Debian -- How to join Debian

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We strongly encourage <a href="../../intro/diversity">participation by everyone</a>. Requirements: interest in Free Software and some free time.</p> </aside> <ul class="toc"> <li><a href="#reading">Reading</a></li> <li><a href="#contributing">Contributing</a></li> <li><a href="#joining">Joining</a></li> </ul> <h2><a id="reading">Reading</a></h2> <p> If you haven't already, you should read the sites linked on the <a href="../..">Debian start page</a>. This will help you to get a better understanding of who we are and what we're trying to accomplish. As a potential Debian contributor, please pay particular attention to these two pages: </p> <ul> <li><a href="../../social_contract#guidelines">Debian Free Software Guidelines</a></li> <li><a href="../../social_contract">Debian Social Contract</a></li> </ul> <p> A lot of our communication happens on the Debian <a href="../../MailingLists/">mailing lists</a>. If you want to get a feeling for the inner workings of the Debian project, you should at least subscribe to <a href="">debian-devel-announce</a> and <a href="">debian-news</a>. Both lists are low-volume and document what's going on in the community. The <a href="">Debian Project News</a>, also published on the debian-news list, summarizes recent discussions from Debian-related mailing lists and blogs and provides links to them. </p> <p> As a prospective developer, you should also subscribe to <a href="">debian-mentors</a>. Here you can ask questions about packaging and infrastructure projects as well as other developer-related issues. Please note that this list is meant for new contributors, not users. Other interesting lists are <a href="">debian-devel</a> (technical development topics), <a href="">debian-project</a> (discussions about non-technical issues in the project), <a href="">debian-release</a> (coordinating Debian releases), <a href="">debian-qa</a> (quality assurance). </p> <p style="text-align:center"><button type="button"><span class="fas fa-envelope fa-2x"></span> <a href="../../MailingLists/subscribe">Mailing List Subscription</a></button></p> <p> <strong>Tip:</strong> If you want to reduce the number of mails you receive, especially on high-traffic lists, we offer email digests as a summary email instead of individual messages. You can also visit the <a href="">Mailing List Archives</a> to read the messages of our lists in a web browser. </p> <aside> <p><span class="fas fa-caret-right fa-3x"></span> You don't need to be an official Debian Developer (DD) to contribute. Instead, an existing DD can act as <a href="newmaint#Sponsor">sponsor</a> and help to integrate your work into the project.</p> </aside> <h2><a id="contributing">Contributing</a></h2> <p> Are you interested in maintaining packages? Then please have a look at our <a href="../../devel/wnpp/">Work-Needing and Prospective Packages</a> list. Here you'll find packages in need of a (new) maintainer. Taking over an abandoned package is a great way to get started as a Debian maintainer. Not only does it help our distribution, it also gives you an opportunity to learn from the previous maintainer. </p> <p> Here are some other ideas how you can contribute to Debian: </p> <ul> <li>Help us to write our <a href="../../doc/">documentation</a>.</li> <li>Help to maintain the <a href="../../devel/website/">Debian website</a>, produce content, edit or translate existing text. </li> <li>Join our <a href="../../international/">translation team</a>.</li> <li>Improve Debian and join the <a href="">Debian Quality Assurance (QA) Team</a>.</li> </ul> <p> Of course, there are plenty of other things you could do and we're always looking for people to offer legal support or join our <a href="">Debian Publicity Team</a>. Becoming a member of a Debian team is an excellent way to gain some experience, before starting the <a href="newmaint">New Member</a> process. It's also a good starting point if you're looking for a package sponsor. So, find a team and jump right in! </p> <p style="text-align:center"><button type="button"><span class="fa fa-users fa-2x"></span> <a href="">List of Debian Teams</a></button></p> <h2><a id="joining">Joining</a></h2> <p> So, you've contributed to the Debian project for some time and you want to join Debian in a more official role? There are basically two options: </p> <aside> <p><span class="fas fa-caret-right fa-3x"></span> The Debian Maintainer (DM) role was introduced in 2007. Until then, the only official role was Debian Developer (DD). There are currently two independent processes for applying for either role.</p> </aside> <ul> <li><strong>Debian Maintainer (DM):</strong> This is the first step – as DM you can upload your own packages to the Debian archive (with some restrictions). Unlike Sponsored Maintainers, Debian Maintainers can maintain packages without a sponsor. <br>More information: <a href="">Debian Maintainer Wiki</a></li> <li><strong>Debian Developer (DD):</strong> This is the traditional full membership role in Debian. A DD can participate in Debian elections. Uploading Debian Developers can upload any package to the archive. Before you become an Uploading DD, you should have a track record of maintaining packages for at least six months (for example, uploading packages as a DM, working inside a team or maintaining packages uploaded by sponsors). Non-uploading DDs have the same packaging rights as Debian Maintainers. Before you apply as a non-uploading DD, you should have a visible and significant track record of working inside the project. <br>More information: <a href="newmaint">New Members Corner</a></li> </ul> <p> Regardless of the role you choose to apply for, you should be familiar with Debian's procedures. This is why we strongly recommend reading the <a href="../../doc/debian-policy/">Debian Policy</a> as well as the <a href="../../doc/developers-reference/">Developer's Reference</a>. </p> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <!-- end content --> <div id="footer"> <hr class="hidecss"> <p>Back to the <a href="../../">Debian Project homepage</a>.</p> <hr> <!--UdmComment--> <div id="pageLang"> <div id="langSelector"> This page is also available in the following languages: <div id="langContainer"> <select onchange="location = this.value;"> <option value="" disabled selected>Select your language</option> <option value="index.da.html" title="Danish" lang="da">dansk</option> <option value="" title="German" lang="de">Deutsch</option> <option value="" title="Spanish" lang="es">espa&ntilde;ol</option> <option value="" title="French" lang="fr">fran&ccedil;ais</option> <option value="" title="Italian" lang="it">Italiano</option> <option value="" title="Dutch" lang="nl">Nederlands</option> <option value="" title="Polish" lang="pl">polski</option> <option value="" title="Portuguese" lang="pt">Portugu&ecirc;s</option> <option value="" title="Finnish" lang="fi">suomi</option> <option value="" title="Swedish" lang="sv">svenska</option> <option value="" title="Russian" lang="ru">&#1056;&#1091;&#1089;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1081; (Russkij)</option> <option value="" title="Ukrainian" lang="uk">&#1091;&#1082;&#1088;&#1072;&#1111;&#1085;&#1089;&#1100;&#1082;&#1072; (ukrajins'ka)</option> <option value="index.zh-cn.html" title="Chinese (China)" lang="zh-CN">&#20013;&#25991;(&#31616;)</option> <option value="index.zh-hk.html" title="Chinese (Hong Kong)" lang="zh-HK">&#20013;&#25991;(HK)</option> <option value="index.zh-tw.html" title="Chinese (Taiwan)" lang="zh-TW">&#20013;&#25991;(&#32321;)</option> <option value="index.ja.html" title="Japanese" lang="ja">&#26085;&#26412;&#35486; (Nihongo)</option> <option value="index.ko.html" title="Korean" lang="ko">&#54620;&#44397;&#50612; (Korean)</option> <option value="index.el.html" title="Greek" lang="el">&#917;&#955;&#955;&#951;&#957;&#953;&#954;&#940; (Ellinika)</option> </select> </div> How to set <a href="../../intro/cn">the default document language</a> </div></div><!--/UdmComment--> <hr> <div id="fineprint"> <!--UdmComment--> <p>See our <a href="../../contact">contact page</a> to get in touch. Web site source code is <a href="">available</a>.</p> <p> Last Modified: Fri, Feb 11 16:40:41 UTC 2022 &emsp; Last Built: Fri, Mar 7 11:31:34 UTC 2025 <br> Copyright &copy; 1997-2022 <a href="">SPI</a> and others; See <a href="../../license" rel="copyright">license terms</a><br> Debian is a registered <a href="../../trademark">trademark</a> of Software in the Public Interest, Inc. </p> <!--/UdmComment--> </div> </div> <!-- end footer --> </body> </html>

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