{"title":"Time Domain and Frequency Domain Analyses of Measured Metocean Data for Malaysian Waters","authors":"Duong Vannak, Mohd Shahir Liew, Guo Zheng Yew","volume":80,"journal":"International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering","pagesStart":549,"pagesEnd":555,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/16180","abstract":"<p>Data of wave height and wind speed were collected<br \/>\r\nfrom three existing oil fields in South China Sea &ndash; offshore<br \/>\r\nPeninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah regions. Extreme values<br \/>\r\nand other significant data were employed for analysis. The data were<br \/>\r\nrecorded from 1999 until 2008. The results show that offshore<br \/>\r\nstructures are susceptible to unacceptable motions initiated by wind<br \/>\r\nand waves with worst structural impacts caused by extreme wave<br \/>\r\nheights. To protect offshore structures from damage, there is a need<br \/>\r\nto quantify descriptive statistics and determine spectra envelope of<br \/>\r\nwind speed and wave height, and to ascertain the frequency content<br \/>\r\nof each spectrum for offshore structures in the South China Sea<br \/>\r\nshallow waters using measured time series. The results indicate that<br \/>\r\nthe process is nonstationary; it is converted to stationary process by<br \/>\r\nfirst differencing the time series. For descriptive statistical analysis,<br \/>\r\nboth wind speed and wave height have significant influence on the<br \/>\r\noffshore structure during the northeast monsoon with high mean wind<br \/>\r\nspeed of 13.5195 knots (\u0001 = 6.3566 knots) and the high mean wave<br \/>\r\nheight of 2.3597 m (\u0001 = 0.8690 m). Through observation of the<br \/>\r\nspectra, there is no clear dominant peak and the peaks fluctuate<br \/>\r\nrandomly. Each wind speed spectrum and wave height spectrum has<br \/>\r\nits individual identifiable pattern. The wind speed spectrum tends to<br \/>\r\ngrow gradually at the lower frequency range and increasing till it<br \/>\r\ndoubles at the higher frequency range with the mean peak frequency<br \/>\r\nrange of 0.4104 Hz to 0.4721 Hz, while the wave height tends to<br \/>\r\ngrow drastically at the low frequency range, which then fluctuates<br \/>\r\nand decreases slightly at the high frequency range with the mean<br \/>\r\npeak frequency range of 0.2911 Hz to 0.3425 Hz.<\/p>\r\n","references":"<p>[1] Toshio Atsut, Shoji Toma and Kawasaki, 1976, &quot;Fatigue Design of an\r\nOffshore Structure&quot;, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas,\r\n3-6 May 1976.\r\n[2] Peter S. 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