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margin: -1em 0 1.5em 0; font-size: 85%;">Updated 2 years ago</p><hr class="dark"> <p>This page contains important legal information regarding—our <a href="#terms-of-service">Terms of Service</a>, <a href="#privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a>, <a href="#dmca-policy">DMCA Policy</a>, and <a href="#acceptable-use-policy">Acceptable Use Policy</a>. You should read all of this information before using</p> <div class="legal container gray-2-bg black-fg"> <h2 id="terms-of-service">Terms of Service</h2> <p>Effective date: February 1, 2022</p> <h3 id="tos-article-1">Article 1: Contract</h3> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: When you use our Services you agree to all these terms. Your use of our Services is also subject to our Privacy Policy, which covers how we collect, use, share, and store your personal information.</p> <p id="tos-1-1"><span class="item-label">Section 1.1</span> You agree that by clicking “Buy it for $20”, “Pay” or similar, registering, accessing, or using our Services (described below), you are agreeing to enter a legally binding contract with Neatnik LLC (even if you are using our Services on behalf of an entity like a company or corporation etc.).</p> <p id="tos-1-2"><span class="item-label">Section 1.2</span> If you do not agree to this contract (“Contract” or “User Agreement”), do not click “Buy it for $20”, “Pay” (or similar) and do not access or otherwise use any of our Services. If you wish to terminate this contract, at any time you can do so by closing your account and no longer accessing or using our Services.</p> <p id="tos-1-3"><span class="item-label">Section 1.3</span>, Neatnik LLC, and you.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-1-3a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Registered users of our Services are “Members” and unregistered users are “Visitors”. Either Member or Visitors may be referred to as “You”. When you register for our services or/and join, you become a Member. If you have chosen not to register for our Services, you may access certain features as a “Visitor.”</p> <p id="tos-1-3b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> You are entering into this Contract with Neatnik LLC, a Kentucky Limited Liability Company, doing business as, (also referred to as “we” and “us” or “”).</p> </div> <p id="tos-1-1-4"><span class="item-label">Section 1.4</span> Services and Application of the Contract</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: This contract applies to you and and related sites.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-1-4a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> This Contract applies to and other related sites, apps, communications, and other services that state that they are offered under this Contract (“Services”), including the offsite collection of data for those Services.</p> <p id="tos-1-4b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> As a Visitor or Member of our Services, the collection, use and sharing of your personal data is subject to this Privacy Policy and updates.</p> </div> <p id="tos-1-5"><span class="item-label">Section 1.5</span> Changes to the Contract</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: We may make changes to the contract.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-1-5a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> We may modify this Contract, and our Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make material changes to it, we may provide you notice through our Services, or by other means, to provide you the opportunity to review the changes before they become effective. We agree that changes cannot be retroactive.</p> <p id="tos-1-5b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> If you object to any changes, you may close your account. Your continued use of our Services after we publish or send a notice about our changes to these terms means that you are consenting to the updated terms as of their Effective date.</p> </div> <h3 id="tos-article-2">Article 2: Obligations</h3> <p id="tos-2-1"><span class="item-label">Section 2.1</span> Eligibility for Services</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: You are eligible to enter this Contract and you are at least our “Minimum Age.”</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-2-1a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> “Minimum Age” means 13 years old. However, if law requires that you must be older for to lawfully provide the Services to you without parental consent (including using of your personal data) then the Minimum Age is such older age.</p> <p id="tos-2-1b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> The Services are not for use by anyone under the Minimum Age. does not knowingly collect personal identifiable information from children under the Minimum Age without verifiable parental consent. If it is determined that such information has been inadvertently collected on under the Minimum Age, we shall immediately take the necessary steps to ensure that such information is deleted from our system’s database. Anyone under the Minimum Age must seek and obtain parent or guardian permission to use this website.</p> <p id="tos-2-1c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> To use the Services, you agree that:</p> <ol> <li>you must be the "Minimum Age"(described below) or older; and</li> <li>you are not already restricted from using the Services.</li> </ol> <p id="tos-2-1d"><span class="item-label">Part d.</span> Creating an account with false information is a violation of our terms, including accounts registered on behalf of others or persons under the Minimum Age.</p> </div> <p id="tos-2-2"><span class="item-label">Section 2.2</span> Your Account</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: You will keep your password secret, not share your account, and follow our rules and the law.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-2-2a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Members are account holders. You agree to:</p> <ol> <li>use a strong password and keep it confidential for the Services; however if you choose to not use a password for such Services, use a strong password and keep it confidential for the email accounts used to access the Services without a password for the Services;</li> <li>not transfer any part of your account;</li> <li>follow the law; and</li> <li>follow our list of <a href="#tos-article-8">“Do’s and Don’ts”</a>.</li> </ol> <p id="tos-2-2b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> You are responsible for anything that happens through your account unless you close it or report misuse.</p> </div> <p id="tos-2-3"><span class="item-label">Section 2.3</span> Payment</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: You’ll honor your payment obligations, and you agree that we may store your payment information. You understand that there may be fees and taxes that are added to our prices.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-2-3a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> If you buy any of our Services, you agree to pay us the applicable fees and taxes and to additional terms specific to the Services. Failure to pay these fees will result in the termination of your Services.</p> <p id="tos-2-3b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> Also, you agree that:</p> <ol> <li>Your purchase may be subject to foreign exchange fees or differences in prices based on location (e.g. exchange rates).</li> <li>If you choose this as an option and we make such option available, we may store and continue billing your payment method (e.g. credit card) even after it has expired, to avoid interruptions in your Services and to use to pay other Services you may buy.</li> <li>If you choose this as an option and we make such option available, if you purchase a subscription, your payment method automatically may be charged at the start of each subscription period for the fees and taxes applicable to that period.</li> <li>To avoid an interruption in services if you do not choose automatic renewal or if such an option is not available, you must pay for such services ahead of time. In this case, please do not ignore any subscription renewal notices.</li> <li>All of your purchases of Services are subject to our refund policy, which is all purchases of Services are final and non-refundable, subject to the applicable law.</li> <li>We may calculate taxes payable by you based on the billing information that you provide us at the time of purchase.</li> </ol> <p id="tos-2-3c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> You can get a copy of your invoice through <a href=""></a>.</p> </div> <p id="tos-2-4"><span class="item-label">Section 2.4</span> Notices and Messages</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: You’re okay with us providing notices and messages to you through our websites, apps, and contact information. If your contact information is out of date, you may miss out on important notices.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-2-4a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> You agree that we will provide notices and messages to you in the following ways:</p> <ol> <li>within the Service, or</li> <li>sent to the contact information you provided us (e.g., email, mobile number, physical address).</li> </ol> <p id="tos-2-4b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> You agree to keep your contact information up to date. Please review <a href=""></a> to control and limit messages you receive from us.</p> </div> <p id="tos-2-5"><span class="item-label">Section 2.5</span> Sharing and Information</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: When you share information on our Services, others can see, copy, and use that information.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-2-5a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Our Services allow the sharing of information in many ways. Where we have made settings available, we will honor the choices you make about who can see content or information.</p> <p id="tos-2-5b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> We are not obligated to publish any information or content on our Service and can remove it with or without notice.</p> </div> <h3 id="tos-article-3">Article 3: Rights and Limits</h3> <p id="tos-3-1"><span class="item-label">Section 3.1</span> Your License to</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: You own all the content, feedback, and personal information you provide to us, and you also grant us a non-exclusive license to it. This license is what allows us to publish it on your behalf, when you wish to do so.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-3-1a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> As between you and, you own the content and information that you submit or post to the Services, and you are only granting and our companies controlling, controlled by or under common control with us (“Affiliates”) the following non-exclusive license:</p> <ol> <li>A worldwide, transferable and sublicensable right to use, copy, modify, distribute, publish, and process, information and content that you provide through our Services and the services of others, without any further consent, notice and/or compensation to you or others. These rights are limited in the following ways: <ol type="a"> <li>You can end this license for specific content by deleting such content from the Services, or generally by closing your account, except (a) to the extent you shared it with others as part of the Service and they copied, re-shared it or stored it and (b) for the reasonable time it takes to remove from backup and other systems.</li> <li>We will not include your content in advertisements for the products and services of third parties to others without your separate consent. If you use a Service feature, we may mention that with your name or photo to promote that feature within our Services.</li> <li>We will get your consent if we want to give others the right to publish your content beyond the Services.</li> <li>While we may edit and make format changes to your content (such as translating or transcribing it, modifying the size, layout or file type or removing metadata), we will not modify the meaning of your expression.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> <p id="tos-3-1b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> Because you own your content and information and we only have non-exclusive rights to it, you may choose to make it available to others, including under the terms of a Creative Commons license.</p> <p id="tos-3-1c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> You and agree that if content includes personal data, it is subject to our Privacy Policy.</p> <p id="tos-3-1d"><span class="item-label">Part d.</span> By submitting suggestions or other feedback regarding our Services to, you agree that can use and share (but does not have to) such feedback for any purpose without compensation to you.</p> <p id="tos-3-1e"><span class="item-label">Part e.</span> You agree to only provide content or information that does not violate the law, nor anyone’s rights (including intellectual property rights). If you or anyone else identifies content or information that violates the law, they may report it according to the Article titled <a href="#tos-article-10">“Article 10: How to Contact Us”</a>. may at its sole discretion remove any content (or information) or remove a Member.</p> <p id="tos-3-1f"><span class="item-label">Part f.</span> You agree that your profile information will be truthful.</p> <p id="tos-3-1g"><span class="item-label">Part g.</span> may be required by law to remove certain information or content in certain countries. If you have identified any such information to be removed, please contact us according to the Article titled <a href="#tos-article-10">“Article 10: How to Contact Us”</a>.</p> </div> <p id="tos-3-2"><span class="item-label">Section 3.2</span> Service Availability</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: We may change or end any Service or modify our prices prospectively.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-3-2a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> We may change, suspend, or discontinue any of our Services.</p> <p id="tos-3-2b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> We may also modify our prices effective prospectively upon reasonable notice to the extent allowed under the law.</p> <p id="tos-3-2c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> We don’t promise to store or keep showing any information and content that you’ve posted. is not a storage service. You agree that we have no obligation to store, maintain or provide you a copy of any content or information that you or others provide, except to the extent required by applicable law and as noted in our Privacy Policy.</p> <p id="tos-3-2d"><span class="item-label">Part d.</span> We make no representation, warranty or condition regarding the availability or operability of the Services at any time.</p> </div> <p id="tos-3-3"><span class="item-label">Section 3.3</span> Content, Links, and Information</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: Your use of others’ content and information posted on our Services, is at your own risk. We aren’t responsible for Members or third-party activities</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-3-3a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> By using the Services, you may encounter content or information that might be inaccurate, incomplete, delayed, misleading, illegal, offensive, or otherwise harmful.</p> <p id="tos-3-3b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> generally does not review content provided by our Members or others. You agree that we are not responsible for others’ (including other Members’) content or information. We cannot always prevent this misuse of our Services, and you agree that we are not responsible for any such misuse.</p> </div> <p id="tos-3-4"><span class="item-label">Section 3.4</span> Limits on the Services</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: We have the right to limit your use of the services.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-3-4a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> reserves the right to limit your use of the Services.</p> <p id="tos-3-4b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> reserves the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate your account if you breach this Contract or the law or are misusing the Services (e.g., violating any of the <a href="#tos-article-8">Article 8: “Do’s and Don’ts”</a> List or the <a href="#acceptable-use-policy">Acceptable Use Policy</a>).</p> </div> <p id="tos-3-5"><span class="item-label">Section 3.5</span> Intellectual Property Rights</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: We’re providing you notice about our intellectual property rights.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-3-5a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> reserves all its intellectual property rights in the Services., logos, and other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used for our Services are trademarks or registered trademarks of</p> <p id="tos-3-5b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> Trademarks and logos used in connection with the Services are the trademarks of their respective owners.</p> </div> <h3 id="tos-article-4">Article 4: Disclaimer and Limit of Liability</h3> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: This is our disclaimer of legal liability for the quality, safety, or reliability of our Services.</p> <p id="tos-4-1"><span class="item-label">Section 4.1</span> No Warranty</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-4-1a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> OMG.LOL AND ITS AFFILIATES MAKE NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY ABOUT THE SERVICES, INCLUDING ANY REPRESENTATION THAT THE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, AND PROVIDE THE SERVICES (INCLUDING CONTENT AND INFORMATION) ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” BASIS.</p> <p id="tos-4-1b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, OMG.LOL AND ITS AFFILIATES DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF TITLE, ACCURACY OF DATA, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.</p> </div> <p id="tos-4-2"><span class="item-label">Section 4.2</span> Exclusion of Liability</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-4-2a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW (AND UNLESS OMG.LOL HAS ENTERED INTO A SEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENT THAT OVERRIDES THIS CONTRACT), OMG.LOL, INCLUDING ITS AFFILIATES, WILL NOT BE LIABLE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS CONTRACT FOR LOST PROFITS OR LOST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, REPUTATION (E.G., OFFENSIVE OR DEFAMATORY STATEMENTS), LOSS OF DATA (E.G., DOWN TIME OR LOSS, USE OF, OR CHANGES TO, YOUR INFORMATION OR CONTENT) OR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES.</p> <p id="tos-4-2b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> OMG.LOL AND ITS AFFILIATES WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU IN CONNECTION WITH THIS CONTRACT FOR ANY AMOUNT THAT EXCEEDS THE TOTAL FEES PAID OR PAYABLE BY YOU TO OMG.LOL FOR THE SERVICES DURING THE TERM OF THIS CONTRACT, IF ANY.</p> </div> <p id="tos-4-3"><span class="item-label">Section 4.3</span> Basis of the Bargain; Exclusions</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: We limit our liability.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-4-3a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> The limitations of liability in this Article, titled <a href="#tos-article-4">“Article 4: Disclaimer and Limit of Liability”</a> are part of the basis of the bargain between you and and shall apply to all claims of liability (e.g., warranty, tort, negligence, contract, and law) even if or its affiliates has been told of the possibility of any such damage, and even if these remedies fail their essential purpose.</p> <p id="tos-4-3b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> These limitations of liability do not apply to liability for death or personal injury or for fraud, gross negligence or intentional misconduct, or in cases of negligence where a material obligation has been breached, a material obligation being such which forms a prerequisite to our delivery of services and on which you may reasonably rely, but only to the extent that the damages were directly caused by the breach and were foreseeable upon conclusion of this Contract and to the extent that they are typical in the context of this Contract.</p> </div> <h3 id="tos-article-5">Article 5: Termination and Survival</h3> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: We can each end this Contract, but some rights and obligations survive.</p> <p id="tos-5-1"><span class="item-label">Section 5.1</span> Both you and may terminate this Contract at any time with notice to the other. On termination, you lose the right to access or use the Services.</p> <p id="tos-5-2"><span class="item-label">Section 5.2</span> The following shall survive termination:</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-5-2a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Our rights to use and disclose your feedback.</p> <p id="tos-5-2b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> The Articles of this Contract titled:</p> <ol> <li><a href="#tos-article-4">”Article 4: Disclaimer and Limit of Liability”</a>,</li> <li><a href="#tos-article-6">”Article 6: Governing Law, Venue, and Dispute Resolution”</a>,</li> <li><a href="#tos-article-7">”Article 7: General Terms”</a>, and</li> <li><a href="#aup-1-2">”you agree that you will not, in any combination and without limitation:”</a>.</li> </ol> <p id="tos-5-2c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> Any amounts owed by either party prior to termination remain owed after termination.</p> </div> <p id="tos-5-3"><span class="item-label">Section 5.3</span> The account may be closed by inquiring with us by the Article titled <a href="#tos-article-10">“Article 10: How to Contact Us”</a>.</p> <h3 id="tos-article-6">Article 6: Governing Law, Venue, and Dispute Resolution</h3> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: In the unlikely event we end up in a legal dispute, you and agree to resolve it by the following reasonable means.</p> <p id="tos-6-1"><span class="item-label">Section 6.1</span> This section shall not deprive you of any mandatory consumer protections under the law of the country to which we direct Services to you, where you have your habitual residence.</p> <p id="tos-6-2"><span class="item-label">Section 6.2</span> and you (the “parties”) will attempt to settle any claim or controversy arising out of this Contract through consultation and negotiation in good faith and a spirit of mutual cooperation.</p> <p id="tos-6-3"><span class="item-label">Section 6.3</span> If those attempts fail, then, except for disputes related to alleged patent, copyright, or trademark infringement, the dispute will be mediated in good faith by the parties by a mutually acceptable mediator to be chosen by and you within thirty (30) days or any such period agreed to by the parties after written notice by the other demanding mediation. Such mediation is governed by the following:</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-6-3a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Neither party may unreasonably withhold consent to the selection of a mediator, and and you will share the costs of the mediation equally.</p> <p id="tos-6-3b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> If the parties cannot agree to a choice of mediator, each party shall choose a non-conflicted neutral mediator and shall flip a coin to decide which mediator shall be chosen. The other party may demand video proof of the flipping of the coin.</p> <p id="tos-6-3c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> Venue for mediation shall be in a location within the United States that is mutually convenient and acceptable to the parties. If a venue for mediation cannot be mutually agreed upon then such mediation may be done conducted partially or wholly by teleconference or videoconference and the parties agree that nothing in this agreement requires any of the mediator, the parties or their lawyers to be physically present in the same room at the same time.</p> <p id="tos-6-3d"><span class="item-label">Part d.</span> By mutual agreement, however, the parties may postpone mediation until they have each completed some specified but limited discovery about the dispute.</p> <p id="tos-6-3e"><span class="item-label">Part e.</span> The parties may also agree to replace or supplement mediation with some other form of alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”), such as neutral fact-finding or arbitration.</p> <p id="tos-6-3f"><span class="item-label">Part f.</span> Any dispute which the parties cannot resolve through negotiation, mediation, or other form of ADR within four (4) months of the date of the initial demand for it may then be submitted to a trier of fact identified in Section 6.5 for resolution.</p> <p id="tos-6-3g"><span class="item-label">Part g.</span> The use of any ADR procedures will not be construed under the doctrines of latches, waiver, or estoppel to affect adversely the rights of either party. Nothing in this Article titled “Article 6: Governing Law, Venue, and Dispute Resolution” will prevent either party from resorting to judicial proceedings if (a) good faith efforts to resolve the dispute under these procedures have been unsuccessful or (b) interim relief from a court is necessary to prevent serious and irreparable injury to one party or to others.</p> </div> <p id="tos-6-4"><span class="item-label">Section 6.4</span> You and agree that the laws of the State of Kentucky, U.S.A., excluding its conflict of laws rules, shall exclusively govern any dispute relating to this Contract and/or the Services.</p> <p id="tos-6-5"><span class="item-label">Section 6.5</span> You and both agree that all claims and disputes can be litigated only in the federal or state courts in Jefferson County, Kentucky, USA, and you and each agree to personal jurisdiction in those courts. Such claims shall be limited to the amount of money exchanged between the parties.</p> <h3 id="tos-article-7">Article 7: General Terms</h3> <p id="tos-7-1"><span class="item-label">Section 7.1</span> If a court with authority over this Contract finds any part of it unenforceable, you and we agree that the court should modify the terms to make that part enforceable while still achieving its intent. If the court cannot do that, you and we agree to ask the court to remove that unenforceable part and still enforce the rest of this Contract.</p> <p id="tos-7-2"><span class="item-label">Section 7.2</span> This Contract (including additional terms that may be provided by us when you engage with a feature of the Services) is the only agreement between us regarding the Services and supersedes all prior agreements for the Services.</p> <p id="tos-7-3"><span class="item-label">Section 7.3</span> If we don’t act to enforce a breach of this Contract, that does not mean that has waived its right to enforce this Contract. You may not assign or transfer this Contract (or your membership or use of Services) to anyone without our consent. However, you agree that may assign this Contract to its affiliates or a party that buys it without your consent. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Contract.</p> <p id="tos-7-4"><span class="item-label">Section 7.4</span> You agree that the only way to provide us legal notice is at the addresses provided in <a href="#tos-article-10">Article 10</a>.</p> <p id="tos-7-5"><span class="item-label">Section 7.5</span> You agree that the Summary sections of the Contract have no legal effect, and shall not bind the parties.</p> <h3 id="tos-article-8">Article 8: “Do’s and Don’ts” List</h3> <p id="tos-8-1"><span class="item-label">Section 8.1</span> Do’s. You agree that you will, in any combination:</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="tos-8-1a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Comply with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, export control laws, tax laws, and regulatory requirements.</p> <p id="tos-8-1b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> Provide accurate information to us and keep it updated.</p> <p id="tos-8-1c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> Use your real name on your account information.</p> <p id="tos-8-1d"><span class="item-label">Part d.</span> Use the Services in a professional manner.</p> </div> <p id="tos-8-2"><span class="item-label">Section 8.2</span> Don’ts. You agree to the <a href="#acceptable-use-policy">Acceptable Use Policy</a> that is incorporated herein by reference.</p> <h3 id="tos-article-9">Article 9: Complaints Regarding Content</h3> <p id="tos-9-1"><span class="item-label">Section 9.1</span> We respect the intellectual property rights of others. We require that information posted by Members be accurate and not in violation of the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.</p> <p id="tos-9-2"><span class="item-label">Section 9.2</span> We provide a <a href="#dmca-policy">DMCA policy</a> and a process within that policy for complaints concerning copyrighted content posted by our Members.</p> <p>For all other complaints about content please use the proper channel in the Article titled <a href="#tos-article-10">“Article 10: How to Contact Us”</a>.</p> <h3 id="tos-article-10">Article 10: How to Contact Us</h3> <p id="tos-10-1"><span class="item-label">Section 10.1</span> For general inquiries about content, you may contact us online at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p id="tos-10-2"><span class="item-label">Section 10.2</span> For copyright violation issues, you agree to and shall use the <a href="#dmca-policy">DMCA policy</a> found below.</p> <p id="tos-10-3"><span class="item-label">Section 10.3</span> For all other legal notices or service of process, you may write us at this address:</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p>Neatnik LLC<br> c/o Legalinc Corporate Services Inc.<br> 4965 US Hwy 42<br> Suite 1000<br> Louisville, KY 40222</p> </div> </div> <div class="legal container gray-2-bg black-fg"> <h2 id="privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</h2> <p>Effective date: February 1, 2022</p> <p>This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) lists, and generally describes the policies and procedures related to, information and data collects from visitors to This Policy adopts the definitions found in the Terms of Service.</p> <p>This Policy relates only to and our company, not to any third-party site or service linked to our Services or recommended or referred by us or through our Services.</p> <h3 id="privacy-article-1">Article 1: Information We Collect</h3> <p id="privacy-1-1"><span class="item-label">Section 1.1</span> Personal Information</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="privacy-1-1a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> As is obvious, the contact forms in our Services collect first name, last name, and e-mail address.</p> <p id="privacy-1-1b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> We, and/or our contractors, collect and store any information you choose to put in an e-mail or contact form you send us.</p> <p id="privacy-1-1c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> Our Services do not collect payment information, for which you will be directed to a payment contractor.</p> </div> <p id="privacy-1-2"><span class="item-label">Section 1.2</span> Usage Data</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="privacy-1-2a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> We, and/or our contractors, also collect data on how our Services are used for example: number of page visits and duration, type of browser. This “usage data” includes what some jurisdictions consider personal information, like visitors’ devices’ Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses (which may allow a person to infer general location).</p> <p id="privacy-1-2b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> Some of this usage data may come through “cookies” or other technologies. A cookie is a string of data our system sends your device and then uses to identify that device when used to return to our Services. If you do not wish to have Cookies collect such usage data, you can set up most browsers to refuse all cookies. If you wish to see what Cookies are being used you may setup your browser to notify you of any cookies you receive. The cookies that we know are used in our services are found in our <a href="#cookie-list">Cookie List</a>.</p> <p id="privacy-1-2c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> The cookies that we knowingly use are listed on our Cookies List, however we try to minimize any use of cookies in our Services, so that only strictly necessary cookies are on the Cookies List. Please notify us if any cookies are being used that are either not on the Cookie List or should not be on the Cookie List so we can actively pursue our goal of minimizing such cookie use.</p> <p id="privacy-1-2d"><span class="item-label">Part d.</span> At times if you don’t accept certain cookies, you might impact your use of our Services.</p> </div> <p id="privacy-1-3"><span class="item-label">Section 1.3</span> Minimum Age</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="privacy-1-3a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Our Services is not meant to collect information from anyone under the <a href="#tos-2-1a">Minimum Age</a>.</p> <p id="privacy-1-3b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> If you know of children’s information collected through our Services, please contact us pursuant to the article of the Terms of Service titled <a href="#tos-article-10">“Article 10: How to Contact Us”</a>.</p> </div> <h3 id="privacy-article-2">Article 2: Our Use of Personal Information</h3> <p id="privacy-2-1"><span class="item-label">Section 2.1</span> We use your personal information to communicate with you like by e-mail or through our contact forms.</p> <p id="privacy-2-2"><span class="item-label">Section 2.2</span> We use technologies, which includes Cookies (if any) on the Cookies List, and the personal information they collect, so that, for example, our Services can remember your device(s) and give you the information you’re most likely to need.</p> <p id="privacy-2-3"><span class="item-label">Section 2.3</span> We use information gained through other technologies, which includes Cookies (if any) on the Cookies List, to compile information about use of our Services and for security.</p> <p id="privacy-2-4"><span class="item-label">Section 2.4</span> We use personal information collected by technologies, which includes Cookies (if any) on the Cookies List, on our Services for tracking, as explained below.</p> <h3 id="privacy-article-3">Article 3: User Tracking and Do Not Track Notice</h3> <p id="privacy-3-1"><span class="item-label">Section 3.1</span> We and/or some of our contractors may track certain Services users across third party websites beyond our Services. That tracking includes certain personal information (i.e., IP address). See below as to our contractors.</p> <p id="privacy-3-2"><span class="item-label">Section 3.2</span> Our Services do not respond to Do Not Track (“DNT”) signals or turn off tracking. DNT is a setting in a web browser (not a universal standard) that expresses a preference that websites do not track your on-line behavior elsewhere.</p> <h3 id="privacy-article-4">Article 4: Retention of Personal Information</h3> <p id="privacy-4-1"><span class="item-label">Section 4.1</span> We retain your personal information if it serves the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy, including to send you notices and other general messages, to collect and monitor traffic and other usage statistics at our Services, and to comply with our legal obligations.</p> <h3 id="privacy-article-5">Article 5: Transfer of Personal Information</h3> <p id="privacy-5-1"><span class="item-label">Section 5.1</span> We may store or process your data outside your city, province, state, or country, including through one of our contractors (described below).</p> <p id="privacy-5-2"><span class="item-label">Section 5.2</span> Your personal information may be stored in a jurisdiction that operates under privacy and data protection laws different from (and potentially less protective than) those of your home jurisdiction.</p> <h3 id="privacy-article-6">Article 6: Contractor and Other Third-Party Access to Personal Information</h3> <p id="privacy-6-1"><span class="item-label">Section 6.1</span> We may disclose personal information, such as to third parties, attorneys or law enforcement authorities, to address contract violations or illegal behavior, or to enforce our rights.</p> <p id="privacy-6-2"><span class="item-label">Section 6.2</span> We disclose information demanded in a court order, subpoena, or otherwise required by law, or to prevent harm to persons or property.</p> <p id="privacy-6-3"><span class="item-label">Section 6.3</span> We may share personal information in connection with a corporate transaction, like a merger or sale of our company, the sale of most of our assets, or a bankruptcy.</p> <p id="privacy-6-4"><span class="item-label">Section 6.4</span> Certain contractors can access data we collect, including personal information. Notably:</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="privacy-6-4a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Stripe, Inc. found at <a href=""></a>, (“Stripe”) whose privacy policies may be found at <a href=""></a>. Stripe helps us with payment processing.</p> </div> <p id="privacy-6-5"><span class="item-label">Section 6.5</span> Except where explicitly stated to the contrary in this Policy, in some cases, particularly given the limited amount and type of information and data collected through, we have not restricted contractors’ own use or disclosure of that information or data. We are not responsible for the conduct or policies of Stripe, or other contractors.</p> <p id="privacy-6-6"><span class="item-label">Section 6.6</span> We compile Service usage statistics from data collected, which includes data from Cookies (if any) on the Cookies List. We may publish those statistics or share them with third parties.</p> <p id="privacy-6-7"><span class="item-label">Section 6.7</span> Protection of Personal Information.</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="privacy-6-7a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> We do not directly store the personal information, which includes data from Cookies (if any) on the Cookies List, and other mechanisms at our site (with exceptions described below).</p> <p id="privacy-6-7b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> The data we don’t store ourselves is collected and stored by our contractors, under their policies and procedures. See above for information on those contractors and their policies.</p> <p id="privacy-6-7c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> We store information you send us via e-mail and through contact forms (such as your contact information) and information gained through your use of our Services, such as in our server logs. We keep that information on password-protected computers and share it only with contractors who have agreed to use it only as we instruct.</p> <p id="privacy-6-7d"><span class="item-label">Part d.</span> We do not guarantee the security of personal information or other data, including during transmission and storage.</p> <p id="privacy-6-7e"><span class="item-label">Part e.</span> Use of the Services is at your own risk.</p> </div> <h3 id="privacy-article-7">Article 7: Accessing and Correcting Your Personal Information</h3> <p id="privacy-7-1"><span class="item-label">Section 7.1</span> You can access and change contact information we store about you by using the contact information in the article of the Terms of Service titled <a href="#tos-article-10">“Article 10: How to Contact Us”</a>.</p> <h3 id="privacy-article-8">Article 8: Special Notices Related to Privacy Laws</h3> <p id="privacy-8-1"><span class="item-label">Section 8.1</span> We provide this Policy to be transparent to our users.</p> <p id="privacy-8-2"><span class="item-label">Section 8.2</span> We do not suggest, and this policy does not mean that, legal responsibilities apply that would not otherwise apply. Legal protections for personal information and what information is governed are different in many if not all jurisdictions, inside and outside and among the States, and localities of the United States. These laws are rapidly evolving and complex.</p> <p id="privacy-8-3"><span class="item-label">Section 8.3</span> Not all laws, including collection notice requirements, apply to all entities, individuals, or information, in all locations, or in all circumstances. For example, is not a “business” as so defined and regulated by the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”).</p> <p id="privacy-8-4"><span class="item-label">Section 8.4</span> Without conceding that either the CCPA or any data privacy law outside the United States (like, but not limited to, those applying in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), Switzerland, the United Kingdom, or Brazil) applies to data including personal information collected through our Services:</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="privacy-8-4a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> We process (use) the personal information you give us by e-mailing us or in contact forms (e-mail address, other information you choose to provide) because, by contacting us and providing that information, you have authorized us to use it.</p> <p id="privacy-8-4b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> We (and/or our contractors) process usage data, like number of page visits and IP addresses. That data is used for to, for example, understand usage of and manage our Services (which is within our legitimate interest), and otherwise as described in and pursuant to your consent to this Policy.</p> <p id="privacy-8-4c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> We also process personal information wherever we have a legal obligation, for instance, if it is subpoenaed.</p> </div> <p id="privacy-8-5">Section 8.5 CCPA</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="privacy-8-5a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Entities which the CCPA defines as a “business” (which is not) have special obligations to Californians including, for example, to respond to requests “to know,” for copies of “personal information” (as defined by the CCPA), and to delete it; to provide specific collection notices; if personal information is “sold,” to post a “do not sell” link and implement requests to opt-out of sale.</p> <p id="privacy-8-5b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> is not a “business” required to do so by the CCPA.</p> </div> <p id="privacy-8-6">Section 8.6 GDPR</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="privacy-8-6a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Individuals in certain jurisdictions outside the United States (for example “data subjects” in the EEA) have rights as to certain entities processing their “personal data” (for example, as defined by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) including, for example, to access, update, or delete it; to have it altered if inaccurate or incomplete; to object to processing or request a company restrict how it is processed; to withdraw consent to processing; to receive a copy, in a structured, machine-readable, and commonly used format; to complain to a data protection authority (a government agency) about management of personal data.</p> <p id="privacy-8-6b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> does not believe its processing of limited personal data of those outside the United States (if any) brings it within the jurisdiction of these laws.</p> </div> <h3 id="privacy-article-9">Article 9: Amendment of this Privacy Policy</h3> <p id="privacy-9-1"><span class="item-label">Section 9.1</span> We may change this Privacy Policy at any time by posting a new version on this page or on a successor page.</p> <p id="privacy-9-2"><span class="item-label">Section 9.2</span> The new version will become effective on the date it is posted, which will be listed at the top of the page as the new “Effective Date”.</p> <p id="privacy-9-3"><span class="item-label">Section 9.3</span> If there are tracking Cookies that are implemented by our website, there may a a “cookie banner” appearing each time the Website is accessed, users are invited to view (and are deemed to have accepted and agreed to) the Policy.</p> <h3 id="privacy-article-10">Article 10: Contact Information</h3> <p id="privacy-10-1"><span class="item-label">Section 10.1</span> For questions about this Privacy Policy, including if you believe you have legal rights related to our Services not addressed here (which requests we will evaluate and comply with to the extent required under then-applicable law), or to unsubscribe from communications, please contact us pursuant to the article of the Terms of Service titled <a href="#tos-article-10">“Article 10: How to Contact Us”</a>.</p> <p id="privacy-10-2"><span class="item-label">Section 10.2</span> We strive to keep the Services reasonably accessible to users with disabilities, but you may contact us if you require a reasonable accommodation.</p> <p id="privacy-10-3"><span class="item-label">Section 10.3</span> Please do not provide us personal information about others unless you have their permission.</p> </div> <div class="legal container gray-2-bg black-fg"> <h2 id="dmca-policy">DMCA Policy</h2> <p>Effective date: February 1, 2022</p> <p>This policy statement lists our requirements for notice of copyright infringement and for responses to such a notice if you or your materials are accused. This policy adopts the definitions found in the <a href="#terms-of-service">Terms of Service</a>.</p> <p>We use the copyright infringement procedures of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.</p> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: You can’t use our Services to share content that you don’t have the right to share, and we will remove any such content when requested through the process outlined below.</p> <h3 id="dmca-article-1">Article 1: Notice of Copyright Infringement</h3> <p id="dmca-1-1"><span class="item-label">Section 1.1</span> To notify us of copyright infringement, you must send a written communication to our Copyright Notices Department, at the contact points listed below in Article 3. That written communication should include the following:</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="dmca-1-1a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.</p> <p id="dmca-1-1b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.</p> <p id="dmca-1-1c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material.</p> <p id="dmca-1-1d"><span class="item-label">Part d.</span> Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted.</p> <p id="dmca-1-1e"><span class="item-label">Part e.</span> A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.</p> <p id="dmca-1-1f"><span class="item-label">Part f.</span> A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.</p> </div> <h3 id="dmca-article-2">Article 2: Counter-Notice by Accused Subscriber</h3> <p id="dmca-2-1"><span class="item-label">Section 2.1</span> If you are a subscriber and we have taken down your materials due to suspicion of copyright infringement, you may dispute the alleged infringement by sending a written communication to our Copyright Notice Department, at the contact points listed in Part C below.</p> <p id="dmca-2-2"><span class="item-label">Section 2.2</span> That written communication should include the following:</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="dmca-2-2a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> A physical or electronic signature of the subscriber.</p> <p id="dmca-2-2b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled.</p> <p id="dmca-2-2c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> A statement under penalty of perjury that the subscriber has a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled.</p> <p id="dmca-2-2d"><span class="item-label">Part d.</span> The subscriber’s name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the subscriber consents to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which such address is located, or if the subscriber’s address is outside of the United States, the United States District Court for the Western District of Kentucky, and that the subscriber will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of copyright infringement or an agent of such person.</p> </div> <h3 id="dmca-article-3">Article 3: Agent for Notices</h3> <p id="dmca-3-1"><span class="item-label">Section 3.1</span> Please send all notices required by this policy to our Copyright Notice Department at:</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p>Neatnik LLC<br> c/o Legalinc Corporate Services Inc.<br> 4965 US Hwy 42<br> Suite 1000<br> Louisville, KY 40222<br> <a href=""></a></p> </div> <h3 id="dmca-article-4">Article 4: Termination of Repeat Infringers</h3> <p>In appropriate circumstances, we will terminate the accounts of subscribers who are repeat copyright infringers.</p> <h3 id="dmca-article-5">Article 5: Revision of Policy</h3> <p>We may revise this policy at any time, including by posting a new version at this website.</p> </div> <div class="legal container gray-2-bg black-fg"> <h2 id="acceptable-use-policy">Acceptable Use Policy</h2> <p>Effective date: February 1, 2022</p> <p>This Policy adopts the definitions found in the Terms of Service.</p> <h3 id="aup-article-1">Article 1: Unacceptable Use</h3> <p id="aup-1-1"><span class="item-label">Section 1.1</span> requires that all customers and other users of the Service conduct themselves with respect for others.</p> <p id="aup-1-2"><span class="item-label">Section 1.2</span> In general, you agree that you will not, in any combination and without limitation:</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="aup-1-2a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Use or attempt to use another’s account.</p> <p id="aup-1-2b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> Develop, support or use software, devices, scripts, robots or any other means or processes (including crawlers, browser plugins and add-ons or any other technology) to scrape the Services or otherwise copy profiles and other data from the Services.</p> <p id="aup-1-2c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> Override any security feature or bypass or circumvent any access controls or use limits of the Service.</p> <p id="aup-1-2d"><span class="item-label">Part d.</span> Copy, use, disclose or distribute any information obtained from the Services, whether directly or through third parties (such as search engines), without the consent of</p> <p id="aup-1-2e"><span class="item-label">Part e.</span> Disclose information that you do not have the consent to disclose (such as confidential information of others).</p> <p id="aup-1-2f"><span class="item-label">Part f.</span> Violate the intellectual property rights of others, including copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other proprietary rights.</p> <p id="aup-1-2g"><span class="item-label">Part g.</span> Violate the intellectual property or other rights of, including, without limitation, in any combination:</p> <ol> <li>copying or distributing our videos or other materials;</li> <li>copying or distributing our technology, unless it is released under open source licenses;</li> <li>using the word or our logos in any business name, email, or URL except by our consent.</li> </ol> <p id="aup-1-2h"><span class="item-label">Part h.</span> Post anything that contains software viruses, worms, or any other harmful code.</p> <p id="aup-1-2i"><span class="item-label">Part i.</span> Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Services or any related technology that is not open source.</p> <p id="aup-1-2j"><span class="item-label">Part j.</span> Imply or state that you are affiliated with or endorsed by without our express consent.</p> <p id="aup-1-2k"><span class="item-label">Part k.</span> Rent, lease, loan, trade, sell/re-sell or otherwise monetize the Services or related data or access to the same, without’s consent.</p> <p id="aup-1-2l"><span class="item-label">Part l.</span> Use bots or other automated methods to access the Services, add or download contacts, send or redirect messages.</p> <p id="aup-1-2m"><span class="item-label">Part m.</span> Monitor the Services’ availability, performance or functionality for any competitive purpose.</p> <p id="aup-1-2n"><span class="item-label">Part n.</span> Engage in “framing,” “mirroring,” or otherwise simulating the appearance or function of the Services.</p> <p id="aup-1-2o"><span class="item-label">Part o.</span> Overlay or otherwise modify the Services or their appearance (such as by inserting elements into the Services or removing, covering, or obscuring an information included on the Services).</p> <p id="aup-1-2p"><span class="item-label">Part p.</span> Interfere with the operation of, or place an unreasonable load on, the Services (e.g., spam, denial of service attack, viruses, gaming algorithms).</p> <p id="aup-1-2q"><span class="item-label">Part q.</span> Violate the policies or any additional terms concerning a specific Service that are provided when you sign up for or start using such Service, where applicable.</p> </div> <p id="aup-1-3"><span class="item-label">Section 1.3</span> In particular, you agree to observe the following rules in your use of the Service (without limitation):</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="aup-1-3a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Abusive Behavior. Do not harass, threaten, or defame any person or entity. Do not contact any person who has requested no further contact. Do not use ethnic or religious slurs against any person or group.</p> <p id="aup-1-3b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> Privacy. Do not violate the privacy rights of any person. Do not cooperate in or facilitate identity theft. Do not collect or disclose any Personal Information without the subject’s prior consent.</p> <ol> <li>“Personal Information” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with an individual person or household.</li> <li>Personal Information includes (without limitation) all of the following: Social Security numbers, other personal tax ID numbers, military identification numbers, student identification numbers, passport numbers, driver’s license numbers, other government identification numbers, financial account data, payment card numbers, biometric information, health or medical information, insurance information, usernames, Internet protocol addresses, passwords, access codes, and security questions, as well as any information that if compromised could permit a person to assume the identity of another person.</li> </ol> <p id="aup-1-3c"><span class="item-label">Part c.</span> Intellectual Property. Do not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property rights of any person or entity. Do not reproduce, publish, or disseminate software, audio recordings, video recordings, photographs, articles, or other works of authorship without the written permission of the copyright holder.</p> <p id="aup-1-3d"><span class="item-label">Part d.</span> Hacking, Viruses, & Network Attacks. Do not access any computer or communications system without authorization, including the computers used to provide the Service. Do not attempt to penetrate or disable any security system. Do not intentionally distribute a computer virus, launch a denial of service attack, or in any other way attempt to interfere with the functioning of any computer, communications system, or website. Do not attempt to access or otherwise interfere with the accounts of other users of the Service.</p> <p id="aup-1-3e"><span class="item-label">Part e.</span> Spam. Do not send bulk unsolicited e-mails (“Spam”) or sell or market any product or service advertised by or connected with Spam. Do not facilitate or cooperate in the dissemination of Spam in any way. Do not violate the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003.</p> <p id="aup-1-3f"><span class="item-label">Part f.</span> Fraud: Do not issue fraudulent offers to sell or buy products, services, or investments. Do not mislead anyone about the details or nature of a commercial transaction. Do not commit fraud in any other way.</p> <p id="aup-1-3g"><span class="item-label">Part g.</span> Violations of Law. Do not violate any applicable law or regulation.</p> </div> <h3 id="aup-article-2">Article 2: Consequences of Violation</h3> <p id="aup-2-1"><span class="item-label">Section 2.1</span> Violation of this Acceptable Use Policy (this “AUP”) may lead to suspension or termination of the user’s account or legal action.</p> <p id="aup-2-2"><span class="item-label">Section 2.2</span> In addition, the user may be required to pay for the costs of investigation and remedial action related to AUP violations.</p> <p id="aup-2-3"><span class="item-label">Section 2.3</span> Provider reserves the right to take any other remedial action it sees fit. However, Provider is not required to take any action against any customer or user violating this AUP.</p> <h3 id="aup-article-3">Article 3: Reporting Unacceptable Use</h3> <p id="aup-3-1"><span class="item-label">Section 3.1</span> Provider requests that anyone with information about a violation of this AUP report it pursuant to the article of the Terms of Service titled <a href="#tos-article-10">“Article 10: How to Contact Us”</a>:</p> <div class="legal-section"> <p id="aup-3-1a"><span class="item-label">Part a.</span> Provide the date and time (with time zone) of the violation and any identifying information regarding the violator, including e-mail or IP (Internet Protocol) address if available, and</p> <p id="aup-3-1b"><span class="item-label">Part b.</span> details of the violation.</p> </div> <h3 id="aup-article-4">Article 4: Revision of AUP</h3> <p id="aup-4-1"><span class="item-label">Section 4.1</span> Provider may change this AUP at any time by posting a new version on this page and providing written notice.</p> <p id="aup-4-2"><span class="item-label">Section 4.2</span> The new version will become effective on the date of such notice.</p> </div> <div class="legal container gray-2-bg black-fg"> <h2 id="cookie-list">Cookie List</h2> <p class="legal-summary"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-circle-info"></i> Summary: We use two cookies, both of which are “strictly necessary”. One stores your session data so that we can ensure that you’re logged in, and the other stores preferences to ensure that you don’t see notices that you’ve dismissed. Neither cookie is used to track you in any way.</p> <ol> <li>Session cookie, used to recognize your device by the Services</li> <li>Preference cookie, used to maintain your preferences</li> </ol> </div> <p class="centered"><i class="fa-solid fa-star"></i></p></div><div class="container"><div class="flex" style="margin: 0;"><div class="box"><i class="fa-duotone fa-fw fa-handshake-angle"></i> Need more help? <a href="/info/contact">Contact us</a> at any time.</div></div></div><link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""></script></main> <footer> <div class="area"> <div class="box basis" style="--basis: 15em;"> <ul class="fa-ul"> <li><a href=""><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-newspaper"></i></span>News & Updates</a></li> <li><a href=""><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-wave-pulse"></i></span>System Status</a></li> <li><a href=""><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-brackets-curly"></i></span>API</a></li> <li><a href="/info"><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-handshake-angle"></i></span>Info & Help</a></li> <li><a href="/sponsors"><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-trophy"></i></span>Sponsors</a></li> <li><a href="/tip-jar"><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-jar"></i></span>Tip Jar</a></li> <li><a href="/info/legal"><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-solid fa-fw fa-scale-balanced"></i></span>Legal</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="box basis centered" style="--basis: 20em;"> <p><span class="logotype"><a href="">omg<span class="pink-5-fg">.</span>lol</a></span> is made by <a href="">Neatnik</a> in Louisville, KY.</p> <p>We hope you’re having a great day.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Prami looking rather contented" style="width: 3.5em;"></p> </div> <div class="box basis centered" style="--basis: 15em;"> <ul class="horizontal"> <li><a rel="me" href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-fw fa-2x fa-mastodon"></i></a></li> <li><a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-fw fa-2x fa-discourse"></i></a></li> <li><a href=""><i class="fa-brands fa-fw fa-2x fa-youtube"></i></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </footer> </div> <script src=""></script> <script> const dark_class = 'gray-6-fg fa-duotone fa-fw fa-moon'; const light_class = 'yellow-3-fg fa-duotone fa-fw fa-sun'; // set the color scheme based on the browser/OS preference, if any if(window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme)').media !== 'not all') { // the browser is indicating that it supports prefers-color-scheme if(window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) { // the browser prefers dark mode var body = document.body; body.classList.add('dark-mode'); document.getElementById('color_mode_button').innerHTML = '<i class="'+light_class+'"></i>'; } else { // the browser doesn’t prefer dark mode var body = document.body; body.classList.add('light-mode'); document.getElementById('color_mode_button').innerHTML = '<i class="'+dark_class+'"></i>'; } // add an event listener to toggle the color scheme as changes are made, as long as the user hasn't already set their mode with the button window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').addEventListener('change', event => { if(!localStorage.getItem('color_scheme')) { const new_color_scheme = event.matches ? 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