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#item-header-avatar --> <div id="item-header-content"> <h2 class="fn" style="display:inline;">Will Norris</h2> <div id="item-meta"> <p class="item-meta-info"> <span class="company">Google</span> &middot; <span class="website"><a href=""></a> </p> <p class="item-meta-about"> <a href="" rel="nofollow">Google+</a> </p> </div><!-- #item-meta --> </div><!-- #item-header-content --> <div id="item-header-location"> <h4>Location</h4> <script src=";sensor=false" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var geocoder; var map; function initialize() { geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var mapOptions = { zoom: 35, center: new google.maps.LatLng(0,0), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, disableDefaultUI: true } map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), mapOptions); } function codeAddress(address) { geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { 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href="">Snow Storm</a></h3> <p class="downloads">7,773 downloads</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">MicroID</a></h3> <p class="downloads">990 downloads</p> </li> <br style="clear:left;"/> </ul> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div class="info-group plugin-theme main-plugins"> <h4>Will's Favorite Plugins</h4> <ul> <li> <h3><a href="">Markdown on Save</a></h3> <p class="user-rating">User rating</p> <div class="star-holder"> <div class="star-rating" style="width: 60px"></div> </div> </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Regenerate Thumbnails</a></h3> </li> </ul> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="info-group" id="ajax-activity"> <h4>Will's Activity</h4> <div class="clearer"></div> <ul id="activity-list" class="wp-activity"> <li class="wporgtopic"> <p> Started a new topic in the support forums, <a href="">jetpack: &quot;Google +1&quot; should be renamed to &quot;Google+&quot;</a> </p> <p class="ago">3 months ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">photon and https URLs</a> </p> <p class="ago">4 months ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">photon and https URLs</a> </p> <p class="ago">4 months ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#10267</a> (Login form SSL is confusing) reopened </p> <p class="ago">5 months ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#10267</a> (Login form SSL is confusing) closed </p> <p class="ago">5 months ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#21924</a> (add action / filter to wp-login.php so we can replace WordPress login and ...) closed </p> <p class="ago">5 months ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#15277</a> (FORCE_SSL_LOGIN or _ADMIN go to death loops when using an load-balancer) closed </p> <p class="ago">5 months ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">photon and https URLs</a> </p> <p class="ago">10 months ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">photon and https URLs</a> </p> <p class="ago">10 months ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#1653</a> (add ability to disable jetpack's https check for photon) created </p> <p class="ago">10 months ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">photon and https URLs</a> </p> <p class="ago">10 months ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#23428</a> (comments_open causes PHP notice in certain cases) created </p> <p class="ago">10 months ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgtopic"> <p> Started a new topic in the support forums, <a href="">photon and https URLs</a> </p> <p class="ago">10 months ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[629619]</a>: tag v1.1 </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[629617]</a>: sync to commit ef139fd102 on github </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[629616]</a>: tag v1.0 </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[626366]</a>: fix version number </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[626365]</a>: tag v1.1 </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[626364]</a>: sync to commit a6f756e0da from github </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[626361]</a>: tag v3.3.4 </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[626360]</a>: sync to commit 4533f99034 on github (for real this time) </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[626359]</a>: sync to commit 4533f99034 on github </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[626358]</a>: move php-openid library to lib directory </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[624843]</a>: tag v1.5.1 </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[624842]</a>: sync to commit b3218c1d3f on github </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">Almost perfect but worth 5 star !</a> </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">Remove [shortcodes] and</a> </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">Listing all Featured Images on 404 Page</a> </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[624681]</a>: tag v1.5 </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[624678]</a>: sync to commit 3e735981e6 from github </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">[Plugin: Open Graph] Suggestion: Use … instead of ...</a> </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="wporgreply"> <p> Replied to a topic in the support forums, <a href="">Open Graph messes up PowerPress</a> </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[590028]</a>: tag v1.4 </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[590027]</a>: sync to commit 48aa56d27d from github </p> <p class="ago">1 year ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[547309]</a>: update banner image </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[547308]</a>: update banner image </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[547304]</a>: add banner image </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[547301]</a>: update banner </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[547249]</a>: tag v1.3 </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[547247]</a>: update for v1.3 </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[547245]</a>: add banner </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[508129]</a>: tag v1.2 </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[508128]</a>: latest git snapshot (5987b76ee1) </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="traccore"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">core Trac</a>, Ticket <a href="">#19714</a> (plugins which use the 'authenticate' hook unable to return errors) created </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[460469]</a>: tag opengraph 1.1 </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[460468]</a>: git snapshot (fd1be87993) </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[460466]</a>: revert last commit </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[460465]</a>: git snapshot (fd1be87993) </p> <p class="ago">2 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[337791]</a>: flush rewrite rules </p> <p class="ago">3 years ago</p> </li> <li class="tracplugins"> <p> <a class="trac" href="">plugins Trac</a>, Changeset <a href="">[337788]</a>: initial commit </p> <p class="ago">3 years ago</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- #item-body --> </div><!-- .padder --> </div><!-- #content --> </div> <!-- /#container --> <div id="wporg-footer"> <div class="wrapper"> <ul> <li><a href="" title="An introduction to the WordPress project">About</a></li> <li><a href="" title="News and Updates">Blog</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Recommended web hosting providers">Hosting</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Find or post WordPress jobs">Jobs</a></li> </ul> <ul> <li><a href="" title="Forums, documentation, and other resources">Support</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Give back to WordPress through code, support, translation and more">Get 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