Important Information for California Residents

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We need to duplicate this to accommodate the positioning on mobile versus desktop. --> <div class="mobile-title container"> <h1 class="page-title visible-mobile">Important Information for California Residents</h1> </div> <div class="main-content container "> <article class="main-content__article"> <!-- Page Title Desktop. --> <h1 class="page-title hidden-mobile">Important Information for California Residents</h1> <!-- Main Text--> <p>Cengage Learning is providing this supplemental privacy notice to give California residents the additional information required by the California Consumer Privacy Act (the “CCPA”). The <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#3942B0"><b>Cengage Privacy Notice</b></a> describes our global privacy and security practices in detail. </p> <p></p><h2>1. Your California Privacy Rights</h2> <p></p><p>The CCPA provides California residents with specific privacy rights, including: </p><p> </p><ul> <li>The right to opt-out of having your personal information sold or shared (Section 2 and 3 below); </li> <li>The right to request deletion of your personal information (Section 4 below); and</li> <li>The right to be informed about how your information is collected and used, the right to know and obtain a copy of the information we have collected about you, and the right to know what categories of personal information we have shared with third parties (Sections 4 and 5 below).</li> </ul> We do not discriminate against California residents who exercise their privacy rights. <p></p><h2>2. Do Not Sell My Personal Information </h2> <p>Gale, a subsidiary of Cengage, publishes business directories that contain business contact information about corporate executives, academics and professionals. We respect the right of individuals listed in these directories to opt-out of having their business contact information included and sold through these directories. If you would like to remove your business information from our professional directories and thereby opt out of the sale of your personal information in these directories, please complete the “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” form on this page above. <p></p><h2>2. Do Not Share My Personal Information </h2> In some circumstances, to provide website users with a more personalized experience, Cengage will “share” personal information about you with third parties for purposes of targeted or behavioral advertising. We share this information through advertising cookies that are set by our advertising partners. If you would like to opt-out of this sharing of your personal information, please select “Inactive” in the toggle below related to online behavioral advertising, which will turn off third-party advertising cookies. <br> <!-- OneTrust Cookies Settings button start --> <button id="ot-sdk-btn" class="ot-sdk-show-settings">Cookie Settings</button><br><br> <!-- OneTrust Cookies Settings button end --> Please note that clearing your cookies at any time will undo preferences saved here. To re-save preferences, please return to this screen after clearing your cookies. <p></p><h2>4. Exercising Your Other CCPA Rights </h2> <p> You can request deletion of your personal information using this form: <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#3942B0"><b>automated deletion request</b></a>. Please understand that Cengage cannot delete information required for our business purposes as permitted by CCPA. If this applies, we will retain your information in accordance with our records retention program and securely delete it at the end of the retention period. </p><p>If you are a California resident, you may also exercise your privacy rights or authorize another person to act on your behalf by: </p><p style="margin-left:10%; margin-right:10%;"><b>Email:</b> <a href="" style="color:#3942B0"><b></b></a> <br><b>Call:</b> Cengage Customer Support at 1-800-354-9706 <br><b>Write:</b> Cengage Learning, Inc. <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Privacy Office <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;200 PIER 4 Blvd., Suite 400 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Boston MA 02210 </p> <p>We will need to confirm your identity before we can fulfill most requests, as we need to be sure that your personal information is not disclosed to an unauthorized recipient. This may require that you provide additional information to us to verify your identity. <br><br> If you are exercising privacy rights on behalf of another person, please be prepared to provide proof that you have been designated as an authorized agent. To the extent permitted by law, we may also confirm with the individual to whom the request relates whether they authorized you to make the request on their behalf.<br><br> Please understand that these rights are subject to some limitations, such as when we are retaining data to comply with our own legal obligations. If we are required or permitted to decline your privacy request under California law, we will tell you the reason why, unless we are not permitted by law to share the reason. </p><p></p><h2>5. CCPA Right to Know Disclosures </h2> <p>We collect the categories of personal information listed below. We use these categories for information for the purposes listed in the <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#3942B0"><b>Cengage Privacy Notice</b></a>, the purposes listed here and for our Everyday Business Purposes¹. We may disclose these categories of information to other members of the Cengage Learning corporate family (our affiliates), to our Service Providers (as defined in CCPA), and to third parties who have a Business Purposes (as defined in CCPA), such as our auditors and advisors. We may also share personal information with third parties based on your consent, such as if you enroll in a co-branded marketing program or if you explicitly accept our use of third-party advertising cookies, as described in our Cookie Notice. </p><p>Cengage does not offer financial incentives for the collection or sale of personal information. </p><p> </p><ul> <li><b>Contact information</b>, such as your name, email address and phone numbers. We use your contact information to identify you and communicate with you, including to enable delivery of ads to you on social media platforms. </li> <li><b>Unique information numbers</b>, such as a school ID or the account number that we assign you, and other identifiers that may be associated with you, such as device and advertising identifiers. We use this information to identify you or your device, including to associate you with different devices that you may use, for record-keeping and data matching, and to track your use of products, services, websites, including for ad delivery and personalization. </li> <li><b>Relationship Information</b>, such as your school, time zone, communications preferences and demographic data (age range, languages spoken, data from social media profiles, educational and professional information, and your hobbies and interests). We use this information to better understand you and our customers generally, to help us identify influencers and prospective customers. </li> <li><b>Transaction and Interaction Information</b>, such as records of downloads and purchases of products and applications, including website and app usage and records relating to in-app purchases, non-biometric data collected for consumer authentication (passwords, account security questions) and customer service records. We use this information to fulfill our business relationship with you, including customer service and fraud prevention, for internal business purposes (such as finance, quality control, training, reporting and analytics) and for recordkeeping, compliance and risk management. </li> <li><b>Inferred and Derived Information</b>, such as propensities, scores and attributes that we generate by analyzing our relationship and transactional information using analytics. We combine inferred data with other relationship information and use this type of information: to better understand you and our customers generally, for marketing, and for products, services and program design. </li> <li><b>Online &amp; Technical Information</b>, such as your IP address, device characteristics and other data collected when you interact with our platforms, websites and applications using cookies, web beacons, logs and similar technologies. We use this type of information for system administration, technology management, including optimizing our websites and applications, information security and cybersecurity purposes, and recordkeeping, as well as to enhance our Relationship Information, including for online advertising purposes. </li> <li><b>Audio Visual Information</b>, such as video images, call center recordings and call monitoring records, We use this type of information for internal business purposes, such as call recordings used for training, coaching or quality control and for relationship purposes, such as use of photos and videos for social media purposes </li> <li><b>Financial information</b>, such as your payment card details. Financial information is maintained in our transaction data and used for payment processing and related purposes. </li> <li><b>Children’s data</b>. Some Cengage products are used by K12 schools. We only collect and use this data as a processor for the schools. Please read our <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#3942B0"><b>Privacy Statement Regarding K-12 Students and Children’s Data.</b></a></li> <li><b>Compliance data</b>. We may maintain other data as needed for legal or regulatory compliance. </li> </ul> <p><br><br>¹Everyday Business Purposes means the Business Purposes (as defined in the CCPA) and the following related purposes: (i) To provide the information, product or service requested or as reasonably expected given the context (such customer credentialing, customer service, personalization and preference management, providing product updates, and dispute resolution), (ii) For identity and credential management, (iii) To protect the security and integrity of systems, networks, applications and data, including detecting, analyzing and resolving security threats , (iv) For fraud detection and prevention, (v) For legal and regulatory compliance, including compliance with company policies and procedures, (vi) For corporate audit, analysis and reporting, (vii) To enforce our contracts and to protect against injury, theft, legal liability, fraud or abuse, to protect people, property or intellectual property, (vii) To de-identify the data or create aggregated datasets, for consolidating reporting, research or analytics, (viii) To make back-up copies for business continuity and disaster recovery purposes, and (ix) For corporate governance, including mergers, acquisitions and divestitures. </p></article> <!-- SIDEBAR --> <aside class="sidebar"> <!-- Form - Get Our Free eBook. --> <div class="sidebar-form"> <header> <h2 class="sidebar__title sidebar__title--red form-header">Do Not Sell My Personal Information (Gale Directory Opt-Out) </h2> </header> <form class="sidebar__form" action="" method="POST" autocomplete="off" name="FA20_PAN_CCPA-Do-Not-Sell_1529888"> <input type="hidden" name="elqFormName" value="FA20_PAN_CCPA-Do-Not-Sell_1529888"> <input type="hidden" name="elqSiteID" value="2138"> <!-- Hidden fields --> <!-- Used when discipline is hard-coded in the back end, depending on page source or form purpose --> <input type="hidden" name="idc" id="idc" value=""> <!-- Identifies 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