (PL 94-171) - South Bend city, Indiana|url=;g=1600000US1871000&amp;tid=DECENNIALPL2020.P2|website=[[United States Census Bureau]]}}&lt;/ref> !% 2000 !% 2010 !{{partial|% 2020}} |- |[[Non-Hispanic or Latino whites|White]] alone (NH) |68,202 |56,474 |style='background: #ffffe6; |51,891 |63.27% |55.82% |style='background: #ffffe6; |50.16% |- |[[Non-Hispanic or Latino African Americans|Black or African American]] alone (NH) |26,259 |26,496 |style='background: #ffffe6; |26,102 |24.36% |26.19% |style='background: #ffffe6; |25.23% |- |[[Native Americans in the United States|Native American]] or [[Alaska Native]] alone (NH) |338 |310 |style='background: #ffffe6; |300 |0.31% |0.31% |style='background: #ffffe6; |0.29% |- |[[Asian Americans|Asian]] alone (NH) |1,271 |1,295 |style='background: #ffffe6; |1,549 |1.18% |1.28% |style='background: #ffffe6; |1.50% |- |[[Pacific Islander Americans|Pacific Islander]] alone (NH) |49 |55 |style='background: #ffffe6; |57 |0.05% |0.05% |style='background: #ffffe6; |0.06% |- |Some Other Race alone (NH) |188 |233 |style='background: #ffffe6; |651 |0.17% |0.23% |style='background: #ffffe6; |0.63% |- |[[Multiracial Americans|Mixed Race or Multi-Racial]] (NH) |2,372 |3,189 |style='background: #ffffe6; |5,654 |2.20% |3.15% |style='background: #ffffe6; |5.47% |- |[[Hispanic and Latino Americans|Hispanic or Latino]] (any race) |9,110 |13,116 |style='background: #ffffe6; |17,249 |8.45% |12.96% |style='background: #ffffe6; |16.67% |- |'''Total''' |'''107,789''' |'''101,168''' |style='background: #ffffe6; |'''103,453''' |'''100.00%''' |'''100.00%''' |style='background: #ffffe6; |'''100.00%''' |} [[File:Race and ethnicity 2020 South Bend, IN.png|thumb|Map of racial distribution in South Bend, 2020 U.S. census. Each dot is one person: {{legend inline|outline=white|white|text=⬤|textcolor=rgb(115, 178, 255)|White}} {{legend inline|outline=white|white|text=⬤|textcolor=rgb(159, 212, 0)|Black}} {{legend inline|outline=white|white|text=⬤|textcolor=rgb(255, 0, 0)|Asian}} {{legend inline|outline=white|white|text=⬤|textcolor=rgb(255, 170, 0)|Hispanic}} {{legend inline|outline=white|white|text=⬤|textcolor=rgb(140, 81, 181)|Multiracial}} {{legend inline|outline=white|white|text=⬤|textcolor=rgb(153, 102, 51)|Native American/Other}}]] ===2010 census=== As of the [[census]]&lt;ref name="wwwcensusgov">{{cite web |title = U.S. Census website |url = |publisher = [[United States Census Bureau]] |access-date = December 11, 2012 }}&lt;/ref> of 2010, there were 101,168 people, 39,760 households, and 23,526 families residing in the city. The [[population density]] was {{convert|2440.1|PD/sqmi|PD/km2|1}}. There were 46,324 housing units at an average density of {{convert|1117.3|/sqmi|/km2|1}}. The racial makeup of the city was 60.5% [[White (U.S. Census)|White]], 26.6% [[African American (U.S. Census)|African American]], 0.5% [[Native American (U.S. Census)|Native American]], 1.3% [[Asian (U.S. Census)|Asian]], 0.1% [[Race (U.S. Census)|Pacific Islander]], 6.9% from [[Race (U.S. Census)|other races]], and 4.2% from two or more races. [[Hispanic (U.S. Census)|Hispanic]] or [[Latino (U.S. Census)|Latino]] residents of any race were 13.0% of the population. There were 39,760 households, of which 33.1% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 34.9% were [[Marriage|married couples]] living together, 18.9% had a female householder with no husband present, 5.4% had a male householder with no wife present, and 40.8% were non-families. 33.3% Of all households were made up of individuals, and 11.4% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.48 and the average family size was 3.19. The median age in the city was 33.3 years. 27.3% of residents were under the age of 18; 10% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 27.1% were from 25 to 44; 23.1% were from 45 to 64; and 12.5% were 65 years of age or older. The gender makeup of the city was 48.4% male and 51.6% female. ===Ethnicity=== Per the 2013 American Community Survey of the [[U.S. Census Bureau]], the following ancestries were reported: African-American - 26%, German - 14.8%, Irish - 10.4%, Polish - 8.2%, English - 5.0%, American - 3.3%, Italian - 2.6%, Hungarian - 2.4%, French - 2.0%, Dutch - 1.4%, Swedish - 1.1%, Belgian - 0.9%.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Available APIs|website=The United States Census Bureau|language=EN-US|access-date=2020-04-29}}&lt;/ref> ==Economy== [[File:Liberty-Tower-SB IMG 1486 7-17-2020.jpg|thumb|upright|25-story [[Liberty Tower (South Bend)|Liberty Tower]], the tallest building in South Bend]] South Bend's location on the St. Joseph River led to an industrial-based economy in the late 19th century and early-to-mid-20th century. In 1923, industrialist and entrepreneur [[Vincent Hugo Bendix|Vincent H. Bendix]] selected South Bend as the site of his new manufacturing plant for automotive parts.&lt;ref name="Hallett, Anthony 1997 p. 51">Hallett, Anthony &amp; Diane, ''Vincent H. Bendix'', Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurs, John Wiley &amp; Sons, {{ISBN|0-471-17536-6}} (1997) p. 51&lt;/ref> He chose South Bend primarily because it was on a rail line midway between Chicago and Detroit, the two automotive manufacturing centers of the United States at the time.&lt;ref name="Hallett, Anthony 1997 p. 51" /> Eventually, the Bendix corporation built a vast manufacturing complex on its South Bend acreage served by the major railroads, including a huge shipping and receiving building where railroad cars could enter at one end, unload, and depart at the opposite end. By the end of [[World War II]], manufacturing began to diminish.&lt;ref name="industry">Historic South Bend"[ South Bend's Historical Heritage] {{Webarchive|url= |date=August 23, 2006 }}." Retrieved on August 31, 2006.&lt;/ref> The [[Studebaker]] plant, which had at one time employed 45,000 persons, [[Studebaker#Exit from auto business|closed]] in 1963; its engine block plant shuttered the following year. Parts of the Bendix factory complex were later acquired and divided between [[Honeywell Corporation]] and [[Robert Bosch GmbH|Bosch]] Corporation, respectively. Honeywell Aerospace continues to manufacture aviation products at its former Bendix facility. In 2010, Bosch announced that it would cease all operations at its [[Bendix Corporation|Bendix]] plant location in South Bend by the end of 2011.&lt;ref>''[ Bosch plant to close in South Bend] {{webarchive|url= |date=August 11, 2011 }}'', retrieved April 25, 2011&lt;/ref> Bosch vacated the building entirely in October 2012. Curtis Products of South Bend moved into the building in May 2013. ===Employers=== Since the 1960s, education, health care, and small business have come to the forefront of South Bend's economy, though the city has never regained the level of prosperity it enjoyed before that time. Nearby [[University of Notre Dame]] is a large contributor to the local economy. The university is the second largest employer in the city and in St. Joseph County, employing 6,086 people.&lt;ref name="comprehensive">{{cite web |title = 2017 City of South Bend Comprehensive Annual Financial Report |url = }}&lt;/ref> Health care is another major contributor to the South Bend economy. In 2012, [[Memorial Health System]] announced that it was merging with Elkhart General Hospital, located in Elkhart County, to form Beacon Health System.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Beacon new name for Elkhart, Memorial group |publisher = |date = June 19, 2012 |access-date = December 17, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> Beacon is the largest employer in the city and in St. Joseph County, employing 7,088 people.&lt;ref name="comprehensive" /> Other notable businesses include [[Honeywell]], Bosch, and [[PEI-Genesis.|PEI Genesis.]] [[AM General]], [[Crowe Horwath]], and [[Tire Rack]] all have corporate headquarters in South Bend. According to the 2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report,&lt;ref name="comprehensive" /> the city's top employers are: {| class="wikitable" |- ! # ! Employer ! # of Employees |- | 1 |Beacon Health System (Memorial) |7,088 |- |2 |[[University of Notre Dame]] |6,086 |- |3 |[[South Bend Community School Corporation]] |3,432 |- |4 |[[Indiana University South Bend]] |1,401 |- |5 |[[St. Joseph County, Indiana|St. Joseph County]] |1,377 |- |6 |City of South Bend |1,285 |- |7 |[[Four Winds Casino]] |1,200 |- |8 |[[AM General]] |1,200 |- |9 |The South Bend Clinic |854 |- |10 |[[Press Ganey]] |850 |} ===Technology=== Efforts are under way to spur economic growth in South Bend. The St. Joe Valley Metronet is a {{Convert|50|mi|km|adj=on}} dark fiber optic network that encircles South Bend and Mishawaka that allows for strong telecommunications connectivity.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |archive-url = |url-status = dead |archive-date = December 5, 2010 |title = About Metronet Zing |publisher = |access-date = December 17, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> The South Bend Metronet, named Zing, is bringing more high-tech firms to the city and surrounding area. This telecommunications network has allowed for the advent of various data centers in South Bend, which serves as a hub between Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit, and Cincinnati. In 2015, the City of South Bend announced it would provide free wireless internet access via the Metronet in the city's downtown and East Bank areas.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = South Bend to offer free Wi-Fi downtown |url = |access-date = September 29, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> The [[Union Station Technology Center]] was purchased from the city in 1979 and is currently Northern Indiana's largest data center.&lt;ref>{{cite news |url = |title = A Company Town Reinvents Itself In South Bend, Ind. |newspaper = |publisher = NPR |access-date = December 17, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> There are currently plans to extend the data center into a fully operating high-tech data hub in the old Studebaker "Ivy Tower" assembly plant next door, creating what will be called the Renaissance District.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last = Fosmoe |first = Margaret |url = |title = South Bend Renaissance District plans unveiled – South Bend Tribune: Local |publisher = South Bend Tribune |date = May 11, 2015 |access-date = December 17, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> ====Innovation Park and Ignition Park==== Innovation Park and Ignition Park, dual-certified technology parks, have attracted technology businesses to South Bend. Located across the street from the University of Notre Dame, Innovation Park was completed in 2009 and houses innovative researchers from companies and the university.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Ignition Park an Indiana State-Certified Technology Park |publisher = |access-date = December 17, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> Ignition Park, located just south of the downtown area, is planned to become home to {{Convert|3|e6ft2}} of high-tech space on {{Convert|140|acre|m2}} of land previously owned by the Studebaker Corporation.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Ignition Park High-Tech Technology Park in South Bend, IN |publisher = |access-date = December 17, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> The first tenant, Data Realty, moved into the location in the fall of 2012.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last = Allen |first = Kevin |url = |title = Data Realty roaring ahead – South Bend Tribune: Local Economy |publisher = South Bend Tribune |date = October 26, 2013 |access-date = December 17, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> The second building in the new park, a research and testing facility for massive turbo machinery, is part of a partnership between the city, General Electric, Great Lakes Capital, Indiana Michigan Power, University of Notre Dame, and the state of Indiana.&lt;ref>{{cite web |first = Megan |last = Hickey |url = |title = Ignition Park breaks ground in South Bend |publisher = |date = October 15, 2014 |access-date = December 17, 2015 |archive-date = December 5, 2014 |archive-url = |url-status = dead }}&lt;/ref> ===Redevelopment=== Redevelopment is underway for some of the abandoned industrial facilities, with the abandoned [[Oliver Corp.|Oliver Corporation]] buildings being the most recent example of reclaimed property.&lt;ref name="Reclaim">City of South Bend website."[ South Bend Economic Development: Oliver Park] {{webarchive|url= |date=March 11, 2007 }}." Retrieved on August 31, 2006.&lt;/ref> The city also faced programs with large swaths of vacant housing after the decline of the manufacturing industry. In 2013, 1,347 homes were vacant or abandoned.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |archive-url = |url-status = dead |archive-date = January 13, 2016 |title = South Bend Vacant and Abandoned Properties – City of South Bend |date = January 13, 2016 }}&lt;/ref> The city created the Vacant and Abandoned Properties Initiative in February 2013, which aimed to take care of 1,000 vacant or abandoned homes in 1,000 days, either through demolition, repairs, or some other satisfactory means.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |archive-url = |url-status = dead |archive-date = November 12, 2013 |title = Vacant &amp; Abandoned Properties Initiative – City of South Bend |date = November 12, 2013 }}&lt;/ref> The Smart Street Initiative, a 20-year plan to make the city safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists, began in 2013 with the conversion of one-way streets to two-way streets,&lt;ref> {{dead link|date=August 2017}}&lt;/ref> to bring more businesses to the area, create shorter travel routes, and to reduce speeding. The other part of the initiative is the West Side Main Streets Plan, a revitalization plan for the Lincoln Way West and Western Avenue corridor focusing on guiding business owners, residents, and developers to improve the street front by offering a reimbursement on exterior improvements from the city and the Urban Enterprise Association.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |archive-url = |url-status = dead |archive-date = August 21, 2015 |title = West Side Corridors – City of South Bend |date = August 21, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> ==Arts and culture== ===Culture=== South Bend was influenced by a large influx of [[Polish people|Polish]] [[Roman Catholic Church|Catholic]] [[immigrants]] in the late 19th century.&lt;ref>Swastek, Joseph.{{cite web |url = |title = PolishRoots |access-date = July 13, 2010 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = January 15, 2008 }} . Retrieved on January 2, 2008.&lt;/ref> [[Dyngus Day]] is widely celebrated on the Monday after [[Easter]] and it is the beginning of the city elections [[Political campaign|campaign season]].&lt;ref>"[ What You Need To Know About Dyngus Day] {{webarchive|url= |date=2011-04-29 }}." ''[].'' Retrieved on January 2, 2008.&lt;/ref> [[Fat Tuesday]] is also celebrated in South Bend, with ''[[paczki]]s'' being a staple food product in the city for the day.&lt;ref>[ "South Bend Prepares for Mardi Gras"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=December 2, 2008 }}, WNDU, Retrieved on January 2, 2008&lt;/ref> The city and surrounding county have 23 Catholic churches, 11 Catholic schools and three Catholic universities (the University of Notre Dame, Holy Cross College, and Saint Mary's College, all located in the adjacent unincorporated area of [[Notre Dame, Indiana|Notre Dame]]).&lt;ref>[ Area Schools and Parishes] {{webarchive|url= |date=August 30, 2009 }}, Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend .". Retrieved on January 2, 2008.&lt;/ref> ===Music festivals=== [[File:Interstate Traffic SBSB.png|alt=A local band, Interstate Traffic, performs outside the Morris Performing Arts Center in downtown South Bend as part of the "South By South Bend" music festival. Pictured are two members playing a drum set and an electric guitar.|thumb|200x200px|Local band Interstate Traffic performing at South by South Bend]] The city hosts several annual festivals. The South Bend International Festival began ten years ago{{When|date=July 2022}} as the South Bend Reggae Festival and now features local and international musical artists who perform in African, Latino, and American cultural styles. Proceeds from the festival are given to the Pangani Foundation of South Bend, which provides medical supplies to hospitals in [[Malawi]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = Festival expands to International |url = |access-date = August 7, 2014 }}&lt;/ref> WBYT FM – B100 (Country Station) hosts an Annual All Day Country Concert, with over 37,000 free tickets in early September. The World Pulse Festival, broadcast by LeSEA Broadcasting network, is held annually in South Bend. It is hosted by Pulse FM, a local Christian music radio station. The event is an annual [[Contemporary Christian music]] festival, attracting more than 50,000 visitors each year.&lt;ref>[ "World Pulse Festival Attracts 50000+"] {{webarchive|url= |date=August 23, 2007 }}, Spirit News, Retrieved on January 2, 2008&lt;/ref> In 2013, a new annual festival began in South Bend called South by South Bend, named after the famous South By Southwest of Austin, Texas. The festival is a celebration of the local music scene, with local bands and artists performing on the park grounds and other public venues around the city.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = SXSB: Downtown venues to host first-time festival Friday, Saturday |url = |access-date = July 30, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> The goals of the festival include strengthening the bond between the communities of South Bend and Notre Dame, supporting local artistic expression, and promoting local business.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last=Harrell |first=Jeff |date=May 8, 2014 |title=South by South Bend music festival returns |url= |access-date=July 30, 2015 |website=South Bend Tribune}}&lt;/ref> In 2015, the festival was renamed Sounds by South Bend, to avoid confusion with the Austin festival and to more accurately represent the purpose of the event.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last=Gray |first=Amanda |date=May 7, 2015 |title=New name and lower prices for Sounds by South Bend |url= |access-date=July 30, 2015 |website=South Bend Tribune}}&lt;/ref> In 2016, the Riverlights Music Festival debuted as successor to Sounds by South Bend.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Flagel |first=Justin |date=2016-04-27 |title=Riverlights Music Festival debuts in downtown South Bend |url= |website=LeaderPublications}}&lt;/ref> ===Museums, arts and entertainment=== The [[South Bend Museum of Art]] is located in [[Century Center (South Bend)|Century Center]] in downtown South Bend. The museum was opened to the public in March 1996, and features a variety of artists from South Bend and the [[Michiana]] region. Currently, over 850 works are featured in the permanent collection. The museum also offers several classes and workshops for adults and children.&lt;ref name="museum">South Bend Regional Museum of Art. "[]". Retrieved on January 6, 2008.&lt;/ref> ====The History Museum==== The History Museum is the public name of the Northern Indiana Historical Society, the second-oldest historical society in Indiana, established in 1867 to collect and interpret the history of the northern Indiana region by St. Joseph County's leading citizens. [[Joseph D. Oliver House|The Oliver Mansion]] (also known by its original name, Copshaholm) is one of the central features of the museum. The 38-room mansion was built in 1895 and is currently listed in the [[National Register of Historic Places]]. The home was built by Joseph Doty Oliver, son of James Oliver, the founder of the [[Oliver Farm Equipment Company]], once the largest plow manufacturer in the United States.&lt;ref name=CFH>{{cite web |url = |title = The History Museum |website = The History Museum |access-date = August 27, 2017 }}&lt;/ref> In addition to the Oliver Mansion and the Workers Home (a 1920s Polish-American family home), the museum includes areas dedicated to the history of the St. Joseph River Valley, the University of Notre Dame, the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, and the Kidsfirst Children's Museum.&lt;ref name=CFH /> ====Studebaker National Museum==== [[File:South-bend-studebaker-museum-new.jpg|right|thumb|[[Studebaker National Museum]] in South Bend]] The [[Studebaker National Museum]] holds a large collection of wagons and automobiles from the 150-year history of the [[Studebaker|Studebaker Corporation]].&lt;ref name="Stude">Studebaker National Museum. "[ Campus Location] {{webarchive|url= |date=2007-12-22 }}". Retrieved on January 6, 2008.&lt;/ref> The museum began as a collection of wagons and automobiles produced by Studebaker, including the presidential carriages of Lincoln, McKinley, Harrison, and Grant. The company donated the collection to the city of South Bend in 1966. The collection was housed in various locations from [[Century Center (South Bend)|Century Center]] to its current location in downtown South Bend, adjacent to The History Museum. The two museums share one campus, and together form [[The Museums at Washington and Chapin]].&lt;ref name="Chapin">"[ Northern Indiana Center for History] {{webarchive|url= |date=2008-01-07 }}". Retrieved on January 6, 2008.&lt;/ref> The former South Bend mansion of [[Clement Studebaker]], named [[Tippecanoe Place]], is now a restaurant. ====Indiana University Civil Rights Heritage Center==== The [[Indiana University South Bend]] [[Civil Rights Heritage Center]] is housed in the former [[Engman Public Natatorium]]. What was once the city's first indoor swimming pool excluded and then segregated against African Americans for its first twenty-eight years. In 2010, Indiana University South Bend re-opened the building, and now offers tours and events focusing on the histories of civil rights and the experiences of African Americans, Latinos, and LGBTQ people in South Bend. ====Theatrical buildings==== [[File:Palace Theater, Morris Performing Arts Center, in South Bend.jpg|right|thumb|200x200px|Morris Performing Arts Center in South Bend]] The [[Morris Performing Arts Center]], built in 1922, included the Palace Theater, a venue for [[vaudeville]]. The theatre's heyday was in 1940 with the premiere of ''[[Knute Rockne, All American]],'' starring [[Ronald Reagan]]. A crowd estimated at 24,000 gathered outside. The theater was scheduled for demolition in 1959, when E. M. Morris purchased the facility and sold it to the city for one dollar, after which it was renamed the Morris Civic Auditorium. A total renovation as well as expansion of the stage area was completed in 2000. The Morris Performing Arts Center also includes the restored Palais Royale Ballroom.&lt;ref name="MorrisCenter">Morris Performing Arts Center. "[ About] {{webarchive|url= |date=2007-10-09 }}". Retrieved on January 6, 2008.&lt;/ref> The center houses the Broadway Theater League and the South Bend Symphony Orchestra. The orchestra's Shanghai-born former conductor, [[Tsung Yeh]], was the first conductor ever to hold music directorships of both a western symphony orchestra and a major Chinese orchestra.&lt;ref name="South Bend Symphony Orchestra">{{Cite web|url=|title=South Bend Symphony Orchestra Maestro|access-date=June 9, 2009|archive-date=December 3, 2009|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> South Bend is also home to The South Bend Hot Patooties, a group that performs a shadowcast of [[The Rocky Horror Picture Show]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |archive-url = |url-status = dead |archive-date = October 1, 2015 |title = Upcoming Events – Rocky Horror Picture Show film with South Bend's Hot Patooties Shadowcast! - The State of South Bend |date = October 1, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> The group has performed at various South Bend venues including the State Theater, Legends of Notre Dame, The Potawatomi Conservatories, and the historic [[Birdsell|Birdsell Mansion]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Security Check Required |website = |access-date = August 27, 2017 }}&lt;/ref> [[South Bend Civic Theater]], founded in 1957, was for many years located at The Firehouse, 701 Portage Avenue. It was a small intimate black box theater. In 2007, a new theater opened at 403 North Main Street in what was formerly the Scottish Rite Building. This facility includes a 209-seat main stage auditorium and a 90-seat "black box" studio theatre.&lt;ref name="Civic Theatre">[ South Bend Civic Theatre] {{webarchive|url= |date=January 5, 2008 }}. Retrieved on March 2, 2008.&lt;/ref> The theater produces more than a dozen plays per year, including several productions in its Family Series. ====Other==== The [[Raclin Murphy Museum of Art]] of the [[University of Notre Dame]] is an [[art museum]] with a collection of more than 30,000 items.&lt;ref name=his>[ History of the Museum, How We Started] at the Museum site&lt;/ref> The [[DeBartolo Performing Arts Center]] on the [[University of Notre Dame]] campus hosts plays, concerts, performing artists, and films open to the public. The [[Fischoff National Chamber Music Association]], sponsor of the world's largest chamber music competition, was founded in South Bend in 1973. The annual [[Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition]] is held on the campus of the University of Notre Dame. [[Schuyler Colfax]], the 17th [[Vice President of the United States]], is interred in South Bend City Cemetery.&lt;ref name="Colfax">United States Senate Art &amp; History Home."[ Schuyler Colfax, 17th Vice President (1869–1873)]". Retrieved on January 6, 2008.&lt;/ref> ===Public library=== South Bend is served by the St. Joseph County Public Library with a Main Library, and branches in Francis, German, and Lasalle townships.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Locations and hours |publisher = St Joseph County Public Library |access-date = March 15, 2018 }}&lt;/ref> There are a total of ten branches of the public library system throughout the county and from which any library card holder can select. The main library reopened in November 2021 after a full remodel that took two years.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Samra |first=Ibrahim |date=November 15, 2021 |title=SJCPL Main Street branch re-opens for first time in two years after full remodel |url= |access-date=2022-07-08 | |language=en}}&lt;/ref> ===Places of worship=== Notable places of worship include: * [[Cathedral of St. James (South Bend, Indiana)|Cathedral of St. James]] * [[First Presbyterian Church (South Bend, Indiana)|First Presbyterian Church]] * [[St. Adalbert Parish, South Bend|St. Adalbert Catholic Church]] * [[St. Casimir Parish, South Bend|St. Casimir Catholic Church]] * [[St. Matthew Cathedral (South Bend, Indiana)|St. Matthew Cathedral]] ====Former places of worship==== * [[Ballpark Synagogue|B'nai Israel Synagogue]], closed in 1990 * [[First Presbyterian Church (South Bend, Indiana)|First Presbyterian Church]], moved to new building ==Sports== [[File:Four Winds Field at Coveleski Stadium Gate D closeup.JPG|thumb|[[Four Winds Field at Coveleski Stadium|"The Cove"]] in South Bend]] ===South Bend Lions FC=== A [[USL League Two|USL2]] [[South Bend Lions FC|soccer franchise]] named in November 2019, located in South Bend. The team plays at TCU School Field with an inaugural season in Summer of 2020. In the summer of 2022 the South Bend Lions earned the title, Champions of the USL2 Valley Division. ===South Bend Cubs=== The city is home to the [[South Bend Cubs]], a Class A [[Minor League Baseball]] team, which plays at [[Four Winds Field at Coveleski Stadium]] in downtown South Bend. In 2014, the franchise changed its name and logo to the South Bend Cubs&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = UPDATE: South Bend Silver Hawks are now the South Bend Cubs! |url = |access-date = September 29, 2015 |last = WSBT |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = September 25, 2014 }}&lt;/ref> and became affiliated with the [[Chicago Cubs]]; prior to this, it had been known as the South Bend Silver Hawks and affiliated with the [[Arizona Diamondbacks]]. In 2005, the franchise nearly moved to [[Marion, Illinois]], but a group of investors, led by former Indiana governor and former South Bend mayor [[Joe Kernan (politician)|Joe Kernan]], bought the Silver Hawks in order to ensure the team stayed in South Bend.&lt;ref name="Hawks" /> ====Buildings and stadium==== The [[Ballpark Synagogue]] is a 1901 synagogue building on the grounds of the ballpark, which serves as the team's fan store. It is the nation's only ballpark synagogue and it is available for weddings and other events.&lt;ref name="Eig">{{cite web |url = |title = Jewish communities fade in small towns |website = |date = January 25, 2004 |access-date = August 27, 2017 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite magazine |url = |title = America's Only Ballpark Synagogue |magazine = The New Yorker |date = May 14, 2014 |access-date = August 27, 2017 }}&lt;/ref> The stadium is also used for multiple community events. In 2015, the South Bend Cubs broke their previous ticket sales record, with a total of 347,678 tickets sold.&lt;ref>{{cite news |title = South Bend Cubs shatter ticket sales record for season |url = |access-date = September 29, 2015 |newspaper = [[The Washington Times]] }}&lt;/ref> ===South Bend Roller Girls=== The city also hosts the South Bend Roller Girls,&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Home |website = South Bend Roller Girls |access-date = August 27, 2017 }}&lt;/ref> the city's non-profit flat-track roller derby league. Founded in March 2010, the league has worked to support fundraising for local charities, such as the Salvation Army's Adopt-A-Family program, the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, and the St. Joe County Humane Society. The South Bend Roller Girls traveling/competitive team, The Studebreakers, is named after the historic Studebaker Corporation. The team is a member of the [[Women's Flat Track Derby Association]]. ===East Race Waterway=== {{Main|East Race Waterway}} South Bend is home to the first [[artificial whitewater]] center in North America, the [[East Race Waterway]], adjacent to Century Center. The East Race Waterway is one of only four operating artificial whitewater facilities in the United States, the others being [[Dickerson Whitewater Course]] (in [[Dickerson, Maryland|Dickerson]], [[Maryland]]), [[U.S. National Whitewater Center]] (in [[Charlotte, North Carolina|Charlotte]], [[North Carolina]]), [[Adventure Sports Center International]] (in [[McHenry, Maryland]]), and [[Riversports Rapids]] (in [[Oklahoma City]], [[Oklahoma]]). The East Race Waterway is one of only [[List of artificial whitewater courses|six such facilities]] to have ever been operated in the US, the others being the four aforementioned courses and the now-defunct [[Ocoee Whitewater Center]] (in [[Ducktown, Tennessee|Ducktown]], [[Tennessee]]). Prior to the opening of Riversports Rapids, the East Race had long been the only such US facility not located in an [[East Coast of the United States|East Coast]] state. The waterway is closed as of 2021 because a [[hydroelectric]] [[dam]] is being built at the source.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title = Notre Dame Hydro Project: Preparing for a sustainable future by looking to the past. &amp;#124; Energy &amp; Emissions &amp;#124; Get Involved &amp;#124; Office of Sustainability &amp;#124; University of Notre Dame}}&lt;/ref> ===Other sports=== During [[World War II]], the [[South Bend Blue Sox]] [[All-American Girls Professional Baseball League]] team was formed in the city. The team participated in all the league's seasons from 1943 to 1954.&lt;ref name="bluesox">All-American Girls Professional Baseball League "[ All-American Girls Professional Baseball League History]." Retrieved on August 30, 2006.&lt;/ref> The [[Blackthorn Golf Course]] in South Bend is home to the [[Four Winds Invitational]] of the [[Symetra Tour]].&lt;ref name=":1">{{cite web |url = |title = Four Winds Invitational under way in South Bend |author = &lt;!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |date = June 19, 2015 |website = |publisher = [[WSBT-TV]] ([[CBS]]-[[Network affiliate|affiliate]]) |access-date = June 27, 2015 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = June 30, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> The [[Notre Dame Fighting Irish]] also provides sports activity the South Bend locale, with football, basketball, and other collegiate [[University of Notre Dame#Athletics|sports]] attracting fans to the region. Along with [[Notre Dame, Indiana|Notre Dame]], South Bend was the site of the VII [[Special Olympics World Games|Special Olympics Summer World Games]] in 1987. Notre Dame also hosted the 1983 [[AAU Junior Olympics]]. ==Parks and recreation== [[File:South-Bend-East-Race.jpg|left|thumb|Rafters enjoying the East Race in South Bend, Indiana]] South Bend Parks and Recreation department operates over 50 parks, golf courses, and recreational areas throughout the city.&lt;ref name="Rec">{{cite web |title=List of Parks |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=September 29, 2011 |access-date=January 16, 2008 |website=South Bend Parks and Recreation Website}}&lt;/ref> Notable parks include Rum Village Park, which has a disc golf course, mountain bike trails, hiking trails, and a nature center,&lt;ref name="Rum">{{cite web |title=Rum Village Park |url= |access-date=June 23, 2015 |website=South Bend Parks and Recreation Website}}&lt;/ref> and Potawatomi Park, which has the region's largest Universally Accessible Playground and an outdoors Performance Arts Pavilion and viewing area.&lt;ref name="Area">{{cite web |title=Potawatomi Park |url= |access-date=June 23, 2015 |website=South Bend Parks and Recreation Website}}&lt;/ref> South Bend's first zoo was located at Leeper Park from 1902 until 1914. The present zoo at Potawatomi Park began in 1921 when Albert R. Erskine, the president of the Studebaker Corporation, donated a single deer as the start of the zoo. The [[Potawatomi Zoo]] is the second oldest zoo in Indiana. It features more than 400 animals in its {{convert|23|acre|m2}}. The zoo is now operated by the Potawatomi Zoological Society. Near the Potawatomi Zoo are the [[Potawatomi Conservatories|Potawatomi Greenhouses and the Ella Morris and Muessel-Ellison Botanical Conservatories]]. The greenhouses were originally constructed in the 1920s, with the conservatories added in the 1960s.&lt;ref name="greenhouse">{{cite web |title=South Bend Conservatory |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=July 15, 2007 |access-date=July 13, 2010 |website=City of South Bend Venues Parks &amp; Arts}}&lt;/ref> In 2007, the greenhouses and conservatories were in danger of closing due to increased operating costs, but a campaign by the Botanical Society of South Bend was able to raise funds to keep the facilities operating.&lt;ref name="erace">{{cite web|website=South Bend Parks and Recreation Website|url=|title=East Race Waterway|archive-url= |archive-date=February 14, 2006 |access-date=January 16, 2008}}&lt;/ref> The city is home to the [[East Race Waterway]], which is used for boating and water sports (see above).&lt;ref name="erace" /> While developing the 2006 City Plan, the city's 20-year comprehensive plan, citizens said the encouragement of bicycling as a form of alternative transportation was a top priority. In 2010, South Bend became one of 303 communities in the United States to be recognized as a "Bicycle-Friendly Community" by the League of American Bicyclists due to the city's "remarkable commitments to bicycling.&lt;ref name="bike">"[ South Bend Bikeway] {{Webarchive|url= |date=June 23, 2015 }}." Retrieved on June 23, 2015.&lt;/ref> The city has developed a long-term plan for building a {{Convert|116|mi|km|adj=on}} South Bend Bikeway network. {{As of|2014|alt=As of late 2014}}, {{Convert|66.8|mi|km}} of bicycle routes have been established, including {{Convert|17.4|mi|km}} of multipurpose paths separated from streets, {{Convert|17.0|mi|km}} of striped bike lanes, and {{Convert|32.4|mi|km}} of on-street routes bearing other designations.&lt;ref name="southbike">"[ Bike South Bend] {{Webarchive|url= |date=June 23, 2015 }}." Retrieved on June 23, 2015.&lt;/ref> The area is also served by the St. Joseph County Parks Dept, which maintains eight different parks and recreation areas. The Parks department serves the metro area and is headed by a permanent staff and an appointed board. ==Government== {{See also|List of mayors of South Bend, Indiana|Mayoral elections in South Bend, Indiana|South Bend Common Council}} [[File:County-City Building South Bend 2015.jpg|alt=County City Building in downtown South Bend, Indiana. The building is 14 stories tall and houses the Office of the Mayor, as well as many other municipal and county offices.|thumb|upright|County-City Building in downtown South Bend]] South Bend government follows the [[mayor-council]] [[Representative democracy|representative]] model of [[municipal government]] and, along with the St. Joseph county government, occupies the County-City Building in downtown South Bend. The government of South Bend is led by the office of the [[mayor]], who is elected to a four-year term and acts as chief executive for the city government. The current mayor is [[James Mueller (mayor)|James Mueller]]. The legislative branch of the South Bend government is the [[South Bend Common Council]]. The final elected member of the South Bend government is the [[City Clerk|city clerk]], who is responsible for maintaining official city records and providing general clerical assistance to the City Council.&lt;ref name="cityclerk">City of South Bend - About the Clerk "[ City of South Bend - About the Clerk] {{Webarchive|url= |date=August 7, 2008 }}." Retrieved on October 23, 2008.&lt;/ref> The current clerk is Dawn M. Jones.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=City Clerk Dawn M. Jones, MPA||access-date=2019-12-06}}&lt;/ref> Michael A. Dvorak is the prosecuting attorney for the 60th Judicial Circuit, which consists of St. Joseph County. He was first elected in 2002. ===State and national representation=== South Bend is represented in the [[Indiana House of Representatives]] by [[Maureen Bauer]], Jake Teshka, and [[Ryan Dvorak]], and in the [[Indiana Senate|Indiana State Senate]] by [[David L. Niezgodski]]. All members of the [[Indiana General Assembly]] representing South Bend are [[Democratic Party (United States)|Democrats]], except Jake Teshka, who is a [[Republican Party (United States)|Republican]]. South Bend is part of [[Indiana's 2nd congressional district|Indiana's 2nd Congressional District]]. ===Politics=== The Democratic Party is very successful in South Bend. Every South Bend mayor since 1972 has been a Democrat.&lt;ref name="mayorlist">{{cite web |title=List of South Bend Mayors |url= |publisher=South Bend History Museum |access-date=July 1, 2015}}&lt;/ref> As of 2021, all but one City Council member is a Democrat.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=October 7, 2012 |title=Council Members - City of South Bend |date=October 7, 2012}}&lt;/ref> On March 26, 2012, South Bend passed the Human Rights Ordinance, outlawing discrimination in employment, housing, or other areas against citizens based on "race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation or gender identity, or familial status."&lt;ref name=humanrightsordinance2012>{{cite web |title = South Bend Human Rights Ordinance |url = |publisher = Municode |access-date = July 1, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> It is one of only 6 cities in Indiana to offer legal protections for citizens based on sexual orientation and gender identity.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = HRC List of Cities and Counties with Non-discrimination Ordinances That Include Gender |url = |publisher = Human Rights Campaign |access-date = July 1, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> The protections are enforced by the city's Human Rights Commission, which oversees investigation and legal recourse in cases of discrimination.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = South Bend Human Rights Commission |url = |publisher = City of South Bend |access-date = July 1, 2015 |archive-date = July 1, 2015 |archive-url = |url-status = dead }}&lt;/ref> [[File:South-bend-indiana-courthouse.jpg|alt= The Courthouse in downtown South Bend. The County-city building is visible in the background.|thumb|Courthouse in South Bend]] On June 16, 2015, then-Mayor [[Pete Buttigieg]] announced in a ''[[South Bend Tribune]]'' editorial that he is gay, becoming the first openly gay executive in the state of Indiana.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = South Bend Mayor: Why coming out matters |url = |publisher = South Bend Tribune |access-date = June 19, 2015 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = 'Pete Buttigieg's announcement creates a buzz' |url = |publisher = South Bend Tribune |access-date = June 19, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> ==Education== [[File:Main Building at the University of Notre Dame.jpg|thumb|Main Building at the University of Notre Dame]] {{Main|Education in South Bend, Indiana}} ===Colleges=== The South Bend area contains several institutions of higher education. * [[Indiana University South Bend]] is the third-largest campus in the [[Indiana University]] system. Its total enrollment during the 2019–20 school year was 5,092 students.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Fast Facts: IU South Bend||access-date=April 29, 2020}}&lt;/ref> * [[Purdue Polytechnic Institute|Purdue Polytechnic South Bend]]&lt;ref>Purdue Polytechnic South Bend "[]." Retrieved on 2020-16-12.&lt;/ref> * [[Ivy Tech Community College]] * [[Trine University]] Colleges located near South Bend: * [[University of Notre Dame]] * [[Saint Mary's College (Indiana)|Saint Mary's College]] * [[Holy Cross College (Indiana)|Holy Cross College]] * [[Bethel University (Indiana)|Bethel University]]&lt;ref>Bethel University"[]"&lt;/ref> ===K–12 schools=== Public schools in South Bend are operated by the [[South Bend Community School Corporation]]. The corporation runs 17 primary centers (grades K–5), seven intermediate centers (mostly grades 6–8), four high schools (grades 9–12) and an alternative school (grade 9–12), serving 16,725 students during the 2019–20 school year.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=;id=7205|title=IDOE: Compass||access-date=August 27, 2017}}&lt;/ref> In 2018–19, the school district received an accountability grade overall of C.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=;id=7205|title=IDOE: Compass||access-date=2020-04-29}}&lt;/ref> Purdue Polytechnic High Schools also maintains a campus in South Bend on Lafayette Ave.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=PURDUE POLYTECHNIC HIGH SCHOOL SOUTH BEND|access-date=12 August 2022}}&lt;/ref> There are also several private schools: namely, [[Trinity School at Greenlawn]], recipient of four [[National Blue Ribbon Schools Program|Blue Ribbon Awards]] from the U.S. Department of Education,&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title=Blue Ribbon Schools Program |archive-url = |url-status = dead |archive-date = February 21, 2006 |date = February 21, 2006 }}&lt;/ref> and [[Stanley Clark School|The Stanley Clark School]]. Additionally, the [[Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend|Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend]] operates 11 [[Parochial school|parochial]] grade schools and one high school in South Bend.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Find a School – The Catholic Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend |website = |access-date = August 27, 2017 |archive-date = August 28, 2017 |archive-url = |url-status = dead }}&lt;/ref> This includes [[St. Joseph School (South Bend, Indiana)|St. Joseph School]], which is a [[National Register of Historic Places]] listing and two-time National Blue Ribbon Award recipient. ==Media== [[File:South Bend Tribune street view 2015.JPG|alt=Picture of the former main office of the South Bend Tribune in downtown South Bend.|thumb|''South Bend Tribune'' former main office]] ===Newspaper=== One major daily newspaper serves the South Bend metro area: the ''[[South Bend Tribune]]''.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=GateHouse Media - About Us |url= |access-date=24 July 2019}}&lt;/ref> ===Radio=== South Bend's radio stations' formats include [[public radio]], [[sports radio]], [[classical music]], [[religious]], [[Country music|country]], [[classic rock]], [[pop music|pop]], and [[urban contemporary]], among others. [[File:WNIT Television Center for Public Media street view.JPG|alt=WNIT Center for Public Media in downtown South Bend. The building is made primarily of glass, and has a large screen displaying the live broadcast of WNIT's public television channel.|thumb|WNIT Center for Public Media in downtown South Bend]] ===Television=== As of the 2016–17 rankings, the South Bend-Elkhart [[designated market area]] is the 96th largest market in the United States, with 310,170 homes (0.27% of the U.S. population).&lt;ref name="nielsen">{{cite web |url = |title = Nielsen Media Research Television Markets listed numerically courtesy of the Master Station Index at |website = |access-date = August 27, 2017 |archive-url = |archive-date = August 28, 2008 |url-status = dead |df = mdy-all }}&lt;/ref> Most of the major television networks have affiliates in the Michiana area. Television stations broadcasting in the Greater South Bend area include: {| class="wikitable" |- !Cable Channel Number !Call Sign !Network |- |16 |[[WNDU-TV]] |[[NBC]] |- |22 |[[WSBT-TV]] |[[CBS]] |- |25 |[[WCWW-LD]] |[[The CW|CW]] |- |28 |[[WSJV]] |[[Heroes &amp; Icons]] |- |34 |[[WNIT (TV)|WNIT-TV]] |[[PBS]] |- |46 |[[WHME-TV]] |[[Univision]] |- |57 |[[WBND-LD]] |[[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] |- |69 |[[WMYS-LD]] |[[MyNetworkTV]] |} ==Infrastructure== ===Transportation=== {{main | Transportation in South Bend, Indiana}} ====Roads==== South Bend's location around the [[St. Joseph River (Lake Michigan)|St. Joseph River]] has influenced the development of its streets. While city streets mainly follow a [[grid plan]], road development also adapted to the river's path. South Bend is connected to state and national highway systems by [[Indiana State Road 2|State Roads 2]], [[Indiana State Road 23|23]], and [[Indiana State Road 933|933]]; [[U.S. Route 20 in Indiana|U.S. Route 20]] and [[U.S. Route 31 in Indiana|31]]; and [[Interstate 80 in Indiana|Interstate 80]] and [[Interstate 90 (Indiana)|90]], the [[Indiana Toll Road]]. The original routes of both the [[Lincoln Highway]] and the [[Dixie Highway]] also pass through South Bend. South Bend was also a town along the intrastate [[Michigan Road]]. Parts of Eddy Street, Sample Street, Chapin Avenue, Marion Street, and Madison Street form an incomplete loop around the downtown area; this was formerly referred to as "the innerbelt".&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana on July 10, 1968 · 31||date=July 10, 1968 }}&lt;/ref> Portions of State Roads 23 and 933 follow this route. For transportation around the South Bend metro area, there is the [[St. Joseph Valley Parkway]], designated in places as US 20, US 31, and [[Indiana State Road 331|State Road 331]], which bypasses South Bend to the south and west, and connects to Michigan to the north and the greater [[Elkhart, Indiana|Elkhart]] area to the east. The Indiana Toll Road (Interstates 80 and 90) passes through northern South Bend. ====Intercity bus service==== South Bend is served by a single [[Greyhound Lines|Greyhound]] station. The busses had operated out of the airport until 2019, when they relocated to a leased portion of the South Street Station.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title = Greyhound bus lines relocating to Transpo South Street Station in South Bend}}&lt;/ref> ====Transit==== Public transportation in South Bend is controlled by [[South Bend Transpo|Transpo]] (South Bend Public Transportation Corporation). Transpo operates bus routes between stations located in South Bend and [[Mishawaka, Indiana|Mishawaka]] and provides services to the towns of Osceola and Roseland, from Monday through Saturday.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = Transpo General Information |publisher = Transpo |url = |access-date = March 14, 2008 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = August 1, 2008 }}&lt;/ref> In 2006, the Transpo fleet switched to [[biodiesel]] fuel. In 2015, Transpo added 16 new buses powered by [[compressed natural gas]]. The Transpo facility is also the first LEED Platinum transit facility in the country.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Transpo :: About :: Transpo Overview &amp; History |website = |access-date = August 27, 2017 }}&lt;/ref> The South Street Station serves as the main hub for most passengers, with multiple platforms and buses arriving frequently. Connections can be made to the [[Interurban Trolley]] in [[Mishawaka]]. ====Aviation==== [[File:South-bend-regional-airport-front.jpg|thumb|right|South Bend Regional Airport in 2005; since renamed to [[South Bend International Airport]]]] South Bend serves as the transportation hub for [[Michiana]]. The [[South Bend International Airport]] lies off of U.S. 31 and the Indiana Toll Road in the northwest corner of South Bend. The airport connects South Bend to larger hubs including [[Atlanta]], [[Charlotte, North Carolina|Charlotte]], [[Chicago]], [[Dallas]], [[Las Vegas, Nevada|Las Vegas]], [[Minneapolis]], [[Orlando, Florida|Orlando]], [[Phoenix, Arizona|Phoenix]], [[Punta Gorda, Florida|Punta Gorda]], [[Sarasota]], and [[St. Petersburg, Florida]]. In April 2014, the airport changed its name from "South Bend Regional Airport" to the current "South Bend International" after receiving International designation from [[U.S. Customs and Border Protection]].&lt;ref name="international">{{cite web |url = |title = South Bend airport adds 'international' to name |publisher = South Bend Tribune |date = April 24, 2014 |access-date = May 9, 2014 }}&lt;/ref> Final design plans are being approved for a Federal Inspection Station and General Aviation Facility.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = International ambitions for South Bend airport |url = |access-date = July 30, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> The airport welcomed its first international arrival through the General Aviation Facility in June 2017. ====Rail==== The [[South Shore Line (NICTD)|South Shore Line]], an electric commuter railroad, runs from [[South Bend Airport station]] seven times a day (five on weekends) to [[Millennium Station]] in downtown Chicago. A once-daily limited-stop express service was added in 2015 on weekdays, with trains taking 1 hour and 55 minutes from South Bend to Chicago.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Chicago express a major step for South Shore|last=Allen|first=Kevin|date=February 3, 2015|website=South Bend Tribune|language=en|access-date=2020-02-29}}&lt;/ref> [[Proposed new South Shore Line station in South Bend|There is a proposal]] to reroute or extend the existing track southeast to a new terminus downtown South Bend.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last1=Sheckler |first1=Christian |title=New train station in South Bend: lots of money on studies. No progress. No location settled. |url= |website=South Bend Tribune |access-date=28 March 2021 |language=en |date=21 March 2021}}&lt;/ref> [[Amtrak]], the national passenger rail system, provides service to [[South Bend (Amtrak station)|South Bend Station]] via two trains a day, the ''[[Lake Shore Limited]]'' between Chicago and New York City or [[Boston]], and the ''[[Capitol Limited (Amtrak)|Capitol Limited]]'' between Chicago and [[Washington, D.C.]] A bus line connects Notre Dame and the South Bend airport to Chicago's O'Hare and Midway airports, with several northwest Indiana stops.&lt;ref>{{cite news |title = Amtrak Stations - South Bend |publisher = Amtrak |url =;code=SOB |access-date = January 2, 2008 }}&lt;/ref> South Bend had electric [[streetcars]] from 1885 until the 1930s.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last1=Childs |first1=Travis |title=A Look Back: South Bend began running electric streetcars in 1885 |url= |website=South Bend Tribune |language=en |date=6 May 2019 |access-date=June 3, 2021 |archive-date=June 3, 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> In 2021, a group proposed the concept of building a new streetcar system, running from Notre Dame University, through South Bend, to Mishawaka.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last1=Mazurek |first1=Marek |title=Group Wants Electric Streetcar Brought Back to South Bend, Ind. |url= |website=GovTech |access-date=3 June 2021 |language=en |date=2021-05-13}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |last1=Torie |first1=Caroline |title=Task force proposes RiverRail streetcar line connecting Notre Dame, South Bend, Mishawaka |url= |website=WSBT |access-date=3 June 2021 |date=2021-05-11}}&lt;/ref> ===Utilities=== Electricity in South Bend is provided by Indiana Michigan Power, a subsidiary of [[American Electric Power]].&lt;ref name="power">Indiana Michigan Power. {{cite web |url = |title = About |access-date = January 17, 2008 |archive-url = |archive-date = April 29, 2007 }} . Retrieved on January 16, 2008.&lt;/ref> [[Natural gas]] is supplied by the Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), a subsidiary of [[NiSource]].&lt;ref name="gas">NIPSCO. "[ About NIPSCO]". Retrieved on January 16, 2008. {{webarchive |url= |date=January 5, 2010 }}&lt;/ref> [[File:North Pumping Station Full View.JPG|thumb|[[North Pumping Station]], just outside downtown South Bend, was built in 1912, and is in the [[National Register of Historic Places]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=National Register of Historic Places Form 96001538|url={{NRHP url|id=96001538}}|publisher=National Park Service|access-date=July 1, 2015}}&lt;/ref>]] The South Bend Water Works deliver water to residents of South Bend. The water is collected from 32 deep wells and runs through {{convert|545|mi|km}} of water main to be distributed to South Bend residents.&lt;ref name="water">City of South Bend."[ Water Works FAQ] {{Webarchive|url= |date=May 16, 2008 }}". Retrieved on January 16, 2008.&lt;/ref> In 2008, in order to increase the efficiency of its sewer system, South Bend began the installation of an array of intelligent sensors and valves allowing it to become the first city to migrate its sewer system management to the cloud. When a section of the system is under heavy use, this system can divert flow to other, less busy, sections. This more efficient system has helped to save the city an estimated $100&amp;nbsp;million in new sewage pipes.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title = How South Bend, Indiana Saved $100 Million By Tracking Its Sewers |date = August 5, 2013 |website = |access-date = August 27, 2017 }}&lt;/ref> ===Law enforcement=== {{main | South Bend Police Department}} The police force in South Bend has undergone many changes and expansions in its history, starting in 1831 when the first constables were appointed. Law enforcement was reorganized and renamed multiple times throughout its history, until the department became officially known as the South Bend Police Department in 1903.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = South Bend Police Department History |url = |publisher = South Bend Police Department |access-date = July 19, 2021 }}&lt;/ref> Scott Ruszkowski has served as chief since 2015.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = South Bend Police Department Leadership |url = |publisher = South Bend Police Department |access-date = July 1, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> ===Environmental initiatives=== In 2015, South Bend engaged in a partnership with the University of Notre Dame to revitalize the Bowman Creek ecosystem. Bowman Creek is a tributary of the St. Joseph River in South Bend that has suffered from contamination. The Bowman Creek initiative included partners from local high schools, colleges, and business leaders focused on improvements to both the creek and the neighborhoods. The vision for the collaboration is to institute a unique water quality monitoring system, similar to South Bend's combined sewer overflow system.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title = Smart cities think big with $160 million White House program |url = |website = Fortune |access-date = September 29, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> ==Notable people== {{Main|List of people from South Bend, Indiana}} ==Sister cities== South Bend has four [[town twinning|sister cities]]:&lt;ref name="sister">City of South Bend" [ Sister Cities] {{webarchive |url= |date=December 2, 2008}}". Retrieved on January 27, 2008.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite news |first=Kevin |last=Allen |title=South Bend has New Sister City |url= |work=South Bend Tribune |date=August 25, 2011 |access-date=September 1, 2011 |archive-date=July 25, 2012 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> * {{flagdeco|Poland}} [[Częstochowa]] (Poland) * {{flagdeco|Germany}} [[Arzberg, Bavaria|Arzberg]], [[Bavaria]] (Germany) * {{flagdeco|Mexico}} [[Guanajuato, Guanajuato|Guanajuato]] (Mexico) * {{flagdeco|Germany}} [[Bergisch Gladbach]], [[North Rhine-Westphalia]] (Germany) ==References== {{reflist}} == Further reading == * Bodnar, John. "Power and memory in oral history: Workers and managers at Studebaker." ''Journal of American History'' 75.4 (1989): 1201–1221. [ online] * Breza, Kathleen. "The Polish-American Community in South Bend." (ERIC, 1975). [ online] * Esslinger, Dean R. ''Immigrants and the city: Ethnicity and mobility in a nineteenth century Midwestern community'' (Kennikat Press, 1975); focus on demography and social mobility of Germans, Poles, and other Catholics in South Bend * Fotia, Elizabeth R., and Karen Rasmussen. "The Italian-Americans of the South Bend-Mishawaka Area." (ERIC, 1975) [ online]. * "Language and identity of Latinos in South Bend," (Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame) 3#4 (fall 2009) pp 1–16. [ online] * Mattox, Jake. ''The Negro in South Bend: A Social Study Sermon: The Quest of Restless Souls'' (1922) reprint Wolfson Press, 2009. [ online review] * Mize, Sandra Yocum. "Parish History as Theological Resource: A Case Study of Little Flower Parish, South Bend, Indiana." ''Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia'' 105.3/4 (1994): 77–91. [ online] * Mize, Sandra Yocum. "Lay Participation in Parish Life: Little Flower Parish, South Bend, Indiana." ''US Catholic Historian'' 9.4 (1990): 419–432. [ online] * Osterhus, Grace. "City Directories Tell the Story of South Bend." ''Indiana Magazine of History'' (1939): 261–281. [ online] * Palmer, John. ''South Bend: Crossroads of Commerce'' (Arcadia Publishing, 2003) [;dq=history+%22+south+Bend%22&amp;pg=PA6 online]. * Prizant, Yael. "Reimagining the Rust Belt: South Bend, Indiana, and The Citizen Project." ''Studies in the Literary Imagination'' 50.1 (2017): 21–43. [ excerpt] * Robinson, Gabrielle. ''German Settlers of South Bend'' (Arcadia Publishing, 2003). * Rotman, Deborah L. "The fighting Irish: historical archaeology of nineteenth-century Catholic immigrant experiences in South Bend, Indiana." ''Historical Archaeology'' 44 (2010): 113–131. [ online] * Rotman, Deborah L. "Irish-Catholic immigrant life in South Bend, Indiana: refined earthenwares and the 19th-century social worlds of the Midwest." ''Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology'' 37.1 (2012): 25–44. * Swastek, Joseph. "The Poles in South Bend to 1914." ''Polish American Studies'' 2.3/4 (1945): 79–88. * White, Joseph M. ''Worthy of the Gospel of Christ: A History of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Diocese and Catholic Life in Northern Indiana'' (Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, 2007). * Wineland, Ben. "Then and Now: The Origins and Development of the Gay Community in South Bend." ''IUSB Undergraduate Research Journal of History'' 6 (2016): 71–82. [ online] * Young, Jan. ''Studebaker and the Railroads'' (2009) [;pg=PA124 online]. ==External links== {{Sister project links|d=Q486877|c=Category:South Bend, Indiana|voy=South Bend|n=no|wikt=South Bend|s=1911_Encyclopædia_Britannica/South_Bend|species=no|mw=no|m=no|q=no|b=no|v=no}} * {{Official website}} * [ Downtown South Bend] * [ South Bend, Indiana and St. Joseph County] * [ St. Joseph County Chamber of Commerce] * [ Visit South Bend Mishawaka] * {{osmrelation|127646}} {{South Bend, Indiana}} {{St. Joseph County, Indiana}} {{County Seats of Indiana}} {{Indiana}} {{Great Lakes Megalopolis}} {{Authority control}}{{Portal bar|Indiana|United States|North America|Cities|Geography}} [[Category:South Bend, Indiana| ]] [[Category:Artificial whitewater courses]] [[Category:Cities in Indiana]] [[Category:Cities in St. Joseph County, Indiana]] [[Category:County seats in Indiana]] [[Category:Populated places established in 1831]] [[Category:South Bend – Mishawaka metropolitan area]] [[Category:1831 establishments in 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