Campaign Wiki LinksToWisdom: About

<!DOCTYPE html> <html><head><title>Campaign Wiki LinksToWisdom: About</title><link rel="alternate" type="application/wiki" title="Edit this page" href=";id=About" /><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" /><meta name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW" /><link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Campaign Wiki LinksToWisdom" href="" /><link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Campaign Wiki LinksToWisdom: About" href=";rcidonly=About" /> <script type="text/Javascript"> function togglecomments (id) { var elem = document.getElementById(id); if (elem.className=="commentshown") { elem.className="commenthidden"; } else { elem.className="commentshown"; } } </script> <link href="" rel="alternate" title="Campaign Wiki LinksToWisdom: News" type="application/rss+xml" /><meta content="telephone=no" name="format-detection" /><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head><body ontouchstart="" class="default" lang="en"><header><a class="logo" href=""><img alt="[Home]" class="logo" src=" " /></a><nav><span class="gotobar bar"><a class="local" href="">HomePage</a> <a class="local" href="">RecentChanges</a> <a class="local" href="">About</a> <a class="url http" href="">New</a> <a class="url http" href="">OSR Search</a></span><form method="get" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="utf-8" class="search"><p class="search"><span class="search"><label for="search">Search:</label> <input type="text" name="search" size="15" accesskey="f" id="search" /></span> <span class="match"><label for="matchingpage">Find Page:</label> <input type="text" name="match" size="15" id="matchingpage" /></span> <input type="submit" name="dosearch" value="Go!" /></p></form></nav><h1><a href="" rel="nofollow" title="Click to search for references to this page">About</a></h1></header><div class="wrapper"><div class="content browse" lang="en"><p>This OSR House Rule wiki arose out of the blog post <a class="url http outside" href="">The future of OSR blogging...</a> where the The Jovial Priest laments the lack of memory in the blogosphere. Jeff Rients then suggested a wiki and something to &#x201c;send to wiki&#x201d;. Alex Schroeder then offered to host the wiki on his <a class="url http outside" href="">Campaign Wiki</a> site.</p><p><a class="url http outside" href="">What do you think of an OSR House Rule wiki/blog aggregation site?</a> In this follow up blog post The Jovial Priest suggested organizing the proposed wiki around the Moldvay table of contents in order to collect and organize the cool links of the old school D&amp;D blogs. Proposed title: <i>OSR Links to Wisdom</i>.</p><p>Alex Schroeder set things up and finally <a class="url http outside" href="">the OSR House Rule Aggregation Site - LIVES</a>!</p><p>The vision:</p><ol><li>A repository of links to blog posts or forum posts that clarify a rule or propose a House Rule</li><li>All organised around the B/X Moldvay/Cook contents page template</li><li>A wiki where anyone can add a link to a post</li></ol><p>THIS WIKI BELONGS TO ALL WHO LOVE OSR</p><p>You can <a class="url http outside" href="">contact Alex Schroeder</a> if you have questions regarding the site itself and the software used.</p></div><div class="wrapper close"></div></div><footer><hr /><div class="edit bar"><a class="comment local" href="">Add Comment</a> <a accesskey="e" class="edit" href=";id=About" rel="nofollow" title="Click to edit this page">Edit this page</a> <a class="history" href=";id=About" rel="nofollow">View other revisions</a> <a class="admin" href=";id=About" rel="nofollow">Administration</a></div><div class="time">Last edited 2014-02-28 14:09 UTC by <a class="author" href="">Alex</a> <a class="diff" href=";diff=2;id=About" rel="nofollow">(diff)</a></div><p>See <a class="local" href="">Site License</a> for licensing information.</p></footer> </body> </html>

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