FAQ :: Dark Horse Comics

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If you're looking for information on Dark Horse Comics, please read our Company History located in our <a href="/company/overview.php">Company section</a>. If you're looking for information about the comic book industry in general, the internet offers a wealth of information from such websites as <a href="" target="new"></a> or <a href="" target="new"></a>. </div> <div class="faq_top_link"> <a href="#top">back to top</a> </div> </div> <div class="faq_entry"> <div class="faq_title"> <a name="faq_49">Can I use a picture of one of your licensed characters on my website?</a> </div> <div class="faq_body "> To be able to use a picture of one of our licensed characters and not worry about possible copyright infringement, you need to contact the company that owns the property. For instance, if you want to put a picture of Buffy on your site, head to the 20th Century Fox website and ask them for permission. If you want to use <i>Star Wars</i> artwork you created as an artisthired by Dark Horse, you must ask for permission. If you don't secure written permission from the owner, you may be subject to legal action. </div> <div class="faq_top_link"> <a href="#top">back to top</a> </div> </div> <div class="faq_entry"> <div class="faq_title"> <a name="faq_55">I want to write to my favorite comic book. Where do I send my letter?</a> </div> <div class="faq_body "> There are several ways to do this.<p>First, check the letters column in the back of the book. Somewhere on there should be the e-mail address of the editor of the comic. That's where you want to send it.<p>Second, if you don't want to open up your comic, send it to and we'll make sure it gets routed to the editor of the book.<p>Third, you can send it out to us here at:<P>"Name of comic book"<br>c/o Dark Horse Comics<br>10956 SE Main Street<br>Milwaukie, OR<br>97222 </div> <div class="faq_top_link"> <a href="#top">back to top</a> </div> </div> <div class="faq_entry"> <div class="faq_title"> <a name="faq_59">Can I buy directly from Dark Horse? What about subscriptions?</a> </div> <div class="faq_body "> We no longer sell directly to the public. Our mail order inquiries are now handled by <a href="">Things From Another World</a>, an online comic book retailer. They carry our <b>entire</b> product line, have excellent customer service and also offer subscriptions to our comics and books. You may also find other retail stores near you by visiting our <a href="">Retailer Listing</a> section. </div> <div class="faq_top_link"> <a href="#top">back to top</a> </div> </div> <div class="faq_entry"> <div class="faq_title"> <a name="faq_74">Can you tell me how much my comics are worth?</a> </div> <div class="faq_body "> Dark Horse doesn't keep track of the secondary market value of our comics. Your best bet would be to check out the price guide located in the back of Wizard magazine (a monthly magazine devoted to comics) or, better yet, the Overstreet Price Guide (a yearly publication with prices on just about every single comic book ever published). You should be able to pick up both Wizard and Overstreet at any comic book shop.In fact, your local comic book shop could realistically tell you what your comics are worth because they deal with that every day! </div> <div class="faq_top_link"> <a href="#top">back to top</a> </div> </div> <div class="faq_entry"> <div class="faq_title"> <a name="faq_75">I'm looking for contact information for an artist/writer/inker/etc. that used to work with Dark Horse. Can you help?</a> </div> <div class="faq_body "> I'm sorry but we can't give out personal information for any of the creators we have worked with or are currently working with. I'd recommend doing a search on the internet because many of them have personal homepages with contact information. </div> <div class="faq_top_link"> <a href="#top">back to top</a> </div> </div> <div class="faq_entry"> <div class="faq_title"> <a name="faq_77">Can Dark Horse help me get in touch with Lucas Film or 20th Century Fox?</a> </div> <div class="faq_body "> No but please check their respective websites for pertinent contact information. <p> <a href="" target="new">Lucas Film</a><br><a href="" target="new">20th Century Fox</a> </div> <div class="faq_top_link"> <a href="#top">back to top</a> </div> </div> <div class="faq_entry"> <div class="faq_title"> <a name="faq_78">I'm an aspiring artist. Can you recommend a school that will help me develop my skills?</a> </div> <div class="faq_body "> Many colleges around the United States have great art programs that can help you develop your skills. <a href="" target="new">The Savannah College of Art and Design</a> offers great classes on sequential art. Another good school is the <a href="" target="new">Joe Kubert School</a>. The Kubert School is located in Dover, New Jersey, but also offers classes via mail. </div> <div class="faq_top_link"> <a href="#top">back to top</a> </div> </div> <div class="faq_entry"> <div class="faq_title"> <a name="faq_84">I've seen some strange abbreviations on your website. What do they mean?</a> </div> <div class="faq_body "> FC - Full Color. Refers to comics that have colored interior pages.<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;B&W - Black and White. Refers to comics that have black and white interior pages.<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;HC - Hard Cover book.<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;SC - Soft Cover book.<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;TPB - Trade PaperBack. In the comic industry, a TPB is a reprint collection of a comic series bound together as one volume. For example, "Star Wars: Crimson Empire" numbers 1-6 were collected into a single volume called "Star Wars: Crimson Empire TPB." Example: <a href="/members/products/profile.html?sku=47718">Star Wars: Crimson Empire TPB</a>.<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;GN - Graphic Novel. These are original works, not reprints like most trade paperbacks. Example: <a href="/members/products/profile.html?sku=48003">Fax From Sarajevo</a>.<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;GSA - Graphic Story Album. Basically this is much like a traditional book, but with dozens of full page illustrations. Example: <a href="/members/products/profile.html?sku=49046">Dark Forces: Jedi Knight</a>.<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Ltd. Ed. - Limited Edition. Limited editions are usually signed and numbered by one or more of the creators. They are limited to a specific print run. There will be no reprint with a signature. Example: <a href="/members/products/profile.html?sku=44711">Sin City: The Big Fat Kill Ltd. Ed. HC</a>.<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Annual: Published once a year.<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Quarterly: Published four times a year (every three months).<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;One-Shot: A self-contained, one-issue series.<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Gold foil: Sections of the cover are embossed with gold-colored leaf.<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Holofoil: Sections of the cover are embossed with holographic leaf.<P>ISBN: The International Standard Book Number system is a worldwide standard identification system for publications. </div> <div class="faq_top_link"> <a href="#top">back to top</a> </div> </div> <div class="faq_entry"> <div class="faq_title"> <a name="faq_103">View our Privacy Policy</a> </div> <div class="faq_body "> <b>Dark Horse Comics, Inc. Privacy Policy</b> <br> By using this site, you agree to the Privacy Policy of Dark Horse Comics, Inc. If you do not agree to the Policy, please do not use this site. <p> Dark Horse Comics, Inc. recognizes the privacy concerns of visitors to its site on the Internet. Specifically, we recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of personally identifiable information collected about our visitors. As a general policy, no personally identifiable information, such as your name, address or email address, is automatically collected from visitors to our site. We may collect certain non-personal information used only to optimize our web pages for your computer (i.e., the identity of your Internet browser and the type of operating system you use). We may also use non-personal information to determine the total number of visitors to our website. <p> Personally-identifiable information about visitors to the Dark Horse Comics, Inc. site is collected only when knowingly and voluntarily submitted. In those instances when we do collect such information, the following applies: <p> <b>Policies for Individuals Under the Age of 18</b><br> Dark Horse Comics, Inc. encourages parents and guardians to spend time online with their children and to participate in the interactive activities offered on this site. No information should be submitted to web sites by visitors under 18 years of age without the consent of their parent or guardian. <p> <b>Notice</b><br> We will notify you when we are collecting personally identifiable information about you, as well as the uses we intend to make of that information. For example, when you sign up for an account on this website we need to collect your information. <p> <b>Use and Security</b><br> Personally identifiable information that is submitted knowingly and voluntarily by visitors to our site is retained by Dark Horse Comics, Inc., and is not sold or otherwise transferred. However, Dark Horse Comics, Inc. may share personally identifiable information with other parts of our company. Dark Horse Comics, Inc. maintains appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of such information. In addition to using information about you to respond to your specific requests, we may use it in aggregate form to make our site better and more responsive to the needs of our visitors. This statistical compilation of non-identifiable information may also be used by Dark Horse Comics, Inc. or provided to others for marketing, advertising or research purposes. <p> <b>Links to Other Sites</b><br> This site may be linked to other sites operated by companies affiliated with Dark Horse Comics, Inc. or by others. Dark Horse Comics, Inc. is not responsible for the content or practices of third party web sites that may be linked to this site. Visitors to the sites operated by affiliated companies should refer to the privacy policies posted on those sites. <p> <b>Privacy Policy Changes</b><br> Dark Horse Comics, Inc. reviews its privacy policy periodically, and it may be subject to change. </div> <div class="faq_top_link"> <a href="#top">back to top</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="right_bar"> <div class="rightbar_content"> <h3><a href="/Help/Contact">Contact Us</a></h3> <div class="rightbar_block"> Save time by reading our F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) section before contacting us. 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