Japanese Communist Party

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<td align="center" bgcolor="#ffcc99" width="100"><a href="#_I">International</a></td> <td align="center" bgcolor="#ffcc99" width="100"><a href="../">Japanese</a></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <div id="content_L0"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="900"> <tr> <td> <h1><img src="gif/en_botan.gif" width="83" height="80" border="0" alt="English"><img src="gif/en_moji.gif" width="298" height="79" border="0" alt="Welcome to Japanese Communist Party"></h1> </td> <td align="center" bgcolor="#ccffcc"> <h3>More news and documents<br> of JCP<br> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="gif/yajirusi.gif" alt="" width="30" height="19" border="0"></a><a href="" target="_jps"><b class="css5">Japan Press Weekly</b></a></h3> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="6" width="900"> <tr> <td width="668" align="center" valign="top"> <h3 class="css_bg">NEW</h3> <div align="left"> <div> <ul> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-26213" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP on 3rd anniversary of Ukraine war: Ishiba should urge Trump to work for a just peace</a></strong> (February 25, 2025) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-26198" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Japan's subservient and dangerous diplomatic stance centered on the 'inviolable Japan-US alliance' revealed yet again</a></strong> (February 8, 2025) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-26177" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP issues statement condemning Trump's proposal regarding Palestine's Gaza Strip</a></strong> (February 6, 2025) </section> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> <td width="214" align="center" valign="top"> <table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="200" align="right"> <tr> <td align="center" nowrap bgcolor="#f0e68c"><a href="what-jcp.html"><font size="+2"><strong>What is the JCP?</strong><br> </font></a><i>A Profile of the Japanese<br> Communist Party</i></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="880" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="10" align="center" bgcolor="maroon"> <tr> <td bgcolor="white"> <ul> <LI><A href="/english/jcpcc/blog/2020/01/program-of-the-jcp.html">Program of the Japanese Communist Party</A> <LI><A href="jps_weekly/Constitution_001124.html">Constitution of the Japanese Communist Party</A> <li><a href="e_26_personnel.html">Organization and Personnel of the Central Committee</a> (2017.01.18)<br> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="883" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="10" align="center" bgcolor="maroon" style="margin-top:10px;"> <tr><td bgcolor="#fff"> <ul> <li><a href="/english/jcpcc/blog/2024/09/qa-communism-and-freedom-ShiiKazuo.html">"Q&A Communism and Freedom: Das Kapital as a Guide"(Tentative translation)</a> (September 5, 2024) </li> <li><a href="/english/jcpcc/blog/2024/09/20240625-Shii.html">Disposable Time and The Theory of The Future Society -Pursuing Marx's Footsteps(Tentative translation) </a>(September 5, 2024) </li> </ul> </td></tr> </table> <table width="883" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="10" align="center" bgcolor="maroon" style="margin-top:10px;"> <tr> <td width="861" bgcolor="#FFFFdd"> <h3><a href="">How the Japanese Communist Party Developed its Theory of Scientific Socialism---Tetsuzo FUWA</a></h3> <span><strong>Contents</strong></span> <ul> <li>I. JCP Reexamines Marx's Theory on Revolution in Early 1970's</li> <li>II. How to Read Marx's Works</li> <li>III. Critical Turning Point in Writing of Capital Manuscripts&mdash;Theory of Economic Crisis and Revolution</li> <li>IV. Elaborating the Theory of "Inevitable Breakup" of Capitalism (1866-67)</li> <li>V. Look into the Process of Introducing the "Transition Period" Theory </li> <li>VI. Core of Future Society Theory in Capital</li> <li>Supplemental Explanation: Critical Review of Engels' Theory on the "Fundamental Contradiction"</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> <a name="_party"></a><br> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="6" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><ul> <li><a href="index.html">top</a></li></ul></td><td><a href="index2013-2014.html">2013-14</a></td> <td><a href="index2012.html">year2012</a></td> <td><a href="index2011.html">year2011</a></td> <td><p><a href="index2010.html">year2010</a></p></td> <td><p><a href="index2009.html">year2009</a></p></td> <td> <p><a href="index2008.html">year2008</a> </p> </td> <td> <p><a href="index2007.html">year2007</a> </p> </td> <td> <p><a href="index2006.html">year2006</a> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <div> <p class="css_bg2">Party</p> <ul> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-26090" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP statement on the results of the general election</a></strong> (October 28, 2024) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24980" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Talking About the 100-Year History and Program of the Japanese Communist Party</a></strong> (September 17, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24408" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Statement on the General Election Result</a></strong> (November 1, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23683" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Commemorative speech for the 98th Anniversary of the founding of the JCP</a></strong> (July 15, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23361" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The JCP 28th Congress Closing Speech</a></strong> (January 18, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23256" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The JCP 28th Congress The First Resolution (Political Mission)</a></strong> (January 18, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23043" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Program of the Japanese Communist Party</a></strong> (January 18, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23356" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The JCP 28th Congress The Central Committee Report of the Amendments to the JCP Program</a></strong> (January 14, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23355" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The JCP 28th Congress Opening Speech</a></strong> (January 14, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-22953" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The closing remarks on discussion of the proposal for the partial revision of the JCP Program</a></strong> (November 5, 2019) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-22951" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The draft text of the amendments to the JCP Program</a></strong> (November 5, 2019) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-22952" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The report on the proposal for the partial revision of the JCP Program</a></strong> (November 4, 2019) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-22467" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Statement on the Upper House election result</a></strong> (July 22, 2019) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-21236" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">"The Communist Manifesto and the development of the Japanese Communist Party"</a></strong> (October 11, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-21145" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Program becomes more interesting - demonstrating its vitality during times of upheaval</a></strong> (July 11, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-18308" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Commemorative speech on the 95th anniversary of the founding of the JCP</a></strong> (July 19, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17194" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii in draft resolution report calls for utilizing wisdom and power for success in opposition parties' cooperation</a></strong> (February 7, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17195" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href=""> JCP 27th Congress resolution raises banner of opposition coalition gov't</a></strong> (January 19, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17379" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The Resolution of the Japanese Communist Party 27th Congress</a></strong> (January 18, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17193" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii calls for taking giant step to form coalition government of opposition parties</a></strong> (January 5, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15790" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">On the Upper House Elections</a></strong> (July 11, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15781" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP gives answer to anti-JCP questions</a></strong> (June 11, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15780" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP announces election platform focusing on abolition of unconstitutional war laws</a></strong> (June 10, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15107" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP elects new leadership</a></strong> (April 12, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15106" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP 5th CC plenum resolves to work for success of opposition parties' cooperation and major advance in elections</a></strong> (April 12, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15028" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">How the Japanese Communist Party Developed its Theory of Scientific Socialism</a></strong> (April 7, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14662" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii calls on all candidates and chairs of JCP prefectural committees to fight to win in Upper House race</a></strong> (February 23, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14528" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii in New Year address: Let's work to lead public movement to demand political change </a></strong> (January 5, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14529" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">After an absence of 69 years, JCP decides to attend Diet opening ceremony </a></strong> (December 25, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14527" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Unlike LDP, JCP finance supported at grassroots level</a></strong> (November 28, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14526" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP doubles its seats to 8 in Miyagi pref. assembly election</a></strong> (October 27, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14525" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii answers foreign reporters' questions about JCP proposal to form 'national coalition gov't to repeal war legislation'</a></strong> (October 17, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14524" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii answers questions from the press regarding a national coalition gov't</a></strong> (September 21, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12953" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP gains 62 more seats in 2nd half of local elections</a></strong> (April 28, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12952" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">As a result of first half of local elections, JCP establishes its presence in all prefectural assemblies</a></strong> (April 14, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12951" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP issues statement on its major gains in 1st half of local elections</a></strong> (April 14, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12950" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii meets with five Arab ambassadors</a></strong> (March 13, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12949" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP issues 5-point proposal for Japan's basic stance to promote friendship in Asia</a></strong> (January 21, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12948" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP 3rd CC Plenum sets target of obtaining 8.5 million votes in next national election</a></strong> (January 21, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12947" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii in New Year address: Let's put end to Abe's runaway policies</a></strong> (January 6, 2015) </section> </li> </ul> </div> <div> <p class="css_bg2"><a name="_D"> </a>Domestic</p> <ul> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-26198" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Japan's subservient and dangerous diplomatic stance centered on the 'inviolable Japan-US alliance' revealed yet again</a></strong> (February 8, 2025) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25424" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Stop Releasing Contaminated Water into the Sea</a></strong> (August 22, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25082" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair on Japan-U.S. Joint Statement: JCP opposes the push for aggressive military alliance</a></strong> (January 14, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24097" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP opposes strengthening the military alliance posing risks and burdens on the Japanese people</a></strong> (April 17, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-22617" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">On the severely deteriorated relations between Japan and South Korea</a></strong> (August 26, 2019) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-18309" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii demands Abe urge Trump to hold dialogue with N. Korea</a></strong> (November 2, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-18257" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Statement on the General Election Results--Standing Executive Committee, Japanese Communist Party</a></strong> (October 23, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-18000" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii calls on new DP leader to hold talks on ways to advance opposition-citizens alliance</a></strong> (September 2, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17841" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP seats increased from 6 to 7 in Okinawa's Naha City Assembly election </a></strong> (July 11, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17848" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii: JCP victory in Tokyo Metro Assembly election has great significance in Japan's politics</a></strong> (July 4, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17840" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP advances in Tokyo assembly election and LDP suffers crushing defeat </a></strong> (July 4, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15788" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Pro-governor political parties gain majority in Okinawa prefectural assembly election</a></strong> (June 7, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15786" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii: JCP will work to field joint opposition candidate in Tokyo gubernatorial race</a></strong> (June 6, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15787" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii: Opposition parties' joint proposal of no-confidence motion will lead to further cooperation</a></strong> (June 1, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15789" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii criticizes both Japanese and US leaders for skirting around SOFA</a></strong> (May 27, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15241" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Koike: joint opposition candidate's fight in Hokkaido by-election raises hopes for victory in future elections</a></strong> (April 26, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15027" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Yamashita: Take JCP off list of subversive groups</a></strong> (March 23, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14869" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii releases statement on 5th anniversary of Fukushima nuclear disaster</a></strong> (March 11, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14661" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Electoral cooperation to repeal war legislation agreed upon among opposition parties</a></strong> (February 20, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14557" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Expansion of SDF duties with PKO will raise risk of 'killing' and being 'killed'</a></strong> (February 5, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14531" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Vice Chair Hiroi criticizes top court ruling disapproving dual-surname system</a></strong> (December 17, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14530" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Japanese government must not sign TPP deal: Shii</a></strong> (October 6, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-13817" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">We Call For Establishing a "National Coalition Government to Repeal the War (Security) Legislation"</a></strong> (September 19, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-13572" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">On the 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II --Prime Minister Statement and JCP Stance</a></strong> (August 14, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-13375" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Fuwa on BS TV criticizes Abe for disregarding post-war Japan's principle of popular sovereignty</a></strong> (July 9, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-13374" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii speaks to foreign journalists about dangerous nature of war bills</a></strong> (June 24, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-13373" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii upsets PM Abe by asking questions about Japan's use of collective self-defense right in possible US wars of aggression</a></strong> (June 2, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-13372" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Deliberation starts on JCP-proposed bills banning corporate donations and terminating gov't funding for political parties</a></strong> (May 28, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12964" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">PM Abe: I've not read 1945 Potsdam Declaration</a></strong> (May 21, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12963" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Osaka mayor's plan to divide up city rejected in referendum</a></strong> (May 19, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12962" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii: Amount of overtime per worker in Japan 8 times more than in Netherlands</a></strong> (February 21, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12961" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii calls on gov't to review its handling of recent ISIL hostage crisis</a></strong> (February 6, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12960" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP submits bill to abolish state subsidy for political parties</a></strong> (January 27, 2015) </section> </li> </ul> </div> <div> <p class="css_bg2"><a name="_I"> </a>International</p> <ul> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-26213" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP on 3rd anniversary of Ukraine war: Ishiba should urge Trump to work for a just peace</a></strong> (February 25, 2025) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-26177" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP issues statement condemning Trump's proposal regarding Palestine's Gaza Strip</a></strong> (February 6, 2025) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-26157" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP issues statement on Trump's inauguration as U.S. president</a></strong> (January 21, 2025) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25764" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Disposable Time and The Theory of The Future Society -Pursuing Marx's Footsteps(Tentative translation)</a></strong> (September 5, 2024) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25763" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">"Q&A Communism and Freedom: Das Kapital as a Guide"(Tentative translation)</a></strong> (September 5, 2024) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25800" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Call for Solidarity between Asia and Europe to Create Peace</a></strong> (August 31, 2024) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25692" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Proposals for Peace Creation in East Asia-- In Cooperation with ASEAN</a></strong> (April 17, 2024) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25633" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">How to create peaceful East Asia without fear of war--An excerpt from Shii's speech at the JCP Congress</a></strong> (March 6, 2024) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25551" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii calls for a national movement seeking to put end to LDP rule</a></strong> (December 14, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25546" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP welcomes the adoption of the UNGA resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza</a></strong> (December 13, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25543" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP condemns US for vetoing UNSC resolution calling for Gaza ceasefire</a></strong> (December 9, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25541" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair welcomes the success of the 2nd Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons</a></strong> (December 2, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25530" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">A Petition to the Second Meeting of the States Parties regarding the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons</a></strong> (November 27, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25503" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Stop genocide in Gaza - a call on governments concerned to work for a halt to military attacks and an immediate ceasefire in Gaza</a></strong> (November 6, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25494" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP welcomes the adoption of UNGA resolution calling for a humanitarian truce in Gaza</a></strong> (November 1, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25478" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The JCP strongly calls for self-restraint to end the vicious cycle of violence-regarding the battle between Hamas and Israel</a></strong> (October 10, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25424" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Stop Releasing Contaminated Water into the Sea</a></strong> (August 22, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25417" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair on the joint statement by Japan, US, and South Korea: JCP opposes move to create a new military framework</a></strong> (August 19, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25403" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair gives speech at 2023 World Conference against A- and H-Bombs</a></strong> (August 6, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25190" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair condemns North Korea's rocket launch and calls on Tokyo to work to establish a diplomatic channel with Pyongyang and resolve issues through dialogue</a></strong> (May 31, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25186" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The increasingly serious limitations and contradictions of the G7 framework -on the G7 Hiroshima Summit</a></strong> (May 21, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25181" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair: It is unacceptable for G7 Summit to declare adherence to nuclear deterrence doctrine in A-bombed city of Hiroshima</a></strong> (May 20, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25151" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP proposals for positive breakthroughs in Japan-China relations</a></strong> (March 30, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25147" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Strongly calling for the Withdrawal of Russia's Tactical Nuclear Weapons Deployment Plan to Belarus</a></strong> (March 26, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-25112" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair issues a statement on the UNGA resolution as Russia's war of aggression marks 1st anniversary</a></strong> (February 24, 2023) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24956" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Responding to the UNGA resolution, Russia should stop its unlawful aggression and annexation, and immediately withdraw all of its military force The JCP calls for maximum diplomatic efforts for a peaceful political resolution</a></strong> (October 13, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24941" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair calls for concerted diplomatic efforts in response to North Korea's ballistic missile launch</a></strong> (October 4, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24938" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair condemns Russia's illegal annexation of occupied regions in Ukraine</a></strong> (September 30, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24874" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair issues a statement on the outcome of the 10th NPT Review Conference</a></strong> (August 27, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24791" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Progressing towards ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and making an effort towards making progress on the NPT Review Conference - Welcoming the Successes of the 1st Meeting of States Parties</a></strong> (June 24, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24769" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">A Petition to the First Meeting of the States Parties regarding the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons</a></strong> (June 22, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24770" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the Japanese Communist Party's position</a></strong> (June 22, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24576" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair welcomes adoption of Ukraine humanitarian resolution at UNGA</a></strong> (March 25, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24575" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair protests against DPRK's ICBM launch</a></strong> (March 24, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24557" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair congratulates ROK's President-elect</a></strong> (March 12, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24551" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair condemns Russia's shelling of Ukrainian nuclear power plant</a></strong> (March 4, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24529" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair condemns Russia's aggression against Ukraine</a></strong> (February 24, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24526" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair: Russia should withdraw its recognition of 'independence' of Eastern Ukrainian regions</a></strong> (February 22, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24508" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair issues statement on the Ukrainian problem</a></strong> (February 16, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24506" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The Japanese government should acknowledge the fact of the use of forced labor of Koreans during the war - nomination of the Sado Kin'zan [Sado Island Gold and Silver mine complex] as a World Heritage Site</a></strong> (January 29, 2022) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24446" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Request to the 10th Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference</a></strong> (December 27, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24439" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Urge China to end human rights oppression and abide by the Olympic Charter</a></strong> (December 13, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24239" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Criticizes Launch of Ballistic Missiles by North Korea</a></strong> (September 16, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24188" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href=" message.html">JCP Shii's message sent to the 2021 World Conference against A and H Bombs</a></strong> (August 2, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24161" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">We will continue to call for the immediate cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics from the standpoint that life is more important than the Games</a></strong> (July 22, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24120" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP issued a statement on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict</a></strong> (May 20, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24054" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP strongly condemns North Korea's ballistic missile launch</a></strong> (March 25, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24050" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The Japanese Communist Party demands that Myanmar Army immediately cease the military crackdown, and calls for the international community to unite against the coup d&#39;&eacute;tat</a></strong> (March 16, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24034" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The Japanese Communist Party condemns airstrike in Syria ordered by the U.S. Biden administration.</a></strong> (February 26, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24015" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The Japanese Communist Party condemns Myanmar's military coup</a></strong> (February 1, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24014" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Statement: The JCP welcomes The UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons</a></strong> (January 22, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-24013" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Statement: On the Inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden</a></strong> (January 21, 2021) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23956" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">On the results of the recent U.S. presidential election</a></strong> (November 12, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23936" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair Shii comments on U.S. presidential election</a></strong> (November 8, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23931" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair Shii issues statement to welcome the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons set to take effect</a></strong> (October 25, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23549" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The JCP protests the enactment of the "Hong Kong National Security Law" and calls for its withdrawal</a></strong> (June 30, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23435" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP protests China's National Security Law over Hong Kong</a></strong> (May 28, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-23432" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">For Global Solidarity and Cooperation to Overcome COVID-19 Pandemic</a></strong> (May 21, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-22954" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">We condemn the unlawful use of force by the Trump administration and demand a return to a path to resolution through diplomacy</a></strong> (January 6, 2020) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-22826" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP calls for immediate cessation of suppression in Hong Kong</a></strong> (November 14, 2019) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-22511" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP calls for withdrawal of Abe cabinet approval of expanding export trade controls against South Korea</a></strong> (August 2, 2019) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-21640" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Detener la represi&oacute;n, restaurar los derechos humanos y la democracia - Declaraci&oacute;n de PCJ sobre la crisis de Venezuela</a></strong> (February 21, 2019) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-21632" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Stop crackdown, restore human rights and democracy - JCP statement on the Venezuelan crisis</a></strong> (February 21, 2019) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-21631" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP calls for fair resolution on the issue of wartime forced laborers - regarding the ruling by South Korea's Supreme Court</a></strong> (November 1, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-21236" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">"The Communist Manifesto and the development of the Japanese Communist Party"</a></strong> (October 11, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-21142" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP opposes the Japan-U.S. trade negotiations which disregards Japan's economic sovereignty</a></strong> (September 28, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-21102" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">An Important Progress toward Peace and Denuclearization on Korean Peninsula--JCP welcomes the Inter-Korean Summit Meeting and its "Pyeongyang Joint Declaration of September." </a></strong> (September 19, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-20785" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP welcomes historic US-North Korea summit</a></strong> (June 12, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-20736" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP calls for continued efforts to hold US-North Korea summit</a></strong> (May 25, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-20681" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">US withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal is unreasonable and arrogantly defies diplomatic resolution</a></strong> (May 9, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-20657" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP welcomes the historic inter-Korean summit and the Panmunjom Declaration</a></strong> (April 27, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-20561" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP calls for efforts to denuclearize Korean Peninsula and build peace structure in integrated and phased manner</a></strong> (April 6, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-20466" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP welcomes move to hold US-North Korea summit talks</a></strong> (March 16, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-20465" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Initiate direct talks between US and North Korea</a></strong> (March 16, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-18475" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii's statement on the agreement reached in high-level talks between North and South Korea</a></strong> (January 10, 2018) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-18406" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">US Trump administration should withdraw its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital</a></strong> (December 6, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-18384" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP strongly condemns North Korea's ballistic missile launch and again calls for immediate direct talks to overcome the current crisis</a></strong> (November 29, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-18327" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">On the October Revolution:Answers to questions from newspaper Pravda</a></strong> (November 9, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-18001" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP condemns North Korea's nuclear test and again calls for direct talks to defuse current crisis</a></strong> (September 4, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17996" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii issues statement condemning N. Korea's missile launch</a></strong> (August 30, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17998" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">7th JCP-CPV theoretical exchange held in Tokyo</a></strong> (August 27, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17997" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii to press: Japanese gov't must work to have N. Korea issue resolved through dialogue</a></strong> (August 25, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17915" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">The US and North Korea should hold direct talk without preconditions in order to avert crisis</a></strong> (August 12, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17847" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair Shii issues statement to welcome the nuclear weapons ban treaty</a></strong> (July 9, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17846" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii issues statement welcoming draft N-ban treaty</a></strong> (May 24, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17845" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii issues statement protesting against N. Korea's ballistic missile launch </a></strong> (May 22, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17844" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii calls for efforts to not miss opportunity for diplomatic settlement of N. Korea issue</a></strong> (May 15, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17843" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii reports on historic UN conference to create N-ban treaty </a></strong> (April 8, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17508" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Statement by Kazuo Shii:United Nations Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, Leading to their Total Elimination</a></strong> (March 29, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17380" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii explains to press JCP proposal on North Korea issue </a></strong> (February 20, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17293" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii protests North Korea's missile launch </a></strong> (February 14, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17294" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Abe's subservience to Trump stands out: Shii in statement on Japan-US Summit </a></strong> (February 12, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17192" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii: President Trump's travel ban must be withdrawn</a></strong> (January 31, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17191" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Chair Shii issues statement on Trump's presidency</a></strong> (January 22, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17190" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">This week's JCP international activities</a></strong> (January 13, 2017) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17188" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">No reflection on past war, no reconciliation: Shii on Abe's visit to Pearl Harbor</a></strong> (December 29, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17187" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii comments on Japan-Russia summit meeting</a></strong> (December 17, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-17186" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii mourns death of former Cuban President Castro</a></strong> (November 27, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-16285" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">How we can break the stalemate in the Japan-Russia territorial negotiations</a></strong> (October 18, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-16150" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">From JCP Executive Committee Report for 6th CC Plenum--on International Issues</a></strong> (September 21, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-16021" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">SHII's Interview on 9th General Assembly of ICAPP in Kuala Lumpur</a></strong> (September 14, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15782" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii condemns deadly terror attack in Dhaka</a></strong> (July 4, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15783" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii comments on financial market turmoil following 'Brexit' vote</a></strong> (June 25, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15784" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii protests Chinese warship's entry into CZ around Senkaku Islands</a></strong> (June 10, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15304" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">On the announcement of President Obama's visit to Hiroshima</a></strong> (May 12, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15785" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii on Obama visit to Hiroshima: historic step forward</a></strong> (May 8, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-15105" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP Shii on South China Sea issues: Parties concerned should refrain from actions leading to increased tension</a></strong> (April 12, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14870" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Ogata speaks on human trafficking in Japan at ICAPP workshop</a></strong> (March 16, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14786" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii welcomes new UNSC sanctions on North Korea</a></strong> (March 4, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14785" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Ogata in 2016 Bikini Day event highlights need for nuclear weapons convention</a></strong> (March 1, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14556" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii condemns North Korea's missile launch</a></strong> (February 8, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14536" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii issues statement on N. Korea's 'rocket' launch plan</a></strong> (February 4, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14535" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii condemns N. Korea's nuclear test</a></strong> (January 6, 2016) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14534" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii in lecture at Tokyo University calls for united anti-terrorism efforts by international community</a></strong> (November 23, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14533" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii condemns terror attacks in Paris</a></strong> (November 15, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-14532" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii gives lecture in Seoul on JCP vision for peace in Northeast Asia</a></strong> (October 23, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-13371" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP urges China to drop its demand to delete visit proposal for A-bombed cities from NPT final text</a></strong> (May 20, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12959" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">JCP urges China to drop its demand to delete visit proposal for A-bombed cities from NPT final text</a></strong> (May 20, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12958" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii, Onaga release statements on Japan-US summit meeting</a></strong> (April 30, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12957" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Not too late for Japan to join AIIB: Shii</a></strong> (April 2, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12956" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">'Islamic State' outrage is unpardonable: JCP Shii</a></strong> (February 2, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12955" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Shii condemns 'Islamic State' for carrying out acts of appalling cruelty</a></strong> (January 26, 2015) </section> </li> <li class="mokuji_list"><section id="entry-12954" class="entry entry-summary"> <strong><a href="">Terror attack on French weekly is unforgivable</a></strong> (January 10, 2015) </section> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <p><img src="gif/4pixel-b.jpg" height="4" width="880" border="0"></p> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="2"><br> <a href="/"><img src="gif/japanese.botan.gif" width="113" height="29" border="0" alt="Japanese"></a><br> <p>The Central Committee of the Japanese Communist Party<br> 4-26-7 Sendagaya,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo 151-8586</p> <p>Copyright 2001 JCP</p> </td> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write("<img src='"); document.write("referrer="+document.referrer+"&"); document.write("width="+screen.width+"&"); document.write("height="+screen.height+"&"); document.write("color="+screen.colorDepth+"'>"); // --> </script> </body> </html>

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