Code of Conduct - FSFE
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Become a proud supporter of the FSFE and <a href="/donate/donate.html>">join us in defending software freedom from monopoly control!</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div> <div id="notifications"> <div class="alert warning yellow"> <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#" aria-hidden="true"> × </a><p> Esta página ainda não foi traduzida. <a href="/contribute/translators/">Pedimos ajuda para a tradução</a> desta e de outras páginas de, para que as pessoas possam ler a nossa mensagem nas suas próprias línguas. </p> </div> <div id="infobox"></div> </div> <main><div id="content" lang="en"> <p id="category"><a href="/about/">About</a></p> <h1 id="id-code-of-conduct">Code of Conduct</h1> <p id="introduction" class="p-summary"> The CoC in a nutshell: The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) and its community aim to offer a friendly and peaceful environment for every participant at the FSFE's events, online and offline. All participants at any FSFE event are expected to behave excellently towards each other. Misbehaviour can lead to exclusion from our events and/or our technical infrastructure. If you have been in a situation in which the spirit of the Code of Conduct was breached, please be in touch with our <a href="#CARE">central CARE team</a>. </p> <p> Free Software is about freedom and so is our community. We like to collaborate and work together with respect to different opinions, skills and interests. We as a welcoming community encourage all participants to be excellent to each other. </p> <p> This Code of Conduct applies at all physical events hosted by the FSFE as well as to our online infrastructure. The latter includes but is not limited to our mailing lists, wikis, social media, groups, forums and any other means of digital communication that are hosted and/or moderated by the FSFE. The Code of Conduct applies equally to all participants including, but not limited to, speakers, volunteers, staffers, exhibitors, etc. </p> <h2 id="id-code-of-conduct">Code of Conduct</h2> <p> We invite and encourage everybody to express their opinions on relevant topics. All participants should at all times feel at ease to do so without fearing any form of attack, reprisal or harassment. We ask everybody to be respectful and considerate towards each other, especially when attempting to provide constructive criticism. </p> <p> To foster tolerance, respect and hospitality in our community, we agree not to engage in discriminatory, disparaging or offensive speech or actions, including as to (but not limited to) gender, sexuality, race, nationality, religion or profession. We are a community of many different nationalities and backgrounds, and we cherish our strength in diversity. </p> <h2 id="id-enforcement">Enforcement</h2> <p> If you have experienced or become aware of behaviour contrary to the principles enshrined in this Code of Conduct, please bring such incidents to the attention of your respective local or our <a href="#CARE">central CARE team</a> (CARE = CoC Active Response Ensurers) as soon as possible. You will find local CARE team contact information depending on the individual event. </p> <p> Please feel free to share the Code of Conduct with participants in discussions, both online and offline, to ensure a respectful and welcoming environment. The Free Software Foundation Europe reserves the right to deny entrance and/or eject from an event or any of its infrastructure (e.g. wiki, mailing lists, etc) any individual found to be engaging in misconduct contrary to the principles highlighted above. </p> <h2 id="CARE">Central CARE Team</h2> <p> The central CARE team may be reached by e-mail at <a href=""></a>. The CARE team members are listed below, and you are welcome to contact them individually too. We recommend to communicate via encrypted email. The easiest way to do so is if you write one of the team-members indivually. You find their mails and PGP-key in this aphabetically ordered list: </p> <!-- Imports list from codeofconduct-careteam.en.xml --> <div class="row people"> <div class="person col-xs-12 col-sm-6" id="borchardt" teams="care"><p><a href=""><img alt="Jan-Christoph Borchardt" src="/about/people/avatars/borchardt.jpg"></a><span class="name"><a href="">Jan-Christoph Borchardt</a></span><span class="email"><a href="openpgp4fpr:ECD0C4A3A2FC72B354E4FC78CBD846FC845CBE17"> 🐾 </a><a href=""> 🔑 </a></span></p></div> <div class="person col-xs-12 col-sm-6" id="falgueyrac" teams="care"><p><img alt="Lucile Falgueyrac" src="/about/people/avatars/falgueyrac.jpg"><span class="name">Lucile Falgueyrac</span><span class="email"></span></p></div> <div class="person col-xs-12 col-sm-6" id="ku" teams="core, care, employee"><p><a href="/about/people/ku/"><img alt="Gabriel Ku Wei Bin" src="/about/people/avatars/ku.jpg"></a><span class="name"><a href="/about/people/ku/">Gabriel Ku Wei Bin</a></span><span class="email"><a href="openpgp4fpr:57DE944B576EA36EE795A6F7FD123A6C5AA2B96E"> 🐾 </a><a href="/about/people/ku/ku-public.asc"> 🔑 </a></span>Programme Manager<span class="employee full">Full-time employee</span></p></div> <div class="person col-xs-12 col-sm-6" id="lohmus" teams="council, ga, core, care"><p><a href="/about/people/repentinus/"><img alt="Heiki Lõhmus" src="/about/people/avatars/lohmus.jpg"></a><span class="name"><a href="/about/people/repentinus/">Heiki Lõhmus</a></span><span class="email"><a href="openpgp4fpr:E7E37766DD0B7F49B48FE1A2D5A96DC291349DD8"> 🐾 </a><a href=""> 🔑 </a></span>Vice President</p></div> <div class="person col-xs-12 col-sm-6" id="malaja" teams="ga, core, ftf, care"><p><img alt="Polina Malaja" src="/about/people/avatars/malaja.jpg"><span class="name">Polina Malaja</span><span class="email"><a href="openpgp4fpr:588051B29B14CA08D7B46E4F238E5945BC17039E"> 🐾 </a><a href=""> 🔑 </a></span></p></div> <div class="person col-xs-12 col-sm-6" id="mehring" teams="core, care, translation-coordinators, employee"><p><img alt="Bonnie Mehring" src="/about/people/avatars/mehring.jpg"><span class="name">Bonnie Mehring</span><span class="email"><a href="openpgp4fpr:88A975E887CDD2BF863810490D10346737F041D9"> 🐾 </a><a href="/about/people/mehring/mehring-public.asc"> 🔑 </a></span>Coordinator <a href="/contribute/translators/">Translations</a><span class="employee part">Part-time employee</span></p></div> </div> <p> Complaints about the CARE team members should be directed to <a href="/about/people/">the president of FSFE</a>. </p> </div> <aside id="sidebar"><h3 class="promo">Sobre a FSFE</h3> <p> A Free Software Foundation Europe é uma instituição filantrópica que capacita os utilizadores a controlarem a tecnologia. </p> <p> As nossas vidas estão profundamente permeadas pelo software, em todos os aspectos. É importante que esta tecnologia nos capacite e não que nos restrinja. O Software Livre dá a toda a gente o direito de usar, estudar, partilhar e melhorar o software. Este direito ajuda no apoio a outros direitos fundamentais, como a liberdade de expressão, a liberdade de imprensa e a privacidade. </p> <a href="/about/" class="learn-more">Saber mais</a></aside></main><aside id="followup" class="subscribe-nl"><h2>Receber o boletim</h2> <p>Our experts inform you about current news, events, activities, and how you can contribute.<span style="font-size:0.8em"> (<a href="/about/legal/"><span style="color:white; text-decoration: underline;">Política de Privacidade</span></a>) </span></p> <form class="form-inline" id="formnl" name="formnl" method="POST" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="language" value="en"><input type="input" style="display: none !important" name="password" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="off"><input id="yourname" name="name" type="text" required="required" placeholder="O seu nome"><input id="email" name="email1" type="email" required="required" placeholder="endereço electrónico"><fsfe-cd-referrer-input></fsfe-cd-referrer-input><input type="hidden" name="wants_info" value="yes"><input type="hidden" name="wants_newsletter_info" value="yes"><input type="hidden" name="category" value="i"><input id="submit" type="submit" value="Receber"> </form></aside><nav id="direct-to-top"><a href="#top">Ir para o início</a></nav><footer><div id="page-info"> <div> <p class="share-buttons footer"><a href=""><img src="/graphics/services/mastodon.png" alt="Mastodon" title="Mastodon"></a><a href=""><img src="/graphics/services/peertube.png" alt="Peertube" title="Peertube"></a></p> <p>Copyright © 2001-2024 <a href="/">Free Software Foundation Europe</a>.</p> <p> A cópia exacta e distribuição deste artigo na íntegra é permitida por qualquer meio, desde que esta nota seja mantida. </p> </div> <div> <p><a href="/about/">Contacte-nos</a></p> <p><a href="/about/jobs/">Emprego</a></p> <p><a href="/about/legal/">Menção Legal</a> / <a href="/about/legal/">Política de Privacidade</a> / <a href="/about/">Compromisso de Transparência</a></p> <p> A FSFE tem <a href="/about/">organizações irmãs</a> na <a href="//">América do Norte</a>, na <a href="">Índia</a> e na <a href="">América Latina</a>. </p> </div> <div> <p><a rel="nofollow" href="">Código-fonte</a></p> <p><a href="/contribute/web/">Contribuir para a equipa de Web</a></p> <p><a href="/contribute/translators/">Traduzir esta página?</a></p> <p></p> <p><a href="/about/" data-jslicense="1">Licenças de JavaScript</a></p> </div> </div></footer><script src="/scripts/bootstrap-3.0.3.custom.js"></script> </body> </html>