A revision of the Japanese species of the family Bucculatricidae (Lepidoptera)

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Bucculatricidae, Gracillariidae, Lyonetiidae; citation_publication_date=2007; citation_journal_title=Animal World of the Far East (Blagoveshchensk); citation_volume=6; citation_firstpage=47; citation_lastpage=50" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=S. V. BARYSHNIKOVA; citation_title=New and little-known Asian species of the genus Bucculatrix Z. (Lepidoptera, Bucculatricidae) and their taxonomic attribution; citation_publication_date=2005; citation_journal_title=Entomol. Oboz.; citation_volume=84; citation_firstpage=377; citation_lastpage=386" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="5) BARYSHNIKOVA S. V. Relationships in the family Bucculatricidae (Lepidoptera) based on the phylogenetic analysis of the morphological and ecological characters. Proceedings of XII Conference of Russian Entomol. Soc., St. Pettersbung, August 19-24, 2002. (2002) vol.28," /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=A. F. BRAUN; citation_title=The genus Bucculatrix in America North of Mexico (Microlepidoptera); citation_publication_date=1963; citation_journal_title=Mem. Amer. ent. Soc. Philadelphia; citation_volume=18; citation_firstpage=1; citation_lastpage=208" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=M. F. CLARIDGE; citation_title=Insect herbivore guilds and species-area relationships : leafminers on British trees; citation_publication_date=1982; citation_journal_title=Ecol. Entomol.; citation_volume=7; citation_firstpage=19; citation_lastpage=30" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="8) DAVIS R. D. The Tineoidea and Gracillarioidea. Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies. 1. Evolution, Systematics, and Biogeography. Walter de Gruyter. (1998) p.91-117." /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=R. D. DAVIS; citation_title=Two new Neotropical species of Bucculatrix leaf miners (Lepidoptera : Bucculatricidae) reared from Cordia (Boraginaceae); citation_publication_date=2002; citation_journal_title=Revue suisse Zool.; citation_volume=109; citation_firstpage=277" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=T. B. FLETCHER; citation_title=Life histories of Indian insects. Microlepidoptera; citation_publication_date=1920; citation_journal_title=Mem. Dept. Agric. India; citation_volume=6, 215-216; citation_firstpage=p1. LXVIII" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=A. FUJIIE; citation_title=Biology of Bucculatrix pyrivorella Kuroko, 1964; citation_publication_date=1977; citation_journal_title=Pl. Prot.; citation_volume=31; citation_firstpage=15; citation_lastpage=20" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=M. A. HEMMINGA; citation_title=The performance of the leaf mining microlepidopteran Bucculatrix maritima (Stt.) on the saltmarsh halophyte, Aster tripolium (L.), exposed to different salinity conditions; citation_publication_date=1992; citation_journal_title=Oecologia; citation_volume=89; citation_firstpage=422; citation_lastpage=427" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=H. KUROKO; citation_title=Subfamily Bucculatricinae Genus Bucculatrix Zeller; citation_publication_date=1964; citation_journal_title=Esakia Occasional papers of the Hikosan Biological Laboratory in Entomology; citation_volume=4; citation_firstpage=9; citation_lastpage=12" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=H. KUROKO; citation_title=Bucculatrigidae; citation_publication_date=1982; citation_journal_title=Moths of Japan; citation_volume=1; citation_firstpage=171; citation_lastpage=172; citation_publisher=Kodansha" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=V. I. KUZNETZOV; citation_title=On the Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Mining Moths of the Families Gracillariidae, Bucculatricidae, and Lyonetiidae (Lepidoptera) with Regard of the Functional and Comparative Morphology of the Male Genitalia; citation_publication_date=1988; citation_journal_title=Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR; citation_volume=176; citation_firstpage=52; citation_lastpage=71" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=M. G. M. JANSEN; citation_title=Field studies on the developmental cycle of Bucculatrix maritima (Stt.), a leaf miner of the halophyte Aster tripolium; citation_publication_date=1988; citation_journal_title=J. Appl. Ent.; citation_volume=105; citation_firstpage=53; citation_lastpage=61" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=W. MEY; citation_title=Bucculatricidae (Lepidoptera, Gracillarioidea); citation_publication_date=2004; citation_journal_title=Esperiana, Schwanfeld; citation_volume=1; citation_firstpage=65; citation_lastpage=74" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=M. MURASE; citation_title=Records of moths injuring Hibiscus hamabo Sieb. et Zucc; citation_publication_date=2007; citation_journal_title=Japan Heterocerists' Journal.; citation_volume=246; citation_firstpage=373; citation_lastpage=374" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=M. MURASE; citation_title=Collecting and Rearing of some moths which include unrecorded species from Wakayama Pref. XVIII; citation_publication_date=2003; citation_journal_title=Kinokuni; citation_volume=63; citation_firstpage=3" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=T. OKU; citation_title=Microlepidoptera of the Iwate Prefecture; citation_publication_date=2003; citation_journal_title=Trans. Iwate ent. Soc. Suppl.; citation_volume=2; citation_firstpage=1; citation_lastpage=157" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="21) PARENTI U. A Guide to the Microlepidoptera of Europe.. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali. (2000) vol.Guide 1, p.Plate 43." /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=Z. D. RUBINOFF; citation_title=Two new species of Asteraceae-feeding Bucculatrix (Bucculatricidae) from California; citation_publication_date=1997; citation_journal_title=J. Lep. Soc.; citation_volume=51; citation_firstpage=227; citation_lastpage=236" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=S. V. SEKSJAEVA; citation_title=Family Bucculatricidae; citation_publication_date=1981; citation_journal_title=Opredel. nasek. Evrop. Chasti. SSSR; citation_volume=4; citation_firstpage=136; citation_lastpage=148" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="24) SEKSJAEVA S. V. Family Bucculatricidae. Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR. Oxonian Press Pvt New Delhi. (1989) no.5, p.182." /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=S. V. SEKSJAEVA; citation_title=First data on mining moths of the family Bucculatricidae (Lepidoptera) from southern Primorye with descriptions of 10 new species; citation_publication_date=1989; citation_journal_title=Entomol. Obozr.; citation_volume=68; citation_firstpage=620; citation_lastpage=627" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=S. V. SEKSJAEVA; citation_title=Species Groups in the Genus Bucculatrix (Lepidoptera, Bucculatricidae) on the Basis of Morphological Characters of the Male Genitalia; citation_publication_date=1994; citation_journal_title=Zool. Zh.; citation_volume=73; citation_firstpage=114; citation_lastpage=122" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=S. V. SEKSJAEVA; citation_title=Additions to the Fauna of Bucculatricid Moths (Lepidoptera, Bucculatricidae) from Primorskii Territory, Russia; citation_publication_date=1996; citation_journal_title=Entomol. Obozr.; citation_volume=75; citation_firstpage=884; citation_lastpage=887" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=S. V. SEKSJAEVA; citation_title=A Comparative Analysis of Morphological Structures of Imago as a Basis for the Classification of Mining Moths; citation_publication_date=1998; citation_journal_title=Proceedings of XI Conference of Russian Entomol. Soc., St. Petersburg, September 23-26, 1997; citation_volume=1; citation_firstpage=109; citation_lastpage=110" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="29) STAINTON H. T. The Natural History of the Tineina 7. John van Voorst. (1862) vol.Part 1," /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=I. SULCS; citation_title=Bucculatrix latviaella sp. n. aus Lttland (Lepidoptera, Bucculatricidae); citation_publication_date=1990; citation_journal_title=Ent. Fen.; citation_volume=1; citation_firstpage=41; citation_lastpage=44" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=S. YAMAMOTO; citation_title=Distribution of Hibiscus hamabo in Wakayama Prefecuture; citation_publication_date=1990; citation_journal_title=Nannkiseibutsu; citation_volume=32; citation_firstpage=27; citation_lastpage=30" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=Shigeki KOBAYASHI; citation_title=A new stem-borer of the genus Bucculatrix (Lepidoptera : Bucculatricidae) from Japan, with description of the life history; citation_publication_date=2009; citation_journal_title=Ent. Sci.; citation_volume=12; citation_issue=1; citation_firstpage=84; citation_lastpage=90" /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_author=大和田 守; citation_title=皇居の蛾類モニタリング調査(2000-2005); citation_publication_date=2006; citation_journal_title=国立科学博物館専報; citation_volume=43; citation_firstpage=37; citation_lastpage=136; citation_publisher=国立科学博物館" /> <meta name="dc.identifier" content="10.18984/lepid.61.1_1" /> <meta name="journal_code" content="lepid" /> <meta name="journal_title" content="Lepidoptera Science" /> <meta name="publisher" content="THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN" /> <meta name="authors" content="Shigeki KOBAYASHI" /> <meta name="authors_institutions" content="Entomological laboratory, Graduate School of life &amp; Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University" /> <meta name="authors" content="Toshiya HIROWATARI" /> <meta name="authors_institutions" content="Entomological laboratory, Graduate School of life &amp; Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University" /> <meta name="authors" content="Hiroshi KUROKO" /> <meta name="title" content="A revision of the Japanese species of the family Bucculatricidae (Lepidoptera)" /> <meta name="publication_date" content="2010/05/31" /> <meta name="online_date" content="2017/08/10" /> <meta name="volume" content="61" /> <meta name="issue" content="1" /> <meta name="firstpage" content="1" /> <meta name="lastpage" content="57" /> <meta name="doi" content="10.18984/lepid.61.1_1" /> <meta name="fulltext_world_readable" content="" /> <meta name="pdf_url" content="" /> <meta name="print_issn" content="0024-0974" /> <meta name="online_issn" content="1880-8077" /> <meta name="language" content="en" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Bucculatricidae" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Bucculatrix" /> <meta name="keywords" content="taxonomy" /> <meta name="keywords" content="host plant" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Japan" /> <meta name="abstract" content="The Japanese species of the family Bucculatricidae are taxonomically revised and the life histories of each species are investigated. In Japan, in the past only three species, Bucculatrix firmianella Kuroko, 1982, B. pyrivorella Kuroko, 1964, and B. citima Seksjaeva, 1989, had been recorded. We recently described B. hamaboella Kobayashi, Hirowatari &amp; Kuroko, 2009 (Kobayashi et al., 2009) and recorded B. comporabile Seksjaeva, 1989 and B. demaryella (Duponchel, 1840) from Japan (Arita et al., 2009). In this study, a total of 23 species of the genus Bucculatrix Zeller were recorded from 18 different plant species belonging to 10 plant families. Four new species, B. muraseae sp. nov. (Host: Alnus japonica, Betulaceae), B. serratella sp. nov. (Host: Zelkova serrata, Ulmaceae), B. kogii sp. nov. (Host: Unknown), and B. tsurubamella sp. nov. (Host: Quercus acutissima, Fagaceae) are described. Eleven species, B. splendida Seksjaeva, 1992, B. laciniatella Benander, 1931, B. maritima Stainton, 1851, B. notella Seksjaeva, 1996, B. nota Seksjaeva, 1989, B. sinevi Seksjaeva, 1988, B. altera Seksjaeva, 1989, B. armata Seksjaeva, 1989, B. univoca Meyrick, 1918, B. thoracella (Thunberg, 1794), and B. cidarella (Zeller, 1839) are newly recorded from Japan. Bucculatrix sp. 1-4 recorded by Oku (2003) from Iwate Prefecture were also examined. In the course of this study, fifteen species were reared, and the biology of seven species is described for the first time. Sixteen of the Japanese species are grouped into three main types on the basis of larval habits for the first time. The 23 Japanese species are separated into 10 groups based on genital structures, mainly following the species groupings of Braun (1963) and Baryshnikova (2008). Female adults were examined from 18 species in Japan (excluding B. laciniatella, B. nota, and B. kogii). In all examined species, we found that the ductus seminalis is attached to the middle of the corpus bursae, here proposed as an autapomorphy of the genus Bucculatrix." /> <meta name="references" content="1) ARITA Y. Smaller moths of the nasu imperial villa, tochigi-ken Japan. Flora and fauna of the Nasu Imperial Villa. (2009) vol.II, p.49-147." /> <meta name="references" content="2) BARYSHNIKOVA S. V. Systematics and phylogeny of the genus Bucculatrix (Lepidoptera : Bucculatricidae) with special attention to larval mode of life and trophic relationships. Proceedings of Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science. (2008) vol.312, no.1/2, p.95-113." /> <meta name="references" content="3) BARYSHNIKOVA S. V. To the knowledge of small moths (Microlepidoptera) of the Bolshekhekhtsirskii Reserve (Khabarovsk District). 2^&amp;lt;nd&amp;gt; report. Bucculatricidae, Gracillariidae, Lyonetiidae. Animal World of the Far East (Blagoveshchensk). (2007) vol.6, p.47-50." /> <meta name="references" content="4) BARYSHNIKOVA S. V. New and little-known Asian species of the genus Bucculatrix Z. (Lepidoptera, Bucculatricidae) and their taxonomic attribution. Entomol. Oboz.. (2005) vol.84, p.377-386." /> <meta name="references" content="5) BARYSHNIKOVA S. V. Relationships in the family Bucculatricidae (Lepidoptera) based on the phylogenetic analysis of the morphological and ecological characters. Proceedings of XII Conference of Russian Entomol. Soc., St. Pettersbung, August 19-24, 2002. (2002) vol.28," /> <meta name="references" content="6) BRAUN A. F. The genus Bucculatrix in America North of Mexico (Microlepidoptera). Mem. Amer. ent. Soc. Philadelphia. (1963) vol.18, p.1-208." /> <meta name="references" content="7) CLARIDGE M. F. Insect herbivore guilds and species-area relationships : leafminers on British trees. Ecol. Entomol.. (1982) vol.7, p.19-30." /> <meta name="references" content="8) DAVIS R. D. The Tineoidea and Gracillarioidea. Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies. 1. Evolution, Systematics, and Biogeography. Walter de Gruyter. (1998) p.91-117." /> <meta name="references" content="9) DAVIS R. D. Two new Neotropical species of Bucculatrix leaf miners (Lepidoptera : Bucculatricidae) reared from Cordia (Boraginaceae). Revue suisse Zool.. (2002) vol.109, p.277." /> <meta name="references" content="10) FLETCHER T. B. Life histories of Indian insects. Microlepidoptera. Mem. Dept. Agric. India. (1920) vol.6, 215-216, p.p1. LXVIII." /> <meta name="references" content="11) FUJIIE A. Biology of Bucculatrix pyrivorella Kuroko, 1964. Pl. Prot.. (1977) vol.31, p.15-20." /> <meta name="references" content="12) HEMMINGA M. A. The performance of the leaf mining microlepidopteran Bucculatrix maritima (Stt.) on the saltmarsh halophyte, Aster tripolium (L.), exposed to different salinity conditions. Oecologia. (1992) vol.89, p.422-427." /> <meta name="references" content="13) KUROKO H. Subfamily Bucculatricinae Genus Bucculatrix Zeller. Esakia Occasional papers of the Hikosan Biological Laboratory in Entomology. (1964) vol.4, p.9-12." /> <meta name="references" content="14) KUROKO H. Bucculatrigidae. Moths of Japan. Kodansha. (1982) vol.1, p.171-172." /> <meta name="references" content="15) KUZNETZOV V. I. On the Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Mining Moths of the Families Gracillariidae, Bucculatricidae, and Lyonetiidae (Lepidoptera) with Regard of the Functional and Comparative Morphology of the Male Genitalia. Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR. (1988) vol.176, p.52-71." /> <meta name="references" content="16) JANSEN M. G. M. Field studies on the developmental cycle of Bucculatrix maritima (Stt.), a leaf miner of the halophyte Aster tripolium. J. Appl. Ent.. (1988) vol.105, p.53-61." /> <meta name="references" content="17) MEY W. Bucculatricidae (Lepidoptera, Gracillarioidea). Esperiana, Schwanfeld. (2004) vol.1, p.65-74." /> <meta name="references" content="18) MURASE M. Records of moths injuring Hibiscus hamabo Sieb. et Zucc. Japan Heterocerists&apos; Journal.. (2007) vol.246, p.373-374." /> <meta name="references" content="19) MURASE M. Collecting and Rearing of some moths which include unrecorded species from Wakayama Pref. XVIII. Kinokuni. (2003) vol.63, p.3." /> <meta name="references" content="20) OKU T. Microlepidoptera of the Iwate Prefecture. Trans. Iwate ent. Soc. Suppl.. (2003) vol.2, p.1-157." /> <meta name="references" content="21) PARENTI U. A Guide to the Microlepidoptera of Europe.. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali. (2000) vol.Guide 1, p.Plate 43." /> <meta name="references" content="22) RUBINOFF Z. D. Two new species of Asteraceae-feeding Bucculatrix (Bucculatricidae) from California. J. Lep. Soc.. (1997) vol.51, p.227-236." /> <meta name="references" content="23) SEKSJAEVA S. V. Family Bucculatricidae. Opredel. nasek. Evrop. Chasti. SSSR. (1981) vol.4, p.136-148." /> <meta name="references" content="24) SEKSJAEVA S. V. Family Bucculatricidae. Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR. Oxonian Press Pvt New Delhi. (1989) no.5, p.182." /> <meta name="references" content="25) SEKSJAEVA S. V. First data on mining moths of the family Bucculatricidae (Lepidoptera) from southern Primorye with descriptions of 10 new species. Entomol. Obozr.. (1989) vol.68, p.620-627." /> <meta name="references" content="26) SEKSJAEVA S. V. Species Groups in the Genus Bucculatrix (Lepidoptera, Bucculatricidae) on the Basis of Morphological Characters of the Male Genitalia. Zool. Zh.. (1994) vol.73, p.114-122." /> <meta name="references" content="27) SEKSJAEVA S. V. Additions to the Fauna of Bucculatricid Moths (Lepidoptera, Bucculatricidae) from Primorskii Territory, Russia. Entomol. Obozr.. (1996) vol.75, p.884-887." /> <meta name="references" content="28) SEKSJAEVA S. V. A Comparative Analysis of Morphological Structures of Imago as a Basis for the Classification of Mining Moths. Proceedings of XI Conference of Russian Entomol. Soc., St. Petersburg, September 23-26, 1997. (1998) vol.1, p.109-110." /> <meta name="references" content="29) STAINTON H. T. The Natural History of the Tineina 7. John van Voorst. (1862) vol.Part 1," /> <meta name="references" content="30) SULCS I. Bucculatrix latviaella sp. n. aus Lttland (Lepidoptera, Bucculatricidae). Ent. Fen.. (1990) vol.1, p.41-44." /> <meta name="references" content="31) YAMAMOTO S. Distribution of Hibiscus hamabo in Wakayama Prefecuture. Nannkiseibutsu. (1990) vol.32, p.27-30." /> <meta name="references" content="32) KOBAYASHI Shigeki. el al. A new stem-borer of the genus Bucculatrix (Lepidoptera : Bucculatricidae) from Japan, with description of the life history. Ent. Sci.. (2009) vol.12, no.1, p.84-90." /> <meta name="references" content="33) 大和田 守. ほか. 皇居の蛾類モニタリング調査(2000-2005). 国立科学博物館専報. 国立科学博物館. 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life &amp; Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University </p> </li> <li> <span style="font-size:1.1em">Hiroshi KUROKO</span> <p class="accordion_affilinfo"> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="corr-auth-sapopup-wrap" id="saPopup" style="display:none"> <div class="corr-auth-sapopup-overlay" id="saWindow"></div> <div class="corr-auth-sapopup-inner"> <div class="corr-auth-sapopup-cont"> <div class="sapopup-title"><h4>Corresponding author</h4></div> <div class="subject-list subject-sapopup-list" > <div class="corr-auth-subject-li"> <div class="corr-auth-subject-item" id="corrAuthMailContainer" style="display:none"> <span class="fa fa-envelope outlook-share-icn"></span> <a id="corrAuthMail" class="bluelink-style"></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="subject-list subject-sapopup-list" > <div class="corr-auth-subject-li"> <div class="corr-auth-subject-item" id="corrAuthOrcidContainer" style="display:none"> <img src="/web/images/id-logo.jpg" class="id-logo" alt="ORCID" /> <a 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SECTION :: START --> <div class="section-title-18">Abstract</div> <div class="global-para-14"> The Japanese species of the family Bucculatricidae are taxonomically revised and the life histories of each species are investigated. In Japan, in the past only three species, Bucculatrix firmianella Kuroko, 1982, B. pyrivorella Kuroko, 1964, and B. citima Seksjaeva, 1989, had been recorded. We recently described B. hamaboella Kobayashi, Hirowatari &amp; Kuroko, 2009 (Kobayashi et al., 2009) and recorded B. comporabile Seksjaeva, 1989 and B. demaryella (Duponchel, 1840) from Japan (Arita et al., 2009). In this study, a total of 23 species of the genus Bucculatrix Zeller were recorded from 18 different plant species belonging to 10 plant families. Four new species, B. muraseae sp. nov. (Host: Alnus japonica, Betulaceae), B. serratella sp. nov. (Host: Zelkova serrata, Ulmaceae), B. kogii sp. nov. (Host: Unknown), and B. tsurubamella sp. nov. (Host: Quercus acutissima, Fagaceae) are described. Eleven species, B. splendida Seksjaeva, 1992, B. laciniatella Benander, 1931, B. maritima Stainton, 1851, B. notella Seksjaeva, 1996, B. nota Seksjaeva, 1989, B. sinevi Seksjaeva, 1988, B. altera Seksjaeva, 1989, B. armata Seksjaeva, 1989, B. univoca Meyrick, 1918, B. thoracella (Thunberg, 1794), and B. cidarella (Zeller, 1839) are newly recorded from Japan. Bucculatrix sp. 1-4 recorded by Oku (2003) from Iwate Prefecture were also examined. In the course of this study, fifteen species were reared, and the biology of seven species is described for the first time. Sixteen of the Japanese species are grouped into three main types on the basis of larval habits for the first time. The 23 Japanese species are separated into 10 groups based on genital structures, mainly following the species groupings of Braun (1963) and Baryshnikova (2008). Female adults were examined from 18 species in Japan (excluding B. laciniatella, B. nota, and B. kogii). In all examined species, we found that the ductus seminalis is attached to the middle of the corpus bursae, here proposed as an autapomorphy of the genus Bucculatrix. </div> <div style="text-align:center;"> </div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="datarepo-wrap"></div> <input type="hidden" id="figshareArticleSearchUrl" value=""> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="article-overiew-references-wrap"> <div class="section-title-18" style="display:none;">References (33)</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="article-overiew-related-wrap"> <div class="section-title-18" style="display:none;">Related articles (0)</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="figures-tables-wrap"> <div class="section-title-noborder-18" style="display:none;">Figures (0)</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="author-information-wrap" style=""> <div id="author_info_main"> <div id="author_info_title" class="section-title-18" onClick="getAuthorList(this)"> <img src="/web/images/data-services/J-GLOBAL.jpg" alt="" class="jglobal_img"> <span id="author_info_label">Content from these authors</span></div> <div class="accordion_container"> <div id="author_info_status"></div> <div id="author_info_contents"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="supplimentary-materials-wrap"> <div class="section-title-18" style="display:none;">Supplementary material (0)</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="resultsanddiscussion-wrap"> <div class="section-title-18" style="display:none;">Result List ()</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="citedby-wrap"> <div class="section-title-18" style="display:none;">Cited by (0)</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="jstage-external-links"> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div class="section-divider"> <div class="grey-txt-color fontsize12"> &copy; 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