{"title":"The Effect of Granule Size on the Digestibility of Wheat Starch Using an in vitro Model","authors":"Mee-Lin Lim Chai Teo, Darryl M. Small","volume":69,"journal":"International Journal of Nutrition and Food Engineering","pagesStart":756,"pagesEnd":761,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/11910","abstract":"<p>Wheat has a bimodal starch granule population and the dependency of the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis on particle size has been investigated. Ungelatinised wheaten starch granules were separated into two populations by sedimentation and decantation. Particle size was analysed by laser diffraction and morphological characteristics were viewed using SEM. The sedimentation technique though lengthy, gave satisfactory separation of the granules. Samples (&lt;10&mu;m, &gt;10&mu;m and original) were digested with a-amylase using a dialysis model. Granules of &lt;10&mu;m showed significantly higher rate of reducing sugar release than those &gt;10&mu;m (p&lt;0.05). In contrast, the rate was not significantly different between the original sample and granules &gt;10&mu;m. Moreover, the digestion rate was dependent on particle size whereby smaller granules produced higher rate of release. The methodology and results reported here can be used as a basis for further evaluations designed to delay the release of glucose during the digestion of native starches.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] S. Zielinski, Digestion and Digestive System. Delhi: University\r\nPublications, 2010, ch. 1.\r\n[2] D. M. Medeiros and R. E. C. Wildman, Advanced Human Nutrition.\r\nSudbury: Jones and Bartlett Learning, ch. 2.\r\n[3] M. E. Smith and D. G. Morton, Systems of the body. The Digestive\r\nSystem. Basic Science and Clinical Conditions. Edinburgh: Churchill\r\nLivingstone Elsevier, 2010, pp.130-138.\r\n[4] J. F. Robyt and D. French, \"Multiple attack hypothesis of a-amylase\r\naction: Action of porcine pancreatic, human, salivary and Aspergillus\r\noryzae a-amylases,\" Arch. Biochem. Biophys., vol. 122, no. 1, pp.8-16,\r\nOct. 1967\r\n[5] Y. Granfeldt and I Bj\u00f6rck, \"Glycemic response to starch in pasta: a\r\nstudy of mechanisms of limited enzyme availability,\" J. Cereal Sci., vol.\r\n14, no. 1, pp. 47-61, Jun. 1991.\r\n[6] S. Dhital, A. K. Shrestha and M. J. Gidley, \"Relationship between\r\ngranule size and in vitro digestibility of maize and potato starches,\"\r\nCarbohydr. Polym., vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 480-488, May 2010.\r\n[7] D. J. A. Jenkins, T. M. S. Wolever, M. J. Thorne, A. L. Jenkins, G. S.\r\nWong, R. G. Josse, et al., \"The relationship between glycemic response,\r\ndigestibility, and factors influencing the dietary habits of diabetics,\"\r\nAm. J. Clin. Nutr., vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 1175-1191, Dec. 1984.\r\n[8] G. L. Miller, \"Use of dinitrosalicylic acid reagent for determination of\r\nreducing sugar,\" Anal. Chem., vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 426-428, Mar. 1959.\r\n[9] D. A. T. Southgate, Determination of Food Carbohydrates. Essex:\r\nElsevier Science Publishers Ltd, 1991, p. 136.\r\n[10] AOAC, \"Method 925.10 Solids (Total) and Moisture in Flour Air Oven\r\nMethod,\" in Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 17th\r\ned. vol. II , W. Horwitz, Ed. Gaithersburg: AOAC International, 2000, p.\r\n777.\r\n[11] S. G. Ring, J. M. Gee, M. Whittam, P, Orford, and I. T. Johnson,\r\n\"Resistant starch: Its chemical form in foodstuffs and effect on\r\ndigestibility in vitro,\" Food Chem., vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 97-109, Feb.\r\n1988.\r\n[12] R. F. Tester, J. Karkalas and X. Qi, \"Starch\u252c\u00a5composition, fine structure\r\nand architecture,\" J. Cereal Sci., vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 151-165, Mar. 2004.\r\n[13] M. S. Buttrose, \"Submicroscopic development and structure of starch\r\ngranules in cereal endosperms,\" J. Ultrastruct. Res., vol. 4, no.3-4, pp.\r\n231-257, Dec. 1960.\r\n[14] J. Blazek and L. Copeland, \"Amylolysis of wheat starches. II.\r\nDegradation patterns of native starch granules with varying functional\r\nproperties,\" J. Cereal Sci.. vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 295-302, Sep. 2010.\r\n[15] R. Hoover and Y. Zhou, \"In vitro and in vivo hydrolysis of legume\r\nstarches by a-amylase and resistant starch formation in legumes\u00d4\u00c7\u00f6a\r\nreview,\" Carbohydr. Polym., vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 401-417, Jun. 2003.\r\n[16] L. Copeland, J. Blazek, H. Salman and M. C. Tang, \"Form and\r\nfunctionality of starch,\" Food Hydrocolloid., vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 1527-\r\n1534, Aug. 2009.\r\n[17] E. Bertoft, R. Manelius and Z. Qin, \"Studies on the structure of pea\r\nstarches. Part 1: Initial stages in a-amylolysis of granular smooth pea\r\nstarch,\" Starch, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 215-220, Jul. 1993.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 69, 2012"}