A Poet's Death Is His Life Iv - A Poet's Death Is His Life Iv Poem by Kahlil Gibran

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There in the suburb stood an old hut heavily laden with snow and on the verge of falling. In a dark recess of that hovel was a poor bed in which a dying youth was lying, staring at the dim light of his oil lamp, made to flicker by the entering winds. He a man in the spring of life who foresaw fully that the peaceful hour of freeing himself from the clutches of life was fast nearing. He was awaiting Death's visit gratefully, and upon his pale face appeared the dawn of hope; and on his lops a sorrowful smile; and in his eyes forgiveness. He was poet perishing from hunger in the city of living rich. He was placed in the earthly world to enliven the heart of man with his beautiful and profound sayings. He as noble soul, sent by the Goddess of Understanding to soothe and make gentle the human spirit. But alas! He gladly bade the cold earth farewell without receiving a smile from its strange occupants. He was breathing his last and had no one at his bedside save the oil lamp, his only companion, and some parchments upon which he had inscribed his heart's feeling. As he salvaged the remnants of his withering strength he lifted his hands heavenward; he moved his eyes hopelessly, as if wanting to penetrate the ceiling in order to see the stars from behind the veil clouds. And he said, 'Come, oh beautiful Death; my soul is longing for you. Come close to me and unfasten the irons life, for I am weary of dragging them. Come, oh sweet Death, and deliver me from my neighbors who looked upon me as a stranger because I interpret to them the language of the angels. Hurry, oh peaceful Death, and carry me from these multitudes who left me in the dark corner of oblivion because I do not bleed the weak as they do. Come, oh gentle Death, and enfold me under your white wings, for my fellowmen are not in want of me. Embrace me, oh Death, full of love and mercy; let your lips touch my lips which never tasted a mother's kiss, not touched a sister's cheeks, not caresses a sweetheart's fingertips. Come and take me, by beloved Death.' Then, at the bedside of the dying poet appeared an angel who possessed a supernatural and divine beauty, holding in her hand a wreath of lilies. She embraced him and closed his eyes so he could see no more, except with the eye of his spirit. She impressed a deep and long and gently withdrawn kiss that left and eternal smile of fulfillment upon his lips. Then the hovel became empty and nothing was lest save parchments and papers which the poet had strewn with bitter futility. Hundreds of years later, when the people of the city arose from the diseases slumber of ignorance and saw the dawn of knowledge, they erected a monument in the most beautiful garden of the city and celebrated a feast every year in honor of that poet, whose writings had freed them. Oh, how cruel is man's ignorance!" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "Organization", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "height":"3218", "url": "", "width":"1200" }, "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressCountry": "USA", "addressRegion": "San Francisco", "postalCode": "CA 94104", "streetAddress": "548 Market St. PMB 90333" }, "contactPoint": [{ "@type": "ContactPoint", "contactType": "customer support", "telephone": "+1 (650) 488-8186" }], "description": "Poems from different poets all around the world. Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. Quotes from all famous poets.", "email": "", "foundingDate": "1998", "foundingLocation": "San Francisco, USA", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "height": "40", "url": "", "width": "294" }, "name": "Poem Hunter", "sameAs": ["", "", ""], "telephone": "+1 (650) 488-8186", "url": "" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "Organization", "description": "Poems from different poets all around the world. Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. Quotes from all famous poets.", "name": "Poem Hunter", "url": "" }, { "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "description": "Breadcrumbs list", "itemListElement": [{ "@type": "ListItem", "item": "", "name": "MainPage", "position": 1 } , { "@type": "ListItem", "item": "", "name": "Poems", "position": 2 } , { "@type": "ListItem", "item": "", "name": "A Poet&#x27;s Death Is His Life Iv", "position": 3 } ], "name": "Breadcrumbs" }, { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressCountry": "USA", "addressRegion": "San Francisco", "postalCode": "CA 94104", "streetAddress": "548 Market St. PMB 90333" }, "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "height":"3218", "url": "", "width":"1200" }, "description": "Poems from different poets all around the world. Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. Quotes from all famous poets.", "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "37.79010", "longitude": "-122.40090" }, "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "height": "40", "url": "", "width": "294" }, "name": "Poem Hunter", "sameAs": ["", "", ""], "telephone": "+1 (650) 488-8186", "url": "" }, { "@type": "WebSite", "about":"Poems from different poets all around the world. Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. Quotes from all famous poets.", "copyrightHolder": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Poem Hunter" }, "inLanguage": "en-us", "isFamilyFriendly": true, "sameAs": ["", "", ""], "url": "" }] } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "VideoObject", "caption": "A Poet's Death Is His Life Iv", "name": "A Poet's Death Is His Life Iv", "transcript":"The dark wings of night enfolded the city upon which Nature had spread a pure white garment of snow; and men deserted the streets for their houses in search of warmth, while the north wind probed in contemplation of laying waste the gardens. There in the suburb stood an old hut heavily laden with snow and on the verge of falling. In a dark recess of that hovel was a poor bed in which a dying youth was lying, staring at the dim light of his oil lamp, made to flicker by the entering winds. He a man in the spring of life who foresaw fully that the peaceful hour of freeing himself from the clutches of life was fast nearing. He was awaiting Death's visit gratefully, and upon his pale face appeared the dawn of hope; and on his lops a sorrowful smile; and in his eyes forgiveness. He was poet perishing from hunger in the city of living rich. He was placed in the earthly world to enliven the heart of man with his beautiful and profound sayings. He as noble soul, sent by the Goddess of Understanding to soothe and make gentle the human spirit. But alas! He gladly bade the cold earth farewell without receiving a smile from its strange occupants. He was breathing his last and had no one at his bedside save the oil lamp, his only companion, and some parchments upon which he had inscribed his heart's feeling. As he salvaged the remnants of his withering strength he lifted his hands heavenward; he moved his eyes hopelessly, as if wanting to penetrate the ceiling in order to see the stars from behind the veil clouds. And he said, 'Come, oh beautiful Death; my soul is longing for you. Come close to me and unfasten the irons life, for I am weary of dragging them. Come, oh sweet Death, and deliver me from my neighbors who looked upon me as a stranger because I interpret to them the language of the angels. Hurry, oh peaceful Death, and carry me from these multitudes who left me in the dark corner of oblivion because I do not bleed the weak as they do. Come, oh gentle Death, and enfold me under your white wings, for my fellowmen are not in want of me. Embrace me, oh Death, full of love and mercy; let your lips touch my lips which never tasted a mother's kiss, not touched a sister's cheeks, not caresses a sweetheart's fingertips. Come and take me, by beloved Death.' Then, at the bedside of the dying poet appeared an angel who possessed a supernatural and divine beauty, holding in her hand a wreath of lilies. She embraced him and closed his eyes so he could see no more, except with the eye of his spirit. She impressed a deep and long and gently withdrawn kiss that left and eternal smile of fulfillment upon his lips. Then the hovel became empty and nothing was lest save parchments and papers which the poet had strewn with bitter futility. Hundreds of years later, when the people of the city arose from the diseases slumber of ignorance and saw the dawn of knowledge, they erected a monument in the most beautiful garden of the city and celebrated a feast every year in honor of that poet, whose writings had freed them. Oh, how cruel is man's ignorance!", "description": "The dark wings of night enfolded the city upon which Nature had spread a pure white garment of snow; and men deserted the streets for their houses in search of warmth, while the north wind probed in contemplation of laying waste the gardens. There in the suburb stood an old hut heavily laden with snow and on the verge of falling. In a dark recess of that hovel was a poor bed in which a dying youth was lying, staring at the dim light of his oil lamp, made to flicker by the entering winds. He a man in the spring of life who foresaw fully that the peaceful hour of freeing himself from the clutches of life was fast nearing. He was awaiting Death's visit gratefully, and upon his pale face appeared the dawn of hope; and on his lops a sorrowful smile; and in his eyes forgiveness. He was poet perishing from hunger in the city of living rich. He was placed in the earthly world to enliven the heart of man with his beautiful and profound sayings. He as noble soul, sent by the Goddess of Understanding to soothe and make gentle the human spirit. But alas! He gladly bade the cold earth farewell without receiving a smile from its strange occupants. He was breathing his last and had no one at his bedside save the oil lamp, his only companion, and some parchments upon which he had inscribed his heart's feeling. As he salvaged the remnants of his withering strength he lifted his hands heavenward; he moved his eyes hopelessly, as if wanting to penetrate the ceiling in order to see the stars from behind the veil clouds. And he said, 'Come, oh beautiful Death; my soul is longing for you. Come close to me and unfasten the irons life, for I am weary of dragging them. Come, oh sweet Death, and deliver me from my neighbors who looked upon me as a stranger because I interpret to them the language of the angels. Hurry, oh peaceful Death, and carry me from these multitudes who left me in the dark corner of oblivion because I do not bleed the weak as they do. Come, oh gentle Death, and enfold me under your white wings, for my fellowmen are not in want of me. Embrace me, oh Death, full of love and mercy; let your lips touch my lips which never tasted a mother's kiss, not touched a sister's cheeks, not caresses a sweetheart's fingertips. Come and take me, by beloved Death.' Then, at the bedside of the dying poet appeared an angel who possessed a supernatural and divine beauty, holding in her hand a wreath of lilies. She embraced him and closed his eyes so he could see no more, except with the eye of his spirit. She impressed a deep and long and gently withdrawn kiss that left and eternal smile of fulfillment upon his lips. Then the hovel became empty and nothing was lest save parchments and papers which the poet had strewn with bitter futility. Hundreds of years later, when the people of the city arose from the diseases slumber of ignorance and saw the dawn of knowledge, they erected a monument in the most beautiful garden of the city and celebrated a feast every year in honor of that poet, whose writings had freed them. Oh, how cruel is man's ignorance!", "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration":"PT44S", "contentURL": "", "url": "", "inLanguage": "en-us", "isFamilyFriendly": "", "requiresSubscription": "", "uploadDate": "2004-01-01T00:00:00", "dateCreated": "2004-01-01T00:00:00", "playerType": "HTML5 Flash", "width": "640", "height": "360", "publisher": { "@context":"", "@type":"Organization", "name":"", "url":"", "logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","width":"294","height":"40" } } } </script> </head> <body> <div class="phGeneralScope"> <script async src=""></script> <div class="phHeader"> <div class="phContainer"> <div class="phLogo"> <div> <a href="/" title=" Poems - Poets - Poetry"> <img src="/assets/img/logo-white.png" width="194" height="22" alt=" Poems - Poets - Poetry" /> </a> </div> </div> <div class="phNavigation"> <div class="phLoginOp" id="phLoginDp" style="float:right; width: 130px;height: 53px;"> </div> <div class="phHeaderSearch"> <input type="search" id="phHeaderSearch" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Search anything" value="" /> <span class="icon-search"></span> </div> <ul class="phDropDownMenu"> <a href="/" title=" Poems - Poets - Poetry">Home</a> <li class="phddmMain poems"> <span>Poems</span> <ul> <li><a href="/poems/" title="Poems">Poems</a></li> <li><a href="/poems/best-poems/" title="Best 500 Poems">Best Poems</a></li> <li><a href="/poems/best-poems/member-poets/" title="Best Member Poems">Best Member Poems</a></li> <li><a href="/poems/best-poems/classical-poets/" title="Best Classical Poems">Best Classical Poems</a></li> <li><a href="/poems/new-poems/" title="New Poems">New Poems</a></li> <li><a href="/poems/themes/" title="Poems About">Poems About</a></li> <li><a href="/poems/best-poems/themes/" title="Best Poems By Themes">Best Poems by Themes</a></li> <li><a href="/explore/poems/" title="Explore Poems">Explore Poems</a></li> <li><a href="/poem-of-the-day/" title="Poem Of The Day">Poem Of The Day</a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="phddmMain poets"> <span>Poets</span> <ul> <li><a href="/poets/" title="Poets">Poets</a></li> <li><a href="/poets/best-poets/" title="Best 500 Poets">Best Poets</a></li> <li><a href="/poets/best-poets/member-poets/" title="Top Member Poets">Best Member Poets</a></li> <li><a href="/poets/best-poets/classic-poets/" title="Best Classical Poets">Best Classical Poets</a></li> <li><a href="/poets/new-poets/" title="New Poets">New Poets</a></li> <li><a href="/explore/poets/" title="Explore Poets">Explore Poets</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> if (!cihaz_mobilmi) { document.write('<div id="masthead_ad" class="masthead_ad"></div>'); 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There in the suburb stood an old hut heavily laden with snow and on the verge of falling. In a dark recess of that hovel was a poor bed in which a dying youth was lying, staring at the dim light of his oil lamp, made to flicker by the entering winds. He a man in the spring of life who foresaw fully that the peaceful hour of freeing himself from the clutches of life was fast nearing. He was awaiting Death's visit gratefully, and upon his pale face appeared the dawn of hope; and on his lops a sorrowful smile; and in his eyes forgiveness. <br/> <br/>He was poet perishing from hunger in the city of living rich. He was placed in the earthly world to enliven the heart of man with his beautiful and profound sayings. He as noble soul, sent by the Goddess of Understanding to soothe and make gentle the human spirit. But alas! He gladly bade the cold earth farewell without receiving a smile from its strange occupants. <br/> <br/>He was breathing his last and had no one at his bedside save the oil lamp, his only companion, and some parchments upon which he had inscribed his heart's feeling. As he salvaged the remnants of his withering strength he lifted his hands heavenward; he moved his eyes hopelessly, as if wanting to penetrate the ceiling in order to see the stars from behind the veil clouds. <br/> <br/>And he said, 'Come, oh beautiful Death; my soul is longing for you. Come close to me and unfasten the irons life, for I am weary of dragging them. Come, oh sweet Death, and deliver me from my neighbors who looked upon me as a stranger because I interpret to them the language of the angels. Hurry, oh peaceful Death, and carry me from these multitudes who left me in the dark corner of oblivion because I do not bleed the weak as they do. Come, oh gentle Death, and enfold me under your white wings, for my fellowmen are not in want of me. Embrace me, oh Death, full of love and mercy; let your lips touch my lips which never tasted a mother's kiss, not touched a sister's cheeks, not caresses a sweetheart's fingertips. Come and take me, by beloved Death.' <br/> <br/>Then, at the bedside of the dying poet appeared an angel who possessed a supernatural and divine beauty, holding in her hand a wreath of lilies. She embraced him and closed his eyes so he could see no more, except with the eye of his spirit. She impressed a deep and long and gently withdrawn kiss that left and eternal smile of fulfillment upon his lips. Then the hovel became empty and nothing was lest save parchments and papers which the poet had strewn with bitter futility. <br/> <br/>Hundreds of years later, when the people of the city arose from the diseases slumber of ignorance and saw the dawn of knowledge, they erected a monument in the most beautiful garden of the city and celebrated a feast every year in honor of that poet, whose writings had freed them. Oh, how cruel is man's ignorance! </p> </div> <div class="phRow light-blue pd20"> <div class="phBoxImage brdc"> <img alt="A Poet's Death Is His Life Iv" src="" width="100%" height="auto"> </div> </div> <div class="phPageBottom"> <div class="phpdAuthor"> <a href="/kahlil-gibran/" title="Kahlil Gibran"> Kahlil Gibran</a> </div> <div class="phPageDate" style="margin-bottom:0px;"> <span class="icon-date"></span> Thursday, January 1, 2004 </div> <div class="phKeywords"> <a href="" title="Poem" class="phKey">poem</a> <a href="" title="Poems" class="phKey">poems</a> <a href="/poems/death/" title="death poems" class="phKey">death</a> <a href="/poems/city/" title="city poems" class="phKey">city</a> <a href="/poems/dark/" title="dark poems" class="phKey">dark</a> <a href="/poems/beautiful/" title="beautiful poems" class="phKey">beautiful</a> <a href="/poems/smile/" title="smile poems" class="phKey">smile</a> <a href="/poems/lips/" title="Lips poems" class="phKey">Lips</a> <a href="/poems/eyes/" title="Eyes poems" class="phKey">Eyes</a> <a href="/poems/wings/" title="Wings poems" class="phKey">Wings</a> <a href="/poems/kiss/" title="kiss poems" class="phKey">kiss</a> <a href="/poems/snow/" title="snow poems" class="phKey">snow</a> </div> <div id="AjaxRate"> </div> <div class="phPageDate" style="margin:0px;"> <span><a href="" target="_blank" title="A Poet&#x27;s Death Is His Life Iv Download" class="downloadPoemImage"> Download image of this poem.</a></span> <div class="phpdReportPoem" style="margin:5px;margin-top:0px;"> <a href="/member/reportpoem/?poemUrl=a-poet-s-death-is-his-life-iv" class="phTranslateLink">Report this poem</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- COMMENTS --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle blue-purple"> <div id="comment_phBoxBigHead" class="phBoxBigHead"> <span class="left-line bgc"></span> <span class="phBoxTitle txtc">COMMENTS OF THE POEM</span> </div> <div class="phContent"> <div id="writeComment"> </div> <div class="phComments"> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_1967272"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/aisha-baranowska/" title="Aisha Baranowska">Aisha Baranowska</a> <span class="comment-published">23 October 2013</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> Oh! This is most magnificent! Wonderful! Such a genius poetical prose about the death of a poet... How it speaks to me...! I see in this text the idea that a poet while alive, is treated harshly by the existence and looked down upon by his contemporaries - but when he dies, it is only then when he is celebrated and his work is finally appreciated - and so, he yearns to be dead so that his purpose of illuminating the humanity could be fulfilled - and after all, death is the only friend awaiting him faithfully and lovingly, welcoming... Such a wisdom, such a beauty! Khalil Gibran was a genius, indeed. He is a genius.: -) Is - not was, because ''poets' death is their life''... Oh, indeed, it is...: -) </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(1967272,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_1967272">9</span> <span onclick="voteComment(1967272,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_1967272">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="1967272">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_1967272"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_1137154"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original="/assets/img/icon-user.jpg"></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/lois-dawes/" title="Lois Dawes">Lois Dawes</a> <span class="comment-published">01 April 2009</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> For me this is a writing about the Lord and his host, but most of all about Jesus Christ..anyone out there who knows the painter Colin F. Christ from Kingston Jamaica would get a special message. Khalil Gibran, your writings are best sellers next o the Holy Bible one is pros/poetry/philosophy etc. chemistry/knowledge..the other poetry agian. Thank God the Almighty he made you for the world everlasting... </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(1137154,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_1137154">7</span> <span onclick="voteComment(1137154,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_1137154">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="1137154">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_1137154"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_2046949"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/ebi-robert/" title="Ebi Robert">Ebi Robert</a> <span class="comment-published">29 April 2014</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> men! the poem is big............ </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(2046949,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_2046949">0</span> <span onclick="voteComment(2046949,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_2046949">6</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="2046949">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_2046949"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_184623"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original="/assets/img/icon-user.jpg"></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/kiersten-powers/" title="Kiersten Powers">Kiersten Powers</a> <span class="comment-published">04 December 2005</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> this poem is wonderful.Gibran was a genius and I love his works-he gives a completely new understanding of what it is to be a poet. </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(184623,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_184623">5</span> <span onclick="voteComment(184623,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_184623">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="184623">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_184623"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_524544"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original="/assets/img/icon-user.jpg"></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/buddhi-syangdan/" title="Buddhi Syangdan">Buddhi Syangdan</a> <span class="comment-published">24 June 2007</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> It touched my heart, oh beyond soul, only poet can appeal death beautifully, it's so poetic it's so beautiful, feeling death is the death of poet. Gibran is really a wonderful creative genius and ability of portraying feeling in an artistic way. </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(524544,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_524544">4</span> <span onclick="voteComment(524544,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_524544">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="524544">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_524544"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_3510793"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original="/assets/img/icon-user.jpg"></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/tanya-quesnelle/" title="Tanya QUESNELLE">Tanya QUESNELLE</a> <span class="comment-published">18 July 2024</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> I have seen the eyes of this poet who held my hand and I held on to his until his last breath and he let go </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(3510793,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_3510793">0</span> <span onclick="voteComment(3510793,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_3510793">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="3510793">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_3510793"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_2622793"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/subhas-chandra-chakra/" title="Subhas Chandra Chakra">Subhas Chandra Chakra</a> <span class="comment-published">24 September 2017</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> in honor of that poet, whose writings had freed them Nice poem dear poet. </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(2622793,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_2622793">1</span> <span onclick="voteComment(2622793,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_2622793">1</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="2622793">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_2622793"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_2573922"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original="/assets/img/icon-user.jpg"></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/resh-kav/" title="Resh Kav">Resh Kav</a> <span class="comment-published">19 June 2017</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> Yes... Death is beautiful. It release from all cages. Amazing </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(2573922,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_2573922">1</span> <span onclick="voteComment(2573922,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_2573922">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="2573922">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_2573922"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_2545422"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/upendra-majhi/" title="Upendra Upm">Upendra Upm</a> <span class="comment-published">21 April 2017</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> He gladly bade the cold earth farewell .Like crows crow at the crows caracass, that crowing in a chorus in a high pitch. Crow's intelligence is equal to that of a chimp.Poets of the world, unite. World will lose its deep slumber. World will be shaken from its apathy and insouciance. </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(2545422,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_2545422">1</span> <span onclick="voteComment(2545422,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_2545422">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="2545422">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_2545422"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_2545027"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/upendra-majhi/" title="Upendra Upm">Upendra Upm</a> <span class="comment-published">20 April 2017</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> no one at his death save the oil lamp. We need United Nations Poets Fund. Every country should pass legislation listing poets and collecting their poems, marketing their poems, of registered/licensed poets, We should conduct Poetry selection commission to make people write examination only on poetry.we should declare poets pension scheme.Poetry has saved the world from disaster, society from going for nihilism and anarchy.Poets should acquire power and save all good work done so far. </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(2545027,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_2545027">3</span> <span onclick="voteComment(2545027,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_2545027">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="2545027">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_2545027"> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('#loadMoreBtn').hide(); }); $(document).on("keypress", ".inp", function (e) { if (e.keyCode 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