Business - Tencent 腾讯
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Our mission is "Value for Users, Tech for Good"." /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" /> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <script> window.windowLoadList = []; window.windowLoad = function (call){ windowLoadList.push(call); } var _locale = 'en-us'; </script> <!-- Google Tag Manager --> <script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-TQP47XHV');</script> <!-- End Google Tag Manager --> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/js.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/js-2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/swiper.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/qrcode.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/tencent.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/imgsize.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/yearpicker.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-throttle-debounce.js"></script> <script src=""></script> <script> const aegis = new Aegis({ id: 'okypvhbvZrwvRnEg8o', // 上报 id uin: 'xxx', // 用户唯一 ID(可选) reportApiSpeed: true, // 接口测速 reportAssetSpeed: true, // 静态资源测速 spa: true, // spa 应用页面跳转的时候开启 pv 计算 }); 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We develop and provide a wide range of easy to use instant messaging and social networks. Our innovations make communications and sharing more convenient, lively and personal, enriching the lives of our users.</p> </div> <div class="product-box"> <div class="box" t-name="微信"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/1.1.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Weixin/WeChat</p> <p class="desc">微信,是一个生活方式</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="QQ"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/1.2.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">QQ</p> <p class="desc">每一天,乐在沟通</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="QQ空间"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/1.3.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Qzone</p> <p class="desc">分享生活,留住感动</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section-item section-two-item gray-bg clearfix" id="business-con-2"> <div class="mod-s-con"> <div class="mess-text"> <h3>Digital Content</h3> <p class="desc">On the principle of "connecting everything", Tencent continues to explore a range of diverse, integrated social entertainment offerings that look towards the future. Building upon high-quality content and driven by our technological innovations, We continue to explore the next generation of social and content integration. Through cross-screen, multi-platform and multi-format models, We aim to provide Internet users with diversified and multi-dimensional content, to satisfy all of our users' entertainment needs.<br>At the same time, We are firmly aware of the importance of copyright and IP to the protection of creative industries. With respect to copyright, We endeavour to explore potential IPs in the content business ecosystem. At present, our digital content products include: Online Games, Video, Live Streaming, News, Music, Literature.</p> </div> <div class="product-box"> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯游戏"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/2.1.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent Games</p> <p class="desc">去发现,无限可能!</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯视频"> <div class="logo-pic"> <img src="" alt="img"> </div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent Video</p> <p class="desc">不负好时光</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯影业"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/2.3.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent Pictures</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="hide-box"> <div class="box" t-name="微视"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">WeiShi</p> <p class="desc">发现更有趣</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯新闻"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/2.5.1.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent News</p> <p class="desc">你的关心 关系世界</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯体育"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/2.6.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent Sports</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯动漫"> <div class="logo-pic"><img style="width: 80%;height: auto;" src="" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent Animation and Comics</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯音乐娱乐"> <div class="logo-pic"><img style="width: 70%;height: auto;" src="" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent Music Entertainment Group</p> <p class="desc">创造音乐无限可能</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="阅文集团"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Yuewen</p> <p class="desc">让好故事生生不息</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯电竞"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/esports.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent Esports</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mobile-box"> <div class="more"> <p>View All<img src="/img/mobile/icon_arrow_d.png" alt="img" /></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section-item section-three-item white-bg clearfix" id="business-con-3"> <div class="mod-s-con"> <div class="mess-text"> <h3>FinTech Services</h3> <p class="desc">Striving for excellence and openness in building a compliant ecosystem with risk control, plus our awareness of things that we should do, Tencent's FinTech services leverage Weixin Pay and QQ Wallet to connect people with financial products and solutions, build an ecosystem for the financial sector, collaborate with our partners to provide innovative financial services such as mobile payment, wealth management, loans and securities trading to users around the globe.</p> </div> <div class="product-box"> <div class="box" t-name="微信支付"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/3.1.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Weixin Pay</p> <p class="desc">微信支付 不止支付</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="QQ钱包"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/3.2.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">QQ Wallet</p> <p class="desc">一站式生活服务</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="理财通"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/3.3.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">LiCaiTong</p> <p class="desc">微信理财,你就理财通</p> </div> </div> <div class="hide-box"> <div class="box" t-name="信用卡还款"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/3.4.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Credit Card Repayment</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="手机充值"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/3.5.1.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Mobile Phone Top-Up Service</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="乘车码"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/3.6.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Transit QR Code</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="WeChat港币钱包"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/3.7.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">WeChat Pay HK</p> <p class="desc">WeChat Pay HK</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯区块链"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/3.9.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent Blockchain</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯自选股"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/3.11.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent Portfolio</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="退税通"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/3.12.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">We Tax Refund</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="财付通商企付"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/3.14.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Business Tenpay</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mobile-box"> <div class="more"> <p>View All<img src="/img/mobile/icon_arrow_d.png" alt="img" /></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section-item section-four-item gray-bg clearfix" id="business-con-4"> <div class="mod-s-con"> <div class="mess-text"> <h3>Tools</h3> <p class="desc">Tencent offers a variety of utility software designed to help users quickly and directly address issues such as network security management, fast browsing, navigation, application management, email and much more.</p> </div> <div class="product-box"> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯手机管家"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/4.1.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent Mobile Manager</p> <p class="desc">有实力 无所惧</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯电脑管家"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/4.2.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent PC Manager</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="QQ浏览器"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/4.3.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">QQ Browser</p> <p class="desc">我的兴趣世界</p> </div> </div> <div class="hide-box"> <div class="box" t-name="腾讯地图"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/4.4.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Tencent Map</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="应用宝"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">YingYongBao</p> <p class="desc">上应用宝,下一种生活</p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="QQ邮箱"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/4.6.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">QQ Mail</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> <div class="box" t-name="微信小程序"> <div class="logo-pic"><img src="/data/logo-pic/4.7.png" alt="img"></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="name">Weixin Mini Programs</p> <p class="desc"></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mobile-box"> <div class="more"> <p>View All<img src="/img/mobile/icon_arrow_d.png" alt="img" /></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mod-tab-content"> <div class="brand-item white-bg brand-one-item" id="business-con-5"> <div class="mod-con clearfix"> <a href=""> <div class="t-flx"> <div class="label-box"> <img src="/data/logo-pic/txad.png" alt="腾讯广告" /> </div> <div class="desc-box"> <p class="desc">Tencent Marketing Solution, China's leading big data marketing platform, provides integrated digital marketing solutions based on deep business insight, marketing technologies, and professional services across the full range of Tencent's applications. Tencent Marketing Solution is committed to providing a wide range of efficient marketing solutions and building a stronger connection between brands and users through effective marketing.</p> <div class="go-icon"> <img src="/img/business/go-icon.png" alt="img" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="b-flx"> <img class="pc-flx" src="/data/business/flx-1.jpg" alt="img" /> <img class="mobile-flx" src="/img/mobile/flx-1.jpg" alt="img" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="brand-item gray-bg brand-two-item" id="business-con-6"> <div class="mod-con clearfix"> <a href=""> <div class="t-flx"> <div class="label-box"> <img src="/data/logo-pic/txcloud.png" alt="腾讯云" /> </div> <div class="desc-box"> <p class="desc">Tencent Cloud provides industry-leading cloud products and services to organizations and enterprises across the world. Leveraging its robust worldwide data center infrastructure, Tencent integrates cloud computing, big data analytics, AI, Internet of Things, security and other advanced technologies with smart enterprise. We also provide holistic smart enterprise solutions for industries including finance, education, healthcare, retail, industry, transport, energy and radio & television.</p> <div class="go-icon"> <img src="/img/business/go-icon.png" alt="img" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="b-flx"> <img class="pc-flx" src="/data/business/flx-2.jpg" alt="img" /> <img class="mobile-flx" src="/img/mobile/flx-2.jpg" alt="img" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="brand-item white-bg brand-three-item" id="business-con-7"> <div class="mod-con clearfix"> <div class="t-flx"> <div class="label-box"> <h3>Smart Industries</h3> </div> <div class="desc-box"> <p class="desc">Tencent is dedicated to being a “digital assistant”. Through cutting-edge Internet infrastructure and technologies, including Cloud, AI, Big Data Analytics, Security, Payment, Mini Programs, LBS and others, we can help various industries upgrade to digital, and build smart business solutions. We help customers identify new business models and profit growth drivers, and build a new, intelligent ecosystem that efficiently connects customers and enterprises. This process has been applied across many industries, including finance, retail, municipal sevices, tourism, healthcare, transportation and education.</p> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-flx"> <div class="pic-box"> <ul class="box"> <li class="active-li"><img src="/data/business/banner-1.jpg" alt="img" /></li> <li><img src="/data/business/banner-2.jpg" alt="img" /></li> <li><img src="/data/business/banner-3.jpg" alt="img" /></li> <li><img src="/data/business/banner-4.jpg" alt="img" /></li> </ul> </div> <div class="tab-box"> <ul class="box"> <li class="active-tab"> <a href=""> <h4 class="label">Smart Retail</h4> <p class="desc">Tencent Smart Retail provides partners with one-stop solutions and services for retail, such as consultancy, planning, pilot operation, and deployment.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <h4 class="label">Smart Healthcare</h4> <p class="desc">Harnessing our technical capabilities, Tencent Smart Healthcare aims to promote innovation in technologies, applications and cooperation models in the healthcare sector.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <h4 class="label">Smart Transportation</h4> <p class="desc">Tencent is advancing the development of smart transportation through the application of expertise in artificial intelligence, HD maps, simulation platforms, social network, mobile payments, network security, and other avenues, combining traditional transportation with the Internet.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <h4 class="label">Smart Education</h4> <p class="desc">Connection, content and social responsibility are the starting points for Tencent Education. Leveraging our connection with 1.1 billion users, our leading technology and rich digital content.</p> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="swiper-two-box"> <div class="step-box"> <div class="mess"><span class="now-ind">01</span> / <span class="all-length">04</span></div> <div class="line-box"> <span class="l"></span> </div> </div> <div id="swiper" class="swiper-container" style="height: auto;overflow: visible;"> <div class="swiper-wrapper swiper-wrapper1" id="swiper-wrapper" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); transition-duration: 0ms;"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <a href=""> <div class="img-box"> <img class="pc-box" src="/data/business/banner-1.jpg" alt="img" /> <img class="mobile-box" src="/data/mobile/banner-1.jpg" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="mess-box"> <p class="swi-title">Smart Retail</p> <p class="swi-desc">Tencent Smart Retail provides partners with one-stop solutions and services for retail, such as consultancy, planning, pilot operation, and deployment.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <a href=""> <div class="img-box"> <img class="pc-box" src="/data/business/banner-2.jpg" alt="img" /> <img class="mobile-box" src="/data/mobile/banner-2.jpg" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="mess-box"> <p class="swi-title">Smart Healthcare</p> <p class="swi-desc">Harnessing our technical capabilities, Tencent Smart Healthcare aims to promote innovation in technologies, applications and cooperation models in the healthcare sector.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <a href=""> <div class="img-box"> <img class="pc-box" src="/data/business/banner-3.jpg" alt="img" /> <img class="mobile-box" src="/data/mobile/banner-3.jpg" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="mess-box"> <p class="swi-title">Smart Transportation</p> <p class="swi-desc">Tencent is advancing the development of smart transportation through the application of expertise in artificial intelligence, HD maps, simulation platforms, social network, mobile payments, network security, and other avenues, combining traditional transportation with the Internet.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <a href=""> <div class="img-box"> <img class="pc-box" src="/data/business/banner-4.jpg" alt="img" /> <img class="mobile-box" src="/data/mobile/banner-4.jpg" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="mess-box"> <p class="swi-title">Smart Education</p> <p class="swi-desc">Connection, content and social responsibility are the starting points for Tencent Education. Leveraging our connection with 1.1 billion users, our leading technology and rich digital content.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-box"> <h3 class="mid-label">Tools for Smart Industries</h3> <div class="item item-one"> <a href=""> <div class="pic"> <img src="/data/logo-pic/qywx.png" alt="企业微信" /> </div> <p class="desc">WeCom is designed for enterprises as a communication and management platform. It offers unique communication experience by integrating with Weixin and providing a wide array of office automation applications including over 200 APIs. This enables employees to work on the go.</p> </a> </div> <div class="item item-two"> <a href=""> <div class="pic"> <img src="/data/logo-pic/txhy.png" alt="腾讯会议" /> </div> <p class="desc">Tencent Meeting is an audio and video conferencing application from Tencent Cloud designed to facilitate cross-enterprise and cross-regional communication and collaboration. It provides users with an easy-to-use, smooth, secure, and reliable cloud-based high definition conferencing solution. Tencent Meeting launched at the end of 2019, while its international version, VooV Meeting, debuted in March 2020.</p> </a> </div> <div class="item item-three"> <a href=""> <div class="pic"> <img src="/data/logo-pic/xcx.png" alt="微信小程序" /> </div> <p class="desc">Weixin Mini Programs strive to lower the barrier for merchants to build a digital presence within Weixin ecosystem. Leveraging a range of developer tools, infrastructure and operational support, businesses can develop and use Mini Programs to provide better service for their customers. The platform is always evolving, striving to help businesses create more value and achieve their goals by supporting various formats of advertising.</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mod-tab-content"> <div class="brand-item white-bg brand-one-item" id="business-con-8"> <div class="mod-con clearfix"> <a href=""> <div class="t-flx"> <div class="label-box"> <h3>Artificial Intelligence</h3> </div> <div class="desc-box"> <p class="desc">Tencent is applying our diverse technological assets, including computing power, massive data sets, and a broad range of use cases to improve our AI capabilities in understanding, decision-making and creation, and to help bring the benefits of AI to everyone, everywhere.</p> <div class="go-icon"> <img src="/img/business/go-icon.png" alt="img" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="b-flx"> <img class="pc-flx" src="/data/business/flx-3.jpg" alt="img" /> <img class="mobile-flx" src="/img/mobile/flx-3.jpg" alt="img" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="brand-item gray-bg brand-two-item" id="business-con-9"> <div class="mod-con clearfix"> <div class="t-flx clearfix"> <div class="label-box"> <h3>Frontier Technology</h3> </div> <div class="desc-box"> <p class="desc">Tencent has established a future-oriented innovation engine to drive the application of technologies in industries such as agriculture, industrial, retail and medical, ultimately benefiting consumers.</p> </div> </div> <div class="mod-type-box clearfix"> <div class="item item-1"> <a href=""> <div class="mask-bg"><img src="/data/business/type-box-1.jpg" alt="img" /></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">Tencent Media Lab</p> <p class="desc">专注于音视频通信技术的前瞻性研究,包括全球实时音视频网络优化、音视频编解码前沿算法研究、计算机视觉图像处理、基于AI的音频语音增强、声音美化及音视频质量评测等</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="item item-2"> <a href=""> <div class="mask-bg"><img src="/data/business/type-box-2.jpg" alt="img" /></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">Internet of Things</p> <p class="desc">专注于音视频通信技术的前瞻性研究,包括全球实时音视频网络优化、音视频编解码前沿算法研究、计算机视觉图像处理、基于AI的音频语音增强、声音美化及音视频质量评测等</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="item item-3"> <a href=""> <div class="mask-bg"><img src="/data/business/type-box-3.jpg" alt="img" /></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">Robotics</p> <p class="desc">专注于音视频通信技术的前瞻性研究,包括全球实时音视频网络优化、音视频编解码前沿算法研究、计算机视觉图像处理、基于AI的音频语音增强、声音美化及音视频质量评测等</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="item item-4"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <div class="mask-bg"><img src="/data/business/type-box-4.jpg" alt="img" /></div> <div class="mess"> <p class="label">Quantum Computing</p> <p class="desc">专注于音视频通信技术的前瞻性研究,包括全球实时音视频网络优化、音视频编解码前沿算法研究、计算机视觉图像处理、基于AI的音频语音增强、声音美化及音视频质量评测等</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="brand-item white-bg brand-three-item" id="business-con-10"> <div class="mod-con clearfix"> <a href=""> <div class="t-flx"> <div class="label-box"> <h3>Exploring the Future</h3> </div> <div class="desc-box"> <p class="desc">Tencent is committed to creating a more resilient planet. We work with partners to explore the future and develop technologies that can help solve key global challenges related to food production, energy creation, and water management. Today we are working with Wageningen University to understand how artificial intelligence and autonomous greenhouses can improve agriculture and alleviate food scarcity.</p> <div class="go-icon"> <img src="/img/business/go-icon.png" alt="img" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="b-flx"> <img class="pc-flx" src="/data/business/flx-4.jpg" alt="img" /> <img class="mobile-flx" src="/img/mobile/flx-4.jpg" alt="img" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- toC弹窗 --> <div class="to-c-pop"> <div class="pop-bg"></div> <div class="pop-box"> <img class="close" src="/img/business/close.png" alt="img" /> <div class="logo-pic"> <img src="/data/logo-pic/1.1.png" alt="img" /> </div> <div class="mess-box"> <p class="name">LiCaiTong</p> <div class="ms"> <p class="label">微信理财,你就理财通</p> <a href="#" target="_blank">Official Website</a> </div> <div class="desc"> <p>腾讯理财通作为腾讯官方理财平台,自2014年1月14日在微信支付内上线以来,就定位“精品化互联网理财平台”,携手银行、基金、券商、保险等金融机构,针对用户不同风险等级的理财需求,为用户定制固定收益类、浮动收益类等不同资产类别的金融理财产品,通过多样化的理财产品满足不同用户的理财需求。除此之外,理财通先后上线了工资定投、梦想计划、指数定投、信用卡还款理财、还房贷理财等产品功能,为用户提供安全、稳健、便捷、多元的互联网理财服务。</p> <p>腾讯理财通严格遵循“精选”理念,首先从投资能力、产品设计、组织活力、创新能力等方面,多维度全面筛选合作机构,再从产品投向细节、产品风险评估等方面,深度对产品进行筛选,只有通过筛选的产品才能进入理财产品精品库。</p> <p>截至2018年第四季度,腾讯理财通有效用户数已达1亿,协助客户管理资产超过6000亿元人民币。</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- toC弹窗 --> <!-- 内容区域 --> <script> document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', function(){ }); // 禁用or启用背景滑动 isDiff默认为flase是可以滑动,为true是不可以滑动。 var isDiff = false; var overscroll = function(el){ el.addEventListener('touchstart', function(){ var top = el.scrollTop; var totalScroll = el.scrollHeight; var currentScroll = top + el.offsetHeight; if(top === 0) { el.scrollTop = 1; }else if(currentScroll === totalScroll){ el.scrollTop = top - 1; } }); el.addEventListener('touchmove', function(evt){ if(el.offsetHeight < el.scrollHeight){ evt._isScroller = true; } }); } 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{"text":"QQ,由腾讯公司于1999年推出。作为一款横跨PC和移动的即时通信和社交平台,QQ支持在线聊天、视频语音通话、点对点断点续传文件、QQ邮箱等多种功能,并不断推出符合年轻用户需求的创新功能,例如支持用户根据个人需求和兴趣快速扩关系的“扩列”以及精准匹配用户兴趣的内容社交平台“看点”等。此外,腾讯亦提供提升企业工作效率的TIM(办公版QQ)。截至2020年3月,QQ月活跃用户(包括PC和移动)为7.68亿。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/1.2.png" }, { "name": "QQ空间", "names": "QQ空间", "label": "分享生活,留住感动", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ空间是支持用户和亲友进行分享互动的社交平台,满足用户展示、交流和娱乐的需求,随时随地分享生活。"}, {"text":"在QQ空间上,用户可以通过多种功能实现自我表达,如日志、说说、分享、相册、视频、留言板、音乐盒、个人档等。此外,用户还可根据个人喜好设定空间装饰,打造个人特色。QQ空间提供的第三方网站和第三方应用接入,可以更好的为用户提供个性化服务。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/1.3.png" }, { "name": "腾讯游戏", "names": "腾讯游戏", "label": "去发现,无限可能!", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯游戏(Tencent Games)成立于2003年,是全球领先的游戏研发和运营商。作为“超级数字场景”理念的倡导者和实践者,腾讯游戏高度关注和重视未成年人的健康发展,并致力于通过技术创新、创意激发、产学研结合、全球化布局,以及公益实践等方式,推动游戏成为助推前沿科技发展、优秀文化弘扬、创新人才孵化、社会公益增效的重要驱动力,为产业和社会的发展创造更多突破性与建设性的价值。"}, {"text":"同时,腾讯游戏也积极推动电子竞技产业的发展,与全球合作伙伴一起共同构建开放、协同、共荣共生的产业生态,为用户创造高品质数字生活体验。"}, ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.1.png" }, { "name": "腾讯视频", "names": "腾讯视频", "label": "不负好时光", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯视频是中国领先的在线视频平台,拥有丰富的优质流行内容和专业的媒体运营能力,是聚合热播影视、综艺娱乐、体育赛事、新闻资讯等为一体的综合视频内容平台,并通过PC端、移动端及客厅产品等多种形态为用户提供高清流畅的视频娱乐体验,以满足用户不同的体验需求。"}, // {"text":"目前,腾讯视频聚合了热播影视、综艺娱乐、体育赛事、新闻资讯等海量内容资源,并通过PC端、移动端以及客厅产品等多种形态,为用户提供内容更丰富、观看更高清流畅的视频娱乐体验。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.2.png" }, { "name": "腾讯影业", "names": "腾讯影业", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯影业成立于2015年,是腾讯的全资子公司,与游戏、动漫、文学、音乐、电竞等业务共同组成腾讯“新文创”内容文化生态。我们的定位是在新文创生态下,专注于优质影视作品打造开放的内容平台。我们的业务布局涵盖了创制、宣发、IP版权、IP授权等领域。腾影发行公司为隶属于腾讯影业的全资子公司。"}, {"text":"腾讯致力于打造出“丰富生活、温暖人心、感动人性”的优秀作品。目前,参与出品和发行45部电影,全球票房超620亿人民币;参与出品和推广45部剧集,全网播放量超1000亿。"}, {"text":"腾讯基于对文化价值的长线思考,沉淀形成了以时代旋律为首,包括东方故事、国际探索、青春能量、次元破壁、古龙武侠等共六大文化产品系列。我们期待依托多元文化内容,讲好中国故事,助力打造新时代的中国文化符号。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.3.png" }, { "name": "微视", "names": "微视", "label": "发现更有趣", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"微视是腾讯旗下短视频及小视频创作与分享平台,提供优质的原创短视频及小视频内容。用户可通过QQ、微信账号登录,将拍摄的视频同步分享到微信好友、朋友圈、QQ空间等平台。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.4.png" }, { "name": "腾讯新闻", "names": "腾讯新闻", "label": "你的关心 关系世界", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯新闻致力于打造与用户深度相关、让用户深度参与、充满人文关怀的资讯内容产品,塑造值得信赖和年轻温暖的品牌形象。我们以事件驱动为核心,通过构建产品结构化信息知识图谱,鼓励UGC创作与互动,打造行业领先的资讯消费体验,养成独特的内容社区氛围,满足用户全方位的个性化需求。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.5.1.png" }, { "name": "腾讯体育", "names": "腾讯体育", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯体育是中国领先的互联网体育媒体平台,致力于为用户提供最即时、最全面的全球赛事内容和多元化的原创体育节目。目前,我们为中国数字用户独家播出NFL、NBA、德甲、歐冠、ATP、WWE 等全球顶级赛事,并拥有超级企鹅联盟、超新星全运会等一系列精品自制IP。同时,在奥运会及世界杯等大型赛事中,通过领先的直播互动技术、全媒体矩阵及极强的社交属性,为中国用户带来全方位报道和丰富多元的赛事体验。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.6.png" }, { "name": "腾讯动漫", "names": "腾讯动漫", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯动漫成立于2012年,是中国最具规模的原创及正版网络动漫平台。在腾讯集团的整个动漫业务布局中,承担着以旗舰平台培育打造动漫IP的角色,也属于腾讯新文创战略的业务矩阵。目前,腾讯动漫全平台月活跃用户1.2亿,在线漫画作品总量近30000部,签约作者超900人,签约漫画作品近1400部,约1500部漫画作品点击量过亿,35部动画作品播放量破亿,多部IP被开发为手游。旗下的知名国漫IP包括《狐妖小红娘》、《一人之下》、《猫妖的诱惑》等。"}, {"text":"从成立之初,腾讯动漫先后与日本集英社、角川集团、讲谈社和小学馆进行合作,引进正版外漫。自2016年起,我们开始向海外输出原创动漫作品。目前与日本、韩国、泰国、马来西亚、英国、美国、加拿大、南非等多个国家和地区进行授权合作,涉及4种语言,授权漫画作品超100部,授权动画作品达35部。《从前有座灵剑山》、《狐妖小红娘》、《一人之下》等作品都在日本正式播放或连载。"}, {"text":"2019年3月,腾讯动漫国际版 WeComics在北美地区上线,并在半年内陆续登陆东南亚、欧盟等32个国家及地区,为海外用户提供优质的中国漫画作品。WeComics目前支持英语及印尼语。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.7.png" }, { "name": "腾讯音乐娱乐", "names": "腾讯音乐娱乐", "label": "创造音乐无限可能", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯音乐娱乐集团(纽约证券交易所代码:TME)是中国在线音乐娱乐服务领航者。拥有中国广受喜爱和独具匠心的音乐平台:QQ音乐、酷狗音乐、酷我音乐和全民K歌,总月活用户数超过8亿。 腾讯音乐致力于创造音乐无限可能,用科技赋能音乐,人人都可以尽情创作、享受、分享音乐和彼此互动。我们提供在线音乐、在线K歌和音乐直播服务,让每一位音乐爱好者能够发现好音乐,获得听、看、唱、表演和社交为一体的全方位音乐娱乐体验。"}, {"text":"此外,我们拥有全球丰富的优质音乐内容,截至2019年12月31日,腾讯音乐曲库超4,000万首。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.8.png" }, { "name": "阅文集团", "names": "阅文集团", "label": "让好故事生生不息", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"阅文集团(股票代码:0772.HK)成立于2015年3月。作为以数字阅读为基础,IP培育与开发为核心的综合性文化产业集团,阅文旗下囊括QQ阅读、起点读书、新丽传媒、腾讯动漫等业界知名品牌,汇聚了强大的创作者阵营、丰富的作品储备,覆盖200多种内容品类,触达数亿用户,已成功输出《庆余年》《赘婿》《鬼吹灯》《全职高手》《斗罗大陆》《琅琊榜》等大量优秀网文IP,改编为动漫、影视、游戏等多业态产品。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/yuewen-cn.png" }, { "name": "腾讯电竞", "names": "腾讯电竞", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ // {"text":"腾讯电竞是中国以至全球最具竞争力的电竞品牌,与腾讯游戏、阅文集团、腾讯影业、腾讯动漫、腾讯音乐娱乐等内容业务共同组成“新文创”数字内容产业矩阵。"}, // {"text":"目前,腾讯电竞已形成八大精品职业联赛,并以腾讯电竞运动会(TGA)为载体,建立覆盖全游戏品类的全国性大众赛事体系,致力打造更完善的电竞生态体系。"}, // {"text":"2018年,腾讯旗下英雄联盟、AoV(王者荣耀国际版)、皇室战争三款游戏成为雅加达-巨港亚运会的表演项目,为中国电竞产业发展助力。"} {"text":"腾讯电竞正式品牌成立于2016年12月9日,是全球领先和具影响力的电竞品牌和赛事运营商,拥有全球顶尖的八大赛事品类,旗下赛区覆盖全球五大洲逾90个国家和地区,2023年全球观看量破千亿次。腾讯电竞正在通过专业而全面的电竞赛事、电竞教育、电竞技术、产业生态、特许经营、电竞规范等多个层面,助力电竞成为一项可以引领潮流的新兴体育产业。继电竞成为杭州亚运会正式项目后,2024年6月,腾讯电竞正式发布“全球电竞共赢交流计划”,致力于携手国内外生态伙伴,通过长期、开放的交流推动全球电竞文化交流合作,首批产业交流活动将在沙特阿拉伯、法国、日本以及中国陆续开展。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/esports.png" }, { "name": "腾讯看点", "names": "腾讯看点", "label": "看懂世界,点亮生活", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯看点是腾讯公司全新推出的信息流内容服务,目前已登陆微信、腾讯QQ、QQ浏览器三大平台。用户可以在各平台内,通过腾讯看点享受到文章、图片、小视频、短视频、直播、专题、栏目等众多形式的内容服务。同时,腾讯看点推出了看点快报、看点视频两款独立App和看点直播一款微信小程序,分别专注于泛资讯信息流、1-3分钟的PGC横版短视频和信息流直播服务。"}, {"text":"目前,腾讯看点整体日活跃用户量达到2.4亿,每天内容消费量超过96亿,人均单日使用时长58分钟,覆盖全国各线城市的各个年龄段用户。"}, {"text":"腾讯看点通过“推荐+社交+搜索”三大引擎,精准服务各个年龄层的用户,为用户推荐有价值、个性化的内容,让用户获取内容更加精准、高效。"}, {"text":"腾讯看点在内容生态上,汇聚了国内大多数主流新闻媒体,涵盖了财经、体育、娱乐、游戏等诸多垂直内容的优质创作者。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.11.png" }, { "name": "微信支付", "names": "微信支付", "label": "微信支付 不止支付", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"微信支付,是微信联合财付通于2013年推出的一款移动支付工具。以绑定银行卡的快捷支付为基础,用户可以通过手机完成安全、快捷、高效的支付流程。在中国,微信支付实现线上线下全覆盖,给用户提供零售、餐饮、出行、民生等生活方方面面高效智慧的体验。在海外,微信支付业务已覆盖74个境外市场,支持31种货币交易。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.1.png" }, { "name": "QQ钱包", "names": "QQ钱包", "label": "一站式生活服务", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ钱包是基于腾讯QQ的移动支付产品,集银行卡支付、二维码支付、近端支付(NFC)等多种便捷支付方式于一体。QQ钱包致力于拓展年轻人的垂直场景业务,结合QQ系产品及入驻商家,为手机QQ用户提供生活服务、资金理财、交通出行、融合支付等全方位服务。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.2.png" }, { "name": "理财通", "names": "理财通", "label": "微信理财,你就理财通", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"理财通是腾讯推出的专业财富管理平台,自2014年1月上线以来,坚守合规、风控、精选、创新、稳健的发展理念,为上亿用户带来一站式、精品化、安全便捷的投资理财体验。我们严格挑选金融机构合作伙伴,筛选更优质的金融产品,目前已上线货币基金、保险类理财、债券基金、指数基金、混合型基金、境外型基金等多元化理财产品,以及工资理财、指数定投等多种便捷功能,满足用户的多元化财富管理需求。同时,我们也为高净值人群推出了高端理财专区,致力于提供优质、专业、全面、定制化的财富管理和资产配置服务。截至2019年底,理财通的总客户资产达9,000亿元人民币。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.3.png" }, { "name": "信用卡还款", "names": "信用卡还款", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"信用卡还款是腾讯推出的一站式信用卡管理平台,具有极速到账、账单透明、定时提醒、安全便捷等特点。目前,该产品支持多家银行的信用卡在线还款业务及账单查询业务。该产品还支持广发银行、光大银行、民生银行的外币账单查询服务,以及广发银行、民生银行的外币账单还款。用户可在微信支付和QQ钱包使用此项服务。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.4.png" }, { "name": "手机充值", "names": "手机充值", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"手机充值致力于打造一站式通讯服务平台,为用户提供话费充值、流量充值、套餐办理等服务。用户可在微信中的服务页面和手机QQ中的钱包页面便捷使用此项服务。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.5.1.png" }, { "name": "乘车码", "names": "乘车码", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"乘车码是腾讯基于微信小程序开发的二维码乘车服务,通过0.2秒极速验证技术,为用户提供“先乘车,后付费”的出行体验。目前,乘车码已覆盖北京、上海、广州、深圳等全国130多个城市,支持BRT、公交、地铁、索道、轮渡等智慧交通移动支付场景。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.6.png" }, { "name": "WeChat Pay HK", "names": "WeChat港币钱包", "label": "WeChat港币钱包", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"WeChat Pay HK是为中国香港用户提供的WeChat港币钱包,立足香港,连接内地、展望全球;支持扫码支付、APP 支付、跨境支付等移动支付方式,覆盖衣食住行、生活缴费、跨境汇款、社交转账等场景,支持在香港超15万、澳门超2万、内地数千万商户消费。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.7.png" }, // { // "name": "微信马来西亚钱包", // "names": "微信马来西亚钱包", // "label": "", // "url": "", // "desc": [ // {"text":"微信马来西亚钱包是腾讯专门为马来西亚用户提供的马币电子钱包,于2017获马来西亚中央银行(Bank Negara Malaysia)颁发E-Money牌照,支持收发红包、转账、话费充值、购票等线上消费外,也广泛覆盖超市、便利店、快餐店等线下场景。"} // ], // "src": "data/logo-pic/3.7.png" // }, { "name": "腾讯区块链", "names": "腾讯区块链", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"基于安全高效、开放共享的理念,以及自主可控的区块链底层技术,腾讯区块链致力于开发和钻研不同应用场景,为合作伙伴提供企业级区块链平台与行业解决方案,相继落地区块链电子发票、供应链金融、法务存证等多个场景。2018年8月,在国家税务总局指导下,国家税务总局深圳市税务局主导落地,由腾讯区块链提供底层技术支撑,全国首张区块链电子发票在深圳开出,目前在金融保险、零售商超、酒店餐饮、轨道交通等100多个行业得到广泛应用。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.9.png" }, { "name": "腾讯自选股", "names": "腾讯自选股", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯自选股是一款轻便、简洁、专业的股票分析和交易软件,秉承“专业伴你成长”的理念,为用户提供沪深港美全球精准实时行情,7×24小时推送精选全球财经资讯,及用户交流社区。由合作证券公司提供开户、交易、查询等金融服务,支持微信或QQ一键登录。腾讯自选股还推出了基于微信生态的“腾讯自选股微信版”,用户可以随时随地把握股市机会,畅享便捷、高效、优质的证券投资服务。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.11.png" }, { "name": "退税通", "names": "退税通", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"退税通是腾讯推出的一款境外实时退税服务小程序。用户通过微信扫码,即可在数十个国家和地区,实时将退税款项以人民币形式存入微信钱包。目前,腾讯退税通支持海外机场和港口退税、回国退税、店铺退税、市区退税四种方式。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.12.png" }, { "name": "财付通商企付", "names": "财付通商企付", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"财付通商企付,是腾讯基于行业领先的金融科技,为B2B电商平台打造的一站式交易资金管理系统。财付通商企付为平台提供安全合规、完善灵活的企业账户管理体系、在线收付款、财务管理和智能风控等能力,助力平台实现三流合一、搭建金融体系,全面提升其行业竞争力。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.14.png" }, { "name": "腾讯手机管家", "names": "腾讯手机管家", "label": "玩得酷 靠得住", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯手机管家是腾讯推出的一款免费的手机安全管理软件,月活用户数稳居国内手机安全类App首位。集病毒查杀、骚扰拦截、安全防护、清理加速、软件管理等高端智能化功能于一体,为用户提供360°的安全防护。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.1.png" }, { "name": "腾讯电脑管家", "names": "腾讯电脑管家", "label": "放胆去青春", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯电脑管家是国内首款集“杀毒+管理”2合一功能的免费网络安全软件,其搭载腾讯自研TAV杀毒引擎,获得AV-C、AV-T、VB100、赛可达等国际知名权威机构专业认可,全球杀毒评测取得大满贯成绩,领跑国际杀软第一阵营。"}, {"text":"电脑管家主要帮助用户预防和管理计算机常见的安全风险,其中包含“杀毒、实时防护、漏洞修复、系统清理、电脑加速、软件管理、权限雷达、儿童守护”等功能,满足用户杀毒防护和安全管理双重需求,致力成为一款让用户信赖的专业安全软件。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.2.png" }, { "name": "QQ浏览器", "names": "QQ浏览器", "label": "我要的现在就要", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ浏览器是腾讯开发的一款浏览器,支持不同终端用户快捷上网,它采用了自主研发的X5内核,浏览速度快、节省流量,拒绝卡顿,稳定性上业内领先。"}, {"text":"同时,QQ浏览器还提供资讯、短视频、小说、直播、动漫等多项内容服务,满足用户不同的上网需求。基于搜索+信息流双引擎驱动,动态化、智能化理解用户习惯,我们致力于为用户提供更好的搜索服务体验及内容浏览体验。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.3.png" }, { "name": "腾讯地图", "names": "腾讯地图", "label": "聪明的活地图", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"腾讯地图是为用户提供包括智能路线规划、精准导航、实时路况、室内地图等位置和出行相关服务的产品,致力于为用户提供精准、高效的一站式出行服务体验。"}, {"text":"目前,腾讯地图提供全国各个城市的地图浏览、地址查询、兴趣点搜索、公交换乘、驾车导航、公交线路及站点查询等多项服务。并已接入2,000多套室内地图,覆盖各大机场、火车站和主流商场。支持国内200多个城市的实时路况刷新,智能规划路线,精准导航,让用户出行生活更加高效。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.4.png" }, { "name": "应用宝", "names": "应用宝", "label": "上应用宝,下一种生活", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"应用宝是国内领先的安卓应用商店,深度连接腾讯系内容、社交、资讯等资源和用户大数据,融合AI技术创新推荐机制,为用户提供更加精准的安卓应用下载、应用游戏福利、社交娱乐辅助等移动应用服务,打造一站式、沉浸式移动应用体验平台。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.5.png" }, { "name": "QQ邮箱", "names": "QQ邮箱", "label": "你能发现更多", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ邮箱是腾讯公司2002年推出,向用户提供安全、稳定、快速、便捷电子邮件服务,且支持包括Windows, Mac, iOS, Android在内等多平台的免费邮箱产品,拥有来信即时提醒、3G超大附件、音视频邮件、文件中转站等多个特色功能,最大程度满足用户线上沟通需求。"}, {"text":"QQ邮箱以高速电信骨干网为强大后盾,有高容错的内部服务器和独立的境外邮件出口链路,可实现稳定登录和全球传信,保证邮件收发畅通无阻。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.6.png" }, { "name": "微信小程序", "names": "微信小程序", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"微信小程序,是基于微信平台的一项创新服务,通过线下扫二维码或在微信平台上搜索即可打开使用。通过小程序,用户可以轻松便捷地了解和享受商家及机构提供的各式商品和服务。从衣、食、住、行,到医疗、水电等公共服务,小程序遍布人们生活的每一个角落,带来前所未有的便利,致力以科技提升人们的生活品质。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.7.png" } ],"zh-hk":[ { "name": "微信", "names": "微信", "label": "微信,是壹個生活方式", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"自2011年推出以來,微信作為全國擁有最大用戶群體的通信社交平台,為數以億計的用戶帶來生活的便捷與樂趣。它不僅支持發送語音、視頻、圖片和文字信息,同時將實時通信與社交資訊、生活服務相結合。「朋友圈」、「微信公衆號」、「微信小程序」、「微信支付」,為滿足用戶不斷新增的需求,微信不斷加入種種創新功能,致力為用戶提供優越的移動數字生活體驗。"}, {"text":"其中微信小程序可實現功能直達,無需下載應用程式即可使用,拉近商戶和用戶的距離。微信支付可以讓用戶通過手機完成快速的支付流程,安全、快捷、高效。"}, {"text":"截至2020年3月,「微信和WeChat」的合併月活躍帳戶數超過12億。已成為連接各行業的開放平台,把人、內容、服務、智能設備連接起來。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/1.1.png" }, { "name": "QQ", "names": "QQ", "label": "每壹天,樂在溝通", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ,由騰訊公司於1999年推出。作為一款橫跨PC和移動的即時通信和社交平台,QQ支持在綫聊天、視頻語音通話、點對點斷點續傳文件、QQ郵箱等多種功能,並不斷推出符合年輕用戶需求的創新功能,例如支持用戶根據個人需求和興趣快速擴關係的「擴列」以及精準匹配用戶興趣的內容社交平台「看點」等。此外,騰訊亦提供提升企業工作效率的TIM(辦公版QQ)。截至2020年3月,QQ月活躍用戶(包括PC和移動)為7.68億。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/1.2.png" }, { "name": "QQ空間", "names": "QQ空间", "label": "分享生活,留住感動", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ空間是支持用戶和親友進行分享互動的社交平台,滿足用戶展示、交流和娛樂的需求,隨時隨地分享生活。"}, {"text":"在QQ空間上,用戶可以通過多種功能實現自我表達,如日誌、說說、分享、相册、視頻、留言板、音樂盒、個人檔等。此外,用戶還可根據個人喜好設定空間裝飾,打造個人特色。QQ空間提供的第三方網站和第三方應用接入,可以更好的為用戶提供個性化服務。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/1.3.png" }, { "name": "騰訊遊戲", "names": "腾讯游戏", "label": "去發現,無限可能!", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊遊戲(Tencent Games)成立於2003年,是全球領先的遊戲研發和運營商。作為“超級數字場景”理念的倡導者和實踐者,騰訊遊戲高度關註和重視未成年人的健康發展,並致力於通過技術創新、創意激發、產學研結合、全球化布局,以及公益實踐等方式,推動遊戲成為助推前沿科技發展、優秀文化弘揚、創新人才孵化、社會公益增效的重要驅動力,為產業和社會的發展創造更多突破性與建設性的價值。"}, {"text":"同時,騰訊遊戲也積極推動電子競技產業的發展,與全球合作夥伴一起共同構建開放、協同、共榮共生的產業生態,為用戶創造高品質數字生活體驗。"}, ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.1.png" }, { "name": "騰訊視頻", "names": "腾讯视频", "label": "不負好時光", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊視頻是中國領先的網上影視平台,擁有豐富的優質流行內容和專業的媒體營運能力,是聚合熱播影視、綜藝娛樂、體育賽事、新聞資訊等為一體的綜合影視內容平台,並通過PC端、流動端及客廳產品等多種形態為用戶提供高清流暢的影視娛樂體驗,以滿足用戶不同的體驗需求。"}, // {"text":"目前,騰訊視頻聚合了熱播影視、綜藝娛樂、體育賽事、新聞資訊等海量內容資源,併通過PC端、移動端以及客廳産品等多種形態,為用戶提供內容更豐富、觀看更高清流暢的視頻娛樂體驗。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.2.png" }, { "name": "騰訊影業", "names": "腾讯影业", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊影業成立於2015年,是騰訊的全資子公司,與遊戲、動漫、文學、音樂、電競等業務共同組成騰訊「新文創」內容文化生態。我們的定位是在新文創生態下,專注於優質影視作品創作和打造開放的內容平台。我們的業務佈局涵蓋了創制、宣發、IP版權、IP授權等領域。 騰影發行公司為隸屬於騰訊影業的全資子公司。"}, {"text":"騰訊致力於打造出「豐富生活、溫暖人心、感動人性」的優秀作品。目前,騰訊已參與出品和發行45部電影,全球票房超620億人民幣;參與出品和推廣45部劇集,全網播放量超1,000億。"}, {"text":"騰訊基於對文化價值的長線思考,沉澱形成了以時代旋律為首,包括東方故事、國際探索、青春能量、次元破壁、古龍武俠等共六大文化產品系列。我們期待依託多元文化內容,講好中國故事,助力打造新時代的中國文化符號。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.3.png" }, { "name": "微視", "names": "微视", "label": "發現更有趣", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"微視是騰訊旗下短視頻及小視頻創作與分享平台,提供優質的原創短視頻及小視頻內容。用戶可通過QQ、微信賬號登錄,將拍攝的視頻同步分享到微信好友、朋友圈、QQ空間等平台。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.4.png" }, { "name": "騰訊新聞", "names": "腾讯新闻", "label": "你的關心 關系世界", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊新聞致力於打造與用戶深度相關、讓用戶深度參與、充滿人文關懷的資訊內容產品,塑造值得信賴和年輕溫暖的品牌形象。我們以事件驅動為核心,通過構建產品結構化信息知識圖譜,鼓勵UGC創作與互動,打造行業領先的資訊消費體驗,養成獨特的內容社區氛圍,滿足用戶全方位的個性化需求。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.5.1.png" }, { "name": "騰訊體育", "names": "腾讯体育", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊體育是中國領先的互聯網體育媒體平台,致力於為用戶提供最即時、最全面的全球賽事內容和多元化的原創體育節目。目前,我們為中國數字用戶獨家播出NFL、NBA、德甲、欧冠、ATP、WWE 等全球頂級賽事,並擁有超級企鵝聯盟、超新星全運會等一系列精品自製IP。同時,在奧運會及世界杯等大型賽事中,通過領先的直播互動技術、全媒體矩陣及極强的社交屬性,為中國用戶帶來全方位報道和豐富多元的賽事體驗。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.6.png" }, { "name": "騰訊動漫", "names": "腾讯动漫", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊動漫成立於2012年,是中國最具規模的原創及正版網絡動漫平台。在騰訊集團的整個動漫業務布局中,承擔著以旗艦平台培育打造動漫IP的角色,也屬騰訊新文創戰略的業務矩陣。目前,騰訊動漫全平台月活躍用戶1.2億,在線漫畫作品總量近30000部,簽約作者超900人,簽約漫畫作品近1400部,約1500部漫畫作品點擊量過億,35部動畫作品播放量破億,多部IP被開發為手游。旗下的知名國漫IP包括《狐妖小紅娘》、《一人之下》、《猫妖的誘惑》等。"}, {"text":"從成立之初,騰訊動漫先後與日本集英社、角川集團、講談社和小學館進行合作,引進正版外漫。自2016年起,我們開始向海外輸出原創動漫作品。目前與日本、韓國、泰國、馬來西亞、英國、美國、加拿大、南非等多個國家和地區進行授權合作,涉及4種語言,授權漫畫作品超100部,授權動畫作品達35部。《從前有座靈劍山》、《狐妖小紅娘》、《一人之下》等作品都在日本正式播放或連載。"}, {"text":"2019年3月,騰訊動漫國際版 WeComics在北美地區推出,並在半年內陸續登陸東南亞、歐盟等32個國家及地區,為海外用戶提供優質的中國漫畫作品。WeComics目前支持英語及印尼語。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.7.png" }, { "name": "騰訊音樂娛樂", "names": "腾讯音乐娱乐", "label": "創造音樂無限可能", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊音樂娛樂集團(紐約證券交易所代碼:TME)是中國在線音樂娛樂服務領航者。擁有中國廣受喜愛和獨具匠心的音樂平台:QQ音樂、酷狗音樂、酷我音樂和全民K歌,總月活用戶數超過8億。 騰訊音樂致力於創造音樂無限可能,用科技賦能音樂,人人都可以盡情創作、享受、分享音樂和彼此互動。我們提供在線音樂、在線K歌和音樂直播服務,讓每一位音樂愛好者能够發現好音樂,獲得聽、看、唱、表演和社交為一體的全方位音樂娛樂體驗。"}, {"text":"此外,我們擁有全球豐富的優質音樂內容,截至2019年12月31日,騰訊音樂曲庫超4,000萬首。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.8.png" }, { "name": "閱文集團", "names": "阅文集团", "label": "讓好故事生生不息", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"閱文集團(股票代碼:0772.HK)成立於2015年3月。作為以數位閱讀為基礎,IP培育與開發為核心的綜合性文化產業集團,閱文旗下囊括QQ閱讀、起點讀書、新麗傳媒、騰訊動漫等業界知名品牌,彙聚了強大的創作者陣營、豐富的作品儲備,覆蓋200多種內容品類,觸達數億用戶,已成功輸出《慶餘年》《贅婿》《鬼吹燈》《全職高手》《鬥羅大陸》《琅琊榜》等大量優秀網文IP,改編為動漫、影視、遊戲等多業態產品。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/yuewen-cn.png" }, { "name": "騰訊電競", "names": "腾讯电竞", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ // {"text":"騰訊電競是中國以至全球最具競爭力的電競品牌,與騰訊遊戲、閱文集團、騰訊影業、騰訊動漫、騰訊音樂娛樂等內容業務共同組成「新文創」數字內容産業矩陣。"}, // {"text":"目前,騰訊電競已形成八大精品職業聯賽,並以騰訊電競運動會(TGA)為載體,建立覆蓋全遊戲品類的全國性大衆賽事體系,致力打造更完善的電競生態體系。"}, // {"text":"2018年,騰訊旗下英雄聯盟、AoV(王者榮耀國際版)、皇室戰爭三款遊戲成為雅加達─巨港亞運會的表演項目,為中國電競産業發展出一分力。"} {"text":"騰訊電競正式品牌成立於2016年12月9日,是全球領先和具影響力的電競品牌和賽事營運商,擁有全球頂尖的八大賽事品類,旗下賽區覆蓋全球五大洲逾90個國家和地區,2023年全球觀看量破千億次。騰訊電競正在通過專業而全面的電競賽事、電競教育、電競技術、產業生態、特許經營、電競規範等多個層面,助力電競成爲一項可以引領潮流的新興體育產業。繼電競成爲杭州亞運會正式項目後,2024年6月,騰訊電競正式發布「全球電競共贏交流計劃」,致力於攜手國內外生態夥伴,通過長期、開放的交流推動全球電競文化交流合作,首批產業交流活動將在沙特阿拉伯、法國、日本以及中國陸續開展。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/esports.png" }, { "name": "騰訊看點", "names": "腾讯看点", "label": "看懂世界,點亮生活", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊看點是騰訊公司全新推出的信息流內容服務,目前已登陸微信、騰訊QQ、QQ流覽器三大平台。用戶可以在各平台內,通過騰訊看點享受到文章、圖片、小視頻、短視頻、直播、專題、欄目等眾多形式的內容服務。同時,騰訊看點推出了看點快報、看點視頻兩款獨立App和看點直播一款微信小程式,分別專注於泛資訊資訊流、1-3分鐘的PGC橫版短視頻和資訊流直播服務。"}, {"text":"目前,騰訊看點整體日活躍用戶量達到2.4億,每天內容消費量超過96億,人均單日使用時長58分鐘,覆蓋全國各線城市的各個年齡段用戶。"}, {"text":"騰訊看點通過“推薦+社交+搜索”三大引擎,精准服務各個年齡層的使用者,為用戶推薦有價值、個性化的內容,讓使用者獲取內容更加精准、高效。"}, {"text":"騰訊看點在內容生態上,滙聚了國內大多數主流新聞媒體,涵蓋了財經、體育、娛樂、遊戲等諸多垂直內容的優質創作者。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.11.png" }, { "name": "微信支付", "names": "微信支付", "label": "微信支付 不止支付", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"微信支付,是微信聯合財付通於2013年推出的壹款移動支付工具。以綁定銀行卡的快捷支付為基礎,用戶可以通過手機完成安全、快捷、高效的支付流程。在中國,微信支付實現線上線下全覆蓋,給用戶提供零售、餐飲、出行、民生等生活方方面面高效智慧的體驗。在海外,微信支付業務已覆蓋74個境外市場,支持31種貨幣交易。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.1.png" }, { "name": "QQ錢包", "names": "QQ钱包", "label": "壹站式生活服務", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ錢包是基於騰訊QQ的移動支付産品,集銀行卡支付、二維碼支付、近端支付(NFC)等多種便捷支付方式於一體。QQ錢包致力於拓展年輕人的垂直場景業務,結合QQ系産品及入駐商家,為手機QQ用戶提供生活服務、資金理財、交通出行、融合支付等全方位服務。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.2.png" }, { "name": "理財通", "names": "理财通", "label": "微信理財,妳就理財通", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"理財通是騰訊推出的專業財富管理平臺,自2014年1月上線以來,堅守合規、風控、精選、創新、穩健的發展理念,為上億用戶帶來壹站式、精品化、安全便捷的投資理財體驗。我們嚴格挑選金融機構合作夥伴,篩選更優質的金融產品,目前已上線貨幣基金、保險類理財、債券基金、指數基金、混合型基金、境外型基金等多元化理財產品,以及工資理財、指數定投等多種便捷功能,滿足用戶的多元化財富管理需求。同時,我們也為高凈值人群推出了高端理財專區,致力於提供優質、專業、全面、定制化的財富管理和資產配置服務。截至2019年底,理財通的總客戶資產達9,000億元人民幣。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.3.png" }, { "name": "信用卡還款", "names": "信用卡还款", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"信用卡還款是騰訊推出的一站式信用卡管理平台,具有極速到賬、賬單鉅細無遺、定時提醒、安全便捷等特點。目前,該産品支持多家銀行的信用卡在線還款業務及賬單查詢業務。該産品還支持廣發銀行、光大銀行、民生銀行的外幣賬單查詢服務,以及廣發銀行、民生銀行的外幣賬單還款。用戶可在微信支付和QQ錢包使用此項服務。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.4.png" }, { "name": "手機充值", "names": "手机充值", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"手機充值致力於打造一站式通訊服務平台,為用戶提供話費充值、流量充值、套餐辦理等服務。用戶可在微信服務頁面和QQ錢包使用此項服務。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.5.1.png" }, { "name": "乘車碼", "names": "乘车码", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"乘車碼是騰訊基於微信小程序開發的二維碼乘車服務,通過0.2秒極速驗證技術,為用戶提供「先乘車,後付費」的出行體驗。目前,乘車碼已覆蓋北京、上海、廣州、深圳等全國130多個城市,支持BRT、公交、地鐵、索道、輪渡等智慧交通移動支付場景。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.6.png" }, { "name": "WeChat Pay HK", "names": "WeChat港币钱包", "label": "WeChat港幣錢包", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"WeChat Pay HK是為中國香港用户提供的WeChat港幣錢包,立足香港,連接內地、展望全球;支持掃碼支付、APP 支付、跨境支付等流動支付方式,覆蓋衣食住行、生活繳費、跨境匯款、社交轉賬等場景,支持在香港超15萬、澳門超2萬、內地數千萬商户消費。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.7.png" }, // { // "name": "微信馬來西亞錢包", // "names": "微信马来西亚钱包", // "label": "", // "url": "", // "desc": [ // {"text":"微信馬來西亞錢包是騰訊專門為馬來西亞用戶提供的馬幣電子錢包,於2017獲馬來西亞中央銀行(Bank Negara Malaysia)頒發E-Money牌照,支持收發紅包、轉賬、話費充值、購票等線上消費外,也廣泛覆蓋超市、便利店、快餐店等線下場景。"} // ], // "src": "data/logo-pic/3.7.png" // }, { "name": "騰訊區塊鏈", "names": "腾讯区块链", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"基於安全高效、開放共享的理念,以及自主可控的區塊鏈底層技術,騰訊區塊鏈致力於開發和鑽研不同應用場景,爲合作夥伴提供企業級區塊鏈基礎設施與行業解決方案,相繼落地區塊鏈電子發票、供應鏈金融、法務存證等多個場景。2018年8月,在國家稅務總局指導下,國家稅務總局深圳市稅務局主導落地,由騰訊區塊鏈提供底層技術支撑,全國首張區塊鏈電子發票在深圳開出,目前在金融保險、零售商超、酒店餐飲、軌道交通等100多個行業得到廣泛應用。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.9.png" }, { "name": "騰訊自選股", "names": "腾讯自选股", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊自選股是一款輕便、簡潔、專業的股票分析和交易軟件,秉承「專業伴你成長」的理念,為用戶提供滬深港美全球精准實時行情,7×24小時推送精選全球財經資訊,及用戶交流社區。由合作證券公司提供開戶、交易、査詢等金融服務,支持微信或QQ一鍵登錄。騰訊自選股還推出了基於微信生態的「騰訊自選股微信版」,用戶可以隨時隨地把握股市機會,暢享便捷、高效、優質的證券投資服務。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.11.png" }, { "name": "退稅通", "names": "退税通", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"退稅通是騰訊推出的一款境外實時退稅服務小程序。用戶通過微信掃碼,即可在數十個國家和地區,實時將退稅款項以人民幣形式存入微信錢包。目前,騰訊退稅通支持海外機場和港口退稅、回國退稅、店鋪退稅、市區退稅四種方式。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.12.png" }, { "name": "財付通商企付", "names": "财付通商企付", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"財付通商企付,是騰訊基於行業領先的金融科技,為B2B電商平台打造的一站式交易資金管理系統。財付通商企付為平台提供安全合規、完善靈活的企業帳戶管理體系、在線收付款、財務管理和智能風控等能力,幫助平台實現三流合一、搭建金融體系,全面提升其行業競爭力。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.14.png" }, { "name": "騰訊手機管家", "names": "腾讯手机管家", "label": "玩得酷 靠得住", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊手機管家是騰訊推出的一款免費的手機安全管理軟件,月活用戶數穩居國內手機安全類App首位。集病毒查殺、騷擾攔截、安全防護、清理加速、軟件管理等高端智能化功能於一體,為用戶提供360°的安全防護。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.1.png" }, { "name": "騰訊電腦管家", "names": "腾讯电脑管家", "label": "放膽去青春", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊電腦管家是國內首款集「殺毒+管理」2合一功能的免費網絡安全軟件,其搭載騰訊自研TAV殺毒引擎,獲得AV-C、AV-T、VB100、賽可達等國際知名權威機構專業認可,全球殺毒評測取得大滿貫成績,領跑國際殺軟第一陣營。"}, {"text":"電腦管家主要幫助用戶預防和管理計算機常見的安全風險,其中包含「殺毒、實時防護、漏洞修復、系統清理、電腦加速、軟件管理、權限雷達、兒童守護」等功能,滿足用戶殺毒防護和安全管理雙重需求,致力成為一款讓用戶信賴的專業安全軟件。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.2.png" }, { "name": "QQ瀏覽器", "names": "QQ浏览器", "label": "我要的現在就要", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ瀏覽器是騰訊開發的一款瀏覽器,支持不同終端用戶快捷上網,它采用了自主研發的X5內核,瀏覽速度快、節省流量,拒絕卡頓,穩定性上業內領先。"}, {"text":"同時,QQ瀏覽器還提供資訊、短視頻、小說、直播、動漫等多項內容服務,滿足用戶不同的上網需求。基於搜索+信息流雙引擎驅動,動態化、智能化理解用戶習慣,我們致力於為用戶提供更好的搜索服務體驗及內容瀏覽體驗。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.3.png" }, { "name": "騰訊地圖", "names": "腾讯地图", "label": "聰明的活地圖", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"騰訊地圖是為用戶提供包括智能路線規劃、精准導航、實時路况、室內地圖等位置和出行相關服務的産品,致力於為用戶提供精準、高效的一站式出行服務體驗。"}, {"text":"目前,騰訊地圖提供全國各個城市的地圖瀏覽、地址查詢、興趣點搜索、公交換乘、駕車導航、公交線路及站點查詢等多項服務。並已接入2,000多套室內地圖,覆蓋各大機場、火車站和主流商場。支持國內200多個城市的實時路况更新,智能規劃路線,精準導航,讓用戶出行生活更加高效。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.4.png" }, { "name": "應用寶", "names": "应用宝", "label": "上應用寶,下壹種生活", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"應用寶是國內領先的安卓應用商店,深度連接騰訊系內容、社交、資訊等資源和用戶大數據,融合AI技術創新推薦機制,為用戶提供更加精准的安卓應用下載、應用遊戲福利、社交娛樂輔助等移動應用服務,打造一站式、沉浸式移動應用體驗平台。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.5.png" }, { "name": "QQ郵箱", "names": "QQ邮箱", "label": "妳能發現更多", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ郵箱是騰訊公司2002年推出,向用戶提供安全、穩定、快速、便捷電子郵件服務,且支持包括Windows, Mac, iOS, Android在內等多平台的免費郵箱産品,擁有來信即時提醒、3G超大附件、音視頻郵件、文件中轉站等多個特色功能,最大程度滿足用戶線上溝通需求。"}, {"text":"QQ郵箱以高速電信骨幹網為强大後盾,有高容錯的內部服務器和獨立的境外郵件出口鏈路,可實現穩定登錄和全球傳信,保證郵件收發暢通無阻。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.6.png" }, { "name": "微信小程序", "names": "微信小程序", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"微信小程序,是基於微信平台的一項創新服務,通過線下掃二維碼或在微信平台上搜索即可打開使用。通過小程序,用戶可以輕鬆便捷地了解和享受商家及機構提供的各式商品和服務。從衣、食、住、行,到醫療、水電等公共服務,小程序遍布人們生活的每一個角落,帶來前所未有的便利,致力以科技提升人們的生活質素。"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.7.png" } ],"en-us":[ { "name": "Weixin/ WeChat", "names": "微信", "label": "微信,是壹個生活方式", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Launched in 2011, Weixin/WeChat has been enhancing the lives of hundreds of millions of users with its innovative features. The most widely used Chinese communications and social platform integrates instant messaging and social entertainment, bringing a mobile digital lifestyle on an easy- to-use app. Users get to engage in real-time communications via free text and multimedia messages, make voice/video calls or share photos on their “Moments.”"}, {"text":"Continuously evolving to address users' needs, Weixin/WeChat also offers the Official Accounts for individuals and enterprises to share original content and provide services on Weixin’s open platform, the Mini Programs that seamlessly connect service providers with WeChat users without a need to download from users' end,and the mobile payment service Weixin Pay to create a digital and smart living experience on-the-go."}, {"text":"Weixin/WeChat had more than 1.2 billion monthly active users as of March 2020. It has evolved into a connector and open platform across industries, connecting users with one another, with smart devices and with business services."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/1.1.png" }, { "name": "QQ", "names": "QQ", "label": "每壹天,樂在溝通", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Launched by Tencent in February 1999, QQ is an instant messaging (IM) and social platform for PC and mobile users. QQ supports online chat, video and voice calls, point-to-point file transfer, QQ Mail, and many other features. The platform continues to innovate and introduce new features that meet the needs of young users, such as KuoLie enabling users to expand their networks quickly based on their needs and interests, and KanDian, a content social networking platform accurately matching content with users. Additionally, Tencent provides TIM (the office version of QQ), which helps improve enterprise efficiency. QQ had more than 768 million monthly active user accounts on smart devices as of March 2020."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/1.2.png" }, { "name": "Qzone", "names": "QQ空间", "label": "分享生活,留住感動", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Qzone is a social platform for communication and entertainment that enables users to share their lives and interact with friends and relatives anytime and anywhere. On Qzone, users can share and show their true selves freely by maintaining diaries, writing blogs, sharing life stories, uploading photos, live streaming, writing messages, creating music boxes and managing a personal profile."}, {"text":"Qzone allows users to create and decorate their own digital spaces, adding personalized features to the platform, and offering integration with third-party websites and applications to further personalize the experience."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/1.3.png" }, { "name": "Tencent Games", "names": "腾讯游戏", "label": "Spark More!", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Tencent Games was launched in 2003, and has since grown into the leading global platform for game developer, publishing and operator, as well as operator of the largest online game community in China. It is dedicated to offering engaging and high quality and interactive entertainment experience for all players. "}, {"text":"Tencent Games currently offers more than 140 self-developed and licensed games across 200 countries and regions, which provides hundreds of millions of users with cross-platform interactive entertainment experiences. Honour of Kings, PUBG MOBILE and League of Legends are some of the most popular titles around the world.We are committed to exploring the full potential of games, leveraging the rich IP resources within Tencent, spanning literature, anime, film, and television, to create high-quality interactive entertainment experience. Furthermore, Tencent Games actively collaborates with overseas game publishers, such as SEA, Netmarble, Supercell and more, to form strategic partnerships and launch new games. "}, {"text":"While providing the best games, We strive to serve the community. Tencent Dreaming Plan promotes traditional culture, popularizes the fields of science and technology, as well as supports social caring by introducing new games and exploring the positive social value of games. We have taken the lead in creating a balanced and healthy game system for underaged users, as ensuring the well-beings remains our priority"} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.1.png" }, { "name": "Tencent Video", "names": "腾讯视频", "label": "不負好時光", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Tencent Video is the leading online video streaming platform in China. With an extensive content library of drama series, films, variety shows, animation, sports, documentaries, news and many more, Tencent Video provides the best entertainment experience to audience across different platforms and devices. "}, // {"text":"Tencent Video has a wealth of copyrighted resources including popular films and dramas, variety shows, anime, sports events and news. Tencent Video delivers rich content and an HD seamless viewing experience across multiple platforms including PC, mobile devices, and TVs."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.2.png" }, { "name": "Tencent Pictures", "names": "腾讯影业", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Tencent Pictures was founded in 2015 and is grounded in a strategy called Neo-Cultural Creativity, which is a content production system centered on the development of intellectual property that reaches across games, films, television series, anime, literature, music, eSports and more. We are positioned as an open platform for high quality video content covering creative, production, distribution, marketing, IP copyright acquisition, licensing, and more. Tengying Distribution Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tencent Pictures."}, {"text":"Tencent Pictures is dedicated to creating outstanding, heartwarming, and touching works. We have been involved in the publication and distribution of 45 movies which have earned more than RMB62 billion at the worldwide box office. We are also involved in the publication and distribution of 45 television programs, while our online videos have been viewed 100 billion times."}, {"text":"In accordance with our long term thinking and cultural values, we have created a series of six cultural products, including contemporary, oriental, international, youth, ACG, and martial arts serials by Gu Long. We are looking forward to building multicultural content to tell Chinese stories and help create lasting Chinese cultural symbols."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.3.png" }, { "name": "WeiShi", "names": "微视", "label": "發現更有趣", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"As Tencent's short- and mini-video creation and sharing platform, WeiShi provides viewers with access to high quality original short- and mini-video content. Users can log in through QQ or Weixin accounts, and share videos through various platforms such as Weixin Moments, QZone, and with Weixin friends simultaneously."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.4.png" }, { "name": "Tencent News", "names": "腾讯新闻", "label": "你的关心 关系世界", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Tencent News is committed to offering information products that are deeply relevant, engaging and caring to users as a trustworthy, youthful and compassionate brand. By building a structured information knowledge chart and encouraging the creation and interaction of user-generated content, we provide an industry-leading information consumption experience and a unique content community that fully meet the individual needs of our users."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.5.1.png" }, { "name": "Tencent Sports", "names": "腾讯体育", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Tencent Sports is China’s leading internet sports media platform, dedicated to providing users with the most up-to-date, comprehensive global news content, and multidimensional, original sports programing. Currently, we have exclusive rights to broadcast the NFL, NBA, Bundesliga, UEFA Champions League, ATP, WWE games and other top global matches to viewers in China. We also own IPs such as Penguin League, Supernova National Games, and more. Through cutting edge, interactive live broadcast technology, supported by a strong media line-up and social interaction, we provide comprehensive coverage and an industry-leading experience for Chinese users on headline global events such as the Olympic Games and World Cup."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.6.png" }, { "name": "Tencent Animation and Comics", "names": "腾讯动漫", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Founded in 2012, Tencent Animation and Comics is the most prominent online copyrighted anime platform in China. It acts as a flagship platform for the IP of anime characters as part of the Neo-Culture Creativity Strategy. We currently have 120 million monthly active users, 30,000 online anime works, 900 signed authors, 1,400 signed anime works and millions of views across 1,500 comics and 35 animations. Many IPs have been developed into mobile games. Our most well-known national anime IP titles include 'Fox Spirit Matchmaker', 'The Outcast', 'Love Story of Cat Spirit' and more."}, {"text":"Since the inception, We have worked with Japan’s Shueisha, Kadokawa Group, Kodansha, and Shogakukan to introduce copyrighted works from overseas. Since 2016, we have also been exporting original anime works. We currently cooperate with partners in Japan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, the UK, the US, Canada, and South Africa, covering four languages, over 100 pieces of authorized comics, and 35 pieces of authorized animations. ‘Once Upon A Time, There Was A Spirit Sword Mountain’, ‘Fox Spirit Matchmaker’, ‘The Outcast’ and more have been broadcasted or published in Japan."}, {"text":"In March 2019, WeComics, the international version of Tencent Animation and Comics, launched in North America. It also rolled out in 32 other countries and regions including Southeast Asia and the European Union within the following six months to provide high-quality Chinese comics for overseas users. WeComics is available in English and Indonesian."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.7.png" }, { "name": "Tencent Music Entertainment Group", "names": "腾讯音乐娱乐", "label": "創造音樂無限可能", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Tencent Music Entertainment Group (NYSE: TME) is China’s leading music entertainment platform. Comprised of innovative music apps such as QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music, and WeSing, we have over 800 million monthly active users across all our platforms. We strive to bring more creativity and enjoyment to the world by using technology to promote the role of music in people’s lives. Our platform features online music, karaoke, and live streaming, enabling fans to discover, listen, sing, watch, perform and socialize. "}, {"text":"We have obtained copyrights to many musical works worldwide. There were more than 40 million songs in our music library as of the end of 2019. "} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.8.png" }, { "name": "Yuewen", "names": "阅文集团", "label": "让好故事生生不息", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Yuewen (HKEX: 0772 China Literature Limited) is a culture and entertainment group that was founded in March 2015. It focuses on creating and developing intellectual property (IP) derived from online literature."}, {"text":"Yuewen has a diverse portfolio of well-known brands, such as QQ Reading, Qidian, New Classics Media,and Tencent Animation & Comics. It serves as a platform for tens of millions of creators and a rich reserve of literary works across 200 genres, catering to hundreds of millions of users. Yuewen is renowned for its celebrated IP portfolio, which includes popular titles like Joy of Life, My Heroic Husband, Candle in the Tomb, The King's Avatar, Soul Land, and Nirvana in Fire. It has successfully expanded its reach across various media formats, including audiobooks, animation, comics, films, drama series, games, and offline merchandise."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/yuewen.png" }, { "name": "Tencent Esports", "names": "腾讯电竞", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ // {"text":"As the leading eSports brand in China and around the world, Tencent Esports brings together technology, competition, entertainment, and social networking. Tencent Esports alongside with Tencent Games, China Literature Group, Tencent Pictures, Tencent Animation and Comics and Tencent Music Entertainment Group bring together as the Neo-Culture Digital Content matrix."}, // {"text":"Tencent Esports organizes and runs eight high-quality professional leagues with the Tencent Global eSports Arena (TGA), hosting tournaments, and forming a national eSports competition bracket covering many game genres. Tencent Esports is committed to the ongoing improvement of the eSports ecosystem in China."}, // {"text":"In 2018, Tencent's League of Legends, Arena of Valor (the international version of Honor of Kings) and Clash Royale teams were invited to perform at the Jakarta Palembang Asian Games, further driving the development of China's eSports industry."} {"text":"Tencent E-sports, established on December 9, 2016, is the world's leading and most influential e-Sports brand and event operator. Tencent E-sports has eight categories of top e-Sports titles, with events covering over 90 countries and regions. In 2023, the global viewing volume exceeded 100 billion times. Leading various professional and comprehensive aspects, including e-Sports events, education, technology, industry ecosystem, franchising, and e-Sports standards, Tencent E-sports is promoting e-Sports as a new industry. Following e-Sports becoming an official event at the Hangzhou Asian Games, Tencent E-sports launched the “Empower Esports Worldwide Series” in June 2024. This initiative aims to join hands with industry partners globally and promote e-Sports cultural exchange and long-term cooperation through open communication. The first batch of exchange activities will be held in Saudi Arabia, France, Japan, and China."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/esports.png" }, { "name": "Tencent Kandian", "names": "腾讯看点", "label": "看懂世界,點亮生活", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Tencent Kandian is a new content service for info stream from Tencent. It is now available on Weixin, Tencent QQ, and QQ browser. Through Tencent Kandian, users can enjoy a variety of content services, such as articles, images, small videos, short videos, live streams, columns, programs and so on. Tencent Kandian has launched two Apps---Kandian Kuaibao and Kandian Video, together with a WeChat mini program---Kandian Live, focusing on Pan-info stream, 1-3 minutes of PGC horizontal screen short video and info stream live broadcast, respectively. Tencent Kandian has more than 240 million daily active users (DAU) with 9.6 billion pieces of content consumed each day. Our viewers, comprised of all ages around the country, spend an average of 58 minutes per day on the platform."}, {"text":"Through three engines of “Recommendation + Social + Searching”, Tencent Kandian provides accurate services, and recommends valuable and personalized content for users of all ages, making it convenient for users to receive content more precisely and efficiently."}, {"text":"Within the content ecosystem, Tencent Kandian gathers majority of the domestic mainstream news media, including high-quality creators of various vertical content, such as finance, sports, entertainment, games and others."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/2.11.png" }, { "name": "Weixin Pay", "names": "微信支付", "label": "微信支付 不止支付", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Weixin Pay, is a mobile payment solution jointly launched by Weixin and Tenpay in 2013. After bundling their Weixin Pay accounts with bank cards, Weixin Pay users can pay and complete transactions in a fast, convenient, and secure manner. In China, Weixin Pay touches almost every aspect of everyday life, providing both online and offline services and giving users a highly efficient and intelligent payment experience, particularly in retail, dining, transportation, healthcare and leisure, and more. Weixin Pay services are available in more than 74 markets and support transactions in 31 currencies."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.1.png" }, { "name": "QQ Wallet", "names": "QQ钱包", "label": "壹站式生活服務", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ Wallet is a mobile payment product in Tencent QQ, incorporating multiple convenient payment methods such as bank card payment, QR code payment and Near-field Communication (NFC) payment. QQ Wallet is committed to expanding verticals for the young users, providing Mobile QQ users with a comprehensive range of services for their daily living, financial management, transportation and integrated payments. "} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.2.png" }, { "name": "LiCaiTong", "names": "理财通", "label": "微信理財,妳就理財通", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Since its launch in January 2014, LiCaiTong, Tencent's wealth management platform, has brought a one-stop, high-quality, safe, and convenient investment and financial management experience to 100 million people in China. The platform adheres to strict compliance, risk control, and reliability standards. Through its carefully-selected financial institution partners, we offer premium financial products, including a variety of investment products such as money market funds, investment-linked insurance products, bond funds, index funds, hybrid funds, and overseas investment funds, as well as provide a number of easy-to-use functionalities such as payroll investment and periodic investment plans to meet the diversified wealth management needs of our users. What's more, we deliver prestigious wealth management services for high-net-worth individuals, offering quality, professional, comprehensive, and customized wealth management and asset allocation services. As of the end of 2019, LiCaiTong had RMB900 billion in aggregated customer assets."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.3.png" }, { "name": "Credit Card Repayment", "names": "信用卡还款", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"As Tencent’s one-stop credit card management platform, Credit Card Repayment features fast payment, transparent billing, automatic reminders, security and convenience, etc. Currently, the product also supports billing enquiries for transactions in foreign currencies for China Guangfa Bank, China Everbright Bank and China Minsheng Bank, as well as bill repayments in foreign currency for China Guangfa Bank and China Minsheng Bank. Users can use this service in Weixin Pay and QQ Wallet."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.4.png" }, { "name": "Mobile Phone Top-Up Service", "names": "手机充值", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"The Mobile Phone Top-Up Service is dedicated to creating a one-stop communication service for users, providing services such as call and data top-ups, as well as help managing their mobile plan. Users can access the service through Weixin services and QQ Wallet."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.5.1.png" }, { "name": "Transit QR Code", "names": "乘车码", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Transit QR Code is a mini program developed by Tencent for passengers. It can verify identity in just 0.2 seconds, giving passengers the convenience to pay after the trip is completed. At present, The Transit QR Code supports mobile payments for intelligent transportation services such as Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), public transport, metro, cableways, ferries and more. It is available in more than 130 cities in mainland China."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.6.png" }, { "name": "WeChat Pay HK", "names": "WeChat港币钱包", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"WeChat Pay HK is an e-wallet in HKD available to WeChat users in Hong Kong, China. It supports various mobile payment methods, including QR code payments, app payments, and cross-border transactions. It has brought a number of popular features to local users and covers a wide range of scenarios from daily necessities to social transfers, including shopping, dining, transportation, bill payment, remittance and more. It has an extensive merchant network supporting over 150,000 merchants in Hong Kong, over 20,000 in Macao, and tens of millions of merchants in Chinese Mainland."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.7.png" }, // { // "name": "WeChat Pay MY", // "names": "微信马来西亚钱包", // "label": "", // "url": "", // "desc": [ // {"text":"WeChat Pay MY is the mobile payment solution in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) designed for Malaysian users. It was awarded an e-money license by Bank Negara Malaysia in 2017. Apart from online expenditure such as giving out red packets, money transfer, mobile service top-ups and buying tickets, it also supports offline transactions at supermarkets, convenience stores, fast food restaurants and the like. "} // ], // "src": "data/logo-pic/3.7.png" // }, { "name": "Tencent Blockchain", "names": "腾讯区块链", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Featuring security, efficiency, shared-open network as well as the independently-controllable underlying technology, Tencent Blockchain is committed to expanding and deepening its uses and provides partners with blockchain infrastructure and industry solutions for corporates. It has been applied to scenarios such as blockchain e-receipt, supply chain finance, and judicial evidence management. In August 2018, under the guidance of the State Administration of Taxation and with the technical support provided by Tencent on underlaying blockchain technologies, the Shenzhen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation led the implementation of blockchain in the country, issuing the first blockchain e-receipt in Shenzhen. Currently, blockchain e-receipt solution has been used in over 100 industries such as finance and insurance, retail stores and supermarkets, accommodation and catering as well as rail transport."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.9.png" }, { "name": "Tencent Portfolio", "names": "腾讯自选股", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Tencent Portfolio is an easy-to-use and professional stock analysis and trading platform. We adhere to the principle of accompanying users’ growth with professional services, and provide users with real-time market information from stock exchanges in Mainland China, Hong Kong and the United States. We also provide high-quality and instant financial news 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and create an active social network for investors. We collaborate with the top securities companies which provide users with financial services such as account opening, trading and inquiries. Users can log in with their Weixin or QQ account. Tencent Portfolio on Weixin is already launched for users to seize stock market opportunities anytime and anywhere. "} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.11.png" }, { "name": "We Tax Refund", "names": "退税通", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"We Tax Refund is a Mini Program on Weixin that allows users to have real-time tax refund while travelling overseas. With the use of Weixin's in-app QR code scanner, users can have their applicable tax refund collected into their Weixin Pay accounts in RMB in dozens of countries and regions. Currently, We Tax Refund supports four types of tax refunds, including those at overseas airports and ports, home return, shops, and urban areas."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.12.png" }, { "name": "Business Tenpay", "names": "财付通商企付", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Business Tenpay is a one-stop payment management system designed for B2B e-commerce platforms, built upon Tencent’s market-leading fintech technology. Business Tenpay offers a highly secure, compliant and flexible corporate account management system for e-commerce platforms, which integrates payment, financial management and intelligent risk management capabilities in one place. It helps e-commerce platforms to establish a financial management system that streamlines money, transaction and logistics flows, ensuring its competitiveness in the industry. "} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/3.14.png" }, { "name": "Tencent Mobile Manager", "names": "腾讯手机管家", "label": "玩得酷 靠得住", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Tencent Mobile Manager is a free mobile security and management software with the largest user base in China in the mobile security app category. The app performs a wide range of safety functions such as virus-scans, harassment interception, anti-theft monitoring, performance acceleration, software control, and more, providing users with end-to-end protection and convenient control over their smartphone. "} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.1.png" }, { "name": "Tencent PC Manager", "names": "腾讯电脑管家", "label": "放膽去青春", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Tencent PC Manager is dedicated to making people’s digital lives safer, by combining protection from viruses and computer management into a single easy-to-use interface. Using Tencent’s proprietary TAV antivirus engine, it has been recognized by international authorities and organizations such as AV-C, AV-T, VB100, West Coast, and more. It is a top-tier antivirus product internationally. "}, {"text":"It focuses on helping users prevent and manage security risks in their computers. Its functions include anti-virus, real-time protection, vulnerability remediation, system clean-up, computer speed acceleration, software management, authority radar, and parental control."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.2.png" }, { "name": "QQ Browser", "names": "QQ浏览器", "label": "我要的現在就要", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ Browser provides users with quick and efficient access to the Internet across various devices. Built on Tencent’s proporeitary X5 kernel, we offer an exceptionally quick browsing experience, while also offering stability and savings on data usage."}, {"text":"At the moment, we provide information, short videos, comics, live broadcasts, anime, and other content services for users. "} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.3.png" }, { "name": "Tencent Map", "names": "腾讯地图", "label": "聰明的活地圖", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Dedicated to offering users a precise and efficient one-stop travel experience, Tencent Map provides travel and location-based services, such as intelligent route planning, navigation, real-time traffic updates, and indoor maps. "}, {"text":" It provides precise navigation in over 200 cities in China with map browsing, address inquiry, local attraction search, navigation, public transport routes, transit station inquiry services, as well as integration with over 2,000 indoor maps from major airports, train stations, and shopping malls, making traveling more seamless and efficient."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.4.png" }, { "name": "YingYongBao", "names": "应用宝", "label": "上應用寶,下壹種生活", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"As a leading Android-based app store in China, YingYongBao is deeply connected with Tencent's content, social, information and the big data of users. With the latest AI-based recommendation technology, YingYongBao provides users with Android app suggestions that best fit their needs, game offers and privileges, mobile app services such as social and entertainment, offering users an immersive experience with its one-stop mobile app platform."} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.5.png" }, { "name": "QQ Mail", "names": "QQ邮箱", "label": "妳能發現更多", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"QQ Mail is a free email service launched by Tencent in 2002, which provides users with secure, stable, fast and seamless access to email services, and is supported on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and other platforms. Key features include instant incoming mail alerts, the ability to send and receive files up to 3G, audio and video mail capabilities, file transfer options, and more."}, {"text":"It is backed by a high-speed network with fault-tolerant servers and independent overseas email export links, which offers stable login access for uninterrupted mail delivery worldwide. "} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.6.png" }, { "name": "Weixin Mini Programs", "names": "微信小程序", "label": "", "url": "", "desc": [ {"text":"Mini Program is an innovative service that runs on the Weixin platform. Users can access the program by simply scanning a QR code or searching on Weixin. Through Mini Programs, users can quickly and easily have access to and enjoy unique products and services offered by merchants and institutions. Covering shopping, dining, living, travel, and more, as well as public services such as healthcare and utilities, Mini Program can be used to streamline many daily activities, bringing convenience and enhancing users’ overall quality of life. "} ], "src": "data/logo-pic/4.7.png" } ]} var data = tocPopData[lang]; for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){ if(data[i].names == boxName){ $('.to-c-pop .pop-box .logo-pic img').attr('src','../'+data[i].src); $('.to-c-pop .pop-box .mess-box .name').text(data[i].name); $('.to-c-pop .pop-box .mess-box .ms .label').text(data[i].label); if(data[i].url == ''){ $('.to-c-pop .pop-box .mess-box .ms a').hide(); }else{ $('.to-c-pop .pop-box .mess-box .ms a').show(); $('.to-c-pop .pop-box .mess-box .ms a').attr('href',data[i].url); } for(var o = 0;o<data[i].desc.length;o++){ desc_p += '<p>'+JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data[i].desc[o].text))+'</p>'; } $('.to-c-pop .pop-box .mess-box .desc').html(desc_p) } } /* 赋予to-b弹窗文字内容最大高度 */ desc_off_set_t = $('.to-c-pop .pop-box .mess-box .desc').offset().top - $(window).scrollTop(); if(window_w <=768){ $('.to-c-pop .pop-box .mess-box .desc').css('height', window_h - desc_off_set_t - 16+'px'); }else{ $('.to-c-pop .pop-box .mess-box .desc').css('height', 'auto'); } }) $(window).resize(function () { window_w = $(window).width(); 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