Films/Videos | YIVO Institute for Jewish Research | One Thousand Children

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data-src='thumb/w/500/./cimages/img_2017012693930.jpg'> <p>Over 1,000 Jewish children were rescued from the Nazis and brought to the United States in 1934-1945</p> </div> <div class=sublist> <div class=subpad> <li class=''><a href='/About-The-OTC' class=''>About The OTC</a> <div class=subsubs></div></li><li class=''><a href='/LettersfromHenryFrankel' class=''>Letters from OTC President Henry Frankel</a> <div class=subsubs></div></li><li class=''><a href='/Brochure' class=''>Text from the OTC Brochure</a> <div class=subsubs></div></li> </div> </div> </ul></li><li class='menu-the-children withsub'><a href='/Situation-in-Germany' class=''>The Children</a> <ul> <div class='navintro'> <img data-src='thumb/w/500/./cimages/img_2017012694257.jpg'> <p>Beginning in 1933 anti-Jewish laws were instituted even against children in Nazi Germany.</p> </div> <div class=sublist> <div class=subpad> <li class=''><a href='/Situation-in-Germany' class=''>Situation in Germany</a> <div 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Richard Schifter, go to website and then click on "Studio J Archives" at the right of the screen. Then click on show number 38 and "Submit" and then click on "Children of the Holocaust..."--> <p><em>These and other videos, as well as audio presentations, are now part of the OTC Collection at YIVO: </em></p> <ul> <li>The first ever documentary film about the rescue of the One Thousand Children entitled, <strong>Exchanging Atrocity for America, </strong>is聽 available on DVD. More information about this 2004 National History Day competition finalist, may be obtained from the producers by contacting Beth Arner at <a href=""></a><strong><a href=""> </a></strong>.</li> <li>DCL Productions has released the documentary <strong>Victim &amp; Victor, </strong>produced and directed by David C. Lewis. The 58-minute program is the story of entrepreneur and philanthropist, Manfred Steinfeld, one of the One Thousand Children庐. For more information about the video contact: David C. Lewis. Producer/Director, DCL Productions at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</li> <li> <a href=""><strong>The Ritchie Boys</strong></a> is a 2004 award-winning documentary about Jewish German-American refugees and German-speaking Americans who trained at Fort Ritchie to obtain intelligence information in Germany and German-occupied areas, as members of the U.S. military during WWII. Among them were two of the One Thousand Children, Professor Guy Stern and U.S. Ambassador (Ret.) Richard Schifter, who were interviewed for this film. Although not trained at Fort Ritchie, many of the OTC boys received similar training and went back to Europe to carry out intelligence work for the U.S. armed forces. For more information and to obtain the documentary, contact the producer, Christian Bauer at Tangram Film in Germany by emailing: <strong><a href=""></a></strong> or co-producer Anna Zollner at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</li> </ul> <p><strong><a href="/Videos">Watch</a></strong> more video, shot at reunions and other OTC events.</p> </article></main> <footer> <div class=footwrap> <div class=connectbar> <div> <h2 class=connecttit>Connect with us</h2> <div> <a class='footsocial' href='' title="YIVO on FaceBook" target='_blank'><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="25"><path fill="#020201" d="M223.22 71.227c16.066-15.298 38.918-20.465 60.475-21.109 22.799-.205 45.589-.081 68.388-.072.09 24.051.098 48.111-.009 72.161-14.734-.026-29.478.036-44.212-.026-9.343-.582-18.937 6.5-20.635 15.762-.224 16.093-.081 32.195-.072 48.289 21.61.089 43.22-.027 64.829.054-1.582 23.281-4.47 46.456-7.858 69.541-19.088.179-38.187-.018-57.274.099-.17 68.665.089 137.33-.134 205.995-28.352.116-56.721-.054-85.072.08-.537-68.674.044-137.383-.295-206.066-13.832-.144-27.672.099-41.503-.116.053-23.085.018-46.169.026-69.246 13.822-.169 27.654.036 41.477-.098.42-22.442-.421-44.91.438-67.333 1.386-17.758 8.154-35.649 21.431-47.915z"/></svg></a> <a class='footsocial' href='' title="YIVO on Twitter"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="25"><path fill="#000" d="M24 4.557a9.83 9.83 0 0 1-2.828.775 4.932 4.932 0 0 0 2.165-2.724 9.864 9.864 0 0 1-3.127 1.195 4.916 4.916 0 0 0-3.594-1.555c-3.179 0-5.515 2.966-4.797 6.045A13.978 13.978 0 0 1 1.671 3.149a4.93 4.93 0 0 0 1.523 6.574 4.903 4.903 0 0 1-2.229-.616c-.054 2.281 1.581 4.415 3.949 4.89a4.935 4.935 0 0 1-2.224.084 4.928 4.928 0 0 0 4.6 3.419A9.9 9.9 0 0 1 0 19.54a13.94 13.94 0 0 0 7.548 2.212c9.142 0 14.307-7.721 13.995-14.646A10.025 10.025 0 0 0 24 4.557z"/></svg></a> <a class='footsocial' href='' title="YIVO on Instagram" target='_blank'><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="25"><path d="M21.231 0H2.769A2.77 2.77 0 0 0 0 2.769v18.46A2.77 2.77 0 0 0 2.769 24h18.463A2.769 2.769 0 0 0 24 21.229V2.769A2.769 2.769 0 0 0 21.231 0zM12 7.385a4.615 4.615 0 1 1 .002 9.23A4.615 4.615 0 0 1 12 7.385zm9 12.693a.923.923 0 0 1-.924.922H3.924A.923.923 0 0 1 3 20.078V10h1.897a7.56 7.56 0 0 0-.2.971c-.05.337-.081.679-.081 1.029a7.384 7.384 0 1 0 14.768 0c0-.35-.031-.692-.081-1.028a7.56 7.56 0 0 0-.2-.971H21v10.077zm0-13.98a.924.924 0 0 1-.924.923h-2.174a.923.923 0 0 1-.923-.923V3.923c0-.51.412-.923.923-.923h2.174c.511 0 .924.413.924.923v2.175z" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#000"/></svg></a> <a class='footsocial' href='' title="YIVO on Linked-In" target='_blank'><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="25"><path d="M4.98 3.5C4.98 4.881 3.87 6 2.5 6S.02 4.881.02 3.5C.02 2.12 1.13 1 2.5 1s2.48 1.12 2.48 2.5zM5 8H0v16h5V8zm7.982 0H8.014v16h4.969v-8.399c0-4.67 6.029-5.052 6.029 0V24H24V13.869c0-7.88-8.922-7.593-11.018-3.714V8z" fill="#000"/></svg></a> <a class='footsocial' href='' title="YIVO on YouTube" target='_blank'><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="25"><path d="M19.615 3.184c-3.604-.246-11.631-.245-15.23 0C.488 3.45.029 5.804 0 12c.029 6.185.484 8.549 4.385 8.816 3.6.245 11.626.246 15.23 0C23.512 20.55 23.971 18.196 24 12c-.029-6.185-.484-8.549-4.385-8.816zM9 16V8l8 3.993L9 16z" fill="#000"/></svg></a> </div> </div> <div> <form method="POST" action="" id='newsletter'> <input type="text" name="cons_email" id="cons_email" placeholder="Sign up for our newsletter!" class="form-control"> <input type="hidden" name="cons_info_component" id="cons_info_component" value="t" /> <input type="hidden" name="SURVEY_ID" id="SURVEY_ID" value="1740" /> <span style="display:none"><input type="text" name="denySubmit" id="denySubmit" value="" alt="This field is used to prevent form submission by scripts." />Please leave this field empty</span> <span class="input-group-btn"> <input type="submit" name="ACTION_SUBMIT_SURVEY_RESPONSE" id="ACTION_SUBMIT_SURVEY_RESPONSE" value="Sign up" class="button" /> </span> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#newsletter").submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); 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