SA.GOV.AU - Where to get emergency advice and warnings
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} @media (min-width: 768px) { .toc_rellink_wrapper.toc-desktop { display: block; } } /* related links / TOC component - mobile only */ @media (min-width: 768px) { .toc_rellink_wrapper.toc-mobile { display: none; } } </style> <div id="content_container_697179"> <p>Emergency services and government agencies in South Australia issue advice and warning messages to the public during significant incidents that threaten lives and property.</p><p>Advice and warning messages are delivered through websites, smartphone apps, TV and radio broadcasts, mobile phone SMS messages and posts on social media - eg Facebook and Twitter.</p><p><a href="" class="content-drawer__link" title="How the advice and warning system works">How the advice and warning system works</a></p> </div> <div id="content_container_697181"> <h2>Bushfire</h2><p>The Country Fire Service (CFS) issues warnings for bushfires.</p><p>Check warnings and advice from:</p><ul><li>CFS website - <a href=""></a> including: <ul><li><a href="">incidents</a> - eg bushfires, controlled burns, fire alarms, grass fires, trees down, and vehicle accidents</li><li><a href="">fire danger bans and ratings</a> for each fire ban district by 5:00 pm daily during the fire danger season.</li></ul></li><li>Alert SA app - <a href="">bushfire warnings</a> for the bushfire season. Information <a href="">about Alert SA</a></li><li>Bushfire Information Hotline <a href="tel:1800-362-361" style="border-bottom: 1px solid transparent">1800 362 361</a></li><li>Facebook, like <a href="" title="SA Country Fire Service Facebook page">SA Country Fire Service</a> and <a href="" title="CFS Updates Facebook page">CFSUpdates</a></li><li>Twitter follow <a href="" title="CFS Talk on Twitter">@cfstalk </a>and <a href="" title="CFS Alerts on Twitter">@cfsalerts</a></li><li>local <a href="" target="_blank" title="ABC local radio">ABC radio</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" title="Five Double A Radio">FIVEaa</a>, or other CFS Emergency Broadcast Partners - <a href="">Fact Sheets, Ways to Stay Informed</a>.</li></ul><p><a href="" class="content-drawer__link" title="Bushfire advice and warning system">Bushfire advice and warning system</a></p><h2>Extreme weather</h2><div><p>The State Emergency Service (SES) and Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) issue severe weather warnings for floods, heatwaves and extreme storms.</p><p>Go to <a href="">About SASES warnings</a>.</p><p>Check warnings and advice from:</p><ul><li>SES website - <a href=""></a></li><li>Facebook, like <a href="">SAStateEmergencyService</a></li><li>Twitter follow <a href="">@SA_SES</a></li><li>BOM’s <a href="">South Australia weather and warnings</a></li><li>BOM's telephone recorded warning messages - phone <a href="tel:1300-659-215">1300 659 215</a> (charges apply)</li><li>your local <a href="">ABC radio station</a>.</li></ul><p>The <a href="" style="font-size: 0.98em;">WaterConnect</a>website issues a weekly River Murray flow report. A River Murray high flow advice is also issued when the flow rate at the South Australian border exceeds 40 GLday.</p></div> </div> <div id="new_content_container_444964_697183"> <div><h2>Animal disease</h2><div><p>Check warnings and advice from:</p><ul><li>Primary of Industries and Regions, SA (PIRSA) website - <a href=""></a> and <a href="">alerts and news</a></li><li>Pest and disease outbreaks website - <a href=""></a>.</li></ul></div><h2>Building fire and chemical incidents</h2><div><p>Check warnings and advice from:</p><ul><li>Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) website - <a href=""></a> and <a href=",-Media-and-Publications/media-centre/media-releases">Media Releases</a></li><li>Facebook, like <a href="">SAMetropolitanFireService</a></li><li>Twitter - follow <a href="">@SA_MFS</a>.</li></ul></div><h2>Environment</h2><p>Check for warnings and advice on the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) website - <a href="">Air quality monitoring</a> and <a href="">Beach water quality</a>.</p><div><h2>Essential services disruptions</h2><p>Check for warnings and advice for <a href="">electricity, gas, water and phone outages</a>.</p></div><h2>Flu and virus outbreaks</h2><div><p>If there is flu or virus outbreak you'll be able to get information from the SA Health website or radio and television news services.</p><p>If you’re travelling overseas, visit the <a href="">Smartraveller</a> website and <a href="">subscribe to updates</a>.</p><h2>People sleeping rough</h2><div><p>SA Housing Trust coordinates <a href="">Code Red and Code Blue extreme weather responses</a> across South Australia in partnership with other service providers.</p><p>When a Code Red or Code Blue response is activated, homelessness services will visit known rough sleeper locations to make people aware of the supports available to them. Information will be available on:</p><ul><li>the SA Housing Trust website - <a href=""></a></li><li>Facebook, like <a href="">SAHousingAuthority</a>.</li></ul></div></div><h2>Plant disease</h2><div><p>Check warnings and advice from:</p><ul><li>Primary of Industries and Regions, SA (PIRSA) website - <a href=""></a> and <a href="">alerts and news</a></li><li>Pest and disease outbreaks website - <a href=""></a>.</li></ul><h2>Roadworks and hazards</h2><p>Check for warnings and advice for <a href="./?external-uuid=d7a3f85c-d1e1-4225-930b-cd224ecdb82e">Daily roadworks, hazards and news</a>.</p></div><h2>Transport disruptions</h2><div><p>In Adelaide, contact Adelaide Metro for disruptions to bus, train and tram services:</p><ul><li>phone the InfoLine on <a href="tel:+61-8-8210-1000">8210 1000</a></li><li><a href="">subscribe to alerts</a></li><li>check <a href="">closures and manintenace</a></li></ul><p>In country locations, contact your local council or bus company for disruptions to any services they offer.</p></div><h2>Terrorist incidents</h2><div><p>The Australian National Security issues information about the current threat level and will provide the public with advice on changes to the current terrorism threat level. This includes:</p><ul><li>what the threat level means</li><li>where the threat is coming from</li><li>potential targets.</li></ul><p>In the event of a local threat, information will also be published on the <a href="">SA Police</a> website, and through radio and television news services.</p><p>If you’re travelling overseas, visit the <a href="">Smartraveller</a> website and <a href="">subscribe to updates</a>.</p><p><a href="">Terrorist incidents</a></p></div></div><hr /><h2 class="noTOC">Related information</h2><h3>Other websites</h3><ul class="without_bullets"><li><a href="">ABC emergency</a></li></ul> </div> </div> <div class="page_contents"><form id="form_email_2496" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="post" ><input type="hidden" name="SQ_FORM_2496_PAGE" value="1" class="sq-form-field" id="SQ_FORM_2496_PAGE" /><input type="hidden" name="form_email_2496_referral_url" value="" /><!--noindex--> <style type="text/css"> .recaptcha__container { margin-bottom: 1rem; } .recaptcha__error { color: red; 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