Critical Thinking Skills | Learn To Make Rationale Decisions

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* (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); width: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); height: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding: calc(((3 / 1.5) * 1px) + (3 - (3 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); font-weight: 700; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: absolute; line-height: 1.5em; background: #02a186; left: 0; } .corporate-notes ul li:nth-child(1)::before { background: #00ab84; } .corporate-notes ul li:nth-child(2)::before { background: #8b4699; } .corporate-notes ul li:nth-child(3)::before { background: #0085ca; } .corporate-notes ul li:nth-child(4)::before { background: #ffbc43; } .individual-notes ul { list-style: none; padding-left: 0; } .individual-notes ul li { margin-bottom: 10px; position: relative; padding-right: 10px; padding-left: calc(((30 / 1.5) * 1px) + (30 - (30 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .individual-notes ul li:before { font: normal normal normal 14px/1 'FontAwesome'; content: "\f005"; color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; font-size: calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); width: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); height: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding: calc(((3 / 1.5) * 1px) + (3 - (3 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); font-weight: 700; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: absolute; line-height: 1.5em; background: #02a186; left: 0; } .individual-notes ul li:nth-child(1)::before { background: #ff8145; } .individual-notes ul li:nth-child(2)::before { background: #00a982; } .individual-notes ul li:nth-child(3)::before { background: #ffbc43; } .green-star { background: #00a982; color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; font-size: calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); width: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); height: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding: calc(((3 / 1.5) * 1px) + (3 - (3 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); font-weight: 700; line-height: 1em; vertical-align: middle; } .yellow-star { background: #ffbc43; color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; font-size: calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); width: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); height: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding: calc(((3 / 1.5) * 1px) + (3 - (3 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); font-weight: 700; line-height: 1em; vertical-align: middle; } .blue-star { background: #0085ca; color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; font-size: calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); width: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); height: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding: calc(((3 / 1.5) * 1px) + (3 - (3 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); font-weight: 700; line-height: 1em; vertical-align: middle; } .option-wrap { display: flex; align-items: center; } .fees-section td.eis-table-data table td:nth-child(1) .option-count { background-color: #8c4799; } .fees-section td.eis-table-data table td:nth-child(1) .option-wrap { background-color: #eee4f0; } .fees-section td.eis-table-data table td:nth-child(2) .option-count { background-color: #00bab6; } .fees-section td.eis-table-data table td:nth-child(2) .option-wrap { background-color: #d9f5f4; } .title-nav-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: center; } .mobile-tab-wrap { display: none; } .related-articles-section { background: #eaf3f1; } .box-3 { display: flex; width: 100%; } .box-4 { margin-left: 0%; display: flex; } .gallery-grid-wrapper { display: grid !important; grid-template-columns: auto; grid-template-rows: 15vw 15vw; gap: calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)) /*margin-bottom: -10%;*/ } .gallery-grid-wrapper .gallery-image { display: flex; height: 100%; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .gallery-image img { width: 100%; object-fit: cover } .gallery-grid-wrapper .gallery-image.image img { height: 15vw; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .gallery-image video { grid-row: 1/3; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .box-1 { grid-column: 1; grid-row: 1/3; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .box-2 { grid-column: 2; grid-row: 1; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .box-3 { grid-column: 2; grid-row: 2; display: flex; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .box-4 { grid-column: 3; grid-row: 1/3; /* margin-left: -27%; */ display: flex; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .box-5 { grid-column: 4; grid-row: 1; z-index: 1; align-self: flex-start; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .box-6 { /* width: 73%; */ grid-column: 4; grid-row: 2; /* margin-left: 27%; align-self: flex-start; */ } 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z-index: 2; } .course-schedule-section { background: rgb(255, 255, 255); background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0%, rgba(234, 243, 241, 1) 100%); } #loading { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; z-index: 5; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .9); } .fees-section .table-wrapper { border: 20px solid #e5f2f9; } .course-ref { font-style: italic; } .target-audience { background: #e5f6f2; } .subject-info .special-color-text { color: #0080B5; } .trainer-info { background: #FFFAF1; } .trainer-info .trainer { flex: 0 0 25%; height: 25%; text-align: center; text-decoration: underline; margin: 15px 0; } .trainer-info .slick-slide .title { color: #0080B5; } .trainer-info .slick-slide:nth-child(2n) .title { color: #00AB84 } .subject-info { background: #EDF6FA } .trainer-info .trainer:hover .image { transform: scale(1.04) } .trainer-info .trainer .image { overflow: hidden; border-radius: 50%; border: 2px solid #0080B5; margin-right: 10px; transition: .3s all ease-in-out; } .trainer-info .trainer .image img { display: block; } .trainer-info .slick-slide:nth-child(2n) .image { border: 2px solid #00AB84; } .classroom-info { background: #ECF8F5 } .reasons-section .number { font-weight: 700; font-size: calc(((40 / 1.2) * 1px) + (40 - (40 / 1.2)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); margin-right: 10px; } .training-section-vector-2 { right: 0; bottom: -5%; } .trainers .slick-slide { margin: 0 10px; } .trainers .slick-list { margin: 0 -10px; } .popup-schedule-calendar .mode-of-training { display: flex; font-size: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .popup-schedule-calendar .mode-of-training .icon { flex: 0 0 26px; } .popup-schedule-calendar .mode-of-training .icon img { height: 17px; vertical-align: middle; } .popup-schedule-calendar .mode-of-training .title { flex: 0 0 55% } .popup-schedule-calendar .mode-of-training .text { flex: 0 0 35%; } .corporate-enquiry-row { padding: calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); border-radius: calc(((15 / 1.5) * 1px) + (15 - (15 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); border: 1px solid #B1B1B1; } .activities>* { flex-grow: 0 !important; } body #popup_form .tms-form-wrap .radio-wrapper { display: none; } body .popup-form-content { background-color: #fff; } @media (max-width: 1200px) { .banner-section:before { content: ''; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); position: absolute; } } @media (max-width: 991px) { .banner-section .image-col>img { width: calc((887 / 9.91)* 1vw); height: calc((726 / 9.91)* 1vw); } .accordion-item .title { padding-left: 10%; font-size: calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .banner-section .container { width: 90%; } .banner-section { text-align: center; padding-left: 0; } .banner-section .text-col { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } 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} .module-outline-section .tab-wrap { display: none; } .module-list-row .phone-col img { max-width: 200px; margin: 0 auto; } .info-content .image-col { display: none; } .mobile-tab-wrap { display: block } .form-section .vector-animate-ele .item-2 { width: 20vw; } .form-section .vector-animate-ele .item-3 { width: 20vw; } .form-section .vector-animate-ele>* { width: 4vw; } .form-section .vector-animate-ele .item-1, .form-section .vector-animate-ele .item-5 { width: 5vw; } .form-section .vector-animate-ele .item-9 .form-section .vector-animate-ele .item-9 { width: 12vw; } .gallery-grid-wrapper { display: block; } .what-you-learn-item .activity { height: 200px; } /* .what-you-learn-item .activity:hover .description { height: 150px; } */ .course-location-filter { position: relative; justify-content: center; } .fc .fc-toolbar { justify-content: center; } .course-top-info .col { flex: auto; } .content-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap; } .content-wrap .course-left-col, .content-wrap .course-right-col { flex: 0 0 100%; width: 100%; } .banner-section .scroll-down { display: none; } .popup-schedule-calendar { min-height: auto; } .course-top-info .col { flex: 0 0 100%; text-align: left; } .platform-logos>*:last-child { margin-right: 0 } } @media (max-width: 767px) { .banner-section .image-col>img { width: calc((887 / 6.67)* 1vw); height: calc((600 / 6.67)* 1vw); } .what-you-learn-item .text-logo-wrap .logo-col { flex: 0 0 100%; width: 100%; } .accordion-item .title { padding-left: 12%; } .info-section video { height: 300px; } .banner-section .course-info .instructors .images img { width: 40px; height: 40px; } .what-you-learn-item .activity { min-height: 165px; } .what-you-learn-item .activity .description { width: 100%; } .platform-logos { width: calc(100% - 30px) } .banner-section h1 br { display: none; } .what-you-learn-item .activities { gap: 20px; } .what-you-learn-item .activities .gutter { flex: 0 0 calc(50% - 20px); } .cert-section .image-col { max-width: 180px; margin: 0 auto; } .course-training-location-container .course-list-header .title { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .course-training-location-container .course-list-header .title .icon-text { order: 1; width: 100%; } .course-training-location-container .course-list-header .title .calendar-instruction { order: 2; } .course-training-location-container .course-list-header .title .course-calendar { order: 3; } .training-section-vector-1 { width: 40px; top: 45%; } .training-section-vector-2 { width: 40px; top: 45%; } body .fc-h-event .fc-event-title .course-day { border-right: none; } .dotdotdot, .testimonial-read-more { display: none; } .testimonial .text-truncate { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: unset; display: block; -webkit-line-clamp: 2; } .review-section .main-title img { max-width: 25px; } .review-section .slick-slider.with-nav { padding: 0; } .fees-section .fee-table-top td { border: none; } /*.scheme-tab-content > .flex {*/ /* flex-wrap:wrap;*/ /*}*/ .fees-section .fee-table-top:nth-child(1) { border-right: none; } .fees-section table td { border-color: #002338; } .info-section .main-title img { max-width: 100px; } /* .tab-wrap { overflow: auto; width: 120%; justify-content:flex-start; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; } */ .cut-off-slider .slick-track { padding-left: 0; } .cert-image-wrap img { max-width: 200px; } .fees-section .modules .module-name { margin-bottom: calc(((5 / 1.5) * 1px) + (5 - (5 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); line-height: 1em; padding-left: 1.3em; } .fees-section .modules .module-name:before { content: "•"; color: #00ab84; font-weight: 700; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 1em; margin-left: -1.3em; font-size: calc(((20 / 1.2) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.2)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); line-height: calc(((20 / 1.2) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.2)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); flex: 0 0 10px; } .tab-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap } .option-wrap { flex-wrap: wrap; } .info-section .main-image-wrap { height: calc(((650 / 1.5) * 1px) + (650 - (650 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); position: absolute; width: 100%; top: calc(((650 / 1.5) * 1px) + (650 - (650 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .info-section .main-image-wrap .laptop { display: none; } .mobile-main-image { display: none; } .desktop-image { display: none; } .programme-cert .image-col { order: 2 } .module-tab-content .text-col { padding: 15px; } } @media (max-width: 540px) { /* .course-top-info .col { flex: 28%; text-align: center; } */ .custom-marker ul li { line-height: 1.7em; } .button-wrap.flex a { font-size: 12px; } } .popup-form-trigger { display: none; } </style> <style> * { box-sizing: border-box; } @keyframes rotate-center { 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0); transform: rotate(0) } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg) } } .rotate-center { -webkit-animation: rotate-center 10s linear infinite both; animation: rotate-center 10s linear infinite both; } [data-aos="custom-animation"] { transform:scale(0); } [data-aos="custom-animation"].aos-animate { transform:scale(1); } /*// Glow Border Animation //*/ .animated-border-box, .animated-border-box-glow{ max-height: 104%; max-width: 104%; height: calc(100% + 6px); width: calc(100% + 6px); position: absolute; overflow: hidden; z-index: 0; border-radius: 10px; top: -3px; left: -3px; } .animated-border-box-glow{ overflow: hidden; /* Glow Blur */ filter: blur(20px); } .animated-border-box:before, .animated-border-box-glow:before { content: ''; z-index: -2; text-align: center; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(0deg); position: absolute; width: 99999px; height: 99999px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 0 0; /*border color, change middle color*/ background-image: conic-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0), #0865FF, rgba(0,0,0,0) 25%); /* change speed here */ animation: rotate 4s linear infinite; } .animated-border-box:after { content: ''; position: absolute; z-index: -1; /* border width */ left: 5px; top: 5px; /* double the px from the border width left */ /* width: calc(100% - 10px); */ height: calc(100% - 10px); /*bg color*/ background: #292a2e; /*box border radius*/ border-radius: 7px; } @keyframes rotate { 100% { transform: translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(1turn); } } /*// Border Animation END//*/ .single-course-wrapper h1, .single-course-wrapper h2, .single-course-wrapper h3, .single-course-wrapper h4, .single-course-wrapper h5, #popup_form_calendar h4 { font-family: 'Poppins'; } h2 { font-weight: bold; } .learner-number { color:#FFDA56; font-size: calc(((70 / 1.5) * 1px) + (70 - (70 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); vertical-align: middle; } .rating-row { padding:calc(((40 / 1.5) * 1px) + (40 - (40 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)) calc(((90 / 1.5) * 1px) + (90 - (90 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); max-width:1600px; border-radius: 12em; margin-top: -5%; margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; transform: scale(0.5); background-color:#041831; } 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.star-rating .stars .fa-star-half.half-grey { color:#E6E6E6; -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1); transform: scaleX(-1) translateX(4px); } .review-col .rating-box { background:#fff; flex:0 0 calc(50% - 1%); width:calc(50% - 1%); border-radius: calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); font-size: calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding: 3% 4%; margin-right: 2%; } .review-col .rating-box:last-child { margin-right: 0; } .video-wrap { position: relative; } .video-wrap .overlay { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); z-index: 2; border-radius: 14px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; cursor: pointer; } .course-overview-row .overlay .play-btn > img{ position: absolute; top: 8.5%; left: 0; right: 0; margin: 0 auto; width: 80%; display: block; } .overlay svg { width: calc(((120 / 1.5) * 1px) + (120 - (120 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); height: calc(((120 / 1.5) * 1px) + (120 - (120 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .gallery-grid-wrapper .overlay { border-radius: 20px; } .popup-schedule-calendar, .corporate-enquiry-row { background-color: #fff; } .popup-schedule-calendar > .title { font-size: calc(5px + .8vw); line-height: 1.1em; } body #popup_form_calendar{ background-color: transparent; position:sticky; top:12%; z-index: 9; } .already-enrolled .fa { color:#0865FF } .already-enrolled { font-size:calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)) ; } .popup-schedule-calendar .price-row .subsidy { padding-left:calc(((5 / 1.5) * 1px) + (5 - (5 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)) ; font-size: calc(((11 / 1.5) * 1px) + (11 - (11 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)) ; flex: 1 0 35%; } .subsidy .info{ position: relative; } .subsidy-info-text { position: absolute; bottom: -50%; left: 10%; opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; transition: all ease 0.3s; padding: 10px; border-radius: 10px; background: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); width: 200px; } .subsidy .info i { cursor: pointer; color: #FF6323; font-size: calc(((16 / 1.5) * 1px) + (16 - (16 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .subsidy .info i:hover + .subsidy-info-text{ opacity: 1; visibility: visible; } .popup-schedule-calendar .price-row .subsidy { padding-left:calc(((5 / 1.5) * 1px) + (5 - (5 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)) ; } .popup-schedule-calendar .price-row .price{ color:#FF6323; padding-right: 0; flex:0 0 calc(5% - 10px); font-size:calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)) ; } .popup-schedule-calendar .price-row .view-price-btn { background-color:#fff; color:#FF6323; border: 1px solid #FF6323; font-size:calc(((12 / 1.5) * 1px) + (12 - (12 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding: calc(((5 / 1.5) * 1px) + (5 - (5 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)) calc(((5 / 1.5) * 1px) + (5 - (5 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); cursor: pointer; width: auto; flex:0 0 35%; text-align: center; border-radius: 3em; font-weight: 600; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 1.1em; } .fancybox__slide, .fancybox__slide .fancybox__content{ width: 100%; } .side-floating-btn.sticky-popupform{ bottom: 70px; width: 100px; } .enroll-sticky-button .sticky-popupform{ display: block; box-shadow: none; background: #0865FF; border-radius: 3em; border: none; color: #fff; text-align: center; padding: 10px; } .enroll-sticky-button .sticky-popupform img { position: relative; bottom: auto; vertical-align: middle; animation: none; margin-right: 5px; width: 20px; height: 20px; } .popup-schedule-calendar{ padding: calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); min-height: 350px; margin-top: calc(((25 / 1.5) * 1px) + (25 - (25 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); border: 1px solid #B1B1B1; border-radius: calc(((15 / 1.5) * 1px) + (15 - (15 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding: calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); font-size: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } label{ margin: 10px 0 5px 0; display: inline-block; font-weight: 600; } .form-control { padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #c7c1c1; cursor: pointer; width: 100%; } .selected-date .edit-pencil { display: inline-block; float: right; } .popup-course-calendar.notshow{ display: none; } .popup-course-calendar{ display: block; width: 100%; } .ms-dd .ms-header-middle-content, .ms-dd .ms-middle{ align-items: center; } .ms-dd .ms-dd-option-image, .ms-dd .ms-dd-selected-img { width: 40px; border-radius: 50px; } .ms-dd .ms-options{ max-height: 300px; } .ms-dd .ms-dd-header .option-selected{ font-weight: 500 !important; } .popup-course-calendar .calendar-instruction { padding: 0; } .popup-course-calendar .calendar-instruction li{ display: inline-block; padding: 0 5px; } .popup-course-calendar .calendar-instruction li span { border-radius: 50px; width: 15px; height: 15px; } #popup_form_calendar .btn-wrapper, #popup_form_calendar .btn-wrapper .main-btn { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; } { width: 100%; } .trainer-list-wrapper .trainer-list{ width: 20%; } .ms-dd .ms-dd-header{ height: 62px; } .form-control, .ms-dd-header, .form-control:focus, .ms-dd-header:focus { height: 42px; border-radius: 0; background: transparent; outline: none; box-shadow: none; } .selected-trainer-name{ padding: 7px; border: 1px solid #ccc; cursor:pointer; display: flex; height: 35px; position: relative; display: flex; align-items: center; } .schedule-date .selected-date { height: 35px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-items: flex-start; padding-left: 15px; } .selected-date.disabled { pointer-events: none; opacity: .5; } .schedule-date .selected-date #selected-date { flex:1; display: block; margin-left: 10px; } .trainer-select{ display: flex; align-items: center; } .selected-trainer-name #trainer-name, .trainer-select span { padding-left: 10px; } .selected-trainer-name img, .trainer-select img { width: 25px; height: 25px; border-radius: 50px; } .selected-trainer-name:after{ content: "\f0d7"; font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome; position: absolute; right: 15px; }{ content: "\f0d8"; font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome; } .trainer-dropdown-list-li, .course-date-list{ padding: 5px 0; border: 1px solid #ddd; border-top: none; list-style: none; margin: 0; transition: 0.3s all ease-in-out; overflow-y: scroll; position: absolute; z-index: 88; width: 100%; background: #fff; font-size: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); border-radius: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .trainer-dropdown-list-li{ height: 20vw; max-height: 400px; } .trainer-list-dropdown, .course-date-list { position:relative } .trainer-dropdown-list-li li , .course-date-list li{ padding: 10px; cursor: pointer; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } .trainer-dropdown-list-li li:last-child{ border-bottom: none; } .schedule-date { position:relative } .selected-trainer-name, .selected-date { padding:4px 15px; width: 100%; } .selected-date .fa-calendar { margin-right: 10px; } .course-date-list li.full { cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: none; opacity: 0.5; text-decoration: none; } .course-date-list { height: 320px; /* max-height: 350px; */ position: absolute; } .course-date-list li { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .course-date-list li .availability { padding: 3px 7px; color: #fff; font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; border-radius: 3em; flex: 0 0 28%; text-align: center; } .course-date-list li .location{ color: #0047bd; font-weight: 600; flex: 0 0 27%; } .trainer-list-wrapper .trainer-list{ width: 28%; } .trainer-list-wrapper .trainer-list .trainer-info .overlay .short-desc-wrapper p{ font-size: 10px; -webkit-line-clamp: 6; line-clamp: 6; } .trainer-slide .short-desc-wrapper { display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 3; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .trainer-list-wrapper .trainer-list .trainer-info .overlay{ padding: 8px; } .trainer-list-wrapper .trainer-list .information-icon img { width: 18px !important; } .trainer-select-wrap .trainer-list-wrapper{ gap: 18px; } .trainer-list-wrapper .trainer-list{ width: 45%; } div[class*="ani-ele"] > img { transition-delay: 1s!important; } .ani-ele-1 { -webkit-animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; } .ani-ele-2 { -webkit-animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation-delay: .4s; } .ani-ele-3 { -webkit-animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation-delay: .8s; } .ani-ele-4 { -webkit-animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation-delay: 1.2s; } .ani-ele-5 { -webkit-animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation-delay: 1.6s; } .ani-ele-6 { -webkit-animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation-delay: 2s; } .ani-ele-7 { -webkit-animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation-delay: 2.4s; } .ani-ele-8 { -webkit-animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation-delay: 2.8s; } .ani-ele-9 { -webkit-animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation-delay: 3.2s; } .ani-ele-10 { -webkit-animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation-delay: 3.4s; } .ani-ele-11 { -webkit-animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation: moving-vertical-2 6s ease-in-out infinite both; animation-delay: 3.6s; } @media (max-width: 767px){ .selected-trainer-name, .selected-date { width: 100%; } .selected-trainer-name img, .trainer-select img{ width: 20px; height: 20px; } .course-date-list li .course-date { font-size: calc(((18 / 1.5) * 1px) + (18 - (18 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .course-date-list li .location { font-size: calc(((18 / 1.5) * 1px) + (18 - (18 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } } .outcome-container { gap:0; position: relative; width: 100%; } .outcome-container:after { content:''; position: absolute; top:calc(50% - 14px); transform: translateY(-50%); height: 1px; width: 100%; } .outcome-child { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start; text-align: center; justify-content: flex-start; height: 100%; padding: 8%; padding-left: 10%; } .outcome-container > *.gutter { border-bottom: 1px solid #EFEFEF; flex-grow: 0!important; flex: 0 0 33.33333333%!important; width: 33.33333333%!important; } .outcome-container > *.gutter:nth-child(3n+1) .outcome-child{ padding-left: 0; } .outcome-container > *.gutter:nth-child(3n+2){ border-right: 1px solid #EFEFEF; border-left: 1px solid #EFEFEF; } .outcome-container >*.gutter:nth-last-child(-n+3) { border-bottom: none; } .outcome-container > *.gutter:nth-child(3n) .outcome-child{ border-right:none; } .outcome-image-container { position: relative; height: 160px; width: 100%; } .outcome-child:hover .fore-img { animation: fadeIn .4s ease-in-out; } .outcome-child:hover .back-img { animation: fadeUp .7s ease-in-out; /* animation-delay: 0.2s; */ } .outcome-image-container .fore-img { z-index: 2; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; transition: all ease .3s; } .outcome-image-container .back-img { z-index: 1; top: 0; left: calc(((60 / 1.5) * 1px) + (60 - (60 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); width: calc(((100 / 1.5) * 1px) + (100 - (100 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); height: calc(((100 / 1.5) * 1px) + (100 - (100 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); transition: all ease .3s; } .outcome-image-container img { max-width: 100%; width: calc(((110 / 1.5) * 1px) + (110 - (110 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); position: absolute; } .outcome-title { margin: 10px 0; text-align: left; width: 100%; font-weight: 600; min-height:calc(((50 / 1.5) * 1px) + (50 - (50 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .outcome-child p { font-size:calc(((16 / 1.5) * 1px) + (16 - (16 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); text-align: left; margin:0 } @keyframes fadeUp { 0%{ transform: scale(1); } 50% { transform: scale(.5); } 50% { opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); } 70% { transform: scale(.5) } 100% { transform: scale(1); } } @keyframes fadeIn { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } .entry-requirement-cont { background: rgba(255, 128, 69, .08); padding: 25px; border-radius: 10px; border-left: 12px solid #FF6323; } .entry-requirment-icon { background: #FF6323; border-radius: 50%; justify-content: center; align-items: center; display: flex; width: 35px; height: 35px; flex: 0 0 35px; } .entry-requirment-content { padding: 0px 15px; } .entry-requirment-content h2 { color:#FF6323; font-size:25px; } .entry-requirment-content a { color:#0865FF; text-decoration:underline; } .info-section video { width: 100%; border-radius: 20px; } .course-overview-row video { height: calc(((600 / 1.5) * 1px) + (600 - (600 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .hands-on { border-radius: 20px; padding:40px 20px; padding-right: 0; } .hands-on h3 { color: white !important; } .why-learn-container { display: flex; flex-wrap:wrap; gap: 20px; padding: 10px; } .why-learn-items { flex: 0 0 calc(33.33333% - 20px); position: relative; } .why-learn-item-1 { z-index: 1; } .why-learn-items img { width: 100%; height: auto; border-radius: 20px; display: block; box-shadow:-10px 18px 23px -6px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) } .learn-description { background-color: #0865ff; color: white; padding:calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); text-align: center; font-size: calc(((12 / 1.5) * 1px) + (12 - (12 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); border-radius: 3em; line-height: 1.3em; position: absolute; width: 102%; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; z-index: 2; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(1) { bottom:calc(((-40 / 1.5) * 1px) + (-40 - (-40 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(1) img { transform: rotate(-2deg); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(1) .learn-description { top: -3vw !important; bottom: unset !important; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(2) img { transform: rotate(10deg); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(3) img { transform: rotate(-2deg); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(3) .learn-description { top: 0 !important; bottom: unset !important; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(4) img { transform: rotate(4deg) translate(7%, -14%); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(4) .learn-description { bottom: 10% !important; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(5) img { transform: rotate(-3deg); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(6) img { transform: rotate(10deg); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(6) .learn-description { bottom: 15% !important; } .what-you-learn-item.hands-on { background:#0865FF } .what-you-learn-item.accessment { background-color:rgba(8,101,255,.01); background-image: url(''); background-position: 112% 100%; background-size: 30%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .what-you-learn-item .activities .slick-list { margin: 0 -10px; padding:0 8% 0 0%; width: calc(100% + 10px); } .what-you-learn-item .activities .slick-track { display: flex; margin-left: 0; } .what-you-learn-item .activities .slick-slide > div , .what-you-learn-item .activities .slick-slide > div >.gutter, .what-you-learn-item .activity { height: 100%; } .what-you-learn-item .activities .slick-slide { margin:0 10px; height: auto; transition: all ease .3s; } .trainer-slider .slick-track { display: flex; } .trainer-slider .slick-list { padding:0 20% 0 0%; margin:0 -15px; margin-right: 0; } .trainer-slider .slick-slide { margin:0 15px; height: auto; position: relative; padding-bottom: 16vw!important; overflow: hidden; } .trainer-slider .slick-slide > div , .trainer-slider .slick-slide > div >.trainer-slide { height: 100%; } .trainer-slide .trainer-img { width: auto; height: 20vw; object-fit: cover; object-position: top; position: absolute; right: -7%; bottom: -13%; } .trainer-pop-btn { color:#0865FF; font-weight: 600; cursor: pointer; text-transform: uppercase; text-decoration: underline; } .trainer-slider.slick-initialized .slick-slide { background:#E6EDF7; border-radius: calc(((30 / 1.5) * 1px) + (30 - (30 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding:calc(((30 / 1.5) * 1px) + (30 - (30 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .trainer-slide { width:auto!important; } .trainer-slide .trainer-name { color:#0865FF; } .course_sign_up_btn.main-btn:before { display: none; } .course_sign_up_btn.main-btn { background-color: #0865FF; border: 1px solid #0865FF; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-image:none; border-radius: 3em; color:#fff; transition: all ease 300ms; cursor: pointer; font-weight: 600; } .course_sign_up_btn.main-btn:hover { border-radius: 3em; background-color:#fff; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-image:none; background: #fff; color: #0865FF; } .corporate-enquiry-row .enquire-btn { background: #fff; color: #0865FF; border: 1px solid #0865FF; width: 100%; border-radius: 3em; max-width: 100%; text-align: center; font-weight: 600; } .corporate-enquiry-row .enquire-btn:hover { background: #0865FF; color: #fff; } .gallery-image .overlay img { width:calc(((70 / 1.5) * 1px) + (70 - (70 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .gallery-slider .slick-list { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .gallery-slider .slick-slide { margin:5px; } .gallery-slider .slick-track{ display: flex; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .gallery-image > img, .gallery-grid-wrapper .gallery-image video { width: 15vw; } .cert-wrap img { position: relative; z-index: 2; border-radius: 5px; display: block; } .cert-outer-wrap { border: 1px solid rgba(8,101,255,0.4); padding: calc(((15 / 1.5) * 1px) + (15 - (15 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); border-radius: calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .location-list { position: relative; } .location-list .flex { position: relative; } .course-dropdown-list { position: relative; } .course-dropdown-list .loading { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background: rgba(255,255,255,.5); text-align: center; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; z-index: 2; } .location-list select { -webkit-appearance: none; } .location-list:after { content: "\f0d7"; font: normal normal normal 14px / 1 FontAwesome; position: absolute; right: 15px; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .location-list select, .location-list select:focus{ background:url(''); background-size: calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); background-position: 15px; background-color: #fff; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-left: calc(28px + ((18 / 19.2) * 1vw)); font-size:calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .programme-main-title span { font-weight: 600!important; } .course-timing-box { background-color: rgba(8,101,255,.2); border-radius: calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)) ; padding: calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)) ; display: none; } .course-timing-box .training-centre-address br { display: none; } .course-timing-box .title { color:#0865FF; font-weight: 600; } .course-dropdown-list > * img { width: calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); height: calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .course-dropdown-list .form-control { border:1px solid #ddd; border-radius: 3em; height:35px; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; } .banner-trainer-wrap { min-height: calc(((56 / 1.5) * 1px) + (56 - (56 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .trainer-popup { padding:0!important; background: none; max-width: 800px; margin:0 auto; border-radius: calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); background-color:#E6EDF7!important; } .trainer-popup .image { background: rgb(230,237,247); background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(230,237,247,1) 0%, rgba(191,213,250,1) 82%); flex:0 0 30%; border-top-left-radius:calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); border-bottom-left-radius:calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .trainer-popup .image img { object-fit: cover; width: 500px; height: 100%; border-top-left-radius:calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); border-bottom-left-radius:calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); display: block; } .trainer-popup .text { padding:calc(((50 / 1.5) * 1px) + (50 - (50 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); flex:0 0 70%; padding-right: 5%; } .trainer-popup { background-color: #C5C5C5; border-radius:50% ; top: 5%!important; right: 10px!important; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .gallery-image > img { height: 250px; } .trainer-popup svg{ stroke:#424242; width: 15px; } .trainer-popup .text .title { color:#0865FF } .custom-nav, .custom-nav svg { background: #fff; border-radius: 50%; width:calc(((35 / 1.5) * 1px) + (35 - (35 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); height: calc(((35 / 1.5) * 1px) + (35 - (35 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); z-index: 2; } .custom-nav { box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px -5px; transition: all ease 0.3s; transform: translateY(-50%); } .custom-nav.slick-disabled { opacity: 0; } .custom-nav svg path:nth-child(1) { fill:#fff; } .custom-nav svg path:nth-child(2) { fill:#0865FF; } .custom-marker.activities { position: relative; } .custom-nav.left { position: absolute; left: -10px; top: 50%; } .custom-nav.right{ position: absolute; right: 10px; top: 50%; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .gallery-image.image img { height: 100%; } .error-msg { color: #c90000; padding-left: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .course-date-list .location-title { padding: 5px 10px; padding-top: 10px; font-weight: 600; color: #0865FF; } .not-selected-mark { margin-bottom: 0; margin-left:-10px; font-weight: bold; } @media (max-width: 991px) { .single-course-wrapper { overflow: hidden; } .content-wrap .course-left-col { padding-right: 0; } .star-rating > .star { margin-right: 0; } .banner-section .course-overview .item { font-size: calc(((16 / 1.5) * 1px) + (16 - (16 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding: 3px 5px; line-height: 1.2em; } .course-overview { gap:5px; } .course-overview .days svg { display: none; } .fancybox__slide::before { display: none; } body #popup_form_calendar{ position:relative; top:0; } .course-overview-row video { height: calc(((400 / 1.5) * 1px) + (400 - (400 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .location-list select,.location-list select:focus { padding-left:calc(28px + ((18/7.67) * 1vw)) } .popup-schedule-calendar { font-size: 13px; min-height: auto; } .popup-schedule-calendar .mode-of-training, .already-enrolled, .popup-schedule-calendar .price-row .view-price-btn { font-size:11px; } .popup-schedule-calendar .price-row .price { font-size:16px; } .popup-schedule-calendar .price-row .subsidy { font-size: 10px; } .popup-schedule-calendar >.title { font-size: calc(((22 / 1.5) * 1px) + (22 - (22 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(5) img { transform: rotate(-3deg) translateY(10px); } h2, .title-minus { font-size: calc(((32 / 1.5) * 1px) + (32 - (32 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .outcome-child .outcome-title{ font-size: calc(((22 / 1.5) * 1px) + (22 - (22 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); line-height: 1.1em; flex:1; min-height: 50px; } .outcome-description { flex:2; } .outcome-container .slick-track { display: flex; } .outcome-container .slick-slide { height: auto; background: #ededed; border-radius: 15px; transition: all ease .3s; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .outcome-container .slick-slide > div, .outcome-container .slick-slide > div > div , .outcome-container .slick-slide > * , .outcome-child{ height: 100%; } .course-outcome-row { margin-right: -5%; } .outcome-child p { font-size: calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .cert-outer-wrap { max-width: 400px; margin: 0 auto; } .why-learn-container { gap:10px } .why-learn-items { flex: 0 0 calc(50% - 10px); } .trainer-slide .trainer-img { height: 35vw; bottom: -10%; } .outcome-container { gap:10px; } /* .outcome-container > * { flex: 0 0 calc(50% - 10px)!important; width:calc(50% - 10px)!important; } */ .outcome-child { text-align: left; } .rating-row { padding: 20px; border-radius: 20px; margin-top:-12%; } .rating-row .text-col { text-align: center; font-size: calc(((30 / 1.5) * 1px) + (30 - (30 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .learner-number { font-size: calc(((50 / 1.5) * 1px) + (50 - (50 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .cert-image-row .image-col { padding-right: 0; } .what-you-learn-item .text { padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0; } .platform-logos { width: 100%; } .platform-logos > * { justify-content: flex-start; width: 33.33333%; } .platform-logos > * img { height: 30px; width: 90%; object-fit: contain; object-position: center; max-width: 100%; } .platform .platform-logos { padding-left: 0; } .outcome-image-container { height: 100px; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(1) { z-index: 2; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(1) .learn-description { top:-50px!important; left:5%; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(1) img { transform: rotate(-7deg); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(1) .learn-description { transform: rotate(-5deg); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(2) .learn-description { transform: rotate(10deg); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(3) .learn-description { top: 14%!important; bottom: unset !important; transform: rotate(356deg); left: -9%; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(5) .learn-description { left: -3%; transform: rotate(353deg); top: 0%; bottom: auto; } .banner-section .container > .flex-row { gap:5px; } .gallery-grid-wrapper { grid-template-rows:35vw 35vw; } .gallery-grid-wrapper .gallery-image > img, .gallery-grid-wrapper .gallery-image video { width: 35vw; } .rating-text img { vertical-align: middle; height: 32px; object-fit: contain; width: 64px; margin-bottom: -2px; margin-top: -2px; } .learn-description { font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.2em; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(6) img { transform: rotate(4deg) translate(10%, -20%) } .trainer-slider .slick-slide { padding-bottom:30vw !important; } #chat-widget-container { bottom:5%!important; } .outcome-container > * { width: auto!important; flex:auto!important; border:none!important } .outcome-container .slick-list { width: 100%!important; flex:0 0 100%!important; padding: 0 15% 0 0%; margin:0; } .outcome-child { padding-left: 8%; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(4) .learn-description { bottom:17%!important } .why-learn-items:nth-child(6) .learn-description { bottom: 3% !important; left: 5%; transform: rotate(7deg); } .enroll-sticky-button { display:flex; width: 100%; animation: none; left: 0; bottom: 0; padding: 10px 5px; background-color: transparent; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); justify-content: center; } .enroll-sticky-button > * { width: calc(50% - 10px); flex:0 0 calc(50% - 10px); margin-right: 10px; max-width:300px; } .enroll-sticky-button > *:last-child { margin-right: 0; } .enroll-sticky-button .view-price-btn { background-color:#fff; color:#FF6323; border: 1px solid #FF6323; font-size:inherit; padding: calc(((5 / 1.5) * 1px) + (5 - (5 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)) calc(((5 / 1.5) * 1px) + (5 - (5 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); cursor: pointer; text-align: center; border-radius: 3em; font-weight: 600; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 1.1em; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } } @media (max-width: 767px) { .location-list select, .location-list select:focus{ font-size:calc(((18 / 1.5) * 1px) + (18 - (18 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .why-learn-items:nth-child(6) .learn-description { bottom: -7% !important; left: -6%; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(3) .learn-description { top: 5%!important; } .platform .platform-logos { justify-content: flex-start; } .what-you-learn-item .text-logo-wrap .text-col { flex:0 0 100%; } .trainer-slide .trainer-img { height: 40vw; bottom: -10%; } .why-learn-items:nth-child(3) 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/ 1.5) * 1px) + (5 - (5 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); width: calc(((20 / 1.5) * 1px) + (20 - (20 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); } .course-overview .days svg path{ fill:#8c4799; } </style> <link rel="preload" href="" as="image"> <div class="critical-thinking-skills-for-effective-decision-making single-course-wrapper single-programme-wrapper posrel"> <div class="dot-nav hide"> <div class="nav-wrap"> <a href="" class="dot"> Course Overview </a> </div> </div> <div data-bg="" class="banner-section posrel p-t-80 p-b-100 section bg-no-repeat rocket-lazyload" style=""> <div class="container"> <div class="flex posrel flex-row align-items-center flex-gap-40 flex-wrap"> <div class="gutter col text-col flex-col-50"> <div class="course-ref m-b-10"> TGS-2023021899 </div> <div class="course-overview m-b-10 flex flex-gap-10"> <div class="item"> Critical Soft Skills Courses </div> <div class="item days flex align-items-center"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.4747 5.67474C18.2247 5.79974 18.0997 6.07514 18.2247 6.34954C18.7247 7.47454 19.0001 8.72454 19.0001 10C19.0001 14.9503 14.9746 19 10.0001 19C5.0256 19 1.0001 14.9503 1.0001 10C1.0001 5.04979 5.04985 1.00004 10.0001 1.00004C11.1749 1.00004 12.2999 1.22465 13.3751 1.65044C14.4747 2.10064 15.4747 2.77544 16.3496 3.62504C16.4492 3.72465 16.5996 3.77543 16.7246 3.77543H16.75C16.9004 3.77543 17.0254 3.72563 17.125 3.60063C17.2246 3.50101 17.2754 3.35063 17.25 3.22563L17.0498 0.825225C17.0244 0.549825 16.7744 0.350625 16.5 0.375025C16.2246 0.400415 16.0254 0.650425 16.0498 0.924825L16.1494 2.14943C15.3994 1.57422 14.5996 1.09962 13.749 0.749025C12.5498 0.25 11.2998 0 10 0C4.4745 0 0 4.4745 0 10C0 15.5 4.4745 20 10 20C15.5255 20 20 15.5 20 10C20 8.5752 19.7002 7.20025 19.125 5.92475C19.0254 5.67475 18.7247 5.54974 18.4747 5.67474Z" fill="#34A853"/> <path d="M10.0001 2.0752C5.62511 2.0752 2.09961 5.62495 2.09961 9.9757C2.09961 14.3507 5.64936 17.9004 10.0001 17.9004C14.3751 17.9004 17.9006 14.3507 17.9006 9.9757C17.9006 5.65045 14.3751 2.0752 10.0001 2.0752ZM14.5001 14.4999C14.4005 14.5996 14.2755 14.6503 14.1505 14.6503C14.0255 14.6503 13.9005 14.6005 13.8009 14.4999L9.67491 10.3749L9.64952 10.3496C9.59971 10.2998 9.57432 10.2499 9.54991 10.1992C9.5001 10.1249 9.5001 10.0498 9.5001 9.99995V4.12495C9.5001 3.84955 9.72471 3.62495 10.0001 3.62495C10.2755 3.62495 10.5001 3.84956 10.5001 4.12495V9.7997L14.5001 13.7997C14.7003 13.9999 14.7003 14.2997 14.5001 14.4999Z" fill="#34A853"/> </svg> 2 Days </div> </div> <h1 class="programme-main-title f50 m-b-40 main-color"> <p>Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Decision-Making</p> </h1> <div class="description m-b-40"> Attending a critical thinking course can significantly improve your decision-making by equipping you with the tools to analyse information objectively. This course on critical thinking will teach you to identify biases, evaluate evidence, and consider different perspectives. After 2 days of enhancing your critical thinking skill, you’ll learn how to make well-informed choices, both in your personal life and professional career. </div> <div class="banner-trainer-wrap m-b-30"> </div> <div class="button-wrap flex align-items-center"> <div class="subsidies-image"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%20409%20102'%3E%3C/svg%3E" width="409" height="102" alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img src="" width="409" height="102" alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" /></noscript> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gutter col image-col flex-col-50 posrel text-center"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img src="" alt=""></noscript> <div class="banner-animation"> <style> .banner-section, .course-content-section { z-index: 1 !important; } .banner-animation div[class*="ani-ele"] { position: absolute; } .banner-animation div[class*="ani-ele"] img { filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 0px rgb(255,255,255)); } .ani-ele-1 { top: 1%; left: 45%; width: 11%; max-width: 500px; } .ani-ele-2 { top: 9%; left: 4%; width: 19%; } .ani-ele-3 { top: 33%; width: 14%; right: 84%; } .ani-ele-4 { top: 1%; width: 10%; right: 19%; } .ani-ele-5 { top: 8%; width: 44%; right: 20%; z-index: -1; } .ani-ele-6 { top: 53%; width: 7%; right: 12%; } .ani-ele-7 { top: 22%; width: 13%; right: 11%; } .ani-ele-8 { top: 5%; width: 18%; right: 62%; } .ani-ele-9 { top: 36%; width: 8%; right: 8%; } </style> <div class="ani-ele-1"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%2078%2072'%3E%3C/svg%3E" width="78" height="72" data-aos="zoom-in-up" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="50" alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img src="" width="78" height="72" data-aos="zoom-in-up" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="50" alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" /></noscript> </div> <div class="ani-ele-2"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%20135%20135'%3E%3C/svg%3E" width="135" height="135" data-aos="zoom-in-up" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="100" alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img src="" width="135" height="135" data-aos="zoom-in-up" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="100" alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" /></noscript> </div> <div class="ani-ele-3"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%2099%2092'%3E%3C/svg%3E" width="99" height="92" data-aos="zoom-in-up" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="150" alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img src="" width="99" height="92" data-aos="zoom-in-up" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="150" alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" /></noscript> </div> <div class="ani-ele-4"> <img 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alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img src="" width="128" height="157" data-aos="zoom-in-up" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="400" alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" /></noscript> </div> <div class="ani-ele-9"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%2057%2057'%3E%3C/svg%3E" width="57" height="57" data-aos="zoom-in-up" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="450" alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img src="" width="57" height="57" data-aos="zoom-in-up" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="450" alt="subsidies" class="img-responsive" /></noscript> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="hide scroll-down" href="#popup_form_calendar"> <div>Scroll Down</div> <i class="fa fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="course-content-section"> <div class="container"> <div class="rating-row m-b-40"> <div class="flex flex-wrap align-items-center flex-gap-30"> <div class="flex-col-50 semibold text-col col gutter"> Rated highly by over <br/> <span class="learner-number bold">48,526</span> learners </div> <div class="flex-col-50 review-col image-col col text-center gutter"> <div class="review-wrap m-b-10 flex"> <div class="google rating-box"> <div class="star-rating flex flex-wrap justify-content-center align-items-center"> <div class="star m-r-20"> <div class="rating semibold flex"> <span class="stars flex"> <i class="fa fa-star"></i><i class="fa fa-star"></i><i class="fa fa-star"></i><i class="fa fa-star"></i><i class="fa fa-star"></i> </span> </div> </div> <div class="rating"> 4.9/5 </div> </div> <hr> <div class="rating-text"> <span class="bold">Rated 4.9 <i class="fa fa-star"></i></span> on <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="Google" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="Google"/></noscript> with over <span class="bold">48,526 reviews</span> </div> </div> <div class="wsq rating-box"> <div class="star-rating flex-wrap flex justify-content-center align-items-center"> <div class="star m-r-20"> <div class="rating semibold justify-content-center flex align-items-center"> <span class="stars flex "> <i class="fa fa-star"></i><i class="fa fa-star"></i><i class="fa fa-star"></i><i class="fa fa-star"></i><i class="fa fa-star-half"></i><i class="fa fa-star-half half-grey"></i> </span> </div> </div> <div class="rating"> 4.5/5 </div> </div> <hr> <div class="rating-text"> <span class="bold">Rated 4.5 <i class="fa fa-star"></i></span> on <span class="skillfuture-text"><a target="_blank" href="">SkillsFuture</a></span> by over <span class="bold">39,673 Learners</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wsq-disclaimer text-right"> *Based on the average of the trainees' feedback on the course's quality </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="content-wrap flex"> <div class="course-left-col"> <div class="info-section p-t-60"> <div class="container"> <!-- COURSE OUTCOME --> <div class="course-outcome-row p-b-80"> <h2 class="m-b-40"> Course Completion Outcomes </h2> <div class="outcome-container flex flex-wrap flex-gap-30"> <div class="flex-col-33 gutter col"> <div class="outcome-child"> <div class="outcome-image-container m-b-20"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive"/></noscript> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive"/></noscript> </div> <div class="outcome-title f18">Formulate effective solutions</div> <p class="outcome-description">when you approach problems systematically and analytically</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex-col-33 gutter col"> <div class="outcome-child"> <div class="outcome-image-container m-b-20"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive"/></noscript> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive"/></noscript> </div> <div class="outcome-title f18">Foster positive teambuilding</div> <p class="outcome-description">by discovering the right mindset to embrace diverse perspectives and inclusive problem-solving within your team</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex-col-33 gutter col"> <div class="outcome-child"> <div class="outcome-image-container m-b-20"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive"/></noscript> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive"/></noscript> </div> <div class="outcome-title f18">Enhance leadership skills</div> <p class="outcome-description">by learning how to make well-reasoned decisions for your team by interpreting and exploring information comprehensively</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex-col-33 gutter col"> <div class="outcome-child"> <div class="outcome-image-container m-b-20"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive"/></noscript> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive"/></noscript> </div> <div class="outcome-title f18">Improve decision making</div> <p class="outcome-description">and problem solving with sharp critical thinking and information assessment skills</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex-col-33 gutter col"> <div class="outcome-child"> <div class="outcome-image-container m-b-20"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive"/></noscript> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive"/></noscript> </div> <div class="outcome-title f18">Adapt & thrive</div> <p class="outcome-description">in dynamic business environments and learn how to grasp complex situations</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex-col-33 gutter col"> <div class="outcome-child"> <div class="outcome-image-container m-b-20"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="fore-img img-responsive"/></noscript> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="back-img img-responsive"/></noscript> </div> <div class="outcome-title f18">Build confidence</div> <p class="outcome-description">by improving your ability to gather, interpret and explore information</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END --> <div class="course-overview-row p-b-80"> <div class="flex posrel flex-row align-items-center flex-gap-40 flex-wrap"> <div class="gutter col image-col flex-col-50"> <div class="text-row m-b-30"> <h2 class="m-b-20"> <div class="text"> Course Overview </div> </h2> <div class="description"> In today's information-rich world, possessing critical thinking skills is essential for making informed decisions and solving problems across diverse fields. Beyond mere information consumption, critical thinking empowers you to question, analyse, and apply knowledge meaningfully.<br /> <br /> Over 2.5 days, you'll master problem-solving with analytical precision, honing your ability to critically understand and question information. Confidently gather, interpret, and explore information to make well-reasoned decisions. Embrace collaboration and respect diverse perspectives, fostering innovative and inclusive problem-solving. Finally, you'll learn to grasp complex situations, adapt swiftly, and excel in ever-changing environments — acquiring the analytical prowess to thrive in today’s dynamic world, where critical thinking is the key to success.<br /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cert-image-row"> <div class="container"> <div class="flex flex-wrap align-items-center flex-gap-50"> <div class="flex-col-65 text-col col gutter"> <h2 class="title m-b-20 title-minus f35"> Certification of Completion </h2> <div class="description m-b-20"> With your new in-demand skills, you’re ready to stay competitive in today’s dynamic job market and improve your chances of greater career progression. <br><br> *Learners must complete each course with at least 75% attendance and demonstrate competency during assessments in order to receive a Certificate of Completion from FirstCom Academy and WSQ Statement of Attainment. </div> </div> <div class="flex-col-35 image-col col p-r-30 text-center gutter"> <div class="cert-outer-wrap"> <div class="cert-wrap posrel"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" class="img-responsive" alt="certification" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img src="" class="img-responsive" alt="certification" /></noscript> <div class="animated-border-box-glow"> </div> <div class="animated-border-box"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="what-you-learn-section p-t-40 p-b-60"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="m-b-40 "> <div class="text"> Outcome-Driven Learning </div> </h2> <div class="skills-row"> <div class="what-you-learn-item hands-on"> <div class="title m-b-20"> <h3 class="f28">Hands-on Learning Activities</h3> </div> <div class="activities flex flex-gap-20 flex-wrap"> <div class="gutter col image-col flex flex-col-25"> <div class="activity flex-grow-1 p-20"> <div class="title f18 m-b-20 semibold"> Interactive Quizzes </div> <div class="description"> Test your understanding of critical thinking processes, evaluation standards, and egocentric thinking. </div> </div> </div> <div class="gutter col image-col flex flex-col-25"> <div class="activity flex-grow-1 p-20"> <div class="title f18 m-b-20 semibold"> Group Discussions </div> <div class="description"> Engage in peer discussions to practice critical thinking skills and solve example scenarios. </div> </div> </div> <div class="gutter col image-col flex flex-col-25"> <div class="activity flex-grow-1 p-20"> <div class="title f18 m-b-20 semibold"> Methodology Selection & Analysis </div> <div class="description"> Participate in brainstorming sessions to explore research methodologies, develop probing questions, and analyse information’s relevancy and credibility. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="what-you-learn-item flex-grow-1 accessment posrel"> <div class="title m-b-20 "> <h3 class="f28">Competency Assessment</h3> </div> <div class="custom-marker text"> <p>Determine appropriate research methodologies for information gathering</p> <p>Identify stages for critical thinking development</p> <p>Review the strengths and weaknesses of alternative interpretations</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="why-learn-fca-row p-b-80"> <h2 class="m-b-40"> <div class="text"> Why Learn At FCA </div> </h2> <div class="why-learn-container"> <div class="why-learn-items why-learn-item-0" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="000"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></noscript> <div class="learn-description" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="300"> Breakfast, lunch, beverages and refreshments provided to keep you fuelled up for the duration of the course </div> </div> <div class="why-learn-items why-learn-item-1" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="100"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></noscript> <div class="learn-description" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="400"> Short & effective courses (1 to 3 days) to accommodate our learner’s busy schedule </div> </div> <div class="why-learn-items why-learn-item-2" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="200"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></noscript> <div class="learn-description" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="500"> Smaller & optimal class sizes of up to 25 learners to get personalised attention from trainers </div> </div> <div class="why-learn-items why-learn-item-3" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="300"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></noscript> <div class="learn-description" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="600"> More than 110 ACTA/ACLP-certified trainers who are veterans in their field </div> </div> <div class="why-learn-items why-learn-item-4" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="400"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></noscript> <div class="learn-description" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="700"> Gain transferrable skills & see tangible results* you can measure within a year </div> </div> <div class="why-learn-items why-learn-item-5" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="500"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></noscript> <div class="learn-description" data-aos="custom-animation" data-aos-easing="easeInOutQuad" data-aos-delay="800"> Commute safely with sheltered walkways from MRTs to our learning institutions </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="trainer-section hide p-t-40 p-b-80"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="m-b-40"> <div class="text"> Learn from industry leaders who are experts in their fields </div> </h2> <div class="trainer-slider-wrap"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gallery-section p-t-30 p-b-60"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="m-b-40"> <div class="text"> Check out our learners' experience with FirstCom Academy's courses. </div> </h2> <div class="gallery-slider"> <div class="gutter"> <div class="gallery-grid-wrapper"> <div class="gallery-image video video-wrap box-1"> <div class="overlay"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="play" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img src="" alt="play" /></noscript> </div> <video id="galllery_video_0" width="100%" preload="metadata" height="400" controls poster=""> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> </div> <div class="gallery-image image box-2"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="gallery" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="gallery"/></noscript> </div> <div class="gallery-image image box-3"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="gallery" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" 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width="100%" preload="metadata" height="400" controls poster=""> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> </div> <div class="gallery-image image box-8"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="gallery" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="gallery"/></noscript> </div> <div class="gallery-image image box-9"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="gallery" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="gallery"/></noscript> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq-section p-t-60 p-b-80"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="m-b-40"> <div class="text"> Frequently Asked Questions </div> </h2> <div class="faq-content"> <div class="accordion-items faq-items"> <div class="faq-item posrel flex-grow-1 accordion-item pointer p-y-20"> <div class="title m-b-5 flex align-items-center heading f20"> What is Critical Thinking Skills? </div> <div class="description content text-truncate"> Critical thinking skills refer to the ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information in a logical and systematic manner. It involves thinking actively and independently, considering multiple perspectives, and making reasoned judgments or decisions based on evidence and reasoning. Critical thinking skills enable individuals to question assumptions, recognize biases, identify logical fallacies, and assess the credibility and reliability of information. These skills are essential for problem-solving, decision-making, and effective communication in various aspects of life, including academics, work, and everyday situations. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item posrel flex-grow-1 accordion-item pointer p-y-20"> <div class="title m-b-5 flex align-items-center heading f20"> What can I do after the Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Decision-Making course? </div> <div class="description content text-truncate"> You can use critical thinking processes to identify inconsistencies and mistakes in reasoning. You will be able to evaluate thinking standards and stages of critical thinking development to review the strengths and weaknesses of alternative interpretations. You will also be able to grasp complex situations, adapt swiftly and thrive in ever-changing environments. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item posrel flex-grow-1 accordion-item pointer p-y-20"> <div class="title m-b-5 flex align-items-center heading f20"> How long does it take to complete the Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Decision-Making course? </div> <div class="description content text-truncate"> It takes 2 days to complete this Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Decision-Making course. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item posrel flex-grow-1 accordion-item pointer p-y-20"> <div class="title m-b-5 flex align-items-center heading f20"> What certificates do I get after completing the Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Decision-Making course? </div> <div class="description content text-truncate"> Upon completion of this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion by FirstCom Academy and a WSQ Statement of Attainment (SOA) issued by SkillsFuture Singapore. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item posrel flex-grow-1 accordion-item pointer p-y-20"> <div class="title m-b-5 flex align-items-center heading f20"> What do I need to bring for the Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Decision-Making course? </div> <div class="description content text-truncate"> Please bring along a pen and a notebook if you wish to take notes during the course. You may want to bring along a jacket in case you feel cold. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item posrel flex-grow-1 accordion-item pointer p-y-20"> <div class="title m-b-5 flex align-items-center heading f20"> How do I register for the Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Decision-Making course? </div> <div class="description content text-truncate"> You can indicate your interest in the form at the bottom of this page, and our education consultant will get back to you. Alternatively, you can also complete this contact form to indicate your course interest. </div> </div> <div class="faq-item posrel flex-grow-1 accordion-item pointer p-y-20"> <div class="title m-b-5 flex align-items-center heading f20"> Which payment methods are accepted? </div> <div class="description content text-truncate"> We accept payments through debit/credit cards and also via PayNow. Please be aware that when using PayNow, the transaction recipient will be listed as 'Omise Payment SG Pte Ltd'. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="course-right-col" id="fees" data-course-id="30162"> <div id="popup_form_calendar" class="popup-form-content layer-box-front" style="max-width:800px;"> <div class="popup-schedule-calendar m-b-10"> <div class="f20 semibold m-b-10 title"> Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Decision-Making </div> <div class="course-ref hide">TGS-2023021899</div> <div class="already-enrolled f14 m-b-10"> <span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Learners already enrolled"></i></span> <span class="learner-count"></span> Learners already enrolled </div> <div class="price-row m-b-15"> <div class="course-price align-items-center flex"> <div class="price f20 bold"> </div> <div class="subsidy"> <div class="info"> <i class="fa fa-info-circle subsidy-info" aria-hidden="false" aria-label="The course fee will be automatically subsidized during the online enrollment process."></i> <div class="subsidy-info-text"> The course fee will be automatically subsidized during the online enrollment process. </div> </div> </div> <div class="view-price-btn f12" data-fancybox data-src="#fees_section"> View Full Pricing </div> </div> </div> <hr> <div class="m-t-10 course-top-info flex-wrap flex-gap-5 flex"> <div class="flex-col-100 gutter col"> <div class="mode-of-training"> <div class="icon"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="Traning skills acquired" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src=""/><noscript><img src="" alt="Traning skills acquired" class="img-responsive"/></noscript> </div> <div class="title">Mode of training:</div> <div class="text"> Classroom / Online </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-col-100 gutter col"> <div class="mode-of-training"> <div class="icon"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="Traning skills acquired" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img src="" alt="Traning skills acquired" class="img-responsive" /></noscript> </div> <div class="title">Duration:</div> <div class="text"> 2 Days </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-col-100 gutter col"> <div class="mode-of-training"> <div class="icon"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="Traning skills acquired" class="img-responsive" data-lazy-src="" /><noscript><img src="" alt="Traning skills acquired" class="img-responsive" /></noscript> </div> <div class="title">Course Accreditation:</div> <div class="text"> WSQ </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="course-dropdown-list"> <div class="loading">Loading...</div> <div class="trainer-list-dropdown hide m-t-10 m-b-10"> <label for="location-dropdown-list" style="display:none;">Select a Location</label> <div class="selected-trainer-name form-control"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img src=""></noscript> <span id="trainer-name"> No Preference </span> </div> <ul class="trainer-dropdown-list trainer-dropdown-list-li hide hide" id="trainer-dropdown-list"> </ul> </div> <div class="location-list m-t-10 m-b-10"> <div class="flex"> <select class="location-dropdown-list form-control" id="location-dropdown-list" onchange="switchLocation(this)"> </select> </div> </div> <div class="schedule-date m-t-10 m-b-10"> <div class="flex align-items-center"> <div class="not-selected-mark m-r-5 error-msg">!</div> <div class="selected-date form-control"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img src=""></noscript> <span id="selected-date">Select Date</span> <div class="edit-pencil"> <i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o" aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Select Course Date"></i> </div> </div> </div> <ul class="course-date-list hide" id="course_date_list"> </ul> <div class="popup-course-calendar transition notshow m-t-60"> <div id="popup-course-calendar"> </div> <ul class="calendar-instruction p-t-20 p-b-20"> <li><span class="blue-dot"></span> Available</li> <li><span class="red-dot"></span> Selling Fast</li> <li><span class="gray-dot"></span> Full Enrollment</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="error-msg f14"> Please select a course date </div> <!-- <div class="error-msg-location f14 hide"> Please select a location </div> --> </div> <div id="trainer-profile" class="hide"> </div> <div class="course-timing-box m-b-10"> <div class="address-title title"> Your training location is at </div> <div class="training-centre-address m-b-10"></div> <div class="title m-b-10"> Course Timing for <span class="course_date"></span> </div> <div class="course-timing"> </div> </div> <div class="btn-wrapper text-center"> <a class="course_sign_up_btn main-btn link-is-disabled" id="course_sign_up_btn_2" aria-disabled >Enroll Now</a> </div> </div> <div class="corporate-enquiry-row"> <div class="title f18 m-b-10 semibold">For Corporate Enquires</div> <div class="description m-b-10 f14">For corporations and business matters, click ‘Enquire Now’ and we'll get back to you within one business day.</div> <div class="enquire-btn secondary-btn" data-fancybox data-src="#popup_form"> Enquire Now </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="fees_section" class="hide fees-popup popup-form-content"> <div class="fees-section p-b-60 p-t-60 layer-box-front"> <div class="container"> <div class="main-color text-center title m-b-40"> <h2>Course Fees & <span class="green-text">Subsidies</span></h2> </div> <style> .fees-section table { border: 2px solid #002338; } .additional-support-table { text-align: center; } sup { font-size: x-small; } .fee-table-top tbody tr:last-child td:first-child { display: flex; align-items: center; } .fee-table-top tbody tr:last-child td:first-child::after { font: normal normal normal 14px/1 'FontAwesome'; content: "\f005"; background: #ff8145; color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; font-size: calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); width: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); height: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding: calc(((3 / 1.5) * 1px) + (3 - (3 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); font-weight: 700; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; line-height: 1.5em; margin-left: 5px; } .additional-support tbody tr td p { position: relative; display: inline-block; } .additional-support tbody tr:nth-child(1) td p:nth-child(2)::after, .additional-support tbody tr:nth-child(3) td p:nth-child(2)::after { font: normal normal normal 14px/1 'FontAwesome'; content: "\f005"; background: #00a982; color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; font-size: calc(((10 / 1.5) * 1px) + (10 - (10 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); width: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); height: calc(((14 / 1.5) * 1px) + (14 - (14 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); padding: calc(((3 / 1.5) * 1px) + (3 - (3 / 1.5)) * (100vw - 375px) / (1900 - 375)); font-weight: 700; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: absolute; line-height: 1.5em; right: -5px; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .additional-support tbody tr:nth-child(3) td p:nth-child(2)::after { background: #ffbc43; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .option-wrap { display: flex; align-items: center; flex-wrap: wrap; text-align: center; } .fees-section td.eis-table-data table td .option-count, .fancybox__container td.eis-table-data table td .option-count { width: 100%; display: block; margin: 0 auto; } .corporate-individual-details .scheme-tab-content .flex { flex-wrap: wrap; } .corporate-individual-details .scheme-tab-content .flex>table { width: 100%; } .fees-section .fee-table-top:nth-child(1) { border-right: 2px solid #000; } } </style> <div class="corporate-individual-details"> <div class="flex justify-content-center flex-button-wrap m-b-30"> <button class="scheme-tab tab-btn btn pointer individual active m-x-15" data-scheme-tab-content="#individual">Individual</button> <button class="scheme-tab btn tab-btn corporate m-x-15" data-scheme-tab-content="#corporate">Corporate</button> </div> <div id="corporate" class="scheme-tab-content"> <div class="flex"> <table class="table-responsive sme w-100 fee-table-top m-b-40"> <thead> <tr> <td class="text-center bold f25 text-white" colspan="2">SMEs</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Course Fees</td> <td class="text-center"><span class="fullamount"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>70% SkillsFuture (SSG) Subsidy</strong></td> <td class="text-center"><span class="skf-70-off"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nett Fee</td> <td class="amount text-center bold"><span class="sme-netfee"></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="table-responsive non-sme w-100 fee-table-top m-b-40"> <thead> <tr> <td class="text-center bold f25 text-white" colspan="2">Non SMEs</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Course Fees</td> <td class="text-center"><span class="fullamount"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>50% SkillsFuture (SSG) Subsidy</strong></td> <td class="text-center"><span class="skf-50-off"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nett Fee</td> <td class="amount text-center bold"><span class="nonesme-netfee"></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="additional-support"> <table class="table-responsive additional-support-table w-100 fee-table m-b-40"> <thead> <tr> <td class="text-center bold f25 text-white" colspan="2">Additional Support</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="text-center"> <td> <p>Additional Support via Absentee Payroll <i class="fa fa-star purple-star" aria-hidden="true"></i></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="eis-table-data"> <table> <thead> <tr> <td class="text-center bold f25 text-white" colspan="2">Enterprise Innovation Scheme <i class="fa fa-star blue-star" aria-hidden="true"></i></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="option-wrap p-5"><span class="option-count p-y-5 p-x-5 m-r-10 text-white">Option 1</span> Up to 400% Tax Deduction</div> </td> <td> <div class="option-wrap p-5"><span class="option-count p-y-5 p-x-5 m-r-10 text-white">Option 2</span>20% Cash Payout Based On Nett Fee</div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr class="text-center"> <td> <p>Up to 90% Additional Subsidy from SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) <i class="fa fa-star yellow-star" aria-hidden="true"></i></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="notes corporate-notes"> <ul> <li>Nett Fee is subject to 9% GST charged based on the full course fees before subsidy.</li> <li>Absentee payroll is claimable up to $4.50 per hour, capped at $100,000 per enterprise per calendar year.</li> <li>Subjected to individual company&#8217;s budget availability for the Enterprise Innovation Scheme. Each company can only either the 400% Tax Deduction option OR the 20% Cash Payout option. For more information, please refer to <a href=""> </a></li> <li>Subjected to individual company’s budget availability for SFEC. For more information, please refer to <a href=""></a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="criteria custom-marker"> <div class="f20 title text-green bold">SME Eligibility Criteria</div> <ul> <li>Registered or incorporated in Singapore</li> <li>Employment size of not more than 200 (at group level) or with annual sales turnover (at group level) of not more than $100 million</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="individual" class="scheme-tab-content active"> <div class="flex"> <table class="table-responsive citizen-cat-1 w-100 fee-table-top m-b-40"> <thead> <tr> <td class="text-center bold f25 text-white" colspan="2">Singapore Citizens (40 years and above)</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Course Fees (Before GST)</td> <td class="text-center"><span class="fullamount"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9% GST</td> <td class="text-center"><span class="fullamount-gst"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>70% SkillsFuture (SSG) Subsidy</strong></td> <td class="text-center"><span class="skf-70-off"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nett Fee</td> <td class="amount text-center bold"><span class="skf-70-netfee"></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="table-responsive citizen-cat-2 w-100 fee-table-top m-b-40"> <thead> <tr> <td class="text-center bold f25 text-white" colspan="2">Singapore Citizens (21-39 years old) & PR</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Course Fees (Before GST)</td> <td class="text-center"><span class="fullamount"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>9% GST</td> <td class="text-center"><span class="fullamount-gst"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>50% SkillsFuture (SSG) Subsidy</strong></td> <td class="text-center"><span class="skf-50-off"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nett Fee</td> <td class="amount text-center bold"><span class="skf-50-netfee"></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <!--<div class="notes custom-marker first-note m-b-40">--> <!-- <p>Nett Fee are inclusive of GST charged based on the full course fees.</p>--> <!--</div>--> <div class="additional-support"> <table class="table-responsive additional-support-table w-100 fee-table m-b-40"> <thead> <tr> <td class="text-center bold f25 text-white" colspan="2">Additional Support</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SkillsFuture Credits</a> eligible for Singapore citizens aged 25 &amp; above <i class="fa fa-star green-star" aria-hidden="true"></i></p> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><p>PSEA eligible for Singapore citizens aged below 30</p> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><p>NTUC UTAP members have up to 50% auto reimbursement on out-of-pocket cost <i class="fa fa-star yellow-star" aria-hidden="true"></i></p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="notes individual-notes"> <ul> <li>Nett Fee are inclusive of GST charged based on the full course fees.</li> <li>Subjected to individual&#8217;s eligibility and availability of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SkillsFuture Credit</a>.</li> <li>NTUC UTAP reimbursement is capped at $250 for members aged below 40 or $500 for members aged 40 &amp; above.</li> </ul> <p>Note: SkillsFuture funding will not be available for our courses from 1 Jan – 31 Mar 2025. UTAP funding support will not be available for our courses from 1 Jan 2025 onwards.</p> </div> </div> </div> <script> var ajaxurl = ""; var course_ref = document.getElementsByClassName('course-ref')[0].innerHTML.trim(); var gst_percentage = "9"; gst_percentage = gst_percentage / 100; function getCoursePrice() { jQuery.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'getCoursePrice', course_ref: course_ref, }, success: function(json) { if (json != null) { let fullamount = parseFloat(json.course_price_3); /* Singaporean (Aged 21 to 39 years old) and Permanent Resident (Aged 21 years old & above) */ let fullamount_gst = parseFloat(fullamount * gst_percentage); let skf_50_off = parseFloat(fullamount * 0.5); let skf_50_netfee = (fullamount - skf_50_off) + fullamount_gst; /* Singaporean (Aged 40 years old & above) */ let skf_70_off = parseFloat(fullamount * 0.7); let skf_70_netfee = (fullamount - skf_70_off) + fullamount_gst; /* corporate price */ let sme_netfee = fullamount - skf_70_off; let nonesme_netfee = fullamount - skf_50_off; jQuery(".fullamount").text("$ " + parseFloat(fullamount).toFixed(2)); jQuery(".fullamount-gst").text("$ " + parseFloat(fullamount_gst).toFixed(2)); jQuery(".skf-70-off").text("- $ " + parseFloat(skf_70_off).toFixed(2)); jQuery(".skf-70-netfee").text("$ " + parseFloat(skf_70_netfee).toFixed(2)); jQuery(".course-price .price").text("$" + parseFloat(skf_70_netfee).toFixed(2)); jQuery(".skf-50-off").text("- $ " + parseFloat(skf_50_off).toFixed(2)); jQuery(".skf-50-netfee").text("$ " + parseFloat(skf_50_netfee).toFixed(2)); jQuery(".sme-netfee").text("$ " + parseFloat(sme_netfee).toFixed(2)); jQuery(".nonesme-netfee").text("$ " + parseFloat(nonesme_netfee).toFixed(2)); } } }); } getCoursePrice(); </script> </div> </div> </div> <div class="enroll-sticky-button hide-desktop flex"> <div class="popup-form-trigger pointer sticky-popupform bottom-enroll-now secondary-btn m-l-10 btn-1" data-fancybox data-src="#popup_form_calendar"> ENROLL NOW </div> <div class="view-price-btn f12" data-fancybox data-src="#fees_section"> View Full Pricing </div> </div> <script> jQuery(function($){ gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); 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}, success: function(json) { // jQuery(".trainer-list-wrapper").html(json.html); jQuery(".course-date-list").html(json); jQuery(".course-dropdown-list .loading").hide(); } }) } function initCalendar(course_location, calendarID = 'course-calendar', trainerID = '') { current_date = new Date(); if (typeof calendar !== 'undefined') { current_date = calendar.getDate(); } var selected_location = course_location; // current_date = current_date.toISOString().split('T')[0]; //calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(document.getElementById("course-calendar"), { calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(document.getElementById(calendarID), { fixedWeekCount: false, height:"auto", initialView: "dayGridMonth", displayEventTime : false, eventStartEditable: false, selectable: true, editable: true, // initialDate: current_date, firstDay: 1, events: { // url: 'reserveslot/getEvents', url: ajaxurl, method :"POST", cache: false, extraParams: function(){ return { action:'filterCourseScheduleNew', course_ref: course_ref, location: course_location, trainer_id: trainerID, } }, }, eventDidMount: function(info) { var new_title = info.event.title.replace(/\|/g, "</div><div class='course-day'>"); 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} if(invite){ urlParams += "&invite=" + invite; } let href_url = ""+urlParams; //let href_url = ""+urlParams; //console.log(href_url); // jQuery('#course_sign_up_btn').attr('data-course-id',course_id); // jQuery('#course_sign_up_btn').attr('data-courserun-id',courserun_id); // jQuery('#course_sign_up_btn').attr('href',href_url); jQuery('#course_sign_up_btn_2').attr('data-course-id',course_id); jQuery('#course_sign_up_btn_2').attr('data-courserun-id',courserun_id); jQuery('#course_sign_up_btn_2').attr('href',href_url); jQuery('.fc-event').removeClass('selected'); // jQuery(info.el).addClass('selected'); jQuery('.preferred-date-field').val(training_center + " Training Center | "+course+' | '+ start_date + ' - ' + end_date); setTimeout(function() { jQuery(".popup-course-calendar").addClass("notshow"); }, 500); }, // loading: function(bool) { // document.getElementById('loading').style.display = // bool ? 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jQuery(".location-list-wrapper").html(json.html); jQuery(".location-dropdown-list").html(json.html2); jQuery(".course-dropdown-list .loading").hide(); } }) } function initCourseTrainers(){ jQuery.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', data: { action:'getTrainers', course_ref: course_ref, }, beforeSend: function() { jQuery(".header-loading").show(); }, success: function(json) { jQuery(".trainer-list-wrapper").html(json.html); jQuery(".trainer-dropdown-list").html(json.html2); jQuery(".trainer-dropdown-list-li").html(json.html3); jQuery(".banner-trainer-wrap").html(json.html4); jQuery(".trainer-section .trainer-slider-wrap").html(json.html5); jQuery('.trainer-slider').slick({ slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1, dots: false, arrows: true, prevArrow: '<div class="pointer custom-nav left prev absolute transition"><svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 50 50" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" xml:space="preserve"><g><path 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// }else{ // document.getElementById("trainer-profile").innerHTML = ""; // } // } function showTrainerProfile(name, image_url, certi){ var trainer_img = "<div id='trainer-information'><img src='" + image_url + "' alt='" + name + "'>"; var trainer_name = "<div class='trainer-info'><label>Trainer</label> <p>" + name + "</p>"; var trainer_certi = "<p>" + certi + "</p></div></div>" if(document.getElementById("trainer-profile")){ document.getElementById("trainer-profile").innerHTML = trainer_img + trainer_name + trainer_certi; } } function getLocationFromTrainer(location_id){ jQuery(".location-select").addClass("hide"); jQuery(".location-select").removeClass("active"); let locations = new Array(); if(typeof(location_id) === "number"){ if(location_id == 0){ jQuery(".location-select").removeClass("hide"); jQuery(".location-select:first-child").addClass("active"); jQuery(".location-select:first-child").attr('selected','selected'); }else{ jQuery(".location-select").removeAttr("selected"); 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initCourseLocation(); initCourseLearnerCount(); // initCalendarDate(3); }, 200); setTimeout(function() { $(".trainer-list").click(function(){ $(".trainer-list").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); let location_id = $(this).data("location"); getLocationFromTrainer(location_id); let trainer_id = $(this).attr("data-trainer"); callCalendar(location_id, calendarID = 'course-calendar', trainer_id); }); }, 1300); // $(".enroll-sticky-button .sticky-popupform").click(function(){ // // let course_location = $("").data("location_id"); // // callCalendar(course_location, "popup-course-calendar"); // }); $('.selected-date').on('click', function() { $('.course-date-list').toggleClass("hide"); }) $(document).on('click', '.course-date-list li',function() { var start_date = $(this).attr('data-course-start-date'); var end_date = $(this).attr('data-course-end-date'); var course_id = $(this).attr('data-course_id'); var courserun_id = $(this).attr('data-courserun_id'); var course_timing = 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img").attr("src", $(this).children("img").attr("src")); $(".trainer-dropdown-list-li").addClass("hide"); $(".selected-trainer-name").removeClass("show-toggle"); let trainer_name = $(this).attr("data-name"); let trainer_image = $(this).attr("data-image"); let trainer_certi = $(this).attr("data-certificate"); let trainerLocation = $(this).attr("data-location"); //getLocationFromTrainer(trainerLocation); if(trainerLocation != 0){ showTrainerProfile(trainer_name, trainer_image, trainer_certi); }else{ if(document.getElementById("trainer-profile")){ document.getElementById("trainer-profile").innerHTML = ""; } } initCourseLocation(trainerLocation); $('#course_sign_up_btn').attr('aria-disabled', true); $('#course_sign_up_btn').addClass('link-is-disabled'); $('#course_sign_up_btn').removeAttr('href'); $('#course_sign_up_btn_2').attr('aria-disabled', true); $('#course_sign_up_btn_2').addClass('link-is-disabled'); $('#course_sign_up_btn_2').removeAttr('href'); $("#selected-date").text("Select 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