Digital / Analog IO Card USB IO Device and Serial Communication Port
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table"> <colgroup> <col width="25%"> <col class="25%"> <col class="50%"> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=5 class="non-border" ><H4>PCIe Digital I/O Card</H4></td></tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=NIMBUS-1242"><img src="../im/io/NIMBUS-1242.jpg" alt="NIMBUS-1242"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=NIMBUS-1242" >NIMBUS-1242</a><br> <p>PCI Express digital input/output card with feature-rich multiple I/O interfaces featuring Gigabit Ethernet, 4x USB 3.0, 2x M.2 (B key & E key), 2x SATA 3.0</p></td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=5 class="non-border" ><span class="anchor" id="DIG_PCI" ></span><H4>PCI Digital I/O Card</H4></td></tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-120"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DIO-120.jpg" alt="PCI-DIO-120"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-120" >PCI-DIO-120</a><br> <p>Parallel digital input/output cards designed for use in PCI-Bus computers. The same printed circuit board is used for all three models and is populated for 120 bits respectively. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-96C3"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DIO-96C3.jpg" alt="PCI-DIO-96C3"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-96C3" >PCI-DIO-96C3</a><br> <p>96 line digital input/output card with counter/timer capabilities designed for use in high I/O density application requirements. I/O connections are made via four 50-pin header connectors.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-96"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DIO-96.jpg" alt="PCI-DIO-96"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-96" >PCI-DIO-96</a><br> <p>Parallel digital input/output cards designed for use in PCI-Bus computers. The same printed circuit board is used for all three models and is populated for 96 bits respectively. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-72"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DIO-72.jpg" alt="PCI-DIO-72"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-72" >PCI-DIO-72</a><br> <p>Parallel digital input/output cards designed for use in PCI-Bus computers. The same printed circuit board is used for all three models and is populated for 72 bits respectively. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-48"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DIO-48.jpg" alt="PCI-DIO-48"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-48" >PCI-DIO-48</a><br> <p>48-bit parallel digital input/output cards designed for use in PCI-Bus computers. The card is 6.9 inches (175 mm) long and may be installed in any 5-volt PCI slot in IBM and compatible computers. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-48S"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DIO-48S.jpg" alt="PCI-DIO-48S"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-48S" >PCI-DIO-48S</a><br> <p>48-bit parallel digital input/output cards designed for use in PCI-Bus computers. The card is 6.9 inches (175 mm) long and may be installed in any 5-volt PCI slot in IBM and compatible computers. 48S cards use 50-pin headers on the face of the board,</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-24S"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DIO-24S.jpg" alt="PCI-DIO-24S"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-24S" >PCI-DIO-24S</a><br> <p>24-bit parallel digital input/output cards designed for use in PCI-Bus computers. The card is 6.9 inches (175 mm) long and may be installed in any 5-volt PCI slot in IBM and compatible computers. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDO-48"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IDO-48.jpg" alt="PCI-IDO-48"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDO-48" >PCI-IDO-48</a><br> <p>48 individual, optically isolated differential outputs. These cards are ideal for use in control and instrumentation applications that require high-speed switching and/or long-life expectancy which precludes using traditional electro-mechanical relays. Individual channel-to-channel isolation allows every channel to be physically and electrically separated from the others.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDO-32"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IDO-32.jpg" alt="PCI-IDO-32"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDO-32" >PCI-IDO-32</a><br> <p>32 individual, optically isolated differential outputs. These cards are ideal for use in control and instrumentation applications that require high-speed switching and/or long-life expectancy which precludes using traditional electro-mechanical relays. Individual channel-to-channel isolation allows every channel to be physically and electrically separated from the others.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDO-16"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IDO-16.jpg" alt="PCI-IDO-16"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDO-16" >PCI-IDO-16</a><br> <p>16 individual, optically isolated differential outputs. These cards are ideal for use in control and instrumentation applications where high-voltage protection is required. Individual channel-to-channel isolation allows every channel to be physically and electrically separated from the others. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-24H"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DIO-24H.jpg" alt="PCI-DIO-24H"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-24H" >PCI-DIO-24H</a><br> <p>24-bit parallel, digital input/output cards designed for use in PCI-Bus computers. PCI-DIO24H are via an industry standard 50-pin connector for external conditioning accessories . The half-length universal cards are 4.80 inches long (122 mm) and may be installed in any 3.3/5V PCI-bus slot in IBM and compatible personal computers. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-48AC"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IDI-48AC.jpg" alt="PCI-IDI-48AC"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-48AC" >PCI-IDI-48AC</a><br> <p>48 individual, optically isolated inputs with additional Change-of-State interrupt detection where constant polling of the card is not desired. These cards are ideal for use in control and instrumentation applications where high-voltage protection is required. Individual channel-to-channel isolation allows every channel to be physically and electrically separated from the others.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-48A"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IDI-48A.jpg" alt="PCI-IDI-48A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-48A" >PCI-IDI-48A</a><br> <p>48 individual, optically isolated inputs. These cards are ideal for use in control and instrumentation applications where high-voltage protection is required. Individual channel-to-channel isolation allows every channel to be physically and electrically separated from the others.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-32AC"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IDI-32AC.jpg" alt="PCI-IDI-32AC"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-32AC" >PCI-IDI-32AC</a><br> <p>32 individual, optically isolated inputs. These cards are ideal for use in control and instrumentation applications where high-voltage protection is required. Individual channel-to-channel isolation allows every channel to be physically and electrically separated from the others.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-32A"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IDI-32A.jpg" alt="PCI-IDI-32A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-32A" >PCI-IDI-32A</a><br> <p>32 individual, optically isolated inputs. These cards are ideal for use in control and instrumentation applications where high-voltage protection is required. Individual channel-to-channel isolation allows every channel to be physically and electrically separated from the others.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-16AC"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IDI-16AC.jpg" alt="PCI-IDI-16AC"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-16AC" >PCI-IDI-16AC</a><br> <p>16 individual, optically isolated inputs with additional Change-of-State interrupt detection where constant polling of the card is not desired. These cards are ideal for use in control and instrumentation applications where high-voltage protection is required. Individual channel-to-channel isolation allows every channel to be physically and electrically separated from the others.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-16A"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IDI-16A.jpg" alt="PCI-IDI-16A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDI-16A" >PCI-IDI-16A</a><br> <p>16 individual, optically isolated inputs. These cards are ideal for use in control and instrumentation applications where high-voltage protection is required. Individual channel-to-channel isolation allows every channel to be physically and electrically separated from the others.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDIO-16"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IDIO-16.jpg" alt="PCI-IDIO-16"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IDIO-16" >PCI-IDIO-16</a><br> <p>Low-cost, 6.8" card that provides isolated input and output for PCI-bus computers. The card has sixteen optically-isolated digital inputs for AC or DC control signals and sixteen isolated FET outputs. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IIRO-16"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IIRO-16.jpg" alt="PCI-IIRO-16"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IIRO-16" >PCI-IIRO-16</a><br> <p>Low-cost, half-size cards that provide isolated input and output for PCI-Bus computers. The cards have sixteen optically-isolated digital inputs for AC or DC control signals and sixteen electro-mechanical relay outputs.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-IIRO-8"><img src="../im/io/LPCI-IIRO-8.jpg" alt="LPCI-IIRO-8"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-IIRO-8" >LPCI-IIRO-8</a><br> <p>Half-size Low-Profile PCI bus compatible card that provides isolated digital input and output interface for PCI-Bus computers. The card has eight optically-isolated digital inputs for AC or DC control signals and eight electromechanical relay outputs. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IIRO-8"><img src="../im/io/PCI-IIRO-8.jpg" alt="PCI-IIRO-8"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-IIRO-8" >PCI-IIRO-8</a><br> <p>Low-cost, half-size cards that provide isolated input and output for PCI-Bus computers. The cards have eight optically-isolated digital inputs for AC or DC control signals and eight electro-mechanical relay outputs.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-24D"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DIO-24D.jpg" alt="PCI-DIO-24D"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DIO-24D" >PCI-DIO-24D</a><br> <p>24-bit parallel, digital input/output cards designed for use in PCI-Bus computers. The difference between the models is that I/O connections to PCI-DIO24D are via a standard 37-pin D-sub connector while I/O connections to PCI-DIO24H are via a 50-pin connector. The half length universal cards are 4.80 inches long (122 mm) and may be installed in any 3.3/5V PCI-bus slot in IBM and compatible personal computers. </p></td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=5 class="non-border" ><span class="anchor" id="DIG_USB" ></span><H4>USB Digital I/O Device</H4></td></tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-IIRO-16"><img src="../im/io/USB-IIRO-16.jpg" alt="USB-IIRO-16"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-IIRO-16" >USB-IIRO-16</a><br> <p>Featuring 16 Form C (SPDT) electromechanical relays and 16 optically isolated digital inputs, PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with screw termination connections for status monitoring and digital control using USB.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-RO-16"><img src="../im/io/USB-RO-16.jpg" alt="USB-RO-16"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-RO-16" >USB-RO-16</a><br> <p>Portable solution for adding easy-to-install 16 Form C (SPDT) electromechanical relay outputs, PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with screw termination connections for digital control using USB. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-II-16"><img src="../im/io/USB-II-16.jpg" alt="USB-II-16"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-II-16" >USB-II-16</a><br> <p>Portable solution for adding easy-to-install 16 isolated digital inputs, PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with screw termination connections for status monitoring using USB. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-IIRO-8"><img src="../im/io/USB-IIRO-8.jpg" alt="USB-IIRO-8"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-IIRO-8" >USB-IIRO-8</a><br> <p>Featuring 8 Form C (SPDT) electromechanical relays and 8 optically isolated digital inputs, PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with screw termination connections for status monitoring and digital control using USB.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-IIRO4-DB"><img src="../im/io/USB-IIRO4-DB.jpg" alt="USB-IIRO4-DB"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-IIRO4-DB" >USB-IIRO4-DB</a><br> <p>USB 4-port hub internally to provide four optically isolated digital inputs and four electromechanical relay outputs in a small rugged enclosure with DB25 connector.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-IIRO-4"><img src="../im/io/USB-IIRO-4.jpg" alt="USB-IIRO-4"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-IIRO-4" >USB-IIRO-4</a><br> <p>Featuring 4 Form C (SPDT) electromechanical relays and 4 optically isolated digital inputs, PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with screw termination connections for status monitoring and digital control using USB.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=U-RDI-54"><img src="../im/io/U-RDI-54.jpg" alt="U-RDI-54"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=U-RDI-54" >U-RDI-54</a><br> <p>Remote rugged 54-bit digital inputs from USB in a NEMA 4 enclosure for harsh environments. Digital voltage inputs up to 50V per channel can be monitored.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USBP-II8IDO4A"><img src="../im/io/USBP-II8IDO4A.jpg" alt="USBP-II8IDO4A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USBP-II8IDO4A" >USBP-II8IDO4A</a><br> <p>The USBP-II8IDO4A is an ideal OEM USB solution for adding embedded reliable and robust multi-function I/O capabilities to any embedded computer supporting Pico-I/O^(TM) and the SUMIT^(TM) A connector. The Pico-I/O^(TM) board standard (SFF-SIG: is the latest, smallest, stacking form factor for embedded I/O since the PC/104 standard using half the area of a PC/104 module. Up to four of the USBP-II8IDO4A can be mounted together. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-CTR-15"><img src="../im/io/USB-CTR-15.jpg" alt="USB-CTR-15"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-CTR-15" >USB-CTR-15</a><br> <p>The USB-CTR-15 is an ideal solution for adding portable, easy-to-install, fifteen 16-bit counter/timers to any PC or embedded system with a USB port. With PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with flexible and configurable screw termination connections this unit is ideal for many complex counting and timing functions.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-DIO-32I"><img src="../im/io/USB-DIO-32I.jpg" alt="USB-DIO-32I"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-DIO-32I" >USB-DIO-32I</a><br> <p>The USB-DIO-32I is an ideal solution for adding portable, easy-to-install digital I/O and counter capabilities to any computer with a USB port. It also allows the direction of each digital I/O to be configured independently, unlike most DIO products that assign input/output direction in groups of 4 or 8 bits.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-DIO-96"><img src="../im/io/USB-DIO-96.jpg" alt="USB-DIO-96"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-DIO-96" >USB-DIO-96</a><br> <p>The USB-DIO-96 features 96 or 48 bits of TTL-compatible digital I/O with high-current capabilities. Each digital port can be programmed to accept inputs or to drive outputs in 12 groups of 8-bit ports. Power is supplied to the card via the USB cable or for higher current capabilities, external power may be used. </p></td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=5 class="non-border" ><span class="anchor" id="ANG_PCI" ></span><H4>PCI Analog Input Card</H4></td></tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-AIO16A"><img src="../im/io/LPCI-AIO16A.jpg" alt="LPCI-AIO16A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-AIO16A" >LPCI-AIO16A</a><br> <p>High-Speed, Low-Profile, Universal PCI, 16-bit Multifunction Analog I/O Board</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-A16-16A"><img src="../im/io/LPCI-A16-16A.jpg" alt="LPCI-A16-16A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-A16-16A" >LPCI-A16-16A</a><br> <p>First low profile High-Speed, Universal PCI, 16-bit Multifunction Analog I/O Board, provides 500k samples/second for the board??s 16 single-ended or eight differential analog input channels. Auto calibration and 11 selectable voltage ranges. Fits in any 3.3/5V PCI slot.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-A12-16A"><img src="../im/io/PCI-A12-16A.jpg" alt="PCI-A12-16A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-A12-16A" >PCI-A12-16A</a><br> <p>12-bit Multifunction A/D 100Khz card. It accepts up to 16 single-ended inputs or eight differential inputs, eight programmable voltage ranges plus 4-20mA inputs. Additional I/O includes two 12-bit D/A, 24 Digital I/O, on-board Pacer clock and counter timers.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-AI12-16A"><img src="../im/io/PCI-AI12-16A.jpg" alt="PCI-AI12-16A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-AI12-16A" >PCI-AI12-16A</a><br> <p>Multifunction, high-speed, analog-to-digital converter board for use in PCI-Bus computers. It accepts up to 16 single-ended or eight differential inputs. Include foregoing plus includes a 2K Samples FIFO data buffer and a 2K words Point List FIFO buffer</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-AI12-16"><img src="../im/io/PCI-AI12-16.jpg" alt="PCI-AI12-16"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-AI12-16" >PCI-AI12-16</a><br> <p>Low cost 12-bit 100KHz, A/D multifunction board for use in PCI-Bus computers with 3.3/5V PCI slots. It accepts up to 16 single-ended or eight differential inputs with eight programmable ranges (Unipolar & Bipolar) and 4-20mA current range.</p></td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=5 class="non-border" ><span class="anchor" id="ANG_USB" ></span><H4>USB Analog Input Device</H4></td></tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AI12-16E"><img src="../im/io/USB-AI12-16E.jpg" alt="USB-AI12-16E"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AI12-16E" >USB-AI12-16E</a><br> <p>Economical 100kHz 12-bit A/D for 16 single-ended and 8 differential inputs from any computer with a USB 2.0 port. PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with SCSI connectior for Data Acquisiion and digital control. The unit has manual calibration, 16 high-current digital I/O lines, and 16-bit counter/timer for event counting or frequency generation. Powered by USB port.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AI12-16A"><img src="../im/io/USB-AI12-16A.jpg" alt="USB-AI12-16A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AI12-16A" >USB-AI12-16A</a><br> <p>High-speed 500kHz 12-bit A/D for 16 single-ended and 8 differential inputs from any computer with a USB 2.0 port. PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with SCSI connectior for Data Acquisiion and digital control. The unit has real-time autocalibration, 16 high-current digital I/O lines, and 16-bit counter/timer for event counting or frequency generation. Powered by USB port.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AI12-16"><img src="../im/io/USB-AI12-16.jpg" alt="USB-AI12-16"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AI12-16" >USB-AI12-16</a><br> <p>High-speed 250kHz 12-bit A/D for 16 single-ended and 8 differential inputs from any computer with a USB 2.0 port. PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with SCSI connectior for Data Acquisiion and digital control. The unit has software autocalibration, 16 high-current digital I/O lines, and 16-bit counter/timer for event counting or frequency generation. Powered by USB port.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AI16-16E"><img src="../im/io/USB-AI16-16E.jpg" alt="USB-AI16-16E"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AI16-16E" >USB-AI16-16E</a><br> <p>Economical High-speed 250kHz 16-bit A/D for 16 single-ended and 8 differential inputs from any computer with a USB 2.0 port. PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with SCSI connectior for Data Acquisiion and digital control. The unit has software autocalibration, 16 high-current digital I/O lines, and 16-bit counter/timer for event counting or frequency generation. Powered by USB port.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AI16-16A"><img src="../im/io/USB-AI16-16A.jpg" alt="USB-AI16-16A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AI16-16A" >USB-AI16-16A</a><br> <p>High-speed 500kHz 16-bit A/D for 16 single-ended and 8 differential inputs from any computer with a USB 2.0 port. PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with SCSI connectior for Data Acquisiion and digital control. The unit has real-time autocalibration, 16 high-current digital I/O lines, and 16-bit counter/timer for event counting or frequency generation. Powered by USB port.</p></td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=5 class="non-border" ><span class="anchor" id="ANG_PCI_OUT" ></span><H4>PCI Analog Output Card</H4></td></tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DA12-16"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DA12-16.jpg" alt="PCI-DA12-16"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DA12-16" >PCI-DA12-16</a><br> <p>Sixteen independent double-buffered, digital-to-analog converters (DACs), and three 16-bit counter/timers Analog Output Cards</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DA12-8"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DA12-8.jpg" alt="PCI-DA12-8"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DA12-8" >PCI-DA12-8</a><br> <p>Eight Channel Analog Output with independent double-buffered, 12-bit D/A, three 16-bit counter/timers and 24-bits buffered digital I/O on a universal 3.3/5V powered full-sized PCI Card</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DA12-6"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DA12-6.jpg" alt="PCI-DA12-6"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DA12-6" >PCI-DA12-6</a><br> <p>Six Channel Analog Output with independent double-buffered, 12-bit D/A and 16-bits buffered digital I/O on a universal 3.3/5V powered half-sized PCI Card</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DA12-4"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DA12-4.jpg" alt="PCI-DA12-4"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DA12-4" >PCI-DA12-4</a><br> <p>Four Channel Analog Output with independent double-buffered, 12-bit D/A and 16-bits buffered digital I/O on a universal 3.3/5V powered half-sized PCI Card</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DA12-2"><img src="../im/io/PCI-DA12-2.jpg" alt="PCI-DA12-2"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-DA12-2" >PCI-DA12-2</a><br> <p>Two Channel Analog Output with independent double-buffered, 12-bit D/A and 16-bits buffered digital I/O on a universal 3.3/5V powered half-sized PCI Card</p></td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=5 class="non-border" ><span class="anchor" id="ANG_USB_OUT" ></span><H4>USB Analog Output Device</H4></td></tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-DA12-8A"><img src="../im/io/USB-DA12-8A.jpg" alt="USB-DA12-8A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-DA12-8A" >USB-DA12-8A</a><br> <p>USB 2.0 16-chl 16-bit analog outputs with 2 analog inputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-DA12-8E"><img src="../im/io/USB-DA12-8E.jpg" alt="USB-DA12-8E"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-DA12-8E" >USB-DA12-8E</a><br> <p>8 digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with both differential and single-ended outputs on separate connectors</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO12-16E"><img src="../im/io/USB-AO12-16E.jpg" alt="USB-AO12-16E"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO12-16E" >USB-AO12-16E</a><br> <p>USB 2.0 16-chl 12-bit analog outputs digital to analog converter DAC outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO12-16A"><img src="../im/io/USB-AO12-16A.jpg" alt="USB-AO12-16A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO12-16A" >USB-AO12-16A</a><br> <p>USB 2.0 16-chl 12-bit analog outputs with 2 analog inputs digital to analog converter DAC outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-8E"><img src="../im/io/USB-AO16-8E.jpg" alt="USB-AO16-8E"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-8E" >USB-AO16-8E</a><br> <p>USB 2.0 8-chl 16-bit analog outputs digital to analog converter DAC outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-4E"><img src="../im/io/USB-AO16-4E.jpg" alt="USB-AO16-4E"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-4E" >USB-AO16-4E</a><br> <p>USB 2.0 4-chl 16-bit analog outputs digital to analog converter DAC outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-4A"><img src="../im/io/USB-AO16-4A.jpg" alt="USB-AO16-4A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-4A" >USB-AO16-4A</a><br> <p>USB 2.0 4-chl 16-bit analog outputs with 2 analog inputs digital to analog converter DAC outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-8A"><img src="../im/io/USB-AO16-8A.jpg" alt="USB-AO16-8A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-8A" >USB-AO16-8A</a><br> <p>USB 2.0 8-chl 16-bit analog outputs with 2 analog inputs digital to analog converter DAC outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO-ARB1"><img src="../im/io/USB-AO-ARB1.jpg" alt="USB-AO-ARB1"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO-ARB1" >USB-AO-ARB1</a><br> <p>Features 1 single-ended analog output on a standard female BNC connector, at up to 8MHz of continuous transfers through a 32 kByte on-board FIFO</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-16A"><img src="../im/io/USB-AO16-16A.jpg" alt="USB-AO16-16A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-16A" >USB-AO16-16A</a><br> <p>USB 2.0 16-chl 16-bit analog outputs with 2 analog inputs digital to analog converter DAC outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-16E"><img src="../im/io/USB-AO16-16E.jpg" alt="USB-AO16-16E"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO16-16E" >USB-AO16-16E</a><br> <p>USB 2.0 16-chl 16-bit analog outputs digital to analog converter DAC outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO12-8E"><img src="../im/io/USB-AO12-8E.jpg" alt="USB-AO12-8E"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO12-8E" >USB-AO12-8E</a><br> <p>USB 2.0 8-chl 12-bit analog outputs digital to analog converter DAC outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO12-8A"><img src="../im/io/USB-AO12-8A.jpg" alt="USB-AO12-8A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-AO12-8A" >USB-AO12-8A</a><br> <p>USB 2.0 8-chl 12-bit analog outputs with 2 analog inputs digital to analog converter DAC outputs</p></td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=5 class="non-border" ><span class="anchor" id="SERIAL" ></span><H4>Serial Communication Port Card</H4></td></tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM-4SM"><img src="../im/io/LPCI-COM-4SM.jpg" alt="LPCI-COM-4SM"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM-4SM" >LPCI-COM-4SM</a><br> <p>Low Profile Quad-port asynchronous RS-232/422/485 serial communication card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot computer. Supports RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 protocols with auto control for RS-485 under all OS at baud rates up to 921Kbps</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM232-4"><img src="../im/io/LPCI-COM232-4.jpg" alt="LPCI-COM232-4"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM232-4" >LPCI-COM232-4</a><br> <p>Low Profile Quad-port asynchronous RS-232serial communication card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot computer. Supports RS-232 protocol under all OS at baud rates up to 921Kbps</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-COM232-4"><img src="../im/io/PCI-COM232-4.jpg" alt="PCI-COM232-4"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-COM232-4" >PCI-COM232-4</a><br> <p>Quad-port, asynchronous RS-232 serial communications card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot in PC computers. Supports RS-232 under all OS at baud rates up to 921.6 Kbps.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-COM232-2"><img src="../im/io/PCI-COM232-2.jpg" alt="PCI-COM232-2"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-COM232-2" >PCI-COM232-2</a><br> <p>Dual-port, asynchronous RS-232 serial communications card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot in PC computers. Supports RS-232 under all OS at baud rates up to 921.6 Kbps.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-COM-2S"><img src="../im/io/PCI-COM-2S.jpg" alt="PCI-COM-2S"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-COM-2S" >PCI-COM-2S</a><br> <p>Dual-port, asynchronous RS-232/422/485 serial communications card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot in PC computers. Supports RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 protocols with auto control for RS-485 under all OS at baud rates up to 460.8Kbaud for RS-422/485 and 115.2Kbps for RS-232.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-422-485-2"><img src="../im/io/PCI-422-485-2.jpg" alt="PCI-422-485-2"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-422-485-2" >PCI-422-485-2</a><br> <p>Dual-port, asynchronous RS-422/485 serial communications card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot in PC computers. Supports RS-422 and RS-485 protocols with auto control for RS-485 under all OS at baud rates up to 460.8Kbps</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-ICM-2S"><img src="../im/io/PCI-ICM-2S.jpg" alt="PCI-ICM-2S"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-ICM-2S" >PCI-ICM-2S</a><br> <p>Dual port asynchronous optically isolated RS-422/485 serial communication card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot computer. Supports RS-422 and RS-485 protocols with auto control for RS-485 under all OS at baud rates up to 460.8Kbps</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-ICM-1S"><img src="../im/io/PCI-ICM-1S.jpg" alt="PCI-ICM-1S"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-ICM-1S" >PCI-ICM-1S</a><br> <p>Single port asynchronous optically isolated RS-422/485 serial communication card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot computer. Supports RS-422 and RS-485 protocols with auto control for RS-485 under all OS at baud rates up to 460.8Kbps</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM-8SM"><img src="../im/io/LPCI-COM-8SM.jpg" alt="LPCI-COM-8SM"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM-8SM" >LPCI-COM-8SM</a><br> <p>Low Profile Eight-port asynchronous RS-232/422/485 serial communication card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot computer. Supports RS-232/422/485 protocol on any individual port with auto RS-485 control under all OS.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM485-8"><img src="../im/io/LPCI-COM485-8.jpg" alt="LPCI-COM485-8"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM485-8" >LPCI-COM485-8</a><br> <p>Low Profile Eight-port asynchronous RS-485 serial communication card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot computer. Supports RS-485 protocol with auto RS-485 control under all OS at baud rates up to 921Kbps</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM422-8"><img src="../im/io/LPCI-COM422-8.jpg" alt="LPCI-COM422-8"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM422-8" >LPCI-COM422-8</a><br> <p>Low Profile Eight-port asynchronous RS-422 serial communication card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot computer. Supports RS-422 protocol under all OS at baud rates up to 921Kbps</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM232-8"><img src="../im/io/LPCI-COM232-8.jpg" alt="LPCI-COM232-8"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM232-8" >LPCI-COM232-8</a><br> <p>Low Profile Eight-port asynchronous RS-232 serial communication card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot computer. Supports RS-232 protocol under all OS at baud rates up to 115.6Kbps</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-ICM485-4"><img src="../im/io/PCI-ICM485-4.jpg" alt="PCI-ICM485-4"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-ICM485-4" >PCI-ICM485-4</a><br> <p>Four-port, optically isolated asynchronous RS-485 serial communications card designed for use in PCI-Bus computers with 3.3V or 5V slots at baud rates up to 460.8Kbps. Fits in any slot that can accommodate "long" cards and is designed to support Auto RS-485 control and support for multidrop networks.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-COM485-4"><img src="../im/io/PCI-COM485-4.jpg" alt="PCI-COM485-4"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-COM485-4" >PCI-COM485-4</a><br> <p>Four-port, asynchronous serial communications card designed for use in PCI-Bus systems</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-ICM422-4"><img src="../im/io/PCI-ICM422-4.jpg" alt="PCI-ICM422-4"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-ICM422-4" >PCI-ICM422-4</a><br> <p>Four-port, optically isolated asynchronous RS-422 serial communications card designed for use in PCI-Bus computers with 3.3V or 5V slots at baud rates up to 460.8Kbps. Fits in any slot that can accommodate "long" cards and is designed to provide effective communication on long communication lines in noisy environments</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-COM422-4"><img src="../im/io/PCI-COM422-4.jpg" alt="PCI-COM422-4"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=PCI-COM422-4" >PCI-COM422-4</a><br> <p>Four-port, asynchronous RS-422 serial communications card designed for use in PCI-Bus computers with half card 3.3V or 5V slots at baud rates up to 460.8Kbps.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM-1S"><img src="../im/io/LPCI-COM-1S.jpg" alt="LPCI-COM-1S"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=LPCI-COM-1S" >LPCI-COM-1S</a><br> <p>Low Profile single port asynchronous serial communication card that can be installed in any 3.3V or 5V PCI slot computer. Supports RS-422 and RS-485 protocols with auto control for RS-485 under all OS at baud rates up to 460.8Kbps</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=mPCIe-ICM232-4"><img src="../im/io/mPCIe-ICM232-4.jpg" alt="mPCIe-ICM232-4"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=mPCIe-ICM232-4" >mPCIe-ICM232-4</a><br> <p>The mPCIe-ICM232 family of cards feature high performance 16C950-class UARTs. Available in 4-port and 2-port versions, each port is capable of communication speeds up to 921.6kbps and has 128-byte deep transmit and receive FIFOs. </p></td> </tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=5 class="non-border" ><span class="anchor" id="SERIAL_USB" ></span><H4>USB Serial Communication Port Device</H4></td></tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-COM-4S"><img src="../im/io/USB-COM-4S.jpg" alt="USB-COM-4S"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-COM-4S" >USB-COM-4S</a><br> <p>Four port asynchronous serial communication adapter designed for use with any computer system equipped with a USB port</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-COM232-4A"><img src="../im/io/USB-COM232-4A.jpg" alt="USB-COM232-4A"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-COM232-4A" >USB-COM232-4A</a><br> <p>Four-port RS-232 asynchronous serial communication adapter designed for use with any computer system equipped with a USB port</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-COM-2SM"><img src="../im/io/USB-COM-2SM.jpg" alt="USB-COM-2SM"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-COM-2SM" >USB-COM-2SM</a><br> <p>USB two-port serial RS-232/422/485 adapter designed for use with any computer system equipped with a USB port. PC/104 sized board and mounting holes installed in a small rugged enclosure with two DB9 connectors.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-485"><img src="../im/io/USB-485.jpg" alt="USB-485"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-485" >USB-485</a><br> <p>USB to single DB9 RS-485 with included cable </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-422"><img src="../im/io/USB-422.jpg" alt="USB-422"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-422" >USB-422</a><br> <p>USB to single DB9 RS-422 with included cable </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-232"><img src="../im/io/USB-232.jpg" alt="USB-232"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-232" >USB-232</a><br> <p>USB to single DB9 RS-232 with included cable </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=CONV232-422"><img src="../im/io/CONV232-422.jpg" alt="CONV232-422"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=CONV232-422" >CONV232-422</a><br> <p>Self powered DB9 RS-232 to DB9 RS-422 Serial Data Converter</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-IIRO4-2SM"><img src="../im/io/USB-IIRO4-2SM.jpg" alt="USB-IIRO4-2SM"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-IIRO4-2SM" >USB-IIRO4-2SM</a><br> <p>USB 4-port hub internally to provide four optically isolated digital inputs, four digital electromechanical relay outputs and two ports of RS-232/422/485 serial communication in a small rugged enclosure with DB25 connector for digital and two DB9 connectors for serial.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=CONV232-485"><img src="../im/io/CONV232-485.jpg" alt="CONV232-485"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=CONV232-485" >CONV232-485</a><br> <p>Self powered DB9 RS-232 to DB9 RS-485 Serial Data Converter</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%" ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-FLEXCOM4"><img src="../im/io/USB-FLEXCOM4.jpg" alt="USB-FLEXCOM4"></a></td> <td width="75%" colspan=2 ><a href="detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=USB-FLEXCOM4" >USB-FLEXCOM4</a><br> <p>USB-FLEXCOM4 allows our rugged USB to quad-serial port board to be added to any PCI-104 or PC/104 stack by connecting it to a simple USB port usually included on-board with embedded CPU form factors such as EBX, EPIC, and PC/104</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div><!-- single-post-wrapper --> <div class="panel-group col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" id="accordion2"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion2" href="#IPC">Industrial Computer</a> </h4> </div> <div id="IPC" class="panel-collapse collapse"> <div class="panel-body"> <ul> <li><a onClick="location.href='sbc.php'" 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