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COMMUNITY</p> </div> <div class='is__topContent'> <div class='is__topArticleCont'><div class='is__topArticles'><div data-index='1' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='CREATE THE FUTURE' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>CREATE THE FUTURE</h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>Let's create a more inspired world! Over the last 19 years, we've worked on 13,148 projects with 1,287 brands and along the way, we've learned a lot from our talented clients. Innovation Strategy is a place for us to share some of their remarkable innovation tactics, to help you refine your tactics for hunting ideas, refining your insights and creating new products and services that make the world a better place.</p><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> Take your game to the next level with our innovation events, our innovation accelerator, our award-winning innovation books and our collection of 4,232 innovation interviews and keynotes.</p><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> Want more?</p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>OUR SERVICES</button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div><div data-index='2' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='Fostering Innovation Communities ' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>Fostering Innovation Communities </h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>Renata Alves is a Digital Innovation Manager at BASF, where she plays a critical role in fostering innovation communities and driving digital transformation. Over the five years, her team has seamlessly integrated market-leading technology trends with business needs, cultivating a culture of digital innovation and enhancing customer experiences across BASF in North & South America.</p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>RENATA ALVES, BASF</button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div><div data-index='3' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='Creating Space for Innovation ' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>Creating Space for Innovation </h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>Kristel Zaman is the Head of Marketing & Product Management at Grundfos, where she is recognized for her ability to lead dynamic teams and drive positive, transformative change. With a strong track record in designing, developing, and implementing product-focused business strategies, Kristel is results-oriented and proactive in identifying opportunities for improvement. </p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>KRISTEL ZAMAN, GRUNDFOS</button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div><div data-index='4' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='Culture-Driven Brand Innovation' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>Culture-Driven Brand Innovation</h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>In an era where traditional marketing strategies are losing their edge, Kellanova is pioneering a fresh approach to consumer engagement. David Lee, Sr. Director of Global Licensing & Cultural Marketing at Kellanova, shares insights on how the company is leveraging cultural relevance to connect with the elusive next-generation consumer. </p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>DAVID LEE, KELLANOVA</button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div><div data-index='5' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='Nostalgia&#039;s Cultural Impact' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>Nostalgia's Cultural Impact</h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>With a business model that encompasses all aspects of the food and beverage market, PepsiCo is an industry-leading company that understands nostalgia's cultural impact. For Tammy Butterworth, Front End Innovation Lead at PepsiCo, a vision of a brighter and more sustainable future in the food and beverage space drives her and her team's creativity and curiosity.</p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>TAMMY BUTTERWORTH, PEPSICO</button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div><div data-index='6' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='Co-Creating With Consumers ' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>Co-Creating With Consumers </h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>Passionate about understanding her consumers and their unique nuances, Jamie Wideman is the VP, Innovation at Molson Coors. In addition to leading a diverse team at Molson Coors, Jamie shares how the brand is evolving with the help of multicultural insights and co-creation opportunities with consumers that address unmet needs in the market.</p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>JAMIE WIDEMAN, MOLSON COORS</button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div><div data-index='7' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='The Importance of Authenticity ' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>The Importance of Authenticity </h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>Believing that food is a "celebration, a language, and even a personal ethos," Nigel Hughes is the SVP of Global Innovation and R&D at Kellogg Company. Nigel is passionate about diversity across his team and globally when it comes to the food system and food access for all.</p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>NIGEL HUGHES, KELLOGG COMPANY </button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div><div data-index='8' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='Cross-Functional Innovation' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>Cross-Functional Innovation</h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>With over 35 years of experience in consumer product and packaged goods, David Dombrowski founded rdpkOPINN with one goal in mind: to be a world-class R&D packaging function innovating the future of packaging to deliver better everyday health. He is the IDSA, DMI Director and Head of rdpkOPINN at Haleon. </p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>DAVID DOMBROWSKI, HALEON</button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div><div data-index='9' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='Flavor as an Experience' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>Flavor as an Experience</h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>A leader in seasonings, spices and flavor development, McCormick helps consumers take culinary experiences to new heights. Specializing in innovation and consumer insights, Lydia Poole is the Director of Consumer & Market Insight at McCormick. Lydia believes that creating a culture of innovation takes love, commitment, and time, and stresses the importance of new learning experiences with her team, even within failure.</p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>LYDIA POOLE, MCCORMICK</button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div><div data-index='10' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='Organic Team Crowdsourcing ' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>Organic Team Crowdsourcing </h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>As a Sr. Tech Evangelist at HP, Luke Thomas understands the crucial role consumers play in innovation. In addition to listening to ever-changing consumer needs, Luke relies on another important consumer segment–his own team at HP–to extract organic insights into tomorrow’s next big ideas.</p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>LUKE THOMAS, HP</button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div><div data-index='11' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='Cross-Disciplinary Innovation' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>Cross-Disciplinary Innovation</h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>With past roles in both product development and loyalty marketing, Kevin Swanson has worked on innovation at Hallmark for over 15 years. Believing in the value of cross-disciplinary innovation teams, Swanson walks us through his ideation process and the rituals he relies on to reset creativity and overcome challenges. </p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>KEVIN SWANSON, HALLMARK</button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div><div data-index='12' class='is__topArticle' > <a href='' class='is__topArticleImgCont'> <img src='' width=505 height=473 alt='FREE INNOVATION ASSESSMENT' class='is__topArticleImg'/> </a> <div class='is__topArticleText'> <div class='is__topArticleTextInner'> <h2 class='is__topArticleTitle'>FREE INNOVATION ASSESSMENT</h2> <div class='is__topArticleBody'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'>Discover your Innovation Archetype & specific tactics to <b>realize your potential, faster</b>. Plus, see how you and your organization compares to the world's top innovators.</p></div> </div> <div class='is__topArticleButtons'> <div class='is__btnCont'> <a href=''> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb' type='button'>GET YOUR FREE ASSESSMENT</button> </a> </div> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn th__btn--highlightcolor'>FREE 2025 TREND REPORT</button> </div> </div> </div></div><div class='is__topControls'> <button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--left' type='button'>&larr;</button> <div class='is__topBtns'><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle is__topBtn--circleFilled' data-itemid='1' type='button'></button><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle ' data-itemid='2' type='button'></button><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle ' data-itemid='3' type='button'></button><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle ' data-itemid='4' type='button'></button><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle ' data-itemid='5' type='button'></button><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle ' data-itemid='6' type='button'></button><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle ' data-itemid='7' type='button'></button><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle ' data-itemid='8' type='button'></button><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle ' data-itemid='9' type='button'></button><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle ' data-itemid='10' type='button'></button><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle ' data-itemid='11' type='button'></button><button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--circle ' data-itemid='12' type='button'></button></div> <button class='is__topBtn is__topBtn--right' type='button'>&rarr;</button> </div></div> <div class='is__topLinks'><a class='is__topLink' href=''> <div class='is__topLinkImgCont is__topLinkImgCont--assessment'></div> <div class='is__topLinkText'>Innovation<br/>Assessment</div> </a><a class='is__topLink' href=''> <div class='is__topLinkImgCont is__topLinkImgCont--awards'></div> <div class='is__topLinkText'>Innovation<br/>Awards</div> </a><a class='is__topLink' href=''> <div class='is__topLinkImgCont is__topLinkImgCont--events'></div> <div class='is__topLinkText'>Innovation<br/>Events</div> </a><a class='is__topLink' href=''> <div class='is__topLinkImgCont is__topLinkImgCont--megatrends'></div> <div class='is__topLinkText'>Insights<br/>& Megatrends</div> </a><a class='is__topLink' href=''> <div class='is__topLinkImgCont is__topLinkImgCont--futuristu'></div> <div class='is__topLinkText'>FuturistU</div> </a><a class='is__topLink' href=''> <div class='is__topLinkImgCont is__topLinkImgCont--keynotespeak'></div> <div class='is__topLinkText'>Keynote<br/>Speak</div> </a><a class='is__topLink' href=''> <div class='is__topLinkImgCont is__topLinkImgCont--services'></div> <div class='is__topLinkText'>Our Services</div> </a></div> </div> </div> </section> <div class='lp__whiteBlock'> <div class='th__container'> <section class='lp__sec' id='interviews'> <h2 class='lp__h2 lp__h2--margintop'>Innovation Strategy Interviews</h2> <div class='is__artCont is__interviews'><a href='' class='is__int'> <div class='is__intTitle'><img width='200' height='200' class='is__intImage thai' alt='Decoding Customer Experience' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__intImage' width=400 height=400 alt='Decoding Customer Experience' /> </noscript>Decoding Customer Experience</div> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last is__intText'>An Interview with Joey Edwards-Lebair, Senior Manager of, Customer Insights at Zendesk - In the fast-paced world of customer experience, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage—it&#8217;s a necessity. 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Not just because it&#8217;s a buzzword, but because it&#8217;s the difference between thriving and becoming the...</p> </a><a href='' class='is__int'> <div class='is__intTitle'><img width='200' height='200' class='is__intImage thai' alt='Editorial Snapshot' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__intImage' width=400 height=400 alt='Editorial Snapshot' /> </noscript>Editorial Snapshot</div> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last is__intText'>This Week's Most Innovative Trends - 09/20/2024 - In this week’s editorial snapshot, we highlight the latest AI-driven innovations across various sectors. From fitness to retail, and from logistics to advertising, AI continues to revolutionize...</p> </a><a href='' class='is__int'> <div class='is__intTitle'><img width='200' height='200' class='is__intImage thai' alt='Editorial Snapshot' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__intImage' width=400 height=400 alt='Editorial Snapshot' /> </noscript>Editorial Snapshot</div> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last is__intText'>This Week's Most Innovative Trends - 09/13/2024 - In this week’s editorial snapshot, we explore the latest AI-driven innovations that are transforming various sectors. From retail to healthcare, and from lifestyle to gaming, AI continues to...</p> </a></div><button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--thin th__btn--is th__btn--bonw th__btn--full is__moreInnovationArticles'>MORE INNOVATION ARTICLES</button> </section> <section class='lp__sec is__elCont' id='futuristu'> <div class='is__elLeft'> <a href='' class='is__logoCont'><img width='300' height='150' class='is__logo thai' alt='Trend Hunter FuturistU Logo' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__logo' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter FuturistU Logo' /> </noscript></a> <div class='is__elVidCont'> <iframe class='is__elVid' id='th-youtube-iframe' wmode='transparent' width='100%' height='100%' src=';showinfo=0' style='border:none;' allowfullscreen=''></iframe> </div> </div> <div class='is__elRight'> <h3 class='lp__h3'>More Playlists</h3> <div class='is__elItems'><a href='' class='is__elItem'> <div class='is__elImgCont'> <img width='230' height='120' class='is__elImg thai' alt='Social Circles' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__elImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Social Circles' /> </noscript> <div class='is__elLength'>08:42</div> </div> <div class='is__elText'> <div class='is__elTitle'>Social Circles</div> <p class='lp__text lp__text--small lp__text--last'>Now is the time to get creative with customer engagement. How consumer...</p> </div> </a><a href='' class='is__elItem'> <div class='is__elImgCont'> <img width='230' height='120' class='is__elImg thai' alt='Hybridization in Retail' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__elImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Hybridization in Retail' /> </noscript> <div class='is__elLength'>03:09</div> </div> <div class='is__elText'> <div class='is__elTitle'>Hybridization in Retail</div> <p class='lp__text lp__text--small lp__text--last'>In the first module of omnichannel retail, Ady explores what Hybridiza...</p> </div> </a><a href='' class='is__elItem'> <div class='is__elImgCont'> <img width='230' height='120' class='is__elImg thai' alt='The 18 Megatrends & Crisis' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__elImg' width=400 height=400 alt='The 18 Megatrends & Crisis' /> </noscript> <div class='is__elLength'>13:03</div> </div> <div class='is__elText'> <div class='is__elTitle'>The 18 Megatrends & Crisis</div> <p class='lp__text lp__text--small lp__text--last'>In this module, Armida will speak specifically to which Megatrends are...</p> </div> </a><a href='' class='is__elItem'> <div class='is__elImgCont'> <img width='230' height='120' class='is__elImg thai' alt='Gen Z Chaos & Consequences' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__elImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Gen Z Chaos & Consequences' /> </noscript> <div class='is__elLength'>11:35</div> </div> <div class='is__elText'> <div class='is__elTitle'>Gen Z Chaos & Consequences</div> <p class='lp__text lp__text--small lp__text--last'>Trend Hunter's Generational Chaos course kicks off with a look at the ...</p> </div> </a></div> <a href=''><button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonw th__btn--full th__btn--thin th__btn--is'>FULL PROGRAM</button></a> </div> </section> <a href='' class='lp__bannerImgCont'> <img width='1400' height='200' class='lp__bannerImg thai' alt='Future Festival Innovation Conference' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='lp__bannerImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Future Festival Innovation Conference' /> </noscript> </a> <section class='lp__sec' id='futurists'> <h2 class='lp__h2'>Innovation Keynotes from Our Futurists</h2> <div class='is__futurists'><a class='is__art' href=''> <div class='is__artImgCont'><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Jeremy Gutsche' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Jeremy Gutsche' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Jeremy Gutsche</div> <p class='is__artText lp__text'>New York Times Bestselling Author,<br/>CEO & Top Innovation Keynote Speaker</p> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last'>One of the world’s top innovation keynote speakers, Jeremy Gutsche is a New York Times Bestselling author with two bestselling books on chaos, change and disruptive innovation.</p> </div> </a><a class='is__art' href=''> <div class='is__artImgCont'><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Armida Ascano' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Armida Ascano' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Armida Ascano</div> <p class='is__artText lp__text'>Chief Content Officer<br/>Innovation Facilitator for 100+ Top Brands</p> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last'>One of the most popular keynote speakers on trends, Armida leads Trend Hunter’s content and Futurist Team and is one of our best keynote speakers.</p> </div> </a><a class='is__art' href=''> <div class='is__artImgCont'><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Jonathon Brown' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Jonathon Brown' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Jonathon Brown</div> <p class='is__artText lp__text'>Chief Growth Officer<br/>Interviewed 400+ CEOs & Innovation Leaders</p> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last'>As Trend Hunter’s Chief Growth Officer, Jonathon Brown is an expert in maximizing innovation potential of ambitious companies.</p> </div> </a><a class='is__art' href=''> <div class='is__artImgCont'><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Ady Floyd' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Ady Floyd' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Ady Floyd</div> <p class='is__artText lp__text'>VP Client Success<br/>Advisor to 50+ Leading Brands</p> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last'>Ady is one of Trend Hunter’s best Research Managers, advising dozens of top brands about innovation strategy, curating and customizing trend research to suit their needs.</p> </div> </a><a class='is__art' href=''> <div class='is__artImgCont'><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Gil Cohen' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Gil Cohen' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Gil Cohen</div> <p class='is__artText lp__text'>SVP, Client Success<br/>Author of more than 3,000 Trend Articles</p> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last'>Gil Cohen is one of Trend Hunter’s most broadly experienced keynote speakers on Innovation in Retail, with a background that spans trend writing, business innovation, client research and client success.</p> </div> </a><a class='is__art' href=''> <div class='is__artImgCont'><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Jaime Neely' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Jaime Neely' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Jaime Neely</div> <p class='is__artText lp__text'>President<br/>Project Lead for the Innovation Assessment</p> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last'>As Trend Hunter’s President, Jaime managed Trend Hunter’s team growth while developing culture programs and innovation assessments for many of the world’s best innovation teams.</p> </div> </a><a class='is__art' href=''> <div class='is__artImgCont'><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Courtney Scharf' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Courtney Scharf' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Courtney Scharf</div> <p class='is__artText lp__text'>Chief Client Officer<br/>Managed 8,000 Custom Trend Projects</p> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last'>Courtney is the founder of Trend Hunter’s Client Research Team, which today has completed more than 8,000 custom trend report and workshop projects for hundreds of the world’s best innovation teams.</p> </div> </a><a class='is__art' href=''> <div class='is__artImgCont'><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Sean Watson' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Sean Watson' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Sean Watson</div> <p class='is__artText lp__text'>Director of Special Projects<br/>Interviewed 200+ CEOs & Innovation Leaders</p> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last'>As Trend Hunter's resident tech specialist, Sean has run private keynotes and innovation sessions with brands such as Coca-Cola, Kraft-Heinz, and Google.</p> </div> </a></div> </section> <a href='' class='lp__bannerImgCont'> <img width='1400' height='200' class='lp__bannerImg thai' alt='Jeremy Gutsche Innovation Keynotes' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='lp__bannerImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Jeremy Gutsche Innovation Keynotes' /> </noscript> </a> <section class='lp__sec is__threeCol'> <div class='is__threeColItem'> <a href='' class='lp__text lp__text--last is__threeColItemText'> <b class='lp__bold is__threeColItemTitle'>Innovative Ideas</b> <br/> Explore the world's #1 largest database of ideas and innovations, with 478,618 inspiring examples. </a> <a href='' class='lp__text lp__text--last is__threeColItemText'> <b class='lp__bold is__threeColItemTitle'>Trend Reports</b> <br/> Discover why 1,287 brands rely on our AI-powered Trend Reports to get better, faster insights. </a> <a href='' class='lp__text lp__text--last is__threeColItemText'> <b class='lp__bold is__threeColItemTitle'>Weekly Innovation Newsletter</b> <br/> Join 104,870 subscribers who rely on our weekly newsletter to keep up with need-to-know trends and insights. </a> </div> <a href='' class='is__threeColItem is__threeColItem--book'> <div class='is__bookImgCont'> <img width='480' height='320' class='is__bookImg thai' alt='Best Innovation Strategy Books' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__bookImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Best Innovation Strategy Books' /> </noscript> </div> <div class='is__uBook'> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='is__uBooktext'>Award-Winning Innovation Books</b> <br/> Get better and faster with our New York Times Bestselling methods, best innovation books & keynote videos </p> </div> </a> <div class='is__threeColItem'> <a href='' class='lp__text lp__text--last is__threeColItemText'> <b class='lp__bold is__threeColItemTitle'>Innovation Assessment</b> <br/> Enhance your innovation potential with a deeper understanding of your unique innovation archetype and how your organization benchmarks. </a> <a href='' class='lp__text lp__text--last is__threeColItemText'> <b class='lp__bold is__threeColItemTitle'>Futurist U Innovation Academy</b> <br/> Prepare for the years ahead with 100+ lessons, tactics, tools and frameworks with our full learning database. </a> <a href='' class='lp__text lp__text--last is__threeColItemText'> <b class='lp__bold is__threeColItemTitle'>Custom Innovation Training</b> <br/> Bring the Future Festival experience directly to your team or co-hosted custom event. </a> </div> </section> <section class='lp__sec lp__sec--kspeak' id='keynotes'> <a href='' class='is__logoCont'><img width='300' height='150' class='is__logo thai' alt='Trend Hunter KeynoteSpeak Logo' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='is__logo' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter KeynoteSpeak Logo' /> </noscript></a> <div class='is__kSecs'><div class='is__kSec'> <h2 class='lp__h2 lp__h2--isKeynotes'><a href=''>Innovation Keynotes</a></h2> <div class='is__kItems'> <div class='is__kItemsLarge'><a href='' class='is__art'><div class='is__artImgCont' data-imgsrc=''><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='The Secret to Being a Successful Freelancer' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='The Secret to Being a Successful Freelancer' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>The Secret to Being a Successful Freelancer</div> </div></a><a href='' class='is__art'><div class='is__artImgCont' data-imgsrc=''><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Personalizing Online Retail' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Personalizing Online Retail' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Personalizing Online Retail</div> </div></a></div> <div class='is__kItemsCompact'><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>How Sleep Affects Your Emotions:</b> Matt Walker's Video is Part of TED's Sleeping with Science Series </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Sharing Unique Stories:</b> Aimée Eubanks Davis Shares How Your Unique Story Can Get You Hired </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Improving Our Relationship with Money:</b> Thasunda Duckett Sparks an Honest Conversations About Saving </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>How to Make Faster Decisions:</b> Patrick Mcginnis Shares the Dangers of the Fear of Better Options </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Leveraging Tech in the Black Community:</b> Stefan Grant Discusses The Need for More Diversity in Tech </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Lessons From African-American Entrepreneurs:</b> A Look at Bloomberg's 'Building a Brand' Panel Talk </p></a></div> </div> </div><div class='is__kSec'> <h2 class='lp__h2 lp__h2--isKeynotes'><a href=''>Trend Keynotes</a></h2> <div class='is__kItems'> <div class='is__kItemsLarge'><a href='' class='is__art'><div class='is__artImgCont' data-imgsrc=''><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='The Truth of Propelling Fake News' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='The Truth of Propelling Fake News' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>The Truth of Propelling Fake News</div> </div></a><a href='' class='is__art'><div class='is__artImgCont' data-imgsrc=''><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='AI Metabolite Algorithms' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='AI Metabolite Algorithms' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>AI Metabolite Algorithms</div> </div></a></div> <div class='is__kItemsCompact'><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Salt Repurposing Projects:</b> Tina Arrowood Considers the Circular Salt Economy to Protect Fresh Water 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lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Functional Tattooing:</b> Carson Bruns' Keynote on Tattoos Boasts Possible Uses of Function-Forward Ink </p></a></div> </div> </div><div class='is__kSec'> <h2 class='lp__h2 lp__h2--isKeynotes'><a href=''>Creativity Keynotes</a></h2> <div class='is__kItems'> <div class='is__kItemsLarge'><a href='' class='is__art'><div class='is__artImgCont' data-imgsrc=''><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Coping With Creative Writing' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Coping With Creative Writing' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Coping With Creative Writing</div> </div></a><a href='' class='is__art'><div class='is__artImgCont' data-imgsrc=''><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Burnout's Impact on Creativity' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Burnout's Impact on Creativity' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Burnout's Impact on Creativity</div> </div></a></div> <div class='is__kItemsCompact'><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Stopping Remote Work Burnout:</b> Morra Aarons-Mele's TED Talk Shares 3 Steps to Stop Burnout </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>The Power of Courageous Expression:</b> Actor Ethan Hawke Delivered a Talk on Creativity for TED </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>How Drawing Can Set You Free:</b> Artist Shantell Martin </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Astrophysics Earthly Applications:</b> Federica Bianco Outlines How Astrophysics Can Help Urban Science </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Scientifically Falling Out of Love:</b> Artist Dessa Discuses an Unconventional Approach to Heartbreak </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Discovering the Origin of Life:</b> Tara Djokic's Discovery Suggests an Alternative Evolution of Life </p></a></div> </div> </div><div class='is__kSec'> <h2 class='lp__h2 lp__h2--isKeynotes'><a href=''>Culture Keynotes</a></h2> <div class='is__kItems'> <div class='is__kItemsLarge'><a href='' class='is__art'><div class='is__artImgCont' data-imgsrc=''><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Facilitating Professional Conversations' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Facilitating Professional Conversations' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Facilitating Professional Conversations</div> </div></a><a href='' class='is__art'><div class='is__artImgCont' data-imgsrc=''><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Turning Moments into Momentum' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Turning Moments into Momentum' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Turning Moments into Momentum</div> </div></a></div> <div class='is__kItemsCompact'><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>The 1-Minute Secret to Forming a New Habit:</b> Christine Carter Shares Simple Steps For Motivation </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>America's Racial Wealth Gap:</b> Kedra Newsom Reeves Dives into Racial Wealth Inequality History </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>The Ties Between Climate and Racial Justice:</b> David Lammy Explores How the Two Topics are Related </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>The Negative Impact of Algorithms:</b> Yaël Eisenstat's Talk on Facebook Speaks to Its Insidious Effect </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Participatory Government Budgeting:</b> Shari Davis Explores the Community's Role in Public Spending </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Understanding Microaggressions:</b> Angela Glover Blackwell's Microaggressions Talk is Empathy-Focused </p></a></div> </div> </div><div class='is__kSec'> <h2 class='lp__h2 lp__h2--isKeynotes'><a href=''>Leadership Keynotes</a></h2> <div class='is__kItems'> <div class='is__kItemsLarge'><a href='' class='is__art'><div class='is__artImgCont' data-imgsrc=''><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='The Power of Vulnerability' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='The Power of Vulnerability' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>The Power of Vulnerability</div> </div></a><a href='' class='is__art'><div class='is__artImgCont' data-imgsrc=''><img width='500' height='500' class='is__artImg thai' alt='Preparing for a Sustainable Future' src='' data-src=''/> <noscript> <img src='' class='is__artImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Preparing for a Sustainable Future' /> </noscript></div> <div class='is__artText'> <div class='is__artTitle'>Preparing for a Sustainable Future</div> </div></a></div> <div class='is__kItemsCompact'><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>How to Embrace Emotions at Work:</b> Liz Fosslien Educates Viewers About Selective Vulnerability </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>Transforming the Hiring Process:</b> Gil Winch Shares Ways to Unlock Potential With New Hiring Tactics </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>The Benefits of Reverse Mentorship:</b> Patrice Gordon Shares Tips on How to Create a Better Workplace </p></a><a href='' class='is__art is__art--compact'><p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> <b class='lp__bold is__artSmallTitle'>How to Lead in a Crisis:</b> TED's Talk by Amy C. 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