Pathfinder Core Mega Bundle | Roll20 Marketplace: Digital goods for online tabletop gaming
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<span class="title"><strong>Roll20 Characters: D&D + Candela Obscura</strong></span> <span class="short">D&D 5E + Candela Obscura sheets are now available in Roll20 Characters to create and manage outside the VTT.</span> </div> </a> </div> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm fetch_more_notifications">See More</button> </div> </div> </nav> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(".signin input").click(function() { return false; }); $("body, .simplecontainer").on("click", ".full, .simplecontainer .simple", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $(".menutoggler").on("click", function() { $(".mobilemenu").addClass("open"); return false; }); $(document).on("click", function() { $(".mobilemenu").removeClass("open"); }); if('ontouchstart' in document) { //touch-compatible } else { //mouse-compatible $(".topbar .btn-group a.btn[data-toggle=dropdown]").removeAttr("data-toggle"); $('[data-hover="dropdown"]').dropdownHover({hoverDelay: 100, delay: 300}); } var trackOutboundLink = 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Prices are discounted based on what you already own. More detail on each item is below.</p> </div> </div> <div class="db-vertical-break"></div> <div class="dynamic-price-breakdown-outer"> <span class="loading-skeleton dynamic-pricing-loading"></span> <span class="loading-skeleton dynamic-pricing-loading"></span> <div class="dynamic-pricing-div" style="display:none;"> <div class="price-row"> <span class="price-item-one"> List Price: </span> <span class="price-amount"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="dynamic-b-button-group" style="display:none;"> </div> <button class="btn btn-lg loading-skeleton button-loading"></button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> const owned_items = "[]"; const item_id = 29589; const item_discount_percent = 1664; // this means the item has a sale for a certain percentage off (i.e. 20% off) const item_is_dynamically_priced = true; // this means the item has a dynamic price (i.e. a bundle) $(document).ready(function() { getDynamicPricingInfo(); }); function getDynamicPricingInfo(){ $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: `/browse/bundle_pricing_info/${item_id}`, dataType: 'json', }).success((response) => { // Set base price $(".price-amount").text(response.formatted_bundle_price) // if the user owns some but not all of the sub items in the bundle, and is_base_price is false, strike through the formatted price of the bundle's price including all sub items !response.unowned_items_empty && !response.is_base_price ? $(".price-amount").addClass("strike-price") : $(".price-amount").addClass("reg-price") // Set "Your Price" or "All Bundle Items Owned" text if (response.total_bundle_price != response.remaining_items_price){ // if the total price of the bundle including all sub items does not match the price of the bundle including sub items that the user does own, show the dynamic price %> let discountInnerHtml; if (!response.unowned_items_empty){ // if the user owns some but not all of the sub items in the bundle, show the price which includes the sub items they do not own discountInnerHtml = `<div class="price-row"><div class="db-owned-discount-inner"> <div class="db-owned-discount"> <span class="db-owned-label">Your Price</span> </div> </div> <span class="db-unowned-amount">$${ response.remaining_items_price.toFixed(2) }</span> </div>` }else{ // Otherwise, they own all of the items discountInnerHtml = `<div class="price-row"><div class="db-owned-discount-inner"> <div class="db-save-percent"> <span class="db-save-text">All bundle items owned</span> </div> </div> </div>` } $(".dynamic-pricing-div").append(discountInnerHtml) } // Set percentage off, if on sale if (item_discount_percent > 0 && !response.unowned_items_empty){ // if the item does have a sale, and the user does not own all of the sub items, show the percentage they will save $(".dynamic-pricing-div").append(`<div class="price-row"> <div class="db-save-outer"> <div class="db-save-percent"> <span class="db-save-text">Save ${Math.round(item_discount_percent / 100)}%</span> </div> </div> </div>`) } // if the user does not own all of the sub items, and there is no sale going on, show the discounted price of the bundle as "Bundle Price" %> if (!response.unowned_items_empty && !response.is_base_price){ $(".dynamic-pricing-div").append(`<div class="price-row"> <span class="db-you-save">Bundle Price:</span> <span class="db-your-price">$100.00</span> </div>`) } let buttonHtml = ""; const current_account_is_nil = true; const item_event_active = false; const marketplace_event = "false"; const total_cost = 100.0; const item_active = true; const item_notforsale = false; const user_did_purchase = false; const is_purchasable = !user_did_purchase && !response.unowned_items_empty; if (current_account_is_nil){ buttonHtml = `<a class="btn btn-default btn-lg db-login-button db-buy-text calltoaction showtip" style="display: block; width: 100%; flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 1;" href="" title="Create a free Roll20 Account (or sign in if you've already got one) to purchase or gift this item." type="button">Sign In</a>`; }else if(item_event_active){ }else if(!item_active || item_notforsale){ buttonHtml += `<button class="btn btn-default btn-lg showtip db-no-sale disabled" type="button" title="This item is still available to those who have already purchased it, but is no longer available for sale."> Not For Sale </button>` }else if(total_cost == 0 && !user_did_purchase && !response.unowned_items_empty){ buttonHtml += `<button class="btn btn-lg create-game-button showtip free db-buy-button db-buy-text" type="button" title="This Bundle is free to use. Click here to start a new game using this Bundle.">Free Bundle</button>` }else{ buttonHtml += `<div class="db-gift-outer">` buttonHtml += `<button class="btn db-gift-button" type="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#paymentmodal"> <span class="db-gift-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="db-gift-text"> Gift </span> </button>` buttonHtml += `</div> <div class="db-buy-outer">` if (is_purchasable){ buttonHtml += `<button class="btn purchase db-buy-button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#paymentmodal" type="button" > <span class="db-buy-text">Buy Now</span> </button>` }else{ buttonHtml += `<button class="btn disabled owned db-owned-button" type="button"> <span class="db-buy-text">Owned</span> </button>` } buttonHtml += `</div>`; } $(".dynamic-b-button-group").append(buttonHtml); $(".loading-skeleton").hide(); // Since the wishlist dropdown is appended to the DOM after page load, we have to call this function to list out the wishlists here. wishlists functions are defined in _itemjs.erb and accesible here rebuildWishlists(); $(".dynamic-b-button-group").show(); $(".dynamic-pricing-div").show(); // We have to add the event handler here since its not accessible in _itemjs.erb since the buttons are appended to the DOM after page load $(".wishlist-dropdown").on("click", "li.wl:not(.disabled)", function() { let values = { itemid: 29589, listid: $(this).data("listid") } $.ajax({ url: `/wishlist/additem`, data: values, type: 'post', dataType: 'json' }).success(function(data) { wishlists = data; rebuildWishlists(); createAlert('Item added to wishlist.'); }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ alert("Failed: " + jqXHR); }); }); // Add event handler here to select "Gift to Player" in payment modal since the buttons are appended to the DOM after page load $(".db-gift-button").on("click", function(e) { setGiftButton(); }); // Add event handler here to select "Claim" in payment modal since the buttons are appended to the DOM after page load $("button.claim").on("click", function(e) { let itemid = 29589; let itemtype = "Bundle"; $.post(`/batch/claimItem/${itemtype.toLowerCase()}/${itemid}`, function() { window.location.reload(); }); }); //Add event handler here to select "Create Game" in payment modal since the buttons are appended to the DOM after page load $("button.create-game-button").on("click", function(){ let itemid = 29589; let itemtype = "Bundle"; if(itemtype == "Module"){ window.location.href="" + itemid }else if(itemtype == "GameAddon"){ window.location.href="" + itemid }else{ window.location.href="" } }); $("button.reserve").on("click", function(){ window.location.href = "" }); }).error(error => { console.log(error) }); } </script> <script> const item_is_external = false if (item_is_external){ $(".dynamic-b-title-and-author").css('width', 'auto'); } </script> <style> .dynamic-pricing-loading{ padding: 1rem; border-radius: 4px; } .dynamic-pricing-div{ display: flex; gap: 8px; flex-direction: column; } @media (max-width: 991px) { .dynamic-pricing-loading{ margin-top: none; } } .button-loading{ padding: 2rem; } .loading-skeleton{ width: 100%; animation: skeleton-loading 1s linear infinite alternate; } @keyframes skeleton-loading { 0% { background-color: var(--skeleton-light); } 100% { background-color: var(--skeleton-dark); } } </style> </div> <div class="itemdescription"> <h4> This Bundle Includes: </h4> <div class="shelf"> <div class="display bundle-card-display"> <div class="block bundle-card-outer" style="max-width: 20%"> <a class="item bundle-card-inner" href=""> <img class="bundle-card-image" alt="Pathfinder Player Core" src="" title="Pathfinder Player Core"/> <p class="desc" title="Pathfinder Player Core"> <em> Pathfinder Player Core </em> </p> <div class="bundle-card-price-row"> <p class="bundle-card-list-price">29.99</p> <p class="bundle-card-arrow">➜</p> <p class="bundle-card-new-price">25.00</p> <p class="bundle-card-price-desc">Bundle Price</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="block bundle-card-outer" style="max-width: 20%"> <a class="item bundle-card-inner" href=""> <img class="bundle-card-image" alt="Pathfinder GM Core" src="" title="Pathfinder GM Core"/> <p class="desc" title="Pathfinder GM Core"> <em> Pathfinder GM Core </em> </p> <div class="bundle-card-price-row"> <p class="bundle-card-list-price">29.99</p> <p class="bundle-card-arrow">➜</p> <p class="bundle-card-new-price">25.00</p> <p class="bundle-card-price-desc">Bundle Price</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="block bundle-card-outer" style="max-width: 20%"> <a class="item bundle-card-inner" href=""> <img class="bundle-card-image" alt="Pathfinder Monster Core" src="" title="Pathfinder Monster Core"/> <p class="desc" title="Pathfinder Monster Core"> <em> Pathfinder Monster Core </em> </p> <div class="bundle-card-price-row"> <p class="bundle-card-list-price">29.99</p> <p class="bundle-card-arrow">➜</p> <p class="bundle-card-new-price">25.00</p> <p class="bundle-card-price-desc">Bundle Price</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="block bundle-card-outer" style="max-width: 20%"> <a class="item bundle-card-inner" href=""> <img class="bundle-card-image" alt="Pathfinder Player Core 2" src="" title="Pathfinder Player Core 2"/> <p class="desc" title="Pathfinder Player Core 2"> <em> Pathfinder Player Core 2 </em> </p> <div class="bundle-card-price-row"> <p class="bundle-card-list-price">29.99</p> <p class="bundle-card-arrow">➜</p> <p class="bundle-card-new-price">25.00</p> <p class="bundle-card-price-desc">Bundle Price</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <p><h1>Play Pathfinder Second Edition Online</h1> <p>Everything you need to run Pathfinder games will be available to you across Roll20 in the Roll20 Tabletop and in Roll20 Characters for online or in-person play.</p> <h3>Save 16% when you purchase this bundle!</h3> <p>This bundle includes:</p> <p><a href="">Pathfinder Player Core</a><br/> <a href="">Pathfinder GM Core</a><br/> <a href="">Pathfinder Monster Core</a><br/> <a href="">Pathfinder Player Core 2</a></p> <h2>Interested in Pathfinder content on both Roll20 and Demiplane? <a href="">Purchase the core books on Demiplane</a> to get full access across both platforms!</h2> <h2>Player Core</h2> <p>Choose from eight ancestries, eight complete character classes, and hundreds of feats and spells to make unique characters ready for deadly adventures in a world beset by magic and evil! This tome is fully converted for digital play, including 480 digital tokens, and is the definitive rules resource for all Pathfinder Second Edition players!</p> <h2>GM Core</h2> <p>This comprehensive rulebook gives Game Masters everything they need to craft thrilling tales of adventure, from a single-night’s dungeon delve to complex epics spanning years. Within these pages you’ll find clear guidelines for creating new hazards and monsters, tools to design challenging, balanced encounters, and rules for rewarding characters for the dastardly challenges you array before them! Pathfinder GM Core also contains a dragon’s hoard of magic items and treasure to entice and reward your players, from simple healing potions to magic weapons and armor and legendary artifacts!</p> <h2>Monster Core</h2> <p>Heroes are defined by their foes—from shambling skeletons to terrifying dragons, each enemy leaves a mark on their growing legend. Make your legends memorable with foes from the new Pathfinder Monster Core rulebook for Pathfinder Second Edition – packed with a wide range of monsters useful to all Pathfinder campaigns, giving the Game Master plenty of threats to throw at their adventurers, at any level of experience. The lavishly illustrated tome (1500+ digital tokens!) also includes guidelines for reading monster entries and adjusting existing monsters to tailor fit your story! This is the definitive resource for Pathfinder Second Edition monsters!</p> <h2>Player Core 2</h2> <p>8 fully detailed classes, including the alchemist, barbarian, champion, investigator, monk, oracle, sorcerer, and swashbuckler, each containing dozens of feats! Expanded ancestry options including catfolk, gnoll, hobgoblin, kobold, lizardfolk, ratfolk, and tengu, alongside three versatile heritages—the dhampir, duskwalker, and an all-new heritage! 40+ archetypes, allowing you to further customize your character’s story and abilities. Turn your hero into an aerial acrobat, a high-riding cavalier, a treacherous pirate, and more.</p> <hr/> <p>Buy the PDFs versions from <a href="">Paizo</a>!</p> </p> <div class="alert alert-info"> <span class="pictos" style="font-size: 1.2em;">i</span> Can only be used with Roll20; cannot be downloaded. </div> <hr/> <h4>You might also like...</h4> <div id="recommendations_section"> </div> <p style="margin-top: 10px;"> License: <a href="" target="_blank">Roll20 End User License Agreement</a> <br/> (Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute) </p> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/datetimepicker/bootstrap-datetimepicker.js?v=2"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> window.purchaseinfo = { cost: "100.0" } window.subinfo = { accountid: "0", plan: "no_account", cost: "100.0", giftCost: "100.0", discountedCost: "100.0", skuid: "29589", itemname: "Pathfinder Core Mega Bundle" }; </script> <script> !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script',''); fbq('init', '965703233507832'); fbq('track', "PageView"); </script> <noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src=""/></noscript> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(() => { const itemid = 29589; $.ajax({ url: `/browse/recommendations/${itemid}`, }).success((data, statusCode, jqXHR) => { const recommendations = JSON.parse(data); let resultString = '' for(const result of recommendations) { const image = result['image'] .replace('', '') .replace('', ''); resultString += ` <div class="block" style="max-width: 20%"> <a class="item" href="${result['url'].replace('', '')}"> <img alt="${result['name']}" src="${ image }" style="width: 200px;"/> <p class="desc"> <em> ${result['name']} </em> <span></span> </p> </a> </div> `; } const element = ` <div class="shelf"> <div class="display" style="width:100%"> ${resultString} </div> </div> `; $('#recommendations_section').append(element); }).fail(() => { console.log("Error retrieving recommended items."); }); }); $(".db-gift-button").on("click", function(e) { setGiftButton(); }); $("#fulfill-preorder").on("click", function(e) { const itemid = 29589; const data = {itemid: itemid}; $.ajax({ url: `/browse/fulfill_preorder/${itemid}`, method: 'POST', data, }).success((data, statusCode, jqXHR) => { const result = JSON.parse(data); $("#preorderReleaseModal").modal(); checkReleaseStatus(result.job_id); }).fail((data) => { error = data.responseText; $("#preorderReleaseModal").modal(); const $modal = $("#preorderReleaseModal .modal-body"); $modal.find(".status").html(`The following error occurred while attempting to fulfilling this pre-order, please notify a Developer. ${error}`); }); }); const checkReleaseStatus = function(jobId) { $.ajax({ url: `/browse/fulfill_preorder/${jobId}`, type: 'GET', }).done(function(queueData) { const $modal = $("#preorderReleaseModal .modal-body"); const queueResponse = JSON.parse(queueData); const message = queueResponse.msg === "" ? 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