Customer Support Jobs in Seattle, WA - November 2024 | Wellfound

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Jobs in <!-- -->Seattle</h1><h4 class="text-dark-a">90<!-- --> results total</h4></div><div class="text-right"><h4 class="styles_resultCount__Biln8">Page <!-- -->1<!-- --> of <!-- -->3</h4></div></div></div><div class="styles_resultsList__Q46cW"><div class="flex flex-col w-full" style="text-align:left"><div class="my-4 w-full"><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/galileohealth"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Galileo company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/galileohealth"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Galileo</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Forging a step-function change in the quality and affordability of health care for all</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 5% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Galileo is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within a few days</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, Galileo usually responds to incoming applications within a few days</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2C</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->4</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3134708-customer-support-specialist-seattle">Customer Support Specialist - Seattle</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black 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font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">The most popular database for modern apps</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1001-5000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6.5L5 5.5M6 6L7 5M6 10.5V4M4.9121 8.00022C4.69333 7.98741 4.48003 7.92682 4.2872 7.82272C4.09437 7.71862 3.92668 7.57353 3.79595 7.39766C3.66521 7.22179 3.5746 7.01941 3.53048 6.80476C3.48637 6.5901 3.48982 6.36839 3.5406 6.15522C3.35933 6.00427 3.21622 5.81269 3.12289 5.59606C3.02956 5.37942 2.98864 5.14382 3.00345 4.9084C3.01826 4.67298 3.08838 4.44437 3.20812 4.24113C3.32786 4.0379 3.49385 3.86577 3.6926 3.73872C3.51828 3.42905 3.45957 3.06754 3.52693 2.71862C3.59428 2.3697 3.78333 2.05603 4.06038 1.83348C4.33743 1.61094 4.68449 1.49399 5.03973 1.50346C5.39497 1.51294 5.7353 1.64822 6.0001 1.88522C6.26495 1.6486 6.60517 1.51363 6.96021 1.50434C7.31525 1.49505 7.66206 1.61204 7.93893 1.83448C8.2158 2.05693 8.40476 2.37039 8.47218 2.71909C8.53959 3.06779 8.4811 3.4291 8.3071 3.73872C8.50588 3.86572 8.67191 4.03782 8.79169 4.24103C8.91148 4.44425 8.98165 4.67285 8.99651 4.90827C9.01137 5.1437 8.97049 5.3793 8.8772 5.59596C8.78391 5.81263 8.64084 6.00423 8.4596 6.15522C8.51208 6.37561 8.51396 6.60504 8.46509 6.82627C8.41622 7.04749 8.31788 7.25478 8.17743 7.43256C8.03699 7.61033 7.8581 7.75399 7.65419 7.85274C7.45029 7.95149 7.22666 8.00276 7.0001 8.00272H5.0001L4.9121 8.00022Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Public Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Publicly traded company</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->3</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3159336-staff-product-security-engineer">Staff Product Security Engineer</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$137k – $270k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 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height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$118k – $231k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks 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17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$118k – $231k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 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sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default 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class="inline text-md font-semibold">Brex</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">The AI-powered spend platform</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">501-1000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 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10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$152k – $190k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 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border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/kubecost"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Stackwatch company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/kubecost"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Stackwatch</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">With our flagship product Kubecost, we empower teams to optimize their Kubernetes at scale</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">51-200<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6H4.5C3.70435 6 2.94129 5.68393 2.37868 5.12132C1.81607 4.55871 1.5 3.79565 1.5 3V2H3C3.79565 2 4.55871 2.31607 5.12132 2.87868C5.68393 3.44129 6 4.20435 6 5V10M6 7C6 6.20435 6.31607 5.44129 6.87868 4.87868C7.44129 4.31607 8.20435 4 9 4H10.5V4.5C10.5 5.29565 10.1839 6.05871 9.62132 6.62132C9.05871 7.18393 8.29565 7.5 7.5 7.5H6" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Growth Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Expanding market presence</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" 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6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$136k – $205k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle • Bellevue</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">yesterday</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap 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7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$121k – $182k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle • Bellevue</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">yesterday</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">yesterday</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 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13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Atlanta • Austin<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->6</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 weeks ago</span><button 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7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 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6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">today</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">today</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap 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8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 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5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Chicago<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->2</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">today</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">today</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 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6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York City • Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">yesterday</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">yesterday</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased 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13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Chicago<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->2</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white 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The future starts with The Database of Now™</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">51-200<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->4</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3096674-customer-success-engineer">Customer Success Engineer</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$100k – $160k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • North Carolina<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->3</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/archesys"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Archesys company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/archesys"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Archesys</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Improving the government services that impact everyday lives</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 10% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Archesys is in the top 10% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within two weeks</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, Archesys usually responds to incoming applications within two weeks</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->1</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3137058-salesforce-developer-remote-full-time">Salesforce Developer (Remote) Full Time</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$80k – $110k • No equity</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Alabama<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->106</span></span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">3<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white 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4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->2</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3156871-software-development-engineer-commerce">Software Development Engineer - Commerce</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">5 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">5 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white 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13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm 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revenue-driving machine. the market-leading sales engagement platform</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">201-500<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M8.35 4C8.25048 3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->3</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3153847-it-support-specialist">IT Support Specialist</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm 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class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3152597-senior-staff-software-engineer-data-platform">Senior Staff Software Engineer, Data Platform</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/altinity-2"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Altinity company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/altinity-2"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Altinity</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">The leading service and software provider for ClickHouse</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 5% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Altinity is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within a few days</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, Altinity usually responds to incoming applications within a few days</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->3</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3025282-clickhouse-dba-technical-support-engineer-clickhouse-experience-is-a-must">ClickHouse DBA / Technical Support Engineer (Clickhouse experience is a must)</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$80k – $110k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Boston<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->5</span></span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">4<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/great-question"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Great Question company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/great-question"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Great Question</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">User research on autopilot</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 5% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Great Question is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within a few days</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, Great Question usually responds to incoming applications within a few days</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->3</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3156260-enterprise-account-executive">Enterprise Account Executive</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$80k – $125k • 0.05% – 0.2%</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • California<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->6</span></span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 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class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Using customer data to build great product experiences that convert and retain users</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">201-500<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6.5L5 5.5M6 6L7 5M6 10.5V4M4.9121 8.00022C4.69333 7.98741 4.48003 7.92682 4.2872 7.82272C4.09437 7.71862 3.92668 7.57353 3.79595 7.39766C3.66521 7.22179 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16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$165k – $248k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer 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6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->2</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3133176-senior-software-engineer-recommendations">Senior Software Engineer, 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12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$141k – $179k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 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font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$91k – $118k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min 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12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$197k – $262k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">9 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">9 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 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8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$100k – $135k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">yesterday</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">yesterday</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 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stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$65k – $140k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Seattle<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->1</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border 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class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Helping drivers navigate through cities by making it easier to find a place to park</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">201-500<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2C</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" 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4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">7 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase 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3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" 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px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3159259-revenue-operations-analyst">Revenue Operations Analyst</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 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stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York City • Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button 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5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Seattle</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white 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Confident, smart, high sense of urgency and hardworking, who want to make a difference in people’s lives. It's okay if you're looking for part-time work or full time. We're less concerned about the hours than we are about finding the right people. If you're good ... we want to try to be flexible. We are interested in folks from a variety of backgrounds and industries. We encourage you to apply even if you don't meet ALL the requirements - we want the best no matter what.\n\nWe’re looking for:\n\n- Someone who truly enjoys helping people - you never approach a problem as “one size fits all” but creatively resolve issues based on each person’s unique needs\n- Are excited to help people day in and out as you navigate a complex system with urgency and finesse.\n- Have high horse-power and are energized by providing high volume and high quality support in an fast-paced environment\n- Have strong written and verbal communication skill with the highest attention to detail\n- Are willing to spend some of your time in an office with like-minded individuals\n- Do not have a healthcare background (or are willing to forget everything you have learned)\n- This is a role based out of our NYC HQ and will require in-person work.\n\nEVERY APPLICATION IS THOROUGHLY REVIEWED BY A REAL PERSON. Please tell us a bit more about you by answering three application questions.\n\n**Compensation** $22 per hour \n\n**Benefits**\n\n- Medical / Dental / Vision insurance\n- Flexible Spending Account\n- Health Savings Account\n- Company paid STD/LTD, AD\u0026D, and life insurance\n- Up to 12 weeks of paid parental leave\n- 401K with employer match\n- Paid time off\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729801840,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Customer Service","remote":false,"slug":"customer-support-specialist-seattle","title":"Customer Support Specialist - Seattle","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3134708","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:4696531":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"4696531","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-4696531"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-4696531"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-4696531"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-4696531"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-4696531"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-4696531"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-4696531"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Forging a step-function change in the quality and affordability of health care for all","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3134708"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Galileo","slug":"galileohealth"},"Badge:B2B-85454":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-85454","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-85454":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-85454","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-85454":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-85454","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-85454":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-85454","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"MongoDB is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.7 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.7","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-85454":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-85454","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate MongoDB 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-85454":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-85454","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate MongoDB 4.6/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.6","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3159336":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"MongoDB’s mission is to empower innovators to create, transform, and disrupt industries by unleashing the power of software and data. We enable organizations of all sizes to easily build, scale, and run modern applications by helping them modernize legacy workloads, embrace innovation, and unleash AI. Our industry-leading developer data platform, MongoDB Atlas, is the only globally distributed, multi-cloud database and is available in more than 115 regions across AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Atlas allows customers to build and run applications anywhere—on premises, or across cloud providers. With offices worldwide and over 175,000 new developers signing up to use MongoDB every month, it’s no wonder that leading organizations, like Samsung and Toyota, trust MongoDB to build next-generation, AI-powered applications.\n\nThis role can be based out of our Seattle office or remotely in North America.\n\n### Who You Are\n\nWith a strong security engineering background, you’re looking for a role that gives you the freedom to increase MongoDB’s resonance with customers by strengthening our products. You’re passionate about building a security program that puts a heavy emphasis on customer and engineer experience, leveraging your own extensive experience. You enjoy collaborating with different teams to innovate and implement pragmatic solutions.\n\n### Who We Are\n\nThe MongoDB Product Security organization is a diverse collection of individuals working together to scale MongoDB’s security, both security of the products themselves and the security features we offer to customers. The team is responsible for several products including[ MongoDB Atlas Cloud](,[ Ops Manager](,[ Kubernetes Operator](, and the MongoDB Server ([Community]( and [Enterprise]( editions).\n\nThe MongoDB Product Security organization works with software engineers to design, implement, and operate systems in a manner that protects customer data. It is a multidisciplinary team that covers product, software, cloud, infrastructure, and operational security concerns.  The team does the following:\n\n- Build a developer driven security program where there is tight integration with engineering artifacts, process, and tooling\n- Use software architecture and coding patterns to reduce the impact of security issues\n- Be security subject matter experts for our tech stack and products\n\n### Responsibilities\n\n- You will take ownership, define strategy, and drive improvement for parts of our program such as fuzzing, threat modeling, secrets management, or container security\n- Advocate for and lead complex security projects from inception through completion\n- Drive architecture, patterns, and processes across cloud engineering that make security the easiest path\n- Partner closely with engineering teams to design and implement security controls across our software and systems\n- Research and POC new attacks against our systems. Plan and perform product security assessments including architecture review threat modeling, code review, pen testing and general security consulting to proactively build security controls\n- Serve as a security subject matter expert for software security and architecture\n- Partner with cloud detection and response to create new capabilities or respond to security events\n- Educate the engineering org on security through CTFs, lunch-and-learns, and one-on-one mentorship\n\n### Requirements\n\n- 10 years of experience in application security, software security, or product security\n- Deep subject matter expertise in application security or experience across a number of additional security specialties such as detection response or cloud security\n- Demonstrated ability to identify and fix security issues through manual code review, application penetration testing, or red teaming\n- Scripting experience and ability to contribute code back to our environments\n- Comfortable leading threat modeling and being a security ambassador to other engineering teams\n- Communicate complex technical issues in a simple manner that builds trust with a variety of audiences\n- A strong sense of ownership and delivery\n- Can facilitate a conversation rather than dominate it\n- Skilled at providing collaborative, actionable feedback, not just a list of flaws\n\nDon’t feel that you meet all of the requirements?  We encourage you to apply anyway because studies have shown that some strong candidates may self-select out of the interview process prematurely.  We have a diverse, inclusive, equitable, and high-performing environment at MongoDB and want to continuously improve our ability to deliver for customers.\n\n### Nice to Haves\n\n- Knowledge of one or more core project languages (Golang, Java, Javascript, Python)\n- Docker and Kubernetes operation and security\n- Working knowledge of one or more major cloud providers (AWS, GCP, or Azure)\n- Experience with large scale environments\n\n### Success in this role means\n\n- Taking ownership of one or more security programs such as application security, cloud security, or incident detection and response\n- Seeing projects through from conception to completion in order to deliver new services or capabilities for the team\n- Partnering with and collaborating with other engineering teams\n- Establishing yourself as a go-to person for discussing security topics\n\nTo drive the personal growth and business impact of our employees, we’re committed to developing a supportive and enriching culture for everyone. From employee affinity groups, to fertility assistance and a generous parental leave policy, we value our employees’ wellbeing and want to support them along every step of their professional and personal journeys.[ Learn more about what it’s like to work at MongoDB](, and help us make an impact on the world!\n\nMongoDB is committed to providing any necessary accommodations for individuals with disabilities within our application and interview process. To request an accommodation due to a disability, please inform your recruiter.\n\nMongoDB, Inc. provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type and makes all hiring decisions without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role is posted below. Compensation at the time of offer is unique to each candidate and based on a variety of factors such as skill set, experience, qualifications, and work location. Salary is one part of MongoDB’s total compensation and benefits package. Other benefits for eligible employees may include: equity, participation in the employee stock purchase program, flexible paid time off, 20 weeks fully-paid gender-neutral parental leave, fertility and adoption assistance, 401(k) plan, mental health counseling, access to transgender-inclusive health insurance coverage, and health benefits offerings. Please note, the base salary range listed below and the benefits in this paragraph are only applicable to U.S.-based candidates.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role in the U.S. is:$137,000—$270,000 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732582728,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Security Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"staff-product-security-engineer","title":"Staff Product Security Engineer","compensation":"$137k – $270k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3159336","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3141153":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"MongoDB’s mission is to empower innovators to create, transform, and disrupt industries by unleashing the power of software and data. We enable organizations of all sizes to easily build, scale, and run modern applications by helping them modernize legacy workloads, embrace innovation, and unleash AI. Our industry-leading developer data platform, MongoDB Atlas, is the only globally distributed, multi-cloud database and is available in more than 115 regions across AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Atlas allows customers to build anywhere—on the edge, on premises, or across cloud providers. With offices worldwide and over 175,000 developers joining MongoDB every month, it’s no wonder that leading organizations, like Samsung and Toyota, trust MongoDB to build next-generation, AI-powered applications.\n\nThe Atlas Online Archive service provides low-cost, tiered storage for querying infrequently-accessed, read-only data.  By optimizing the storage layout for customer data during ingestion and rebalancing it as needed, Online Archive delivers great performance and scalability at reasonable cost for Atlas customers. We are currently managing petabytes of customer data and have a steep growth trajectory.\n\nOnline Archive seeks a Senior engineer to join the team. You will be responsible for driving challenging, high-impact projects that improve and enhance the performance, scalability, durability, availability and reliability of Online Archive's distributed storage systems. We value intellectual curiosity and honesty, and building together in an environment that prioritizes collaboration over competition. \n\n*Our team is distributed across North America. The position is open to our “in office”, “flexible”, or fully remote working models with convenient work hours for each time-zone.*\n\nIf you are passionate about data management, distributed systems, and leadership, and are excited to work on high-impact, high-growth projects, we would love to hear from you.\n\n### Role Responsibilities\n\n- Design, architect, build, and deliver core pieces of Atlas Online Archive with focus on Storage systems, primarily coding in Go\n- Lead projects from specification to delivery while collaborating with query, cluster, and frontend teams\n- Mentor and grow other team members\n- Improve our codebase, best practices, and design principles\n- Define your top priorities and focuses, communicate them, and execute against them\n\n### Candidate Profile\n\n- 5+ years experience in software engineering, primarily focused on cloud-native backend systems\n- B.Sc / M.Sc in Computer Science or similar field, or equivalent practical experience.\n- Track record of designing, building, implementing, and operating highly complex projects in distributed storage systems with high availability and durability guarantees.\n- Proficient in a modern compiled programming language (Go, Java, C#, C++, etc.)\n- Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal\n- Desire to collaborate with colleagues and mentor fellow engineers\n- Is curious, collaborative, empathetic, and intellectually honest\n- Has a passion for problem solving and learning new things in the domains of computer science and software engineering\n\n### Nice to haves\n\n- Oncall experience and having customer first approach when considering different approaches\n- Experience designing Data Lake protocols (and similar e.g. Delta Lake, Hudi,...)\n- Experience optimizing throughput in distributed storage systems\n- Experience building distributed query engines\n- Experience working with multiple cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure)\n\n### Success Measures\n\n- In 1 month, you'll learn about the system and ask quality questions, go through the inner \u0026 outer loop\n- In 3 months, you'll have contributed to a large project\n- In 6 months, you’ll be leading the design and execution of your own project\n\nTo drive the personal growth and business impact of our employees, we’re committed to developing a supportive and enriching culture for everyone. From employee affinity groups, to fertility assistance and a generous parental leave policy, we value our employees’ wellbeing and want to support them along every step of their professional and personal journeys.[ Learn more about what it’s like to work at MongoDB](, and help us make an impact on the world!\n\nMongoDB is committed to providing any necessary accommodations for individuals with disabilities within our application and interview process. To request an accommodation due to a disability, please inform your recruiter.\n\nMongoDB, Inc. provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type and makes all hiring decisions without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws. sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role is posted below. Compensation at the time of offer is unique to each candidate and based on a variety of factors such as skill set, experience, qualifications, and work location. Salary is one part of MongoDB’s total compensation and benefits package. Other benefits for eligible employees may include: equity, participation in the employee stock purchase program, flexible paid time off, 20 weeks fully-paid gender-neutral parental leave, fertility and adoption assistance, 401(k) plan, mental health counseling, access to transgender-inclusive health insurance coverage, and health benefits offerings. Please note, the base salary range listed below and the benefits in this paragraph are only applicable to U.S.-based candidates.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role in the U.S. is:$118,000—$231,000 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730429575,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-software-engineer-online-archive","title":"Senior Software Engineer, Online Archive","compensation":"$118k – $231k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3141153","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3148952":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"MongoDB’s mission is to empower innovators to create, transform, and disrupt industries by unleashing the power of software and data. We enable organizations of all sizes to easily build, scale, and run modern applications by helping them modernize legacy workloads, embrace innovation, and unleash AI. Our industry-leading developer data platform, MongoDB Atlas, is the only globally distributed, multi-cloud database and is available in more than 115 regions across AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Atlas allows customers to build and run applications anywhere—on premises, or across cloud providers. With offices worldwide and over 175,000 new developers signing up to use MongoDB every month, it’s no wonder that leading organizations, like Samsung and Toyota, trust MongoDB to build next-generation, AI-powered applications.\n\nWe are looking for an exceptional and innovative Product \u0026 Regulatory Counsel to join MongoDB’s legal team. As a member of our growing Product legal function, you will hold a broad range of responsibilities providing legal guidance on product development and new programs and managing compliance initiatives. You will partner with our teams to develop new technologies while managing legal and business risk, and act as a liaison between the product team and other departments to mitigate risks to the company. As we expand our developer data platform, your ideas and contributions will make an immediate impact. \n\nThe ideal candidate will have some experience in product counseling, regulatory compliance, licensing and intellectual property law, but also be eager to learn and master new areas of the law. To succeed in this position, you must be able to work independently and efficiently and enjoy meeting challenges head on. MongoDB is growing rapidly, and every person we hire has the opportunity to help shape the business and grow with the company.\n\nThis is a full-time position which can be in our New York City, Palo Alto or Seattle office. \n\n### Responsibilities\n\n- As a lawyer, be a change agent across different parts of MongoDB to help the company take on new challenges in a thoughtful, compliant and efficient way\n- Actively collaborate with a wide variety of MongoDB teams, including Product, Engineering, Partnerships, Compliance and Marketing, on a range of issues related to product development and commercialization\n- Participate as a proactive business partner and build a trusted advisor relationship, providing ideas and insights into how we can work within the law to create amazing product experiences for its customers\n- Advise on regulatory compliance across the entire customer journey, including strategically leading MongoDB’s export compliance and anti-bribery compliance programs to mitigate risk\n- Draft, review, and maintain foundational documents for our products and services – such as terms of use, product and support policies, and customer disclosures – and build and implement scalable processes related to those items\n- Remain up-to-date on and interpret relevant industry, AI, advertising, IP and privacy laws and regulations to provide an ongoing ability to offer sound compliance advice\n- Spearhead internal education initiatives and trainings related to compliance, licensing, AI, and marketing\n\n### Qualifications\n\n- Smart, creative, and driven, with great leadership and teamwork skills, and a willingness to take on new responsibility\n- 5-7 or more years of legal experience, including at a law firm or prior in-house experience with tech companies, particularly in the SaaS/cloud computing space\n- A broad legal knowledge that enables you to spot and resolve a variety of legal issues across multiple jurisdictions\n- Familiarity with product development and provision of services and advising on the legal and regulatory aspects of product development in the tech space, particularly in the SaaS/cloud computing space or AI technology\n- Experience developing, evaluating, and maintaining programs that ensure products comply with laws, regulations, and external commitments\n- Strong business judgment and an ability to identify practical, risk-based solutions to issues and make decisions based on imperfect information\n- Working with outside counsel and fluency translating legal advice into actionable guidance for stakeholders\n- Relationship and people skills that enable you to get a diverse group of stakeholders moving in the same direction\n- Thrive working on a team in a fast-paced environment with priorities that frequently change and occasionally compete\n- Excellent verbal and written communication as well as attention to detail\n- Licensed in an appropriate jurisdiction\n\nTo drive the personal growth and business impact of our employees, we’re committed to developing a supportive and enriching culture for everyone. From employee affinity groups, to fertility assistance and a generous parental leave policy, we value our employees’ wellbeing and want to support them along every step of their professional and personal journeys.[ Learn more about what it’s like to work at MongoDB](, and help us make an impact on the world!\n\nMongoDB is committed to providing any necessary accommodations for individuals with disabilities within our application and interview process. To request an accommodation due to a disability, please inform your recruiter.\n\nMongoDB, Inc. provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type and makes all hiring decisions without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role is posted below. Compensation at the time of offer is unique to each candidate and based on a variety of factors such as skill set, experience, qualifications, and work location. Salary is one part of MongoDB’s total compensation and benefits package. Other benefits for eligible employees may include: equity, participation in the employee stock purchase program, flexible paid time off, 20 weeks fully-paid gender-neutral parental leave, fertility and adoption assistance, 401(k) plan, mental health counseling, access to transgender-inclusive health insurance coverage, and health benefits offerings. Please note, the base salary range listed below and the benefits in this paragraph are only applicable to U.S.-based candidates.\n\nMongoDB’s base salary range for this role in the U.S. is:$118,000—$231,000 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731373345,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product","remote":false,"slug":"product-regulatory-counsel","title":"Product \u0026 Regulatory Counsel","compensation":"$118k – $231k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3148952","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:85454":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"85454","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-85454"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-85454"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-85454"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-85454"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-85454"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-85454"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"The most popular database for modern apps","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3159336"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3141153"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3148952"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"MongoDB","slug":"mongodb"},"Badge:B2B-4841125":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-4841125","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-4841125":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-4841125","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-4841125":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-4841125","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-4841125":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-4841125","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-4841125":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-4841125","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3157664":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**Engineering at Brex**\n\nThe Engineering team includes Data, IT, Security, and Software, and is responsible for building innovative products and infrastructure for both internal and external users. We have multiple autonomous and collaborative teams who are eager to learn, teach, and constantly improve how things work. Together, we strive to build robust and scalable systems that enable Brex to grow rapidly and help our customers reach their full potential.\n\n**What you’ll do**\n\nOn the Travel team, you will have the opportunity to dive deep into the global travel industry to build Brex travel - an integrated corporate travel and expense management solution for companies of all sizes. You will be collaborating with the team and our external partners to build a delightful booking and support experience for employees, insights and controls for travel managers to manage their company's travel spend, and tools to organize group events like offsites. You will be encouraged to draw from your personal experience with travel and approach problems with a strong sense of customer empathy and ownership.\n\n**Where you’ll work** \n \nThis role will be based in our Seattle office. You must be willing to work in office at least 2 days per week on Wednesday and Thursday, starting the week of January 6th, 2025. Employees will be able to work remotely for up to 4 weeks per year, for a minimum of one week at a time.\n\n**Responsibilities**\n\n- Design and build strong, resilient, and robust APIs, libraries, and tools to power Brex engineers and operations\n- Own functionality and scalability features by taking responsibility from inception to deployment\n- Be responsible for full software development lifecycle: design, development, testing, and operating in production\n- Uphold our high engineering standards and bring consistency to the codebases, infrastructure, and processes you will encounter\n\n**Requirements**\n\n- 2+ years of full-time experience working as a software engineer\n- Experience creating libraries and tools for engineers and operations\n- Experience building and designing scalable backend systems\n- Experience working with SQL or NoSQL databases\n- Familiarity with software engineering development cycles\n- Experience working with backend programming languages (Java, Kotlin, Python)\n- Ability to hold yourself and the team to high standards\n- Strong communication and interpersonal skills\n- English proficiency/fluency, both written and speaking (note: interviews will be conducted in English)\n- Must be willing to work in office 2 days per week on Wednesday and Thursday\n\n**Bonus points**\n\n- Experience collaborating with experts in product, design, and operations\n- Familiarity with functional programming languages\n- Strong writing skills\n- Proactive approach\n\n**Compensation**\n\nThe expected salary range for this role is $152,000 - $190,000.  However, the starting base pay will depend on a number of factors including the candidate’s location, skills, experience, market demands, and internal pay parity. Depending on the position offered, equity and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732312859,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"software-engineer-product-travel","title":"Software Engineer, Product (Travel)","compensation":"$152k – $190k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3157664","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:4841125":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"4841125","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-4841125"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-4841125"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-4841125"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-4841125"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-4841125"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"The AI-powered spend platform","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3157664"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Brex","slug":"brex"},"Badge:B2B-7082535":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-7082535","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7082535":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-7082535","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-7082535":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-7082535","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3159781":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Lever::Listing","description":"Kubecost has been acquired by IBM and will be part of the Apptio family! 🎉\n\nThis acquisition opens up a fantastic new chapter for us, where we’ll be working together to advance Kubernetes cost optimization and cost management at an even greater scale. We’re thrilled about the enhanced opportunities to innovate and make an even bigger impact in the industry. With this growth, we’re actively looking to expand our Product team and bring on talented individuals like you who are passionate about cloud, open source, and cost efficiency.\n\nAt IBM, work is more than a job – it’s a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you’ve never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world’s most challenging problems? If so, lets talk.\n\nAs of 09/17/2024 Kubecost has been acquired by IBM ( and will be integrated into the IBM organization. Kubecost, an IBM Company is committed to protecting the privacy of “candidates”. During this integration phase, if you have any questions about Kubecost handling of your personal information you can contact the IBM Chief Privacy Office Helpdesk (\n\n\nYour Role and Responsibilities\n- As a UI Front End developer, you will contribute to build innovative Cloudability products.\n- You will work in a Kubernetes based micro services environment to support our leading edge cloud services.\n- You will also be contributing to our continuous improvement and continuous delivery while increasing maturity of Front End development and agile adoption practices.\n- If you thrive in a dynamic, collaborative workplace, Apptio provides an environment where you will be challenged and inspired every single day. And if you relish the freedom to bring creative, thoughtful solutions to the table, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish here.\n- Adopt to the given technology to meet the drift of customer and business requirements.\n- Establish and improve CI/CD pipelines for the product releases to ensure continuous delivery.\n- Collaborate with the development squads.\n\n\nRequired Technical and Professional Expertise\n- 3+ years’ experience working in a highly collaborative environment\n- Professional experience building performant, scalable UI solutions using React \u0026 Redux JS, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS\n- Experience in working with testing libraries, such as Jest/React testing Library\n- Experience with component driven user interfaces\n- Experience using version control systems like Git\n- Experience in following a testing methodology, such as TDD\n- Experience in integrating backend services to build highly performance product\n- Experience in working with designer and product manager to create easy-to-use user interactions in our product\n\n\nPreferred Technical and Professional Expertise\n- B.S. in Computer Science, related degrees, or equivalent experience.\n- Ability to handle multiple competing priorities in a fast-paced environment.\n- Experience in building micro frontend using Piral, etc.\n- Experience in Production oncall\n- Clear verbal \u0026 written communication skills.\n\n\nTO APPLY:\n- PLEASE APPLY DIRECTLY ON IBM CAREERS PAGE: [](\n\n\nAbout Business Unit\nIBM Software infuses core business operations with intelligence—from machine learning to generative AI—to help make organizations more responsive, productive, and resilient. IBM Software helps clients put AI into action now to create real value with trust, speed, and confidence across digital labor, IT automation, application modernization, security, and sustainability. Critical to this is the ability to make use of all data, because AI is only as good as the data that fuels it. In most organizations data is spread across multiple clouds, on premises, in private datacenters, and at the edge. IBM’s AI and data platform scales and accelerates the impact of AI with trusted data, and provides leading capabilities to train, tune and deploy AI across business. IBM’s hybrid cloud platform is one of the most comprehensive and consistent approach to development, security, and operations across hybrid environments—a flexible foundation for leveraging data, wherever it resides, to extend AI deep into a business.\n\nWonder if IBM is the one for you?\nIn a world where technology never stands still, we understand that, dedication to our clients success, innovation that matters, and trust and personal responsibility in all our relationships, lives in what we do as IBMers as we strive to be the catalyst that makes the world work better.\nBeing an IBMer means you’ll be able to learn and develop yourself and your career, you’ll be encouraged to be courageous and experiment everyday, all whilst having continuous trust and support in an environment where everyone can thrive whatever their personal or professional background.\nOur IBMers are growth minded, always staying curious, open to feedback and learning new information and skills to constantly transform themselves and our company. They are trusted to provide on-going feedback to help other IBMers grow, as well as collaborate with colleagues keeping in mind a team focused approach to include different perspectives to drive exceptional outcomes for our customers. The courage our IBMers have to make critical decisions everyday is essential to IBM becoming the catalyst for progress, always embracing challenges with resources they have to hand, a can-do attitude and always striving for an outcome focused approach within everything that they do.\nAre you ready to be an IBMer?\n\nAbout IBM\nIBM's greatest invention is the IBMer. We believe that through the application of intelligence, reason and science, we can improve business, society and the human condition, bringing the power of an open hybrid cloud and AI strategy to life for our clients and partners around the world.\n\nRestlessly reinventing since 1911, we are not only one of the largest corporate organizations in the world, we’re also one of the biggest technology and consulting employers, with many of the Fortune 50 companies relying on the IBM Cloud to run their business.\n\nAt IBM, we pride ourselves on being an early adopter of artificial intelligence, quantum computing and blockchain. Now it’s time for you to join us on our journey to being a responsible technology innovator and a force for good in the world.\n\nOther Relevant Job Details\nIBM offers a competitive and comprehensive benefits program. Eligible employees may have access to:\n- Healthcare benefits including medical \u0026 prescription drug coverage, dental, vision, and mental health \u0026 well being.\n- Financial programs such as 401(k), cash balance pension plan, the IBM Employee Stock Purchase Plan, financial counseling, life insurance, short \u0026 long- term disability coverage, and opportunities for performance based salary incentive programs.\n- Generous paid time off including 12 holidays, minimum 56 hours sick time, 120 hours vacation, 12 weeks parental bonding leave in accordance with IBM Policy, and other Paid Care Leave programs. IBM also offers paid family leave benefits to eligible employees where required by applicable law.\n- Training and educational resources on our personalized, AI-driven learning platform where IBMers can grow skills and obtain industry-recognized certifications to achieve their career goals.\n- Diverse and inclusive employee resource groups, giving \u0026 volunteer opportunities, and discounts on retail products, services \u0026 experiences\nThe compensation range and benefits for this position are based on a full-time schedule for a full calendar year. The salary will vary depending on your job-related skills, experience and location. Pay increment and frequency of pay will be in accordance with employment classification and applicable laws. For part time roles, your compensation and benefits will be adjusted to reflect your hours. Benefits may be pro-rated for those who start working during the calendar year.\nThis position was posted on the date cited in the key job details section and is anticipated to remain posted for 21 days from this date or less if not needed to fill the role.\nWe consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable law.\nIBM will not be providing visa sponsorship for this position now or in the future. Therefore, in order to be considered for this position, you must have the ability to work without a need for current or future visa sponsorship.\n\nBeing You @ IBM\nIBM is committed to creating a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal-opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, caste, genetics, pregnancy, disability, neurodivergence, age, veteran status, or other characteristics. IBM is also committed to compliance with all fair employment practices regarding citizenship and immigration status.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732616137,"locationNames":["Seattle","Bellevue"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Frontend Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"front-end-engineer","title":"Front End Engineer","compensation":"$121k – $182k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3159781","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3159782":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Lever::Listing","description":"Kubecost has been acquired by IBM and will be part of the Apptio family! 🎉\n\nThis acquisition opens up a fantastic new chapter for us, where we’ll be working together to advance Kubernetes cost optimization and cost management at an even greater scale. We’re thrilled about the enhanced opportunities to innovate and make an even bigger impact in the industry. With this growth, we’re actively looking to expand our Product team and bring on talented individuals like you who are passionate about cloud, open source, and cost efficiency.\n\nAt IBM Cloudability, we deliver a best-in-class FinOps platform that helps customers enable their IT, finance, and DevOps teams to work together to optimize cloud resources for speed, cost, and quality. We are looking for outcome-focused, strategic thinkers to join our Product management team to help us continue to drive those customer results.\n\nThe Cloudability Product Management team is accountable to numerous stakeholders including customers, partners, engineering, sales, product marketing, and support, globally. This role will focus on executing the best-in-class container cost allocation feature, integrating Kubecost with Cloudability's container capabilities. The goal is to provide the best-in-class container feature offering for cost visibility and optimization of container spend.\n\nAs of 09/17/2024 Kubecost has been acquired by IBM ( and will be integrated into the IBM organization. Kubecost, an IBM Company is committed to protecting the privacy of “candidates”. During this integration phase, if you have any questions about Kubecost handling of your personal information you can contact the IBM Chief Privacy Office Helpdesk (\n\n\nWhat you’ll do:\n- Drive the execution of Cloudability's industry-leading Container Insights and Optimization features, working closely with product managers, engineers, documentation, and design teams to deliver successful outcomes.\n- Translate customer requirements and business strategy into clear tactical priorities with measurable outcomes.\n- Act as a subject matter expert (SME) to support sales engineers and internal teams in understanding solutions for various business use cases.\n- Interface with the market, customers, and prospects to uncover pain points and opportunities for innovation, using this feedback to inform the product strategy.\n- Facilitate discovery sessions with customers and stakeholders to gather and prioritize requirements, converting them into a high-quality engineering backlog.\n- Deliver presentations detailing the value proposition and technical stack of features, collaborating with software architects to develop solutions.\n- Collaborate with developers to ensure alignment between product features and acceptance criteria, troubleshooting and resolving issues as they arise.\n- Work across teams—Delivery, Sales, Support, and Marketing—to gather feedback, refine strategy, and provide content to ensure feature adoption and success.\n- Stay updated on cloud native technologies to ensure product relevance and competitiveness.\n\n\nWhat you’ll bring:\n- A customer-centric focus on how to deliver business value with a keen understanding of the IT enterprise ecosystem\n- Ability to solve open ended and ambiguous problems\n- Enjoy working with highly technical customers and team members. \n- Proven ability to work with sales and sales engineering teams.\n- Proven ability to work with development teams in large scale agile environments\n- Proven ability to work with large enterprise customers and executives.\n- Demonstrated ability to work independently. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.\n- Excellent analytical and quantitative skills; ability to use data and metrics to make recommendations and measure success.\n\n\nRequired Technical and Professional Expertise:\n- 5+ years of experience in product management, particularly in software, cloud, or infrastructure-focused roles.\n- 2+ years of experience with DevOps or infrastructure software, with a strong emphasis on container technologies and cloud-native environments.\n- In-depth knowledge of Kubernetes and container orchestration, including both on-prem (like OpenShift) and cloud-native platforms (EKS, AKS, GKE).\n- Demonstrated ability to thrive in complex situations, solving custom problems and navigating ambiguous environments to drive clarity and outcomes.\n- Strong technical acumen, with hands-on experience in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform.\n- Excellent communication and collaboration skills, enabling effective engagement with engineering teams and cross-functional stakeholders.\n\n\nPreferred Technical and Professional Experience:\n- FinOps experience or familiarity with cloud financial management practices.\n- Expertise in Cloud Cost billing and usage analytics for major cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI).\n\n\nTO APPLY:\n- PLEASE APPLY DIRECTLY ON IBM CAREERS PAGE: [\u0026partnerid=26059\u0026siteid=5016\u0026Areq=738645BR#jobDetails=773075_5016](\u0026partnerid=26059\u0026siteid=5016\u0026Areq=738645BR#jobDetails=773075_5016)\n\n\nAbout Business Unit\nIBM Software infuses core business operations with intelligence—from machine learning to generative AI—to help make organizations more responsive, productive, and resilient. IBM Software helps clients put AI into action now to create real value with trust, speed, and confidence across digital labor, IT automation, application modernization, security, and sustainability. Critical to this is the ability to make use of all data, because AI is only as good as the data that fuels it. In most organizations data is spread across multiple clouds, on premises, in private datacenters, and at the edge. IBM’s AI and data platform scales and accelerates the impact of AI with trusted data, and provides leading capabilities to train, tune and deploy AI across business. IBM’s hybrid cloud platform is one of the most comprehensive and consistent approach to development, security, and operations across hybrid environments—a flexible foundation for leveraging data, wherever it resides, to extend AI deep into a business.\n\nWonder if IBM is the one for you?\nIn a world where technology never stands still, we understand that, dedication to our clients success, innovation that matters, and trust and personal responsibility in all our relationships, lives in what we do as IBMers as we strive to be the catalyst that makes the world work better.\nBeing an IBMer means you’ll be able to learn and develop yourself and your career, you’ll be encouraged to be courageous and experiment everyday, all whilst having continuous trust and support in an environment where everyone can thrive whatever their personal or professional background.\nOur IBMers are growth minded, always staying curious, open to feedback and learning new information and skills to constantly transform themselves and our company. They are trusted to provide on-going feedback to help other IBMers grow, as well as collaborate with colleagues keeping in mind a team focused approach to include different perspectives to drive exceptional outcomes for our customers. The courage our IBMers have to make critical decisions everyday is essential to IBM becoming the catalyst for progress, always embracing challenges with resources they have to hand, a can-do attitude and always striving for an outcome focused approach within everything that they do.\nAre you ready to be an IBMer?\n\nAbout IBM\nIBM's greatest invention is the IBMer. We believe that through the application of intelligence, reason and science, we can improve business, society and the human condition, bringing the power of an open hybrid cloud and AI strategy to life for our clients and partners around the world.\n\nRestlessly reinventing since 1911, we are not only one of the largest corporate organizations in the world, we’re also one of the biggest technology and consulting employers, with many of the Fortune 50 companies relying on the IBM Cloud to run their business.\n\nAt IBM, we pride ourselves on being an early adopter of artificial intelligence, quantum computing and blockchain. Now it’s time for you to join us on our journey to being a responsible technology innovator and a force for good in the world.\n\nOther Relevant Job Details\nIBM offers a competitive and comprehensive benefits program. Eligible employees may have access to:\n- Healthcare benefits including medical \u0026 prescription drug coverage, dental, vision, and mental health \u0026 well being.\n- Financial programs such as 401(k), cash balance pension plan, the IBM Employee Stock Purchase Plan, financial counseling, life insurance, short \u0026 long- term disability coverage, and opportunities for performance based salary incentive programs.\n- Generous paid time off including 12 holidays, minimum 56 hours sick time, 120 hours vacation, 12 weeks parental bonding leave in accordance with IBM Policy, and other Paid Care Leave programs. IBM also offers paid family leave benefits to eligible employees where required by applicable law.\n- Training and educational resources on our personalized, AI-driven learning platform where IBMers can grow skills and obtain industry-recognized certifications to achieve their career goals.\n- Diverse and inclusive employee resource groups, giving \u0026 volunteer opportunities, and discounts on retail products, services \u0026 experiences\nThe compensation range and benefits for this position are based on a full-time schedule for a full calendar year. The salary will vary depending on your job-related skills, experience and location. Pay increment and frequency of pay will be in accordance with employment classification and applicable laws. For part time roles, your compensation and benefits will be adjusted to reflect your hours. Benefits may be pro-rated for those who start working during the calendar year.\nThis position was posted on the date cited in the key job details section and is anticipated to remain posted for 21 days from this date or less if not needed to fill the role.\nWe consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable law.\nIBM will not be providing visa sponsorship for this position now or in the future. Therefore, in order to be considered for this position, you must have the ability to work without a need for current or future visa sponsorship.\n\nBeing You @ IBM\nIBM is committed to creating a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal-opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, caste, genetics, pregnancy, disability, neurodivergence, age, veteran status, or other characteristics. IBM is also committed to compliance with all fair employment practices regarding citizenship and immigration status.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732616142,"locationNames":["Seattle","Bellevue"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-product-manager-cloudability","title":"Senior Product Manager, Cloudability","compensation":"$136k – $205k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3159782","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:7082535":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"7082535","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-7082535"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7082535"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-7082535"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":"With our flagship product Kubecost, we empower teams to optimize their Kubernetes at scale","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3159781"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3159782"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Stackwatch","slug":"kubecost"},"Badge:B2B-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-78720","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-78720","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-78720","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-78720","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-78720","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-78720","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Gusto is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.2 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-78720","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Gusto 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-78720":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-78720","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Gusto 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3140354":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":" \n\n* * *\n\n**About Gusto**\n\nGusto is a modern, online people platform that helps small businesses take care of their teams. On top of full-service payroll, Gusto offers health insurance, 401(k)s, expert HR, and team management tools. Today, Gusto offices in Denver, San Francisco, and New York serve more than 300,000 businesses nationwide.\n\nOur mission is to create a world where work empowers a better life, and it starts right here at Gusto. That’s why we’re committed to building a collaborative and inclusive workplace, both physically and virtually. Learn more about our [Total Rewards philosophy]( \n\n**About the Role:**\n\nAs a Sr. Staff Software Engineer on the Entity Management team, you will spearhead the development of a new product that will remove the burden of compliance for our entrepreneurs, helping them focus on growing their business without worrying about paperwork. You will be responsible for defining the technical roadmap, collaborating with cross-functional stakeholders, managing daily team operations, and mentoring and guiding engineers. If you are passionate about driving innovation and making a significant impact, we would love to have you join our team.\n\n**About the Team:**\n\nThe Entity Management team is responsible for building and maintaining tools that help small businesses manage the entire lifecycle of their legal and compliance needs, including incorporation. This means supporting business owners from the very first step of getting their company incorporated, all the way through ongoing compliance, account monitoring, and even dissolution if needed. The team’s mission is to simplify and automate these often complex, time-consuming processes, so business owners can focus on growing their business without worrying about government regulations.\n\n**Here’s what you’ll do day-to-day:**\n\n- Define and execute the technical roadmap for the new product, ensuring alignment with overall business goals.\n- Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including Product Management, Design, Customer Support, and Marketing, to deliver high-quality solutions.\n- Mentor and guide engineers on the team, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.\n- Develop the team’s software development process and technical approaches to ensure efficient and effective project execution.\n- Drive the implementation of new functionality in legacy systems to enhance support for the new customer base.\n- Act as the technical leader for the team, pioneering solutions and overcoming challenges to innovate and drive the project forward.\n- Participate in code reviews and provide constructive feedback to maintain code quality standards.\n\n**Here’s what we're looking for:**\n\n- 12+ years of professional software development experience.\n- Proven experience in leading the development of greenfield products and/or features. Ruby on Rails, Typescript, and React experience is preferred but not required.\n- Experience collaborating with cross-functional teams, including Product Management, Design, and Marketing.\n- Strong mentorship skills with a track record of fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement within a team.\n- Experience acting as a technical leader, solving complex problems, and driving innovation.\n- Ability to develop and enhance the team’s software development processes and technical approaches.\n- Excellent communication skills, capable of explaining complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.\n- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field (preferred but not mandatory).\n\nOur cash compensation amount for this role is targeted at $191,000/yr to $237,000/yr in Denver \u0026 most remote locations, and $225,000/yr to $279,000/yr for San Francisco \u0026 New York. Stock equity is additional. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors including candidate experience and expertise and may vary from the amounts listed above.\n\n* * *\n\nGusto has physical office spaces in Denver, San Francisco, and New York City. Employees who are based in those locations will be expected to work from the office on designated days approximately **2-3 days** per week (or more depending on role). The same office expectations apply to all Symmetry roles, Gusto's subsidiary, whose physical office is in Scottsdale.\n\nNote: The San Francisco office expectations encompass both the San Francisco and San Jose metro areas. \n\nWhen approved to work from a location other than a Gusto office, a secure, reliable, and consistent internet connection is required.\n\n* * *\n\nOur customers come from all walks of life and so do we. We hire great people from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because it makes our company stronger. If you share our values and our enthusiasm for small businesses, you will find a home at Gusto. \n\nGusto is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in hiring or any employment decision based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or other applicable legally protected characteristic. Gusto considers qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law. Gusto is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. We want to see our candidates perform to the best of their ability. If you require a medical or religious accommodation at any time throughout your candidate journey, please fill out [this form]( and a member of our team will get in touch with you.\n\nGusto takes security and protection of your personal information very seriously. Please review our [Fraudulent Activity Disclaimer](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730337532,"locationNames":["Atlanta","Austin","Chicago","Denver","Miami","New York City","Seattle","San Francisco"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"sr-staff-software-engineer-entity-management","title":"Sr Staff Software Engineer, Entity Management","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3140354","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3152544":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":" \n\n* * *\n\n**About Gusto**\n\nGusto is a modern, online people platform that helps small businesses take care of their teams. On top of full-service payroll, Gusto offers health insurance, 401(k)s, expert HR, and team management tools. Today, Gusto offices in Denver, San Francisco, and New York serve more than 300,000 businesses nationwide.\n\nOur mission is to create a world where work empowers a better life, and it starts right here at Gusto. That’s why we’re committed to building a collaborative and inclusive workplace, both physically and virtually. Learn more about our [Total Rewards philosophy]( \n\n**About the team** \nProduct Design at Gusto is made up of over 60 creative, collaborative people who care deeply about our mission to empower small businesses and their employees. We’re a cross-functional bunch focused on Design, Research, Writing, Ops and Front-end Development who are always looking for opportunities to build understanding and empathy for the people who use Gusto. We don’t care a whole lot about swim lanes and we work closely with our partners in Product, Engineering, Data, and Marketing to design, build and ship experiences that make a difference. We are passionate advocates for thoughtful, crafted, and inclusive experiences and we believe great design can make hard things possible, even delightful. [Read more about Design at Gusto](\n\n**About the opportunity**\n\nAs a Senior Staff Designer and design lead for our Compliance team, you will play a critical leadership role in the strategy and execution of compliance experiences across the product.  As a platform design leader, you will collaborate closely with your cross-functional partners and internal feature teams to design and build a seamless and holistic experience for Gusto admins and employees. As a member of the Core Experiences design team, you will contribute to craft quality and leadership across the team, and help set the direction for how platform designers should collaborate with feature teams.\n\n**Here’s what you’ll do day-to-day:**\n\n- Drive company-wide impact by strengthening our teams’ collective understanding and execution of compliance experiences\n- Work with cross-functional partners in Product Management, Engineering, and Data Science to understand customer problems, key opportunities in your domain, and define both the long term UX vision and short-term milestones that unlock customer value.\n- Collaborate with our Research, Data Science, and Customer Support teams to build a holistic understanding of customer needs, and make sure they’re shared with your teams to inform their thinking, build empathy, and inform prioritization decisions\n- Collaborate with internal teams to understand common customer and business needs, and craft patterns and systems that meet those needs\n- Work with engineering partners to assess downstream impact to the customer experience through data modeling and architecture decisions\n- Advocate for, and contribute to, the use of Workbench, our Design System\n- Mentor designers across the Core Experiences team, fostering growth and collaboration\n- Provide the “why” behind design decisions that can be easily adopted by partnering disciplines\n- Provide and seek feedback from other designers to always push the bar for quality.\n\n**Here’s what we’re looking for:**\n\n- 10+ years' aligned Product Design experience, ideally with a few years of platform experience\n- A bonus: experience in the compliance domain\n- A builder who can develop a long-term vision, as well as execute it\n- Experience developing a cohesive product strategy in partnership with cross-functional collaborators, and getting alignment across a complex organization\n- Experience using prototyping to quickly share ideas and get buy-in on design decisions\n- Experience designing and shipping products in complex domains informed by research, data, and insights from support teams demonstrated through a portfolio of work you’ve directly contributed to.\n- Strong background in systems thinking, including using and contributing to a Design System and designing with a Platform-first approach.\n- Ability to explain the impact of your work, tradeoffs you’ve made, lessons learned, and design rationale.\n- Ability to think long term towards a broader vision or step change, while being able to speak to scoping and sequencing to deliver iterative value.\n- Experience designing end-to-end customer journeys from software to service\n- Strong understanding of common web patterns, foundations, and the ability to discern when to innovate versus adopt existing standards.\n- Strong opinions loosely held and a willingness to engage in constructive debates about scope and tradeoffs to build alignment and unblock work.\n- Strong UX craft — you can break down complex experiences and design with consideration for all touchpoints.\n- Ability to embrace ambiguous situations as opportunities to create.\n- Passion for Gusto’s mission and the impact we can have on the world.\n\nAt Gusto, we strive to provide rewards that empower employees to achieve their financial and personal goals. We offer competitive compensation packages with a strong emphasis on equity based compensation (ownership in Gusto). To learn more about Gusto’s compensation philosophy and benefits offerings please view our Total Rewards Approach page.\n\nOur cash compensation range for this role is $174,000/yr - $235,000/yr in Denver \u0026 most remote locations, and $204,000/yr - $254,000/yr San Francisco, Seattle \u0026 New York. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors, including candidate experience and expertise, and may vary from the amounts listed above.\n\n* * *\n\nGusto has physical office spaces in Denver, San Francisco, and New York City. Employees who are based in those locations will be expected to work from the office on designated days approximately **2-3 days** per week (or more depending on role). The same office expectations apply to all Symmetry roles, Gusto's subsidiary, whose physical office is in Scottsdale.\n\nNote: The San Francisco office expectations encompass both the San Francisco and San Jose metro areas. \n\nWhen approved to work from a location other than a Gusto office, a secure, reliable, and consistent internet connection is required.\n\n* * *\n\nOur customers come from all walks of life and so do we. We hire great people from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because it makes our company stronger. If you share our values and our enthusiasm for small businesses, you will find a home at Gusto. \n\nGusto is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in hiring or any employment decision based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or other applicable legally protected characteristic. Gusto considers qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law. Gusto is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. We want to see our candidates perform to the best of their ability. If you require a medical or religious accommodation at any time throughout your candidate journey, please fill out [this form]( and a member of our team will get in touch with you.\n\nGusto takes security and protection of your personal information very seriously. Please review our [Fraudulent Activity Disclaimer](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731719996,"locationNames":["Atlanta","Austin","Chicago","Denver","Los Angeles","Miami","New York City","Seattle","San Francisco","Toronto"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Attorney","remote":true,"slug":"senior-staff-product-designer-core-experiences-compliance","title":"Senior Staff Product Designer, Core Experiences, Compliance","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3152544","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3143110":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":" \n\n* * *\n\n**About Gusto**\n\nGusto is a modern, online people platform that helps small businesses take care of their teams. On top of full-service payroll, Gusto offers health insurance, 401(k)s, expert HR, and team management tools. Today, Gusto offices in Denver, San Francisco, and New York serve more than 300,000 businesses nationwide.\n\nOur mission is to create a world where work empowers a better life, and it starts right here at Gusto. That’s why we’re committed to building a collaborative and inclusive workplace, both physically and virtually. Learn more about our [Total Rewards philosophy]( \n\n**About the Role:**\n\nAs a Staff Product Designer for the Gusto Pro team, you’ll lead the experience direction for a product area within Gusto Pro. You’ll be involved in the entire product development process from research to creating a vision to iterating on experiences for launch. As a leader on the cross-functional team, you’ll have a lot of opportunity to influence strategy at the team and project level.\n\nGusto is first and foremost customer-driven. We take pride in making informed decisions based on customer research and data while balancing short and long term technical decisions. If you are a strategic customer advocate who enjoys complex problems and crafting high quality experiences, we’d love to hear from you!\n\n**About the Team:**\n\nOur Gusto Pro team is dedicated to serving our accountant customers who rely on Gusto to support their small business clients with payroll, taxes, hiring, and more. Our mission is to help accountants be incredible partners to their clients through the support and strategic guidance they provide. By creating a [platform]( that empowers accountants, we enable the success and growth of their firms. \n\n**Here’s what you’ll do day-to-day:**\n\n- Work with cross-functional partners in Product Management, Engineering, and Data Science to understand customer problems, key opportunities in your domain, and define both the long term UX vision and also short term releases that unlock customer value\n- Collaborate with our Research, Data Science, and Customer Support teams to build a holistic understanding of customer needs, and make sure they’re shared with your teams to inform their thinking, build empathy, and inform prioritization decisions\n- Advocate for great UX, inspiring your teams with a strong point of view about what’s possible and aspirational for your product area\n- Hold high standards for the customer experience, including partnering with engineering partners to refine the end customer experience and ensure that what we release is bug free, performant, accessible, and responsive\n- Design for how your experience fits into our system and advocate for cohesive experiences through the use of Workbench, our Design System, and other platform capabilities\n- Speak clearly to tradeoffs and the “Why” behind design decisions in terms non-designers can understand and participate in\n- Provide and seek feedback from other designers to always push the bar for quality\n- Collaborate with designers on other teams to develop cohesive solutions for shared problems\n- You’ll drive team-wide impact through mentorship, fostering a culture of growth and collaboration\n\n**Here’s what we're looking for:**\n\n- 8+ years' Product Design experience\n- A builder who loves being hands on crafting high quality, high impact solutions and getting them in front of customers\n- Experience designing end-to-end customer journeys from software to service\n- Strong understanding of common web patterns, foundations, and the ability to discern when to innovate versus adopt existing standards\n- Strong opinions loosely held and a willingness to engage in constructive debates about scope and tradeoffs to build alignment and unblock work\n- Strong UX craft — you can break down complex experiences and design with consideration for all touchpoints\n- Ability to embrace ambiguous situations as opportunities to create\n- Passion for Gusto’s mission and the impact we can have on the world\n\nAt Gusto, we strive to provide rewards that empower employees to achieve their financial and personal goals. We offer competitive compensation packages with a strong emphasis on equity based compensation (ownership in Gusto). To learn more about Gusto’s compensation philosophy and benefits offerings please view our[ Total Rewards Approach page](\n\nOur cash compensation range for this role is $139,000/yr to $199,000/yr in Denver \u0026 most remote locations, and $179,000/yr to $221,000/yr in Seattle, San Francisco \u0026 New York. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors, including candidate experience and expertise, and may vary from the amounts listed above.\n\n* * *\n\nGusto has physical office spaces in Denver, San Francisco, and New York City. Employees who are based in those locations will be expected to work from the office on designated days approximately **2-3 days** per week (or more depending on role). The same office expectations apply to all Symmetry roles, Gusto's subsidiary, whose physical office is in Scottsdale.\n\nNote: The San Francisco office expectations encompass both the San Francisco and San Jose metro areas. \n\nWhen approved to work from a location other than a Gusto office, a secure, reliable, and consistent internet connection is required.\n\n* * *\n\nOur customers come from all walks of life and so do we. We hire great people from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because it makes our company stronger. If you share our values and our enthusiasm for small businesses, you will find a home at Gusto. \n\nGusto is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in hiring or any employment decision based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or other applicable legally protected characteristic. Gusto considers qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law. Gusto is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. We want to see our candidates perform to the best of their ability. If you require a medical or religious accommodation at any time throughout your candidate journey, please fill out [this form]( and a member of our team will get in touch with you.\n\nGusto takes security and protection of your personal information very seriously. Please review our [Fraudulent Activity Disclaimer](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730769666,"locationNames":["Atlanta","Chicago","Denver","Los Angeles","New York City","Seattle","San Francisco","Toronto"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Designer","remote":true,"slug":"staff-product-designer-gusto-pro","title":"Staff Product Designer, Gusto Pro","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3143110","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:78720":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"78720","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-78720"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-78720"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"Integrated Payroll, Benefits, HR, Tax Credits, and more","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3140354"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3152544"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3143110"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Gusto","slug":"gustohq"},"Badge:B2C-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-371359","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-371359","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-371359","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-371359","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-371359","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-371359","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Grammarly is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.9 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.9","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-371359","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Grammarly 4.4/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.4","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-371359":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-371359","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Grammarly 4.8/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.8","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3160315":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"*Grammarly offers a dynamic hybrid working model for this role. This flexible approach gives team members the best of both worlds: plenty of focus time along with in-person collaboration that helps foster trust, innovation, and a strong team culture.            *\n\n### **About Grammarly**\n\n[Grammarly]( is the world’s leading AI writing assistance company trusted by over 30 million people and 70,000 businesses every day. From instantly creating a first draft to perfecting every message, Grammarly’s product offerings help people at 96% of the Fortune 500 get their point across—and get results. Grammarly has been profitable for over a decade because we’ve stayed true to our values and built an enterprise-grade product that’s secure, reliable, and helps people do their best work—without selling their data. We’re proud to be one of Inc.’s best workplaces, a Glassdoor Best Place to Work, one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential Companies, and one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies in AI.\n\n### **The Opportunity** \n\nTo achieve our ambitious goals, we are looking for a Senior Product Manager to join our Enterprise Product team. Grammarly is a well-loved product to help people write words. In this role, you’ll work as part of the team to define and develop Grammarly’s API \u0026 Integration strategy for our Enterprise customers. While we have initial offerings in the space, this is an opportunity to define Grammarly’s path for enabling Enterprise customers to leverage Grammarly’s unique insights and capabilities directly into customer processes to help them get work done. In this role, you will define and spearhead a number of our more technical enterprise-focused capabilities and play a significant part in shaping our Enterprise product offering.\n\nAs Senior Product Manager for Enterprise, you will help define the future roadmap for how we extend Grammarly’s capabilities in the Enterprise to work for the broad spectrum of use cases and organizations. You’ll work closely with a local engineering team to not only build first versions of these new capabilities, but build them to scale and collaborate closely with our Sales and Marketing teams to drive our growth in Enterprise. You will be an influential product leader at Grammarly, leading the vision, strategy, and delivery of product capabilities that drive measurable business impact.\n\nIn this role, you will:\n\n- Set the product direction for delivering differentiated Enterprise integrations to our enterprise customers.\n- Independently drive high-velocity execution with cross-functional partners to deliver impact.\n- Gain a deep understanding of customer's opportunities, needs, and pain points, working closely with our go-to-market teams to drive business impact.\n- Work with your design and engineering peers to evaluate solutions and technical feasibility to deliver functional industry-leading solutions.\n\n### **Qualifications**\n\n- Loves to go deep with customers to understand their pain points and technology stacks and find creative technical solutions that can scale.\n- Has strong leadership abilities, setting direction and operations in a complex space while also building solid relationships.\n- Has experience with earlier-stage product development and getting creative to drive learning and impact quickly.\n- Has experience in Enterprise and working with external customers.\n- Has experience working with or defining APIs\n- Has a solid quantitative and analytical mindset understanding to define success and move critical metrics.\n- Helps build environments that foster close partnerships with other product managers and cross-functional teams from Engineering, Design, Research, Data Science, Marketing, and more.\n- Embodies our EAGER values—is Ethical, Adaptable, Gritty, Empathetic, and Remarkable.\n- Is inspired by our MOVE principles, which are the blueprint for how things get done at Grammarly: Move fast and learn faster, Obsess about creating customer value, Value impact over activity, and Embrace healthy disagreement rooted in trust.\n\n### **Compensation and Benefits**\n\nGrammarly offers all team members competitive pay along with a benefits package encompassing the following and more: \n\n- Excellent health care (including a wide range of medical, dental, vision, mental health, and fertility benefits)\n- Disability and life insurance options\n- 401(k) and RRSP matching\n- Paid parental leave\n- 20 days of paid time off per year, 12 days of paid holidays per year, two floating holidays per year, and unlimited sick days\n- Generous stipends (including those for caregiving, pet care, wellness, your home office, and more)\n- Annual professional development budget and opportunities\n\nGrammarly takes a market-based approach to compensation, which means base pay may vary depending on your location. Our US locations are categorized into two compensation zones based on proximity to our hub locations.\n\nBase pay may vary considerably depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. The expected salary ranges for this position are outlined below by compensation zone and may be modified in the future.\n\nZone 1: $245,000 – $280,000/year (USD)\n\nFor more information about our compensation zones and locations where we currently support employment, please refer to [this page]( If a location of interest is not listed, please speak with a recruiter for additional information. \n\n### **We encourage you to apply**\n\nAt Grammarly, we value our differences, and we encourage all to apply—especially those whose identities are traditionally underrepresented in tech organizations. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status, political belief, or any other characteristic protected by law. Grammarly is an equal opportunity employer and a participant in the US federal E-Verify program (US). We also abide by the Employment Equity Act (Canada).\n\n#LI-NS4\n\n#LI-Hybrid\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732668275,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-product-manager-enterprise","title":"Senior Product Manager, Enterprise","compensation":"$245k – $280k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3160315","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:371359":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"371359","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-371359"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-371359"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Improving lives by improving communication","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3160315"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Grammarly","slug":"grammarly-1"},"Badge:B2B-37232":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-37232","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-37232":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-37232","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-37232":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-37232","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-37232":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-37232","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-37232":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-37232","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-37232":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-37232","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Stripe 4.1/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3139401":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"## **Who we are** \n\n### **About Stripe**\n\nStripe is a financial infrastructure platform for businesses. Millions of companies - from the world’s largest enterprises to the most ambitious startups - use Stripe to accept payments, grow their revenue, and accelerate new business opportunities. Our mission is to increase the GDP of the internet, and we have a staggering amount of work ahead. That means you have an unprecedented opportunity to put the global economy within everyone's reach while doing the most important work of your career.\n\n### **About the team**\n\nStripe's Community Operations (CO) team is revolutionizing social media customer support in the fintech industry. We're the pulse of Stripe's online community, monitoring and responding to customer issues across platforms like X (Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, and Reddit. Our mission goes beyond problem-solving; we're building relationships, fostering trust, and enhancing the Stripe experience with every interaction.\n\nOperating globally in multiple languages, we provide cutting-edge social media assistance that adds tangible value to our customers' Stripe journey. We pride ourselves on agility, constantly innovating to meet the challenges of an ever-shifting digital landscape. By leveraging Stripe's extensive experience in traditional support channels, we're scaling our services for today's needs while crafting elegant solutions for tomorrow's users.\n\n## **What you’ll do**\n\nDive into the heart of Stripe's digital presence as a trailblazing program manager in our social media care team within our global Support Operations organization. This pivotal role will shape a seamless support experience for our diverse user base across multiple platforms.\n\nThe ideal candidate is passionate about innovating and scaling support, adept at simplifying complex processes, experienced in developing tech-driven solutions, and thrives in a dynamic, multicultural environment. You'll influence stakeholders, adapt processes, and build solutions to deliver world-class social media support. Your expertise will elevate our service standards and reinforce Stripe's reputation for exceptional customer care in the digital age.\n\n### **Responsibilities**\n\n- Orchestrate cutting-edge social media monitoring, addressing user concerns and preventing escalations through proactive engagement.\n- Defuse potential social media firestorms, safeguarding Stripe's reputation through pre-established relationships and coordinated internal communication.\n- Decode and leverage social trends to enhance user engagement and operational efficiency, sharing insights with cross-functional teams to implement friction-reducing solutions for users.\n- Architect and launch global, game-changing social care strategies aligned with broader Support Operations objectives that enhance long-term organizational efficiency.\n- Seamlessly blend social care experiences with traditional support channels to ensure consistent, high-quality user interactions.\n- Collaborate with CO leadership to drive key performance indicators, including response times, resolution rates, and user satisfaction scores.\n- Ignite the potential of frontline team members, and foster team accountability through data-driven feedback.\n- Spearhead revolutionary simplification and automation projects, balancing implementation effort with user and associate impact.\n- Facilitate clear communication across various roles and functions, delivering compelling narratives to senior leadership.\n- Employ data-driven analysis for program performance evaluation and decision-making processes.\n- Transmit and foster our values, serving as a beacon of Stripe's user-centric philosophy and culture of transparency, empathy, inclusion, and empowerment.\n- Aid the organization's growth efforts through management projects such as recruiting, training, writing team policies, defining team processes, or other organizational improvements.\n\n## **Who you are**\n\nWe're looking for someone who meets the minimum requirements to be considered for the role. If you meet these requirements, you are encouraged to apply. The preferred qualifications are a bonus, not a requirement.\n\n### **Minimum requirements**\n\n- 7+ years of program management experience in business strategy or customer support operations, preferably in social care, customer care, or executive-level escalation support\n- Demonstrated success in driving large-scale improvement initiatives and cross-functional collaboration\n- In-depth knowledge of social platforms, analytics tools, trends, and social care best practices\n- Exceptional communication skills with the ability to manage high-pressure situations and deliver compelling narratives to stakeholders\n- Strong problem-solving skills and customer-centric attitude, balancing short-term response with long-term operational strategy\n- Ability to effectively manage multiple tasks, prioritize in a fast-paced environment, and work autonomously\n\n### **Preferred qualifications**\n\n- Advanced knowledge of enterprise social media management platforms (e.g., Khoros, Sprinklr, Hootsuite, Sprout Social), including administrative management and configuration\n- Proven track record of generating innovative, user-focused content ideas and building user-to-user communities to enhance support and drive product adoption\n- Technical proficiency, including SQL, Tableau, API usage, and comfort with troubleshooting\n- Prior experience leading a frontline support operations team\n- Familiarity with the FinTech industry and demonstrated passion for learning new technical products and features\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730335061,"locationNames":["Chicago","New York City","Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Project Manager","remote":true,"slug":"social-support-enablement-program-manager","title":"Social Support Enablement Program Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3139401","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3160276":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"## **Who we are**\n\n### **About Stripe**\n\nStripe is a financial infrastructure platform for businesses. Millions of companies—from the world’s largest enterprises to the most ambitious startups—use Stripe to accept payments, grow their revenue, and accelerate new business opportunities. Our mission is to increase the GDP of the internet, and we have a staggering amount of work ahead. That means you have an unprecedented opportunity to put the global economy within everyone’s reach while doing the most important work of your career. \n\n### **About the team**\n\nThe Commerce Systems team owns an expansive mix of platform, infrastructure, and product problems. We are looking for people with a strong background or interest in working across these domains to build successful platforms and systems. You’re comfortable dealing with many moving pieces, and you work effectively across teams and functions.\n\n## **What you’ll do**\n\nYou will be focused on defining and delivering capabilities and experiences that span product, backroom accounting, end-user reporting and go-to-market unlocking product velocity and monetization in a compliant and scalable manner for Stripe.  As fintech continues to transform offline and digital businesses, your work will enable Stripe’s sellers and go-to-market teams to operate efficiently and support Stripe’s expanding commercial portfolio and full suite of financial products.  Your work will accelerate the sold funnel by improving the seller experience and core underlying capabilities. It’s a chance to have a huge impact on increasing the GDP of the Internet!\n\n### **Responsibilities**\n\nOn a day to day basis you will spend your time split between meetings with internal customers (GTM, Accounting, Product Teams), external customers and discussions with your engineering, design, analytics, and operations counterparts. You will identify the most important problems to solve, develop product solutions and work with engineering and design to scope the work. You will articulate the product vision, develop annual and quarterly plans, and collaborate with other functions to deliver these solutions to our users and make them successful.\n\n- Strong product sense: ability to understand user needs in-depth and build delightful product experiences to solve them and make our users successful\n- Deeply understand the users and downstream consumers of this data touching multiple business domains, by working with Stripe’s users, and with Stripe’s technical and business teams\n- Partner with engineering leaders to design ingestion, enrichment, storage and serving interfaces to meet these user needs. You’ll to synthesize and champion the various users’ and stakeholders’ to ensure we create surprisingly great experiences\n- Strong technical skills e.g., ability to gain an in-depth understanding of software systems, make meaningful contributions to high-stakes discussions on API design, data modeling and software architecture\n- Strong customer empathy across different segments and personas: from internal customers in GTM, accounting, data science and engineering to disparate end-user segments such as startups and large enterprises.\n- Strong communication skills: ability to synthesize complex discussions, write succinctly and present to senior stakeholders both within and outside Stripe\n- Drive product strategy and roadmap for part of this critical infrastructure\n- Be a leader, do-er and change agent in helping us execute effectively\n\n## **Who you are**\n\nWe’re looking for someone who meets the minimum requirements to be considered for the role.\n\n### **Minimum requirements**\n\n- 7+ years of experience as a Product Manager in technology companies. Experience managing and mentoring Product Managers is a plus\n- Understanding and experience with Go-to-Market systems and processes\n- Experience building platform infrastructure that serves and balances the needs of multiple users and stakeholders. You’re excited by thinking through the right balance between flexibility and consistency, and comfortable communicating prioritization among competing user needs\n- Continuously evolving technical systems to keep up with growth and evolving needs of the business transforming legacy systems into their next generation.\n- The ability to work cross functionally and speak multiple ‘languages’: you’re equally credible as a thought partner for Go-to-Market, Engineering, Finance or Legal leaders\n- Most importantly, we’re looking for great product managers who deeply understand their users, turn that into great plans, and make those plans happen. Even if you don’t have all the experience above we’d encourage you to apply if this role excites you\n\n**Preferred Qualifications**\n\n- You have experience managing technical software products from infancy to scale\n- You can internalize an entire cross-functional business and lead a comprehensive product vision\n- You have experience designing and building a multi-product platform\n- You’re a creative product thinker who loves collaborating across the company with engineering, analytics, marketing, design and sales to experiment and build superior products\n- You have strong written and verbal communication skills with a talent for precise articulations of customer problems\n- You’re motivated by the chance to improve the lives of your users\n- You’re scrappy, you do what it takes to get it done\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732667973,"locationNames":["Chicago","New York City","Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":true,"slug":"product-manager-commerce-systems","title":"Product Manager, Commerce Systems","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3160276","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3159414":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"## **Who we are**\n\n### **About Stripe**\n\nWhile accepting payments on the internet has gotten easier over the past several years due in large part to the advent of modern payments APIs, the internet infrastructure for routing these same payments (to suppliers, sellers, partners, service providers, recipients) is stuck in the stone-age.\n\n### **About the team**\n\nConnect is Stripe’s leading product for marketplaces, on-demand services, e-commerce site builders, invoicing platforms, professional SaaS products, fundraising platforms, rental management platforms, and more. By utilizing the power of Connect, users in each of these categories can link multiple parties for the exchange of goods or services. These users rely on Connect for the crucial function of reliably routing payments between these parties. \n\nBy powering fast, flexible, compliant, and cost-efficient routing of payments on the internet, Connect not only spurs the creation of innovative business models but it also enables organizations (whether they are businesses, nonprofits, or governmental agencies) to channel previously-offline payments to the internet.\n\n## **What you’ll do**\n\nAs a Product Manager on the Connect team at Stripe, you will be devising strategy, developing product requirements, and overseeing execution for some of the highest impact initiatives that serve modern marketplaces and software platforms. In this role, you’ll be a product manager on our Platform Experiences team. The Platform Experiences team covers the full life cycle of a platform’s journey, helping them set up, manage, and grow their business. Our goal is to make it simpler than ever to become a financial platform. You’ll be improving the core experiences that our most strategic customers interact with day in and day out and building new, powerful experiences for our platforms.\n\nAt Stripe, Product Managers help build innovative payments products for our customers. Product development is an extremely collaborative effort between engineering, design, analytics and customer-facing teams. You’d be joining a team of experienced Product Managers who have a track record of successfully building large-scale business and consumer products that are collectively impacting millions of users around the world.\n\n### **Responsibilities**\n\n- This role will provide the opportunity to develop strategy for one of Stripe’s core products and get feedback on your plans directly from Stripe’s leadership team.\n- Spend your time split between external meetings with customers and internal discussions with your engineering, design, marketing, analytics, and sales counterparts.\n- Steer your engineering team and cross-functional teams across the company to execute on the product strategy.\n\n## **Who you are**\n\n### **Minimum requirements**\n\n- 8+ years of Product Management experience\n- Computer Science background or similar experience\n- Strong product sense and user first mindset\n- Strong written and verbal communication skills\n- Ability to thrive with significant autonomy and responsibility\n- Systems thinker who can build scalable, yet simple systems for the whole company to plug into\n- Strong collaborator with the ability to influence across organizational boundaries\n- Ability to manage high amounts of complexity to deliver end to end product experiences spanning not just the dashboard but also emails, comms, and product support\n- Creative and curious product thinkers who can think out of the box to build user-facing product experiences that are on the cutting edge of the payments industry\n\n### **Preferred qualifications**\n\n- Experience working on B2B or B2B2B products and directly engaging with customers\n- Experience building user-facing dashboard experiences\n- Experience working on data-heavy products\n- Experience working with GTM teams to bring new products to market\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732581539,"locationNames":["New York City","Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"product-manager-connect-platform-experiences","title":"Product Manager, Connect Platform Experiences","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3159414","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:37232":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"37232","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-37232"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-37232"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-37232"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-37232"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-37232"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-37232"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"A new, comprehensive and clean standard for online payment processing","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3139401"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3160276"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3159414"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Stripe","slug":"stripe"},"Badge:B2B-40574":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-40574","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-40574":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-40574","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-40574":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-40574","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-40574":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-40574","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-40574":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-40574","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-40574":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-40574","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"SingleStore is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.2 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"Badge:GROWING_FAST-40574":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"GROWING_FAST-40574","name":"GROWING_FAST_BADGE","label":"Growing fast","tooltip":"Showed strong hiring growth in the past month","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3096674":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**Position Overview**\n\nAs a SingleStore Customer Success team member, you'll co-own a portfolio with assigned account executives, cultivating robust relationships and expanding SingleStore's presence both vertically and horizontally. Your role spans the post-sales customer lifecycle, emphasizing value maximization through effective SingleStore use.\n\nThriving in a dynamic, collaborative environment, you'll play a key role in SingleStore's growth and support customer adoption. With SingleStore as the exclusive database for data-intensive applications, it enables real-time transaction, analysis, and contextualization of data.\n\nThis role requires a technically adept critical thinker with a foundational understanding of real-time big data and additional knowledge in vector databases and AI use cases. These capabilities empower effective communication with technical and leadership resources, reinforcing relationships, and optimizing client value.\n\n**Role and Responsibilities:**\n\n- Master SingleStore's core functionalities for diverse use cases.\n- Communicate SingleStore's value proposition and functionalities, backed by customer references.\n- Own a growing portfolio of customers with varying touchpoints.\n- Collaborate across teams to maximize client value.\n- Lead customer interactions from implementation to renewals and growth discussions.\n- Advocate for clients internally, providing valuable feedback.\n- Manage escalated ticket requests through the Support team.\n- Disseminate updates on products, events, and maintain internal reports.\n\n**Required Skills and Experience:**\n\n- Degree in a tech-related field or equivalent experience.\n- 5+ years in customer-facing roles involving Cloud technologies (CSM, TAM, Technical Support, Consulting, Engineering).\n- 3+ years of experience in Database (SQL, noSQL, HTAP) and Cloud technologies.\n- Proficient in project management, issue tracking, and accountability.\n- Strong verbal skills for relational building.\n- Good presentation skills including leading customer facing technical and business workshops\n- Experience in escalation management and risk mitigation, demonstrating business acumen.\n- Resourceful problem solver with creative approaches.\n\n**Benefits**\n\n- Company Wide\n\n - Technology Stipend for New Employees\n - Monthly Cell Phone and Internet Stipend\n - Health and Wellness benefit\n - In office catered lunches and monthly Grubhub credit\n - Company and team events\n - Flexible time off\n - Volunteer time off\n - Stock Options\n- Country Specific (if applicable)\n\n - HealthBenefits\n - Retirement\n\nAs employees are located in many different countries around the world, some benefits may differ from country to country. In all cases, we do our best to provide equitable perks and benefits across our locations.\n\n**Other:**\n\n- Employment Status: Full Time Employment\n- Work Authorization: Eligibility to work for US based employer\n- Location/Working classification: Remote - US or Hybrid\n\nSingleStore delivers the cloud-native database with the speed and scale to power the world’s data-intensive applications. With a distributed SQL database that introduces simplicity to your data architecture by unifying transactions and analytics, SingleStore empowers digital leaders to deliver exceptional, real-time data experiences to their customers. SingleStore is venture-backed and headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Sunnyvale, Raleigh, Seattle, Boston, London, Lisbon, Bangalore, Dublin and Kyiv. \n\nConsistent with our commitment to diversity \u0026 inclusion, we value individuals with the ability to work on diverse teams and with a diverse range of people.\n\n*To all recruitment agencies: SingleStore does not accept agency resumes. Please do not forward resumes to SingleStore employees. SingleStore is not responsible for any fees related to unsolicited resumes and will not pay fees to any third-party agency or company that does not have a signed agreement with the Company.*\n\n*#li-remote #remote-li *\n\nSingleStore values individuals for their unique skills and experiences, and we’re proud to offer roles in a variety of locations across the United States. Salary is based on permissible, non-discriminatory factors such as skills, experience, and geographic location, and is just one part of our total compensation and benefits package. Certain roles are also eligible for additional rewards, including merit increases and annual bonuses. \n\nOur benefits package for this role includes: stock options, flexible paid time off, monthly three-day weekends, 14 weeks of fully-paid gender-neutral parental leave, fertility and adoption assistance, mental health counseling, 401(k) retirement plan, and rich health insurance offerings—including medical, dental, vision and life and disability insurance. \n\nSingleStore’s base salary range for this role, if based in California, Colorado, Washington, or New York City is: $100k to $160k USD per year base\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727294823,"locationNames":["North Carolina","Seattle","San Francisco","Sunnyvale"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Customer Success Manager","remote":true,"slug":"customer-success-engineer","title":"Customer Success Engineer","compensation":"$100k – $160k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3096674","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:40574":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"40574","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-40574"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-40574"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-40574"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-40574"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-40574"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-40574"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-40574"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":"SingleStore is one platform for all data. The future starts with The Database of Now™","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3096674"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"SingleStore","slug":"singlestore"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-9611492":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-9611492","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 10% of responders","tooltip":"Archesys is in the top 10% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-9611492":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-9611492","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within two weeks","tooltip":"Based on past data, Archesys usually responds to incoming applications within two weeks","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-9611492":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-9611492","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-9611492":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-9611492","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3137058":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"Archesys is a technology firm specializing in innovative digital solutions and services for clients across various industries. We pride ourselves on our cutting-edge technologies, exceptional customer service, and collaborative work environment. \n\nWe are seeking a skilled and passionate Salesforce Developer to join our dynamic and agile team. In this role, you will play a crucial part in designing, developing, and implementing innovative Salesforce solutions that enhance our customers business processes and drive efficiency. You will collaborate closely with product owners, administrators, and other developers to deliver high-quality solutions that meet our evolving needs. This role demands a proactive problem-solver who can manage multiple projects while delivering high-quality solutions.\n\n\nThis is a fully remote, full-time position.\n\n\n### **Roles and Responsibilities\n\n**Key Responsibilties:**\n* Design, develop, test, and deploy scalable Salesforce solutions using Apex, Visualforce, Lightning Components, and other Salesforce technologies.\n* Collaborate with agile and product teams to gather, analyze, and translate business requirements into technical specifications.\n* Integrate Salesforce with external systems using APIs and web services.\n* Create and maintain custom objects, fields, validation rules, and workflows.\n* Develop and maintain custom Salesforce integrations with other enterprise applications.\n* Integrate Salesforce with third-party applications and other enterprise platforms through APIs.\n* Optimize and troubleshoot existing Salesforce implementations to enhance system performance.\n* Ensure Salesforce solutions are aligned with best practices for security, scalability, and maintainability.\n* Participate actively in sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives within an agile framework.\n* Develop and maintain technical documentation, ensuring knowledge transfer across teams.\n* Collaborate with stakeholders to support Service Cloud features and ensure smooth customer service operations.\n* Write clean, well-documented, and efficient code, adhering to Salesforce best practices.\n* Perform thorough testing and debugging of applications to ensure optimal performance and stability.\n* Participate in code reviews and contribute to the improvement of our development processes.\n* Stay up-to-date with the latest Salesforce releases and technologies\n* Collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams in an agile environment.\n* Provide technical support and guidance to end-users.\n\n\n**Collaboration and Communication:**\n\n***Stakeholder Communication:***\n1. Foster open communication with stakeholders, providing regular updates on project status and milestones.\n2. Act as one of the point of contact between clients, stakeholders, and development teams.\n3. Communicate regularly with stakeholders, including product managers, executives, and customers, to keep them informed of progress and address any concerns.\n\n***Cross-Functional Collaboration:***\n1. Collaborate with various departments to ensure the seamless integration of technologies and solutions.\n2. Facilitate problem-solving sessions to address complex challenges and foster innovation.\n\n### Qualifications and Skills:\n\n***Educational Background:***\nBachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering or a related field. A Master's degree will be considered a plus.\n\n***Preferred Certifications:***\n* Salesforce Certified Administrator\n* Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I\n* Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II\n* Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant-time\n\n\n***Experience:***\n* 3-6 years of hands-on Salesforce development experience.\n* Proficiency in Apex, Visualforce, SOQL, and Salesforce Lightning.\n* Experience in Salesforce configuration, customization, and integration.\n* Strong knowledge of Service Cloud features and best practices.\n* Familiarity with CI/CD practices, version control tools (e.g., Git), and Salesforce DX.\n* Expertise in REST/SOAP APIs and web services for system integration.\n* Experience working in agile environments and collaborating with cross-functional product teams.\n* Solid understanding of Salesforce platform limits, governor limits, and performance optimization techniques.\n* Ability to troubleshoot and resolve system bugs and performance issues quickly.\n* Excellent verbal and written communication skills to collaborate effectively with stakeholders.\n\n\n***Technological Proficiency:***\n* Experience with cloud computing platforms such as AWS, Azure, or GCP.\n* Familiarity with modern programming languages and web technologies.\n* Familiarity with agile tools such as Jira, Slack, and Confluence.\n* Previous experience in healthcare, finance, or government sectors is advantageous.\n\n**Personal Attributes:**\n* Analytical thinker with strong problem-solving skills.\n* Adaptive, able to work in fast-paced environments.\n* Customer-centric approach, with a focus on delivering value to clients.\n* Ability to work independently and as part of a team.\n* Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure.\n\n\nAll work must be conducted within the U.S., excluding U.S. territories. Some federal \u0026amp; state contracts require U.S. citizenship to be eligible for employment.\n\nYou must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. now and in the future without sponsorship.\n\nAs the US Government and State government is our clientele, you may be required to obtain a public trust or security clearance.\n\nSome of our available roles are on federal \u0026amp; state contracts that require a degree or additional years of experience as a substitute.\n‍\n\n**What We Offer**\nCompetitive salary and benefits package, including health, dental, and vision insurance, retirement plan, and generous paid time off.\nOpportunity to work with a talented team of professionals on exciting and innovative projects.\nFlexible work arrangements, including remote work options.\nContinuous learning and development opportunities, including access to training resources and professional development programs.\nA collaborative and inclusive work environment that values diversity and encourages growth.\n\nJoin us at Archesys and be part of a team dedicated to delivering cutting-edge digital solutions for clients in the public sector. Your expertise and passion for technology will help us continue to innovate and grow. We look forward to welcoming you to our team and supporting your success as Salesforce Developer\n\nArchesys participate in E-Verify. Upon hire, we will provide the federal government with your Form I-9 information to confirm that you are authorized to work in the U.S.\n\nArchesys is an equal opportunity employer committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of race, color, religion, sex.","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731453367,"locationNames":["Alabama","Atlanta","Austin","Baltimore","Boulder","Columbus","Dallas","Detroit","Durham","Houston","Indianapolis","Kansas City","Madison","Miami","Milwaukee","Minnesota","Mississippi","Missouri","New York City","North America","North Carolina","Ohio","Pennsylvania","Philadelphia","Phoenix","San Diego","Seattle","Tennessee","Texas","United States","Virginia","Washington DC","San Francisco","San Jose","Florida","Vermont","Ann Arbor","Santa Monica","New Jersey","Santa Barbara","Oklahoma City","Washington","Pittsburgh","Santa Clara","San Mateo","Michigan","Georgia","Nevada","Wisconsin","Minneapolis","Southern California","Arizona","Idaho","Raleigh","Orlando","Maryland","New York","Charlotte","Iowa","Arlington","Tampa","Colorado Springs","Memphis","Redwood City","Des Moines","Fairfield","South Carolina","Santa Rosa","Falls Church","Fairfax","Nashville","Virginia Beach","Dayton","Richmond","Kansas City","Santa Cruz","Alexandria","Hartford","Huntsville","Herndon","Springfield","Arlington","Columbia","Annapolis","Tallahassee","Lansing","Asheville","Harrisburg","Fayetteville","Trenton","Richardson","Richmond","Springfield","Springfield","Fredericksburg","Buffalo","Wisconsin Rapids","San Francisco Bay Area","Frederick","Spring","St. Louis","Ashburn","Baltimore County","Annapolis Junction","Tampa","Houston","Raleigh"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"salesforce-developer-remote-full-time","title":"Salesforce Developer (Remote) Full Time","compensation":"$80k – $110k • No equity","yearsExperienceMin":3,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3137058","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:9611492":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"9611492","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-9611492"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-9611492"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-9611492"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-9611492"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Improving the government services that impact everyday lives","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3137058"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Archesys","slug":"archesys"},"Badge:B2C-114142":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-114142","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-114142":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-114142","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-114142":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-114142","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-114142":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-114142","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_500M-114142":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_500M-114142","name":"VALUATION500M_BADGE","label":"Valuation $500M+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $500M or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3156871":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"### **About Us**\n\nTwitch is the world’s biggest live streaming service, with global communities built around gaming, entertainment, music, sports, cooking, and more. It is where thousands of communities come together for whatever, every day.\n\nWe’re about community, inside and out. You’ll find coworkers who are eager to team up, collaborate, and smash (or elegantly solve) problems together. We’re on a quest to empower live communities, so if this sounds good to you, see what we’re up to on [LinkedIn]( and [Twitter](,  and discover the projects we’re solving on our [Blog]( Be sure to explore our [Interviewing Guide]( to learn how to ace our interview process.\n\n###  \n\n###  \n\n###  \n\n### **About the Team**\n\nAs an engineer in the Commerce Products team, you will be working on the memberships space. This team is responsible for subs, gifts and turbo product lines along with a critical videos. They will have extensive collaboration alongside PMs, UX, PMMs, DS and DEs working on iterative improvements to memberships and moments products and sometimes working on features whose service ownerships extend to partner teams. \n\n###  \n\n### **About the Role**\n\nAs a Software Development Engineer at Twitch, you'll play a crucial role in designing, developing, and maintaining core features of our platform. You'll work closely with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality, scalable solutions that enhance the Twitch experience for millions of users worldwide along with helping creators make a revenue. \n\n \n\n \n\n### **You Will:**\n\n- Work with technical leads and other engineers to design and develop commerce platform and services\n- Contribute to customer-focused project deliveries\n- Work with partner teams to clarify product requirements\n- Improve engineering processes\n- Participate in design and code reviews\n- Support operational activities such as on call and run the business activities\n\n### **You Have:**\n\n- BA/BS in Computer Science or equivalent industry experience\n- 1+ years of work experience as a software engineer\n- Development experience in one or more general purpose programming languages: Java, Golang, or JavaScript, Type Script, familiar with AWS ecosystem\n- Experience working with Git\n\n### **Bonus Points**\n\n- Proficiency in full stack development\n- Familiarity in the AWS ecosystem of services\n- Experience building highly available and resilient systems\n- Fluency in some subset of UI design, data modeling, algorithms or database schema design\n- Familiarity with Twitch, either as a viewer or creator (or both!)\n\n### **Perks**\n\n- Medical, Dental, Vision \u0026 Disability Insurance\n- 401(k)\n- Maternity \u0026 Parental Leave\n- Flexible PTO\n- Amazon Employee Discount\n\n* *\n\n*We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at Twitch. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.*\n\n*Twitch values your privacy. Please consult our [Candidate Privacy Notice](, for information about how we collect, use, and disclose personal information of our candidates.*\n\nJob ID: TW8661\n\n*Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from our lowest geographic market up to our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. This position will remain open until filled. For more information, please visit []( Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.*\n\n \n\nUS Pay Per Year$99,500—$200,000 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732235251,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"software-development-engineer-commerce","title":"Software Development Engineer - Commerce","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3156871","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3143989":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"### **About Us**\n\nTwitch is the world’s biggest live streaming service, with global communities built around gaming, entertainment, music, sports, cooking, and more. It is where thousands of communities come together for whatever, every day.\n\nWe’re about community, inside and out. You’ll find coworkers who are eager to team up, collaborate, and smash (or elegantly solve) problems together. We’re on a quest to empower live communities, so if this sounds good to you, see what we’re up to on [LinkedIn]( and [Twitter](,  and discover the projects we’re solving on our [Blog]( Be sure to explore our [Interviewing Guide]( to learn how to ace our interview process.\n\n### **About the Role**\n\nCome create the future of live streaming at Twitch!  As a member of Twitch's BD team, you'll use your industry and product acumen, existing network, and partnership knowledge to support new product initiatives and present new opportunities with strategic B2B partners that benefit Twitch communities. \n\nTo support our growth, we are looking for an accomplished, motivated, and data-driven Business Development Manager who is a detail-oriented problem solver and thrives in ambiguity. The ideal candidate will have experience with relationship building, financial analysis/modeling, designing creative deal structures, and closing complex partnerships by working with cross-functional partners including product, legal, marketing, partnerships, and sales. You will report to the Director of Business Development and manage new and existing Twitch partnerships, which may include opportunities with social platforms, consumer products, payments, distribution partners, and more.\n\nYou can work in San Francisco, CA or Seattle, WA.\n\n### **You Will:**\n\n- Both independently and collaboratively identify, source, and close a variety of high impact partnership agreements with a diverse variety of companies. This includes developing strategy within a sector by applying relevant data points to make informed decisions and bring important internal team members on board from initial negotiations through execution to ensure successful long-term partnerships.\n- Lead multiple engagements simultaneously over a variety of business categories including commerce, digital media, advertising, and web services from sourcing to go-to-market. This includes driving financial modeling, legal reviews, co-marketing discussions, and appropriate internal reporting including P\u0026L management.\n- Explore new business categories with an opportunity assessment and build external partner relationships quickly. This includes working backwards from both companies' goals with an understanding of needs, visions, and strategy on both sides.\n- Articulate product vision and strategies to both internal and external partners by providing relevant insights to our teams based on customer feedback and data analysis.\n\n### **You Have:**\n\n- 3-5 years experience in Business Development, Consulting, B2B Partnerships or Go-To-Market management\n- Experience partnering with legal teams to negotiate and contract agreements.\n- An understanding of Twitch's products and its business model.\n- The ability to develop recommendations in highly ambiguous environments.\n- Experience and comfortability working with technical product teams.\n\n### **Bonus Points**\n\n- Background in media \u0026 entertainment, gaming, technology, or consulting preferred.\n- 5-7 years experience preferred.\n- Avid Twitch user as a creator or viewer and passionate about Twitch communities.\n- Top-tier academic degree and/or advanced degree.\n\n### **Perks**\n\n- Medical, Dental, Vision \u0026 Disability Insurance\n- 401(k)\n- Maternity \u0026 Parental Leave\n- Flexible PTO\n- Amazon Employee Discount\n\n*We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at Twitch. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.*\n\n*Pursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, we will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.* \n\n*Twitch values your privacy. Please consult our [Candidate Privacy Notice](, for information about how we collect, use, and disclose personal information of our candidates.*\n\nJob ID: TW8647\n\n*Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from our lowest geographic market up to our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. This position will remain open until filled. For more information, please visit []( Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.*\n\n \n\nUS Pay Per Year$83,100—$177,800 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730852701,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"BD Manager","remote":false,"slug":"business-development-manager","title":"Business Development Manager","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3143989","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:114142":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"114142","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-114142"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-114142"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-114142"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-114142"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_500M-114142"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"Come together live every day to chat, interact, and make entertainment together","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3156871"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3143989"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Twitch","slug":"twitch"},"Badge:B2B-535049":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-535049","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-535049":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-535049","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-535049":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-535049","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-535049":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-535049","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-535049":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-535049","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Outreach is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.2 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-535049":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-535049","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Outreach 4.3/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.3","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3152597":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Outreach is the first and only AI Sales Execution Platform built for intelligent revenue workflows. Built on the world’s largest foundation of customer interactions and go-to-market team data, Outreach’s leading revenue AI technology helps go-to-market professionals and their companies win by intelligently accelerating decision-making and elevating sellers to do their best work. Our powerful platform gives revenue teams the tools they need to design, measure, and improve a revenue strategy for every stage of the customer journey, improving efficiency and effectiveness across the entire revenue cycle. Over 6,000 customers, including Zoom, McKesson, Snowflake, SAP, and Okta use Outreach to power workflows, put customers at the center of their business, improve revenue results, and win in the market. \nThe Role \nData is at the core of Outreach's strategy. It drives our customers and ourselves to the highest levels of success. We use it for everything from customer health scores and revenue dashboards to operational metrics of our AWS infrastructure, to helping increase product engagement, to predictive analytics and causal inference via experimentation. As our customer base continues to grow, we are looking towards new ways of leveraging our data to save our customers time and improve their sales efficiency. \nAbout the Team \n The mission of the Data Platform team is to accelerate the success of our internal and external customers through trustworthy data analysis and experimentation. We eliminate data silos and democratize data through effective data ingestion, curation, governance, and serving. As a Senior Staff Software Engineer, you will play a critical role in building and maintaining ourdata platform. You will be responsible for defining our strategy, delivering data-driven functionality, and shipping end-user features. You will work alongside a talented team of software engineers, data scientists, and product managers to transform the way our customers do business.\n### Your Daily Adventures Will Include\n- Design and implement our cutting-edge data platform, harnessing state-of-the-art technologies and innovative best practices to deliver unparalleled performance, scalability, and reliability, effectively propelling our data capabilities to new heights\n- Build sophisticated data pipelines that power our data analytics, GenAI, machine learning, and business intelligence applications, enabling our customers to make data-driven decisions\n- Implement robust data security and privacy measures, ensuring that our sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access and breaches\n- Implement systems tracking and monitoring data integrity, data quality, and consistency\n- Collaborate closely with other engineering teams to seamlessly integrate our data platform components into our software applications, creating a seamless user experience\n- Develop framework \u0026 tools to support self-service data pipeline management\n- Mentor and train junior data engineers, sharing your knowledge and expertise to help grow the team\n \n\n### Basic Qualifications\n- Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field\n- At least 8 years of experience in software engineering and data engineering, with a focus on designing and building data platforms\n- Strong experience with data processing frameworks, such as Spark or Hadoop\n- Strong programming skills in Python, Ruby, or Go\n- Strong experience with cloud-based data platforms, such as AWS or GCP\n- Experience with data modeling, data warehousing, and ETL processes\n- Experience with modern Lakehouse table formats; such as Delta Lake, Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi\n- Good understanding of SQL languages(s) and ability to conduct advanced performance tuning\n- Experience with infrastructure management, such as Kubernetes and Terraform\n- Experience with workflow management tools\n- Experience with data security and privacy measures\n- Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail\n- Strong communication skills and ability to work effectively in a fast-paced startup environment\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731718033,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Backend Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-staff-software-engineer-data-platform","title":"Senior Staff Software Engineer, Data Platform","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3152597","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3153847":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**About The Team** \nThe IT Support team here at Outreach is a growing group and looking to add a newly created position to help us keep up with the growth! We’re a collaborative team that likes to have fun, we have each other’s backs, we value collaboration, we drive for customer obsession and we believe in a “can do” attitude. If this describes you, please apply and we’d love to meet you! \n**The Role** \nOutreach is looking to round out our Core IT Service Desk with a motivated, customer-service focused IT Support Specialist. You are passionate about people, have a bias towards action, and are interested in learning IT service and operations. at a fast-paced technology company. Your mission will be to provide world class IT support and excellent customer service in the resolution of IT support issues. \n**Location:** This position is located in Seattle and onsite 4 days week and work-from-home Fridays.\n### Your Daily Adventures Will Include \n- Respond to service desk tickets and provide solutions for reported customer problems\n- Triage and resolve all Tier 1 \u0026 2 support requests and escalate higher-level requests appropriately\n- Identify, troubleshoot, and resolve hardware and software problems; perform problem escalation if required\n- Monitor internal ticketing system notifications for proactive response and communication\n- Assist with service desk projects, complete tasks and ensure they are completed on time and to specifications\n- Troubleshooting and support for all end user issues: mobile, desktop, audio/video, peripherals, etc\n- Prepare desks for new employees and assist as needed with equipment moves\n- Create how-to guides and maintain documentation\n- Re-purpose and refurbish equipment for future employee use\n\n### Our Vision Of You\n- 1-3 years Service Desk Experience, with strong experience in ticket workflow and queue management\n- Excellent customer service skills\n- A solid background in troubleshooting \u0026 managing macOS and Windows Experience with G-Suite, Zoom, Slack, Office 365\n- Ability to prioritize and address multiple tasks in a dynamic work environment\n- Excellent written and verbal communication skills\n- Ability to participate in a schedule that may include after hours and weekend support\n- Experience using Intune, Meraki, JAMF, Jira and Trello is preferred\n- Experience with inventory asset management \u0026 logistics preferred\n- Ability to travel to remote locations to provide support if necessary\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731977278,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Sales","remote":false,"slug":"it-support-specialist","title":"IT Support Specialist","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3153847","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:535049":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"535049","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-535049"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-535049"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-535049"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-535049"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-535049"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-535049"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Make your team a revenue-driving machine. the market-leading sales engagement platform","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3152597"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3153847"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Outreach","slug":"outreach"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-6985490":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-6985490","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 5% of responders","tooltip":"Altinity is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-6985490":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-6985490","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within a few days","tooltip":"Based on past data, Altinity usually responds to incoming applications within a few days","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-6985490":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-6985490","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-6985490":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-6985490","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-6985490":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-6985490","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:GROWING_FAST-6985490":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"GROWING_FAST-6985490","name":"GROWING_FAST_BADGE","label":"Growing fast","tooltip":"Showed strong hiring growth in the past month","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3025282":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"Altinity is looking for database geeks able to guide users around the globe in building ClickHouse applications. We serve a rapidly expanding customer base as well as the broader ClickHouse open source community. \n\n**Your responsibilities will be divided as follows:**\n\nSupport (75% of time)\n- Helping build production-grade systems based on ClickHouse: advise how to design schemas, plan clusters etc. Environments range from single node setups to clusters with 100s of nodes, including Altinity.Cloud, our managed ClickHouse service.\n- Working with the community – GitHub, Stack Overflow, Telegram.\n\nResearch and development (25% of time)\n- Studying new usage patterns, ClickHouse functions, \u0026amp; integration with other products.\n- Writing tech articles – for Altinity blog and internal KB.\n- Working on infrastructure projects related to ClickHouse\n- Improving ClickHouse itself – fixing bugs, improving docs, creating test-cases, etc.\n\n**Candidates need to meet the following qualifications:**\n**- Experience with ClickHouse is a MUST**\n- Expert SQL knowledge for one of: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server.\n- Strong Linux shell skills / bash scripting skills\n- Experience with running production-grade systems\n- Technical English writing and speaking skills\n- Docker self-defense skills\n- Basic knowledge of distributed system concepts and big data technology stacks\n- Knowledge of at least one programming language (Python, C++, Java, Go)\n- University degree (IT/math) or equivalent experience\n\n**The following additional qualifications are a significant plus:**\n- Kubernetes knowledge and operating experience\n- Experience with big data stack components like Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Nifi, …\n- Experience with data science/data analysis\n- Knowledge of SRE / DevOP stacks – monitoring/system management tools (Prometheus, Ansible, ELK, …)\n- Version control using git\n\n**Our Benefits:**\n* Work from Anywhere, Anytime: We are not your typical nine-to-five shop! Enjoy the flexibility of working from literally wherever and whenever. Create a schedule that works for you and your family or lifestyle. Recharge your batteries with our open vacation policies\n* Cultural Diversity: We love that we get to work with passionate people from around the world. Currently, our team is made of professionals from 12 different countries!\n* Career Development: We provide opportunities to learn new technologies as well as try out new roles. We also offer access to training on leading-edge technologies, plus flexible work schedules for external education.\n* Company Travel: We come together in person two to three times per year in locations across the globe. During non-pandemic times, of course! We also fund travel to conferences and encourage presentations as well as contributions in open source communities.\n\nThis is a full-time position and includes equity in the company. Altinity is venture-funded and financially stable. \nWe are 100% remote. You may work anywhere you have work permits\n\nTo apply, send your resume and a cover letter to\n\n**NOTE: Experience with ClickHouse is a MUST for this position. **\nPlease make sure you describe your experience with Clickhouse in your resume.\nWe will not consider candidates who don't have experience with Clickhouse or don't mention this experience in their resume","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1726509537,"locationNames":["Boston","Chicago","Denver","New York City","Seattle","United States"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Data Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"clickhouse-dba-technical-support-engineer-clickhouse-experience-is-a-must","title":"ClickHouse DBA / Technical Support Engineer (Clickhouse experience is a must)","compensation":"$80k – $110k","yearsExperienceMin":4,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3025282","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:6985490":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"6985490","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-6985490"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-6985490"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-6985490"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-6985490"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-6985490"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-6985490"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"The leading service and software provider for ClickHouse","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3025282"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Altinity","slug":"altinity-2"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-8225298":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-8225298","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 5% of responders","tooltip":"Great Question is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-8225298":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-8225298","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within a few days","tooltip":"Based on past data, Great Question usually responds to incoming applications within a few days","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-8225298":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-8225298","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8225298":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-8225298","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-8225298":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-8225298","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-8225298":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-8225298","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3156260":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Ashby::Listing","description":"[Great Question]( is hiring an experienced Enterprise Account Executive to help us on our mission to democratize user research - helping companies talk to their customers more to ensure they build software that people want.\n\n‍‍We are a well-funded seed-stage startup backed by Y Combinator and Funders Club and are we're looking for an experienced Enterprise Account Executive with B2B sales experience to join our high-performing, fully remote team.‍\n\nWe’ve tripled revenue in 2024, and are looking to do so again in 2025. This is an opportunity to get in early, work on an interesting problem, have a huge impact on the technology and culture of an early-stage company, and shape the future of how teams build software through research.‍\n\nThis is a remote role open to anyone living in the United States. \n\n‍This position is focused on cultivating outbound sales, managing inbound sales, and closing deals with large enterprise companies that will benefit from using our research automation platform. \n\nOne of the keys to success in this position: You need to have the discipline to work independently and have a passion for the Research industry or have the drive to want to learn the business.\n\n### **What You’ll Do**\n\n- **Develop and Execute Outbound Campaigns**: Identify and connect with potential customers through outbound efforts.\n\n- **Consultative Sales**: Listen to customer needs and present highly tailored solutions, demonstrating the value of our platform.\n\n- **Shape Sales Culture**: As one of the early hires on our sales team, you’ll help establish and refine our sales practices and culture.\n\n- **Manage lengthy sales cycles:** Our ideal customers are large enterprises with complex, extended procurement processes. You’ll need to anticipate these requirements and navigate them to completion, often over several months.\n\n### **About You**\n\n- **Experience**: 3-5 years in an Enterprise Account Executive role, selling SAAS software to B2B enterprise customers. Bonus points if you’re familiar with the design and research tooling space already.\n\n- **Drive and Discipline**: Self-motivated to excel in a remote, fast-paced, startup environment; thrives in ambiguity and proactively solves problems.\n\n- **Customer-Centric Mindset**: Passionate about understanding and delivering value to clients beyond the sale.\n\n- **High Conviction**: Committed to high standards and enthusiastic about our mission.\n\n- **Skills and Knowledge**: Familiar with sales methodologies (e.g., MEDDIC, Sandler), able to leverage data and tools for meticulous pipeline management, and resilient when handling setbacks.\n\n- **Collaborative yet Competitive**: Brings a team-first mindset with a strong drive to win and exceed personal goals.\n\n \n\n### **Benefits**\n\n- **Compensation**: Competitive salary, uncapped commission, and equity. NB: Salary range listed is base salary. Variable commission related comp is additional.\n\n- **Healthcare**: Company-supported medical insurance.\n\n- **Always Remote**: Work from anywhere within American time zones.\n\n- **Professional Development**: Education stipends to support your growth.\n\n- **PTO \u0026 Team Engagement**: Four weeks of PTO, public holidays, and regular team events. [Our last all-company off-site was in Mexico City.](\n\n### **Equal opportunity statement**\n\nGreat Question is committed to providing a workplace free from discrimination or harassment. We expect every member of the Great Question community to do their part to cultivate and maintain an environment where everyone has the opportunity to feel included, and is afforded the respect and dignity they deserve.\n\nDecisions related to hiring, compensating, training, evaluating performance, or terminating are made fairly, and we provide equal employment opportunities to all qualified candidates and employees. We examine our unconscious biases and take responsibility for always striving to create an inclusive environment that makes every employee and candidate feel welcome.\n\n## \n**About the interview**\n\n### **Our Interview Process**\n\n- **Stage 1**: Application Screening - 30 mins\n\n- **Stage 2:** Role-Play Exercise - 60 mins\n\n- **Stage 3:** Collaboration Interview - 60 mins\n\n- **Stage 4:** Cultural alignment - 45 mins\n\n- **Stage 5**: Senior Leadership Interview\n\nNote - Each interview is sequential, so you’ll only move to the next round if you pass the previous one. After each interview, we’ll aim to notify you if you’re progressing within 48 hours of your interview taking place.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732217242,"locationNames":["California","Portland","San Diego","Seattle","San Francisco","Vancouver","Oakland"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Account Executive","remote":true,"slug":"enterprise-account-executive","title":"Enterprise Account Executive","compensation":"$80k – $125k • 0.05% – 0.2%","yearsExperienceMin":5,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3156260","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:8225298":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"8225298","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-8225298"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-8225298"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-8225298"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8225298"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-8225298"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-8225298"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"User research on autopilot","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3156260"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Great Question","slug":"great-question"},"Badge:B2B-245814":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-245814","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-245814":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-245814","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-245814":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-245814","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-245814":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-245814","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-245814":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-245814","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Amplitude is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.5 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.5","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-245814":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-245814","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Amplitude 4.1/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-245814":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-245814","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Amplitude 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3157911":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Amplitude is a leading digital analytics platform that helps companies unlock the power of their products. More than 3,500 customers, including Atlassian, Jersey Mike’s, NBCUniversal, Shopify, and Under Armour, rely on Amplitude to gain self-service visibility into the entire customer journey. Amplitude guides companies every step of the way as they capture data they can trust, uncover clear insights about customer behavior, and take faster action. When teams understand how people are using their products, they can deliver better product experiences that drive growth. \n\nAs an organization, we approach challenges with humility, take ownership of our contributions, and embrace a growth mindset that pushes us to constantly improve ourselves, each other, and the value we bring to customers and partners.\n\n**Amplitude’s Commitment to Diversity Equity \u0026 Inclusion (DEI):** Amplitude believes that diversity enables the creation of better products, improves the ability to solve complex problems, and drives more powerful solutions. We strive to create an environment of inclusion—one focused on psychological safety, empathy, and human connection—that will allow employees of all backgrounds to thrive.\n\n \n\n**About the Role \u0026 Team**\n\nAs a **Senior Value Consultant**, you will be responsible for leading \u0026 guiding prospects and customers through the end-to-end customer value journey (landing, expanding, adopting, and renewing). You will champion drive data-driven business transformation and ensure our customers are set up to successfully realize measurable business value \u0026 financial impact from their investment with Amplitude. As a trusted advisor \u0026 core member of the account team, you’ll work closely with Sales, Customer Success, Solutions Engineering, and Professional Service teams to manage the full customer lifecycle, translating use cases and objectives into qualitative \u0026 quantitative business value assessments - both forward looking art of the possible and retroactive value realization \u0026 impact evaluations. You will help drive adoption \u0026 value realization via use case discovery \u0026 maturity workshops and will be the face of Amplitude to some of the world’s largest enterprises.\n\nIt’s a rewarding job where you will have a direct influence on our revenue and growth trajectory. Successful candidates will need to demonstrate that they live the Amplitude values of humility, ownership and a growth mindset. They will also need to concretely demonstrate their business acumen, executive presence, \u0026 financial modeling skills.\n\n **As a Senior Value Consultant, you will focus on the following:**\n\n**Identifying \u0026 Framing Business Value**\n\n- **Expertise in Value Consulting Methodologies:** Advanced knowledge of value consulting methodologies, supporting the entire customer journey from discovery through value realization and optimization. This includes activities like value assessment, point-of-view (PoV) development, and demonstrating the full potential of the platform solution in the context of business goals and outcomes.\n- **Business Case and Financial Modeling:** Proven track record in creating business cases and conducting financial modeling to support customer value hypotheses and develop commercial proposals; must have strong PowerPoint and Excel skills to effectively present findings and insights.\n- **Strategic Industry Insights:** Ability to develop comprehensive understanding of industry trends, providing insights to inform and align customer strategies with use cases and solution roadmaps.\n- **Cross-Functional Knowledge:** Strong background in working with both business and technical stakeholders to create an integrated \u0026 actionable value realization roadmap for the customer.\n- **Conducting Business Value Workshops:** Skilled in designing and facilitating business value workshops to engage customers, identify critical success factors, and collaboratively define and execute actionable strategies aligned with financial impact projections.\n\n**Value Realization**\n\n- **Use Case Identification and Prioritization:** Advanced skills in identifying, prioritizing, and advising on the impact of customer-specific use cases. Able to define benchmarks to assess key value drivers prior to go-live,\n- ensuring a clear understanding of potential impacts. Post-deployment, track and benchmark the realization of value through ongoing performance assessments to optimize value realization \u0026 business outcomes.\n- **Value Realization Execution:** Show up as a results-oriented, strategic problem solver who enjoys helping customers \"cross the chasm\" from current state to future state. Ability to serve as a change agent, enabling customer teams through projects that foster adoption, renewal, and expansion of the solution.\n\n**Project Management**\n\n- **Project Scope and Timeline Management:** Skilled in planning and managing scope, expectations, and timelines across multiple concurrent projects. Able to effectively leverage ecosystem partners to support project goals and drive customer outcomes.\n- **High-Level Organization:** Ability to oversee multiple projects at different stages of the value journey, ensuring alignment with account objectives and delivering consistent progress on customer initiatives.\n- **Willingness to Travel As Needed:** Travel to customer on-sites to deliver workshops and presentations to build strong customer relationships\n\n**Executive Stakeholder Management**\n\n- **Executive Communication and Influence:** Proven experience in preparing, presenting, and communicating results to both internal and external executive stakeholders. Ability to engage senior executives with strategic insights and a consultative approach to foster strong, trust-based relationships.\n- **Data-Driven Persuasion:** Skilled at influencing decision-making through data, insights, and a confident, consultative presence. Able to navigate complex global organizations and drive alignment on strategic initiatives.\n\n**You'll be a great addition to the team if:**\n\n- You have 7+ years of professional experience in consultative, strategic, customer-facing roles, including 3+ years in enterprise software value consulting\n- You are excited about the opportunity to work with a high-performing GTM teams defining strategies \u0026 tactics to expand into new markets and verticals\n- You have a proven track record in business case creation, financial analysis, and strong quantitative modeling skills supporting enterprise account strategy and customer engagement design/execution.\n- You possess advanced PowerPoint and presentation-building skills \u0026 can independently create compelling strategic narratives that represent complex scenarios for a variety of audiences\n- You have excellent written and verbal communication skills; you are comfortable with public speaking and willing to invest in personal development to help you become a trusted expert in the eyes of our future customers\n- You are excited to work with high-performing, highly-collaborative, highly communicative coworkers\n- Bachelor’s degree preferred; MBA preferred.\n\n**Who We Are**\n\nThe Company: Amplitude is filled with humble, life-long learners who are eager to help one another, and the company succeeds. Our values of growth mindset, ownership, and humility are core to the way we work: we’re tenacious in the face of challenges, we take the initiative to solve problems that drive our shared success, and we operate from a place of empathy and openness, seeking to understand many points of view.\n\nWe care about the well-being of our team: along with excellent health insurance, we offer flexible time off, a monthly wellness stipend, a 12-week parental leave, and a generous Learning \u0026 Development stipend.\n\nThe Product: The Product: Amplitude is a digital analytics platform – we help companies understand their users, rapidly release better product experiences, and ultimately grow their business. We’re super proud of what we’ve built and continue to expand: a platform that empowers companies to thrive in the digital era.\n\n**Other facts about Amplitude:**\n\n- Amplitude had its public market debut on the Nasdaq in September 2021.\n- Amplitude is one of the best software products on the market according to G2.\n- Founded in 2012, Amplitude is backed by Sequoia Capital, IVP, Battery Ventures, Benchmark Capital, Y Combinator and other top tier investors.\n- 26 of the Fortune 100 are customers of Amplitude as are innovative brands such as Atlassian, NBC Universal, Hubspot, PayPal and Walmart.\n- Amplitude is a tech company to bet your career on in 2021, according to Business Insider.\n- We have operations in San Francisco (HQ), New York, Amsterdam, London, Paris and Singapore.\n\nAmplitude provides equal employment opportunities (EEO). All applicants are considered without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation.\n\nAmplitude’s D\u0026I Commitment: Amplitude believes that diversity enables creation of better products, ability to solve complex problems, and drive more powerful solutions. In order to make diversity possible, we commit to striving to create an environment of inclusion: an environment focused on psychological safety, empathy, and human connection, which will allow employees of all backgrounds to feel the care they need to thrive.\n\nThis role is eligible for equity, benefits and other forms of compensation. \n \nBased on Colorado law, the following details are for individuals who will work for Amplitude in Colorado. Colorado range: $165,000 - $248,000 total target cash (inclusive of bonus or commission) \n \nBased on legislation in New York City, the following details are for individuals who will work for Amplitude in New York City. New York City salary range: $183,000 - $275,000 total target cash (inclusive of bonus or commission) \n \nBased on legislation in California, the following details are for individuals who will work for Amplitude in San Francisco Bay Area of California. Salary range: $183,000 - $275,000 total target cash (inclusive of bonus or commission) \n \nBased on legislation in California, the following details are for individuals who will work for Amplitude in California outside of the San Francisco Bay Area. California salary range: $165,000 - $248,000 total target cash (inclusive of bonus or commission) \n \nBased on legislation in Washington state, the following details are for individuals who will work for Amplitude in Washington state. Washington salary range: $165,000 - $248,000 total target cash (inclusive of bonus or commission) \n \nBased on legislation in Washington state, the following details are for individuals who will work for Amplitude in Washington only: unlimited PTO, 10 to 13 holidays annually (will vary), medical dental and vision PPO and CDHP plans. Finally, a company sponsored 401(k) retirement plan.\n\n \n\n#LI-GF1\n\nBy applying for this job, you acknowledge that Amplitude processes your personal data in accordance with the [Amplitude Applicant Privacy Notice](\n\n*Staying Safe - Protect Yourself From Recruitment Fraud* \n*We are aware of individuals and entities fraudulently representing themselves as Amplitude recruiters and/or hiring managers. Amplitude will never ask for financial information or payment, or for personal information such as bank account number or social security number during the job application or interview process. Any emails from the Amplitude recruiting team will come from an @**[](** email address. You can learn more about how to protect yourself from these types of fraud by referring to **[this article](**. Please exercise caution and cease communications if something feels suspicious about your interactions.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732321685,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"senior-value-consultant","title":"Senior Value Consultant","compensation":"$165k – $248k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3157911","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:245814":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"245814","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-245814"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-245814"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-245814"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-245814"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-245814"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-245814"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-245814"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Using customer data to build great product experiences that convert and retain users","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3157911"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Amplitude","slug":"amplitude-1"},"Badge:B2C-218082":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-218082","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-218082":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-218082","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-218082":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-218082","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-218082":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-218082","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":" is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.2 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-218082":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-218082","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3133176":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Who we are:** Want to make an impact? Join our pack and come work (and play!) with us. \nWe believe everyone deserves the unconditional love of a pet—and at Rover, our mission is to make it easier to experience that love. Founded in 2011, the Rover app and website connect dog and cat parents with loving pet sitters and dog walkers in neighborhoods across the US, Canada, and Europe. We empower our community of trusted pet sitters and dog walkers to run their own pet care businesses on Rover with the tools and security of a global company to back them. \nHeadquartered in Seattle, Washington, we work closely with our teams in Barcelona, San Antonio, Spokane, and remote locations. We’ve got a reputation for being a great place to work, having been named among the 100 Best Companies to Work For in Seattle Business Magazine and Washington’s Best Workplaces in the Puget Sound Business Journal. We're an agile, fast-growing company, and our leadership comes from some of the world's most respected tech companies.  \nAt Rover, our furry coworkers are just as important as our human ones—and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Along with making the joys of pet parenthood more accessible, we’re committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming community of pet people—and that starts with our employees. \n**This is a hybrid position that has the minimum expectation to work out of our Downtown Seattle Office one day per week on Thursdays. * \n**Meet the Recommendations Team**The Recommendations team is responsible for matching pet parents with the best care providers for their respective needs. We work closely with an adjacent team of analysts, designers, and data scientists to create, test, and release user-impacting marketplace features.  \nHere are some examples of the types of projects we work on: \n- Better matching by collecting structured information from both our pet parents and providers (think: accurate availability details and distance optimizations)- Improving and maintaining the technology behind search- Providing engineering support to Data Science as they innovate on the algorithm and ML/AI models that support search \nWe are looking for a Senior Software Engineer to join the Recommendations team to help with this mission. From breaking down requirements and writing implementation plans, to building the features and launching them -- you will be a key player in our efforts to delight our customers. Join us if you're interested in both backend and frontend development, want to see the impact of your work on scaling our company, and are excited about the challenges of a marketplace business. \n\n### We're looking for someone who: \n- Have empathy for users and enjoy building customer-facing products that improve people's and pet's lives!\n- Bring their own unique background to the team, adding fresh ideas and perspectives\n- Is able to refine loose requirements, collaborate cross-functionally with others to determine what needs to be done, and drive a project forward\n- Is eager to improve their craft as a software engineer and is excited to learn new technologies\n- Is equally eager to share their knowledge and help foster a culture of learning\n- Enjoys being part of a great community of pet lovers\n\n### Your Qualifications\n- 5+ years as a professional software developer\n- Excited to learn new things and take on big challenges with the support of Rover’s Engineering community\n- Comfort working in different parts of the stack\n- Familiarity with relational databases and schema design\n- Rigor in automated testing, code quality, and engineering best practices\n- Intuition for when to call it \"good enough\", and when to put in the extra time to polish\n- A track record of successfully launching large scale projects starting from ambiguous problems\n- Aligned with Rover Core Values\n- Plus: Experience with any of the technologies we support - Python/Django, Elasticsearch, React/React Native\n- Plus: Experience working in a relevant domain - search or two-sided marketplaces\n\n### Our Style: \n- We are proud to be professional software developers building high quality, scalable and supportable solutions.\n- We are curious and passionate about learning, providing the right environment and resources for professional growth.\n- We are committed to building, fostering and maintaining a culture of inclusivity and diversity both on our teams and in our products.\n- We embrace progressive engineering practices including automated testing and a continuous deployment pipeline.\n- We are serious about the quality of our production operation, and have thorough system, application and user interaction monitoring and anomaly detection.\n- We are passionate about data-driven decision-making.\n- We are friendly, supportive and respectful, and we pay attention to the impact and quality of our work as well as keeping work/life balance.\n- And, dogs in the office. Bring yours, too!\n\n### Benefits of Working at\n- Competitive compensation\n- 401k\n- Flexible PTO\n- Competitive benefits package, including medical, dental, and vision insurance\n- Commuter benefits\n- Bring your dog to work (and unlimited puppy time)\n- Doggy benefits, including $1000 toward adopting your first dog\n- Stocked fridges, coffee, soda, and lots of treats (for humans and dogs) and free catered lunches semi-monthly\n- Regular team activities performed in-person and virtually\n\n### Compensation: \n- In the greater Seattle area the first-year salary range is $140,761-$179,228. Additionally, Rover offers a long-term incentive plan with a company performance-based cash payout and benefits to full-time employees.\n- The cash compensation offered for this role will be dependent on the candidate's experience, qualifications, skills, and abilities as demonstrated in the interview and hiring process.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729643780,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-software-engineer-recommendations","title":"Senior Software Engineer, Recommendations","compensation":"$141k – $179k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3133176","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3119058":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Who we are:** Want to make an impact? Join our pack and come work (and play!) with us. \nWe believe everyone deserves the unconditional love of a pet—and at Rover, our mission is to make it easier to experience that love. Founded in 2011, the Rover app and website connect dog and cat parents with loving pet sitters and dog walkers in neighborhoods across the US, Canada, and Europe. We empower our community of trusted pet sitters and dog walkers to run their own pet care businesses on Rover with the tools and security of a global company to back them. \nHeadquartered in Seattle, Washington, we work closely with our teams in Barcelona, San Antonio, Spokane, and remote locations. We’ve got a reputation for being a great place to work, having been named among the 100 Best Companies to Work For in Seattle Business Magazine and Washington’s Best Workplaces in the Puget Sound Business Journal. We're an agile, fast-growing company, and our leadership comes from some of the world's most respected tech companies.  \nAt Rover, our furry coworkers are just as important as our human ones—and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Along with making the joys of pet parenthood more accessible, we’re committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming community of pet people—and that starts with our employees. \n**This is a hybrid position that has the minimum expectation to work out of our Downtown Seattle Office one day per week on Thursdays. * \n**Who we're looking for:** Rover is seeking a detail-oriented and analytical Senior Financial Analyst to join our Finance team. This role will primarily focus on forecasting, budgeting, and reporting operating expenses for the Customer Support Operations and G\u0026A teams. Additionally, the Financial Analyst II will be responsible for COGS forecasts and providing critical insights to support strategic decision-making.\n### Responsibilities:\n- Collaborate with G\u0026A and Operations teams to develop accurate and detailed expense forecasts and budgets.\n- Analyze historical data, market trends, and business drivers to inform forecasting and budgeting processes.\n- Monitor actual performance against forecasts and budgets, identifying variances and providing insights to stakeholders.\n- Prepare and distribute regular reports on operating expenses for G\u0026A and Operations teams, highlighting key performance metrics and trends.\n- Partner with stakeholders to build reporting that is easy for them to digest.\n- Partner with product and engineering teams to understand and accurately predict Rover’s variable costs\n- Conduct ad hoc financial analysis to support decision-making processes and strategic initiatives.\n- Identify opportunities for cost optimization and efficiency improvements within G\u0026A and Operations functions.\n- Communicate financial insights and recommendations to stakeholders in a clear and concise manner\n- Work closely with Finance teammates and other cross-functional partners to ensure alignment of financial goals and objectives.\n- Participate in budget meetings, forecasting sessions, and strategic planning discussions as a representative of the Finance team.\n\n### Qualifications:\n- Bachelor's degree in Finance, Accounting, Economics, or related field.\n- 3+ years of experience in financial analysis, budgeting, or related roles, preferably in medium-sized technology or online marketplace businesses.\n- Demonstrated pattern of challenging the status quo and filling voids\n- Proficiency in financial modeling, forecasting techniques, and budget management.\n- Strong analytical skills with the ability to translate complex data into actionable insights.\n- Successful experience with reporting automation and simplification\n- Excellent communication and presentation skills, with the ability to effectively interact with stakeholders at all levels of the organization.\n- Detail-oriented mindset with a focus on accuracy and data integrity.\n- Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Excel and financial planning software; experience with Hyperion, Netsuite, and Mode are a plus.\n- Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and manage multiple priorities effectively.\n\n### Benefits of Working at \n- Competitive compensation\n- 401k\n- Flexible PTO\n- Competitive benefits package, including medical, dental, and vision insurance\n- Commuter benefits\n- Bring your dog to work (and unlimited puppy time)\n- Doggy benefits, including $1000 toward adopting your first dog\n- Stocked fridges, coffee, soda, and lots of treats (for humans and dogs) and free catered lunches semi-monthly\n- Regular team activities performed in-person and virtually\n\n### Compensation: \n- In the greater Seattle area the first year salary range is $91,485-$117,902. Additionally, Rover offers a long-term incentive plan with a company performance-based cash payout and benefits to full-time employees.\n- The cash compensation offered for this role will be dependent on the candidate's experience, qualifications, skills and abilities as demonstrated in the interview and hiring process.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1728088918,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Finance/Accounting","remote":false,"slug":"senior-financial-analyst","title":"Senior Financial Analyst","compensation":"$91k – $118k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3119058","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3107941":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Who we are:** Want to make an impact? Join our pack and come work (and play!) with us. \nWe believe everyone deserves the unconditional love of a pet—and at Rover, our mission is to make it easier to experience that love. Founded in 2011, the Rover app and website connect dog and cat parents with loving pet sitters and dog walkers in neighborhoods across the US, Canada, and Europe. We empower our community of trusted pet sitters and dog walkers to run their own pet care businesses on Rover with the tools and security of a global company to back them. \nHeadquartered in Seattle, Washington, we work closely with our teams in Barcelona, San Antonio, Spokane, and remote locations. We’ve got a reputation for being a great place to work, having been named among the 100 Best Companies to Work For in Seattle Business Magazine and Washington’s Best Workplaces in the Puget Sound Business Journal. We're an agile, fast-growing company, and our leadership comes from some of the world's most respected tech companies.  \nAt Rover, our furry coworkers are just as important as our human ones—and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Along with making the joys of pet parenthood more accessible, we’re committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming community of pet people—and that starts with our employees. \n**Who we're looking for:**We're looking for a Senior Director to lead our centralized Marketing Analytics and Product Analytics teams, overseeing a group of skilled analysts and analytics managers that support our entire marketing and product organizations. In this role, you will be able to own a critical problem set, implement cutting-edge AB testing and multivariate testing best practices, drive performance marketing measurement and optimization, and deliver impactful insights through deep analytics support and robust reporting solutions. As a key influencer in our highly analytical leadership team, you will directly shape outcomes, drive strategic decision-making, and help evolve our marketing and product strategy approach. \nThis role isn't just about managing a team—it's about driving impact. By leveraging your expertise in rigorous testing methodologies and fostering a hypothesis-driven culture, you will play a pivotal role in driving growth, solving customer problems, and shaping our organizational strategy. If you're ready to roll up your sleeves, lead a talented team, and drive meaningful change through data-driven strategies, we want to hear from you.\n### Key responsibilities:\n- Effectively lead, manage, and develop a high-performance team of business analysts and analytics managers spanning marketing and product analytics functions\n- Continue to evolve the organization’s decision-making \u0026 ROI framework based on rigorous testing methodologies combined with both quantitative and qualitative measures of success\n- Your team will own defining, tracking, and narrating the performance of core metrics within the product as well as performance and lifecycle marketing\n- Partner with product, design, and marketing leaders to help drive growth and solve customer problems by supporting a hypothesis and data-driven culture\n- Identify areas of opportunity to provide scalable data solutions to emerging business needs\n- Partner with diverse cross-functional teams including engineering and data infrastructure to ensure an efficient flow of actionable information\n\n### Qualifications:\n- 8+ years of experience in analytics including support of marketing and product development organization, preferably in a marketplace business\n- 5+ years of management experience including managing managers\n- Advanced degree in a quantitative field preferred\n- You have a deep understanding of A/B and multivariate testing best practices\n- You are an expert in data visualization and business intelligence reporting with proficiency in SQL and the ability to write in one or more programming languages\n- You have experience developing and evolving marketing attribution models and a foundational understanding of media buying and optimization processes across multiple platforms\n- You understand the product-development lifecycle and have experience partnering with teams to drive a collaborative data-driven culture based on data exploration and hypothesis testing anchored in the customer experience\n- Strong communication skills and the ability to tell complex stories through simple narratives, while maintaining the depth of understanding to go deep on the details as needed\n- You understand the importance of foundational data architecture in driving scalable and successful analytic products and decision-making downstream and have experience leading or partnering with data engineers to build an optimized foundation\n\n### Benefits of Working at Rover:\n- Competitive compensation\n- 401k\n- Flexible PTO\n- Competitive benefits package, including medical, dental, and vision insurance\n- Commuter benefits\n- Bring your dog to work (and unlimited puppy time)\n- Doggy benefits, including $1000 toward adopting your first dog\n- Stocked fridges, coffee, soda, and lots of treats (for humans and dogs) and free catered lunches semi-monthly\n- Regular team activities performed in person and virtually\n\n### Compensation:\n- In the greater Seattle area the first-year salary range is $196,726 - $261,646 with a 20% bonus. Additionally, Rover offers benefits to full-time employees.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1709169787,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Product Manager","remote":false,"slug":"senior-director-product-and-marketing-analytics","title":"Senior Director, Product and Marketing Analytics","compensation":"$197k – $262k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3107941","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:218082":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"218082","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-218082"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-218082"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-218082"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-218082"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-218082"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"We believe in the unconditional love of pets","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3133176"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3119058"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3107941"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"","slug":"rover-dotcom"},"Badge:B2C-8505941":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-8505941","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8505941":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-8505941","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3160096":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**About the Role**\n\nReporting directly to the CEO, the Head of Sales will play a pivotal role in developing and executing a sales strategy that drives revenue across multiple business-to-business channels. This leader will be responsible for building and managing partnerships in retail, wholesale, and food service, expanding the reach of both Wild Alaskan Company (WAC)-branded and white-label products. This is the first sales role, and the Head of Sales must therefore flex seamlessly between the role of a strategist to develop WAC’s sales program and that of a tactician executing as a sales agent to ensure alignment with company goals and daily sales objectives.\n\nWorking closely with the Brand \u0026 Innovation team and key members of the company’s vertically integrated supply chain, the Head of Sales will ensure a cohesive approach that aligns supply chain efficiencies, product innovation, and brand integrity. This alignment will support the company’s commitment to quality, transparency, and sustainable sourcing, fostering strong customer relationships and driving B2B revenue growth across food service, retail, and other wholesale accounts. Th\n\n**About You**\n\nThe ideal candidate will bring a robust network within the grocery and food service industry, particularly in frozen seafood, enabling them to leverage relationships and unlock new market opportunities. They should have demonstrated leadership experience, with a proven record of building and scaling national sales programs from the ground up and achieving substantial revenue growth. An entrepreneurial mindset is essential, as the role requires agility in a fast-paced environment and a creative approach to identifying and capitalizing on sales opportunities. Additionally, the candidate must demonstrate strategic and tactical flexibility, balancing high-level strategy with hands-on execution.\n\n**Core Responsibilities**\n\n***Develop and Implement Sales Strategy and New Account Roadmap:*** Collaborate with the CEO to create and execute a comprehensive sales strategy that drives B2B revenue growth across retail, food service and other wholesale accounts.\n\n***Establish and Report on KPIs:*** Define key performance indicators (KPIs), develop and manage a B2B sales forecast with accuracy, and regularly report progress against growth targets to the CEO and Board of Directors, providing insights and data-driven recommendations.\n\n***Drive Revenue Growth and Profitability:*** Set ambitious growth objectives and execute strategies to increase revenue across retail and wholesale accounts, prioritizing sustainable profitability and alignment with WAC’s mission, vision, and values.\n\n***Actively Prospect and Secure New Business:*** Proactively identify and pursue new B2B opportunities across retail, wholesale, and food service sectors, negotiating and closing deals to meet or exceed sales targets.\n\n***Develop and Strengthen Client Partnerships**:* Establish and maintain strong, trust-based relationships with key retail and wholesale clients. Adopt a proactive, client-centered approach to manage expectations and collaborate cross-departmentally to swiftly address and resolve client needs, ensuring an exceptional customer experience.\n\n***Collaborate Cross-Functionally:*** Collaborate with stakeholders across Innovation, Brand, and Creative and Supply Chain, FSQA, Marketing and more on workstreams such as product development for retail, item setup and rtail viability,  and in-store marketing among others.\n\n***Align Supply Chain and Forecasting for Client Success:*** Work directly with Finance and Procurement to create volume forecasts and ensure accessibility. Partner across the supply chain to understand production capabilities, ensuring seamless order processing and client satisfaction.\n\n***Travel for Client Engagement:*** Travel frequently to meet with clients, build strong relationships, and represent WAC in various market segments.\n\n***Monitor Market Trends and Competitors:*** Stay informed of industry trends, market dynamics, and competitor strategies to adapt WAC’s approach proactively, positioning the company as a leader in the frozen seafood space.\n\nOther duties as assigned. \n\n**Required Skills and Experiences**\n\n- 10+ years of increasing responsibility in sales\n- A minimum 5 years in seafood sales\n- Experience managing a minimum of $20M in annual sales\n- Experience selling into the top grocery retailers in the US\n- Sales Negotiation\n- Contract Negotiation\n- Effective verbal and written communication skills\n- Proficient in both Microsoft Office and Google Suite\n\n**If you have a comparable depth of professional experience, believe your skills are directly transferable and are passionate about our mission, please apply!*\n\n*The starting salary range for this position is $100,000 - $150,000 annual base salary plus sales commission, commensurate with skills and experience. This is a greater Seattle-based position with 50% of time spent traveling. We are open to discussing relocation. Wild Alaskan’s benefits package includes health, vision, and dental insurance, 401k, PTO, safe/sick time, vacation, parental leave and more, as well as a delicious box of free fish every month.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732660985,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Sales Manager","remote":false,"slug":"head-of-sales","title":"Head of Sales ","compensation":"$100k – $135k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3160096","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:8505941":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"8505941","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-8505941"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8505941"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":"We’re a proprietary DTC platform bringing sustainable seafood to the American table","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3160096"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Wild Alaskan","slug":"wildalaskancompany"},"Badge:B2B-85723":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-85723","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-85723":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-85723","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-85723":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-85723","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3129744":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Veeva Systems is a mission-driven organization and pioneer in industry cloud, helping life sciences companies bring therapies to patients faster. As one of the fastest-growing SaaS companies in history, we surpassed $2B in revenue in our last fiscal year with extensive growth potential ahead. \nAt the heart of Veeva are our values: Do the Right Thing, Customer Success, Employee Success, and Speed. We're not just any public company – we made history in 2021 by becoming a [public benefit corporation]( (PBC), legally bound to balancing the interests of customers, employees, society, and investors. \nAs a [Work Anywhere]( company, we support your flexibility to work from home or in the office, so you can thrive in your ideal environment. \nJoin us in [transforming the life sciences industry](\u0026ab_channel=Forbes), committed to making a positive impact on its customers, employees, and communities. \n**The Role** \nThe Veeva Curriculum Developer creates innovative administrator and technical learning content for Veeva customers, partners, and employees looking to build industry-related Veeva software skills.  In this role, you will focus on translating complex topics into engaging, digestible, and scalable educational experiences in a variety of delivery formats for a range of learner personas that use Veeva technology, services, and data products.   You must be comfortable working autonomously as well as with SMEs and stakeholders and have a natural affinity for gaining deep expertise yourself. A successful candidate in this role brings a strong background in curriculum development for technical SaaS products *and* instructional design, system administrator, or software development skills. To be successful in this position, you will learn new skills at a quick pace to keep up with product enhancements and actively contribute to the ongoing innovation of our processes. We operate as an inclusive team of owner/builders at Veeva and expect this role to collaboratively embrace our core values of doing the right thing, customer success, employee success, and speed. Veeva Systems does not anticipate providing sponsorship for employment visa status (e.g., H-1B, OPT) for this employment position.\n### What You’ll Do\n- Conduct instructional research and task analysis on learner and role context that incorporates a real-world point of view.\n- Apply adult learning theory to the design of engaging training experiences and the development of associated learning assets.\n- Use modern authoring tools to build, deploy, and update courses and supporting materials in the appropriate interactive formats (instructor-led, video, e-learning, hands-on labs, and assessments).\n- Translate complex technical subjects into clear and concise instruction for both functional and technical users.\n- Manage the end-to-end curriculum development process, from initial analysis to design, development, implementation, and evaluation.\n- Work cross-functionally with SMEs and stakeholders to validate learning objectives and technical accuracy and incorporate feedback.\n- Develop a working knowledge of various capabilities of Veeva products and underlying technologies with the aim of becoming an expert in one or more areas.\n- Develop instructionally sound knowledge, skill, and job performance-based assessments.\n- Lead instruction of pilot materials in an internal/external first-teach and in Train-the-Trainer classes.\n- Assist with the creation, configuration, and maintenance of course lab environments and associated data sets required for case studies and lab exercises.\n- Partner with the Project Manager to drive projects with accuracy, transparency, and a commitment to meeting deadlines.\n- Stay current with industry trends, best practices, and new technologies to enhance training delivery methods.\n- Provide solutions and bring innovation to training and enablement strategy and processes.\n\n### Requirements\n- 3+ years of curriculum development experience, including:\n- Writing administrator or technical learning content for software products with hands-on interactivity\n- Expertise using a variety of tools to create and publish interactive courseware (such as Articulate 360, TechSmith Camtasia, WellSaid, and learning management systems)\n- Excellent written, visual design, and verbal communication skills.\n- Life sciences industry experience, with a strong understanding of Safety (pharmacovigilance, drug safety, regulatory compliance).\n- Consistent track record of accountability in delivering quality projects on time.\n- Ability to both collaborate and work independently in a high-performing, adaptive team.\n- Strong interpersonal skills with the initiative to build collaborative, productive relationships across all lines of business.\n- Demonstrated ability to flexibly take on new challenges and pivot direction if needed\n- Bachelor's degree or years of relevant experience.\n\n### Nice to Have\n- Master's degree in Instructional Design or related field.\n- Certifications in instructional design or curriculum development (e.g., ATD, CPTD).\n- Knowledge of safety data management systems and regulatory frameworks like GxP and ICH guidelines, is a plus.\n- Experience with Veeva products or similar life sciences SaaS platforms is a plus.\n- Shareable work portfolio of previously developed course materials.\n\n### Perks \u0026 Benefits\n- Medical, dental, vision, and basic life insurance\n- Flexible PTO and company paid holidays\n- Retirement programs\n- 1% charitable giving program\n\n### Compensation\n- **Base pay: $65,000 - $140,000**\n- The salary range listed here has been provided to comply with local regulations and represents a potential base salary range for this role. Please note that actual salaries may vary within the range above or below, depending on experience and location. We look at compensation for each individual and base our offer on your unique qualifications, experience, and expected contributions. This position may also be eligible for other types of compensation in addition to base salary, such as variable bonus and/or stock bonus.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729210237,"locationNames":["Seattle","Washington"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"technical-curriculum-developer-pharmacovigilance-software-remote","title":"Technical Curriculum Developer - Pharmacovigilance Software (Remote)","compensation":"$65k – $140k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3129744","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:85723":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"85723","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-85723"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-85723"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-85723"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"Enterprise cloud software for life sciences","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3129744"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Veeva Systems","slug":"veeva-systems"},"Badge:B2C-117264":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-117264","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-117264":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-117264","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-117264":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-117264","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-117264":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-117264","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-117264":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-117264","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"SpotHero is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.3 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.3","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-117264":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-117264","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate SpotHero 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3155569":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"### **Who we are:** \n\nAt SpotHero, we work as a team to empower people to get everywhere, easier! We’re rapidly growing with the mission of bringing the parking industry into the future through technology. Drivers across the nation use the SpotHero mobile app and website to reserve convenient, affordable parking in advance, on-the-go or through their connected cars, and parking companies rely on us to help them reach new customers while optimizing their business. We connect the dots with cutting-edge technology, delivering value to both sides of this exciting, evolving marketplace. We’ve been quite busy, take a peek at some of our recent [announcements](\n\n \n\n \n\n### **Field Operations Specialist at SpotHero:** \n\nThe Field Operations Specialist will ensure a world class experience for customers and operators alike by processing feedback, analyzing data, determining trends, and implementing solutions, including new processes. You'll serve as liaison between Customer Service and Revenue teams in order to optimize field operations. You'll work towards the goal of eliminating Operator driven issues through technology, process development and tracking. You'll drive growth on both sides of the marketplace by creating a seamless experience for SpotHero customers and a productive experience for our parking partners.\n\n \n\n \n\n### **What you will do:** \n\n- With the use of data, develop new ways to improve the Customer and Operator experience, and reduce the need for Customers to contact SpotHero to resolve issues.\n- Work with Revenue teams and develop narratives to be presented to Operator Partners that help them understand the value of investing in making the parking experience better for SpotHero customers.\n\n- Process and analyze customer and partner feedback into actionable information to make productive changes that positively influence our customer and operator experience.\n\n - Drive process improvement by identifying inefficiencies and implementing workflow enhancements to benefit the company.\n - Drive product innovation by identifying technical solutions to improve operational inefficiencies.\n - Effectively communicate solutions to internal stakeholders and Operator partners.\n- Work with Revenue Growth Managers and Regional Managers and Sales Enablement to coordinate Operator communication to avoid foreseeable issues.\n- Occasional on-site evaluation of access conditions (PARCS), facility conditions and user-facing information to ensure customer satisfaction.\n- Occasional need to assist with “in-market” initiatives for collecting strategic and competitive information\n- Occasional need to work with contractors to coordinate signage installation and ordering, as well as collecting strategic and competitive information\n- Serve as a resource for given markets for Operator partners when Growth Managers are not available.\n- Maintain an optimal SIPP level (supply issues per park) and Star Rating through fulfillment of all other responsibilities (including but not limited to recommending facility data updates based on customer feedback).\n- Secure and safeguard data to preserve its integrity, reliability, and availability and ensure appropriate access levels are maintained.\n\n \n\n \n\n### **Who you are:** \n\n- Action-Oriented - Maintains a sense of urgency to complete a task and seeks information rather than waiting for it.\n- Analytical - Examines information methodically and in detail to solve problems or complete tasks.\n- Strong Communicator - Communicates effectively and efficiently both verbally and in writing.\n- Customer-Focused - Maintains committed to the SpotHero persona so marketplace brand is sustained.\n- Detail Oriented - Pays attention to details and learns to understand causes and not just effects.\n- Emotionally Intelligent - Handles interpersonal relationships with astute awareness.\n- Independent - Not relying on another’s authority.\n- Problem-Solver - Assesses situations quickly and provides creative solutions for resolution.\n- Resourceful - The ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.\n- Team Oriented - Works well within and across departments.\n\n###  \n\n \n\n### **What you bring:** \n\n- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent with 1-3 years experience in customer/client facing positions or support/account management experience\n- Proven ability to problem solve in a fast-paced, constantly evolving environment\n- A valid driver’s license (Preferred) / or ability to travel quickly on bikes/scooters/public transit - to ensure optimal customer experience at the parking facility\n\n \n\n \n\n### **Tools:** \n\n- G Suite (including My Maps), CRM (Salesforce preferred), BI Tool (Looker preferred)\n\n \n\n \n\n### **Seeking candidates in:** \n\n- Seattle, WA\n- Office environment/Remote + onsite visits and travel (15-20% of time) required.\n\n \n\n \n\n### **What we are offering:**\n\n- Career game changer – A truly unique experience to work for a fast-growing startup in a role with unlimited growth potential.\n- Excellent benefits - we cover up to 90% of Medical Premiums, 50% of Dental and vision Premiums, company-sponsored Life Insurance, a 401 (k), and generous parental leave.\n- Flexible PTO policy and outstanding work/life balance – We value and support each individual team member.\n- Udemy license - We support the professional and personal growth of our people by providing everyone with learning resources and development opportunities.\n- Annual parking stipend – we help people park!\n- The opportunity to collaborate with fun, innovative, and passionate people in a casual yet highly productive atmosphere.\n- A company that cares about its employees’ unique backgrounds. From Employee Resource Groups to Unconscious Bias Trainings, we want each and every employee to feel like SpotHero is a place where they can bring their whole selves to work.\n- A workplace recognized as [CityLights award winner]( 1871, [2023 Best Places To Work]( BuiltIn, and recipients of the[Best Company Culture, Best Company for Women, and Best Company for Diversity awards from Comparably!](\n\n \n\n \n\n### **Compensation in Washington:** \n\n- Depending on your skillset and experience, you can expect your base salary to be between $54,000 - 60,000 as well as a discretionary bonus and leading total rewards package including stock options.\n\n \n\n \n\nAt SpotHero, we **Respect Fellow Drivers** by providing an inclusive interview experience for everyone, including people with disabilities. We are happy to provide reasonable accommodations to candidates in need of individualized support during the hiring process. Please let our team know of your need when you apply or as you begin interviewing with our team.\n\nSpotHero is an equal opportunity employer. We know that a diverse workforce is the strongest workforce, and are committed to building and supporting an inclusive environment for all.\n\nAdditionally, because we want to **Remember to Signal**, if you choose to provide us personal information in connection with a job application, please review our [Applicant Privacy Notice ]( provides details about what information we collect and process about you in order to consider your candidacy.\n\nPLEASE NOTE: This position is ineligible for visa sponsorship. To be considered for this role, you must be legally authorized to work in the US and not require sponsorship for employment now or in the future.\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732066216,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"field-operations-specialist-seattle","title":"Field Operations Specialist - Seattle","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3155569","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:117264":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"117264","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-117264"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-117264"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-117264"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-117264"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-117264"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-117264"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Helping drivers navigate through cities by making it easier to find a place to park","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3155569"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"SpotHero","slug":"spothero"},"Badge:B2B-2205961":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-2205961","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-2205961":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-2205961","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-2205961":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-2205961","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-2205961":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-2205961","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-2205961":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-2205961","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Amperity is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.1 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3159259":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"[Amperity]( is more than just the leading customer data platform — THE PEOPLE bring energy, smarts, and experience from all different backgrounds, reflecting our[ commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion]( THE TECHNOLOGY is multi-patented, AI-powered customer data management software that we invented to help solve problems that have been frustrating consumer brands for years. THE OPPORTUNITY is to hitch your career to a rocket ship. We're addressing a critical market need: helping hundreds of[ leading brands]( make sense of massive amounts of transactional and engagement data so that they can understand their customers and provide experiences that delight while boosting revenue and moving the business metrics that matter. Come help us make it happen!\n\n### **The Role**\n\nWe are looking for a motivated Revenue Operations Analyst to support our GTM (Go-to-Market) operations across multiple teams, with a focus on sales and marketing operations. This role is ideal for someone with 3+ years of experience who is of revenue operations and is excited about developing their skills alongside a team of experienced leaders. You will report to the Sr. Director of GTM; Revenue Operations.\n\n### **Interesting Problems**\n\n- Support the GTM revenue operations team by assisting in the execution of daily responsibilities across all channels.\n- Oversee evaluation of inbound requests from partners.\n- Maintain reports and dashboards to provide applicable insights for Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success teams.\n- Help manage data integrity and accuracy within the CRM and marketing automation platforms.\n- Collaborate with marketing to track campaign performance, lead generation, and funnel metrics.\n- Work with other teams to improve operational efficiency and agreement across all GTM functions.\n- Support daily administration of Marketo including program creation, audience segmentation, email marketing, list imports, and database hygiene.\n- Support daily MarTech operations and data flow into internal systems like Salesforce.\n- Ensure accuracy of important system processes including lead scoring, lead routing, privacy compliance, UTM tracking, and data syncs between sales and marketing technologies.\n- Contribute to ad hoc projects related to overall revenue operations..\n\n### **About You**\n\n- 3+ years of experience in Revenue Operations, Sales Operations, Marketing Operations, or a related role.\n- Familiarity with CRM systems (e.g., Salesforce) and marketing automation platforms (e.g., Drift, 6Sense, Bizible, Outreach, or Marketo).\n- 1+ years of Tableau experience\n- Excel and report-building skills, with a desire to grow in data reporting.\n- Interest in learning about broader GTM operations, including marketing ops, sales ops, customer success ops, and business process optimization.\n- Willingness to present to internal and external partners.\n- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience.\n\n### **Remote Available**\n\nAmperity has offices in Seattle, WA and New York, NY or we have the opportunity to hire remotely in CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, MA, MN, NJ, OH, OR, TX.\n\n### **Compensation**\n\n**Base Salary: $74,000 - $100,000.** Within our pay range, individual salaries are determined by a variety of factors including, but not limited to: business considerations, local market conditions, internal equity, as well as candidate qualifications such as skills, experience, and education/training. \n\n**Cash Incentives:** Cash incentives are also available.\n\n**Stock Options:** The opportunity for ownership is an exciting part of Amperity’s total compensation package. Every employee at Amperity receives a new-hire equity grant, commensurate with the scope of their position.\n\n### **Benefits**\n\nWe offer all the benefits you'd expect from a great place to work: 100% employee healthcare coverage, transportation subsidies, a comfortable work environment with plenty of snacks, and other employee experience perks like events and activities, both in-person and remote. We also offer self-managed PTO and the flexibility to do your best work in the way that works for you. We provide an inclusive environment where you'll be challenged to find and unlock your full potential, surrounded by a team of world-class people driving for excellence. For more details on our benefits, please see our[ US Benefits \u0026 Perks Guide](\n\nAmperity is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and reproductive health choices), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, status as a protected veteran, status as someone with a disability, political views or activity, or other applicable legally protected characteristics. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732582407,"locationNames":["New York City","Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Business Analyst","remote":true,"slug":"revenue-operations-analyst","title":"Revenue Operations Analyst","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3159259","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3151518":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"[Amperity]( is more than just the leading customer data platform — THE PEOPLE bring energy, smarts, and experience from all different backgrounds, reflecting our[ commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion]( THE TECHNOLOGY is multi-patented, AI-powered customer data management software that we invented to help solve problems that have been frustrating consumer brands for years. THE OPPORTUNITY is to hitch your career to a rocket ship. We're addressing a critical market need: helping hundreds of[ leading brands]( make sense of massive amounts of transactional and engagement data so that they can understand their customers and provide experiences that delight while boosting revenue and moving the business metrics that matter. Come help us make it happen!\n\n### **The Role**\n\nAs a Sales Director at Amperity, you will collaborate with motivated strike teams of internal technical \u0026 business strategists in pursuit of driving significant new business growth. This role is tailored for an accomplished enterprise seller with a strong background in technical selling who can effectively bridge business and technology, delivering compelling solutions to complex client needs. You will play an integral role in Amperity’s growth by ensuring predictable revenue attainment and market penetration with Amperity’s suite of products. Additionally, you’ll play an instrumental role in Amperity’s growth strategy, influencing areas such as process improvements, go-to-market approaches, messaging, and collaboration across teams.\n\n### **Interesting Problems**\n\n- Drive pipeline and outbound prospecting as primary activities, setting strategies to create and expand opportunities within target accounts.\n- Construct, forecast, and manage sales activities and pipeline to achieve revenue targets and support company growth goals.\n- Define and execute Amperity’s sales plan for your named accounts, proactively seeking out and cultivating new client relationships.\n- Commitment to understanding client needs and challenges to build aligned customer-focused solutions with a consultative approach.\n- Regularly communicate traction, friction, and insights from the field to enhance customer engagement and advance deals.\n- Leverage CRM tools (e.g. Salesforce) to manage daily and weekly sales activities, pipeline management, and forecasting to ensure consistent, above-quota performance.\n- Partner closely with cross-functional teams (marketing, pre-sales, product, professional services, finance, and legal) to create a seamless customer experience.\n- Maintain up-to-date knowledge of relevant industry trends and competitive landscape.\n- Actively drive conversations and collaborate with ecosystem partners, systems Integrators (Deloitte, Slalom, Accenture, etc), Clouds (Microsoft, AWS, Google) and ISVs (Databricks, Snowflake, Braze, etc) to expand pipeline opportunities and enhance the effectiveness of sales efforts within target accounts.\n- Actively engage in client interactions, especially at the executive level, and support contract negotiations and deal execution as needed while ensuring to balance customer needs with company goals.\n\n### **About You**\n\n- 8+ years of experience in technical sales, with a deep focus on data platforms, ideally within a SaaS or technology-driven organization.\n- Expertise in driving revenue growth and exceeding sales targets in complex, high-growth environments, particularly in data infrastructure, analytics, and AI-driven solutions.\n- Expertise in technical sales methodologies, including solution selling, consultative sales, and architecting customized data platform solutions for enterprise clients.\n- Proven ability to build strong, long-term relationships with technical and business stakeholders at all levels, particularly C-suite and data-driven executives, by translating complex data capabilities into actionable business outcomes.\n- Deep technical understanding of modern data architectures, cloud-based data platforms, data lakes, ETL/ELT processes, data warehousing, and advanced analytics tools, including AI/ML capabilities.\n- Exceptional presentation and communication skills, able to articulate the value of data platforms to both technical and non-technical audiences through detailed product demonstrations, technical deep dives, and high-level strategic discussions.\n- Strategic in positioning Amperity as the leading data platform solution for tech teams, fostering relationships that lead to transformative data-driven initiatives and long-term client success.\n- Ability to travel for prospective client meetings, conferences, and company meetings.\n\n### **Location**\n\nAmperity has offices in Seattle, WA and New York, NY or we have the opportunity to hire remotely in CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, MA, MN, NJ, OH, OR, TX.\n\n### **Compensation**\n\n**Base Salary:** $150,000. \n\n**Cash Incentives:** The on-target earning is $300,000 which includes uncapped commission. \n\n**Stock Options:**  The opportunity for ownership is an exciting part of Amperity’s total compensation package. Every employee at Amperity receives a new-hire equity grant, commensurate with the scope of their position.\n\n### **Benefits** \n\nWe offer all the benefits you'd expect from a great place to work: 100% employee healthcare coverage, transportation subsidies, a comfortable work environment with plenty of snacks, and other employee experience perks like events and activities, both in-person and remote. We also offer self-managed PTO and the flexibility to do your best work in the way that works for you. We provide an inclusive environment where you'll be challenged to find and unlock your full potential, surrounded by a team of world-class people driving for excellence. For more details on our benefits, please see our[ US Benefits \u0026 Perks Guide](\n\nAmperity is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and reproductive health choices), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, status as a protected veteran, status as someone with a disability, political views or activity, or other applicable legally protected characteristics. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731545654,"locationNames":["New York City","Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Sales Manager","remote":false,"slug":"sales-director","title":"Sales Director","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3151518","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3127224":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"[Amperity]( is more than just the leading customer data platform — THE PEOPLE bring energy, smarts, and experience from all different backgrounds, reflecting our[ commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion]( THE TECHNOLOGY is multi-patented, AI-powered customer data management software that we invented to help solve problems that have been frustrating consumer brands for years. THE OPPORTUNITY is to hitch your career to a rocket ship. We're addressing a critical market need: helping hundreds of[ leading brands]( make sense of massive amounts of transactional and engagement data so that they can understand their customers and provide experiences that delight while boosting revenue and moving the business metrics that matter. Come help us make it happen!\n\n### **The Role**\n\n- A Senior Technical Writer role at Amperity is a broad role that works across the product and across audiences.\n- You'll work with all of our teams (engineering, product, and customer-facing roles) to identify engaging content for our customers. We're looking for someone who wants to be a writer on a small team and who enjoys the opportunity to wear more than one hat while working in the technical content space.\n- The documentation team is small and uses an iterative approach enabled by a CI/CD workflow. All documentation is public-facing and lives at[](\n\n### **Interesting Problems**\n\n- Work with all of our our teams (engineering, product, and customer-facing roles) to identify engaging content for our customers.\n- Write documentation that supports a variety of customer use cases, including self-service management of Amperity, sandboxes, APIs, databases, building SQL queries and audience segments, pulling data to and sending data from Amperity.\n- Collaborate with engineers and product managers to develop, customer-focused documentation.\n- Collaborate with customer-facing technical staff to capture best practices and other scenario-based guidance.\n- Help extend a reference-driven information architecture to support a wider variety of use cases.\n- Manage topics from the original idea through review and to publication.\n\n### **About You**\n\n- 5+ years of proven experience in technical writing.\n- Professional fluency in English with experience establishing communication and engagement with prospects.\n- And to learn new technologies, interview subject matter experts, develop new content, and manage projects from start to finish.\n- Work with customers (internal and external) to understand pain points and develop content.\n- Familiarity with Git-based documentation workflows, GitHub, text editors, and static HTML sites.\n- Experience writing about SQL and related database technologies.\n- Knowledge of cloud computing technologies (AWS, Azure, Google), Databricks, Snowflake, data warehouse concepts, and large datasets.\n\n### **Location** \n\nSeattle, WA\n\n### **Compensation**\n\n**Base Salary: $112,000 - $150,000.** Within our pay range, individual salaries are determined by a variety of factors including, but not limited to: business considerations, local market conditions, internal equity, as well as candidate qualifications such as skills, experience, and education/training. \n\n**Cash Incentives:** Cash incentives are also available.\n\n**Stock Options:** The opportunity for ownership is an exciting part of Amperity’s total compensation package. Every employee at Amperity receives a new-hire equity grant, commensurate with the scope of their position.\n\n### **Benefits**\n\nWe offer all the benefits you'd expect from a great place to work: 100% employee healthcare coverage, transportation subsidies, a comfortable work environment with plenty of snacks, and other employee experience perks like events and activities, both in-person and remote. We also offer self-managed PTO and the flexibility to do your best work in the way that works for you. We provide an inclusive environment where you'll be challenged to find and unlock your full potential, surrounded by a team of world-class people driving for excellence. For more details on our benefits, please see our[ US Benefits \u0026 Perks Guide](\n\nAmperity is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and reproductive health choices), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, status as a protected veteran, status as someone with a disability, political views or activity, or other applicable legally protected characteristics. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law.\n\n#LI-RC1\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1728953791,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Copywriter","remote":false,"slug":"senior-technical-writer","title":"Senior Technical Writer","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3127224","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:2205961":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"2205961","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-2205961"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-2205961"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-2205961"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-2205961"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-2205961"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":"Unlocking the power of customer data","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3159259"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3151518"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3127224"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Amperity","slug":"amperity-1"},"Badge:B2C-43503":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-43503","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-43503":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-43503","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-43503":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-43503","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-43503":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-43503","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-43503":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-43503","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3145080":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Reddit is a community of communities. It’s built on shared interests, passion, and trust and is home to the most open and authentic conversations on the internet. Every day, Reddit users submit, vote, and comment on the topics they care most about. With 100,000+ active communities and approximately 97M+ daily active unique visitors, Reddit is one of the internet’s largest sources of information. For more information, visit [](\n\nWe're looking for an experienced seller to join the Tech \u0026 Gaming vertical of our Large Customer Sales team. As a Senior Client Partner, you will be responsible for forming relationships with key brands and agencies while ensuring they meet their business objectives using Reddit's advertising suite.\n\nThis role is required to be based out of Seattle.\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- Proactively manage and deepen relationships with existing advertising partners, both with agencies and directly with clients to drive year-over-year revenue growth\n- Proactively construct upfront and joint business plans with top clients\n- Establish mutually beneficial relationships with new clients, educating them on Reddit and the Reddit ads platform\n- Leverage agency and client direct relationships to identify new buyers of Reddit advertising products\n- Leverage data from internal and external sources to inform client strategies and pitch proposals\n- Consistently meet deadlines for all projects, ensuring that clients receive the highest level of customer service\n- Act as an internal lead by actively volunteering in team meetings and Reddit special projects\n- Own client meetings from agenda to final presentation, instilling confidence and setting all interactions up for success by appropriately setting client expectations, identifying outcomes, and communicating clear next steps\n- Act as the primary point of contact for clients to communicate major platform updates, releases, changes, and/or opportunities that will deepen or expand the relationship\n- Provide strategic, proactive, and consultative advice to clients in order to uplevel and grow the relationship\n- Persistently explore and uncover the needs of your clients, leveraging deep product knowledge to align their goals with new and unique opportunities on the platform\n- Collaborate with Account Management and Ad Operations to meet and exceed clients’ marketing goals\n- Shape Reddit’s ads product roadmap by aggregating and sharing client feedback and campaign metrics with cross-functional stakeholders\n- Provide thought leadership and act as a Reddit evangelist with partners and at industry events\n- Share your industry, client, and product expertise by mentoring and training other team members\n- Collaborate closely with other Client Partners and Account Managers to craft a cohesive strategy across shared accounts\n- Build and leverage deep internal relationships, both within your direct team and cross-functionally, working together to deliver on client and business goals\n\n**Required Qualifications:**\n\n- 12+ years of experience in digital media with at least 7+ years of experience in sales\n- Experience owning partnerships with complex enterprise organizations\n- Proven experience managing relationships up through C-level executives\n- Deep industry expertise in specific verticals, product types, and/or measurement solutions\n- Deep existing relationships within the agency and client direct space\n- Subject matter expertise in the social media landscape and native advertising\n- Experience building and executing long-term account growth strategies\n- Demonstrated top-performer achievement against sales targets\n- Ability to lead special projects\n- BA / BS degree or equivalent work experience\n\n**Benefits:**\n\n- Comprehensive Healthcare Benefits\n- 401k Matching\n- Workspace benefits for your home office\n- Personal \u0026 Professional development funds\n- Family Planning Support\n- Flexible Vacation (please use them!) \u0026 Reddit Global Wellness Days\n- 4+ months paid Parental Leave\n- Paid Volunteer time off\n\n \n\n**Pay Transparency:**\n\nThis job posting may span more than one career level.\n\nIn addition to base salary, this job is eligible to receive equity in the form of restricted stock units, and will also be eligible to receive a commission. Additionally, Reddit offers a wide range of benefits to U.S.-based employees, including medical, dental, and vision insurance, 401(k) program with employer match, generous time off for vacation, and parental leave. To learn more, please visit [](\n\nTo provide greater transparency to candidates, we share base pay ranges for all US-based job postings regardless of state. We set standard base pay ranges for all roles based on function, level, and country location, benchmarked against similar stage growth companies. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors including, skills, depth of work experience and relevant licenses/credentials, and may vary from the amounts listed below.\n\nThe base pay range for this position is:$142,200—$199,100 USD\n\n*Reddit is proud to be an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to building a workforce representative of the diverse communities we serve.  Reddit is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at* [**](*.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730938861,"locationNames":["Seattle"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"senior-client-partner-large-customer-sales-tech-gaming","title":"Senior Client Partner, Large Customer Sales (Tech \u0026 Gaming)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3145080","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:43503":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"43503","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-43503"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-43503"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-43503"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-43503"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-43503"}],"companySize":"SIZE_201_500","highConcept":"Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3145080"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Reddit","slug":"reddit"},"SeoRoleKeyword:1203":{"__typename":"SeoRoleKeyword","id":"1203","slug":"customer-support","displayName":"Customer Support"},"NewTag:1680":{"__typename":"NewTag","id":"1680","slug":"seattle","displayName":"Seattle"},"RoleAndLocationEditorial:1203":{"__typename":"RoleAndLocationEditorial","id":"1203","meta":{"__typename":"MetaTags","canonicalUrl":"","description":"Find the best Customer Support jobs in Seattle, WA in November 2024! 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