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width: 53.0726%;">UFV Program</th> <th style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Credential</th> <th class="min-phone-l" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">PGWP Eligible*</th> <th style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">CIP Code</th> <th style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Semester Start</th> <th style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">Program Duration</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Library Technician Post-diploma Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Advanced Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">25.0301</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Associate of Science Degree</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Associate Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">40.0101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Associate of Arts Degree</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Associate Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">24.0101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Arts in Global Development Studies</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">45.0604</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Agricultural Science</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">01.0601</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Arts</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">24.0101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Arts (Child & Youth Care)</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">19.0701</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Arts (Criminal Justice)</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">45.0401</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Arts in Adult Education</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">13.1201</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Business Administration</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">52.0201</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Business Administration in Aviation</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">52.0209</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Computer Information Systems</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">11.0501</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Environmental Studies</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">03.0103</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Natural Sciences)</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">03.0103</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Fine Arts</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">50.0702</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Integrated Studies</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">24.0102</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Kinesiology</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">31.0505</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Media Arts</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">09.0702</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Regional & Community Planning</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">04.0301</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Science (Biology major)</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">40.0101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Science (Chemistry major)</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">40.0101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Science (Computing Science major)</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">40.0101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Science (Mathematics major)</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">40.0101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Science (Physical Geography major)</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">40.0101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Science (Physics major)</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">40.0101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Bachelor of Social Work</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Bachelor's Degree</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">44.0701</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">4 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Berry Production Essentials Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">01.0301</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Computer Information Systems Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">11.0501</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Livestock Production Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">01.0302</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Coding Skills Associate Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">11.0201</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Electronics Technician Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">47.0199</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Engineering Common Core Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">14.0101</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Field Vegetable Production Essentials Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">01.0301</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Horticulture Crop Production & Protection Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">01.0601</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Applied Geographic Information Systems Associate Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">45.0702</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Business Administration Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">52.0201</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Early Childhood Education Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">19.0709</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Indigenous Studies Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">05.0202</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Integrated Learning Design Associate Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">13.0301</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Integrated Pest Management Associate Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">11.1105</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Agriculture Technology Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">01.0301</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Business Administration in Aviation Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">49.0102</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Computer Information Systems Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">11.0501</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Criminal Justice Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">45.0401</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Engineering Physics Diploma in Mechatronics</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">14.4201</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Graphic and Digital Design Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">50.0409</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Social Service Worker Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">44.0000</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Automation and Robotics Technician Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">15.0407</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Digital Manufacturing Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">15.0613</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Business Administration Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">52.0201</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">General Studies Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">24.0102</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Liberal Arts Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">24.0101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan, May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Library & Information Technology Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">25.0301</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 22px;"> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Visual Arts Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 12.4022%;">Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 7.7095%;">50.0702</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan</td> <td class="" style="height: 22px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Child Life and Community Health Graduate Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Graduate Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">19.0708</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">1 year</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Data Analysis Post-baccalaureate Certificate</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Post-degree Certificate</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">30.7101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">May</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">14 months</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Business Analytics Post-baccalaureate Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Post-degree Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">30.7102</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">Digital Communication & Promotion Post-baccalaureate Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Post-degree Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">Yes</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">09.0702</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 44px;"> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 53.0726%;"><a href="" target="_blank">International Business Post-baccalaureate Diploma</a></td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 12.4022%;">Post-degree Diploma</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.49162%;">No</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 7.7095%;">52.1101</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 9.27374%;">Sep, Jan</td> <td class="" style="height: 44px; width: 8.93855%;">2 years</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> <p>*IRCC's PGWP (post-graduate work permit) eligibility criteria as of October 2024; please visit the <a href="">IRCC website</a> for the most recent list (which is subject to change at any time without advanced notice).</p> </div> <div class="pc" style="clear:left; 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