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onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Instagram Stories', '');"> Historias de Instagram </a> </li> <li class="hidden sm:block"> <a href="" class="block py-2 sm:py-3 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('YouTube Banners', '');"> Banners de YouTube </a> </li> <li class="hidden sm:block"> <a href="" class="block py-2 sm:py-3 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('YouTube Banners', '');"> Flyers </a> </li> <li class="hidden sm:block"> <a href="" class="block py-2 sm:py-3 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('YouTube Banners', '');"> Publicaciones de Instagram </a> </li> </ul> <div class="flex items-center justify-between xl:pb-2 xl:border-b border-neutral-100"> <p class="font-semibold text-deep-blue-100 text-lg pt-2 sm:py-2 xl:font-semibold xl:py-0 xl:text-neutral-900"> Creadores </p> <span class="hidden xl:block text-sm text-neutral-600"> Construye algo nuevo </span> </div> <ul class="xl:grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-3 xl:pt-4"> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Instagram Stories maker', '');"> Creador de historias de Instagram <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-600 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100">Destaca con tu contenido social</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Logos maker', '');"> Creador de logotipos <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-600 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100">Captura la esencia de tu negocio</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Menus maker', '');"> Creador de menús <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-600 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100">Deleita a tus clientes</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Posters maker', '');"> Creador de carteles <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-600 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100">Transmite mensajes a tu público</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Business Cards maker', '');"> Creador de tarjetas de visita <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-600 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100">Causa una gran impresión</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('YouTube Banners maker', '');"> Crea Banners de YouTube <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-600 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100">Capta la atención del espectador</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Photo collages maker', '');"> Creador de Collages de Fotos <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-600 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100"> Compartir cualquier historia visual </p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Invitations maker', '');"> Crea invitaciones <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-600 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100"> Impresiona a tus invitados </p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Instagram Posts maker', '');"> Creador de gafetes <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-600 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100"> Refuerza tu equipo </p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-deep-blue-200 xl:text-neutral-900 text-sm w-full hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Brochures maker', '');"> Creador de Pegatinas <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-600 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100">Diseña tu marca creativa</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-neutral-875 text-sm w-full hover:text-blue-500 hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Instagram Posts maker', '');"> Crea membretes <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-825 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100"> Mejora tu identidad corporativa </p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="block py-2 text-neutral-875 text-sm w-full hover:text-blue-500 hover:font-semibold group" onclick="trackNavbarGA4('Brochures maker', '');"> Creador de folletos <p class="hidden xl:block text-neutral-825 opacity-0 transition-opacity font-normal duration-100 group-hover:opacity-100"> Promociona tu negocio </p> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="hidden xl:block w-1/3 py-8 px-4 bg-offwhite-300"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between pb-2 border-b border-neutral-100 mb-4"> <p class="font-semibold text-neutral-900">Novedades</p> </div> <div x-data="{feature: 1}" class="flex flex-col gap-4 mb-8"> <div class="border border-neutral-100 bg-white rounded"> <button @click="feature !== 1 ? feature = 1 : feature = null" class="text-neutral-900 w-full text-left font-semibold flex items-center py-2.5 px-4"> <p class="flex-1">Búsqueda con IA</p> <span class="transition-all 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A continuación, podrás imprimirlo y compartirlo con todo el mundo. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="js-scroll mx-auto py-14 px-6 w-full sm:max-w-screen-xl lg:py-24 lg:px-8"> <h2 class="text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-semibold text-neutral-900 font-display mb-8 text-center"> Inspírate con estas ideas de diseño de folletos </h2> <p class="text-xl text-neutral-700 text-center mb-12 max-w-2xl mx-auto"> Las oportunidades no surgen, ¡las creas tú! Para encontrar el diseño perfecto para tu folleto, echa un vistazo a nuestra colección de plantillas y déjate inspirar por ellas. Navega entre <strong class="text-neutral-900">diseños profesionales, sencillos, elegantes o incluso vintage</strong> para elegir el que más encaje contigo. En menos de unos minutos, tendrás un folleto que atraerá clientes y potenciará la imagen de tu negocio. </p> <div data-testid="related-templates-container" class="px-2 sm:px-20 lg:px-6 mx-auto mb-4"> <div class="masonry-grid -mx-2 sm:-mx-3"> <div class="masonry-sizer w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6"></div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"74387":"https:\/\/\/statics\/995433090\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico corporativo estilo flat y guay"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto tríptico corporativo estilo flat y guay".toLowerCase(), file_id: "63372", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Sergio Villar", author_id: "18", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto tr&iacute;ptico corporativo estilo flat y guay", "Folletos", "Marketing y eventos"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/flat-cool-corporate-trifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto tríptico corporativo estilo flat y guay".toLowerCase(), file_id: "63372", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("63372", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico corporativo estilo flat y guay", "Folletos", "Marketing y eventos") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="63372" data-slug="folleto-triptico-corporativo-estilo-flat-y-guay" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto tríptico corporativo estilo flat y guay Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto tríptico corporativo estilo flat y guay </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"73800":"https:\/\/\/statics\/995705494\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de hotel y resort exclusivo estilo flat y simple"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto tríptico de hotel y resort exclusivo estilo flat y simple".toLowerCase(), file_id: "56052", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Ana Brenes", author_id: "15", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de hotel y resort exclusivo estilo flat y simple", "Folletos", "Folleto tríptico"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/flat-simple-exclusive-hotel-resort-trifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto tríptico de hotel y resort exclusivo estilo flat y simple".toLowerCase(), file_id: "56052", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("56052", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de hotel y resort exclusivo estilo flat y simple", "Folletos", "Folleto tríptico") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="56052" data-slug="folleto-triptico-de-hotel-y-resort-exclusivo-estilo-flat-y-simple" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto tríptico de hotel y resort exclusivo estilo flat y simple Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto tríptico de hotel y resort exclusivo estilo flat y simple </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"73127":"https:\/\/\/statics\/1023027442\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico del mejor hotel &amp; resorts estilo flat con ondas"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto díptico del mejor hotel & resorts estilo flat con ondas".toLowerCase(), file_id: "56053", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "María López", author_id: "16", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto d&iacute;ptico del mejor hotel &amp; resorts estilo flat con ondas", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/flat-waves-best-hotel-resorts-bifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto díptico del mejor hotel & resorts estilo flat con ondas".toLowerCase(), file_id: "56053", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("56053", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico del mejor hotel &amp; resorts estilo flat con ondas", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="56053" data-slug="folleto-diptico-del-mejor-hotel-resorts-estilo-flat-con-ondas" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto díptico del mejor hotel & resorts estilo flat con ondas Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto díptico del mejor hotel & resorts estilo flat con ondas </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72443":"https:\/\/\/statics\/995979152\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico de servicios de escuela internacional bicolor doodle"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto díptico de servicios de escuela internacional bicolor doodle".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55912", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Laura Pinto", author_id: "17", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto d&iacute;ptico de servicios de escuela internacional bicolor doodle", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/duotone-doodle-international-school-services-bifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto díptico de servicios de escuela internacional bicolor doodle".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55912", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55912", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico de servicios de escuela internacional bicolor doodle", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55912" data-slug="folleto-diptico-de-servicios-de-escuela-internacional-bicolor-doodle" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto díptico de servicios de escuela internacional bicolor doodle Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto díptico de servicios de escuela internacional bicolor doodle </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72420":"https:\/\/\/statics\/1003299601\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de descuento de escuela internacional estilo flat con ondas"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto tríptico de descuento de escuela internacional estilo flat con ondas".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55913", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Sergio Villar", author_id: "18", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de descuento de escuela internacional estilo flat con ondas", "Folletos", "Folleto de Escuela"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/flat-waves-international-school-discount-trifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto tríptico de descuento de escuela internacional estilo flat con ondas".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55913", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55913", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de descuento de escuela internacional estilo flat con ondas", "Folletos", "Folleto de Escuela") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55913" data-slug="folleto-triptico-de-descuento-de-escuela-internacional-estilo-flat-con-ondas" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto tríptico de descuento de escuela internacional estilo flat con ondas Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto tríptico de descuento de escuela internacional estilo flat con ondas </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72478":"https:\/\/\/statics\/995578619\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico para colegio &quot;&uacute;nete a nuestra comunidad&quot; estilo flat dibujado a mano"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto díptico para colegio "únete a nuestra comunidad" estilo flat dibujado a mano".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55915", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Carla Pareja", author_id: "10", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto d&iacute;ptico para colegio &quot;&uacute;nete a nuestra comunidad&quot; estilo flat dibujado a mano", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/flat-hand-drawn-join-our-community-school-bifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto díptico para colegio "únete a nuestra comunidad" estilo flat dibujado a mano".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55915", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55915", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico para colegio &quot;&uacute;nete a nuestra comunidad&quot; estilo flat dibujado a mano", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55915" data-slug="folleto-diptico-para-colegio-unete-a-nuestra-comunidad-estilo-flat-dibujado-a-mano" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto díptico para colegio "únete a nuestra comunidad" estilo flat dibujado a mano Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto díptico para colegio "únete a nuestra comunidad" estilo flat dibujado a mano </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72192":"https:\/\/\/statics\/1000584365\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de actividades extraescolares para ni&ntilde;os estilo flat colorido"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto tríptico de actividades extraescolares para niños estilo flat colorido".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55916", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Laura Pinto", author_id: "17", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de actividades extraescolares para ni&ntilde;os estilo flat colorido", "Folletos", "Folleto de Escuela"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/flat-colorful-after-school-activities-for-kids-trifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto tríptico de actividades extraescolares para niños estilo flat colorido".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55916", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55916", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de actividades extraescolares para ni&ntilde;os estilo flat colorido", "Folletos", "Folleto de Escuela") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55916" data-slug="folleto-triptico-de-actividades-extraescolares-para-ninos-estilo-flat-colorido" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto tríptico de actividades extraescolares para niños estilo flat colorido Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto tríptico de actividades extraescolares para niños estilo flat colorido </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72466":"https:\/\/\/statics\/1003234827\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de registro del programa extraescolar colorido degradado"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto tríptico de registro del programa extraescolar colorido degradado".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55929", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Carla Pareja", author_id: "10", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de registro del programa extraescolar colorido degradado", "Folletos", "Folleto de Escuela"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/gradient-colorful-after-school-program-registration-trifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto tríptico de registro del programa extraescolar colorido degradado".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55929", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55929", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de registro del programa extraescolar colorido degradado", "Folletos", "Folleto de Escuela") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55929" data-slug="folleto-triptico-de-registro-del-programa-extraescolar-colorido-degradado" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto tríptico de registro del programa extraescolar colorido degradado Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto tríptico de registro del programa extraescolar colorido degradado </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72522":"https:\/\/\/statics\/996039495\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico M&eacute;dico Mejor Salud, Mejor Vida con Cuadr&iacute;cula Estilo Flat"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto díptico Médico Mejor Salud, Mejor Vida con Cuadrícula Estilo Flat".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55699", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "María López", author_id: "16", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto d&iacute;ptico M&eacute;dico Mejor Salud, Mejor Vida con Cuadr&iacute;cula Estilo Flat", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/flat-grid-better-health-better-life-medical-bifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto díptico Médico Mejor Salud, Mejor Vida con Cuadrícula Estilo Flat".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55699", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55699", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico M&eacute;dico Mejor Salud, Mejor Vida con Cuadr&iacute;cula Estilo Flat", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55699" data-slug="folleto-diptico-medico-mejor-salud-mejor-vida-con-cuadricula-estilo-flat" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto díptico Médico Mejor Salud, Mejor Vida con Cuadrícula Estilo Flat Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto díptico Médico Mejor Salud, Mejor Vida con Cuadrícula Estilo Flat </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72100":"https:\/\/\/statics\/1003327690\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de hospital privado dibujado a mano en estilo flat"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto tríptico de hospital privado dibujado a mano en estilo flat".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55644", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Naroa Manterola", author_id: "19", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de hospital privado dibujado a mano en estilo flat", "Folletos", "Folletos de medicina"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/flat-hand-drawn-private-hospital-trifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto tríptico de hospital privado dibujado a mano en estilo flat".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55644", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55644", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de hospital privado dibujado a mano en estilo flat", "Folletos", "Folletos de medicina") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55644" data-slug="folleto-triptico-de-hospital-privado-dibujado-a-mano-en-estilo-flat" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto tríptico de hospital privado dibujado a mano en estilo flat Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto tríptico de hospital privado dibujado a mano en estilo flat </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72232":"https:\/\/\/statics\/1003348075\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de paquete especial de atenci&oacute;n m&eacute;dica dibujado a mano en estilo flat"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto tríptico de paquete especial de atención médica dibujado a mano en estilo flat".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55651", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Naroa Manterola", author_id: "19", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de paquete especial de atenci&oacute;n m&eacute;dica dibujado a mano en estilo flat", "Folletos", "Folletos de medicina"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/flat-hand-drawn-healthcare-special-package-medical-trifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto tríptico de paquete especial de atención médica dibujado a mano en estilo flat".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55651", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55651", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico de paquete especial de atenci&oacute;n m&eacute;dica dibujado a mano en estilo flat", "Folletos", "Folletos de medicina") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55651" data-slug="folleto-triptico-de-paquete-especial-de-atencion-medica-dibujado-a-mano-en-estilo-flat" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto tríptico de paquete especial de atención médica dibujado a mano en estilo flat Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto tríptico de paquete especial de atención médica dibujado a mano en estilo flat </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72535":"https:\/\/\/statics\/1003445494\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico de Chequeo M&eacute;dico Geom&eacute;trico Degradado"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto díptico de Chequeo Médico Geométrico Degradado".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55656", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "María López", author_id: "16", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto d&iacute;ptico de Chequeo M&eacute;dico Geom&eacute;trico Degradado", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/gradient-geometric-medical-check-up-bifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto díptico de Chequeo Médico Geométrico Degradado".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55656", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55656", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico de Chequeo M&eacute;dico Geom&eacute;trico Degradado", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55656" data-slug="folleto-diptico-de-chequeo-medico-geometrico-degradado" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto díptico de Chequeo Médico Geométrico Degradado Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto díptico de Chequeo Médico Geométrico Degradado </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72405":"https:\/\/\/statics\/1003508607\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico m&eacute;dico del mejor hospital privado profesional y simple"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto díptico médico del mejor hospital privado profesional y simple".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55658", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Ana Brenes", author_id: "15", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto d&iacute;ptico m&eacute;dico del mejor hospital privado profesional y simple", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/professional-simple-best-private-hospital-medical-bifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto díptico médico del mejor hospital privado profesional y simple".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55658", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55658", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico m&eacute;dico del mejor hospital privado profesional y simple", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55658" data-slug="folleto-diptico-medico-del-mejor-hospital-privado-profesional-y-simple" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto díptico médico del mejor hospital privado profesional y simple Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto díptico médico del mejor hospital privado profesional y simple </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72539":"https:\/\/\/statics\/1003533485\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico de Servicio de Atenci&oacute;n M&eacute;dica y Sanitaria Simple en Estilo Flat"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto díptico de Servicio de Atención Médica y Sanitaria Simple en Estilo Flat".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55668", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "María López", author_id: "16", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto d&iacute;ptico de Servicio de Atenci&oacute;n M&eacute;dica y Sanitaria Simple en Estilo Flat", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/simple-flat-healthcare-and-medical-service-bifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto díptico de Servicio de Atención Médica y Sanitaria Simple en Estilo Flat".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55668", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55668", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico de Servicio de Atenci&oacute;n M&eacute;dica y Sanitaria Simple en Estilo Flat", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55668" data-slug="folleto-diptico-de-servicio-de-atencion-medica-y-sanitaria-simple-en-estilo-flat" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto díptico de Servicio de Atención Médica y Sanitaria Simple en Estilo Flat Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto díptico de Servicio de Atención Médica y Sanitaria Simple en Estilo Flat </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72080":"https:\/\/\/statics\/1003570631\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico corporativo para hacer crecer su negocio de estilo flat dibujado a mano"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto tríptico corporativo para hacer crecer su negocio de estilo flat dibujado a mano".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55518", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Naroa Manterola", author_id: "19", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto tr&iacute;ptico corporativo para hacer crecer su negocio de estilo flat dibujado a mano", "Folletos", "Folleto tríptico"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/hand-drawn-flat-grow-your-business-corporate-trifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto tríptico corporativo para hacer crecer su negocio de estilo flat dibujado a mano".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55518", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55518", "Folleto tr&iacute;ptico corporativo para hacer crecer su negocio de estilo flat dibujado a mano", "Folletos", "Folleto tríptico") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55518" data-slug="folleto-triptico-corporativo-para-hacer-crecer-su-negocio-de-estilo-flat-dibujado-a-mano" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto tríptico corporativo para hacer crecer su negocio de estilo flat dibujado a mano Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto tríptico corporativo para hacer crecer su negocio de estilo flat dibujado a mano </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72396":"https:\/\/\/statics\/975087633\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico de informaci&oacute;n de la vuelta al colegio con cuadr&iacute;cula moderno"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto díptico de información de la vuelta al colegio con cuadrícula moderno".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55938", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Sergio Villar", author_id: "18", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto d&iacute;ptico de informaci&oacute;n de la vuelta al colegio con cuadr&iacute;cula moderno", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/grid-modern-back-to-school-information-bifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto díptico de información de la vuelta al colegio con cuadrícula moderno".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55938", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55938", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico de informaci&oacute;n de la vuelta al colegio con cuadr&iacute;cula moderno", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55938" data-slug="folleto-diptico-de-informacion-de-la-vuelta-al-colegio-con-cuadricula-moderno" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto díptico de información de la vuelta al colegio con cuadrícula moderno Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto díptico de información de la vuelta al colegio con cuadrícula moderno </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"72395":"https:\/\/\/statics\/973511545\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico de los Mejores Servicios M&eacute;dicos en Estilo Flat con Cuadr&iacute;cula"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto díptico de los Mejores Servicios Médicos en Estilo Flat con Cuadrícula".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55666", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Ana Brenes", author_id: "15", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto d&iacute;ptico de los Mejores Servicios M&eacute;dicos en Estilo Flat con Cuadr&iacute;cula", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/flat-grid-best-medical-services-bifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto díptico de los Mejores Servicios Médicos en Estilo Flat con Cuadrícula".toLowerCase(), file_id: "55666", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("55666", "Folleto d&iacute;ptico de los Mejores Servicios M&eacute;dicos en Estilo Flat con Cuadr&iacute;cula", "Folletos", "Folletos dípticos") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="55666" data-slug="folleto-diptico-de-los-mejores-servicios-medicos-en-estilo-flat-con-cuadricula" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto díptico de los Mejores Servicios Médicos en Estilo Flat con Cuadrícula Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto díptico de los Mejores Servicios Médicos en Estilo Flat con Cuadrícula </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="masonry-grid-item w-1/2 sm:w-1/3 lg:w-1/4 2xl:w-1/6 px-2 mb-4"> <figure x-data='{ variant: 0, images: {"71841":"https:\/\/\/statics\/951957245\/preview-page0.jpg"}, editTemplate(trackEditTemplate = true) { trackAnalytic("template-edit", "click", "Folleto corporativo tr&iacute;ptico creativo con estilo flat"); if(trackEditTemplate) { trackGA4("edit_template",{ file_name: "Folleto corporativo tríptico creativo con estilo flat".toLowerCase(), file_id: "63376", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), author_name: "Laura Pinto", author_id: "17", }); } editTemplateGtm("Folleto corporativo tr&iacute;ptico creativo con estilo flat", "Folletos", "Marketing y eventos"); const newUrl = new URL("/edit/flat-creative-corporate-bifold-brochure?lang=es", window.location.origin); if (this.variant) { newUrl.searchParams.set("variant", this.variant); } if(""){ window.location.hash = "search=brochures&rs=category_landing".toLowerCase(); } else { window.location.hash = ""; } const finalURL = newUrl.href + (window.location.hash.startsWith("#") ? "" : "#") + window.location.hash + "&search=brochures&rs=category_landing";, window.Cypress ? "_self" : "_blank") }, onClickVariant (variantId) { trackGA4("template_change_color", { file_name: "Folleto corporativo tríptico creativo con estilo flat".toLowerCase(), file_id: "63376", category: "Folletos", license: "free", location: "category_landing".toLowerCase().replace(" ","-"), }); trackAnalytic("preview-variant-list", "click"); this.setVariant(variantId); }, goTemplate() { selectTemplateGtm("63376", "Folleto corporativo tr&iacute;ptico creativo con estilo flat", "Folletos", "Marketing y eventos") location.href = "" + this.variant+"&search=brochures&rs=category_landing" }, setVariant(variant) { this.variant = variant; const image = this.images[variant]; this.$refs.image.src = this.$refs.image.srcset = image; } }' class="relative rounded bg-offwhite-50 group template" style="padding-bottom: 70.714285714286%;" data-id="63376" data-slug="folleto-corporativo-triptico-creativo-con-estilo-flat" data-testid="template" > <div class="h-full"> <img src="" srcset="" alt="Folleto corporativo tríptico creativo con estilo flat Plantilla" class="rounded z-10 transition-opacity duration-300 object-cover absolute w-full inset-0 " x-ref="image" /> <div class="absolute top-2 right-2 flex items-center gap-1 z-10"> <span data-testid="multipage" class="text-white bg-neutral-900/75 rounded-full px-2 h-4 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold"> 2 </span> </div> <span x-on:click='goTemplate' formtarget="_blank" class="absolute left-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full opacity-0 lg:hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300 z-20 flex items-end cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded" aria-label="Edit template" > <div class="h-48 translate-y-2 bg-gradient-to-t from-deep-blue-900/90 via-deep-blue-900/75 flex justify-end rounded w-full flex-col items-center p-4" > <a href="" class="text-white truncate font-bold w-full mb-2" data-testid="thumbnail-template-title" > Folleto corporativo tríptico creativo con estilo flat </a> <div class="items-center gap-2 grid grid-cols-auto w-full" > <button x-on:click.stop='editTemplate()' class="w-full bg-blue-500 rounded text-sm h-8 text-white font-semibold hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-blue-600 px-3 2xl:px-4" data-testid="thumbnail-edit-btn" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a13c4d648b29a25f75e20863221c6004"></use></svg> <span class="ml-2">Editar</span> </button> <button x-on:click.stop="goTemplate()" class="w-full font-semibold text-neutral-100 rounded px-2 hidden lg:flex items-center justify-center hover:border-neutral-400 leading-0 border border-neutral-100 h-8 hover:text-neutral-200 text-sm" data-testid="more-details-btn"> Más información </button> </div> </div> </span> <span class="absolute inset-0 rounded border border-black opacity-10 pointer-events-none z-10"></span> </div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex justify-center items-center"> <a class="bg-neutral-900 py-3 px-6 text-center text-white font-semibold mt-4 rounded hover:bg-neutral-800 sm:mr-4 flex items-center justify-center my-4 text-lg" href=""> <svg class="fill-current h-4 w-4 fill-current mr-2" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-a699aef89c5c5744e430ff6b5d757362"></use></svg> Ver más </a> </div> </div> <div class="mt-16 px-6 lg:px-8 container mx-auto 2xl:pb-32 lg:mt-24 js-scroll"> <div class="flex flex-col-reverse sm:flex-row items-center justify-center"> <div class="sm:w-5/12 relative z-10 lg:mt-20"> <h2 class="text-2xl font-semibold text-neutral-900 font-display mb-4"> Plantillas de folletos para pequeñas empresas </h2> <div class="text-neutral-700"> Dar a conocer el nombre de tu negocio puede suponer todo un reto. Más aún cuando sentimos que nos faltan conocimientos y herramientas para crear y compartir el tipo de contenido que nuestro negocio se merece. Con la ayuda de<strong class="text-neutral-900"> las plantillas prediseñadas de Wepik</strong>, solo tienes que elegir la que más te guste o la que creas que está más en sintonía con tu negocio, ¡y el resto está hecho!<br>. ¿Qué tal si exploras nuestras secciones para empezar a buscar el diseño perfecto? <div class="flex flex-col mt-4"> <a href="" class="font-semibold inline-flex items-center group mb-2"> Plantillas de folletos para cafeterías <svg class="fill-current h-4 w-4 ml-2 fill-current transition-all duration-300 group-hover:ml-3 text-malaga-red-700" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-2505b668031c19f0e861055dc3cf1b30"></use></svg> </a> <a href="" class="font-semibold inline-flex items-center group mb-2"> Plantillas de folletos para gimnasios <svg class="fill-current h-4 w-4 ml-2 fill-current transition-all duration-300 group-hover:ml-3 text-malaga-red-700" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-2505b668031c19f0e861055dc3cf1b30"></use></svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sm:w-1/2 xl:w-5/12 xl:pr-12 relative mb-16 sm:mb-0 sm:px-12 h-96"> <img src="/images/content-landing/brush.png" class="w-full" alt="brush stroke background"/> <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 absolute top-0 left-4 right-4 lg:left-12 lg:right-12 xl:left-24 xl:right-24"> <div class="mt-8 collage-animation collage-animation-2"> <img src="/images/content-landing/brochures/1.jpg" alt="spa brochure template with a minimalist design and a pinkish color palette" class="rounded mb-4 shadow-xl object-cover" /> <img src="/images/content-landing/brochures/2.jpg" alt="real estate brochure template with a modern and grid design and a duotone color palette" class="rounded mb-4 shadow-xl" /> <img src="/images/content-landing/brochures/3.jpg" alt="brochure template for coffee shops with a abstract design and a green color palette" class="rounded mb-4 shadow-xl" /> </div> <div class="mt-16 collage-animation collage-animation-3"> <img src="/images/content-landing/brochures/4.jpg" alt="antibullying brochure template with a minimalist design and a monocolor palette" class="rounded mb-4 shadow-xl" /> <img src="/images/content-landing/brochures/5.jpg" alt="fitness lifestyle brochure template with an abstract design and a modern orange color palette" class="rounded mb-4 shadow-xl" /> <img src="/images/content-landing/brochures/6.jpg" alt="image.png" class="rounded mb-4 shadow-xl" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="my-16 px-6 container mx-auto js-scroll lg:px-8 lg:pb-8 lg:my-24 xl:pb-12"> <div class="sm:flex items-center justify-center mb-4"> <div class="sm:w-1/2 relative mb-24 pr-4 sm:pr-8 sm:mb-0"> <img src="/images/content-landing/colorpicker-landing.svg" alt="Wepik colorpicker editor" class="colorpicker absolute z-20 -bottom-16 left-1 sm:-left-10 " /> <img src="/images/content-landing/palette-landing.svg" alt="Wepik palette color" class="hidden palette absolute z-20 -bottom-10 left-52 sm:block sm:left-44" /> <img src="/images/content-landing/tools.svg" alt="Wepik tools editor" class="tools absolute z-10 -bottom-14 right-0 hidden xl:block" /> <div id="editor-base" class="relative z-10 w-full aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9 rounded-lg bg-neutral-700 border-4 border-neutral-700 lg:overflow-hidden"> <div class="absolute inset-0 pt-8 pl-8 pb-6 pr-4 flex items-center justify-center lg:pl-12 lg:pb-8"> <img src="/images/content-landing/brochures/7.jpg" alt="computer mockup of a professional purple brochure template being customized by Wepik’s online editor to grow up your startup" class="w-full h-full object-contain" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sm:w-5/12 relative z-10 lg:mt-12 xl:pl-12"> <h2 class="text-2xl font-semibold text-neutral-900 font-display mb-4"> ¿Cómo puede ayudar un folleto a tu negocio? </h2> <p class="text-neutral-700"> <p class="text-neutral-700"> Los folletos son estupendos para ayudar a quienes tienen pequeños negocios a <strong class="text-neutral-900">sintetizar una gran cantidad de información en un documento pequeño</strong>. Incluso con un diseño plegable, puedes describir tus servicios y productos en las solapas, tanto en el exterior como en el interior. Gracias a ello, los folletos pueden proporcionar más información que otros impresos, como tarjetas postales, cartas o panfletos.<br>' Con un diseño impreso, indicas que eres una empresa bien establecida dispuesta a imprimir y distribuir información que llegue a nuevos clientes. Y esto mejor lo guardamos en secreto, pero ¡también es un método muy eficiente y económico!' </p> </p> <div class="flex flex-col mt-4"> <a href="/edit/new-artboard?width=210&height=297&unit=mm&size=Custom&category_id=1888&category_name=Folletos" target="_blank" class="font-semibold inline-flex items-center group"> Crea tu propio folleto <svg class="fill-current h-4 w-4 ml-2 fill-current transition-all duration-300 group-hover:ml-3 text-malaga-red-700" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-2505b668031c19f0e861055dc3cf1b30"></use></svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="js-scroll py-14 lg:py-24 bg-offwhite-300"> <div class="px-4 mx-auto w-full sm:max-w-screen-xl lg:px-8"> <h2 class="text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-semibold text-neutral-900 font-display mb-6 mx-auto text-center"> Crea nuevas gráficas </h2> <p class="text-neutral-700 text-center text-lg mb-10"> ¿Necesitas encontrar una forma fácil de crear <strong>folletos profesionales e informativos</strong>? ¡Nuestras herramientas online están aquí para ayudarte con tu cometido! Son muy fáciles de usar, y con ellas podrás crear folletos increíbles en cuestión de minutos. Elige entre una amplia variedad de plantillas o crea tu propio diseño directamente desde cero. Si buscas promocionar un producto, un servicio o un evento, ¡hazlo con Wepik! Hemos diseñado nuestras herramientas para que puedas <strong>aumentar el alcance y simplificar la creación de contenidos</strong>. ¿A qué esperas? ¡Registrate ya en Wepik y empieza a crear folletos impresionantes en menos que canta un gallo! </p> <div class="relative"> <div class="swiper-explorer overflow-hidden mx-auto relative"> <div class="swiper-wrapper flex relative w-full h-full"> <div class="swiper-slide shrink-0"> <a href="" class="relative block aspect-w-4 aspect-h-3 group rounded-lg overflow-hidden"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-300 group-hover:scale-105" /> <div class="bg-neutral-900/50 text-xl font-semibold text-white flex items-center justify-center text-center absolute inset-0 px-4"> Tarjetas de visita </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide shrink-0"> <a href="" class="relative block aspect-w-4 aspect-h-3 group rounded-lg overflow-hidden"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover 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</a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide shrink-0"> <a href="" class="relative block aspect-w-4 aspect-h-3 group rounded-lg overflow-hidden"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-300 group-hover:scale-105" /> <div class="bg-neutral-900/50 text-xl font-semibold text-white flex items-center justify-center text-center absolute inset-0 px-4"> Panfletos </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide shrink-0"> <a href="" class="relative block aspect-w-4 aspect-h-3 group rounded-lg overflow-hidden"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover transition-all duration-300 group-hover:scale-105" /> <div class="bg-neutral-900/50 text-xl font-semibold text-white flex items-center justify-center text-center absolute inset-0 px-4"> Carteles </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide shrink-0"> <a href="" class="relative block aspect-w-4 aspect-h-3 group rounded-lg overflow-hidden"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="w-full h-full 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items-center text-neutral-900 mb-4 font-display"> <svg class="fill-current mr-2 text-malaga-red-700 h-4 w-4 shrink-0" viewBox="0 0 12 12" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-db97a5fb6554375ec3fb94611b77df4b"></use></svg> Preguntas frecuentes </h2> <h3 class="font-semibold flex items-center justify-start mb-1 text-neutral-900" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3 mr-2 text-neutral-500" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-2505b668031c19f0e861055dc3cf1b30"></use></svg> ¿Cómo se crea un folleto online gratis? </h3> <p class="text-neutral-700 mb-4"> ¿Tienes un minuto? ¡Porque eso es todo lo que necesitas! Selecciona una plantilla de <a href="/templates/menus" class="text-neutral-900 hover:underline font-semibold">la amplia colección de Wepik</a>, ábrela con nuestro editor online, y una vez hayas incluido tu información y personalizado todo lo que necesites, ¡tu diseño estará listo para descargar! </p> <h3 class="font-semibold flex items-center justify-start mb-1 text-neutral-900" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3 mr-2 text-neutral-500" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-2505b668031c19f0e861055dc3cf1b30"></use></svg> ¿Cuál es el tamaño de un folleto? </h3> <p class="text-neutral-700 mb-4"> Los tamaños estándar de los folletos pueden ser 8,5 x 11, 8,5 x 14, 11 x 17 e incluso 11 x 25,5. El tamaño adecuado para ti será el que se ajuste a la cantidad de información que tengas que compartir frente al espacio disponible en el folleto. Con el editor de Wepik, podrás modificar y probar diferentes tamaños en el mismo diseño. </p> <h3 class="font-semibold flex items-center justify-start mb-1 text-neutral-900" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3 mr-2 text-neutral-500" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-2505b668031c19f0e861055dc3cf1b30"></use></svg> ¿Cuántas páginas puede tener un folleto? </h3> <p class="text-neutral-700 mb-4"> Depende del contenido que quieras compartir. Con un mínimo de cuatro páginas —plegables en dos—, se puede llegar hasta seis o incluso ocho páginas. Es fundamental priorizar la información en función del número de páginas.<br> Tanto si quieres representar una inmobiliaria, un nuevo menú para tu cafetería o los servicios que ofrece tu gimnasio, prueba diferentes diseños y selecciona los que más te gusten. </p> <h3 class="font-semibold flex items-center justify-start mb-1 text-neutral-900" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3 mr-2 text-neutral-500" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-2505b668031c19f0e861055dc3cf1b30"></use></svg> ¿Cómo exporto el resultado final? </h3> <p class="text-neutral-700 mb-4"> ¡Tachán! Cuando el resultado final esté listo, en el editor ve a la parte superior derecha y busca el botón «Descargar» justo en lo más alto. Haz clic en él, selecciona el formato que prefieras —PNG, PDF o JPEG— y comenzará la descarga. Ya solo tienes que imprimir el folleto y empezar a compartirlo. </p> </div> </div> <div class="sm:w-1/2 mb-16 sm:mb-0"> <div class="p-6 lg:p-8 mx-auto rounded-lg bg-offwhite-300 js-scroll"> <h2 class="text-2xl font-semibold flex items-center text-neutral-900 mb-4 font-display"> <svg class="fill-current mr-2 text-malaga-red-700 h-4 w-4 shrink-0 mt-1.5" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-2cd42bd5ef8390c46e2b3635cf57c1cb"></use></svg> Lleva el diseño de tu folleto a nuevas cotas </h2> <h3 class="font-semibold flex items-center justify-start mb-1 text-neutral-900" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3 mr-2 text-neutral-500" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-2505b668031c19f0e861055dc3cf1b30"></use></svg> ¿Los folletos siguen siendo eficaces? </h3> <p class="text-neutral-700 mb-4"> Piénsalo un momento: ¿tienes algún folleto por casa? Si la respuesta es que sí, ¡entonces sabes que funcionan! Si la respuesta es que no, ¿es porque los que has recibido no te resultaban interesantes, llamativos o relevantes? Incorporar tu propia experiencia en su elaboración es una herramienta muy útil. <br> Cada día aparecen nuevos y sofisticados métodos de marketing, pero los folletos siguen estando en lo más alto. El mantenimiento de los anuncios «físicos» es algo que la gente sigue teniendo en cuenta a la hora de tomar decisiones y comparar servicios. Si tu empresa no tiene presencia en ese formato, podría quedarse fuera de la ecuación para ciertos públicos.<br> El éxito de los folletos radica en su bajo coste y versatilidad. Al ser fáciles de imprimir y distribuir, pueden contener una cantidad considerable de información, además de fotografías e ilustraciones. Y si a esto se le añade un buen diseño, ¡ya se sabe! </p> <h3 class="font-semibold flex items-center justify-start mb-1 text-neutral-900" > <svg class="fill-current h-3 w-3 mr-2 text-neutral-500" viewBox="0 0 16 17" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-2505b668031c19f0e861055dc3cf1b30"></use></svg> ¿Qué debería incluir un folleto de empresa? </h3> <p class="text-neutral-700 mb-4"> La simplicidad es siempre la clave. Esto significa que lo fundamental, como el nombre, los datos de contacto, el logotipo y una breve descripción de los servicios de tu empresa deben estar presentes.<br> La primera página debe incluir el título y dos o tres puntos que describan las ventajas y servicios que puede ofrecer tu empresa. Los textos deben estar estructurados de forma que resulten fáciles de leer.<br> ¿Lo mejor para lograrlo? Dividirlo en párrafos escritos en fragmentos cortos y fáciles de leer. Si quieres darle un toque llamativo, incluye gráficos, ilustraciones o fotos de tus productos, servicios o personal clave. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ iterator: 1, iterations: 20, cant: 18}" class="js-scroll py-14 lg:pb-24 lg:pt-14 px-4 mx-auto w-full sm:max-w-screen-xl lg:px-8"> <h2 class="text-2xl sm:text-3xl font-semibold text-neutral-900 font-display mb-8 mx-auto text-center"> Explora y encuentra el folleto ideal para ti </h2> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center items-center gap-3"> <a x-show="1 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folleto de cafetería </a> <a x-show="2 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folletos de gimnasio </a> <a x-show="3 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folleto inmobiliario </a> <a x-show="4 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folletos para entrenador personal </a> <a x-show="5 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folleto de panadería </a> <a x-show="6 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folletos para salón de belleza </a> <a x-show="7 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folleto de la Iglesia </a> <a x-show="8 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folleto de restaurante </a> <a x-show="9 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folleto de agencia de viajes </a> <a x-show="10 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folleto de catering </a> <a x-show="11 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folleto de Spa </a> <a x-show="12 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Manuales </a> <a x-show="13 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folleto de Hotel </a> <a x-show="14 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folleto tríptico </a> <a x-show="15 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folletos de medicina </a> <a x-show="16 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folleto de Escuela </a> <a x-show="17 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folletos dípticos </a> <a x-show="18 < iterations * iterator" href="" class="tag mb-1 border-2 border-neutral-100 py-1 px-3 rounded text-sm text-neutral-600 hover:text-neutral-900 hover:bg-offwhite-300"> Folletos de marketing </a> </div> <div id="showMoreContainer" class="flex items-center justify-center mt-8"> <a x-on:click="iterator = iterator + 1;" x-show="cant > iterations * iterator" class="text-neutral-900 font-semibold" style="cursor: pointer;"> Ver más </a> </div> </div> <!-- Swiper Testimonials --> <div class="w-full mx-auto bg-malaga-red-500 h-96 flex items-center overflow-hidden"> <div class="container max-w-5xl mx-auto relative px-6"> <div class="swiper-testimonials overflow-hidden touch-pan-y"> <div class="swiper-wrapper w-full relative flex items-center"> <div class="swiper-slide shrink-0 flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:items-center px-8 sm:px-0 relative"> <div class="flex-shrink-0 mr-8"> <img src="/images/home/africa.png" class="w-24 h-24 rounded-full border-4 border-neutral-900 hidden sm:block" alt="photo of Africa, Wepik user" /> </div> <div> <svg alt="Quotes icons" class="fill-current text-neutral-900 w-14" viewBox="0 0 45 36" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-539c41f8574fcbb16f568fb253cf10a8"></use></svg> <p class="font-display text-2xl lg:text-2xl leading-tight font-semibold text-neutral-900 mt-6"> Tenía que hacer carteles para buscar participantes para un estudio científico. Con la ayuda de Wepik, ¡encontrar el diseño idóneo que necesitaba ha sido muy fácil e intuitivo! </p> <p class="text-neutral-900 mt-6"> Africa Gómez </p> <p class="text-neutral-900"> Psicólogo </p> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide shrink-0 flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:items-center px-8 sm:px-0 relative"> <div class="flex-shrink-0 mr-8"> <img src="/images/home/antonio.png" class="w-24 h-24 rounded-full border-4 border-neutral-900 hidden sm:block" alt="photo of Antonio, Wepik user" /> </div> <div> <svg alt="Quotes icons" class="fill-current text-neutral-900 w-14" viewBox="0 0 45 36" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-539c41f8574fcbb16f568fb253cf10a8"></use></svg> <p class="font-display text-2xl lg:text-2xl leading-tight font-semibold text-neutral-900 mt-6"> El dinamismo de la web me ha permitido trabajar fácil y rápidamente, y así poder crear diseños increíbles para las campañas. ¡Me encanta que se pueda adaptar a diferentes formatos! </p> <p class="text-neutral-900 mt-6"> Antonio Martin </p> <p class="text-neutral-900"> Marketing digital de CDO </p> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide shrink-0 flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:items-center px-8 sm:px-0 relative"> <div class="flex-shrink-0 mr-8"> <img src="/images/home/alex.png" class="w-24 h-24 rounded-full border-4 border-neutral-900 hidden sm:block" alt="photo of Alex, Wepik user"/> </div> <div> <svg alt="Quotes icons" class="fill-current text-neutral-900 w-14" viewBox="0 0 45 36" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-539c41f8574fcbb16f568fb253cf10a8"></use></svg> <p class="font-display text-2xl lg:text-2xl leading-tight font-semibold text-neutral-900 mt-6"> Una herramienta muy útil, ya que me permite enviar presentaciones de productos con un gran diseño a mis posibles clientes. Es fácil de usar, muy intuitiva y se domina en cuestión de minutos; ¡tiene todo lo que necesito! </p> <p class="text-neutral-900 mt-6"> Alexandra </p> <p class="text-neutral-900"> CEO </p> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide shrink-0 flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:items-center px-8 sm:px-0 relative"> <div class="flex-shrink-0 mr-8"> <img src="/images/home/marta.png" class="w-24 h-24 rounded-full border-4 border-neutral-900 hidden sm:block" /> </div> <div> <svg alt="Quotes icons" class="fill-current text-neutral-900 w-14" viewBox="0 0 45 36" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-539c41f8574fcbb16f568fb253cf10a8"></use></svg> <p class="font-display text-2xl lg:text-2xl leading-tight font-semibold text-neutral-900 mt-6"> Wepik me facilita mucho la tarea de crear contenidos para redes sociales, carteles e incluso invitaciones para promocionar mis eventos. Desde que descubrí Wepik, ¡no uso ningún otro editor! </p> <p class="text-neutral-900 mt-6"> Marta Rodriguez </p> <p class="text-neutral-900"> Especialista en marketing </p> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide shrink-0 flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:items-center px-8 sm:px-0 relative"> <div class="flex-shrink-0 mr-8"> <img src="/images/home/marina.png" class="w-24 h-24 rounded-full border-4 border-neutral-900 hidden sm:block" alt="photo of Marina, Wepik user" /> </div> <div> <svg alt="Quotes icons" class="fill-current text-neutral-900 w-14" viewBox="0 0 45 36" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-539c41f8574fcbb16f568fb253cf10a8"></use></svg> <p class="font-display text-2xl lg:text-2xl leading-tight font-semibold text-neutral-900 mt-6"> Una herramienta fundamental en mi trabajo y proyectos cotidianos. Me permite utilizar elementos que, en otras plataformas de diseño, seguro que se considerarían prémium. ¡La recomiendo sin lugar a dudas! </p> <p class="text-neutral-900 mt-6"> Marina Benítez </p> <p class="text-neutral-900"> Fundador de Pez Magazine </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-testimonial-nav"> <button class="swiper-button-prev absolute -left-20 top-0 h-full text-neutral-900 hover:text-neutral-800" aria-label="previous testimonial"> <svg alt="previous slide" class="fill-current h-10 w-10 rotate-180" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-ba8827360a4552e24fbcd062a19d7800"></use></svg> </button> <button class="swiper-button-next absolute -right-20 top-0 h-full text-neutral-900 hover:text-neutral-800" aria-label="next testimonial"> <svg alt="previous slide" class="fill-current h-10 w-10" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><use href="#icon-ba8827360a4552e24fbcd062a19d7800"></use></svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="pt-8 sm:pt-16 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2.11443L15.8123 2.66304C16.0205 2.87121 16.0454 3.25285 15.8123 3.48596Z"/> </g> <g id="icon-cb37f67ed76f86a230cdd52ba56eeae6"> <path d="M438 403a25 25 0 00-25 25v134c0 19.3-15.7 35-35 35H36c-19.3 0-35-15.7-35-35V428a25 25 0 00-50 0v134c0 46.87 38.13 85 85 85h342c46.87 0 85-38.13 85-85V428a25 25 0 00-25-25z"/><path d="M189.32 530.68a25 25 0 0035.36 0l84.85-84.85a25 25 0 00-35.35-35.36L232 452.64V172a25 25 0 00-50 0v280.64l-42.17-42.17a25 25 0 00-35.36 35.35l84.85 84.86z"/> </g> <g id="icon-ba8827360a4552e24fbcd062a19d7800"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.0358 9.00001L4.90679 13.9239C4.3644 14.4445 4.3644 15.2888 4.90679 15.8095C5.44924 16.3301 6.32857 16.3301 6.87096 15.8095L12.9821 9.94279C13.2533 9.68252 13.3889 9.34124 13.3889 9.00001C13.3889 8.65879 13.2533 8.31756 12.9821 8.05719L6.87101 2.19052C6.32857 1.66983 5.44924 1.66983 4.90685 2.19052C4.36446 2.71121 4.36446 3.55543 4.90685 4.07612L10.0358 9.00001Z"/> </g> <g 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Si la respuesta es que sí, ¡entonces sabes que funcionan! Si la respuesta es que no, ¿es porque los que has recibido no te resultaban interesantes, llamativos o relevantes? Incorporar tu propia experiencia en su elaboración es una herramienta muy útil. Cada día aparecen nuevos y sofisticados métodos de marketing, pero los folletos siguen estando en lo más alto. El mantenimiento de los anuncios «físicos» es algo que la gente sigue teniendo en cuenta a la hora de tomar decisiones y comparar servicios. Si tu empresa no tiene presencia en ese formato, podría quedarse fuera de la ecuación para ciertos públicos. El éxito de los folletos radica en su bajo coste y versatilidad. Al ser fáciles de imprimir y distribuir, pueden contener una cantidad considerable de información, además de fotografías e ilustraciones. Y si a esto se le añade un buen diseño, ¡ya se sabe!" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "¿Qué debería incluir un folleto de empresa?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "La simplicidad es siempre la clave. Esto significa que lo fundamental, como el nombre, los datos de contacto, el logotipo y una breve descripción de los servicios de tu empresa deben estar presentes. La primera página debe incluir el título y dos o tres puntos que describan las ventajas y servicios que puede ofrecer tu empresa. Los textos deben estar estructurados de forma que resulten fáciles de leer. ¿Lo mejor para lograrlo? Dividirlo en párrafos escritos en fragmentos cortos y fáciles de leer. Si quieres darle un toque llamativo, incluye gráficos, ilustraciones o fotos de tus productos, servicios o personal clave." } }] } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "name": "Home", "item": "" },{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 2, "name": "Folletos" }] } </script>