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Today, it hosts high-profile <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="">conferences</a></span> featuring world-renowned speakers from the government and business sectors. In addition to its premier annual conferences in Jerusalem and New York, the Post has held events in London, Dubai, and Marrakech, and conferences are currently planned for Tel Aviv and Toronto.</p> <p>The Jerusalem Post publishes print broadsheets Sunday through Friday and also releases weekly magazine publications in the form of The Jerusalem Post Magazine and In Jerusalem. The paper publishes a biweekly editorially independent magazine called <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="">The Jerusalem Report</a></span> and a weekly <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="">International Edition</a></span>, which is sent to subscribers worldwide and contains the week&rsquo;s most notable articles and opinion pieces.</p> <p>In 1996, the paper launched <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel=""></a></span>, reaching millions of readers across the globe, and it has subsequently developed a large following on social media, as well as several <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="">podcasts</a></span>.</p> <p>In 2004, the Post was purchased by Eli Azur, who retains ownership to this day.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"></p> <p><strong>Inbar Ashkenazi, CEO, Jerusalem Post Group</strong><br />Amihay Yankovich, VP Digital</p> <p><strong>Zvika Klein, Editor-in-Chief</strong><br />Tamar Uriel-Beeri, Deputy Editor-in-Chief<br />Alex Winston, News Editor<br />Tal Spungin, Production Manager<br />Sarah Ben-Nun, Night Editor<br />David Brinn, Senior Editor<br />David Jablinowitz, Op-ed Editor<br />Aaron Reich, Assistant Managing Editor,<br />Erica Schachne, Magazine and In Jerusalem Editor<br />Tovah Lazaroff, Deputy Managing Editor<br />Herb Keinon, Senior Contributing Editor<br />Seth Frantzman, Senior Contributing Editor<br />Marc Israel Sellem, Chief Photographer</p> <p>Galit Sasson, Deputy CEO commercial and strategic partnerships<br />Dror Ronen, Director of Circulation</p> <p><strong>The Jerusalem Post Editors</strong><br />1932 - 1955 Gershon Agron<br />1955 - 1974 Ted Lurie<br />1974 - 1975 Lea Ben Dor<br />1975 - 1989 Ari Rath and Erwin Frenkel<br />1990 - 1992 N. 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