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Namibia never threatened. <p> The Adelaide Oval is more renowned as a cricketing venue, but the scoreboard operators can rarely have been made to work harder. <p> <!-- S IBOX --> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="208" align="right" border="0"> <tr> <td width="5"><img height="1" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0" width="5" alt="" src="" /></td> <td class="sibtbgq"> <div> <div class="mva"> <img height="13" border="0" width="24" alt="" src="" /> <b> We got a rugby lesson - they were ruthless </b> <img height="13" align="right" vspace="0" border="0" width="23" alt="" src="" /><br clear="all" /> </div> </div> <div class="mva"> <div class="mva"> Namibia coach Dave Waterston </div> </div> <div class="miiib"> <!-- S ILIN --> <div class="arry"><a href="/sport2/hi/rugby_union/rugby_world_cup/3206899.stm" class="pbl"> More Namibian reaction </a></div> <!-- E ILIN --> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- E IBOX --> The board ticked over with more frequency than any of the 139 Test centuries scored in the home city of Australian legend Sir Donald Bradman. <p> The early exchanges of the World Cup have been littered with one-sided contests, but this was a whole new ball game. <p> It was one-sided and one-way from the first whistle, with Latham running in his opening touchdown within two minutes. <p> By half-time the score was 69-0 and three figures came up on 53 minutes when the impressive Giteau completed his hat-trick. <p> As an exercise in try-scoring it was consummate and clinical, but Australia coach Eddie Jones will have learned little in terms of assessing his support players. <p> The coach saw his backs combine well to run in tries at will, although they often ignored support, opting to barge through weak tackles in order to get a try to their name. <p> The pack, which welcomed back David Giffin as a second-half substitute, found nothing to test them in the forward confrontation. <p> Latham, who is frustrated at being over-looked for the Wallaby first team, stood out, completing his hat-trick in 25 minutes, equalling New Zealander Craig Green's Cup record. <p> <!-- S IBOX --> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="208" align="right" border="0"> <tr> <td width="5"><img height="1" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0" width="5" alt="" src="" /></td> <td class="sibtbgq"> <div> <div class="mva"> <img height="13" border="0" width="24" alt="" src="" /> <b> It feels great to get that record </b> <img height="13" align="right" vspace="0" border="0" width="23" alt="" src="" /><br clear="all" /> </div> </div> <div class="mva"> <div class="mva"> Chris Latham </div> </div> <div class="miiib"> <!-- S ILIN --> <div class="arry"><a href="/sport2/hi/rugby_union/rugby_world_cup/team_pages/australia/3203213.stm" class="pbl"> More Australian reaction </a></div> <!-- E ILIN --> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- E IBOX --> He was up to four by the break, Green against Fiji in 1987 is the only other player to get a first-half quartet, and finally went in for his fifth with a matter of minutes remaining. <p> However, whether Latham has done enough to displace Rogers is debatable. <p> The league convert showed great pace on the wing, and like his team, his individual haul was only four points shy of a new record having landed a world Test best 16 conversions. <p> Jones will also have been impressed by Stirling Mortlock before withdrawing him on 50 minutes. <p> Mortlock ran in his second try of the tournament in the first half and will be pressurising Matt Burke, a sustitute try scorer, for the outside-centre berth in future outings. <p> However, those meetings will be a world away from this and Australia know that their campaign to retain the William Webb Ellis trophy kicks-off now. <p> <hr> <p> <b>Australia:</b> C Latham; L Tuqiri, S Mortlock, N Grey, M Rogers; M Giteau, C Whitaker; D Lyons, D Croft, G Smith; N Sharpe, J Harrison; B Darwin, J Paul, M Dunning<br /> <b>Replacements:</b> B Cannon, B Young, D Giffin, J Roe, M Cockbain, M Turinui, M Burke <p> <B>Namibia:</b> R Pedro; D Mouton, D Grobler, E Wessels, J Booysen; M Schreuder, H Husselman; J Van Lill, H Lintvelt, S Van Rooi; E Isaacs, H Senekal; N Du Toit, C van Tonder, K Lensing<br /> <b>Replacements:</b> P Isaacs, A Blaauw, S van Der Merwe, S Furter, N Swanepoel, D Grunschloss, M Africa <!-- E BO --> </font> <br /><br clear="all" /> <div class="mvtb"><table border="0" width="416" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr> <td width="213"><a onClick="popUpPage('','status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=370,height=445','Mailer')" href="" target="Mailer"> <img height="11" hspace="3" align="left" vspace="0" border="0" width="17" alt="" src="" /> E-mail this to a friend </a></td> <td width="203"><a onClick="popUpPage('','status=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=yes,width=600,height=445','Printer')" href="" target="Printer"> <img height="11" hspace="3" align="left" vspace="0" border="0" width="17" alt="" src="" /> Printable version </a></td> 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